OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, August 09, 1911, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1911-08-09/ed-1/seq-8/

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Thumbnail for PAGE EIGHT

CORN ON TUB '..OB is Just
as different as van be. It is
sweeter, far more Juicy, the skin
of the kernels is so tender it will
brenk open with the slightest
pressure of the teeth. Even old
tough corn is made toothsome.
The difference from the old way
of boiling on the top of a stove
is almost unbelievable. Really
you will have to try it, we can't
tell you enough here.
Place tho corn In ono of tho
"Caloric" utensils, covor it with
water, add a littlo sugar, bring
to a boll and then place in a Cal
oric with one radiator (heated
under kettle while bringing wa
ter ty boi! ) It will be ready to
serve in about an hour.
In the Caloric you can BAKE
and ROAST food in lio raw state
without first partially cooking
on an ordinary stove or without
reheating it before serving, as
well as steam, stew, und boil,
Everything for tho table can
be cooked better on the Culoric
cook stove than by any other
method. We would like to show
and tell you more about them.
Wo are exclusive agents.
If You are on tbe lookout
for something "useful" for
Birthday Gifts
we want you to know that a
Jewelry store Is the best place
In the world to find It.
We have made special pre
paration for this happy season,
and whether you wish to spend
60 cents or $50 you will have no
difficulty in finding something
here to exactly suit your taste
and pocket-book.
We shall be glad to show you
our magnificent assortment and
to help you find exactly what
you are lookf:.g for.
Fleming Bros.
Office In Slinmons Building
Phonot Office No. 80; Residence 219.
Copyrights Ac.
An) one landing a sketch and description may
qweklr ascertain our opinion free wbeths
Invention la probably patent?'?'
tlonsstriotly confidential. HANL..
unn * Co. receive
er an
on Patente
axaiat free. Oldest agency fc,
Patente taken tnrouvh Munn ft
tpcr.ua notUt, without obargt, to the,
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I^araest clr.
dilation of any arlentlflo Journal. Terms, W a>
year: four montba, $1. Sold by alt newsdealer*.
MUNN ? Co ?'B^-^ New York
Branch OiJice, 636 TRU Washington, I>. O.
you over
' cajK'e''
<r norvoua ?ys
'tK your kld?
pains In
Tave you
nnd un
to pftflS
Pills will
{J ra W the laurcns cemetery " "I
I Winner of Second Prize In the Advertiser Contest J
The improvement of conditions at.
the Laurens Cemetery within the par.t
five or six months has been the sub
ject of much comment.
Where formerly there was practi
cally no enclosure, now the grounds
have around them a newly built wire
fence which protects the premises
jock wall also rung along North Har
per street, and a grass covered ter
race stands in relief the entire street
frontage between the curbing and the
neat wire fence that will in time bo
There are two gates, one near the
Northwest corner which is used only
on occasions and the other at the
Southwest corner which is opened at
seven o'clock a. in., and locked for
the night by the custodian at eight
p. m.
The custodian also keeps the walks
and roads in order and for a charge
(by the Executive Committee, of three
dollars each per annum he keeps
clean and neat the individual lots of
all who wish It done.
As a result of tho efforts of the
committee and by reason of tho awok
eiilng of general Interest In the mat
ter, many low-owners have recently
gone to considerable trouble and er
pense to have rock walls or curbing
placed around them and improved in
other ways.
Whore weeks and wire grass lately
grew, flowers are now the rule rath
er than the exception; and, all about
the place which seemed so desolate
and forgotten there Is now the unde
niable evidence of attention and loving
care for the spots that mark the rest
ing places of our departed friends
and relatives.
The benefit to the community of
such a transformation and the civic
necessity to continue this movement
and never let it stop ought to bo ob
vious because we owe it to tho mem
ory of our departed dead to ever keep
green and attractive the mounds above
them and the grounds that surrlund
each of these. We also owe it to
those yet about us and those who
shall come after us. All honor to
those loyal citizens who caused the
new order of things at the City Cem
Columbia Spradley Was Mercilessly
Whipped by Members of Girl's Fam
ily to Whom He Was Engaged.
Aikcn, Aug. 4.?Because her par
ents could not break off the engage
ment between a daughter of A. L.
Holstein and Columbia Spradley, live
men, A. L., R. H. Sidney and T. C.
Holstein and Robert Cockrell are
now in Alken county jail. Mrs. Ben
Spradley is dead from nervous fright,
Ben Spradlty is not expected to re
cover from the effects of a merciless
flogging ami Columbus Spradley is
Both families are fairly well to do
and are prominent In that section of
Alken whero the digging occurred.
When the parents of the young wo
man found that they could not break
up the love match, members of the
Holstein family went to the Sprad
ley home near Monetta Wednesday
night and calling Columbus Spradley
from the house, took him to a nearby
field and flogged him mercilessly,
telling him meanwhile that he would
have to leave tho community. Ben
Spradley followed the Holsteins nnd
Cockrell to the field nnd when he at
tempted to interfere, was treated
similarity, being so severely flogged
that he is still in an unconscious con
dition and physicians believe has lit
tle chance of recovery.
Mrs. Spradley was the mother of
a five weeks old baby, and in her
weakened condition, hearing the
screams of the flogged man and
probably seeing the flogging going
on, succumbed to nervous fright. She
was found dead yesterday In the
Spradley home.?Greenville News.
If Yonr Liver Is Wrong You Are
Wrong All Over.
A torpid, inactive liver goes hand
In'hand With constipation and is a
chronic condition, one requiring a sys
tematic, well-directed effort to over
come effectually and establish condi
tions of health and perfect body drain
Bloodine Liver Pills contain the el
ements needed to increase liver ac-1
tlvity and muscular action, go nctu
rately to the sluggish liver and bow
els, restoring them to perfect action.
They nre composed of great vegeta
ble agents, for the stomach, liver and
gastric secretions, mucous membrane,
circulation and bowels, and always
give best results?they are Nature's
own laxative.
Thousands of satislcd and grateful
people have written us about the
>at benefit they have received from
these pills. Hero is one: ?
Clonts:--! find your Bloodine Liver
Pills the most effective pill I have
ever used. They causo no griping or
constipntive after effect hs most liver
They form no habit. You should al
ways keep them on hand. Those little
vwetanle r.llls will ward off many
Ms, never sicken, weaken or prlge.
To cure constipation, biliousness and
sick headache in a night, U6e Blood
ine Liver Pills. 2f>c a box from The
Bloodine Corp., Boston, Mass.
f.aureus Drug Co., Laurens, S. C.
J. C. Burns & Go's. Big Sale for past
seven days has been certainly selling
the goods. You will not be surprised
though for tho prices nre butchered.
You had better attend this sale dur
ing this week. You will find very
near anything you want at Red Iron
Racket ond you can save lots of mon
ey by buying now. Just go see for
An ordinary cap "hoe.a can.
as a rule, bo cur ' ? doso o
Chamberlains' ( d DP
rrhoea Rome.'
superior fo>'
"do by of
Portland, Maine.
pills do.
Yours truly.
Biggest on Record.
(Continued from page one.)
Mr. Frank Nash of Fountain Inn
was a .Sunday's visitor here.
Mountvllle. Aug. 7.?Tho negro, who
we mentioned last week, was sus
pected and arrested for the burning
of Mr. S. M. Rryson's barn, has been
released because sufliclent evidence
could not be found against him.
Mr. JJenna Crisp of Florida and Mr.
Clyde Hipp of Georgia are spending
a few weeks' reBt and vacation with
their people here. Theso young men
are natives of Mountvllle and for sev
eral years have been working with
tho railroads as operators.
Mr. Mills Hunter and family of
Greenville si-cut r. few days last week
with Mrs. Fr.nnlo Stokes' family.
Messrs. Brooks Goodman and James
Winebrencr have gone on the excur
sion to Niagara Falls and other places
of note In the North.
Mr. J. H. Motes and two little
daughters, Caroline and Clemmie, and
Misses Nellie Miller and Carry May1
Warlick have gone to the mountains
of North Carolina to visit relatives
and for recreation.
Mr. Sain Farrar has the contract
for grading and constructing a race
tract at Union, S. C. The work is
worth $2500.00 and will require two
months' time for completion. Mr. Far-'
rar left two weeks ago for Union to
begin work.
Mr. and Mrs. Mllam Bryson left
?unday for a visit to Baltimore, Washv
Ington, and other places of Interest.
On their return they will stop over
a >vbile at Mull ins, S. C, to see Mrs.
Bryson's people.
Tho revival meeting at the new
Methodist church, after running for
twelve days, closed last Friday even
ing. Rev. Baxter F. McLendon of Co
lumbia did the preaching with clear
ness and much force. About fifteen
were added to tho church. Mr. Mc
Lendon was converted four years ago
at Bonnpttsvllle under the preaching
of Rev. Robertson. Ho has been
preaching only two years but has al
ready become noted as an evangelist.
Mr. Robert Thornton of the Mount
vllle High School has been given one
of the scholarships to Clemson Col
lege. Wo congratulate him on his^
success in the recent examination.
During his work here he has been n
bright and faithful student and emi
nently deserves this reward.
Cross Hill, Aug. 7.?A meeting of
Interest at tho Presbyterian church
closed yesterday. Rev. J. O. Reives
of Coluhmbia preached from Monday
until Saturday. Ten persons united
with tho church on profession of faith
and one from a sister church, all of
whom made Ihelr public, profession
Sunday before a large audience. The
pastor conducted the service and ad
ministered the ordinance of baptism.
On Friday morning, Dr. Reaves gave
an account of his visit to the Mission
stations in Africa last year. It was
interesting and instructive.
Mr. Albert Ga/rett, has been in bad
health for some time. The last week
he has been seriously ill.
-The four little children of Mr. Wai
ter JBryson of Atlanta who are with
relatives In town enjftyod a fruit
party^al tb,e borr.o of Mr. N. R. ,Boyco
Benin Watts has been ?ert?
"T*r friends will bo glad!,
*?. is much better.
W. McSwaln of
ttle daughter,
McS<i-?f" '
a visit.
Miss Chi Intim- Frazier of Ninety Six
Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Lea
Misses Lyda Mae Taylor and Ruth
Babb of Fountain Inn are with Miss
Lizzie Bryson for a visit.
Mrs. W. C. Rasor has been quite
111 since * last Friday. Dr. Neal of
Greenwood was called here Saturday
night In consultation with home doc
Misses J. B. Leaman, , J. M. Pinson
ond Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Nance left
today for Baltimore They 'will spend
some time In Washington before they
come - home.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo,
Lucas County ss.
Frank J. Cheney mokes oath that
he is a senior partner of the firm of
F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business
in tho City of Toledo. County nnd State
aforesaid, and that said firm will pay
for each and every case of catarrh
that cannot be cured by the use of
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Frank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before and subscribed
in my presence, this 6th day of De
cember, A. D. 18St?.
A. W. uieason,
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally, and acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces of tho
system. Send for testimonials free.
F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, C.
Sold by all druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
Awarded Clemson Scholarships.
R. P. Thornton, of Mountville, and
J. D. Sullivan, of Laurens, have been
awarded beneficiary scholarships at
Clemson College from this county.
Eugene Barnett, also of Laurens, was
awnrded a like scholarship, but he
was alloted a scholarship from anoth
er county whose applicants were in
eligible to enter. These boys will en
ter the college as Freshmen the com
ing session. They receive $100 nnd
free tuition.
Racked by your Lending Druggist.
If you have any kind of piles, get,
ft box of Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Rold
;at LaUreris'Drug Co. and druggists
everywhere on tho money-back plan.
Hem-Rold is made from Dr. Leon
hardt's own prescription?a tablet
remedy, taken internally and cures
^thoroughly by removing the Internal
cause of piles,, something that sup
positories, ointments or cutting opera
tions will not do.
$1 for large bottle which lasts 24
days. Dr. Leonhardt Co., Station B,
Buffalo, N. Y. Write for booklet.
- -y
Got a lame back? That pain
above the hips no better? It
may bring you a serious ill
ness if you do not attend to
it at once and?why suffer
when ve have the cure.
Has brought relief to thousands of sufferers like
yourself. Compounded from the prescription of one
of the most famous specialists?guaranteed to be a .
positive cure. If you follow our directions it makes
a new being of you?give you back that happy feel
ing of perfect comfort you have lost for so long.
Price 50 cts. per bottle. Start using it today.
An Office Thoroughly Equipped for The Production
of Perfect Printing.
In almost c^cry printing oflice there is to he found all necessnry equip
ment for producing catcby and artistic work?thnt is, if the men behind the
plant have the "know-how" and the ideas. Our printing department is up
to date mid the men in charge of it have been thoroughly drilled in tho
school of modern typorrnphy. Let us quote you prices on your next cata
logue, booklet, folder, letter heads, hill heads or any piece of printing which
you wish to have handled right.
Advertiser Printing Co,
Laurens, South Carolina

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