OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, March 30, 1904, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

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Admiral Togo Make* Another Uusnc
cossful Attack With Hoary
I'ort Arthur is still the principal
8oeno of operations in the Bast. On
Sunday the Japanese under Admiral
Togo made auother attempt to close
the Port but the Russian -gun
boats guarding tho entrance to the
harbor wero on the alert and im
mediately opened tire. One Bus
siau torpedo boat successfully engaged
six of tho Japs and tho latter were
forced to retire ingloriously with a
loss of two boats and almost all the
men who manned them.
It is said that the Japanese desire to
block Port Arthur and render the
IIcot there useless to Russia Is based
upon a plan to land a great body of
troops at NewChwang.whioh canuotibe
dono if the Russian ships at Port An
thur are active.
Uov. A. T. Jamioson, Superintendent
of Connie Muxwcll Orphanage spent
Sunday in tho city, preaching at the
First Uaptlst church, morniag and eve
ning, inthccvenlug ho held a union
Bervloe for tho King's Daughters of the
city, which was very greatly enjoyed.
Mr. Jamieson is a forcible speaker
and earnest preacher.
Tho Young Ladies Scit.y of the
Presbyterian Church is giving u White
Salo today and tomorrow in Todd and
Simpson's store. The garments are
the dainty handiwork of tho ladles
thomsolvos. Thoy are displayed in the
front windows of tho store and a com
mitteo of ladios Is in charge and will
be delighted to show the pretty things
to customers
Mr. M. J. Owings wont out to Mt.
Gallagher yesterday afternoon for a
few days days stay.
A prominent North Carolinian has
this to say: 1 have been a sufferer from
Rheumatism for fifteen years.a portion
of tho time bedfas', and for the last six
months it has been seated In my loft
aide near my heart; could scarcely rest
any at night. I dually decided to try
Dr. King's Nervo and Bono Liniment.
Two or three applications entirely re
lieved me of the pain. I have used It
in my family with good results.
Sold by Palmetto Drug Co., Laurens,
S. C.
Laurens Uoj to Wed Miss Connor, of
Hal las, Texas.
The following Interestlog announce
ment has been received in this city:
Mrs. Elizabeth Mac Oar thy Connor
requests the honor of your prosenoe
at tho marriage of her daughter
Anna Louise
Mr. Badger Cross well Bowon
on Wednesday afternoon, April sixth,
nineteen hundred and four
at five o'clock
253 Cadiz Street
Dallas, Texas.
Mr. Bowen Is the youngest son of
Mrs. Mary Bowen, of this city. He
has been aivay from Laurens about
eight years, during which timo ho has
been successfully engaged with eoine
of tho loading insurance oflices of the
nurthwest. At prosont ho Is located
in Toledo, Ohio.
The Library to .Share Proceeds.
Manager Vance of tho opera house
has consented to divido the proceeds of
the Roed Miller concert, to be givon on
the Oth with the public library. Mr.
Miller comes with a great reputation
as a singer, but apart from this the li
brary is an enterprise in which every
body in Laurens has a personal inter
est and therefore tho concort must be
Mr. Alex J. Smith was In the city
awhilo yesterday. Everyone will be
glad to know that his daughter, Miss
Mae Smith, who has boon critically ill
In a Camden, New Jersey hospital is
muoh Improved in hor condition and
will, as soon as able to travel, come
home for a visit.
Mr. R. H. Hudgons Is having tho
Crisp place near Barksdalo Station,
whioh he recently purchased, remod
elled and fitted up with every modern
improvement and convenience. It is a
beautiful place naturally and Mr. Hud
gens is rapldlly transforming it iato
one of the handsomest places in the up
per part of tho State.
Mrs. Ros* Caine was called to Rich
mond last woek on account of the ill
ness of her daughter, Miss Eliza, who
is at school there. The young lady has
been carried for treatment to Johns Hop
kins Hospital at Baltimore. Her friends
are much interested in her condition
and hope that sbo will improve rapidly.
Two Charming ami Popular Visitor*
From Oiintou are Guests
of Honor.
The young matrons and pretty girl*
whooompoBe that important organiza
tion the ouchro club soem to bo vieing
with each other in ontortaining tiiis
Spring, tho last party seeming always
a shado more elabor&to and beautiful
in appointmouts than its delightful
Mis; Lillian Irby was the gracoful
and gracious young hostess at a beauti
ful party on Friday ovoning in honor
of Misses Susan Allen Leak and Ca
mllle Vance of Clinton. Invitations
wore issued to some sixty guests but
qulto u good many wore unfortuuuto
in that such an opportunity for enjoy
ment was afforded thorn during Lent.
Tho entiro lower Moor of tho house pro
fusely decorutod with viobts, palms
and forns was thrown open to tho
Vases of Vlolo's, bowls and banks of
violots were everywhere ionding a
rich, soft tone to the brilliantly lighted
rooms. Forty onthuslasts played five
handod bid euchro and contested for
Mi ? prizes with heat and fervor. A
very handsomo evening fan was carried
off by Mrs. Dial Gray, tho gentleman's
prize, a white silk muffler was won by
Mr. Gua Simmons. A delicious course
of scoots was served in daintiest fash
Rev. J. W. Kilgo, l'roslding Kldor of
this District, preached for tho Second
Methodist congregation Sunday morn
ing at 11 o'clock, Ho returned to Spar
tanburg Monday.
As wo go to press, wo learn with re
gret of the death of Mrs. Malluda
Crows, which occurred In Atlanta this
morning at I o'clock.
Au Ekom Wedding.
Owinc.SVitii.K, March 2u ?Mr. A. R.
Thome and Miss Corrie Moore, of
Ekom wore married Sunday afternoon
at tho home of tho brido's paronls, Mr.
and Mrs. Joel W. Moore; Rev. Jodie
A. Martin ollloiating. Mr. Thonu is
merchandising at Kkom, whi'e bis
brido Is one of the ounty's successful
teachers, bolng at present to chargo of
the Oakvllle school.
Miss Myrtle Cu'bortson's tohoil at
Mt. Gallagher will clo e tho prosent
term tomorrow.
Boart Um 1 he Kinti You_ H?ve Always Bough!
lteed Miller.
Tickets for the Heed Miller concert
will bo CO cents, and will be sold by th *
Iadio9 and children for benefit of Libra
ry. Take your tickets to Copcland's
store and have seats reserved on Mon
day or any day afterwards. Mrs. W.
10. Lucas will play Mr. Miller's accom
Our :We^MTir^ompleted.
We have at last got our mill com
pleted, tnd we risk nothing in sajing
that it Is making tho finest Hour we
have over seen. We earnestly solicit
every housekeeper of Laurens and vl
cinltv to order a trial sack of tho new
"Clifton," promising tbom that they
will have biscuit, rolls, cako and pas
try such as they havo never had be
fore. Instruct your grocer to And you a
sack of tho new "Clilton."
Uransford Mills.
You should not feel tired all the time
?healthy people don't?you wont if
you take Hood's Sarsaparllla for a
Every reader of The Advertiser to
know that Our New Discovery, the
groat Hlood Purifier and Kidney and
Liver Rogulutor, Is sold undor an abso
lute guarantee. You run no risk: no
common remedy could s'and a tost like
this. Our New Discovery is not an
alcoholic stimulant which does good
"only" for the timo bolng, but It is na
tures remody, effecting a speedy and
lasting euro by cleansing the blood
from all impurities, which gives now
lifo aud vigor to every orgau. It res
tores the nervous system to Its normal
condition and cures all blood diseases,
such as Itching Skin, Pimples, Kc/.oma,
Blood Poison, and it is a positive cure
for all Nervous troubles, Indigestion
and Dyspepsia, peart Disease, Paraly
sis, Liver Complaint, La Grippe, Back
ache, Rheumatism, Dropsy, Kidney
and Bladder Troubles, Fever and Ague
and Female Diseases, llemomber the
namo and tako no othor. Price $1.00
and your dollar back if it fails. For
salo by Tho Laurons Drug Co., Dr. W.
W. Dotlson, Laurons; Young's Phar
macy, Clinton; Dr J. II. Miller, Cross
Take notice that on the (>th day of
April, 1004, 1 will render a final ac
count of my acts and dolDgs as Admin
istrator of tbo estate of Henry M. Hun
ter, deceased, in the oftlce of tbo Judge
of Probate for Laurens County, at 11 o'
clock a. m., and on the samo day will
apply for a final discharge from my
ti ust. as Administrator.
All persons having demands against
said ostato will present them on or be
fore that day,proven and authenticated
or bo forever barred and all persons in
debted to said estate are requested to
make payments on or before that day.
March 18, 1004?2t.
Fruit Crop Safe.
Mr. A. J. Smith says the fruit crop
in this seotion is safe so far; that cool
weather in March is not apt to injure
peaches. He rays the strawberry crop
is promising. His are always superb.
prison producing
eruptions, pimples, ulcers, swollen
([lauds, burajs and risings, burning,
tolling, copper colored spots or rash on
the skin, mucous patches in mouth or
throat, falling hair, bone pains, old
rheumatism or foul catarrh, take Bo
tanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) It kills
the prison In the blood; soon all sores,
erup ions heal, hard swellings subside,
aches and puns stop and a perfect cure
is made of the worst cases of Blood
For cancer, tumors, swellings, eating
sores, ugly ulcers, persistent pimples
of all kinds, take B. B. B. It destroys
the cancer poison in the blood, heals
cancer of all kinds, eures the worst
humors or suppurating swellings.?
Thousands cured by B. B. B. after all
else falls. B. B. B, is composed of pure
bo'anic Ingredients. Improves the di
gestion, makes the blood pure and
rich, stone the awful itching and all
sharp, snooting pains. Thoroughly
tostul for thirty years. Druggists, 91
per large bottle, with complete direc
tions for home cure. Sample free and
prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co.,
Atlanta, Ga. Desoribe trouble and
free medical advici also sent in ?ealed
lettor. Sold in Laurens by ?. F. Po
All Humors
Are impure matters which the skin,
Uvcr, kidneys and other organs can
not take care of withou. help, there ia
such an accumulation of them.
They litter the whole system.
Pimples, boils, eczema and other
eruptions, loss of appetite, that tired
feeling, bilious tnrns, fits of indiges
tion, dull headaches and many other
troubles are due to them.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
and Pills
Remove all humors, overcome ail
their effects, strengthen, tono and
invigorate the wholo system.
"I bad salt rheum on my bands so tbat I
could not work. I took Hood's Sarsaparllla
and It drove out the humor. I continued
Its use till tbo sores disappeared." Mas.
Iba O. Bbowh, Rumford Falls, Me.
Hood's Sarsaparllla promises to
ours and keeps tho promise.
"I owe ray whole life to Burdock
Blood Bitters. Scrofulous sores cov
ered my body. I seemed beyond cure.
B. B. B. has made me a perfectly wel
woraan." Mrs. Cbas. Il'itton, Ber
ville, Mich.
Lumber is cheaper to-day than it ever will be again ;
weather is right; labor cheap, and we have an architect to get up
your plans and specifications. Write, wire or 'phone us and we
will send him to see you.
Foundry and Machine Shops.
Castings of every description on short notice. Full line of PIPE
FITTINGS and other Supplies.
Cotton Mill Castings a Specialty.
The mails put you just as near us as if you lived in Laurens. All
mail orders receive prompt attention.
The Hub is in fine fettle for ?Spring trade, We expect to do
this Spring much the largest business in our history, for the very
good reason that we have this season a good deal the nicest stock
we have ever carried. Everything is spick, span new ; and we
do not believe that there is a single article in the whole stock
which is not characterized by thorough refinement of taste and
excellence of quality. The Hub aims to carry a choicer, more
select, more thoroughly fashionable stock than is common in towns
of this size ; and the yearly growth of our business is good proof
that the ladies of this section appreciate our policy.
A Wealth of Handsome
theWegreaet aTsoVtS oT^ewl Spring's SllOO FashlOHS.
Dress Goods, ?Silks and Washj There are few radical changes
Fabrics that we are now ready . ?. - . . , .
to show you. It contains so m Sh>2 fafhiam thu seas3a
many different weaves and pal-jHut still there are some new
terns and all of them are so truly fcalurcg And the Ladies' Shoes
tasty and attractive, that no one
will find it necessary to look we show,are as always.of the very
further for the materials fori latest and most stylish models.
Dress, Waist or Skirt. They're
all fresh and new, and just the
same styles that are selling best
in the largest cities. We know
you will find it a treat to look
them over.
We mention a few of the leaders
to prove that prices are thorough
ly attractive, too:
Lovely Crepe de Chine,
black and colored, 75c
Plain and bouretted
Voiles, ideal for skirts, 50 to 85
36-inch Taffeta Silks,
wear guaranteed, 85c to $1.25
Silk Persian Fancies
foi Waists, black and
colors 30c and 40c
Our S'io3 S'.ock is a feature of
this store with which every lady
who is particular as to the lit
and looks of her Shoes will do
well to become acquainted.
The Regina Oxford, un
equalled for style and
quality, $2.50 and #3.00
The Portia Oxford, has
no superior, #2.00 and $2,50
Easter /Millinery.
Only a few more days to secure your Easter Hat! Our
Millinery Department is now bubbling over with charming con
ceptions from across the seas, and from our own clever country
women as well. All that is proper finds a place here. We have
them all and are displaying the swellest styles yet shown. Come
and see us.
Remember Our Opening, Wednesday.
All kinds of Suits for
AH kinds of Suits
for Youths.
All kinds of Suits for
Value in every pur
Shoes for Men, Wo=
men and Children.
Hats for all Mankind.
Beautiful Neckwear.
Big values in all
Business is based on confidence; Your business; Ours; Everybody's. There never was a time in the Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing, Shoes and Hat business when
confidence was more important to you than now. You've simply got to pin your faith to somebody, and go ahead?or be left. We want to say just one thing: You can
be sure you are right with Davis, Roper & Co.
Wei 1mselected ?fy Goods, Sljoes, Mats, Etc.
You can put entire confidence in them and know that you are safe. That's all. A quarter of century experience has taught us how to select the best goods for the least
money. But we don't offer the low price as the chief argument. When the sterling value of our goods are fully known there will not be enough to go around.
We solicit your Spring business in every line: Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Furnishing, Dry Goods, Millinery, Ready-to-wear Garments
for Ladies, Notions, Etc. Because we know that you will be pleased with every purchase you make.
the young man's fancy lightly
turns to thoughts of CLOTHES.
We have them in all the latest weaves, and all the latest cuts
and styles. Don't forget to visit us and see our STYLISH
SPRING SUITS hand-tailored by Schloss Bros. & Co. ("The liest
Clothes Makers.")
The Prices
he Pricesd* | A^OS f?r High
Start a: *P i UjOS CLOTH
Of course we have Clothing cheaper, $3.50 to $10.00 in all
the Popular Weaves and well-made medium price Clothing.
Our Boys and Childrens'
are nobby and cheap for the price, 69 cents to $5.00 for
Knee Suits. Youths' Suits #3.00 to"#'10.00.
Shoes, Shoes and Oxfords,
We have the largest stock ever brought to Laurens all the \
latest Toes and Lasts, $1.00 to #5.00.
Drop in during the next few days and get acquainted with ^'^^makcrs Of
the best made, ready-to-wear garments?the Davis, Roper & Co. ? ^r**
kind?-in Spring Suits and Snappy Suitings, Hats, Shoes, Etc. f 1NE CLOTHING.
In this Department we want to call the attention of the trade to our ?Special Values in SPRING DRESS GOODS, both
in Wool and Cotton.
We have the biggest and best assortment of Figured Lawns at lOcts thai we have ever shown?about 150 styles and
a great many of them are the regular I5cts quality.
A beautiful assortment of COTTON VOILES, sheer and stylish. The most popular material for early Spring wear.
Prices 15c, 20c and 25c.
Plain and Dotted Silk Mulls, in all colors, for evening wear. Prices 25 cents.
Pure Linen Suitings, in white and colors, at 50c. Special values in black Taffeta Silk at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50.
36-in wide and values that can't be beat
We have a great line of black Voiles for skirts in the very newest weaves, from 50c to #2.00. W. B. and Royal Wor
cester Corsets in all the newest styles. The best and most popular lines in America.
We also want to call your attention to our lines of
Kid Gloves at 75c, $1.00 and $1.25.
Everything new in Belts, Hosiery and Embroidered Collar Sets, Etc.
Millinery Department.
This Season we have Miss Ingram in charge and she will take pleasure in showing you all the new things and we will guarantee
our prices on the same goods to be as low as can be found anywhere. Come to see us and we will do our part to please you.
dies' Hats from 25c to $20.00. All DAVIS, ROPER St CO.. * 1 ' -
Grades; aill Prices. Outfitters for Everybody.
Dress Goods, Silks, Wash Goods.

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