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jF<JA VW J. <). 31 KW IM) 1111 IS claim j:d hy death He l:.:<l a l.omr and tarying lixpcri diicc in Itnllroutliug Kstccntcd Citizen of Tills City, j& After a long and wasting illness. I .1. O. Meredith, one of the oldest citizens of this section, died Wednes day night al eight o'clock tit the home oi his daughter, Mrs. Dor roll l>. Pedou, on Laurel street. The body was taken at 2 o'clock Th?rs.lay afternoon t to Newberry, the former residence of the deceased, for intermeul In the old family burying ground, where rest the wife and daughter of Mr. Meredith. For almost ii year Mr. Meredith had beeil III feeble health and tho end was nol unexpected. Death was due to the natural Iiiflrmities of age, and heart failure. Practically all the life work of the deceased li;is boeil on railroads, in which profession Cnpt. .Meredith at tained considerable distinction. There are events In the railroad history of this state, dining far hack in the years before the war. tlltlt he was directly connected with, and in which he play ed an Important part. Among these is the survey of the old Columbia road, ?which now terminates in Laurens, but in the survey made by Mr. Meredith was Intended to run from Clinton, sin Gl tin Springs to Spnrtanburg. The long trestle over Little river near the l.iiurcns depot svas built by him: ho s\.is the engineer on a pas senger train from Greenville to Colum bia which went through the Saludn 1 riser 'resile hi one of the most dis astrous wrecks In the early history of that road, and in which he, himself, whs all bul killed. Cnpt. Meredith svas engineer on the lasl aln that ran out of Columbia (lliril)j tho famous Sherman raid which result* I i:i the burning Of that city. !:? s>.:s not 111 the \s;:r. being at the lime in the railroad service ami there, by e> -nipt. When tho railroad shops c the old Columbia road were located leb na, just a little north of New berry, Cn|it. Meredith svas in charge <?, them, his residence at that lime in Newberry. Later ho svas supcrint eudoui of the old Richmond ami Dan ville road, before ii SVOIll Into tin* hands of n r< colver and svas bought by the Soulhorn. For years he svas an en. Im er <m the Greenville and Colum bia In nncli of Iho Southern. .1; mes Osgood Meredith svas burn in Llio eity of Augusta on January L'Sth, IS35, and nt the time of his death wru ii little ever VI years of age. t... 11 \ in Ids Childhood his parents m iVcd to Chnrlenton, where they ro stiierl for several years. Shortly be fore the Civil tvnr Mr. Meredith moved in the uii-country near Newberry, ?ss: ere he was engaged in railroad w< k and where later he became sup ? ale;,lent of the railroad shops. lo moved to Oroenvlllo and it svas ?i hat on April 11. IS68, he was married to Miss Amanda IJishop. the t;, v .lames ('. Furmnn, tho then pres i ' al of Purinen university, perform ing the ceremony. Of this union, i |j hi children wore born, all of whom irvlco oxcepi Miss Flora .Tonos Mer ? lith, who died hi June of 1067. and Whose hotly now rests in the family litt ylng ground at Newberry- Mrs. Mi rod 1th rtlod In the summer of 1001. The SlU'Vhing children are: Mrs. H i) PoilOil and Mis:- Beta Meredith , Ibis city; Mr. James t). Meredith of Greenville; Mr. William Donjnmin reillth, of Clemson College; Mr. > boil Mri'iickran Meroditli, of Nor folk, Va.! ::iol Ml'. Win. Connor Mere flP.hi of Mncon, c.i. Ml of these wore i.ho bedside of their father when ..ih came. dipt. was popular hi Lntt ? p.; oVerybbdy lilted him and Iiis ?: .Si is lliournod not merely by his rally ami relatives but by hundreds l i< ads. Iiis HtOliCS id' railroad word extremely Interesting, more because <>; rj : '! :irkable memory facts and his ability in lolling t! mi he svas an exponent of early railroading in South Carolina. Pud'. Thema-.' I.CCllirC. An announced in last issue of ihe Ivolitser, Prof. L*oy /.. Thomas of v, ,vberry college s>mi lecture in iho .-. > opera hottse i a Friday < venlnu of March f>th on (he subject of lidi v '. n Poo and Iiis p.-otry. Tl..- pf? i . from th<' vonlur? s, ;n he for 1 ? hohen I of the city school library and every body In Laurens should at : rid. An III ten St lllg pro-rain ss ill b . rendered. Prof. Thomas will be accompanied by bis ssife. who will RlVO BOniO number-.; ia voice and piano. GRAND AM) PETIT JURORS ARE DRAWS ?Iiilitre l'rlnce ot' Anderson ?ill Preside Over 11n* Spring Tonn ot tlio General Sessions Court? The clumge m?de last year In the time of holding courts in this the Eighth Circuit causes the llrsi term of General Sessions for Laureus county to be held In March Instead ot January as heretofore. The time fixed for this term is the second Mon day, March s. and it will !>?.> presided over by Judge George 13. Prince of Anderson. Thursday at noon the jury commis sioners met and drew the twelve grand jurors who will serve during the year with the six hold-over mem bers, and the petit venire lor the first week of the approaching session. Following is the list of grand jurors the first six being the hold-over members of the body: H. \V. Hid lams, u. p. .lones. li. p. Tumblln, v. v White. Duff ('. .Martin. W. N. Austin. W. <;. Boazmail, K. <'.. Wallace. S. ('. Hill. W. W. Adair. .1. I). Woods. T. P. Moore, \V. c. Curry, 1>. M. Williams. G. I.. Willis. S. It. Moore. W. C. Mitch ell. \v. P. Lawson. Petit jurors for the first week: Laurens township?-.1. Wist er Mar tin. W. I). Franks. .1. .1. Glenn, W. M. Armstrong. Nathan Wallace. W. S. Benjamin, .1. L. Finley, John A. Mar tin. .Tared l>. Sullivan. Hunter -Mel). Hipp. W. F. Bell. Jacks Prank Adair. Scuftletown ? Will .1. Adair, John T. Blakely. Waterloo?R. 13. Boyd. Sullivan?John W. Taylor. Sam ('. Took. John W. Simpson. James W. Simpson. John w. Beeks, James T. Machen, Jesse a. Wood. .1. L. Trnyn ham. Dials w. Ii. Barksdnlc, D. D. Brownlee. Joe Avory, li. J. Stoddard. It. a. Stoddard, II. T, Babb, John R. Brownlee, M. P. Vaughn, Youngs?13, W. Pntton, O. P. Cox. Cross Hill?S. L. Crisp. R ,S. Tur ner, .1. 1 >. I'.eeks. i LOCAL AND PERSONAL MENTION. $ Miss Maltie May Neville has return ed ;o Clinton after a visit to Mrs. II. K. Alken. Mrs. Edward Gage, Misses Wlllmn and Polly Prentiss have returned to Greenville alter a \isit to Mrs. \\*. II Gnrrett. Miss Kate Glenn spent a few days in Chester with her parents. Misses Annie Huff and Toe;1 CnillC of Converse College Spoilt a lev. days in l In- city. Air. Carlos Mosley of Watford col I eg esponl the week-end in the city. Mrs. Blond Hammond lefl Prlday for Greenville after a visii to Mrs. \V. U. ilichey Jr. Mr. and Mrs. It. K. Copolaild spent Sunday in Clinton. Mr. 13. I'. Mi lit 01' has gone to New York. Miss 131hol Simmons of Columbia. College spent a few days in the city with her parents .Mr. and Mrs. Simmons. Miss Afrnlo l-Iellnms of Goldvllle spool Monday in the city. Mr. 10. a. Huff of Greenvjlie was in the city Sunday visiting Iiis father, Mr. a. Huff. Mr. w. c. Lancaster spoil! Sunday i:t Iiis homo near Glenn Springs, The moving picture shows tins; days are a much welcomed pleasure, Mr. F.. YV. Trlbble of And.-; son ar rived in th.- clt.V Monday with Iiis fam ily! ihoy ate occupying the old Feiith orstonc residence oh VVesi Main street. Hon. c < . Foajheratone und Mr. J. I'. Tolbcrl o, tiiis city ittlanded Ihe S:ate liilordeiioinliuittnnnl Sunday school convention at Ornngcburg last vvei k. in-, s. r. Blakely, who lias beer practicing medicine for a number oi years hi iho Orit itelghborl)eod. has decide ! to locate in Rparianbut'i svhere he will continue in his profeS' sion. The 'Fribble (Mothln-j Store. Mr. It. \V. tribble das arrived ll ti e City and begiin the Work ofproprn lion for the opening of his Clothlnj store in the Old Hub si and. Tie stock of goo is win begin niTlvliij this Week, and hy M-ir< h Kfih ill store will be open for customer* Mr, Tf'lbble proirtltii. an excel I?ill nri i Sir. Sleliols nl Home. Mr. w. Niel els h:.. r. luniod ! the city fiom tho Columbia hospltn where he was under special treat men for s- vcral weeks. All are deiighte to have hil.. hack hOIUO again. LAtRLNS DOCTORS MEET. Regular Meeting Hold Monday I'resl. dent Rhikclj licsltriis, The Laureus County Medical assoc atloa mel Monday aftornoon In the office of l>r. K. E. Hughes, with U fairly good number ol iis an inbors In attendance. President S. F. Blakely of Orn presided ill tin* meeting, stating at tii?> opening thai because of his Intontlon to move to Spartanburg in tin' near future lie would be compelled to resign Iiis position. Tito nntiounce meht was received with mucb regn i by tho members; action was deferred until tho next meeting to be held March L'J. The feature of the doctors' meeting on Monday was the paper read by Dr. i. L. Fennel on the subject; "The Increased Frequency of Heart Dis ease." Dr. Fennel was highly compli mented on this excellent paper. For the March meeting of the assoc iation. Drs. Hughes ami Franklin were appointed to read papers. lly special request *?>*-. Hughes will pre pare a treatise of the subject; "Fake Medicine Advertisements and the Religious News papers." which will doubtless prove unusually (interesting. THE SEWN AT MOl YI YI l.l.i:. ifeav) Rain? Swell Streams Dentil of an Infant? Mountvllle, Feb. 22.?Heavy thunder and rain storms passed through this section Sunday afternoon ami night, ami it is still raining (his morning. The land is thoroughly wet and small streams are swollen. Mr. u. Lee Davis and family of Greenville are visiting their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. King. All infant Child Of Mr. and Mrs. Stun Brysoil died la^t Wednesday of whoop inn cough. it was only 11 few weeks old and its suffering was intens >. The remains wore laid to rest at Liberty Springs cemetery. Mrs. Rosa Motes and children are In Sumter visiting relatives. Miss Julia Fellers is making HU ex tended visit to her sister. Mrs. Lucy Crisp, of Concor';. N. C. Mr. M. B. Crisp went over lo Wliit mlro Saturday to see his son 'Fnyotto. Mr. F. Coil way Smith is bavin.* >.is house repainted. Henry Whltlock & Son. our skilled workmen, are doing the work. Mr. Robert Whltlock !ms recently added to his shop building. IP' has a roomy house now. well equipped, and is doing a good business. Personal Items from I'koin. F.kom. Feb. "-.? .Miss Frnnkle Ciil bertsou who litis been sick for some time is now heiter. Mr. w. w. Culbortsoit I? on the sick list tlllS Week. Mr. Harrison r*ihson and Fanny Pinson visited Mr. Jim Martin Sun day. Mr. T. C. M. Daniel and family spent Sunday with Mr. J. P. 131 ledge, near Ware Shoals. .Mrs. L. C. Fur's visited her son. IMgar. at Center Point last Week. Mr. John Thmbllii who mysterious ly disappeared from his home in this section about forty years ago, has made his appearance around, here agaiii, Ho Is living near Macon, Ga. There will be an oyster supper ill Mr. I., c. McDntilel's Friday evening the 26th; given by the School im provement Association. ISvorybody is cordially invited to nttond, Mr. I.. C. Culbortson and family vis ited Mr. Ben Cole.V Sunday. Mr. Bed Citlbertsoii of Madden spi nl Sunday With r datives in litis Seeth Ii, Mr. Y. A. Godfrey of Ware Shoals passed tlnough Kkoni Riiturdii.v. On March 2nd at the city ihCntro Burgnor and Alton Stock company will proseuI "On tm- Frontier." This company carrlei i ofli band ; lid or chestra and will nmtisc tho theatre Ti e Furnian Glee club and Qt t: ? v. i 11 npl(Oil I' at the opera hi J. v. Wallace Co. have nrran.o >d Atlcrbdlh Ma' Quartet lo aid B dl tilngorn, Both attractions rti'? jilny tilg the I arg? rt ( It ICS Of tin- North, hut hy efforts the mnnagemenl has boon successful in SeCui'iilg dates for this city with 'lies ? t-vi, famed quartettes Ii KM A N Gl.EK ( 1.1*1! COMlMi. \>ill (?!vo r.iilcrtiiluiitcnl in opera House en Snturduj livening. On Saturday evening ul ihe city opera house ihe Fur man Glee club and Quartette will give an entertain men. beginning at the usual hour and charging the usual prices of admis sion. The club has an excellent mus Ie?l program, consisting of the latest and best snap.-, medleys eel., together with a number of pleasing tiuiirtettcs, Tho entertainment will !?? of tin high est order and is looked rorward lo with much pleasure. For n numher of years Furiuan lias hail line)glee clubs and iho newspapers any thai this year's is by tar Ihe best in the history of the University, Tho opera house should be crowded on Saturday evenlnc. Lien Law is Repealed. After a decisive Vote by tin- Si rate on Friday the Lien law of South Caro. Una is repealed, the House having al ready voted against it. However. ;he "mortgage" clause has not been touched, and the legislature's action counts for hut little. DISPUTE OVER DIME RESULTS IN KILLING Will (?'ooilniiin, White, Mint Colored "( rap Shooter" I" Death in Cress Mill Township. Will Goodman, a young white man df Cross Hill township, was lodged in jail late .Monday night, charged with ihe mm der of one lien Pnrtlow. a negro Of the same section of Ihe county. The killing occurred Sun day afternoon, six miles below the town of Cross Hill, on s. T. Vaughn's place, nnd Is said to have betii tin- re sult of a dispute over a game of "crops." The Inquest was held by Magistrate CutocrtsOn. The sheriff's oflice was notllled of the murder early .Monday lUortilng when two olllcei's were sen' at once to the scene. Goodman made no ef fort to get away and was found and arrested at the home of his brother. h seems thai the white man. iot urn her with a party of m .. m-s ware in the woods ESuhday afternoon en gaged in a gaiUe of craps. Having won a stake of (en cents. Pnrtlow picked Up Ilm colli over the protest of Goodman. When demanded lo Goodman to lay ihe money down. Pnrtlow began a retreat, whereupon, according to the sovi rnl eye witnesses. Goodman drew his pistol and shot the negro through the body, killing him. Solicitor Sense Popular Li re. The peopie of Lanr n- are much I lo i Hon. T. S. Seas.- of ttprt rtunlmrg, by hi.- election to .liidgeahlp. Solicitor SoUse whs popul?r here during the time that Laurens was in ti..- seventh circuit, and when Mr. SonS3**was its prosecuting oflle ?:. The New Minister at Mount sillo, Kdltcr The Advertiser! The rust issue of your paper jU'.tt rccciv id and perused with pleasure, i am at present acquainted with but very few people in the county, hut I hope by (ho in ip of your paper to get acquainted with many more. I came lo MoUtltVillC last I )??( > :..her from New hei rs'. I am lo re especially that my boss mas- i avo the advantage of the s diool here. Of course ta re are other high schools but therf! is only one MountvSlie and but out* W. P. Colbert* sou tip far as I know. Prof, Colbert ? .-on is Interested in I tie moral ami Vis I . ' : ? Oilier? mils to do tit six vi: AK 0U> Ii A 1) KILLED HY (OIMN \YtilI?> Playing \% itIi IMslol Hurscl (.iliv \c<iil'i:tall\ Sliol an.I Killed rosier Turner. At llio homo of >). A. dies in (ho I .aureus mill village las! Friday morn in,',. Il.irsel. the six year old son u.1' Mr. Giles, while [.laying will a pistol shot his cousin, Posti r Turin r, through the head, death resulting !lt) minutes late-. Tito deceased was about the same an- of his OOUSill ami was a sou of Mrs. ('. G. Turner. Coroner It. O, llairstou came up ami held the inquest about noun of the same day. According to the evidence adduclblo it appears thai Giles, whose wife died in January, had as usual lofl Hinsel at t!ie home of Mrs. Tin ner until the cook came to prepare breakfast wh.ib- he himself and the other children won! to their work in tile mill at six. About s the colored woman arrived when llurSol, together with Poster Turner and his older brother went across lo the Giles col tage. The little hoys wore alone in the front room. In a certain bureau drawer were throe pistols, One of these was secured by Hinsel "inst to play with awhile." While pointing ii at Poster who was standing hear the door, the weapon was discharged and I ho little follow fell fatally shot. The verdict of tl.miner's Jury was in accordance with those facts. Three \< \?, Deacons l-Mccicd. Immediately upon tho conclusion of the regular service at the Firs! linptisl church morning, a congregational meeting was held for tho purpose of electing ihre.- additional deacons, Mr. .lohn A. Franks. Mr. Itohl. A. Cooper and I )r. A. .1. Christopher being elect "d. Tin- election of these now blllcors increased the membership of tin board of deacons from ix to nine. Tho presonI board is composed of Messrs c. it. Gob... G. II. Itoper. Joliii Mi i lud-;- us. .1. s. lioiiiioii and I>r. I.. s. Fuller. Tin- deacoii-olocI will bo ordained on the Ill's! Sunday in March. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. ? t I *? * .. * F ? ? * ?. V ? ? ? < ? . . " ? ? ? ? ? About forty little girls wore made happy yesterday when tiny celebrated Ixlithcrllie und Marian Holt's birthday ami George Washington's. A pretty cherry tree was arranged so thai the little girls could chop the cherrh-s off with I he hatchets given them. Little v,bs .Mildred Counts was given ti e prlaO for gelling the H ost. v. hi. h WHS a pi'tily picture of the IWins. Jelly and cream with cherries wore served tis refreshments. ooo Mrs. A. ('. Todd v\ ill < nierlain Iho Fortnightly olttb ill hoi' lioiho oii West .Main street this afternoon. ooo Miss Gladys Huff entertained I'm day evening in honor bf her gin.-st, Miss May Ixinloeh, of Chitl'losioii. Several Interesting games ot pro gresivo wliist wore played afior which a delicious course with Coffee was sor\. di Those prosonl lo inooi Miss Ixinloeh wit-.-; Misses I .a 11 a Ma'- Dial, Joseph ine Stlllivilll. Mary .i. Todd. and Jahle t'idvili; Messrs. (Ins Simmons. Albert Dial, .liiu Danklin. Henry Conn's. .1. M ('Million, II. S. Khc kw.-ll and W. G ittuicastor. ooo Miss Annie Oilkcrsoii loaves this week for Washington lb lie gone until after tin- Taft Inaugural ceremonies. Miss GlUiOISOll Will be accompanied by Aliss ,1 til hi I.e.- (,:' GrOcuwoOd'. ooo i Goes in Heallii Uesoii. I ? S. M. & R. H. Wilkes & Co. TO BSTA1IL8I1I MUH SCHOOL OH COLLEGE Prof. Peterson of Oniuvtchurii Has I.on sod Morris Springs llotol 1'rnpcrt) for Ihls Purpose. According to ii statement made to Tlio Advertiser, Laurens oomity is in havo a high school, or Institute for i?i\s and firis. in ho opened in loo fall hi ih?- present your. Prof. SV. S. Peterson, now president of the Ornngo hnrg Collegiate litstltuto has leased tho Harris Springs hotel property, anil ho as preshleul of the proponed insti tution with a large ami tiblo faeulty will have ehai'ge of (he school. Mr. Peterson is iho sun of Mr. \V, 15. Peter son, a native of llils county., who now lives in Newberry. Prof. Peterson Is a proiuiiionl I'lguro in iho educational lifo <il tin1 Stale and his coining In this county is heartily welcomed. in his letter. Prof. Peterson stated thai the luauagmeiil of tin' Springs will spend several thousand dollars in tin' Improvement of Mm property, re fitting ami riirulshlng the rooms, and Installing a system of steam heal for tln> buildings. The purpose is ti> found a school of high grade, some what the nature ol tin' Orangeburg school, witii a curriculum otpial lo that school, conforming in the school requirements, The faculty has alroad.n i.n engngod, nmoiiK i" i numbers being some of the teachers now employed hi the Oratigehurg school. Prof. Peterson seems saiigii. I do <>r the success <>i the enterprise, being assured of support/ from numer ous quarters, ami Itilcunjhig in make the school worth> the support and patronage of tue Laurens county peo ple. Mr. Peterson states Hint he will come to this coiint.x tit an early dato llils Klimmet ami locate III iho Harris Springs, it befug his Intention t<? open iho hotel for puirniiagO 111iseason; he lids leased the ? nlirO hotel propert> ami will be prepared to accmnodalo gliests ni the opening oi the season as . mil \ oi st; \\ \ \ '.! t l HKS i \i !.", i. Untreue Koviliiml iVoumloil hj Hls? cliartro of Pistol in Itrothcr's Mao !. Sunday morning last, out ai the homo of their mother, dear Ora, Mr. Kiigcnc Mowlam) was ucCldciiinlli shoi lb rough ihe llilgh while iittemiitlm> in disarm his .Vdlillger brollc*', Mr. Km e.u Mowland with had an lam- earlier in lie- dliy (ire.I several .la.i n't lieh loltuson, a colored hand on the place because (,: a quutTol over a set Of buggy harness. Tl i i.eecedeil in I ? ("poll his reiiirh lo ihe house Kugond met hi:, brother in the >iiril hi '1 under, look in disarm him. In the scuttle in!' the possession (if ihe pistol weapon vvils discharged with the ivj null as stall il above Mi. Lowland's wound, while very painful is hot regarded til till dan gerous. >iii. \sn Mils. 11\?. i *?. > hkkk \\ kt). Hinten Collcae l.ilornrj Societies Debate liib reviii, ? sei h i t. i Owens, ih os ?? mouths old buby of Mr. ? > i . s|.tai.i March l