OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, July 02, 1902, Image 3

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Mills mid Banks Distrib
uted Largo Sums.
Fi TO Per Cent. Semi-Annual by < loll on
Mill and People's Dank-Other fi
nancial IustitntionK.
. Yesterday wss dividend day and
many people wero made happy.
Tho Laurens Cotton Mills paid llvo
por cont,, si.mi-annual dividend on
The People's Loan and Exchange
Bank paid live per cent semi-annual'.
The National Bank ot Laurens. the
Knterpriso Bank and tho Bank of
Laurens each paid three and a half
per cent semi-annual on their capital
Tho Laurens Bonded Warohouso
Company paid ten por cont annual div
Nuptials of Mr. 1'rcston I). Wilkos aud
Miss Vitale AI kins
Mr. and Mrs. Preston Brooks Wilkes
arrived in Laurens Friday and paid a
visit of a few d*ys with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilkes were married
at 11 o'clock on the morning of June,
20th, at iho homo of tho brldo's mother,
Mrs. Atkios, In lloydton, Va.
Richmond and Charlotte papers con
tain olabotate descriptions of tho wed
ding The ceremony was performed by
Rev. Dr. Drew, assisted by Rov. Mr.
Pfeiffer, brother-in-law of tho bride,
The homo was boautlfully decorated.
'Iho groom was attended by Mr. B.uck
ner ss b?st man and Miss Cartor was
maid ot honor. L'ttle Miss Mary Fran
cis, of Norfolk, and Mastor James Car
son, of Charlotte, preceded tho party
with ribbons, forming an aisle, for tho
brldo aud maid of honor.
The bride,. Miss Annie Saluda At
kins, attired In an exqulstto creation
of laco and organdie, enveloped in tho
filmy, misty folds of her brldul voil en
tered leaning on the arm of her
brother, Dr. Atkins.
Mrs. Wilkes is a daughter of tho
late Col. W. T. Atkins, widely known
f ' highly esteemed through Virginia.
- .er mothor, who is endowed with
overy womanly grace of mind and
heart, has croBtcd for her children a
home ol culture and refinement.
Mr. Wilkes' homo is at Norfolk. For
a number of years ho has been con
nected with tho Southern Express
Company and enjoys in a marked de
gree the confidence of his businesn as
sociates as woll as tho esteem of a
largo circle of friends throughout Vir
ginia and tho Carolinas.
Immediately after the ceremony a
bullet lunch was served by Mrs. Atkins
In her charming style. They will re
side in Norfolk, Va.
A number of beautiful and elegant
presents sent the brido attested the in
terest felt in Mils popular couple and
tho bpst wishes of a host of friends fol
low them through llfo's journey.
Mr. Samuel M. Wilkes of this city
attended the wedding.
Passed Away in Columbia on Last
Thursday Evening.
Capt. 1). P. Goggans of this city died
in Columbia last Thursday evoning.
The body was brought hero on the pas
senger train tho following day and in
terred In the city cemetery, followed
by numbers of his old comrades and
friends. Rov. J. D. Pitts officiated.
Capt. Goggans was a splendid man.
In early life ho taught school. In the
Confederate army he sei ved with splen
did gallantry. He wassevcrely wound
ed and the amputation of one log near
tho body was necessary. This doubt
less hastened tho failure of his health
and his death.
In 1878 Capt. Goggans was placed on
tho county ticket for treasurer. He
did his part well in tho Hampton cam
paign which resulted in the redemption
of his state from tho rule of the carpet
baggers and negroes. He made a good
ollicer. Later ho merchandised here
and was also in tho real cstato busi
ness. While nevor a rich man, he
could always bo relied on in business
affairs and was a man of his word. He
was a devoted member of tho Baptist
church. His wife, who was Miss Mary
Anderson, and three children survive
All Classes Can (Jet It.
Tho grocers who are handling "Clif
ton" Hour are the ones who have the
host trade and the tightest grip on it.
"Clifton" is a Hour of quality, and goes
Into the In nies of people who want the
host the market atlords, and this ap
plies in this free country to all from
tho lowest to tho highest station. No
sumptuary laws can prevent tho hum
blest American citizen from buying
tho purest and best Hour, and every
good housekeeper knows sho gtts the
purest nnd best when she buys "Clif
Branuford Mills,
Owensboro, Ky.
Is a greater power of digesting aid
assimilating food. For them Dr.
King's Now Lifo Pills work wonder.;.
Thoy tonosnd regulate tho digestire
organs, gently expel all poisons from
tho system, enrich the blood, Improre
appotitO, make healthy flesh. Only
25c at Laurens Drug Co, and Palmetto
Drug Co.
?-(OF THE)
People's Loan and Exchange Bank
Of Laurens, in the State or South Car
olin?, at Close of Business,
Juno 30th, 1002.
Loans and Discounts, $201,051.35
Overdrafts, 1,082.07
Stocks and Bonds, 10,000.00
Due from Banks, 11,610.77
Real Estate, F. and F., 0,475.00
Expenses and tnxea paid, 3,884.47
^Jash on hand, 17,342.88
Total, $824,353.44
Capital Stock, $100,000.^0
Surplus, 20,000.00
Doposlts, 108,070.5>2
Dividends Unpaid, 1,187.00
Duo Banks, . 1,849.28
Undlvidod Profits, 05,246 84
Bills Payable, 80,000.00
Total, $324,351.44
County op Laurens. j
Personally appoared beforo mo, J.
W. Todd, who bolng duly sworn
says: That ho is Cashier of the abovo
named Bank and that the forogolnf
statement is true to tho best of his
knowledge and boliof.
J. W. Todd,
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this 1st day of July, 1002.
0. W. Tune, n. p. s. c.
W. A. Watts, )
J. H. Traynham, > Dlroctore.
W. H. Martin, )_
"money to loan
On improved farms. Long time.
Easy payments. Small cost. No com
mission. Apply to
C. D. Barksdale, Atty.,
Lauren?, 8. C.
June 24th, 1002?3m.
Mayor Gray spent Sunday in Union.
Mr. I). A. Davis is spending a few
days at Harris Llthla.
Mr. Marshall Leaman way in tho
city from Cross Hill Monday.
Miss Manette Ihme of Enoreo has
been visiting Miss l'crrln Furrow.
Mrs. J. J. Wilson is keeping houso
again at bor resldcnco ou Irby Hill.
Mrs. Josophino Watts in visiting
Mrs. Frank Evans in Spartanburg.
Mies Ida Fuller and Miss Lotio
Wright havo returned from Baltimore.
Albort C. Todd, Esq., wont to Spar
tanburg last week.
Judge Watts will preside ut eourt
which opens July 14th,
Master Calhoun MoGowan is visiting
at Ninety-six.
Tho telephone exchange will observe
Sunday hours on July, 4tb.
Mra. J. A. Copolaud and children
have been visiting Mr. W. J. Copelund's
Mr. D. II. Counts and family are now
living in Mr. D. A. Davis' house on
Main Street.
Dr. and Mrs. B. S. Lucas and Mrs.
Ralph Dargau havo returned from
Glenn Springs.
Miss Leila Wilkes has returned to
tho city from Norfo'k and is at Col.
H. Y. Simpson's.
Cadet William H'ohey relumed from
tho Citidol, Charleston, yesterday for
tho summer vacation.
Mrs. Ruf us Wilcut and Master Jack
Brown Wilcut aro visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Brown.
Tho now school year began yester
day. County Superintendent Brooks
Is now busy making up Iiis annual re
Mr. W. E.Owens, ono of tho loading
citizens and merchants of Clinton, was
in the city Monday. Mr. Owens says
that Clinton is nourishing as usual.
Mr. J. W. Copeland of Statesvillo,
N. C.| was in town Saturday on his
way to Clinton. His friends here wore
glad to see him if only for a few hours.
Mrs. Dawkins of Spartanburg is vis
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Koon. Misses Lillle and Bessie Koon
will return with her to Spartanburg
Mr. W. Y. Boyd of Clinton is ctudy
ing law in L. W. Simkins* t dice. Mr.
Boyd graduated at tho Presbyterian
College. Clinton, and has been teach
ing in t'nlon county.
Baseball Next Week.
Next Thureday Laurens and New
borry will play ball. Throe game?,
one Thursday and two Friday, are ex
(Jet a Big (Jim.
The "Heavy Artillery;' bill, as tho
Clinton Gazetto calls it, went into ef
fect yesterday. Your "gun" must
weigh three pounds and be twonty-two
inches long.
Prof, Martin to Speak.
Prof. C. B. Martin, head master of
Furman Fitting School, will deliver a
Sunday School address at Bramletts
Church Sunday July (1th at .'1 p. in.
Bate Changed.
The barbecue to be given by the La
dlos' Aid Society of Chestnut Ridge
church will be held on tho 10th instead
of tho 17th of July at tho Tabby Martin
Mr. J. Y, Cooper Bead.
, Mr. J. Y. Coopor of Ekom died on
Tuesday or last week. Ho was a prom
inent man of his community, and was
formerly a county commissioner and
magistrate. He hnd reached an ad
vanced ago. Mr. James R. Cooper,
formerly of this town, was his son.
To Have New Bank.
It seems pretty well assured that
Clinton will eppu havo another bank.
Mr. R. '/.. Wright is at the head of the
movement. Mr. Wright is a success
ful man, and is regarded well equipped
for tho management of a iinancial insti
The Teachers Passed.
Of tho toachors who stood the county
examination last woeK osly three pass
ed. Tho best teachers as a rule, how
ever, do not stand these examinations,
as they have certificates already and
keep them of force by attending the
summer schools, Of course there aro
Post-office Moved.
Last Friday tho post ollico was moved
to tho western store room in tho
Bailoy building, in Main etreot. The
convoniencos in the way of boxes,
windows, etc., are much better than In
the old building but the location is not
considered as food. However, it is by
no means a bad location and every body
is fairly well satisfied.
In New Quarters.
The Post Ollico was moved to the
Bailey building last Friday. The Ut
tings of the new ollico arc modern and
attractive. The conveniences both to
the post muoti>|' find the public are su
perior to tbose of tho old. Thp letter
box inside is abominably located. Oho
must stoop almost to the lloor and risk
bumping one's head on a shelf besides
in order to mail a lpttei\ Otherwise it
is a good enough i>ost ollico.
Mr. Bryson Wins Degree.
At the commencement of Erskino
College, on.June, loth, tho degree of
Master of "Arts was conferred on Mr.
J. Y. Bryson of this county who com
pleted the two years* course of non-res
ident study and successfully passed tho
rigid examinations on the two studies
assigned. Mr. Bryson's thesis, which
was another requisite to tho degreo, hud
for Its subject A Tribute to Grecian
Thought. It was highly praised.
Death of Mrs. Stiinerell.
Mrs. Molimin Sumeroll died at hor
home on the morning of June 18th . in
the 88th year of her age. She livod in
the Oak Grove neighborhood and the
funeral was at Rocky Springs church.
Mrs. Sumerell was the mother of
Messra. Thad and W. M. Sumorell of
Clinton, Mr. M. A. Sumerell and Mrp.
Thomas Weathers. Sho was an earn
est Christian woman who in the rela
tions of life did her duty always faith
fully. The members of her family
have the sympathy of a great many
How Independence Day Will be Ob*
serred in Laurens.
Next Friday Is tho 4th day of July
and as it is a holiday the stores, banks
and other places of business generally
in this city will close. Drug stores
will be open. LaurenLodge, K. of
P., will go to the picnic at Enoree. The
cotton mill will close for two days, tho
4th and 5th.
Judge Watts Mado Bail
Merely Nominal.
Indication That Evidence, was not Re
garded Strong-Tho Preliminary
Hold Last Saturday.
On motion of W. H. Rlchoy at Spar
tanhurg Mondiw Judge Watts granted
bail to P. H. Madden, charged with
burning stores at Cross Hill, iu the
sum of $800, a figure little more than
Mr. Madden was given a preliminary
before Magistrate Goodman Saturday
and bound over, the Magistrate inti
mating that the state's case was not
strong, but saying that ho preferred
the grand jury to act upon it.
Testimony was adduced that Mad
den bad taken a few things from his
store before tho flro.' Solicitor Sease
represented the State. At the prelim
inary Mr. O. L. Sobumport appeared
with Mr. Rlchey for Madden. Madden
gave the bond and was released yes
Life of UcnUc Goodness and Useful
ness Comes to Close.
Mrs. Martha Nance Barksdale, wife
of Dr. John. A. Barksdalo, died at 3.15
oclock yesterday morning at her homo
in this city after about two wcoks Ill
ness. Tho funeral will take plnco this
afternoon at 4:30 o'clock from tho
residence and tho interment will be
In tho family burying ground two
miles north of tho city.
Mrs. Barksdale was tho daughter of
the lato Mr. Drayton Nanco, a leading
cite/.- n of Newborry In the days before
the war. Tho gallant Co'onel Jamos
D. Nance who was killed at the Wild
erness and the late Major William F.
Nanco woro her brothers and Mrs.
Robert McCaughrin, Mrs. James Bax
ter and Mrs. William Fair of Now
berry, all of whom are dead, wero hor
sisters. Besides her husband, a daugh
ter, Mrs. Frank Evans of Spartauburg,
and four sons, Me-srs. 0. I)., John
Augustus, James and Allen, survive
Mrs. Barksdale would havo boon 71
in a few days and October, 7th., next
will ba tho 60th annlvorsnry of her
Many good women havo Uvod in this
community but it is only tho simplo
truth to say that none has been moro
notable among them for gentleness
and goodness and charity. She was a
devoted, unassuming and over con
sistent Christian, a member of the
Baptist Church. It will be acknow
ledged by all who have known her that
as far us human limitations permit hor
life has boen a model of what tho wife
and mother should bo.
For Dr. Barksdale, one of the oldest,
truest , most beloved of Laurens' peoplo,
tho tondercst and deepest sympathy Is
folt and tho whole heart of tho com
munity is with him In his great loss
as well as with tho other mombers of
the family.
Choir Reorganization.
Tho choir of tho First Methodist
ohurch has been reorganized aud the
congregation was treated to some good
music on last Sunday. Mr. W. W.
Graham has been appointed manager
of the choir by the board of stewards.
Bank Statement Strong.
Attention is called to the strong
statement of the People's Loan and
Exchange Bank which appears else
where. The deposits aro large for the
season and the statement is one in
every way to impress those looking for
a solid banking institution.
To Dedicate Church.
Tho Laurens Cotton Mills Methodist
Church will bo dedicated by Bishop
Duncan on Sunday the 13th. On that
day there will bo no preaching in the
morning in the First Methodist Church.
At night thcro will be no services in
the Mill church and tho Bishop will
preach in tho First church.
To Celebrate The Fourth.
Next Friday, tho Cotton Mill com
munity expects to have a picnic nt
Holnles Spring Park. Congressman
Johnson and former Congressman Wil
son will bo asked to speak. Thore will
be games of basoball.
Hud n Hood Time.
Master Tom Bennett, the lino young
son of Mr. and Mrs J. S. Bennett, cele
brated his 8th birthday Monday with a
party to which nany of his young
fri' nds wero invited. It was an un
usually delightful children's party
and all of the young folks thoroughly
enjoyed It.
Bar Association .Mel.
The Laurens Bar Association met in
L. W. Simkins' olllco Monday after
noon and sounded the calendar for tho
approaching term of court. Col. J. W,
Ferguson was elected presldont of tho
association to succeed tho late Col. B.
W. Ball. A committco consisting of
Col. Ferguson, Col. Simpson and L. W.
Simkins was appointed to draft reso
lutions with regard to Col. Ball.
Ras Historical Value.
On the 1th page of Tnii ADVERTISER
appears an interesting articlo by Capt.
Gcorgo W. Mooro of Clinton recount
ing his experiences on the celebrated
Kansas expedition of 1850. This Is the
third of tho series. Those articles
should bo read by ovory school hoy
and girl in Laurens and thoy are
worth clipping and preserving for
their historical value.
Late News from Abroad.
Monday United States Spnator Bailey
of Texas mado an assault on United
States Sonator Beveridgo of Indiana
and choked him a little. Beveridgo
did not resist. Other Senators parted
Messrs. Lalimor and E//ans hat] a
sharp debate Monday at Conway Evans
rend the lato Congressman Stokes' ha
ter in a York papor attacking Latimor.
Congress voted the Charleston Ex
position $100,000 to pay It out of debt.
State Just What You Want.
Thore is a lot of the most, desirable
trade that no one can get who doosn't
handle "Clifton" Hour. Users of "Clif
ton" can't be satisflod with any other
kind. "Clifton" bag established a now
standard of purity and the highest ex
cellence. If you have not used "Clif
ton" recently, you should by all means
instruct your grocer to send you a sack
when you order Hour again. Don't let
him poreuado ypu hp has "something
just as good.1' lie may be buying
other so-called patent flour at a little
less than he pays for "Cilfton" and he
naturally wants to push this on you
because he makes a few cents more on
it. Insist on having "Clifton", if you
want the purest and best.
Barn Set on Fire by Lightning-Hall
Fell Here.
Last Thursday lightning struck the
barn of M. L. Cheek near Princeton,
set it on fire and caused tbe loss of a
horse and cow.
Laurens was visited by a severe
storm of lightning, rain, thunder and
some hail Thursday evening. James
Henderson's farm on the southern
side of the town suffered from the bail.
The storm was general in the county.
The hali, fortunately, was not severe
[ except in spots. The rain was needed.
99 cts., 99 cts.
99 cts.
Wc can enlarge any photograph
in Crayon, Sepia or Pastel. One
bust can be taken from a group or
t wo busts can bo enlarged on one
mount. We have the work done
by Artists. See samples in our
show window. A tinted Crayon
costs Ninety-nine cents and you don't
have to buy a frame unless you
prefer to.
Tho Limrens Drug Co.
103 West Main St.
'Phone 76 Goods delivered*
99 cts., 99 cts.
Tho farmers in this community say
that tboy have the best prospect for a
crop of corn and cotton, that they ever
had at this time of the year. There
is a coat of young grass all over the
face of the earth, but with a few days
of ploughing weather tho crops will be
in splendid tlx.
At 0 o'clock a. m. on Sunday 20th at
the residence of the bride s father,
Miss Gussic, youngest daughter of Mr.
T, P. Owings, was married to Mr. P.
K. Moore, Rev. J. K. McCain officiating.
The young people enjoyed a splendid
time on last Saturday afternoon at tho
birthday party of Miss lOva Simmons.
Mr. Willie R. Cheek has been sick
for a week, but we hopo soon to see him
out again.
. Uncle Prank Curry was in to see us
last week, he is quite hale and hearty
for a man of ninety.
Mr. John Swit/er of Laurens is vis
iting his sister, Mrs. O. R. Hishop,
Mrs. J. P, Tolhert [and children are
at R. L. Gray's.
Miss Flora Morldeth and brother,
Robert, were up last Sunday to sec
their sister, Mrs. D. D. Pcden.
Miss Stella Hobo is at Mrs. Margaret
Prof. F. Kldon Dibble was here last
Mrs. Li C. Dorroh lias gone on a visit
to her parents at F.lbcrton,
Captain Roland whom wo reported
111 some timo ago Is better.
Mr. G. W. Mooro's baby which has
been very sick Is hotter.
Tho farmers are having a time with
f;rass but if dry weather will last a
ew more days they will have it about
Crops are good in this section.
Mr. R. A? Coopor, Qf your town,
called at his father's a few minutes
last Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Oulberlson of
Baldwin visited at Mr. II. A. Cooper's
last Sunday.
Mr. L. S. Martin is spending a few
days with his daughter, Mrs. J, O.
Martin of Jrbya.
Mr. John W. Drake of Donaldsvillo
visited here last Sunday,
Mr. Jim Hamilton of Ekom called
on his best girl here last Sunday Fivon
Mr. Luther Cooper and sistor visited
near Poplar Spring last Sunday.
Mr. Rob Baldwin of Mt. (?Ivo visited
friends hero last Sunday.
Mrs. Lizzie Washington has returned
from Laurens.
Messrs George Washington and Carl
Martin visited near Poplar Springs
last Sunday.
Mr. A. E. Howae of Uunion, was in
the city last week.
Mr. Bf. J. Owings of your town was
in this section this week looking after
bis farm interests.
The undersigned have this day en
t e rod Into a partnership for the practice
of law In the Courts of this State, under
the name of Simpson & Cooper and will
promptly attend to alf business en
trusted to them.
H. Y.Simpson,
r. a. ooopbr.
a Family Library v_??t
Ttia Best In Current Literature
$2.60 PER YXAR ; 25 CTS. A COPvJ
Everybody (inesing as to
the Contest This Week.
Figaros No( Given Oul But the Interest
is Keen as Brer?A Good Chance
fur a Business Education.
This week tho standing of the can
didates for tho Oonvorso Commercial
Colloge Scholarship Is not given but
tho intorest is lively. Votes havo been
coming in perhaps in larger numbers
than ever. Tho vote ?111 not be pub
lished for several weeks to come and
thero's no telling who will bo the win
ner. Those who get tho most now
subscribers will bo tho greatest gainers
In all probability. Tho votes to be
counted must bo sent In each week as
No papei'3 will be sold but subscrip
tions will bo taken at 2?00nte for three
months. You can got your friends to
suhgeribe and voto for you. Twenty
live new subscribers would be 25 vote*
a wook while tho contest lasts.
The prize is a scholarship in the
shorthand course. It is worth % 10.00.
The prl/.d is open to tho young per
son, under 'SO, in Laurens County, wo
man or man, married or singlo, who
gets the most votes
Tho ballot is printed below. Cut it
out and write the name of yr.ur candi
date. Send the ballot in to The Ad
Voto as ofton as you please, clipping
your ballots from the advertiser.
Of course, if you want your candi
date to win, you must got your friends
to subscribe to THE ADVERTISER, bo
that they can vote. Whorcver there
is a copy ot The Advertiser thero is
a vote.
This contest differs from others TllE
ADVEUTISER has had, in this?the
ballots In each issue go out of date in a
week. You may observe that the bal
lot in this paper is dated July 2. Next
woek they will bear tho dato of July
0. Ballots appearing this woek, to be
counted, must bo received by 12 o'clock
on next Wednesday. After that, bal
lots of July 2 will be no good.
Tho last bal'ots will appear la TllE
advertiskr of Wednesday August 2t>
and votes will be received until Tues
day noon precisely, September 2d.
Tho winner will only have board to
pay. The tuition, worth $10.00, is the
Horo is tho Ballot. Cut it out. Get
your neighbor to subscribe and get his
ballots too:
?V. ? V-* > ' * * -f f . i .v 'V r - i, ? '?. A ??' i ?'. if 4 I
* *
+ .Piilv 2nd. $
?? * f
3 SCHOI iT~llir ilT mama 1
I Converse
Commercial College.
?* .M
T V T- K< b % I l{i - it*V Jf< ; -: ! I ' f: r .?; < f * - \ \ i
"At tho end of tho campaign,"
writes Champ Clark, Missouri's bril
liant Congressman, "from over-work,
norvous tens'on, loss of sleep and con
stant speaking I had about utterly
collapsed. It seemed that all tho or
gans in my body wore out of order,
but three bottles of lOleetrio Hitters
made me all right. It's the best all
around mcdicino ever Fold over a
druggist's counter." Over-worked
run-down men and weak, sickly wo
men gain splendid health and vitality
from Electric Hittors. Try them. On
ly 60o. Guaranteed by Laurens Drug
Co. and Palmetto Drug Co.
Dr. Hawes Laxative Dyspepsia Pow
der for heartburn and sour stomach.
For sale at
I 'almetto Drug Co.
Geo. Johnstono.
K. II. Welch.
A. C. Todd.
Johnstono, Welch & Todd,
Will 1 Taol loo In all < !ourts, Suite and
Federal. Oflloo, Law Bango.
La u u en ft , S. C.
Work is plentiful and tho crops aro
on a boom. Wo have been having lino
rains for the last two weeks.
The grain has all been harvested and
proved to be very short indeed.
The citizens of Sullivan's Township
met Saturday afternoon at Harmony
near Dr. J. W. Bulontine's according
to previous announcement, ai.d discuss
ed the propriety of building a railroad
and cotton mill near Ware Shoals. A
committee of ten were appointed to get
up subscriptions to the capital stock for
said purpose.
Tho pastor of Poplar Springs Church,
Rev. Mr, Uaddox, was not present Sun
day at his regular appointment, but
Rev. Mr Royal, a missionary recently
from China, was present and preached
and lectured for the congregation.
Mr. J. Ed Knight of Chandlers and
two of his accomplished daughters.
Misses Seeny and Nelly, were guests of
W. 8. Knight's family Sunday.
Miss Bailie Hecks of Cross Hill is
visiting relatives in this neighborhood.
Messrs N. B. Dial and W. L. Cray
of Laurens were present at the citizens
meeting of Sullivan's Saturday after*
noon and both made talks on the build
ing of the cotton mill and railroad.
Dr. W. T. Jones, of Jones, and Mr.
W. H. Whose were present also and
wore eagerly leading a helping hand.
On Dm
Miss Nettie Simpson left last weok.
for Hock Hill where she will attend the
Summer School.
Mrs. B. A. Wharton is much improv
ed from an attack of Pneumonia.
Miss Vix Rudd of Sahida Is visiting
her sister Mrs. 10. G. Fuller.
Candidato for Legislature W. C.
Irby, Jr., passed through our town one
day last week shaking hands with his
many friends. Bllliolsa rising young
man. We wish him much success in
the race.
Mrs. B. 11 Fuller spent, several days
last week with hor father, Col. Wash
Watts at Fairview Farm.
Misses Julia Turner and Lilllo May
Rudd of Carroll were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. 10. G. Fuller last Thurs
day night.
The people on the Rural Mail Routes
loading from this place are very much
pleased with the system so far us we
can learn.
Mrs. Rant in has returned home after
spending some time with Mrs. Milan).
Miss Lidic Wright bus returned from
Baltimore much improved.
Mr. W. C. Irby, Jr., was among his
many friends here hist week.
Mr. Robert Smith and children of
Nowborry visited the family of Mr. A.
J. Smith last week.
Miss May Smith is spending some
time with her brother at Mountvillo.
Mrs. iOssio Sullivan visited her aunt,
Mrs. Milam, hist week.
Mr. and Mrs. Toaguo and Miss Ethel
worshiped at New Prospect last Sun
Miss Josephine Fuller was the guest
of Miss Sallie Hohnes last week.
Mr. J. I). Adams of Charleston vis
ited Mr. J. T. A. Bullow a few days ago.
A number from this place will go on
a fishing expedition on the "glorious
Misses Eloise, Laura and Henri
Wright spent a few days in your city
last week.
Mrs. Will Wright has returned to
Thieves broke into Dr. F. O. Fuller's
crib last week and Stole a lot of corn.
Hope he will succeed in tracing it up.
Prof. I'vies'school closed last Friday.
Mrs. R. T. Dunlap visited relative's
at Maddens last week.
Mr. lt. B. Pasloy, a recent graduate
of the South ('arolina ('ollogo, is spend
ing awhile with relatives here.
Don't think that eruption of yours
can't be cured. Take Hood's Sarsupa
rilla ?its virtue Is its power to euro.
Oho Cent a Word Column.
Advertisements uro Printed in this
Column ut the Rate of ONE CENT
a Word each Insertion hut
None is Inserted for Loss
than 25 cents.
Small house at rear of ADVERTISER
olllco for rent.
Two competent malo teachers wish
Summer schools In arithmetic in tho
county. Apply to 0. P. Brooks, Su
perintendent of Education.
Por Rent.?A comfortable 11 vo room
cottage in Academy Street, l'leasant
location; good house. N. B. Dial.
Wanted to soli cheap on oasy terms
one 20 horse ongloo and boiler, three
gins and an elevator systom.
W. B. l'ulman,
Barksdale, S.C.
Money to Loan.
The Perpetual Building and Loan
Association has somo money to loan on
oasy terms. Seo O. B. Simmons, Pres
ident, or W. R. Richey, Secretary.
Notice to Ico Customers.
Ice will bo dellyerod at 75 ets a hun
dred. This is duo to the inereaso In
cost. This doos dooa not affect out
standing tickets. Satisfaction is guar
M. R. Prierson.
Notice of Election.
On July 5th, 1002, an election will
bo held at Cross Hill, beginning at 8
a. m. and closing at 4 p. in., for the
purpose of electing seven (7) Trustees
for Iho Cross Hill Special School Dis
trict .
All legal voters who pay a tax on
roal ostato or personal property ins?id
district will be entitled to veto.
fly order of tho Hoard.
G. M. Hanna, Chairman.
M. A. Lea.man, Sec'y.
A Laurens
"I (tin II aUing, Oh 'fin 80 Hol!"
Palmetto Drug Co*
Ice Cream,
Ice Cream Soda f Fuit,
lwt Miss A Lolly Pop,
Wo find that we have on hand a number of Light Colored
Summer Suits which we do not intend to carry
over. So we have cut the price and you
can buy a good Summer
suit lor a
YOU know we can always supply your wants in Clothing,
Shoes, Mais and Furnishing Goods. And you know too we
save you money on these goods . Not Ihc cheapest, but always
the best goods at the LOWEST PRICKS.
Come to see us and you will be surprised how many
Goods a little money will buy here. We work to merit your
business by always giving you full value for your money.
Make our store your headquarters, you arc always welcome.
Lea lets of Low Prices.
tho Undertaking business at tho old stand. COFFINS, CASKETS
and ROBES, and HEARSE, at the
A ooutinuancc of tho gouerou patronage hithorto extended ua
olicitod. Reotfully KENNEDY BROS., Laurens, S. C
J>K Headquarters for Wedding Gifts
Attractive China Closets, China Sets and Odd Pieces, Book Cases, Writing
Desks, Handsome Chairs, Folding Beds, Hall, Piano and Library
Lamps, Lounges and Couches.
When you think Furniture
Think of "WILKES."
You know wc arc anxious for a share of your trade and it
will be our earnest endeavor to please you in every
way. Come to sec us, and let us know your
wants that we may make purchases
to suit you. Our present stock
consist of goods in
Millinery, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats and
Gents' Furnishings.
All of whichare bought right and will be sold at reasonable
profit. Our goods are pretty and you are requested to call and
inspect them, ome whenever it is possible to do uo.
Very respectfully,
The McCord Merchandise Co.
Laurens? S. C.
Gray & Shealy.
ought to interest tho man
whosj roof lias a liolo in it.
Also the man -vho has no roof,
but intends to build one. Our
Long Loaf unbled Pino Shin
gles nro tho best offered in
this city. Made from a lino
grade wood and right in overy
And those figures ought to provo
that pricos aro right, too.
Qtay & Srjealy.
Laurens, S.C.

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