HAVE YOU A BOY TO EDUCATE ? Have you decided where to send hi in to school? Do you wish to place him in a Christian Military Institu tion? Where his health will be carefully looked after, his mind he thoroughly trained and where he will be taught habits of obedience, punctuality, and industry? If so send hi in to? The South Carolina Co-Educational Institute Here the teachers take the place of the parents and students are at all times under the direct control and watch-care of the faculty from the time they enter school until they return to (heir home. This Institu tion has splendid brick buildings with modern equip ments, a faculty of Fifteen experienced teachers, and a thorough course of study. It has been in successful operation under the same management for twenty years. Last year students were in attendance from all over South Carolina and from six other States. Write to-day for catalogue and application blank to COL. F. N. K. BAILEY, President EDGEF1ELD, S. C. ?I I im? - ''Tm^W'. K'.-'.i ?'' . AVWv\SNv\v\\\\vr<;;-.\v\\\vv. . -? CORTRIGHTsHINGLES They never need repairs, never need nny attention in fact except an occasional cont of paint. They're Fireproof?Stormproof and suitable for all kill; of buildings. For further detailed information apply to Local Dealer or Cortright Metal Roofing Co., Philadelphia. Penn. Buyers Guide and Classified BUSINESS DIRECTORY li Merchant Tailors! Compare Suits made by me with other suits you see. Ask your buddy about it. D. ISACOFF Harness, Horse Goods and Vehicles! The difference between a rut and a grave is the length and the breadth of it. If you deal with JOHN A. FRANKS there is no danger of falling into cither, STEA/v L.AUINDRY! We wash everything but the Baby. Put your duds in my suds. The best combina tion in Laurens. Laurens Steam Laundry ELECTRIC SUPPLIES Come in and see about the West* houso Rugged Tungsten Lamps und let us reduce your light bill. W. P. IIUDGENS Tinning. Rooffing and PLUMBING! vS. S. BOYD Plumber and Tinner Dealer in Plumber's and Tin ner's Supplies. Upstairs opposite City Hall. MONUMENTS ! P. F. Baxter Sc Son Marble and ?i.-anito Dealers Georgia, Vermont and Italian MARBLES WinsboroC.ranite kept on van all the time at Newl>erry, S. C. GROCERIES Delicacies of the Season For all '.he Delicacies of the season ? KENXKDY BROTHERS is the place to go. Laurens' Up-to-date Grocors BOTTLING WORKS! We are the sole bot tlers for Coca Cola, the famous drink. Coca Cola Bottling Works PRESSING CLUB! (all E. V. FERGUSON'S Pressing Club for Cleaning, Picssing and Dyeing. All Alterations promptly and neatly done. Membership fee $1.00 per month. Telephone No. 254. Advertiser PrintingCo. "The Quality Print6hop" Specialist in Every Class of Job Work I-fcwl MORE INFORMATION ABOUT OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL QUESTIONS Our Bible Question Local Club is looking up and we are much encour aged. It is very remarkable how these questions Interest, even the general public. It is a mistake to suppose, as some do, that this contest is confined exclusively to adults. Bright boys and girls can take up these simple studies, and may com ply with the conditions as well as their seniors, and are just as likely to win a solid gold medal or one of the other prizes. The prime, object of this Bible Question Club is to get old and young to reading the Sun day School Lessons, and to ponder the Suggestive Questions. It must not be forgotten that In answering questions it is legitimate to get all the help which is necessary. Anybody can cut out and sign the coupon each week, and can read the lesson and the questions. This does not take skill, but it does take method, and it means tin unspeakable benefit of reading these st> dies from week to week. You \.ill lind i to be a great benefit to join some f31ble Class, and ;:. t the help and enthusiasm which conies from company. You will need the Advertiser in or der to read the questions and net the necessary coupon; you had better sub scribe at once. If you are a subscrib er, then send the paper to some per ! son whom you think this course of reading will help. Send in your sub scription now, and get the benefit of the special rate, t'se the attached coupon. Send The Advertiser from now to December 10, 1912, the close of the Bible Question Club Contest, lor the price of $1.00 enclosed. Count me a member of the Local Club. Name .t. Address. (Copyright, H?io, by Rev. T. S. Lln scott, D. D.) The Prophet Ezekiel a Watchman. Ezek. iii. (1.) Verses 1-3?What is it that is to the soul like food to the body? (2.) Do men get, in these days spe cial messages from Cod as Ezekiel did? If so specify. (3.) What Is the Immediate effect upon us of new knowledge? (4:) Verses 1-7?Which are most susceptible to the claims of the gos pel, a people who have rarely heard it preached, or those who are con stantly hearing it? Give your reasons. ir>) What is the effect of preaching the gospel upon those who reject It? (CO Verses S-ll Is it always true, that we i rvo sufficient strength to do the work to which God appoints us? Give your reasons. (7.) Does God know In advance, "whether ti oy will hear or whether they will forbear," when he sends a message to a people? Why or why not? iS.i If your hearts fail us in the difficulties of our (Sod-appointed work, how much are we to be blamed? (!>.( Verses 12-14?When we are "bitter," or angry, or even sorry to carry oul the work to which wo are appointed, what attitude does God likely take to us? (10.) May we make every work, no matter how hard or disagreeable, a joy or does does God know and expect that we shall sometimes be sad? (11.) When we do God's work against our will, or inclination, are we praised or blamed by Him? (lL'.t Verses 15-17?Is it either es sential or an advantage in order to pet best results, for missionaries to dwell among the people to whom sent and become a part, and parcel of them? (13.) When we are appointed by God to do a thing, should we sit around and wait for special Inspira tion, or start right at the work and expect all essential help? (14.) Verses 18-19?How can we justify God in making the salvation of a sinner depend upon the warning of a man? (15.) What is the guilt, and what will be the punishment of a man whose failure to warn, is the means of a sinner dying in his sins? (10.) If a Christian refuses, or neg lects, to give to his utmost ability, to the missionary cause, will he be ad judged guilty before God for those who could have been converted through the Influence of the money he might have given? ..(17.1 Verses 20-21 To whnl extent arc vtc giiilt> for the backslidden state ef so many members of the church.' (This is one of (lie questions that may he answered in writing by members of the club.) (18.) How Is it that some who were really earnest Christians, lapse into a sinful life? (lit.I Verses 22-27?Which person gets more revelations from God, the one that gives himself up to contemp lation chiefly, or the one who is in the thick of the fight for God? Lesson for Sunday, Oct. 8th, 1011. The Life Giving Ehtream. Lzek. xlvii: 1-12. "IF" By Rudyard Kipling. If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; If you can trust yourself when all men doubl you. But make allowance for their doubting, too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting. Or. being lied about, don't deal In lies. Or being hated, don't give way to hating, And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise; If you can dream?and not make dreams your master; If you can think -and not make thoughts your aim; if you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two Impostors just the same; If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to. broken, And stoop and build them tip with worn-out tools; If you can make ono heap of all your winnings And iisk it on one turn of pltch-nnd-toss, And in;;.. Mint start again at your beginnings And never breathe it word about your loss; If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gout ; And so bold on when there If nothing in you Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!" If you can talk with crowds Mid keep your virtue. Or walk wit 1? Kings?nor lose your common toitch; if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you; It' all men count With you, but none too much; If you can 1111 the Unforgiving minute With sixty seconds' worth of distance run. Yours is the Barth and everything that's in it. And?which is more -you'll be a man. my son! The short ]>oom above was banded to us some time ago. At tile same llmo this thought was expressed: "What man with red corpuscles in bis veins, who is in 'the Stream of life' trying to make headway, that has not OXpOrlonc ed and will feel tho force of this master-craftsman's observation-'.''' ludee,) show us a man who has not met these issues face to fare and we will show you a man who has in him lacking some virtue which keep- him from being "a man." These verses might be read and rend ami read again and then each tlmo that they are gone over again something new might bo found in them to serve as an Inspiration to more and better thing;;. EAST TO GET RII> OP DA\ DRITT, roots with lust the proper nourish Dandruff means that down near the monl to make hair glow lustrous and roots of your hall' there is a vast I luxu NO 111. army of little invisible germs or flilc- PARISIAN RACE is guaranteed by robes. i I.aurens Drug Co. to banish dandruff. And this army never sleeps; It wag- stOp falling hair and Itching scalp or es a war of destruction night and day. money back, it j ? a delightful hair It destroys the nourishment that the I dn islhg that wins Instant favor with hair must have In order to grow vlgO-I refilled Worn II, Sold for only f>0 C< nt rously and abundantly. a large bottle by Lnurens Drug Co, PARISIAN' SACK now sold all over and druggists everywhere. Girl with America will destroy those germs and J \ubilrn lialr on every carton ?hd bot st the same time furnish the hair tie. YOU WORK HARD !! FOR YOUR MONEY! AKE YOUR MONEY: i \v?RK FOR YOU JT j Copyimiit l''0'?, bv c. v.. Zimmerman Co.--No. 9 When you work hard for your money, don't V> fool it away. Make it work hard for you. It will, ;; if you only take care of it, and put it in the bank. They'll make it work for you?that's their busi ness. HUH NEW ARRIVALS We are receiving daily our Fall and Winter Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing Shoes and Millinery and inspection is invited. These goods arc the Highest Grade Merchandise that can be bought and the prices are the very best. We are better prepared than ever this year to handle your trade, for we have the largest and best selected stock ever put in our store. OUR BUYERS SELECTED THE BEST And we are going to give the best at the very lowest prices. We invite you to call at our store. S. POLIAKOFF Xcxt Door to Post Office Laurens, South Carolina r WANTED-A RIDER AGENT ?v IN EACH TOWN ninl dlstrlol . .i ;,> exhibit, n taumln I .Mast Model v\ "K?nr,or" \>lvt >?'?? furnished by us. ' mr ni etil ? ovi i. w in ro tiro making ??)? ley fO I l:'nuf ..... !.?!.<,,!.e.ratume. 4? WO MOHbY rl-:r.Jli1C > uiiH! vtm icoclvn and n approve, of your \%u McvHo. Wo nlil|? l/> anyone . ...... iin l.ho I] H without a ttntdipoitt \? 1n advance /..-.../. ? i 71 H DAYS' F?CE TRIAL ? hlcyoloHhlpIt.I>a<:l< lo usai.ouri' i.ndietn '?? ? /..?.-...? *../ ?.??.?. Izffl tFAKYOH'/ PRICE'S V " xki lilcyiikvs Ii Is , ?^rht\ miOiC?,?, .? , , ... . m, oho small ?rollt aliovo %&.wWWjr?:ty '"?"'?'I ? '? Von mi .-ii';! prollts by bny nTTSsilaWni! director in 1.1 I have tho n . i behind your M> ?\l?jtV'4" Wl'h'y' '"? 00 HJT i* a I 'or tins lr. .,?,:?, Ill, a?r /'ilvVwtxr K.V W>r'|eyr*V?< I" I u*milly l.avo ..r ...it promptly ?1 uncoil (i tri i)?, pnrtw, rct.alni ?n?l 80 fbr rrfularrnall prtttc/lhi ir 1 ?"/.' 1) ; r- ft Ir, t ut 1, initoju, U/lllnllf6U4iamfil' fait trfl.Xtlitnihlvli KO MORE TROUBLE fhU nails. Tackt, or Ol .? BVV ., n?l U I In. . i. ? A liundn d llumsaiid |m i sold lust, vi DESORtPTlON: rldhiif, v< ry diirnhlo ;i Iii i d .. . '? ?? a him .-inI (junllty ? i i ? ? hicij ?.. I'oinoH |>op(ius 1? 11 (I \ ... . . , ? imiicluri's without a 111. v. Iio'ulr Wo haVn litindi'i-dH of l< ? ? i ? - ? HlatllKfthtll U??'|P 1 .;..!.? 1 ,. ,. |,,; or t w lea In a whole*:m . ? an ordinary tiro, tli" i. ilvon liy ho Vera I lay<-i. fahrlcon i ho t v< nd '> ?? ? is flO.OO l< r l.nir, hill I maklnu a sjh -ini ftt?u da> Ifitop is n ct'h ? .1 d bnvo i'xiiinhii .1 and 1 Wo wlllotlOH it?,nh d. with oRorn ? : . pel irni ?) ..i our. . pon ? . < > ami.npywnttoum ? ? ,. Cauli r run rnxtor, ?mr ?? ?* . . ? Wo I no* II.?1 >.m Mill 1. .. yoti to k-imI ax a trinl ?.r.l> r .,' . ?? IF YOU HEED ' nrlo? quoted aliovdi or ?nie I - ? klntlHof nr. ?I nli...it half 1 li. .1 DO NOT WAiTj It f.nly costs a |><>^tal to lr?rn . W'r.i.. II Ky'V. 0 1 ho liiir.tt rubber!rend. <+*+*+-y*4'/l C^?