OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, January 02, 1901, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

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~t:*?V..? irr-rr?-.r^r?-?: rrr
Subscription Price-12 Months, $1.00
Payable in Advance.
B. VY. BALL, Editor.
Unto* For Advertising.?Ordinary Ad
vertisements, per square? oim inser
Won, $1.00; each subsequent Insertion,
50 cents Liberal reduction made
for largo Advertisements.
w. VV. Ham.,
LAU HENS. S. C, JAN. 2, 1001.
W. .1. Bryan's Paper.
The Advertiser has olubblng rates
with "The Commoner," to bo edited
bv tbo groat Commonor, \V. J, Bryan.
Tlie tWO papers can be bad for $1.75.
Now is the ti. to subscribe and get
the first issue Why w0 are democrats
and the great IsstlO) of the day will be
fully discussed. Wo all want light upon
the novel questions arising every day
OUt Of the mighty problems in the Far
Bur Solans.
The General Assembly convenes on
Tuosduj next and precisely at noon the
retiring Clork of the House will bring
down the hammer calling the House to
order. Stevenson, of Chesterlleld,
seems to be the favorite for Speaker
and tho old oftloers will be re-elected In
all probability. At precisely the same
hour Col-Jim Tlllman, of "old F.dgo
held," Lieutenant Governor elect, will
put tho dignified Senators In mot on.?
As we are advised now, there seems to
be no exciting questions for the body,
and it is not likely that there will bo
any attempt at Dispensary legislation.
Tlllman Will bo chOSOn Senator to suc
ceed himself and What*ton as Railroad
Commissioner. There are two Circuit
.lodges to be elected. Col. J. W. Fer
guson, of our county, an experienced
and able lawyer will contest for the
Judgeship of this, the 7th Circuit, and
ho deserves to win. A fair daugh
ter of Laurens, Miss Hairs ton, will
ho a oandldato for State Librarian.
She will honor the place.
Our Natural K<? .nirecs.
f.aurens city and county havo reason
to bo proud that we have kept abreast
of ibe progressive sections of the State
as shown by the last census. But we
have much to do to keep even pace
with our hustling neighbors. As an
agricultural section, no part of the
State is superior lo ours in soil and
0 Imate. There is no agricultural popu
lation in advance of us in intelligence,
edi cation, industry and enterprise,
ihn we need to lake the quick step and
to keep it. I' is astonishing to watch
th strides of Union, (leading all the
rest,) GalTney, Spartanburg, Green
wood, WoodniIV and other neighbors.
No towns have B'iperlor railway facili
ties to Laurons and Clinton. In
every section in the county one, one
may strike a railr ad in an hours' ride
except Sul'.ivan and the decade must
not pass except they havo royal roads.
If they can't have a railway. Super
vbor Druromoud must see that their
hiyhwa s are like the Appian way of
olden times. Nopa>t of Laurens, or
the State for that matter, has superior
water power to Sullivan Township.
They are. paying their share of taxes in
supp. ?' of the large debt the county
owes in scouring the existing railroad
facilities and this ni nes us to direct
the atlt n ion of our Supervisor to that
see' ion of t he county.
A commission of intelligent citizens
has in en designated lo represent Lau
rens and her 'liter, sts at the great ex
position at Charterten in December.
They should be alert and moving. The
next two months are comparatively
lelsuie months and in that time the
county, including every township and
town, shou'd be aroused and thor
oughly organized.
* *
A .New Year and New Century.
Yesterday Inaugurated a new year and
anew Century It is the proverbial sea
son of new resolve?, and many roseate
promises were self-contracted yester
day?many to be brolren and to turn to
ashes, due to the w akness of poor
humanity, but many t ? ho maintained
with brave and s'.out hearts and to
lead up to success and triumph, Let
tho hopeful promises bo made and let
the wcuk and stroug alike enter upon
the duties of the new year with conii
donco and courage. VVo cannot antici
pate tho decrocs of fortune, we cannot
command success, but wc can do more,
we can "deserve it."
Do Foe, author of Kobinson Crusoe,
the most roi d of any book in our
language, except the Mible, wrote
these lines
"No n an lias tasted different fortune?
And thlrtoon times I have been rich
and poor."
Although he died poor, he was hope
ful and brave, and worked till the
last, having contributed as much to
twards tbo liberties we enjoy as any
man who has lived.
Current Fronts.
The Cubans in Convention are push
ing their constitution and may have it
completed by the 15th of January. It
must come to Washington and havo the
approval of Unclo Samuel.
The Powers have agreed upon terms
upon which the almond eyed Chinese
may have pence. The conditions are
savagO and disgraceful to Christians.
Many of the !< ndorfl are to bo hang d.
A fifteen year old lad, the son of one
Cudahy, a millionaire pork packer of
Omaha, was kidnapped and recovered
on payment of $25,000. Tho police
world over are after the rascals and
one Jack Crowe is suspected. He is
supposed tobe In woman's costumo in
comfortable biding And now a'l the
mil lonaires have set guards and de
tectives to watch out and care for their
hop- fills.
Congressmen re-assemble to-morrow
after ten days holiday and digesting
their turkey.
(trover Cleveland opens his mouth.
Blunders fly out. Silence Is golden.
West Point investigation is ended.
There Is sonic vagabondism thore?It
rulos the roost.
Algcr, lato Secretary of War, sav
agoly attacks Meut. Conceal Miles.?
Miles is just going home from North
Carolina, where he has been slaughter
ing the poor innocent birds.
The old century (according to our
count) went out in the midst of clouds,
fog, mist, darkness, malaria, savagery.
Wo trust is the sun of another century
climbs above tb?> horizon and long be
foro ho reaches the zenith, there nay
be purifyi health and above all peace.
* *
Farmers should be careful of wood
ashes in tho big house and see that thoy
aro saved at the tenant houso.
It is the deep-seated Obstinate eases
of Oatarrah or Rheumatism that Ii. B,
B. (Botanic P.lood Balm) cures. If doc
tors, sprays, liniments, medicated air,
blood purifiers have failed B. B. B.
drains out the specfiG poison in tho
blood that, causes Khoumatism or Ca
tarrh, making a perfect cure. If you
have pains or achos In bones, jointa or
back, swollen glands, tainted breath,
noises in the head, discharges of
mucuotis, lib eration of the membranes,
blood thin, get easily tired, a treatment
with B. B. B. will stop ovory symptom
by making tho blood pure and rich.
Druggists |l. 00. Trial troatmont freo
by addressing BLOOD BALM Co..
Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and
free medical advice given.
The State Exposition.
Capt. F. \V. Wagener, l'rosidont of
the South Carolina Interstate and
West Indian Exposition memorializes
the General Assembly and asks an ap
propriation of $50,000 for a suitable
building for this Stato's exhibit. Be
lieving that tho K.nposition with a fair
reprosontion of our resources will
bring capital and population to our
State, and add millions to our wealth
Iu the next deeado wo favor the ap
propriation. There has been a large I
gain in assessment of property for
taxntion und the tax rate aoed not be
increased. Kip Van Winkle took a nap
of twenty yetrs and wnen awakened
found a new world around him. It Is
this sort of nid-nid nodding whilu
other States aro sprinting that makes
us to lose a Congressman and in an
other decado to losa another. Tho city
of Charleston will havo a titlty thou
sand dollar hulldinp, the Government a
quarter million building, tho citizens
of Charleston and tho State subscribe
a quarter million and the exposition
bids fair to "win out," for tho old corn
nun wealth
Major Mau Id in Head.
Major W. H. Mauldln, Senator from
I lampton county died on the 20th tilt.,
after a short lllnesp. Ho was a veteran
of the Civil War, having served with
conspicuous gallantry as a Lieutenant
of Co. "IV of the Hampton Legion at
the First Manassas and in the battles
around Richmond. Subsequently ho
became Quarter master of that Regi
ment and afterward: Maior and Quar
ter-master ot Gary's lingado. In this
capacity t here waa no more efnoieot ofti
cer in Gen. Lso's army, unexampled in
pluck and energy,bringing every wheol
of his train through the mire aud storm
of battle to Appomattox, where he sur
rendered to Gen (.rant. No oflleer
was more rospectod and beloved than
this ever courteous, generous, big
hearted, soldierly gentleman, where
ever there Is a survivor of his old regi
ment thoro will bo one to drop a tear
."t the announcement that ho has an
swered the last roll call. Since the war
he has been an eminently successful
business man. Kverlastiug and sweet
rest to his gallant, generous spirit is
the last wish of a comrade of four
years in times that tried men's souls.
11 is said that a horso or cow will do
ou half rations in winter if a warm
and eomfortablo Btall is furnished.?
Littor well for the next two months
and the guano bill will bo greatly re
duced in tho Spring,
Brave Men Fall
Victims to stomach, liver and kid
ney troubles as well as women, and all
(eel the results in loss of appetite, poi
sons in the blood, backache, nervous
ness, headache and tired, listless, run
down feeling. But thero's no need to
ft el like that. LlstontoJ. W. Gard
ner, Idavlilo. Ind. He says: "EleotHo
Bitters, are just tho thing for a man
when he is all run down and don't care
whether he lives or dies It did more
to give me ne.v strength and good ap
petite than anything I could take. I
osn uow eat anything and have a now
lease on lifo " Only oO cent6 at Lau
rens Drug Co. Every bottlo guar
Mrs. J 1). Bovd and childron re
turned froru a visit to relatives and
friends in Luuron? yesterday.
Prof. F. 0. Bates.'of Laurens county,
is visiting in Clifton. ? Spartanburg
tit raid, :10th ult.
A. It. L?ngsten, who has been spend
ing i\ short time with Hov. and Mrs.
W. J. L?ngsten left yesterday for his
homo in Laurens.
.Miss Mattie Finloy loft yesterday to
spend several days with frionds and
r latives in Laurens.
Uitls Henry, after spending a few
days in Greenville, returned yesterday
to Laurens. ? Greonville News, 30th,
Only $1.75 and you get The Adver
tiser aud Bryan's threat paper, Tho
Commoner, for a whole year.
McCiine's Magazine for January.
The fiction in this issue is of the
best A second installment of Mr.
Rudyard Kipling's new novel, "Kim,"
appears with illustrations by Mr. F.d
win Lord Weeks and Mr. J. Lock wood
Kliding. The short stories cover a
largo range, and they are. splendidly
Illustrated. "After Culloucn," by Mr.
Will'am McLeod Raine, Is a tale of
Scotch in an historic setting. "The
Rooks of Moraga," by Mortimer O.
Wilcox, tolls of patriotism in the
Philippines. "The Revenge of the
Four," by Mr. Josiah Flynt and Mr.
Frauds Walton Is a whimsically told
narrative of events in that under-world
H'ho80 mysterious ways Mr. Flynt
knows so well. A clever study of Chi
cago types is made, by Miss Edith
Wyatt in 11 Limitations," and in "Tho
Chairman's Politics," Mr. Will I'aync
mingles love and politics in a delight
ful comedy. Tho S. S. MoOlure Co.,
111-155 F.ast 25th Street, New York
Rod Hot from the Gun
Was the ball that hit G. 13. Stead
niun in the Civil War. It caused hor
rible Ulcers that no treatment helped
for 20 >ears. Then Bucklon's Arnica
cured him. Cures OUtS, bruises, burns,
hoi's, felons, corns, skin eruptions.
Be t, pilo euro on earth. 25 cents a
b x. Cure guaranteed. Sold by The
Laurens Drug Co.
At Laurens, in (he State of South Car
olina, at the ('lose of Business,
December 13th, 11)00.
Loans and discounts, f>70.350 851
Overdrafts, seen rod 170 07
U. S. Bonds to aucuro circula
tion, 10,000001
Premiums on l'. 8 Bonds, 7-iooo|
Stocks, securities, etc. Ht-t 11
fiailklug-honSP, turmture, and
II X tu rep, 3,001
Other real estate owned, 1,082 001
Due from National Banks (not
Reserve Agents) 900 11
Due from Statu Banks and Bunk
ers 824 18!
IHie from approved reserve agents i,;tii:t (>1
Checks and other cash items, 00 37
Notes 01 other National Banks, 1,605 001
Fractional paper curroney,
nickels, and cunts, 1,10 801
Lawful Money Reserve in
Bank, viz:
Specie, 0,607 lf>
Logal-tondor notes, 2,60000 0,007 15
Redemption fund witb 0? s.
Treasurer (6 por cont. of
circulation,) 800 00
Total, 1128,700 53
Capital slock paid in, $ O3.CO0 (X)
Surplus rund, 12,000 00
Undivided profits, loss oxpon
hoh and i a mis paid, 3,107 76
National Hank notos outstand
ing, 11,070 00
Due to other National Hanks, '2,090 11
Due to Stato Banks and Ban
It ors, 13 03
Dividends unpaid, 115 60
Individual deposits subject to
check, 20,241 21
Time eortllleatos of deposit, 0,502 o.t
Total, $128,700 53
County of Laurenb. |
i, Jno. Aug. Harksdale, Cashier, Ol the
above named bank, do solomnly swoar
that the above statemont Is true to tho
best of my knowledge and belief.
John Ann. Bakkhdai.k,
Subscribed and sworn to before mo,
this the 24th day of December 1000.
John F. Boi.t, c c. c. p.
Couitkct. Attest:
J. ii. W1IAKTON, J- Directors.
T. K. TO DD, j
Christmas on the Cotton Mill side of
the city passed off very quietly and all
seemed to enjoy themselves.
Tho Mcthod?t and Baptist Sabbath
Schools united together and had a very
nice Christmas trco. Some nico pres
ents were handed down to the children
of l>oth schools. Everything passed oil
satisfactorily to all present.
Tho two schools have a goodly num
ber of pupils enrolled. We also have
two good nroachors, Methodist ami
Baptist, who are popular with their
congregations, a line graded echool
Miss Lyl Harris,Principal,assisted by
Miss Ida Fuller with '80 pupils en
rolled and a Reading Room where the
host literature of the day is at the dis
posal of all who wish to avail them
solves of the opportunity This is given
to the operatives of the Mill by Presi
dent Lucas. The President has secured
tho services of prominent lecturers to
give a series of lectures on education.
Prof. Cllnksoales, of WolTord College,
delivered a lecture a few days ago to a
largo and appreciative audience.
President Lucas ranks with the best
mill men In the South from the fact
that the Laurens Cotton Mill under his
management is a success and satisfac
tory to all concerned. The Company
has bought enough cotton to run the
mill for the next twelve months.
Marrying and giving in marriage
seems to be tho order of tho day. As
we are not a member of the order c.ui
not vouch for same Think it a good
order though and will send in my peti
tion later on and hope I wont be black
Mrs. W. A. Garrolt and children
havo gono to Cray Court to visit rela
tives and friends.
Miss Minnio (Jarrott, of Gray Court,
is visiting Miss Alma (Jarrett.
Mr. R. L. Russell, of Woodruff,
spent Sunday with his family.
Mr. Mont joy and family who left
some time ago to work in another mill
havo returned to the old reliable, and
gone to work. They remind us of the
Prodigal tho good Book tells us about.
They wandered from home, became
dissatisfied and came back home where
they will be takeu care of and treated
Let us begin, dear love, where wo left off;
Tie up the broken threads, of tint old dream
And Kn happy as before and leetu
LoMTb again, tin ugh all the world may ecofl.
Let us forget the col?l, math loui fato
Wh? made our loving hearts hor Idle toys
Anil once more revel in the sweet >'ld Joyi
Ol happy love. Nay, it is not too latol
Forget the- deep plowed turrowa in my browl
Forget the Bllvcr gleaming in my hair;
Look only in my ryes! oh, darling, there
The old luve shone no longer then than nowl
Tic up the broken threads and let ua go,
Like reunited lovers, band in hand,
Mark and yet onward to the sunny land
Ol our To lie, which was our 1/ong Ago.
?Klla Wheeler Wllrox.
Smart Alex,
A man being About to die summoned
bis four Sons to his sldo and said:
"My sous, I will leave to John ooe
thlrd of my estate, to Ales one-fifth,
to James one half and to Thomas one
fourth, and thus you will all Share
John and Jameo and Thomas took
Paper and Pencil and began flgurlug,
but Alex took his But and started out
"Where are you going?" the other
Three asked. "Do you not Intend fig
tiring out the Problem 7"
"Not much," said Alex, "I am Going
for a Lawyer to break the Will."
Moral?Sometimes the Lawyer can
Relieve the Heirs of Much of the Fig
uring.?Baltimore American.
Idle, bot Witty.
He was an Idle Irish hoy, but he bad
the Celtic wit. He had shipped on
board of a man-of-war, whero he an
noyed the boatswain by his laziness.
Seeing him on the maintop one morn
ing gazing Idly out to sea, the boat
swain called out to him:
"Come down out of that, ye roahcali
Come down out of that, and Ol'U give
ye a dozen whacks wld me ropef
"Fttltb, aorr," replied the boy, "Ot
wouldn't come if ye offered mo two
dozen."?Harper's Young People.
Deep Water Conference.
"You are not a realjQsh; you are only
an Imitation," said the flying fish. "You
can stay under water only an hour or
two, and then you have to come to the
surface to breathe."
"That's all right," retorted the whale.
"You are only an imitation bird. I can
live under tho water longer than yon
can live out of It."
This,' dear children, teache? ub that
those who dwell In water should not
try to put on airs.?Chicago Tribune.
) Abaentmlnded.
"Absentmlndedness Is a bad thing in
business," said the fat man.
"Ain't it, though?" responded the
lean man.
"Just look at me, for instnnco. I
went and lost one of my best custom
ers last week by addressing a letter to
him as '.TJohn Hhenry Lloyd.'"?In
dlanapolis Press.
MUN<?!??? of the Month,
An elnstle play of the muscles of the
mouth is necessary, not only for dis
tinct Utterance, but for expression of
the face ns well. Next to the eyes, the
mouth has the greatest significance In
the piny of the features. When all
the muscles of the mouth are In nor
mal tension, the line of tho mouth Is
waving and beautiful. In singing and
spenklug, ns well ns In repose, all un
due tension of the musoles must be
guarded ngainst, else the mouth may
assume a forced and strained expres
Her Flsrnre.
She?I can't understand what he saw
In her. Her face Is decidedly plain.
He?Yes, but then the figure she has
made up for nil the?
She?Figure! Why, she's painfully
scrawny. She hasn't any figure at all.
He?You're mistaken. She has six,
and the tirst one Is a ft. Philadelphia
Millions Liven A wa\ .
It Is certainly gratifying to tho nub
lic to know of one concern in the land
who are not nfrald to ho generous to
tho noedy and suffering. Tho pro
prietors of Dr. King's New Discovery
for Comsumption, Coughs and Colds
have given away ovor ton million trial
bottles of this great medicine, and
have tho satisfaction of knoving It
has absolutely cured thousands of
-hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis,
Hoarseness and all diseases of the
Throat, Ohest and Lungs nro surely
cured by It. Call on Tho Laurons
Drug Co. and got a froo trial bottlo.
Regular size 60 conts and $1 01). Kvory
bottle guaranteed or money refunded.
All persons wanting the Coroner aro
requested to notify 'Phono 80, Clinton,
S. C.
W. D. Watts,
Teachers and Scholars of La'irons
Wishing to save you money, r.s well
as to supply you with tho latest books,
we havo put In stock Johnson's Read
ers, Lee's Histories, Ginu's Arithme
tics and Frey's Geographies. Glat to
have you call.
Palmetto Drug Co.
Notice to IV11 si on crs.
All applicants for pensions are
notified to call at the office of John
M. LIudgeD8, Friday and Satur
day , January 11th and 12th, l'.'Ol ,
to got tho necessary blanks. These
blanks arc then to be tilled by the
applicants und by them brought
before the Couuty Pension Hoard,
which moots at Laurens Court
House 00 the following days for
the respective Townships, to wit:
Youngs, Soufllletown and Hunter
on .'Monday, January 21st ; I>;.ils
and Jacks on Tuesday, January
22ud; Cross Hill and Sullivan on
Wednesday, ?.'irtl of January; Wa
terloo on Thursday, 24th of Jan
uary; Laurens on Friday, 25th of
JNO. M. IludgeiiH,
Chairman County Hoard.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
With local applications, as they can
not reach the seat of the disease. Ca
tarrh is a blood or constitutional dis
ease, and in order to cure it you must
take internal remedies. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts
directly on the blood and mucous sur
ftet s Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a
quack medicine. It was proscribed by
one of the best physlciuns in this coun
try for years, and is a regular pre
scription. It is composed of the best
tonics known, combined with the best
blood purifiers, acting directly on the
mucous surfaces. Tho perfect com
bination of the two ingredients is what
produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials
K. J. CHEN BY St CO., Props..
Toledo, 0.
S Id by druggists, price 7T> cents.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Do not send off for books, now or 2nd
hand, but conic to us.
Palmetto Drug ('o.
The New York World.
Almost a Daily at the Price of a
Tho presidential campaign is
over, hut the world goes on just
tho same and it is full of newn. To
learn this news, just as it is?
promptly and Impartially?all Hint
you have to do is to look iu the
columns of The Thrice- t-\Veek
Edition of The New York World
which CO mos to the subscriber l?<">
times n year.
Tho ThrIce-8-Week WorldV dili
gence ns a publisher of first news
has given it circulation wherever
tho Fnglish language is spoken?
and you waut it.
The Thrice-H-Week World's regu
lar subscription price is only #1.00
per year. We oiler this une
qualed newspaper and Tills An
vertiskh together for $1.65.
The regular subscription price of
the two papers is $2.00,
Xt.t Piety, bill Pork.
The follov in'.; bit of nonconformist
humor is taken from "The Purring
dons," an English romance. The speak
ers UN Mrs. Itatesoil and Mrs. Ilan
key. Wurth) wives, but not altogether
above feel I m; a certain pleasure In
Showing Up the ways of husbands:
"They've no sense, men haven't,"
said Mrs. EInnkey; "that's what's tho
matter with them "
"You never spoke a truer word, Mrs.
Ilankoy," replied Mrs. Ratcsoii. "The
very best of i hem don't properly know
the difference between their souls and
their stomachs, and they fancy they
are n-wrcstllng with their doubts when
really it is their dinners that are
a-wrestllng with them.
"Now, take Dateson hlssolf," contin
ued Mrs. Ihlteson. "A kinder husband
or better Methodist never drew breath,
yet so sure ns he touches a bit of pork
he begins to worry hlsself about the
doctrine of election till there's no liv
ing with him. And thru he'll si I In the
front parlor and engage In prayer for
hours at a time till I says to him:
" 'Hntoson,' says I. 'I'd be ashamed
to jr.' troubling Iho Lord with a prayer
when a pinch of carbonate of soda
would sot things straight again!' "
Ilciinti mill I :<1 il en 11 on.
Why Is it that woman has always
been more beautiful than man? In
human beings the attractive qualities
have always been on the side of the
female. Why is It? Without Wishing
to cast any aspersion on the members
of tho superior sex, we may fairly an
swer that It is because they have hith
erto been tho less educated. Hut wom
an's Ideas arc changing. She has lis
tened to tho voice of tho tempter, whis
pering In her ear all sorts of sweet fal
lacies about equality of tho sexes, In
tellectual development and Its neces
sity, and the like, and she has yielded
to the temptation. And the result of
tills will be that she will lose her
beauty. She will suffer in appearance
as man has done and Is doing, and In
the course of time the extremely civ
ilized races of mankind will bo ugly?
Irretrievably and lamentably ugly.?
Pearson's Magazine.
a FnmouM Pearl.
Tin* beautiful pearl known as the
Qrcat Southern Cross was found In
Western Australia in the year 1884. It
consists of nine pearls Joined together
In the form of a cross, In which shape
It was found by a man named Clarke.
It is said that the Under ami (he first
purchaser of it buried it for some time,
fitiperstttlously regarding it as n heav
enly miracle. It was. however, Ulti
mately taUi n up from ltd burial place
and sold for $1,000, since w hich time it
has frequently changed hands and is
now valued at $ft0,()00. At the Colonial
and Indian exhibition in England it at
tracted a good deal of notice and Is
probably the only natural cross ever
Cuiii 'oai* nitd Pork,
lo the Now Hebrides human life has
been made safe i>y the Introduction of
pigs into the island. The cannibals arc
said lo prefer roast pork to roast man,
and as the porcine tribe Increases
among the natives ihoy mny give up
their fensls on liUtiutii llesh altogether
excepting when something unusual
happens, such iih entertaining a king of
Some other cannibal island or on state
occasions of rare ceremony.
Toiiuii on tin- Joker,
The contributor wrote n Joke about
a plumber hose bills were always
normal. "That." said the editor, re
jecting It, "is not a Joke; It's a lie."
The contributor tried again with a
story of tiie plumix-r whose charges
left nothing to be desired on tho scoru
of size. "That," said the editor, who
had suffered, "is not a lie. Neither Is
It a Joke."- Scraps.
More lloncnt,
"Have you noticed any difference In
your wile since she became converted
and Joined the church?"
"Yes; she asks me to wait an hour
for her now Instead of a mluute."?
Harper's Bazar.
Thoro are fakes and fakes, and so
the government roport of a ten million
bale erop Is not surprising.
Settlementof Estate
By loavo of tln> Probate Court for
Laurena County, s. c. tho undersigned
give? DOtlce that they will settle at 10
a. ui., January 17th, [001 ( in tho Pro
bate olliee lor said County, the estate
of the late .lehn I.an ford, deceased.
All persons having claims against
said estate will prevent them to the
undersigned, duly authenticated. 00
or by that day or they will burred At
the same date tin y will apply to the
court for an order discharging them
from their trust as Executors.
B. VY. I.anford,
J, W. Lanford.
All persons having claims
against the estate of the late Katie
L. White ford will present I horn to
tli" undorsigued, duly authenti
cated on or l>y tho [5th of .Jan
uary, 1001, next or bo forovor
.lohn C. Reeder,
For framing pictures U6C Passe
PartOUt. Something new.
For Every Need,
stationery need, won Ottn, we -.land
at nt'ontton pot'hai ? readinoss
would be (bo better word. Wo tl
always roudj to suppb school or
business stationery OSSOntUlls for
child and adult. Social corvospond
enco, rocolv? s its meed of cure and
thought, and box letter paper and
envelopes will dollghl your
daughter, sister, sweet-heart.
We carry tho latest shades. Call
and see.
Palmetto Drug Co.
ngle rolls and
? have the
No. 1 and
9 ???
v - -. i
The Entering Wedge
To your consideration is gen
erally the cost, though cost should
always bo rolativo to value to hon
fair tost. The lumber wo sell may
not always bo the choapost in prico,
but it's always choapost in tho
long run, because wo give tho best
valuo. Thoroughly kiln-dried,pro
perly sawed and planed, you'll
find it "matches'' well, und will
be a life-long souroo of satisfac
R.H.Hudgrans&so n.
During the Holidays
you will waul the whitest
and cleanest, of linen. Our
Laundry work is exceptio I
in quality, failhfully w? 1 i
dono and delivered with
promptitude. Please lot us
have your order.
Wo clean and press n1 Is
hol lor 1 hail any oilier place
in tIn- city.
Hello! No. 00.
The undersigned have this day en
tered into a partnership for the pr?ctloo
of law In tho Courts of thlsStati. under
tho name of Simpson ,v Cooper and will
pro >-,pMy attend to all business on?
11 usled to them. ^
ii. v. Simpson,
i: a . cot ii'kk.
A ttornoys at Law,
Laurrns, South Carolina,
We practice in all Stale and Cnind
BtatOS Courts. Special attention given
Several town lots for sale. Sales of
lots on monthly installments nego
W. W. It a nr..
Dr. Roire K. Hughes,
(jTOfllcein Dial I Hook over Pal
metto Drug Store.
Specially prepared for Examin
ing; and Treating diseases of Kye,
Kar. Throat and Nose.
?TO? "
Raise Supplies
I AKY l, 11)01.
Soc. I. That a Tax ol Fifty < ?1118 on
every one hundred dollars' worth of the
assessed value of a ! property, rea' and
personal, not exempt by law from taxa
tion, situate within the limits of the
City of Laurens be, and the same in
hereby levied, for corporate purposes to
defray tho the current expenses of said
City ferthe Qscal year commencing Jan
uary 1st, 1001, and to meet such other
indebtedness as has boencontracted by
euid City for corporate purposes. That
an additional tax of thirty cents
on every one hundred dollars'
worth of the assessed value of all prop
erty, real and personal, not exempt by
law from taxation, situate within the
limits of the City of Laurens be, and
tho same is hereby levied to meet the
interest to become due upon the Thirty
Thousand Dollars of "onds issued April
1st, IS<)7, for the purpose of meeting t he
cost of building and equipping tho Wa
ter Works and Electric Ligld Plants for
said City, and to pay i\( bust one-for
tieth part of the entire bonded debt for
a sinking fund in aid of the retirement
and payment of said l otids.
That the City ClerK nil enter said
levies and asscssnic ? u,?'?n the books
of said City, and i" reo sive tho said
taxes. And that lb said Taxes
herein levied, Bhall bo ? a I to the City
Clerk of said City, in Invflll money of
the United States, on oi before tho 1st
day of March, 1901, n I any person fail
ing to pay said laxes 1 y said date shall
be liable to the pc alt) now provided
by law for the failu i n/ the gener
al State tax .
Dene and ratified by the City Council
[ - - nil Laurens, of the citj of Lau
SKAi. [ run -, at the city of I.aureus,
' ? \ and the corporate seal of said
City hereto aflixcd this tho 18th day of
Doceinhor, in the year of our Lord One
Thousand and Nine Hundred and in the
one bend cd mid twenty fifth year of
Ihe sovereignty und Indcpondonce of the
United States of Amorica.
\V. R. R1CHEY,
L. ti. IlALl.K, Clerk.
Doc. 20, 1000?8t,
A ssessor's N o ti ce!
The Auditor's Otllco will he opon
from tho l-t day of January to (he 20th
day of Fehrurv 1001, to receive rc
turns ol I'orsonal property for taxation
In Laurens County.
For the convenience of taxpayers,
the Auditor will attend the following
named places to receive returns for
-aid year, to wit:
.lacks Township, Dr. F. M. Sotzler's,
January 7, from 10 a. in. to 2] m.
.lacks Township, Itonno, .lanuary 8,
from lo a in to 2 p, m.
Hunter Township, Clinton, January
0, from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m.
Hunter Township, Residence of
Duck Young, January lo, from 10 a. m.
to 2 p. m.
Cross Hill Township, Spring Crove,
.lanuary II, from lo a. m to 2 p. in.
Cross Hill Township Cross Hill,
.lanuary 12, from 10 a. in. to 2 p m.
Waterloo Township, Waterloo, Jan
uary 1 I. from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m,
Waterloo 'Township, Ekern, January
1"), from 10 a. m. to 2 p. in.
Waterloo Township, Mt. Ca higher,
.lanuary 1(1. from 10 a m. to 2 p. m.
Sullivan Town-hip. Brcwcrton, Jan
uary 17. from lo a. in. to 2. p. in.
Sullivan Township, Princeton, Jan
uary 1*, from !i a. m. lo 12 in.
Sullivan Township,Tumbling Shoals,
January IS from 1 p. in. to I p. in.
Dial Township. Abner Babb's, Jan
uary 10, from !? a. m. to 12 m.
Dial Township, D. D. Harris,' Jan
uary 21, from Inn. in. to I p. in.
Dial Township. V. A. White's, Jan
uary 22, from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m.
Young's Township, Cook's Store,
January 23, from 10 a. in to 2 p. in.
Young's Township, Young's Store,
January 21. from 10 a. in. to 2 p. TO,
Young's 'Township. Plea-ant Mound,
January 2."?. from '.? a. in. to 12 in.
Young's Township, Lnnford Station,
January 25, from 2 to I p. in.
Scutlletown 'Township, Tylersvllle,
January 20, from 10 a. in. to 2 p. m.
It will save much time to taxpayers,
also greatly facilitate the work of tho
Assessor, if every person he for 0 leav
ing home will make out a complete
lirit of every item of personal property
In the following order: Horses, cattle,
m .lies, sheep ami goats, hogs, watches,
organs and pianos, buggies, wagons
and carriages, dogs, nierehandise, ma
chinery and engines, moneys, notes
a .d accounts above indebtedness, and
all other properly including house
It Is always required that the Audi
tor get tho lirst given name of the tax
payer in full.
Under the head of place of residonce
on tax return, give the township.
AM male citizens between the ages
of twenty-one and sixty years, on tho
I : of January, exeep! those who are
incapable of on ruing a support from
being maimed, or from other iusrs,
tiro deemed taxable polls (Confederate
veterans OXCCptod.
And all tax-payers are required to
give the number of their school dis
After the 20 h day of February next
lifty percent, penalty will bo attached
for failures to make roturn?.
In evoiy community there are per
ron- who cannot read or that do not
taken newspaper. 'Those more fortu
nate may do such persons a great favor
by telling tin in ol the time to make
returns or by returning for them.
The assessing ami collecting taxes
is done in the BSinc year, and we have
to nggiv gate the numbor and value of
all horses, mules, cattle and other
pieces of personal properly, as well as
the acres of land, lots and buildings
and thell value that there uro in this
county, and have the same on file in
tho l Comptroller General's office by tbe
.'loth of June of each year, and from
that time to the first day of October
the Auditor's and Treasurer's dupli
cate havo to bo completed and an ab
Struct of the work in the Coin pi roller
General's ollico by that time, which
will show at a ghinco that the Auditor
has no time to take I'OtUl'llS, or any
thing else much, between the 1st day
of Oclobor, but work on Ihe books and
the blanks. We hope, therefore, that
all taxpayers will make their returns
in time.
Auditor .
Dee. 5th, 1000.?tf.
w7 is. KNimn\
Attorney at Law.
Will practice in all the State and
F'odoral Courts. Strict attention to all
business Intrusted to him
t mice tip-stairs. Simmons' Building?
Two Thousand Bushels, white and mixed, Corn
arriving and to arrive in a few days at Prices that
Will Please You.
Three Hundred barrels Flour now in our Ware
House. Com and Wheat both have advanced
since these purchases were made, and in all pro
bability will go higher.
Whether You Buy from Us
or some one else, we advise that you do so as
early as convenient. Our prices shall be right.
Laurens Cotton Mills Store.
D. H. WADSWORTH, Manager.
Are You Interested?
Will Oiler this Week
50 pairs heavy 11-4 white Blankets at $1.50 a pair.
100 dozen children's heavy small rib black Hose | Man
ufacturers seconds] slightly imperfect, worth 15 cts.
at 10 cents a pair.
75 dozen ladies black hose sold anywhere at 15 cents
this week here at 10 cents.
25 dozen ladies heavy white ribbed fleeced Undervcsts
at 50 cents a pair.
Misses white and gray Union Suits?all sizes.
One lot Outing cloths, the 10 cents quality, at cents
per yard.
See these goods whether you buy here or elsewhere. One
Price to ALL at
Laurons, S. C, Sopt 18, 1900.
Yoli l^otr)ir^T
A lifo-sizo Portrait, of yoursolf or any member ol' your
family FREE with $25.00 in trade.
Many have- already availed themselves of th is rar-'
offer. Why don't you? Sample portraits may 1?> soon
in our windows.
r^ourj is THE Tiipe
to socuro Homo of the raro End of tins Season Harhams
wo aro offering in evory department. Lot of Men's me
dium ana cheap hats go at COST. Special Bargains in
Millinory. Ladios' and Children's shoes at prices that
please. Come aud s<>e us. We won't compel you to
buy?but our prices will.
Undor Ben-Delia Hotel
Wo have just roooived tho handsomest line of Overcoats evor
shown in Laurens. Wo havo thorn in all the latest styles, and best
materials. We can save you from $1.00 to $2.50 on evory Ovorooat.
at $ 5.00
at $ s.oo
at $10.00
at $12.00
at $16.oo
You cannot afford to lot this opportunity pass to gor. a fine
Overcoat at a low prioo. Wo will tako pleasure in showing thorn to
J. K. Winter & Bro.
Laurens, S. C, Dos. 4, 1000.

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