OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, July 05, 1905, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1905-07-05/ed-1/seq-4/

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The News of Ora.
Ora, July 4th.?Miss Belle Craig and
Captain W. A. McClintock went to
Ashcvillc last week to attend the Mis
sionary Conference.
Mr. George D. Blakeley has accepted
a position in Laurens for the summer.
Prof. J. Y. Bryson came home from
Ridgeland, South Carolina, where he
has been teaching for the past six
Mrs. Dr. Harrison of Florida has
been the guest of Mrs. William Hunter
this week.
Mrs. A. Y. Thompson spent several |
days in Due West last week.
Miss Linda Hunter, one of Woodruff's
Graded School teachers, is at home for
Little Miss Kstelle and Master Jamie I
McClintock of Due West are visiting
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
A. McClintock.
Several of our citizens sold their cot
ton last Saturday for nine cents. Con
sequently Ora has been doing a great
shipping business this week.
Miss Eva Kilgore of Woodruff is the
guest of Miss Linda Hunter.
Miss Ora Dell Hunter is at home now,
having been a student at the Asheville j
Female College during the past session.
She attended Woodruff Commencement ]
on her way home.
Miss Maggie Haddon spent last week
with relatives here.
The farmers are rejoicing in a much
needed rain.
Mrs. W. T. Blakely is in Winnsboro,
having been called there by the death j
of her husband.
There will be no services in the A. R.
P. Church on the Second Sunday in this
month, as Rev. B. H. Gricr will be
away. Services will be conducted in
the Presbyterian Church by the Pastor,
Rev. B. P. Ricd.
Mr. W. J. Copeland visited friends in
Ora last week.
Mr. Eb Hunter of Due West spent]
Thursday night with Mr. George H.
Miss Estelle McClintock spent last
Tuesday with Miss Allie Belle McClin
Little Misses Owens of Clinton and
Elizabeth Caldwcll of Columbia are vis-1
iting Miss Lea Hunter.
Mrs. Malinda Kay is visiting her J
daughter, Mrs. Win. Hunter.
Sickening Shivering Pi is
Of Ague and Malaria, can be re
lieved and cured with Electric Bitters.
This is a pure, tonic medicine; of es
pecial benefit in malaria, for it exerts a
true curative influence on the disease,
driving it entirely out of the system.
It is much to be preferred to Quinine,
having none of this drug's bail after-ef
fects. E. S. Monday, of Henrietta,
Tex., writes: "My brother was very
low with malarial fever and jaundice,
till he took Electric Bitters, which
saved his life. At Laurens Drug Co.
and Palmetto Drug Co. Price 50 cents,
guaranteed. 48?-It
Prosecutions la Collcton County*--Sensa
tionnl Developments Expected.
As a result of fraudulent pension I
claims filed in Collcton county prosecu
tions are now pending and one of the
biggest sensations of the year is prom-1
ised when the truth is known.
From the facts made public by the
chairman of the county pension hoard
it seems that in 1901 about a half dozen
claims for pensions for widows were j
fded before the state pension board.
The applications bad been passed upon
by the county board and thereupon the
state board accepted them. It has just
been discovered that all of the claims
arc fraudulent and that the affidavits
filed as a result are perjuered.
Comptroller General Jones says that
these claims had been regularly paid
since they were passed upon by the
State and County Boards of 1901 and
the letter states that the investigation
has just started and promises to uncover j
some sensational testimony. The par
ties concerned in the fraud will he
brought before the courts by the grand
jury and instructions have been issued
to push the investigation through.
A (irim Tragedy
Is daily enacted, in thousands of
homes, as Death claims, in each one,
another victim of Consumption or j
Pneumonia. But when Coughs and
Colds are properly treated, the tragedy
is averted. F. G. Huntley, of Oaklan
don, Ind., writes: "My wife had con
sumption, and three doctors gave her ]
up. Finally she took Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs
and Colds, which cured her, and to-day
she is well and strong." It kills the
fforms of all diseases. One dose rc
ieves. Guaranteed at 50 cts. and $1.00
by Laurens Drug Co. and Palmetto
Drug Co. Trial bottles free. 48-4t
Quarterly Statement of The People's
Loan & Exchange Bnnk, Laurens, S.
C, Ending June .10th. 1905. Pub
Hshed in Conformity with Act of (Jen?
cral Assembly.
Loans and Discounts, $288,121.02
Overdrafts, 1,008.55
Stocks and Bonds, 1 ?,000.00
Due from Banks, 99,325.13
Real Estate, F & F.. 6,475.00
Expenses paid, ?,447.07
Cash and cash items, 80,71(5.05
Total, $442,153.42
Capital Stock. $100,000.00
Surplus, 20,000.00
Deposits, 238,875.-15
Dividends unpaid, 1,216.00
Due Banks, 640.57
Cashier's Checks, I 16
Undivided Profits, 76,420.95
Reserve Fund, 5,000.00
Total, $442,153.42
County of Laurens.
Personally appeared before me, J. W.
Todd, who being duly sworn says: That
he is Cashier of the above named Bank
and that the foregoing statement is
true to the best of his knowledge and
Sworn to and subscribed before
this, the 1st day of July, 1905
W. R. McCuen,
Notary Public, S. C.
J. H. Traynham.
.l iL Sullivan,
H. B. Kennedy,
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Babb visited at
Cokesbury during the past week.
Mr. Frank B. Bolt of Alma was in
town Monday.
Mr. Milton B. McCuen was here
Salesday from Princeton.
Mr. W. L. Satterfield of Gray Court
was in the city Monday.
Mr. David D. Harris of Dials was a
Monday visitor to the city.
Mr. W. P. Todd of Barksdale was in
the city Monday.
Mr. L. A. Armstrong of Gray Court
was in the city on Monday.
Cadet Mack Irby of the Citadel is at
home for vacation.
Mr. Frank Whaleyof Mt. Bethel was
in town Friday.
Mrs. W. C. Basor of Cross Hill
spent Thursday in the city.
Mrs. W. IL Gnrrett is visiting in
Mrs. W. C. Irby, Jr., has gone to
Jacksonville, Ala., to visit her parents.
Mrs. J. D. Anderson and Miss Ra
melle Anderson of Anniston, Ala., are
visiting Mrs. Geo. F. Young.
Prof. W. P. Culbertson and son Mas
ter Henry Grady Culbertson of Mount
ville were in town Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Riddle of Wa
terloo are spending a week at Ashe
ville, Charlotte and Concord, N. C.
Prof. J. Y. Bryson of Ora lias been
elected president of Clearmont College,
Hickory, N. C.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Culbertson of
Greenville visited in the city during the
past week.
Mr. Norwood Vance of Columbia vis
ited his mother, Mrs. Carrie Vance,
the first of the week.
Mr. Oxner Campbell of Anderson
spent the Fourth with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Campbell.
Miss Emma Clardy is visiting in the
city. She has been with her sister,
Mrs. Austin, at Rock Hill several
Mrs. R. A. Burgess and Miss Ra
melle Smith, her granddaughter, of Al
bermarle, N. C, were guests of rela
tives and friends here last week.
Mrs. Lula Kay and her little son,
Marvin Kay, of Briggs, Pickens county,
visited relatives in the city and county
during the past week.
Rev. B. H. Grier, Mrs. S. F. Blakely
and Miss Euphemia Thompson of Ora
are at Gastonia, N. C. this week, at
tending the Convention of the Young
Peoples' Societies of the A. R. P.
Rev. and Mrs. B. P. Estes arrived in
the city last Tuesday from Anderson,
where they were married June 22nd by
the Rev. J. D. Chapman. Mrs. Estes
was Miss Lottie Crosby, a most excel
lent lady and for several years a
teacher in the Anderson Graded
Supreme Court Decisions.
Providence Machine Company, Ap
pellant vs. M. E. Browning et al.f re
spondents, reversed. Opinion by Eu
gene B. Gary, Associate Justice.
Woodville Picnic.
The W. O. W. will have their annual
picnic at Woodville on Friday, July
Everybody is invited and everybody
is requested to bring well filled bask
ets. A good time is assured.
Odd Fellows Elect Officers.
At the regular meeting Friday night
of Calhoun Lodge, No. 47, Independent I
Order of Odd Fellows, officers for the
ensuing semi-annual term were elected
as follows: O. W. Babb, noble grand;
W. B. Clark, vice grand; R. S. Tem
pleton, secretary; H. Terry, treasurer;
John D. Moore, outside guardian.
The meeting night has been changed
from Friday to Wednesday night.
Heavy Rainfall.
The rainfall in some sections of the
county Saturday night is reported to
have been the heaviest in several years.
As a consequence all the streams were
on a rampage and many bridges on
Rabun and Lick Creeks were badly
damaged or washed away.
Crops also suffered considerable dam
age in so..ie sections.
Marriage at Owings Station.
Mr. R. Adger Stoddard and Miss
Maud Moore of Owings Station were
united in marriage at New Harmony
Church at half past eight, Wednesday
evening, June 28th.
The ceremony was performed by
Rev. Jas. L. McLin of Gray Court.
Mr. Stoddard is a son of Mr. R. J.
Stoddard and is a popular young busi
ness man.
Mrs. Stoddard is originally from Sa
vannah, Ga. She has resided at Owings
a few years and is an attractive and
much admired young lady.
Work Resnmed.
Mr. N. B. Dial has just returned
from a Northern trip in the interest of
Wares Shoals Manufacturing Company
and states that work will be resumed at
once and the plant completed at
an early date.
He advises that the shareholders
hold on to their stock and seems es
pecially sanguine as to the success of
the enterprise.
The annual meeting of the stock
holders is called to meet on July 22nd,
(Saturday,) at 11 o'clock A. M.
One Lady's Recommendation Sold Fifty
Boxes of Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets.
I have, I believe, sold fifty boxes of
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets on the recommendation of one lady
?re, who first bought a box of them
>ut a year ago. She never tires of
elling her neighbors and friends about
v.he good qualities of these Tablets.? P.
M. Shore, Druggist, Rochester, Ind.
The pleasant purgative effect of these
Tablets makes them a favorite with la
dies everywhere. For sale by Laurens
i Drug Co. and Dr, B. F. Posey. 44-4t
Was Danced at Harris Springs Last Frl
day Night.
The season at Harris Springs was
opened with the annual dance last Fri
day night. The ball was given at the
hotel and was as usual a very brilliant
affair. A large crowd was present
from Laurens and Greenwood. Those
going from here were: A. W. Teaguo,
Miss Fretwell, Earlo Wilson, Miss In
gram, J. K. Vance, Mrs. W. II. An
eerson; R. E. Copeland, Miss Mary
Bcwen; S. It. Todd, Miss Claud Crews;
Brooks Sullivan, Miss Hunt of Town
villo; Coke Gray, Miss Tallulah Caine;
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Gray, Mrs. Mary
Prentiss, Misses Annie and Lizzie
Richey, W. R. Richey, Will Richey,
Brooks Childress, Hal Moorman, J. B.
Brooks, E. W. Martin, Chas. Ross, Ma
rion, Wash Shell, C. W. Taylor, Mae
Irby, Pierce Irby, E. F. Young, Jim
Dunklin, Gus Simmons.
Cherokeejtnd Prohibition.
Speaking of Cherokee and her citizens
to a Ledger representative yesterday
Solicitor Sease, the prosecuting officer
of the new circuit, said: "My experi
ence has been that the liquor business
is responsible for a great per cent, of
the criminal cases that come into
Court. 1 must say that I am favorably
impressed with the condition of affairs
in Cherokee .county. 1 believe that you
are going to enforce prohibition and I
am here to testify that I believe it a
good thing from what I have seen.?
Your jurors are unusually intelligent,
and your court house officials will rank
with the best in the State in intelli
gence and the manner and promptness
with which they dispatch business."
All of which is saying a good deal and
is rather inclined to make a Cherokeean
feel somewhat chesty. ? Gaffney
Grcatlv in Demand.
Nothing is more in demand than a
medicine which meets modern require
ments for a blood and system cleanser,
such as Dr. King's New Life Pills.?
They are just what you need to cure
stomach and liver troubles. Try them.
At Laurens Drug Co. and Palmetto
Drug Co. 25 cents, guaranteed. 18?4t
Union Meeting at Beulah.
The Union Meeting of the Second
and Third Sections of the Laurens
Baptist Association will meet with Beu
lah Baptist Church on Friday before
the fifth Sunday in July, 1905. All the
Churches in the Union will please send
The programme is as follows:
friday morning.
10.30?Introductory sermon by Rev.
I. E. McDavid; alternate, A.R. Blakeley.
11.30 ? O rgan i za t ion.
friday afternoon.
LOO-What is true character? Dis
cussed by Rev. .1. O. Martin and II. U.
2.00?Do we employ the methods in
cur religious meetings that are likely
to give the best results? Rev. G. W.
Bussey and T. B. Brown.
saturday morning.
9.30?Prayer and praise service, con
ducted by A. R. Blakeley.
10.00 ?What were the characteristics
of the first Christian revival? Rev. .).
D. Pitts, T. H. Burts and R. Hawkins.
11.00?In what respect is the King
dom of Heaven like unto leaven? Matt.
13:33. I. E. McDavid, A. H. Martin
and W. A. Garrett.
12:00?Recess: One hour for dinner.
saturday afternoon.
LOO?Are we doing what we should
to advance the cause of tempcrenee in
our association? E. C. Watson, Louis
2.00?What is the meaning of (Isaiah
53:11) He shall see the travail of his
soul, and shall be satisfied? John M.
Hudgens, B. Y. Culbertson and C. B.
sunday morning.
9.30?Prayer and praise service, con
ducted by M. C Compton.
10.00?Can we still improve the work
of the Sunday School? If so, how? J.
O. Martin, John M. Hudgens and C. B.
11.00?Missionary Sermon by E. C.
Watson; alternate, J. O. Martin.
M. c. Compton,
For Committee.
O. B. Simmons, J, .J. Pluss,
President. Cashier,
The Bank of Laurens,
At tin; Close of Business, June .10th, 1905
Bills Receivable, $167,871.87
Real Estate and Furniture, 4,300.00
Due from Bunks and Cash on
hand, 30,716.77
Overdrafts, 217.59
Total, $203,100.23
Capita! Stock, $ 50,000.00
Net Undivided Profits, 20,806.37
Due Banks, 165.82
Bills Payable, 10,000.00
Bills Rediscounted, 5,179.50
Due Depositors, 116,954.54
Total, $208,106.23
County ok Laurens.
I, J. J. PLUSS, Cashier of the above
named Bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement is true and correct,
to the best of my knowledge and belief.
J. J. Pluss,
Subscribed and sworn to before me,
this 30th day of June, 1905.
w. P. Caine,
Notary Public, S. C.
O. B. Simmons,
W. R. Richey,
Hugh K. Aiken.
Only one remedy in the world that
will at once stop itcniness of the skin in
any part of the body; Doan's Ointment.
At any drug store, 50 cents.
Moan's Kidney Pills Have Done Great
Service for People Who Work in
Most Laurens people work every day
in some strained, unnatural position
bending canstantly over a desk ?riding
on jolting wagons or ears -doing labo
rious housework; lifting, reaching or
pulling, or trying the back in a hundred
anil one other ways. All these strains
tend to wear, weaken and injure tho
kidneys until they fall behind in their
work of filtering the poisons from the
blood. Doan'a Kidney Pills cure sick
kidneys, put new strength in bad
backs. Laurens cures prove it.
J. H. Odell. of Factory Hill, Mill
hand, says: "I have been suffering from
backache for a long while. At times I
could not work on account of the aching
across the small of my back and the
dull pain gave me no rest day or night.
I could not stand straight and if I sat
for a bit and attempted to arise 1 bad
to catch hold of something to pull my
self up. The secretions from the kid
neys were very red, full of sediment
and got like a jelly after they stood for
a while. 1 could Rot retain Lhotn any
length of time and had to rise often at
night. I tried several highly recom
mended remedies and used liniments,
but nothing did me any good until I got
a box of Doan's Pills at the Palmetto
Drug Co. and used them according to
directions. They gave relief almost at
once and since using them the kidney
secretions have gotten clear and nat
ural and I do not have to get up at nights
as I used to, while the backache has all
left me."
W. L. Boyd, Laurens, S. C.
Who sells the L. & M. Paint. Say to
every church, that Longman & Martinez
give a liberal quantity of paint when
ever a church is painted with L. & M.
Paint. '1 gallons L. & M. Paint and 8
gallons of Linseed Oil will paint a mod
erate sized house.
Correct Dress
The "Modern Method" system of
high-grade tailoring introduced by
L. E. Hny? & Co., of Cincinnati, O.,
satisfies good dressers everywhere.
All Garments Made Strict'y
to Your Mcrsuio
at moderate prices. 500 etylet of foreign
am! d .lestic fabric* from which to choose.
Ask your dealor to show you our line, or if
not represented, write to us for particulars.
Proposal for Constructing
Sewers at l^aurens, S. C.
Sealed proposals will he received by
the Hoard of Sewer Commissioners of
the City of* Laurens, S. C., until 5
o'clock p. m., July 25th, 1905, for con
structing a BOwerago system in the
City of* Laurens, S. c, and furnishing
the materials for same.
Works will embrace approximately
SEVEN Miles of Pipe Sewers, from 8
to IS inches in diameter.
Plans and specifications will be on
file, and may be seen at the office of
the Secretary, and copies of Specifica
tions, Forms, Etc., may be obtained
from the Engineer.
Fach bid must he accompanied with a
certified check for Five Hundred Dollars.
Successful bidder must furnish bond
within ten days, and on failure to do
so the check is to he forfeited.
The right is reserved to reject any,
or all, bids.
C. II. ROPER, Secretary.
Winston, N. C.
178? 1905
College of Charleston.
Entrance examination will be held in
the County Court House on Friday,
July 7, at 9 a. m. One Free Tuition
Scholarship to each county in South
Carolina awarded by County Supt. of
Education, and Probate Judge. Hoard
and furnished room in Dormitory, $10.
a month. All candidates for admission
are permitted to compete for vacant
Boyce Scholarships, which pay $100. a
year. For further information and cat
alogue, address
Harrison Randolph
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
mturo of
Flour, Meal
Grain and
I make a specialty of direct
shipments from the Mill
and Manufacture.:,
e. w. stalnaker,
Office and Warehouse at
Greenwood, S. C.
'Phone 244.
Dr. Wool-toy's
Whiskey Cure
SEM fhke to nil
ii ien 0( morphine,
Opium, laudanum,
rIiXirof opium,ro
ctlnoor whiskey,a
larK'i book of par
tlcularson home or
sanatorium treat
ment. Address, I)r
B. M. Wool.1.1 ,,
P. 0. Box 287,
/tliinU, fJoorftl?
We Are Now Ready to Fill Your Needs
Fruit Jars
Fitted with the latest and Best Wax Sealing Rings.
If you use these your Fruit wont spoil. Also full line
extra Jar Tops, extra Rubbers and Jellie Tumblers.
lc. and 5 c.
Articles the Cheapest Place
Butter Set or Kitchen Set
Cobblers' Set, 70 cents
Willow Basket, 20 cts
Tin Bucket, 15 cents
The Cheapest and best Ice Cream Freezer in
the City; Drop in and see them. Tin
ware to "burn," can't enumerate.
Baskets from 3c. up. Lanterns 35c. Shirts
25 cents. Drawers 22 cents.
Come and See! Don't Buy, but Look!
Cups and Saucers 30 cents per set; Ice Cream Plates;
Beautiful Embellished Decorated Lamps 90 cents; Butter
Moulds 15 cents; Socks 5 cents; Towels 1\ cents; Feather
Duster 15 cents; Pitcher and Basin 90 cents; Horse Pads
25 cents; Wooden Bread and Biscuit Bowls 25 cents; Stone
Churns, Wooden Churns; Base Balls and Bats, Mits and
Gloves. Come and see the 1 cent Counter. Saws, the best
ever offered at 59 cents, as good as a Diston Saw for
prictical uses.
Tin Foot Tubs, 21 cents
Pott's Sad Irons, 35 cts
Kennedy's Racket Store
Next to Post Office.
You'll get your money's worth and
save more in these temptors.
White Star Coffee, the finest grown
large bean, even roasted splendid flavor,
per one pound can 25cts. four pound can
$1.00. Quaker Rolled Oats, large flakes
carefully milled, free from faulty or
imperfect grains, per two pound pack
age 15 cents. Buckwheat Flour, deli
Cious, appetizing, nourishing,per package
10 cents. Old fashioned Muscovados
molases- none better, per gallon 50 cts.
Kennedy Bros.
"Oh, 1 MA SO TIRED!"
Is heard daily from old and young, rich and poor. Did you ever stop and consider
tho cause of this remark? We will venture to say nine cases out of ten are
caused by improper digestion. Thi.i, or other symptoms of Indigestion such as
nervousness, nausea, heart-burn, sour stomach, flatulency anu despondency,
should be a warning to you who are in danger of having indigestion, the great
est enemy of American health to-day, fasten its merciless fangs on your health.
Remember, "A Stitch in time saves nine", and a bottle of the celebrated
Kolhim's Sure Cure for Indigestion has saved untold misery to people in many
parts of this broad land, by curing them permanently of this miserable disease.
Yes, not like the pepsin digestives that help for a time, but cures permanently
by causing the digestive organs to perform their functions. Nature being such
a great rectifier of its own ill?, with the assistance of this powerful medicine,
f ives you a healthy stomach and removes indigestion and its symptoms perma
nently Sold on a $5.00 guarantee. 50 cent* and $1.00 per bottle at
I aureus Drug Company.
Don't Let Your
Get Poor and Boney!
Give Each One a Bottle of
White's Purgative Medicine,
This puts them in good or
der to get the full benefit of
White's Worm and Condition Powders
Continue the Powders for eight days and you will be
astonished at the results. Follow directions
on the packages.
White's Colic and Kidney Cure!
The Great Combination Kidney and Colic Remedy for Stock.
Directions on Package.
White's Black Liniment!
The only absolutely perfectly balanced subcutaneous
counter irritant. Especially recommended for
the human family. Fine for Stock also.
25 and 50 cents sizes.
Sale by Dodson's Drug Store.
?Nfegctable Preparation [or As
sirnUa ling ihc Food and Uc|ula
liuji Ihc Sloinachs and Dow* Is of
Promotes Digeslion.Cheerful
ness and ItestXontalns neither
Onuim.Morphine nor Mineral.
Kot "Hah <' otic .
/Icrtpe nft::. I R'SttiiUELNTCHBR
/Tllllf.filH Stfiv'
.Hx.Sfiu i ?
HttktlU Seile
stt'iu Statt t
/hy^mwii -
Hi ft-.iJ ???.?</???I .V, a
?'.Vt/u'd .i':..-ir
Apenerl Roinedy forConsllpa
lion 1 Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
v orro .Convul. ions,Feverish
ivess r.n'J 2 osi? of Bl.ecp.
]'..: S.W1I0 Signature cT
Always Bought
Bears the
thc CeitT..'.-.1 OOMriflV. IIIW vom, oitv.
Head of the Slate's Educational System.
Library contains 43,000 volumes. New
Water Works, Electric Lights, Central
Heating System. New Dormitories,
Gymnasium, Y. M. C. A. Building.
667 Students. 66 Instructors.
The Fall Term Begins
Sept. II, 1905. Address
Chapel Hill. N. C.
C. N. & I, Railroad Co.
Schedulo in effect November 21st, 1004 :
No. 62 No. a No. 88
Passenger Mixed ox- Freight ex
Daily cept Sun- cept Sun
day dny
Lv Columt)ia 11 10 u ni 5 15 p m 1 00 a m
ar Newberry 12 36 p m 7 05 pro 3 45 a m
ar Clinton 122 pm ft 15 p in 5 25 a in
ar I.imon.t 1 42 p m ft 45 p m 6 00 n n?
No. 63 No. 22 No. 84
Lv Lauren? 2 02 p m 7 00 a in 5 20 p ro
ar Clinton 2 22 p m 7 ,10 a m fl 00 p in
ar Newberry 3 10 p in ft 35 a ro 7 05 p in
ar Columbia 4 15 p ro 10 30 a ro 9 15 p ro
C. II, QASQUE. Affont.
State of South Carolin?,
Court of Common Picas.
J. W. DuPreo, Plaintiff against Samuel
J. Franks and Rohort Barksdalc,
Defendants.-Summons for Relief.
(Complaint Served.)
To the Defendants Samuel J, Franks
and Robert Rarksdale above named
You are Hereby Summoned and
required to answer the complaint in this
action, of which a copy is herewith
served upon you, and to serve a copy <>f
your answer to the said complaint on
the subscribers at their office at Lau
rens, C. H., South Carolina, within
twenty days after the service hereof,
exclusive of the day of such ser
vice; and if you fail to answer the
complaint within the time aforesaid,
the Plaintiff in this action will apply
to the Court for the relief demanded in
the complaint.
And you will take notice that the said
Complaint was filed in the office of the
Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas
for Laurens County, South Carolina, on
the 22d day of June, A. D. 1005.
Dated-Tune 22d. A. D.. 190r>.
Plaintiff's Attorneys.
June 27th, 1905-47-6t
u\. m 'i* o ups. :c -
ion ths a The Kind Ym Haw auv.i/s Bou-rrn

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