OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, July 13, 1904, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

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Subscription Price-12 Months. $1.00
PayabI in .Vira nc.
Rates lor Advert Ising.Ordinary Ad
vertisements, per square, one inser
tion, 11.00; each subsequent insertion,
50 oents. Liberal reduction made
for large Advertisements.
W. W. Ball,
LAUKENS, 8. C, July 18, 1?04.
Elect the Best.
Laurens county should havo men in
tho general assembly who would rank
with the ablest and best men in the
two branches. The opportunity is pre
sented to send men of this class this
year. There are men in the race who
if elected would instantly tako their
places as leaders, whose voioos would
be heard and whose influence would
be felt.
Why Buy Hay.'
To an old timer it is astonUhing to
see tho number of bales of hay that
go out of town on wagons almost
every day. Twonty years ago a bale of
hay was an unusual sight to a citizen
of ih's community, although gonorally
?peaking cotton sold at a higher prico,
and the art of 0 dring pes-vlne hay
without sunshine had not been learned.
Taken as a wbo'e the firiners of
Laurens County are more Intelligent
and prosperous than everbofore. Is it
possible that It is chopper to buy hay
In bales, thin to raise it from tho pea,
whon it cm be cured without risk,
stacked In tho open fie'd until needed,
and the crop is of real benefit to the
The Aovertiser believes it Is
choapor to raise anything that will
grow on the farm thaa it is to buy it.
Wo may b3 wrong but wj are "sot" in
thU belief.
Juries Encouraging Cowardice.
Toe romarkiblo fact iucldoat to most
of the homicides which havo lately oc
curred in South Carolina has been that
they were cowardly. In one case u man
Is said to have shot another through a
crack. In another, the slayer tired af
ter tho antagonist had laid aside his
pistol and challenge 1 to a fair light
with flsts. In still another a man was
shot in the back in the dark. In a
fourth two young men were shot down
wlttiout being given the poor privilege
of looking their onemios in tho face. In
all these cases all the parties were
white msn. In numerous cases negroes
wero shot down like dogs.
We can understand how tender
hearted juries may be reluct'int to con
vict whon a "game" man kills another
in fair combat, but it Is strange, pass
ing strange that in many counties
white men soem to have arrived at the
point that they deliberately approve
the meinest forms of sneaking coward
ice. One miy have a sort of brutal re
spect for courage even though it be ex
emplified in a devil but the commin
gling of cruelty and poltroonery ought
to disgust even those who have no hor
ror of bloodshed.
Business Men Should Act.
The efforts of tho business men to
obtain from the railroad companies the
removal of the passenger depot to a
placo of reasonable safety, not t> say
convenience, have so far met with
no definite success. So far courteous
treatment has been received and cour
teous treatment costs nothing.
Whiie wc have the kindliest feelings
towards the railways and the gentle
men in charge of them, we advise the
people of Laurens to mako the railways
feel that their demands are entitled to
some consideration. This can be
done by the formation of a rigid com
pact among the merchants and ship
pers pledging their words to route
freight so that it shall be hauled the
smallest possible number of miles over
the roads coming Into Laurens.
The Advertiser wholly dislikes to
advise this course, but the depot situa
tion is intolerable. It is an outrage, a
continuing outrage, that a corporation
should be permitted to endanger every
day in the year the lives of tho people
by tho maintenance of the present ar
rangement. Every intelligent man
knows that sooner or later men and
women will be slaughtered by railway
trains at this depot. Whon corpora
tions or individuals foreknow and are
warned that they are imperilling pub
lic safety and human life by neglect of
duty there is no defence for them and
can bo no excuso.
A Beautiful Somersault.
Fully six months ago Tun Adver
tiser advised the Democrats of Lau
rens that Senator "Ben" Tlllman
would become to all intents and pur
poses a "good gold bug" before the
year was over. We pointed out that
he would abandon Bryan and warnod
them that their noisy Free Silver
champion would got on tho "band
wagon" regardless of all his past pro
fessions. We confess, however, that we
did not oxpoct that the redoubtablo
Benjamin would repudiate his past to
the astonishing extent to which he act
ually did ropudiate it last week.For the
senator in St. Louis declared himself
for George Gray of Deloware for the
Democratic nomination ? the same
Goorge Gray who voted for Palmer
and Buckner, who bolted in 181Mi and
who was a goldbug of goldbugs and a
leader of tho "assistant Republicans."
Whon Judgo Gray was a United Statos
senator ho was probably of all men the
closest and most consistent political
friend of Grovor Cleveland. Kven when
his stato convention endorsed him for
the presidency two weeks ago, he de
clared emphatically that he was not a
candidate and that Grover Oleveland
was his first choice. This man Senator
Tlllman now praises as a true Demo
srat who has been "faithful to the de
mocracy of the fathers handed down
to him" and him Senator Tlllman pub
licly urged the South Carolina dele
gation to support.
Thus does Senator Tillman, the arch
enemy of Wall street, the wleldor of
the pitch-fork and tho apostle of "lrt to
1 or bust" in South Carolina after
eight yearn fall in like a little mm and
take; his place in the ranks of those
who nominated Palmerand Buckner.
Io the convention ab Ind'ucapolls, a
number of delegates desired to nomin
ate Judge Cray lather than General
Palmer. Senator Tlllman is only eight
years behind tliem. Judge Gray,
moreover, wag one of those Paris com
missioners who voted for tho Philip
pine treaty ?nd yet in I9C0 at Kansas
City Senator Tlllman's "paramount is
sue" was denunciation of this treaty
and its inevitable results.
So far as Tue ADVERTISE!! is con
cerned, It endorses the senator's pres
ent attitude. It iaglaJ to welcome him
into th-.? ?ank? of tho?o who bel'eve in
Detmciats of the George Gray stamp?
wh'ch is pre-eminently tbo Grover
Cleveland brand.
The Advertiser and the "gold
bugs" hhv i alw?y? believed in Gray,
and li lman, tho repen'ant sinner, Is
welcome, thrice welcome to a place
ami ng tho shoutois.
Of courso endorsement of Gray is en
dorfomont of Cleveland for in politics
they are one an 1 the baiue. Tho s nr.
tor's continued vitupo a'ion and abuse
of Cleveland Is mtiftulngli.83 jargon
when it is coupled ul'h laudation of
George Gray.
Thk ADVERTISES Ins no reason to
doubt tin gonuioene s of bo senntvtr's
ohange ol bee rt. The senator is a man
of sense. Ho has lat.ded on tho right
side? and In the band wag n LM us
hono th it bis devo'.ed fol owors have
not lost confidence in h'set-dom and
that they will join him in his back
burning on the folllos of Unnuistn.
The Two Term Superstition,
When South Carolina's e.mstlbu ion
makers llxed the terms of the various
public oftlcors, they did not intend to
promulgate the notion that any man Is
entitled to two terms If they had in
bnnded bo suggost that a governor
should hold oilloe four years,they wou'd
have male the term four yea**s and
when a cand date go-.s on the stump to
argue that because he has been e'.ected
once he should bj e'octed aga'n, that
alone should ho taken as a good reason
to justify his defeat. A candidate who
can present no better reason for re
election than thVat he is the incumbent,
confesses himself to be poverty stricken
in ldsas and barren of all that should
promise increased efficiency.
Wo do not mean to in'imate that no
oandidate should have a second, third
or fourth election. When a candidate
has filled an ofllco with marked ability,
with such special ability that there is
unlikelihood of Unding another to equal
his services,it is only commou sense to
re-elect him so loug as his services can
be obtainoJ. Governor I) C. Hey ward
bas demonstrated his capacity for wise
and efilclent conduct of public affairs
and the people would have perpetrated
a blunder If they had this year chosen
any other to succeed him,
From what wo have heard, wo be
lieve that Comptroller Goneral Jones is
another who has proven himself to be
admirably qualified for his position
and it Is fortunate for tho State that be
is continued. The game may be said
of others ?- these two we have men
tioned as examples. One of them be
longed to the former "contc-vative"
faction and the other was a dyed-in-the
wool "refoimer." As wo voted for nei
ther of them two years ago, we shall
not be charged with partisanship in
thus referring to them.
The only con'est this yoar is for a
vacancy on tho railroad commission.
Mr. C. W. Garria is a oandidate fcr re
election. Ho has boan in office six
years. It is a well paid otfioe. When a
governor Is given two terms he
serves four years. SV*hen a railroad
commissioner is given two terms he
serves 12 years . If Mr. C. W. Garris
hai made an able officer, if ho has
shown expertnes3, conspicuous and spe
cial ability, if the po>ple know that ho
has rendered to them such service that
another may not bo likely to render,
then by all means he should bj re
elected. The people cannot all'ord to
make a change in this ollloo if a high
grade man has been found to till it, for
it demands expert, peculiar and un
common ab'.lity. On the othor hand if
Mr. Garris has done no better than
many another man, chosen merely on
account of popularity, might have done
or many another man may do, then he
is not entitled to a second term?bo has
had enough. Tho test should bo, la it
reasonable to expect that Mr. Garris
will give the state far better, deo'dedly
better service than others, is Mr. Gar
ris a specialist and will tho state eufl'or
by the loss of his personality from the
commission? Is this so certain and so
well demonstrated that it will not be
seriously questioned? If the reply he
affirmative, Mr. Garris should be re
elected overwhelmingly?all men of
sound political discretion will vote for
him. If the reply bo negative, It is
just as well to pormit some othor good
fellow to draw the '^salary and enjoy
tho passes for 3ix years.
Thk advertiser does not answer
the question. The Intelligence of tho
voters may be relied upon to determine
it without any advice. Wo morely lay
down the proposition that no man has
a divine right to t^rms to any ofllco.
m ?
For a lazy liver try Chamhorlain's
Stomach ana Livor Tablets. They in
vigorate the livor, and the digostion,
regulato? the bowo'sand prevent bil
ious attacks. For sale by tho Laurons
Drug Co.
Sunday School Picnic.
The Sunday School of Harmony
Church, Sullivan township, will give
lbs annual picnic Saturday, July 28fd.
This 1? always a great occasion and the
public Is cordially invited.
Card or Thanks.
I desire to oxpress to one and all
through bhe columns of The adver
tiser my sincere appreciation of the
kindly attention and assistance ren
dered us during the Illness an* (loath
of my husband.
Mrs. J. d. Goddard,
Laurons, July Oth.
"Fur years fate was aftor mo contin
uosly" writes F. A.Gulledgo, Verbena,
Ala. "I lud a torrlblo case of Piles
causing 21 tumors. Whon all fallod
Rticklin's Arnica S<dve cured mo.
Equally good for burns and all aches
and pains. Only 2?3 at Tho Laurens
and Palmetto Drug Co's.
?.:* -a. m rjc ?:? :jol x ^rv.
Benrath* liio Kind Ywi Havo Always Bough?
l^eet Itop jacket
Millinery at Red Iron Racket j
is just beautiful. < >h ! my, the
prices are so low?
23c to $2.98
nw -vr-i ?i?u m?-jr jar iv .jr
#2.00 Shoe for $1.68
.??V, ULM?
60c Wake Up, and buy your
goods at Red Iron Racket.
98c. Rj good, [f you can't be
jj'<> > 1 \>2 careful.
Now the people are coming from everywhere, Laurens and all adjoining
counties. We are the people's ' People" for Bargains. A Red Hot Sum?
mer Sale is going on now at the Red Iron Racket. Hurry up and avoid
the Rush. $25,000.00 worth of General Merchandise to go at sweeping
prices. U get more goods for same money, and same goods for less money
at Red Iron Racket. U come see.
Here are a few Items picked from our Immense field of Bargains:
5,000 yards Calicoes, all .Stand
ard goods, Red Hoi price 4 1
.l,ooo yards Fancy Dress Lawns,
Muslins, Ginghams, Chal
lics, at Red Hot Price 4c
Races, special values, Red
Hoi Price, per yd. tc to lOc
Big values, Insertions and
Embroideries, 4c to 10c
Millinery! Millinery! Latest up
to-now .Styles, prices
way down, 23c to $1.98
50 do/en Men's Summer Under
Shirts and Drawers,
Good quality, going at 20c
3,000 Men's Negligee Dress
Shirts, Red Hot prices
23c, 39c, 48c to 89c
Ladies' Slippers, 48c,
75c, 98c to
Ladies' Shoes, special,
75c, 98c to $2.47
Men's Shoes and Slippers
98c, S1.23 to $3.00
Clothing?The Latest Creations
at the Lowest pric i ever creat
ed. M<> >'s suits (Kc,
$i.68, - , to $9.00
per suit. Also Hoys'and Child
ren's salts at Sweeping prices.
Straw Hats, for dress, about
one-half pric.-, worth d >u
blc, ioe, 18c 25c, 35c to 39c
Men's Fine Far 11 its
spi.-ei.il. 68c, 98c, $1.25 1.39
John ll. Stetson's c |..?jo
now $3.00
300 pair Men's Pants,
your choir?, Red Hot, 89c
Florida Palms for Decorations
and Home.
.2<t I pair Men's Pants,
your choice, Red Hot $1.25
200 pair Men's Tailor made
Pains :S' |.50 to #5.00
quality, Red Hot price $3.00
U Come See our Tin, Glass,
Crockery and lCn uncled Ware.
One ear load Trunks at
Rai 1 lot prices 33c to $3. 47
5,000 lbs. Brown's Mule, .Sweep
Slakes, Early Bird and
Schnapps Tobacco?a 11
15c plugs. Our low
price, 1 >cr plug 10c
Our Bell 48c
I've been to Red Iron Racket:
I ' go there, too. You'll
Save Money.
We have a little world of Notions and Racket goods all m >ving at the world s lowest prices
See our cut price Grocery and Drug Departm ent. Will save U 15 to 35 per cent.= = U com3 see
The Red Iron Racket crew will be delighted to show U through. /Messrs. W. E. Bramlett,
S. Y. Culbertson, W. L. Rodgers, R. M. Eichelberger, J. W. Henderson, R. L. Simpson, L. E.
Burns and Mrs. Knight, the Milliner, are ready to serve U, and Bartlett 0wings, the Cash=
ier, is ready to make thechange. We are located completely out of the high priced district.
Way down on Laurens Street, No. 208, West, is where you will find us, about 200 yards
West of the Public Square, and here is where mountains of Merchandise disappear each week
in the year. Our Bargain Days are Six Days in a week. Come when you may you'll
hit our Bargain Day.
13c, 20c, 39c.
95c to .#10.00 Suit.
Automobile, up-to-date $1.25.
to #1.98
$3-5? Shoe to U $3.00
? %
says sell 'em 13c
H?re Goods for
Same money
Same Goods for
Less money
The newest creations of .Style
are here.
In order to close out a few cases of the celebrated California
have reduced the price to 20 cents the can or 3 cans for 50 cents.
This fruit is put up in heavy syrup, in 3-pound cans.
Also, a few cases of that delicious Maine packed CANNKD
CORN?lender and sweet?15 cents per can.
BABY 13ASIC-llio world's best Imby
medicine-Isn prompt,snfo,suro and hnrni
less remedy f? >r n 11 Rortsol Rtomnch end in>\\ el
IroublcH of bnblos und children. Keep it al
ways on hand-you enn rely upon It,
At all f(ooicl storn?, 25c.
Mnnufootnrod t>,- hahy BAflBCO., Maoon, Ga,
Your stock and poultry need dosing, Now is the lime, pro
vided you use the international Stock Pood Company's Products'
None hotter on the market. Here are some of them and the prices:
International .Stock Food. *$c and 50c.
Colic Cure.5()C
Gall Cure.25c
Poultry Food. -5*'
Louse Killer. .25c
Silver Pine Healing Oil. .- 251
Now, we w ill give with every too pound purchase a premium
of 16 pounds of any of the above products; and a 25-cts package
with every 25 lbs. purchase. This is your opportunity : A small
investment may prove a profitable one,
Our Undertakers'Stock as usual is complete. We earrj
everything from the cheapest Coffin to the best
First-class Hearse when wanted. At night 01 Sunday 'Phone
H, M. Wright 01 R. P. Milam at their residences.
R. P. MILAM & CO.,
uaurens, s. c.
THE LADIES favor painting tli sir
churches, ami thoroforo wo urge every
Min -t ? r to romomborwe give a liberal
quantity of tlio Longman & Mftrtioo/. I
Paint toward the painting,
Wears and <? >vors like gold.
Don't pay *l.?? a gallon for Linseed
Oil I \ Drill il l cents) which yon do wb )n '
you buy other paints lu a can with a1
painl label on it .
S ?v i> inako 11, therefore when sou
want fourteen (??Ilona of pilot, buy
0 ily eight of L, A M , and mix six gil
lons pure Linseed Oil with it, and Ilms
get paint at leas Hi mi $1.20 per gallon
M my liousja arc well printed with
four gallons of L & M. and throe ga'?
Ions of LllHHcd Oil mixed therewith.
1 Thyso oolobr.ited paints aro sold by
W. L. Boyd, Laurons,
Clinton Phaumacy, Clinton.
VV. C. IR3V, Jr., "
Attorney at Law,
I. MIRKNa, K.'O.
I conduct a li-.it-elns* tailoring shop.
Ou', Make and Guarantno a lit at roa
sonablo prices. You arc Invited to
join my pressing olub,
K. .1. DAN0Y,
'Phono 180 m liter Building.
Dr. Chas. A. Ellett,
Law Range.
The Best
Is the Cheapest
When you <;<?, away for your
Summer vacation, take with you
the knowledge that your property
is covered In the very best old
Hue companies, Von will enjoy
your outing .ill the more.
A. C. TO DD & CO.
1 CImwmm (in- Kidney* und Itlnrlrlcr, nurltUf fh.
Illonri, l'< Ih Flesh <>n thin pnopla. Si reiiKttieu*
iho Nerven, Clenr? Ute tlrnlii. Ctirca NerrouH
Debility, Inmtmnln, Pnltlnc Memory, ItoMorcH
Hi' Viru, Vioor, Vit.ilily find Strength of Youth.
I in both wenh Men nud \Vntnen.
; Thin New Remedy norknllko Magie, hot lanb.
j BobUelj hnrmlemt, SVcIkIi yotirHcll before tAkln*.
I Price, SO oil,; 12 boxen, SB.00, bv mull.
Wo uiil cheerfully reftiml Hie money If you nr?
I Dot bonofltUHl, Try It ami bo convinced.
Laurens Drug Co.
Fire Insurance.

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