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Image provided by: University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC
Newspaper Page Text
Subscription Price is $1.00 per Year Payable in Advance. s. K. hoxhy, Kdllor. published hy advertiser printin? company laurens, b.c. Kates von advertising Ordinary advertisements, per square, one inser tion, $1.00; each subsequent insertion, 60 cents. Liberal reduction made for large advertise incuts. Obituaries: All over ?b words, one ccnl a word. Notes of thank .: |?'ive cents the line. Entered at the postofllce til t.aureus. S. ('. as second class mail matter. LAURENS, S. C. JANUARY 27. 1900. mi: common Kit's krhok. The Commoner, William .loiiuings Bryan's no\V8|ini>< r, In quit* a length} article entitled. 'The dual and the Camel," defends the course oi Sena tor Tillman In tlie Oregon land deal, tliodgh admitting tlial lim South ('urn I Hin Senator Was ill all probability "dlsengcnuous" in dutctm Is to the Senate. However, tlie Ui> hol ol The Commoner's defense i- thai Kenn lor Tillman was "comparative!} hon cst: that the nutjurll} of Congress men are engaged In dealings of like nature, hence Tillman it no worse than his compeers; then .coin?-, on to show the greater wrongdoings of the Republican mouthers of Congres VII Of this is doubtless true enounl tlie Itepuhlleans may nil he thieves, the Democrats, all rascals: none t,: which can change the natu. Son iloi Till* man's offence, potty though it may be as compared with the doings of others. The ftiult with The Commoner'! esti mate of the case i- ihal Instead of using the standard of moral rectitude. applied to other Senator? ami n tu bers of Congress.'? Wc itr* mini t< iiat surprised to find t!-i ? attitude. < xi cd in Bryan's paper, I d lowing Is a paragraph from lho udlto iplulon iu question: "Measured l.y t!..- rules llidl lire ap piled io other senators ami members of congress, he has not sinned til all; measured by the most exacting rales, his offense cannot I .>:, IderCd a grftve one. Why should public forgOl his lotlg career of holiest.1 and fair dealing? A man charged with crime Is entitle,1 to the heue?t Iiis record hot only io mitigate 1 \ mont. bill tu explain any iransactIon that is callable ol t'v . construe I uts Senator Tillman hm been in public life for many years and . i. niiiu na stood as a synonym for Inl 'grit; . Mo matter how men may have differed froiii Iii tit in opinion* they have con ceded to him horns;, of :? ? 111. and fearlessness in his attacks upon wrongdoing. Is ii possible thai it man with such a career < an he seri ously damaged by Such an indictment a: the president brings agaiusi him?" A second thought in connection with the above: has the halite ol ! n ator Tillman "stood as a synonym .?:' Integrity?" No! in South Carolina. We could not bin jie impressed by i'. ? reiteration and coillittued !?!?.>'< uu* tlon of his ioitg life of uiutuestlnncd honesty and integrity Which ehnrao lerized Senator Tillman': defense Of fore, this Oregon bind business i, not considered criminal in Itself. II has occasioned ri nniiibi r of nil by the Senator that \\ Kdtitli < lluinus cannot allow to pa i uhi u t lonetl. The Comntom r'i et i*or . ? natural one. ami iu a measure par donable! i.i South Carolina iv< l< i ??. better. tin: Pitoiiinrrio.n u:\pi; k, in a news article \foitda} .i..? ? ? 5;11;^ the Columbia stat-- ju'tys 11)ai Um local option sentlinont i- .-1i'i verj tro in the House, and that (his branch ol the legislature is by bo mentis solid for prohibition Several rea ous ni assigned for this; among them the fi I lowing: "There are nuinbei'j who are t< lalers and are prdblbltioul : i heart who are said hoi to ' ? astic over passing legislation now a it would <:iv,. political prestige to ln (Hvidlials rather than promote the iii terORtS Of a great cause. The prohi bition leader of ihe Si Mr C. C F*eathorstone, who made ri talliti fight before the people in : - f?$ \\ \\ n the cause seemed almost ho . and the leaders despondent, and yOl missed election as governor by only a few hundred voles, has hoi i' . come out iti a llntfootcd demand for an iron-dad prohibition bill io b< passed at this session. Some of the legislators seem lb think tliai lie pre fers a referendum, t<> lei I lie pen ? themselves vote on the niresiion.'' Yes, there is no i|il6tttloiKfls Io who Is the real prohibition leader in Soiltll Carolina, regardless of these few in dividuals who. at this late day, ari trying to climb on the band-wagon Mr. Poanmrsfono fmiKbi for prohibi don when those "floppers" were red mi dlsitousurltes, when it waa unpop nur bp be a prohibitionist. Now they liave come over to the popular side, ami think to attain prominence by re* reaping the beue?ts of Mr. i'eather stono's long years of labor. Hut the l>copb) etui see tlfrough all this pol it i c*ul strategy. Whether or not an Iron-clad prohi bition law is onactod, Mr. Feather, stone will still bo the 'prohibition loader." as the gontlomnn from Ker shaw, C'nmden, Ttmmonsvllle, Qaffney, etc., will find out. Their eleventh hour conversion and ardor for the cause are too transparent. Regarding the attitude of Mr. Peath ? i tone, from his recent Interview we ludge thai he is willing for nnythlng that will further the cause of prohibi tion, whether it bo a law passed by ih<- lietiernl Assembly or a referen dum >o Hie people- anything that is wise And wo feol assured that his personal ambit ion does not deter him in any eauso; for did he not assist i ci? - committee in Columbia a few days ago? The people of South Carolina know "lite real prohibition leader." ? ? ? The Charleston morning paper charges thai we prohibitionists lay so much dress on whiskey selling and en iv Hol about whiskey lit ? ftlllg. Of course The News and CoUl'it knows better than this; such argument is ridiculous. Our opposition to each is contemporaneous and equal, we hold thai they depend one upon the other: if one could be eradicated the other COUld UOl exist. (mi Charleston contemporary ar mies In substance that whiskey-selling in the City by the Sea is deemed a respectable business. So it was in the Piedmont years and years ago ?vhen all the merchants of Laurens and Greenville sold intoxicating liqu ors We have learned better. As the M ats have passed, enlightenment has read; this progress has caused our le to put whiskey selling under ? ban Charleston may be like us ? tue day: there is hope while there Is life, and there's a little life in Cha rleston, ? * * Jury service will become popular in Tennessee; Judge Hart has set the precedent of allowing jurors to "take their toddy, play cards and roll dice." 20 POUNDS OF SUGAR FOR si.oo >?.: know is a bargain, but we have many others. Head this list of a few : Fine line Rousted Coffee .10, 15, 20 and 2."?c pho best Sugar Cured Mam.-'.14Jc "? lb. can Rartlelt Pears. 10c : lb. can full of the best quality of Tomatoes. |5c Octagon Soap 4c for cake, 7 cakes . 25c Largo package Washing Powder for. uic Wo tnank our friends for a good reek's business last week. Remember resell only fresh goods of the best inlity at little expense and for SPOT ? ASH, which puts us in position to lake the lowest prices. J. W. PAYNE The Cash Grocer Next door to Palmetto BanK. Sec the good VillUOS that we have n sets In different designs, lori and decorations at money sav ng prices. s. m. ,v- R. ii. Wilkos & Co. For Sale. Nine-room house in Ora, S. This place is situated near depot and there are twenty i flit acres of land surround ing house that goes with if. II you are in the market jor a nice home, write to us imme diately and we will arrange to have the place shown you. t AI.IIO* > cSfc CO. Spa)(anbury, S. C. Anderson & Blakely BROKERS 100 acres near Park Station $60 per acre, terms easy. 75acres lA miles of I,aureus ('. II. ?in Milton road $2.000. T. K. lludgens house and lot B, Main street at a bargain. House and lot Oil Hampton street. The Switzer farm, 2:><'> acres, on easy terms. The James T. Brownlee tract 82 3-4 acres. Pino livery st?hle on Mill street, very low and one-half cash. ?7 acres of land within one-fourth mile o( Watts Mills. Front one acre lots ii|>. Cheap. Three hundred and fifty acres. 3 miles from town, half in fine limber, $15.00 per acre. The prettiest place in Fountain Inn at a bargain?$3,00th !?"> acres near Watts Mills. Come quick or it will bo gone. .K*> acres known as Old Spoon farm, nine miles west of I.aureus. $S00. 302 acres in two tracts, on Duncan's creek, near Gariington station. 1U> acres near Ware Shoals, finely improved and in high state cultivation. 1*2 3-1 acres near Tumbling Shoals, high state cultivation, with six-room dwelling.. 132 acres between Laurcns and Clin ton at a bargain. We have that magnificent farm known as the Van Robertson farm,near Waterloo, 211 acres at a bargain, and very easy terms. 313 acres near Waterloo, the Amanda Coleman place SOO acres near Stomp Springs, the best bargain of them all. One six-room house and lot on Flem ing street at a bargain. 97 acres, the Boyd farm at Boyd's Mill, $1000; one-half cash. 200 town lots at all kinds of prices. One lot ?>n X. Harper St.. nice build ing lot, between Steve Taylor s and .1. IX Sexton. For Stile or ICxcllllllge -A nice two Story, nine room house with front and rear plazas. A good well of water and other Improvements upon the premises ami a tili?' selection of stand ard fruits of different varieties. A good garden with a large lot of nice Cabbage goes with the premise gratis. This lot contains two acres and fronts on North Harper street, and extends hack and fronts on Mock street. Will sell or exchange for improved county property well located and near tin city. Titles perfect and terms easy. See us about it. Come and see us for any kind of real estate city or country, Anderson & Blakely Brokers West Main St. Laurbns, s. C. PROTECTION against loss by lire U needed by the man whose property is worth $500 as well as the man whose property is worth $500,000, We will be glad to insure your property in the best American and foreign companies. E. H. WILKES & SON COMPANY, STOCKS, BONDS 4- Law Ran^fl Laurens, S. C. Why will the nirl most evidently suited for tin- fluff rufllos fashions in ist upon Wearing tho Strictly tail ored gowns? Tile KvldCIICC in the < n>e. 33 yours use is evidence Millions of consumers Is evldouco-~-8nles made by IG.000 agents is evidence. Von buy I gallons I,. & M. Point and !t callous Pure Linseed on (ni 00 cents) mis them and maki . callous host I'nlni ready for U?0 COSl only $1.20 per gal lon i >oin in 2 minutes, .1. II .?;? IL I.. Nash. Lauren.-,. Clinton Pharmacy, Clinton. 25&2G I. A M Paint Agoiiis. The largest and best line of Hall and Parlor Lamps In different sizes and designs and coloring!, at S. M. B. II. Wllkeu & Co. 1 Agents for best Jellico Coal Agents for Peas and Cane Seeds. Laurens Wholesale Grocery WE are opening an original package business and 5} propose to sell you your Groceries in the original package for ^ Cash at 5 WHOLESALE PRICES. We buy everything in Solid Car Loads (or Sp Cash and A thereby get the Ruck Bottom Prices. We don t do any r ?3 ? credit business, consequently have very little ? . - and $ can afford to SELL FOR LESS than the ol ier (ellow. i2 All we ask you to do is tu snvc us a fair trial and we will ^ show you that we nuan business and can .save you money. Our place of business is in the Gray Ii lock just back of \ the Candv Kitchen. s Yours truly, ?ft Laurens Wholesale Grocery. R. C. GRAY, Manager. Phone No. 288 We are Agents for CUDAHY & COMPANY of Omaha. Name BrocriduD Esten . Ago 36. Amount of Policy, $10,000.00. Annual Premium, 8361.30. Total Premium paid in 20 . ears, $7,&&6. Guaranteed Results at End of 20 Years ist. To surrender the policy ami receive a cash paymentof 2nd. Or to surrender the policy and receive n new Paid-tip iMa for $13,570.00 payable at death. (No certificate of health will ho ? 3rd. Or continue original Policy of $10,000 as .1 Paid-up i-'. I receive a cash payment <>>' $I, 4th, Or to receive a Paid-up Life Policy for one-hall' of the amount insured, viz: $5,000, and a cash payment of $<i.6ro.oo. 5th. Or to receive an annuity for life ?>f $589.60. THIS POLICY ALSO MAS A Disability Clause roiiey [Hired.) 0, and \ our Which, provides, under certain conditions, that the Company will pa\ premiums for yon should you become totally disabled, This is .1 poptllfli and valuable feature Qutfjea?tetn Hiit Co BROADDUS BSTBS t ) I: i'I IVK : r AO f.. NT BOX 27B