OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, September 30, 1908, Supplement to the Laurens Advertiser, Image 11

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1908-09-30/ed-1/seq-11/

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Thumbnail for PAGE THREE

"Bonln, you nre unjust. If it had
rested with me you should be my wife
now, not another men's widow."
"If It rested with you?" sho njfcn
Ickod. "Well, let the whole story'Mst
now. It's forgotten."
"By you, perhaps uevor By mo,"
"Ob, no! I remember It every now
and then for my own unmuement. But
It Is hard to think of myself as the
llttlo Marsovlan peasant maid to whom
the dashing cavalry ottlcer, Prince
Dnntlo, was once engaged and whom
his rich old uncle at the last moment
forbade to marry because of her pov
erty. How differently that same rich
old uncle would look on the match to
day! Twenty millions Is a pretty
"At least It seems you didn't break
your heart over losing me," Biieered
"No; my plebelun heart stood the
shock excellently. I soon found con
solation?an elderly husband who lived
just one week after the wedding and
left me all h.is wealth."
"Yes; I heard bow your father forced
you Into tho match. Next time yon
can choose a husband to suit your
"Why should I marry agnin? I am
rich, free. I hove everything."
"Including love'.'" he asked, Ills eyes
devouring her fragile beauty.
"I don't believe lu love," scoffed '
Sonla. "All men are alike. Do/ens of
them are after my money and make
? love to me because they can't get it
without me."
"Men are not all fortune hunters,"
he denied hotly. "I for one"?
"So they all say. Each says i love
you!' Each means my fortune."
"They do?" cried Danllo, In rage at
the strong Insinuation. "Well, here's
one that doesn't. I for one shall never
say to you, i love you!'"
A strange smile stole acroea her face.
She came very close to where ho stood:
ho close thnt the faint perfume of her
hair was sweet In his nostrils; so close
that her breath was warm upon his
Hps; so close that his bewildered soul
struggled In vain to hide from the glory
In her eyes. Iler voice was a musical
whisper as she asked:
"You'll never say to me i love you?' "
There was \u Infinity of allurement
ui the tempting words. Danllo, with a
mighty effort, shook off the spoil and
"Never! Never! Never!"
"That's a comfort!" she sold coldly,
drawing away and seeking to veil her >
to save you, also to KiV(. you a chance
to save your country from bankruptcy.
I want you to marry."
'To what?" cried l >anllo.
"To marry beautiful woman, my boy
?twenty millions -Mine. Son la Bado wn!
"Nover!" returned Danllo, angrily, as
he rose to end the Interview.
"Then a Frenchman will marry her.
and her fortune tin i our country will
bo ruined."
"I won't marry her." repented Danllo,
"and she won't marry me. Ihn for my
country's Hake rn i.p any French
man from marrying her."
"But how?"
"You shall seo!"
The Garden Fete.
mUE gardens of Mine. Sonla Sa
dowa's villa, just outside Paris,
were gayly decorated for a
lawn fete. The grounds were
dotted with laughing group of I light
ly dressed men and women, lor Sonla
had particularly requested that all her
Marsovtan guests wear their pictur
esque native costume, and the result
was a veritable kaleidoscopic carnival
of color, a perfect riot of gorgeous
hues and striking tigurcs.
Ambassador Popofl', his long, lean
figure draped in vivid green, was pac
ing the alleys of the garden near the
entrance gate, pausing nervously now
and again to scan late arrivals in
Bcr.rch of some One. At length he de
scried tho man ho sought. Nlsh was
Just hustling into the grounds, and the
ambassador at once beckoned to him.
"Now, then. Mr. Nlsh," cried Popoff
as soon as tho little clerk had sham
bled within earshot, "1 told you to
Best qualities obtainable.
Winter or 3
Hairy Vetch
makes not only one of the largest
yielding and best winter feed and
forage crops you can grow, but is
also one of the best of soil-improv
ers, adding more nitrogen to the
soil than anyiotbcr winter crop.
Wood's Descriptive Fall Cat
alogue gives full information
about this valuable crop; also
^about all other
Farm 6 Garden Seeds
v for Fall planting. Catalogue
' mailed free on request. Write
for it.
Seedsmen, - Richmond, Vn.
Railroad Fares Cut in Half.
Good Accommodations fcr Everybody.
New Exhibit Features
Two Fine Football Games.
Best Horse Races in the South.
Good Free Show? and Mid-Wav.
J. G. 1W0BLEY, Presided
A. W. LOVE, Secretary.
Uo< ii disappointment. "But," rtiw added
inoro softly, "why not sny It If you
really want to?"
"I don't want to!" he declared BUlkh
"And you promise faithfully you'll
never gay to mo, 'I love you?' "
Again she was perilously close to
hill). Again his eyes lore tliemselves
free from the pleading seductiveness of
hers as he reiterated:
"I promise! I'm not going to make a
fool of myself or be made a fool of."
"Is that a declaration of war?"
queried Sou la.
"No Of friendship. Do you mean
lo say if i asked you to bo my wife
you would merely laugh at me?"
"Probably, All men are alllte."
"They are not, and In time I'll prove
it to you."
Before She could answer the ambas
pndor and several of the guests came
lute the room. At first opportunity
Popoff drew Danllo aside.
"Prince," said ho Impressively, "you
have now been attached to this lega
tion nearly four months and" -
"Few Of my attachments last so
long." observed Danllo.
"Von refer to your love affairs? I
have heard of them. They have
'brought you to the brink of ruin You
are almost penniless. Here la my plan
bring Prliico Dnnllo lu re nnd not to
leave him for an instant Until"
"Ho wouldn't loi mo stay," explained
Nisli. "Ho says bo won't COtllO. Lies
Riving a party?If i may say so, n
very gay"?
"And for tlie sake Of n lot of pleas
lire seeking Idlers (ho prime refuses
to obey my orders and come to .Mine
"Yes, your OXCOllOUCy, Uo positively
refuses to come. And when 1 say
'positively' refuses ] Here he is uowI"
! Danilo, resplendent in the uniform of
a Marsovian captain of hussars, stroll
ed nonchalantly forward, With a care
less nod that quite ignored the ambus
sador'a glare of reproof at his late*
? ness,
"i tindcrstandi princo," began 1'opoff
COldly, "that you positively refused to
obey my"?
"So I did, so I did. ' assented hanilo
cheerfully. "Bui at the last momont l
Changed my mind and my clothes, and
here I am. I'vo postponed my party
for an hour 01" SO. You see, I renieiu
I bore?I my promise lo help you scaro
away from the widow any [?'reuohman
who seemed Inclined to make love to
her. That's why I came."
"flood!" approved I'opoff, rubbing his
hands gleefully. "Very good I And
where do you expoci to begin'/"
Have Arrived and Stock is Now
I Bargains.
we Have Some
J Several nice Waist Patterns
Sin yard wide Silk, 2 1=2 yards to
the Pattern, only
I $2.39 Pattern.
The very best yard wide guar=
anteed Taffeta Silk, blue, black
and brown
98c yard.
See all that beautiful Dress
Goods in all the different cloths
49c yard.
of We have on a table a lot of
&5 Dress Goods, the most of it is
SI 15c, all for
$J 10c yard.
O io x 4 Bleached Sheeting 29Cu
^ iox4Unbleached Sheeting 23Cd
|| Yard wide Bleaching
\U Yard wide Sea Island 5fj>
<|| 4o bolts of good Drilling 6j^4Cd
? Only ten yards to a customer.
& The notion department is full
9 of bargains and running over,
^| so come in and buy.
We are going to put on one j?
table a lot of Shoes running in Sff
price from $1 to $1.50 per pair j|
89c._ I
We are well fixed for the little ^
folks, from 15c pair up to 15
$1.25. q
The best Brogan Shoe in the !S|
city, only \
98c pair
Ladies heavy Shoes98c to$|50 M
Ladies'and Hen's Fine Shoes, Jff
from $1.25 to $3.49 X
Carry home one of my heavy ^[
fleece lined Under Suits for men, ^
<>n,y 75c suit
5 and 10c Store g
1 cakes Octagon Soap 25c $b
7 cakes Fairy Soap 25c j&j
! 8 cakes Buster Soap 25c j?
j A large white Bowl and Pitcher only 59c
Buy some of that white lined cooking W
ware, only 10c each
These prices good every Saturday jk
and Monday. %*

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