OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, February 15, 1911, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1911-02-15/ed-1/seq-6/

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:; A Relic of the War
The Portland Sunday Telegram,
Portland. Me., of the date of Feb. [?th.
contained a very intc:-( sting account
Of the activities of tho Seventh Maine
L^i;-. P.'ttei")'. Af**r l>*.lviltr; a his
tory or the Mattery in the Civil War,
In which it Is stated that 40 out of
a total of 229 were either killed or
died from disease during their term
ot service, the battery having been
gotten up during the early winter of
1863, the article closes with a copy
of a letter found by a member of that
battery after the Hattle of Cold Har
bor. It was evidently from a Geor
gia woman, whoso husband was in
that battle.
Tho letter is a very pathetic one,
showing as It does the dire straits to
which the women of that time were
reduced. In no instance, however,
does the writer disclose any lack of
courage or that fortitude which was
so characteristic of the woman of the
Confederacy. Not one time does she
make complaint of her condition, tho
suffering and vicissitudes through
which she was forced to pass. While
the younger generation of the South
often read and listen to the accounts
of the heroic deeds of their fathers
and the self sacrifice of their mothers,
it is seldom that they get the oppor
tunity to grasp the real insight of the
situation as it was then and to real
ize the conditions as they existed. This
letter shows the frame of mind of the
woman at the time that the conflict
was being waged and when they were
in direct poverty. For that reason
it is most valuable, for in it ? is no
exaggeration, nothing that has seem
ed to grow in importance as the years
passed, bul is evidence in itself of
tile lives which t.'iey led. In no in
stance does-the fond wife ask that
her husband forsake his post of duty
or do anything that would keep him
out of danger. She accepts the situ
ation and hopes for the best. Fol
lowing is the letter, verbatum:
Stark. Ga., Nov. 1(5. 1864.
My Deai- Husbnud, I rece'd yours of
the first oi this month and was truly
glad to hear from von. Mut was sorry
to hoar that you was wounded again,
but feei truly thankful that it is so
slight. I am sorry to learn that your
rushians is short, but I hope they will
soon be Detter und more of them. I
have not Buffered for ineything to eat
as yet and Don't think 1 will. I can
get plenty of Dread and syrup and a
little meet once and awhile, and that
will dow verry well. You need not
be anxious About me for I feel ?hore
I will get a plenty for me and the
Children. I would like to see you very
much. But It is so wo can't see each
other, and we must dow the Best we
ran. We arc all well and I dow hope
that you are well and will continue
to have good health. When I got a
letter from you and you are well. I
feele so much Better tho we are pore.
All of Mother's family Is well. Billy
nick's boy is a Prisoner, was taken
In Tennessee with (5 or 7 others.
Your Devoted Wife,
This letter was postmarked Stark,
Oa.. Nov. 17, and was addressed Mr.
P. M. Ward. 44 Ga. Regt. Co. B. Care
(?apt. Hurnden, Richmond, Va.
W. II. W. Adams, Native of Edge field,
Passed Away Saturday Night.
Mr. W. II. W. Adams died at his
home near the Latirens Mills village
Saturday ni>;ht. alter an Illness of
several weeks. Interment was at the
Mill cemetery Sunday afternoon, the
service being conducted by the Rev.
.1. ('. Davis, pastor of the Holmes
Street Methodist church of which the
deceased was a valued member.
Mr. Adams was a native of Edge
field county, hut had been a resident
of Laurens for 1- or i"? years. He
was In the 7.">th year of his age and
was a veteran of the Confederate army
He Is survived by his wife, several
sons and daughters, Including Messrs
Charles and William Adams of the
Falls Victim to Thlores.
S. VV. Bends, of Coal City. Ala., has
a justifiable grievance. Two thieves
stole his health for twelve years. They
were a liver and kidney trouble. Then
Dr. King's New Lifo Pills throttled
them. He's well now. Unrivaled for
constipation, Malaria, eHadache, Dys
pepsia. 2.")C at Laurens Drug Co. and
Palmetto Drug Co.
Varieties of Vegetables Especially
Recommended for the Rome Gar
In the spring when the gardener
is preparing to place his order for
garden seeds, he is frequently at a
loss to determine just what varieties
are the best, as the seed catalogues
usually recommend all their varie
ties very highly. The following list
of varieties of vegetables Is especially
recommended. We have been test
ing varieties at the College and Sta
tion, for years and the ones given in
this list have given best results.
Irish potatles?Irish Cobbler. Tri
umph or Red 111 Irs. Peerless.
Cabbage ? Charleston Wakefield.
Henderson's Succession.
DeetS?Crosby's Early Egyptian,
Extra Early Bassano, Crimson Globe.
Cauliflower?Earliest Snowfall, ex
tra Early Erfurt.
Celery?Winter Queen, Giant Pas
cal, Golden Self Blanching.
Lettuce?Boston Market, Improved
Kale?Curled Siberian.
Onions (from seed)?Yellow (Hobe
Danvers, Prize Taker.
Onions (from sets)?Yellow Dan
vers. White Multiplier, Yellow Multi
Garden Peas Philadelphia extra
early (2Vfc ft. tail). Alaska {2% it.
tall), Ilorsford's Market Garden (2
feet tall). Telephone .1 ft. tall.)
Radishes-Extra Early Scarlet.
French Breakfast. Long White Na
Parsnips?Hollow Crown.
Parsley?Moss Curled.
Spinach?Round Thick-leaved.
Salsify?Mammoth Sandwich Island
Turnip?Extra Early White Milan.
Red Top White Globe. White Egg.
Asparagus ? Conover's Collossal,
The above list of vegetables should
be planted during the month of Feb
Cucumbers ? Arlington White Spine.
Davis Perfect.
Garden corn?-Early Adams. Truck
ers' Favorite.
Sugar Corn?White Evergreen.
Country Gentleman.
Cantaloupes ? Rockyford, Extra
Early Hanover. Baltimore or Acme.
Okra? White Velvet.
Bunch Beans?Bountiful. Early
Speckled Valentine. Carrie's Rust
Proof Wax.
Lima Beans?Fordhook, Bunch
Lima,. Ford Mammoth Podded Lima,
Small Liima toutter bean).
Pole Beans?Old Homestead or
Kentucky Wonder, Fat Horse or White
Crease Back.
Egg-Plants?Black Beauty.
Bell Poppers?Chinese Giant, Bell
er Bull Nose.
Small Peppers?Long Red Cayenne
The above list should not be plant
ed until after the middle of March,
except in the southern part of the
state where they may be planted
C. C. Newman.
Horticulturist S. C. Ex
periment Station.
An election for Mayor and six Al
dermen for the City of Laurens will
he held at the City Hall In the City
of Laurena, in the State of South Car
olina on the second Tuesday In March,
1911, being tho 14th day of the month.
The following named persona are a it
pointed as managers to conduct said
election to wit: W. L. Boyd, W. H.
Franks and W. I'. Shealy. The polls
shall open at nine o'clock in the fore
noon and remain open until five
o'clock in the afternoon. Every male
citizen of this State and of the Unit
ed States of the age of twenty-one
years and upwards having all quali
fications of electors provided under
the Constitution of this State, and the
Acts of the General Assembly declara
tory thereof, and who shall have re
sided within the corporate limits of
the City of Laurens for four months
previous to said election, and has paid
all taxes due and payable for the last
fiscal year, and who has been regis
tered as hereinafter required, shall bo
entitled to vote at said election.
All qualified electors desiring to
vote at said municipal election ol the
City of Laurens shall first register
his name with R. 13. Babb. Supervisor
of Registration before twelve o'clock
noon on the fourth day of March, next
and obtain a certificate of such reg
istration, which certificate shall be
presented to the managers when be
oilers to vote and be taken up by them.
The said . Supervisor of Registration
will have his office open at office of
Simpson. Cooper & Babb in said city
every day of the week except Sunday,
for the purpose of registering voters,
between the hours of ten o'clock in
the forenoon and four o'clock in the
afternoon from the first day of Feb
ruary, 1911 to noon on the Ith day
of March, 1911.
By order of Mayor and Aldermen
of the City of Laurens che 27th day
of January, A. I). 1911.
Clerk of the City Council.
Don't forget that we have the best
values in wall paper ever shown in
S. M. & E. H, Wllkes & Co.
Rb?nmatl*m and Blood Dteeaaea
The cause of rheumatism I? excess
uric acid In the blood. To cur* rheu
matism this acid must be expelled from
tho system. Rheumatism Is an Inter
nal disease and requires an lnternul
remedy. Rubbing* with oils and lini
ments may ease the pain, but th?>y will
no more cure rheumatism than paint
will change the fiber of rotten wood.
Cure* llbraiuatlMBt To Stay Cured.
Science ha* discovered a perfect and
complete cure called Rheuinacldc. Test
ed in hundred3 of cases. It has effected
marvelous cures. Itheumaclde removes
the cause, ?et? at the joints from tho
Inside, sweeps the poisons out of tho
system, tones up the stomach, regulates
the bowel? and kidneys. Sold by drug
gists at 60c, ami $1; In the tublet form
at 25c. and 50c., by mall. Booklet free.
llohhht Ciw liilcal Co.. Haltlmore. Aid.
Get* At The Joint? I'rum The Inelde.
Laurens, S. ('.
King off Externals
Stands supreme under
every test. Feel se
cure, keep Go wans in
the home. Go wans al
ways conquers Croup
and Pneumonia and
your doctor assents.
Gown na Preparation was used on
my chilil when it was desperately
ill with Pneumonia, linineillateiy
after the second application my
physician called um I finding so
groat an improvement onloredits
Continuance. The child recovered
ra pidly, ti.J.ll hCK L K Uruggis t,
024 East St. Allegheny, Pa.
All DruttUu 81. ftOe. 25?.
Guarjn)??d, end money utuatftd by rout Orugf I'l
iJea^k?^ THE DIAMOND iiiiano. /\
Ladle I A.k your DraCSDt for AX
CM-chr.-tcr'. IMumond Tlrund/if\\
? 'lila In Hid and Oold v,r\,\h,J*//
box?*, sealed with Uluo Rll.bon. V/
Take no other. Hinr of your v
ltrusct"*. A^f.rrill.CIIKN.TKlt S
1>iAMONI? ISUAM? imi.i.s f?r 8?
ycrs known as liest. Safest, Always KellaM?
Too Late, Too Late,
to think about taking out a policy
on your house if it is already
burning. We take a risk but not
a certainty. If you have taken
time by the forelock, and insured
your property against fire, you
have the
Absolute Certainty
that the company Will pay all
your losses. The race is to the
swift, and you owe it to your
family to protect them from all
troubles. Do not be a laggard.
Stocks - Bonds - Insurance
Enterprise Bank Building
Laurens, S. C.
All Kinds of Furs, Muskrat
and Others
Muskrat 25c to 85cts
Mink. 50c to $7.50
The Highest Market Price Always Paid
Further Information may be had by
calling on or addressing
Next Door to Post Office, Laurens, S. C.
Attorney at Law
Office-Enterprise Bank Building.
Our buyer, T. C. Switzer, will be in New York for the next fifteen days buying Summer Goods,
Millinery and the latest novelties in ladies' ware. We urge that you take the advantage of the specials
we offer in early spring goods for the next 15 days.
Ginghams Department
Utility Ginglinm, all new Patterns, worth I21,?c only.10c
Mamille Chnmbrny ("hecks and all colors only.10c
Deacon Gingham, worth inc. Black and White Check and Dress
Pattern, only.fite
Bates and A. P, C. Ginghams, ail new plaids. Dress Pattern.
worth 15c, only.I2)6c
Windsor (Moria Percales, worth 12'^c, now- IS days.10c
Manchester Porcales, in new Foulard Pattern, worth 15c only 121&C
Waist Department
Plain Tailored Waists only .. ..
Plain Linen Tailored Waist, only
Embroidered Linen Waiste, only
. .#1.00
. .$i.r>o
. $2.2?
Skirt Department
We have hl? shipment of new black skirts. You can get ffchat
you want now at Switzer's In a spring skirt.
Special for Ten Days
Ladies' Oxfords
2 Btrap Pat. and Kid Oxford.$8.00
3 eyelet Velvet T!e Oxfords.$3.00
3 eyelet Gun .Metal Oxfords.$3.00
Viel Kiel (Cuchlon sole).$3.00
You will find, in all leathers here, in our $2.50 line. We await your
Inspection as to quality and price.
Special for In days. Watts Mill Cloth, checks and stripes, 36 inches
wide, worth 15c, only.I2iic
Laurens Mill Madrass. 36 inches wide worth I Be white only, now 10c
i_"L.c Bleaching, in short lencths by the pieces per yd.8 1-Sc
Good apron Gingham only.He
27 inch Blown Linen, worth 15c now per yd.|0<>
27 In Oroy Linen only.|o<
CallCO worth only.,",(?
Swiss would he cheap at L"?c only.10c
Silk Department
27 inch Silk Jasquord, all colors, only.2ftc
27 in Princess Silk Foulard, all the new patterns of spring now 85c
27 Inch Shadow Silk Voile, the now thing for spring dress, only 26c
Four Reason Why You Should Buy Your
Oxfords from Switzer Company
1st. Lowest Prices. 2d. Best Quality. 3d.
Best Styles. 4th. Best Fit. +
Miss Lipscomb will have charge of our Millinery Department for the coming spring season. We
will be glad to have you come in and give her a chance to show you what she has in stock this season.
X Enterprise Bank Building
113 North Side Public Square

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