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LAURENS CHAMBER COMMERCE MET LAST NIGHT. On Tuesday evening of this weck was held an Interesting meeting of 4, the Chamber of Commerce In their rooms In the F.uterprise Hank build ing. The Advertiser having gone to prcsa before, the session, the business transacted cannot be related In this Issue, However, book- Idea of what la to be, may be had. By special Invitation. Mr. John Wood, secretary of the Board of Trade of Greenville came down Tues day afternoon and is scheduled to make an address on the workings of a commercial body, how a Chamber of Commerce might succeed, or some thing along this line. Mr. Wood Is one of flic most successful organizers hi the State, and the body of which ho Is secretary is .*?. factor in the life of Greenville. Mr. Wood's talk will be listened to with much interest. After the disposition of all business matters the members of the Chamber will enjoy a banquet served by the Pastor's Aid society of the First ? Presbyterian church. Among the Important items to he discussed is the matter of nil electric interurban railway tor this section. TAs some of the people know, there are Northern capitalists who wish to invest money in paying enterprises of the South. There are business men In Laurens who think that an electric railway in the city and possi bly to Clinton will pay. The matter is to he discussed. Some two or three years ago, the city of Lauren; granted n franchise to Mr. N. 11. Dial for the const ruction and operation ol an electric line; for numerous rea sons the work was never begun; and now Mr. !>ia! has relinquished hi* claim to a franchise. It Is also ro? (ailed that the city granted a fran chise to a New York syndicate for similar purposes; this Iiuh been al lowed to lapse. Hence there Is now nothing In the way for an active ef fort to construct a line in this section ' and mi ke it a paying Investment, 'the Northern capital may bo had with theproper local backing. There are other matters that will he taken Up at the meeting. MINISTERIAL UNION ORGANIZED. Pastors of the City Churches Mot on Monday mid Formed Union. At eloven o'clock Monday morning the ministers of the city nut in the Chamber of Commerce rooms and or ganized the Lau 1* ens Ministerial Fnlon. electing R?v. E. C. Watson, president and Lev. .1. I). Crout, sec retary. An oxeeutive cuuuuuu? win he elected later. Rev. C. F. Ranktn wa*. appointed committee of one to draft a consti tution and a swt of by-laws to govern the Union. . The purpose of the organization If to facilitate co operative labor among the ministers of the' city In all lines of Christian endeavor. Meetings will be held monthly, on t! e Monday alter each first Sunday. The members of the Phion are: Revs. ('. V. Rnnkin, ill. C, Watson. J i> Crout, W. i) llnmmetti A. T. Storni eumlre, J. A. Brock, and W.B. Tbayor. SENDS >-:!.im? km; FUND. Vir. I). I,. Roozer of Kiiuirds Sends Contribution. The following lettrr from Mr. I>. L. Boozer explains itself: Kinards, s. a, Feb. i. 1909. Mr. S. V.. Honey, Laurens. H. C. Dear Sir: Kudosed please find check tor 14.00. I wish for three dollars of this to go to the fund for rewarding of the two brave otllccrs of Laurens for discharging their duty. Tho other dollar 1 wish to go towards paying lor your paper, as 1 want to mib scribe for It for awhile. II only we had such men o\?<r (his broad country of ours tor officers! This coming March 27th. will bo four years since my dear boy was shot down at Chester in cold blood by an outlaw and was allowed to escape and be is Still at huge. The hraVO Officer that is now dead. ought to be remembered tor man) years to come, i deeply sympathise with bin family. Yours respectfully, D, L. Boo?.or. Fatal Encounter Between Tw o Laurens Offic? On One Side and Unknown Yeggman on the Othei Policeman M. H. Stone, In Attempting to Arrest Stranger is Mortally Wounded b> >. Latter Who in Turn is Promptly Shot by Policeman W. r7. Walker. Startling Double Tragedy at the Freight Yard. Seldom is any community so start le! na were the peoplo of Laurons early Thursday morning when the news unread that Patrolmnu McDuffie Stone was at the point of death, hav ing beoil UiO)tiill.\ shot by an Ull known yeggtunn, who in turn was alread.? (lead at the hands of Oliicor \v. Frank Walker win; responded so valiantly to Mr. stone's ?? ;i 1? tor as sistance. A deadly ?ueounter in the darkness of tin: railroad yards, nine pistol shots fired, t? ?i n dead -is the awful story. The version of the doul lo tragedy as related by Ofllcers Ston and Walk er is to the effect that the two police men had gone on duty at midnight ami Included the -depot in their tlrst rounds of the night, meeting the through freight from Spnrtanburg shortly after 2 o'clock. Tho lli-com ing (rait: was pulling around on the main line of tho Greenvlllo road and was met just opposite the freight de pot by the two officers both of whom proceeded down the track, Olllcor Stone between the moving train and i string of box ears on tho first sid ing, with O.iict r Walker on the op posite side of tin; freight. In the trackage space Policeman Stone si \v I man carrying a sack in his hand and accosted him, Inquiring what lie was doing. "l am a trainman" replied the at ranger. "Where arc you going?? said the officer. "Going hack to tho Caboose" again responded tho unknown. "Well, Whore is your lantern?" raid '.tone, "i rain ham!:: don't walk aroillK hero In the dark" and theroupon the Olllcor advanced and laid his hand on tho shoulder of tho man to arrest him, such being bis instruction:-, relative to loafers about tho depot. < Instantly the stranger whipped out his pistol, a Colls r> calibre mngnzin and tired into tho olllcor. eiuptyin;; the magazine, six oi tho eight or aim shots fired taking effect, two In th< abdomen, three in tho fleshy portion of his legs and one passing througi the lower lip. So close was the en counter that Officer Stone had in chance to draw his revolver, but In stend clinched Ids assailant ami It the struggle both fell lo tho ground the stranger railing slightly I'orwnn and landing under tho cars on the siding, still grnpltng with him o.n cer Stone caught the man by one 01 his legs with a vice-like grip, und in this position ihey wcro found n mo mout later by Officer Walker win heard the snooting .i...-t as the (rain came to a standstill, followed Immedi ate!) by Officer Stone's calls to him to come quick, and Conductor Stuart who brought With hitn a lantern. Policeman Wnlkor, it will bo under stood bad 10 crawl under the cars In order to reach tho scene, but ho lost no time In covering the follow with l is pistol ami demanded that ho sur render. Tho striinqor cried out not to shoot him as he had boon "shot t< pieces." This of course was a rust to gain time to reload. Walker hold his pistol on ililU while ('apt. Stuart endeavored to take tho fellow's pis tol but was not permitted to get hold of him, for at that limtnnt tho yegg man threw out Ills lofl hand and fired: almost simultaneously Walker responded. sllOOtillg the man through tho body. Walker continued to shoot until his revolver was empty. 'Hu man groaned ;< few Mines ami man? nged to drag himself from between tho tracks out into the opposlto track ago space. Policeman Walker was sme ho had shot him fatally an I after assisting Cnpt. Stuart in carrying onieor Stone to the waiting room, he hurried to a 'ph^ono ami suinmonod physicians, notified chief Dagwell nnd Mayor Dahl). The stranger lived shout ih'reo? quarters of an hour, but he could not be made to talk in spite oi tin numer ous efforts to ascertain his Identity. He was evidently conscious for a| short whip- at bast, for when qites? lIOUS wore asked him he would shake inn head. On his person wore found various letters, which, howevor, afforded no due whatsoever, aud $iiu.t;u in men Concealed about his person In juvenil ]iock?tri w?* u cotnph . yu^m man's outfit. With uitro-t' "ine, (lyuuiaite, keys wrenches, fum i, toap, .vuddiug, etc. in addition to those, mere were parts of the Augusta Chroniclo und Columbia Slate 01 Jan uary 26. Alter a thorough BCUl'ch lurough these papers, the wrilor .ouud faintly and dimly written on one of the margins the uaino !.. J. I Parker, or L. J, Porter, the middle of the name being ulmost rubbed out. i rho Chronicle was a "dealer's copy." lls'o news urticle in either oi these pu ?ors was found that would give nn> iuu lo the identity of Iho man. Ii i supposed that he had those papers jr the railroad schedules In them. k ia possible that the faintly written lUme was li. .1. Porter, tho Augusta irm where tin' man had purchased lOUie clothing. Policeman Stone Dies. Dr. Guerry, of Columbia, together ? <vith Dra. Hunch and Shaw, and two .lursea, Misses. Trenholm and Mobley irrived in iho city at .; o'clock Thurs ' lay afternoon and an operation was .?erformed on Policoman stone at ?.bout 4:o0. Before tho operation, .. was learned that Dr. Ouorry hod jo hopes for Mr. stone's recovery, although there Wns 11 tlglltillg chance, ml absolutely no chance without an iperation. it won found that the uost serious wound was in the re gion of the solar plexus, where the . I ll entered. It punctured the lh (cstines in Bcvornl places, which were leanscd and tied iij>. Tho four other ,'OUUdS were only cieaused. Three r four times during the opertion, the ,itolity became so low that tin opor itiou had to be stopped in order to esuscitute the patient. Mr. Stone ded at 6.S0 Tliursday afternoon, .ever having recovered from the se i-re shock. Death W08 caused by ? hock and internal hemorrhages. Description of l'eggimiu. Following is a full description of io dead yeggman. given 'i he Advor isor by Inspector Gregory, who has Olli pie ted n careful examination of no body which lies in the morgue ere, awaiting identification: iNttine, alias, and residence, nt pros [it, Jan. 2f. 1909, unknown. Nntl\ y, of Jewish descent; Occupation .'.rglnr aud safe blower. A^e. to 40 years; Height, live ?et eight inches (With feliOCEd or flv< oet six and one half Indien (without I ?hOSS:) Weight, 147 pound:.: Huild j ..c-diuui Blender: Complexion, incdi un fair, somewlr t tanned: Teeth 'ood. noiue IrrogU .r, but none lnish .g; two upper fr< d. !.i center, rath i i* broad; threo lower front, at ecu j r, partly worn off! seven tippet ill, front and right side, have gold dings, caps or crowns: Hair, thirl it'own, nearly black, rccoutly tum nod, curly on top. end receding irehcad: Kyos, gray: Nose, straight thor long. i>oi111 long extended iron l>por lip: Chin, narrow, deep Inden uion at center, resombllng cut Bear itlgillg at m slanting angle from b ft do of top center to right side ' ottom center: liars, largo and stand ng out: Nock. at back, weather icaten and very recently shaved; 'ace. broad, prominent cheek bones ilgh forehead, rather heavy light ?rown oyobrows: Heard, brown, three lays growth on ? hin. face and throat: Mustache, brown. 7 to 1(1 days growth Scars: Vaccination scar upper loft irm; two scars from appendicitis op ?ration, about 211- inches in length. between navel nmi right hip, I'eculiararities: sh. rt upper lip ausing mouth to slight!) open, and front tooth partly visible: Breast, nt nipples, hairy: Body and limbs, rath* ir free of blemishes, marks and scars. Killed Jan. 1009, about ;i ?n.. at Lnurens, s. C, by Policeman \v. v. walker, nftoi* he (safe hlowoh hod fatally wounded Pollcnmnn .w II. Stone. He bad in his hOSSCSSlon, li th* time of hi* death, a full equip ment for safe blowing, a few postage damps, ami $110.60 In money. \v< -. <oft brown hot, narrow brim nnd rather l?w rrowa; roIIo. suit Of dark brown, with Kniall stripe of green am cd. alternating, one Inch np; I oluck lace shoes, sold bj Atlanta SI u > 0. Atluntu, (l.i.: A shirt ui nan,,, niue und white stripe, open Iii front a turned down eellullod collar; th green with white stripe; solid su of heavy brow uisb gra> (iuiinol un dor wem', sold b> il. .i. I'ortoi l.'o AUgUblU, i .a. information regarding the. identi f;catloti and record Ol the <? ad sai blower, or the movements ol ills put wpO bed When the shootiu^ ocourti please coinu.uiticato to II. i. Urogor, O. lnapecLOr, Columbia, ; . i . Funt 01 Jttr. Stone. '1 ho funeral ol Mr. Mo Du hie Sum . ridaj afternoon v. is tin most larg< iv attended event In years; (here wat i\ \ concourse 01 people both <- | mo tit.' unit mi county. Ali*. Stoit* was an CXCeptioliii \ popular Olli ei j ind hundred ol da friends < aine i : pay (i last I ? Untie to his ineinor, ' ihi' pall bearers coin istod ol Mayo linbb and tin.ire police force, i. j funeral services were in charge ?. the Woodmen, and wore ooiulttett ' bj Consul < loniuiatid . C. X. I'u >\ and Vice ( oiisul i i. '<>? .Mahtil' > I (here wore about one hundred im fifty members ol the Woodmen cam, in (lie prut . SSiOll, All t.'.i <? 01 ill ministers pf iho C|t> pui'lici (luted ii the service, Ke\i.. Croitt Und (Ulli i i.iii offering prayOrs, and *?>!?>. \v. i Tltayer in ti f< ??. well chosen reinurlj I paying tribute to ia-.- deceased Ko\ | jeign. i'iio llbral olTerlngs >v? .' ' mi ' liftil. especially the abundance ol \,' i Iota; t:..- h tteis "W. ?). w'." made <? grave by Ltiurous camp, t .' which i t \i r, ! ?.(.tu. was a nionibi r. The Mossrs. Sldnn Of Atluhta bro thers oi liio dccctised, reached n.< ! icity in ample lime to ativud 1 ?c :,:ii I oral. McI)Hille llattiplon Stone. I McDiiiHo llainpti : StonO was 111 j ?Idc-si soil of Mr. Ulld Mrs. .lohn < -ion- niid >\a- bOrii In October, if>rti si CrOrs Aliehbi'. Sparltiiibtirg ton ill;,. ? i i. ii known lo all. remained col i .? farm until .itiiii' :.'?.< ii or eight i kvhen h?' ? aloe to the * i:..i Ida i flfg. i v 11 Company of Atlanta, and ino\cd i ' li at city where lie resided iota t... .i year. returning to Laitrcnn ihe ne every Obligation und eiijoj i the ? I dilldrcn, .lohn i ?sCou and Iiis (?? ? . ? i .: i. <> brothers, Mos rs, ouy and i 1.1 or StOIP o Atlanta and A; Lb H(f< . left [1 rown of NoWherry. Mrs. \V< vi It'by and Mr: I). A. Madden of thif ounlj ? Hfforts to lileu(ii') Veirirntau. The <dlj authorities coiiiinuiilcatcd it once Thursday iiiorning with Post oiiice liispeetor Ii T. (IrOgorj win hanced io \> - Hi Cotttinbia, appi I iiij him of killing and soliciting hn ? id In ihe work of Identifying! tin load ycgguiah, Mr. OregOi'y arrived in the city Thuv.'aiay night and i>.?? at once, by tuhltlng a ihorotigb oxani Inatioii <d' the (had body, having !? photographed and ficndlhg (iboto the various detective n^chcles ovei the country, l*p 16 late Tti idaj af lernooh no defuiKi concluBions Itai boon leached rn.l II ?? body 'Aas still unknown bud unidentified. .\i: Nregory while bore had an Idea, bui tii?* wan dlsprovon afo r oommitnk n ion uiiii Ailaiun. Various rumors and rcpoii ?t colli ? . cur rout us to the n naiiy i laim u have boon liiiu. iiesi' StOVO Owons, IllKid v?. t i Watts Mills, wlio said ah . :i(l?ge men go into t tore on Tuesday before tlie ion blncc, i)ne <>i ii.< ?? io dead limit, the. olliei ii o iio tin' i oini liub>n of ti I u response lo lolegi aid very where by Chief ? >. I idi ,i-in S. ItngWcil mi it i dn> : a:, tidy ti l" juii'i brt o \. ' nil Iii?' o'iih er:, on the i i ? ? .dot Ulm well k-'auird I SI 11 111 ItigUHin, (la. statiiif! i.lur.i some offen >u in l . mil . Cti . t i l.<r id- lltillcal iot), it ! I,?'i i ? uln . , , or iio i" lor to ir i sequence of i'd let lei i Sunday aft< rhonii iii] l til IO claims lo ! ?? i ion io ti.i o. ?? v . ? ii iiif* oil Moudn' it lie oi'.iIi I:' .? i in:;-' loniu Moon-' : Isti . . Itldfl county; all af WlllCl matter of doubt?tho irihn known. BL1C LIBRARY >S LIBERAL UPPORT. iL in this town t inolitahlo hours LiitironH Public hi vi : I'H'ii :i pre . It: ? tarl in III'?? I ? ' description, Iia> Inn boon in a v :i ii a hntnl ? \;i tin- yotU'h ? ?. It has frown, i. iff odious ol lllll i) i i?o'nus i* oi' IIH . w i itlnji this card, i, low . The irihin I/o i Itor hut. wlirit \y in. uImm'h ni'o in ? i i'i ?'s and it|i 11'.i i v depends. alum ! . 1.1 raroloRknoHtt t. hu people to I'm hook : who ha\c in months. Those ? "i'ii til ly jnoij lind : dliiio or a dollar lllltM ItlOlUOIlt, hut dim natters on iti oi i1< Im who keep hooks I'd ? or noid?oI ol <iv routs. Till: i iinijdMlosHiiOHH lull ? ? too mail a atini I'lhiii vhon i wohty tin library IntH Iosl ioo|< committee wili ill I uy a a oil ? ' In- forced t.i um I 1.1 I.hi ami . 1 a |llliil ? 11? i 11 oulj In- run on ? at the library friend and good . iiti|dy ondoivorhin illlie U? tin- at tin ? a if i onielimos < 'oinniitti'i i i: \.i:.: i nh. ' a ? in I IlllSltlllij .. li the ( lly. ay mi Kobrtuiiy, bj tin itiii! I'tillll' to i til*- police* majority oi curiosity to irihii tin: day (till i lar \V. I' and was fill Fund? have I. -. ii one by Mr. i by Pfltr?l? (ltd now 1)0? i a u rot in df tar, S^GIifjO in milk) and a tin. Hcrltfihlro and Efid v ::*ftii, I 'I niton R, F. f> no \