OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, June 19, 1912, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1912-06-19/ed-1/seq-7/

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Thumbnail for PAGE SEVEN

Dr. J. L. Fonnol, of Waterloo; was
a visitor In the city Friday.
Miss Donle Counts Is visiting Ming
Isabelle Bailey in Greenwood.
Mr. Esten Mefllock of Greenwood,]
spent a few days with his parents last
Mr. Hamp McKlnncy, or Greenwood,
spent Sunday In the city with his
brother, Mr. Clarence McKlnney.
Mr. and Mrs. .Charlea Wharton
spent Sunday In Waterloo. Green
wood Journal.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Glenn and little
son went to Lautens Saturday to visit
relatives. Greenwood Journal.
Mrs. J. K. MInter, of Sedalia, is in
the city visiting at the home of Mrs.
N. 13. Dial and other relatives.
Miss Annie 81tgreaves has returned
to the city after teaching the past ses
sion in Alkon.
Miss Alma Wannnmaker, of Orange
burg, Is the charming guest of Miss
Lalla Mae Dial.
Mrs. J. L. M. Irby has gone to
Cheraw for a few weeks to visit
friends and relatives at her old home.
Mrs. Hugh Workman and daughter,
? of Clinton, were shopping in the city
Misses Annie Kate Childless and
Lutie Young left yesterday for Hock
Hill, where they will attend the sum
mer school for the next few weeks.
Mrs. D. II .Counts and children re
turned home Sunday after a visit to
her parents in Greenwood.
Miss Ludie Taylor, of Laurens, who
has been visiting her brother, R. Ilen
Taylor, has returned home. Green
wood Journal.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Putnam, Misses
Corinne and Lena Putnam of Barks
dale were visitors in the city last
Miss Neil Kellett, of Fountain Inn,
has been the guest of Misses Annie
lelle and Bessie Childless for a few
Mrs. G, Warren Holt and children
returned home Saturday alter a three
weeks' visit to relatives in Darling
ton, Marion and Florence.
Mrs. H. N. Snyder and daughter, of:
Spartanburg, are in the city visiting
Mrs. Rosa I. Caino and Mrs. A. D.
Miss Kate Eichelberger has return
ed Lome for the summer after teach
ing a successful school In Alken coun
ty during the past session.
?rs. S. Q. McDaniel, Miss Ina Littlo
Mr. Clyde Franks are in Florenco
week attending the sessions of
the Order of Eastern Star.
Mr. Yancy Gilkerson arrived in the'
city yesterday to visit his parents,
Capt. and Mrs. W. H. Gilkerson, for
a few days.
Mr. Tom Hennctt, who has been j
working for a few months in Wilmlng
.ton, has returned to the city to work
in the store of his father.
Mrs. G. W. L. Teague, Miss Minnie1
Teague of Waterloo and their visitor,!
Mrs. E. T. Davis of Columbia were
visitors In Laurens last Thursday.
Miss Hettle Lake has returned home
after a successful year spent at Hol
lins Institute. ohe visited several
days in Spartanburg on her way home.
Mrs. W. C. Irby, Jr., left a few days
ago for Jacksonville, Ala., to visit for
a few weeks during the summer
Miss Marion Brown, of Florence, ac
companied the McGlonaghan-Rlchey
wedding party from Florence and will
.be the guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Richey, Sr., for some time.
Col. T. D. Darlington has rented a
cottage on Sulllvaus Island for the
summer and hla family will go down
In a few days to spend the summor.
Mrs. W. C. Irby will also go down to!
spend a few days.
Messrs. Ford Franks and Claude
Habb spent Saturday In Greenville at
tending the ball game. "Hans" Franks
took a very prominent part in the fes-1
l^^pfl, being the "Man behind the
Prof. B. F. Ezell, who was princl
L pa. of the graded school at Laurens ]
* last year, passed through the city this
morning enroute to Ninety Six, where]
he has recently beau elected super
intendent of the Ninety Six schools,
prof. Ezell ia a graduate of Furman. I
Greenwood Journal.
Get yo'ir- fruit Jaro from us, we have
inll sizes in both tho ncrew top Masons'
.and Sure Seal.
S. M. Sc E. H. Wilkes & Co.
X ?
The following very interesting an
nouncement baa been received In this
Mr. and Mrs. John C. McClenaghan
announce the marriage of
their daughter
Nina James
x to
Mr. Robert Hart Richey
on Monduy, Juno the seventheenth
nineteen hundred and twelve
Florouco, South Carolina
Mr. and Mrs. Richey afrlved In this
city yesterday to spend tholr honey,
moon here with Mr. Rlchey's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Richey, Sr. This
evening, at the spacious Richey home
on West Main street, a roceptlon will
be tendered In honor of the young
couple. Extensive preparations have
been made for a large number of
frlonds of the family and It Is expect
ed that a groat many will call to meet
the bride and groom.
The bride Is a very accomplished
young woman of a prominent Flor
ence family and has always been most
popular whorover she has been known
Mr. Richey, who Is well known here
and has numberless friends, Is now
making his home In Florence where
he holds a responsible position with
one of the large business houses. The
marriage of these two people is of
interest to a large circle of friends all
over the state.
Mrs. X. B. Dial delightfully enter
tained the Social Club at her home on
West Main street Thursday afternoon.
She was assisted by Mrs. E. P. Mln
ter and Miss Wessio Lee Dial. After
a number of games of Forty Two were
played, delightful refreshments were
served. The nftrnoon was most pleas
antly spent and greatly enjoyed by
all who were present.
The Forty Two club was entertain
ed Thrusday afternoon by Miss Xell
Miller on West Main street. She was
assisted in entertaining by .Mrs. Claude
Coleman, Mrs. Connor Fuller and Miss
Eva Coleman. A number of games
were played which proved very inter
esting and enjoyable. During the af
ternoon a delightful lunch was served,
The regular meeting of the Daugh
ters of the American Revolution was
held Friday afternoon at the home
of Miss Beth Shell. All Interesting
and instructive program was carried
out after which a delicious course of
ice cream and cake was served,
A social event of much interest was
a large and most enjoyable reception
on Friday afternoon at which Miss Al
berta Burns entertained. The house
was profusely decorated In ferns and
daisies. In entering the hall one was
forced to forget the gloomy evening
on the outside. Miss Burns received
her guests wearing a smart toilette
of yellow messnllne with trimmings
of ambor jewels. After many Inter
esting games were played, a delicious
salad course was served, followed by
Icos and cakes. Every one present
enjoyed the evening to the fullest ex
tent. This delightful function will
long bo remembered by those present.
(Continued from Page One.)
long friend of the family, conducted
the funeral services. She is survived
by a husband and a large family con
nection who grieve because she has
Among those who attended her fun
eral were Mr. and Mrs. Ch'as. Madden,
Mrs. Qona WInn and children, of Wa
terloo, Mrs. America Madden, Mr. and
Mrs. B. B. Blakely, Mr. Whltt Adalr
and daughter, of Holly Grove, Mr.
Honry Madden and mother of Green
ville and Mesdames Bonham, Felts and
Davenport of Laurens.
Mrs. Luthor Flnley, who was car
ried to the county hospital last week,
stood her operation all right and at
the last report was getting on very
well Indeed. This will be good news
to her friends.
The Misses Teague, graduate nurses
of Washington. D. C, aro taking their
annual vacation and aro now with
tholr mother for a visit. While hero
they will also visit their sister, Mrs.
Chas. Roberson of Birmingham, Ala.,
and togother they will go to the ranr
rlago of their brother, Stokes L.
Teaguo of Atlanta, Ga., who Is to bo
married In July to Miss Roberts, tho
charming daughter of a Methodist
minister of the Gate City. Stokes
spent his boyhood and young manhood
noar hero, but is now a successful
bunlnoos man of Atlanta He has
many admirable qualities,'not the least
among them has been his love to his
sisters, his caro and devotion to his
stepmother Many friends will join in
wafting to him and his Intended bride
hearty congratulations
"The Dicey Langston Comedy Com
pany of Madden" has boen duiy or
ganized and will give a splendid ac
count of Itsolf In a few weeks. As
press agents they will send up to
Put Your Rug, Carpet and Floor-Covering
Dollars into Wilkes' Goods for their Goods
Are Goods of Quality?this Spring's
Newest Creations and they are
Most Reasonably Priced.
That's why we say "put your Floor-Covering Dollars into
Wilkes' Goods."
Our Summer Displays are magnificent?truly a marvel?and
the best weaves?the best things from the foremost makers of all
manner of Floor Coverings are here for your choosing.
Whatever your home needs?then, just remember this splen
didly equipped Carpet and Rug Store; and for your own best inter
ests, make this your buying headquarters.
Crex Rugs 50c, 75c $1.00, $1.25 and up to $8.50
Velvet Rugs, sizes 27 x 54 inches, - 1.25
Axminster Rugs - - = 1.25, 1.50, 1.90 and 3.2s
Axminster Art Squares, 9 x 12 feet, - - 19.50
Velvet Art Squares, 9 x 12 feet, - - - - 11.50
Come here where you have the largest line to select from and
then you will find the best values.
Laurena "Jonathan Scrugglns" (Jack
Wofford) and hla adoring "Belinda
?Jane" (Miss H. Cunningham) to lot
the public, know what Is tho latest
fashion in "Pumkin Ridge"!
Mr. Renby Martin, a young son of
Mr. and Mrs. "Chuck" Martin, of
Bunts, Texas, is here on a visit to his
numerous relatives and friends and
his parents who left the county some
27 years ago are also thinking of com
ing back home to live. This will be
welcome news to many friends.
Mrs. Margaret Allison accompanied
by her granddaughter, Margaret Fin
ley went up to visit her granddaughter
Mrs. Hess Wright, of Enoreo. She was
Joined in Laurens by Miss Joste Mar
ton of Clinton. They returned Mon
Misses Juanlta Martin with little
Wlnona and Annie are on a visit to
their undo Conway Martin of Ora.
Mrs. Judge Thompson still con
tinues to improve, her friends will be
pleased to note.
HI* Sign Said 80.
One evening at 7 o'clock a man
with a wife and 11 children, many of
them grown up. appeared at the en
trance to an entertainment hall,
bought two.tickets and demanded that
the entire family snould ba admitted.
The doorkeeper declined to admit
the family with two tickets only.
"Rut all these are my children."
said the. man.
"Of course," said the doorkeeper:
"but some of tbem are too old - to be
admitted free."
"To. old? What's that to do with
tt? Oon't It say on your bills that
children under 12 aro admitted free
with parents?"
"Well. I've ->nly got 11 children,
and If 11 children aren't under 12 I'm
beat."?Everybody's Weekly.
Itallrond Visitor.
Mr W. B. Gresham, representing
the passenger department of the Seu
board railway, was in the city Thurs
day. Mr. Gresham is on a "publicity"
trip in this section, working up the
summer rate tickets to Wrightsvllle
lloach. The railroad has put on a
rate of $7.f>0. round trip from ('Un
ion, with a limit of ten days at the
? i ii otritctcil Scr? Ices.
Shenly has announced
that a protracted revival meeting will
be held In the Second Baptist church,
beginning Sunday evening. The ser
mons will be preached by He v. Mr.
Shealy himself, who has but recently
been pastor of tho church. Special
music will be on tho program every
?venlng and the public is cordially in
vited to attend.
Wall Color* and Light.
In painting or papering th?> walla of
a room the queatlon often ml,..,! what
color reflects tho most and what the
least light? Recent experiments In
Germany gave the following results:
Dark blue reflects 6V4 per cent, of the
light falling upon It; dark green,
about 10 per cent.; pale red. a little
more than 10 per cent.; dark yellow,
20 per cent.; pale blue, 30 per cent.;
pale yellow, 40 per cent.; pale green,
46Mt per cent.; pale orange, nearly 56
per cent.; pale white, 70 per cent
Glossiness and varnish increase the
mount of light reflected.--Harper's
At the Top.
**I take a good deal of pride In my
cousin Hector," said Mrs. lapsing.
"He paid his own way through the
medical college, got bis diploma and
now he la a full fled god disciple of
== AND.=
Have your Clothes Pressed and Cleaned by
men who know how. Youll find them here at
this Shop.
Over Palmetto Drug Co. Laurens, South Carolina

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