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PROHIBITION IN KANSAS. CUttor Tho Advertisers In tin course of my reading I ran across : very fin** article, a copy <>i which I horewlth reproduce and hope >?n will lind place in the Advertiser :'<>. It. It Is tin- answer of a banker to As sistant Attorney General Trtckett ol Kansas a.s to the effects of prohibl tton In Kansas City. Dear Mr Trlckott: Answering your ituiuiry with reference to nn> opinion about the conditions of Kan sas city. Kan., boforo and since tin (dosing ol the "Joints" twenty-one months ago, I am glad to state ihoi ir has been the best twenty-one months in tho history of the city ilur the seventeen years that I have lived and been engaged In the bunking bus inesH here it has been it tw? nly-one month* during which bunk deposits .\ about doubled; twenty-on months o the largest activity in buiidin kn i vi in the history of tin eil I months in wltlei ha If 111! toeutu a bindnc ? mtj of tt'e large ? in liilall tlit i tho cilj r I , i tweiity-ono months ol the i crime twenty-one moutl s <?r the la i i ? i made Iii the building of scho l>n ...ings and in increase <>i sei facilities; twenty-one mouths of the largos! additions to our milling at. of tho grelitcsi satisfaction amoni our reirtil business neu- ftlidvu till, twenty-one i government w.ivo ever had, and twouty-one month! of the bosl moral atniosptierc this city over enjoyed; a iwont.\ one mouths during which hundreds of men Who Oven formerly the in. ir u< i. of the brower: und dh ti ? ' s : V. ? ? pi ????.!.. of tho law. as it in .. been enfon e< here for the last twenty-one months is a not saving of on.- million dollar! a year to tho cltizt us of ibis < Very respectfully yours c. L. Brokaw, Cnshh r Com Not. This is what they think of pfohihi lion mil in Kansas. O. (!. I liomptioli, Laurens, s. c. Washington'* Plague .>> lie in the low. marshy bottoms of tin Potomac, the brooding ground 01 ma I aria germs These germs cause chilli fever and ague, biliousness, jaundice lassitude, weakness and general do bllity and bring suffering or death u thousands yeearly. lint Rlcctric !'i: tors novor fall lo destroy them nnd cure malaria trouble.. "They uri the best all-roun I tonic and ecu- fni molaris i ever med." writes t; ,M .lames, of Loin lien. s. C. Tho> eun Stomach Uvor, Kldm i nd lllo - Troubles and will pi ? eii Typlu hi Try fhem, ?Sc. Guarnutoi <l by Kau ronS Drug Co. and Palmetto In ?? Company. We have rect Ived a large hipiuotn of Ktinmel Wim ron.'dtuiU? i thing needed in n kl'tCl : ! oii' : . _8 M. & 1 II. Will mi. wiruiTON's will. ' i 'I to Kpcclf) I'miMnmiit of \l loinptcd I tape Tnsts Will Like)) Itecoiiit1 A Nil that likely catlBO lllliell ili: ciission was Introduced In the s< in by Sonatoi' J. II. Wlinrton of Lit ir ons. This Is a bill "to proscribe the punishment for assault with Intent to ravish." The report of Scnntoi Whnrtou's bill la i?) make this offence a capital erlino. As the luw now stands, the limit of tho sentence is 30 years Im [irlsotinieut. it is bollcvcri thai lh*t , i ? in : in' such a hlOUSUrO na this will to a large extent deter persons from attempting to commit assault. Tim' two roconl notable cases have ?an ,.? I many to consider this problem ind the Introduction of the bill will loubtlcss nine Interesting discussion among the members of the ? ? ? The opinion is quite generally ex press' l it I ii attempt to ravish Were tut u the ; ime plane as the ac ? "i Iis! hi nt there would bti fewoi .- > ??? ; ineiidmeuts to tl< gr ? importance, which I think hould ; considered by your honor i further wish to call your atten tion to another matter which i eon ' !< ;? of great importance at this par lar tin ? ir our history, and that is the oniu tment of a law providing the death penalty to any male person making an assault upon a fern with Intout to ravish, granting the right to the jury trying the case to fi>." the punishment in tho State pen itentiary, if in their judgment the facts warront a less punishment than death. ?in this day, when we read oi so many assaults of this character bolng i '?' I? hooves us to wake up to He situation and make the penalty >? severe thai the women of this t< may be protected from this belli oi crime and the perpetrators pun ' 'd o severely thai all will lie de? i from committing the same' Si nator Wliarton's bill will make the attempt to commit the crime prac I tically the same as the commission of the act Itself.- it is left to the Jury to rccoininend tho prisnor to the mercy of the court should this ho [deemed wipe, jn that case the pun Ishineht is to be not less than 10 years, or. of course, (night be lifo im prisoiiiuont. Whon tho ensf is ab MOlUtely proved. I'm punishment death. The Hue of ftrguoiuonl used by i up porters of the bill is: 1. There should not be anj differ ence as far as ihe law is concerned In the actual commission of tie* crime Very often the fact that the crime i not committed is not anything 10 ti-> credit of the defendant. Ho mlghi be seared off. but he had the Original Intention of continuing the crime. 2, The women of the state mm hi protected and there Is no bottoi' prd I tection than deterring. \ lau t< I make the tv'hne attempted ill the !"? I ' way. h Is argued, to keep per ;>;>? from attempting to commit llio crln? and as a natural conclusion, the num ber of cares where tho COllllhisHlol of the crime is accomplished wouh be l. isened considerably. :. Vi'.'v often a jury on ;. en ihr ovldonc< being not so conclusive I ha? to lol ? man go free, but tf tho new bill should do just as much with lone who attempted tho crime as if he had committed tho crime. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL t ? v.-** ;?(cif * * ?. * frft * ? Mr. nud Mrs. C. C. Fothorston en* I tortained a row friends Wednesday ?V?tting at a delightful tea, compli mentary lo Mr. and Mrs. S. 13. Honey. , \n < loj ant suppor, consisting of four courses, was served, alter which the evonlng was very pleasantly spent in oonvot satlon. ooo Thoi ho enjoyed (he hospitality ol Mr. ? i Mrs*. Fontherstono were Mr. and Mi i. S. I.. Honey, Mr. and Mrs. \. C. Podd. Mr. .1. Adner Smyth and Vits; 1-Jihje Hroek. 000 Miss Josephine Puller was the charmiuit hostess to ihr young ladles id' the Mysterious Twenty*tWo club i ! ? ? pretty irburbnn lioino In Fast 1 I ii ? dm on i'liursdny afternoon. This roved one Of the ihosl delight* ful rnertaininon(8 ot the club. Whist wi ? game played which was enjoyed by all. While del - re reshm were being i ill tho tl hin; hall . Mit* Mar> Hol re Ii de i I ?> ? oral beauti i|o I'lio i ofrcsluhehtK l oi .. salad course, cream tul i ?? and cohoo and hon boos, ervi ? by drs. Connor Fuller and vor< ? Lichey, Blizabeth Shell. Juliit CiitkorsOii, Selene Cray. Km id ? Ft aul ?. welch of Abbeville, liU< i Niartln Mary Sartor of Union, Ji .. Sullivan, I.alia Mao Dial, Mary 'I odil and I >nisy Sullivan. For Henefll of School. Friendship. Fob. 3.?Tho School Improvement Vssocaltion expects to glvo a VnlontlliO Supper Feb. 12th. at tho liome of Mr. SV. A. Troynham a ions upper is being planned, and the Indies hope to realize a nice little amount for ihe further improvement of tho school. The Crime of Idleness. Idleness means trouble for any tie. Ii s the same with a lazy liver. ' nises constipation. headache, tndice, sallow complexion, pimples mid blotches, iuss of nppolitto, nausea i r. King's New Life Pills soon bniiisli liver troubles and build up your heal b. 25c nt Laurens Drug < n ml P * I mot to Drug Co. Ww fork City's real estato value, according the assessment, is $t)0U, ? uioro (hail tho entire assess? til reo state ruHu - ot all tli land west ot' the Mississippi river. dore diamonds are coming to Now : i. City encli week now than dur uny previous week In the last six itl 1 >onh is are looking for a ?any increased trade. t'liumhcrlain's Cough Itemed} the Host i'opttlnr Recause it is the liest. "I have sold Chamberlain's Cough mi y or the past eight years and llipl ii io !)?? one of tho host soiling medicines on tho market. For ha !?;>? und ?oiing children there is nothing better in the line of cough ay Paul Allen Plain I leal* La, This remedy not only ou tlie coughs, cold and croup so common among young children, but U plcnsi nud safe for them to take. For fciiile by Laurons Drug Co. Out Of tho larg( st saw mills in the hn . been creeled on the Island of Hawaii by ;< company which has a contract to furnish a million ties a yodr io H i \iu m ii sn rnitrond, .-. red Willi u ll<d Iron (led by i rCrturned kettle?cut . cuif '....! iiy slammed tli ot ip tired bj gun di* Iii any other wa; ihi Ihlug needed at (.nee is Duckten' Vrnlca nlvo to subdue In fi unmiiiioii and : 111 ihn pain. It's ...?'. uler 111 fallible for H i i . ? f?ores, lv zenin Piles. 1 ii ens Drug Co. L. VY. E. Putnam. On January 20th death came in our midst and took away from among us Dro. I.. \V. IS.PutnutU. Uro Put nam was born near Gray Court, this county, on July 3rd, 1M0. and was married on January 1.1th, to Miss Bai lie t. i.onr, of Lauions County, to them were born six children all of whom are living. Bro. Putnam was a man of great Christian faith: was a member of the I Ware Shoals Baptist church, ami at one time the esteemed schoolmnstor .1 the old Riddle-Held BChOOl house, this county; was n man of untiring effort and noble influence and one whom to know was to love. Ills remains were interred at the LuureilS Mill Cemetery by loving, bauds late Thursday Evening, a host of friends gathered around and as the sun was sinking behind tl e western Hills we bowed for the Ren edict ion to a noble life. Be* ides a host of relatives and friends he leaves a widowed mother and six sons and daughters to mourn their loss. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved ami commend them to the Great Cod who always sustains. (?'cncral News Notes. The avorago girl is amdillous lei uako a name of herself, but she us tally ends by accepting some man's. Hritish South Africa imports annu ally over ?_',000.000 worth of lumber mainly from the I'tilted States and Swi len. The Italian govennont bar, outlin ed railroad extensions covering 16 years' wor k and contemnlatlon n >ta1 expenditure of $1( I7,000,0< Ti c Chinese goverment spent $100. last year toword the assistance of Chinese students studying abroad. A Swiss lake turns red about every ten years owing to tho presence of a tlnty paint, which is visible only I through the miscroscope. Two million dollars will be spent I in improvements on the great steel plant of tin inked States Steel Cor poration at Bus ley, Ala. The City of Niagara Falls is rapid ly increasing in population, owing to the raid.'. Industrial of that section of the country. Canada's purchases from tho Uuli ed States in 190$ amounted to 10?, 000.000 while this country Imported $75,000, worth oi Canadian goods. Diamonds On Partial Payments. A small amount down and a little each month will soon Buy a Diamond You will have it paid for before you know it, and with the money you would have thrown away. Besides You know the quality and tho weight of the Diamond you buy from us. We sell the best and at rea sonably low prices. Fleming Bros. JEWELERS. Jilts of Philosophy. It sometimes happens that a dist ant relative is too close. Men fight with their fists; women tight with their tears. A man gotfi back at his best friend when \f kicks himself. There is nothing like a good buls ness plant for raising money. Some excuses are so thin that a blind man can sec through them. It's easy for a man's wife to dress well if his creditors can afford it. A man talks about lovo as though he felt ashamed of the conversation A soft answer may not always tun: away wrath, but it saves a lot of time | Don't accuse the old hen of work lt)g the shell game because the eg is bad. Women liko to talk of the day: j whon they Were single and bad ;? ,'jood time. if money didn't make the mare g< doubtless it would make the in :?( laugh. Evory man likes to hear a wise we man talk-~becnuH? she always talk* i to him about himSelf. . r" ~ A woman sits down and waits for eniptation to come along, but a man tsually meets it ball way. It's easy for a : harp man to make a tool of a dull one. Why will short, .-unit women lu6ist upon wearing Empire gowns? Ii is a long honeymoon that doesn't get eclipsed. Nature is too bltlsy to turn out inndsomo nu n. A little vanity is a good thing In a man. Why will long-nocked, long-nosed {Irls wear Dutch collars? Why don't everyone exercise good ! and discretion in ordering their dot lies? Sometimes a man is so busy get . ; a lodge grip H at he looses hi* rip on his business. Man '?: tui admirer of the beautiful. : invariably n b \; the umbrella ?. I las the pi'Ctt'.i \ F.Vno'.d the patient o r. Ho vaunts iO '? "UlS, lilli he gr;ts tho oad Id lip I ;"! ell the same. . .. in; .' v ho works like a boo over) ' . o but at home? mC ml writes Mrs. E. Founder 01 Lak i Ch irles. La., "I pi as Mo suffer from headache, backa? -he, side aclie, j?v pressing-down pains, and could hardly walk. Ail last 1 took Cardui, and now I feel good all the time, ml It Will Help You Cardui is a medicine that has been round to act|| upon the cause of most women's pains, strengthen-H ing the weakened womanly organs, that suffer be cause their work is too hard for them. It is not a pain "killer," but a true female H remedy, composed of purely vegetable ingredients, jag perfectly harmless and. rocommonded for all sick wo men, old or young. Try Cardui. AVomen's Relief. AT ALL DRUG STORES The Great Red Tag S Closes Saturday Night a I V Sec us tSr?s w ek J? Great Bargains. J u f .^^?^ >x. . ? ? ' s U I I jacket Will ? '?>:! o \ - ruary, 13th, 9 O'clock in 0 stock will go on sale regardless of New York and Baltimore cost, as we mnst dispose of the 0 bulk of our lock in a short time t o make room for the contractors to commence work about March 15th. we mean to make a clean sweep of our Immense Stock. Get yourself ready for this sell out sale February ^ 13th. J. C. Burns Ainn anv RED I RON RACKET STORE ompany, laurens, s. c. ;>?ooooo<x>><>oooo<>ooo^