OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, December 27, 1911, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1911-12-27/ed-1/seq-5/

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Thumbnail for PAGE FIVE

Flag Flying on Court House.
For several days "Old Glory" lias
been waving from the dome of tho new
court house. This is usually taken as
a sign that the highest point under
construction has been reached. Tho
building as it stands now gives prom
ise of much beauty and when it is
finished it will be something that Lau
rens can well be proud of. There will
bo fow other buildings in the State
?with such artistic lines and with such
intox inns.
Why need anyone suffer from any
throat or nose troubles when soothing,
healing HYOMEI Is guaranteed to ban
ish all misery or money hack.
"Tho undersigned herewith recom
mend HYOMEI to all who are afflicted
with asthma, catarrh, or bronchitis.
HYOMEI was used by my wife for
bronchitis and asthma and I used it
for bronchitis and sore throat.
it has given relief and permanent re
sults and 1 write these few lines for
the benefit of all who are afflicted with
the ailments named above.' Theodore
Boehlan, Traffic Manager of the Con
cordia Publishing House, Cor. Jeffer
son Avo and Miami St., Concordia,
Kan.. Jan. 2nd, 1911. Tho Laurens
Drug Co. and druggists everywhere
sell Hyomel. A complete outlit Includ
ing inhaler costs $1.00. Extra bottle
if needed 50 cents, .lust breathe it.
Then Spoils 't.
A woman run look at a man In a
way that makes him feel like a
plugged nickel?then she spoils the
effect by Baying tilings.
When your feel are wel and cold,
ind your bod> chilled through ami
through from exposure, take a hig
lose of Chamberlain's Cough Reme
dy, bathe your feel in hoi water he
fore going to bed, and you are almost
?Certain to ward off a severe cold. For
sale by all dealcis.
Use Rays of Sun.
Curved mirrors, concentrating the
sun's rays upon a point beneath them,
constitute a machine being tried out
in South Africa to smelt metals di
rectly from the ores.
"I had been troubled with consti
pation for two years and tried all of
the best physicians in llrlstol, 'renn.,
and they could do nothing for im?."
writes Thos. I-:. Williams. Middloboi'o,
Ky. "Two packages of Chamberlain's
Stomach and I.her Tablets cured me."
For sale by all dealers.
When You're Watched.
When you drift along with the
stream nobody pays any attention to
you. When you buck against the tide
everybody watches you.
Illoodine Cough Checker will t|ulck
Ij allay that hacking irritation ac
companying a severe cough or cold.
The safest ami surest remedy for chil
dren. Keep a bottle constantly at
!. ml.
1.aureus Drug Co., I.aurens, S. C.
Again That Big "If."
How wise we should all be if at
middle age wo could actually know
as much as in youth wo thought wo
For sore throat there Is positively
:no remedy that will relieve so
quickly and cure permanently the
most aggravated case, as Illoodine
Rheumatic Liniment.
Lauren8 Drug Co., I.aurens, S. C.
Something to Learn.
Unfortunately we do not lenru tho
Value of staying where we belong till
wo have wandered where wo don't ?
Illuc Hull.
Kvery family has need of a good,
i ( liable liniment. For sprains, brills
es, soreness of the muscles and rheu
matic pains there is none belter than
Chamberlain's. Sold by .ill dealers.
True Love.
Love in action Is sacrifice; it must
give itself; wherever, then, true, puro
hue lies, I rue mire sacrifice is con
tinually made. Jessie Combs.
When you have a cold get a bottle
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It
w ill soon llx you up all right and will
ward off any tendency toward pneu
monia, This remedy contains no
opium or other narcotic ami may he
given as confidently to a baby as to
an adult. Sold by all dealers.
"Fire Fan."
Traveler (In a railway car, to follow
passenger): "Sir, what do you mean?
This Is the third time you have put
out my match." Fellow traveler: 1
"Force of habit. I'm a member of a
volunteer fire brigade."
Lightning hills Few.
In 1006 lightning killed only 169
people In this whole country. One's
<haneos of death by lightning are less
than two In n million. The chance of
death from liver, kidney or stomach
trouble is vastly greater, but not if
BlOCtrlC Hitters he used, as Robert ,
Madsen, of West Burlington, la., prov
ed. Four doitors gavo him up aftoi
< ight months of suffering from viru
lent liver trouble and yellow Jaun
dlro. He was then completely envoi]
by Bice trio Hitters. They're the best
Btomach, liver, nerve and kidney rem
edy and blood purifier on earth. Only
BOO at Lnurens Drug Co. and Palmet
to Drug Co.
See our Special Hed Room Suit at
$17.00. We offer this suit at this price
from now until January 15th. This
is an opportunity you can't afford to
S. M. & E. II. Wllkes & Co.
Annie 8. Peck Describe* Home In
Heart of the Mountains, Where
She Waa Entertained.
I My home in this w-* >d?rful valley,
I where for weeks on thrve separate ox
i pedltlons, I have been hospitably enter
tained, Is for the most part a house of
a single story built around two courts
or patios, \rrlving on foot or horse
back, one passes through a wide vestt
I bule Into a large patio Burrounded by
a coverod corridor or veranda and the
principal rooms of the dwelling. The
drawing room Is furnished with Drufl
Bels carpet, large mirror, marble-top
ped tables, and expensive upholstered
furniture. A piano, too, Is hero, as
In every house where I was entertain
ed. The stranger coming, as he must,
on horseback, 90 miles from the sea
l>orl of Casina or Samaneo up over tho
Dlaek range ami down Into tho val
ley, will wonder how tho great mir
rors, tho piano, the heavy French fur
niture, were brought to this town to
which no railroad or carriage road
leads. Neither mule nor burro, the
ordinary freight carriers here, can
transport a piano on his back. From
Samaneo a cart road leads 30 miles
to Moro. For the remaining GO miles,
up over a pass as high as the top of
the Matterhorn, 14,700 feet, and down
a Bteop path to tho valley, the piano 13
borne on the shoulders of men. Luck
lly for the gentlefolk, labor Is cheap
?30 cente a day.?Annie S. Peck, In
Harper's Bazar.
Painfully Injiinil.
Young Clyde Tongue, son of Mr. Wil
I ill 111 TengUC, who lives a lew miles
from the city, was painfully injured
Saturday nighl by having one of his
eyes put mu by a Roman candle. The
young man was playing with other
young fellows on the street, when one
of the balls struck him in the eye. lie
was given medical assistance hero and
Sunday lie was carried to Greenville
lor treatment. Prom last reports he
was netting along as well as could
he expected, bill it is fairly certain
1 thai lie will lose tiie sight from one
i eye.
Your Friends ami Neighbors in I.au
reus Will Shun Von Mow.
Rubbing the hack won't eure blick-1
A liniment may relieve, hut can't
. cure.
Ilackachc comes from the inside
from the kidneys.
Donn's Kidney Pills Ki t inside
Tiny are lor sick kidneys.
line is I.aureus proof that this is
It, l>\ Sexton, Carolina St.. I.aureus.
S. C. says: "I hnvo had no need of a
kidney medicine for years and I uivo
oanr8 Kidney Tills the credit lor free
ing me from Kidney complaint. In
1003 I publicly recommended them ami
at this time I am glad to do so auain
I suffered intensely from a weak and
aching back ami rest brought no re
lief. The kidney secretions were un
natural and tilled with sediment und
I had to gel up several limes during
the nighl to pass them. I tried any
number of remedies and used liniment
and plasters hut nothing did me any
good until I got Donn's Kidney Pills,
at the Palmetto Drug Co. The first day
after beginning their use I fell better
and after I had used two boxes of this
remedy I had no further trouble.
Donn's Kidney Pills certainly made a
wonderful Improvement In my health."
For sale by all dealers. Price ?0
cents. Poster-Mil burn Co.. Buffalo,
New York, sole agents lor the I'nlted
Remember the name Donn's
lake no other.
Moved to Madden.
Mr. I. II. Powers, of nenr Harksdale.
has rented the Henry place below
Madden station and will live there dur
ing the coming year.
When you get ready to do your
Christinas shopping, come to our
store. heii> yon wiil limi everything
you can think of for Christinas Gifts,
and at a meat saving in prices.
Windows of Meinen No. 10.
Send me 12 names and addresses of
music lenders or teachers, written
plainly, and I will mail a copy of my
new song book. No. in to you tree. No.
|u is the best book I have published.
.1. B. Vnughan,
22-11 Athens. Ca.
Christinas and New Year Holiday ex
cursion' Hates.
Account of above holidays, the At
lantic Coast Line Railroad offers
special round trip excursion rates be
tween all points, good on all trains
scheduled to stop at respective points,
Tickets on sale December 15, 10, 17,
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, :'.<>. 31, and Jan
uary I. 1012.
Final return limit January 8th, 1812.
For rates and other Information,
see local agent, or address
General Pascnger Agent,
\V. I. CUAIG. Wilmington, N. C.
Passenger Traffic Manager,
Wilmington. N. C.
Curd of Thanks.
Wo wish to thank our many dear
friends and relatives for the many
kindnesses shown us during the laat
illness and death of our dear son,
Samuel A Mills. May God's riches
blessings rest upon each of you for
these kind deeds.
Mr. and Mrs. John I). Mills.
How Is this? A solid oak frame sent
Chair made of good clean stock, with
double cane seat for only 60 cents.
S. M. & E. II. Wllkes & Co.
Best Wishes for
J.W.& R.M.Eichelberger
Coal, Wood, Brick, Cement,
Crushed Stone
Drayage a Specialty
Day Phone Night Phone
33 276
Don't Try
to keep house without a
Serving Dish
Almost indispensable for
Pnddinfls, Custards, Meat Pies, linked
Apples, Macaroni and ( ln i??.,>, Vegetables,
Chicken Pie, Pish and Oysters, Potatoes
nn (iratin, Baked Benns, Scalloped Potatoes,
llakcd I?-j"1.i:??. etc,
Inset for halting in tho oven, made of Kardien or
Porcelain Ware. Outer Dish of solid Copper with
Heavy Silver - Nickel Finish.
I'liis season's assortment
bfitOCa all of the newest
styles, it will Sntcicsi
you to sec them.
We would like to call your attention to the fact
that we have in sfock a full line of
samples and supplies for
Moore's Loose Leaf Ledger System
We are aware of the fact that the mention of Loose Leaf Ledgers
to some people immediately suggests an intricate system of keeping
booKs that is intended for the other fellow. For this reason we re
quest that you come to our office and inspect our improved method of
book keeping and allow us to show you that by means of our
method, your book keeping will be made
Easier, Cheaper, Briefer and Less Worrisome.
We can prove this if you will only give us the opportunity. The
Loose Leaf system is intended as much for one kind of business as
another. Remember this: You have no annual transferring to do if
you use the Loose Leaf Ledger System. We insist that you
-THE -
Advertiser Printing Co.
Have you overworked your nervous sys
tem und caused trouble with your kid
neys and bladder? Hove yen pains In
loins, side, back und bladder? (luve you
a dabby appearanee of the face, and tin
der Ihe eyes? A frequent desire to pass
urine? If bo. Williams' Kidney rills will
cure you -DrUKglst, l'rlee 50e.
W1LUAMS MFG. CO.. Prop... CleviUnd. Ohio
Lumens, S. ('.
Succeed when everything else fails.
In nervous prostration and female
weaknesses they are the supieme
remedy, as thousands have testified.
it is the best medicine ever sold
over a druggist's counter.
and see the South Krow, keep your mon
ey at home where, it will benefit you und
your city.
The Business Magazine
tne South's leading Business Journal tells
how to do it. It boosts Southern made
goods and those who handle same.
t] It also contains articles of interest to
every Southern Merchant, articles which
build up ones busincbs and make it profit
?] Tells the latrM, best News in the Busi
ness World, condensed for the busy man,
?J Send $1.00 for year's subscription.
Business Magazine Cow
Knoxville, Tenn.
Stop ScratcHing
Par-a-sit-i-cidc cures itch and
mange in 30 minutes. Pimples
and Ringworms quickly. Price
50c at
60c by mail or express from
Dr. U J. Sharp. & Co., Commerce,
Oa. Guaranteed. "Take no
stibslit ute."
,J::o. W. Ferguson C. C. Fcuthorstone
W. P.. Knight
Attorneys at Law
Laurens, s. C.
Prompt and careful attention given
to all business.
Office Over Palmetto Rank.
Piles! Piles! Piles!
Williams' Indian Pilo Ointment will euro
mind, nieediliK and ItchlliK I'lb'S. It ab
sorbs the tumors, allays llehii..! at once,
nils as a poultice, glveH insi ml relief.
Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is pre
pared for Piles and ItohlnK Of the private
parts. I>riiio;ist?. mall GOC and (1.00.
WILLIAMS MFG. CO., Prop*.. C.and, Oh.o
1,aureus, S. P.
Cured qutcklv, Take no lubttltute.
itOc l>y mail < r e?prr>? from Maat..
Or. I. J. Stuirp A Co., tuinmene.?. ?.
or 50 (roin d i .,..>.: ?
Laurens Drug Company
Laurens, S. C.
I...lr*t / ~
l>nm, tf.lfl
Take no wt
l)ru??t.l. I
IIIAMON? IIKAND I'll.l.H. f... Wi
yelif known %\ llr.l.Stftst, AI? >> \ Rell.l.l?

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