OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, March 17, 1915, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1915-03-17/ed-1/seq-8/

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* 3Irs, . tuella Thomais Henderson *'
An Appreciation.
Thursday, 'March .1 1. 1915, was a
perfect day-the bright sunshine and
crystal attospihere with the cooling
breezes were Just such as follow thun
der clouds and showers on a previous
day. This Ideal day was the day Mrs.
Amelia Thomas lienderson, wife of
Mr. Lafayette llenderson of larksdale.
was buried at Warrior Creei-surgciy
the smiling day did not ntock the
grier of loved one-Aye, we knowv it
did not anytmore than tihe beautiful
flowers dlonated by loving luuids.
Yes. she was laidI away under v theI
johliquills and11(i violetM. ''lhere is ai
ways heatlity inl flowers love and grief.
.\ll the previous d:y throngs of.
frilds had passed inl .u11( out with
sad d ietanor, and sorrowing lhe iarts,
for the loving wit, of r years had
gonte leaviig aln only soin, iltbin '.
llenderlson, a- niu1ch bel.ovedl dauah-0ter
inl-law., M.\-;. .\lma Wells ilen~icrs4on
anld little .Juanita \\'ell s, ani only
granldebil. so nut1ch loved by her, and
a v-ry devotod huisband, also she was
the \vtevt sier of \lrs. .\lary Power,
of near ltauksdale, Mrs. 'oriie Duhvall,
of .atreis, her tviti sister, attd Mrs.
Ituith Itohbtonl, of, Greenwo.od. Thle
genilal friiend of, Ianiy lay there bea
tiful inl death after mansy weeks of
A great crowd of frietds followed
the black sottmbro hearse with snow
white horses to the church where the
funeral was 'conducted by her beloved
pastor, Rev. J. A. 3rock, assisted by
Rev. V. T. Mutn nerlyn of Gray Court.
Front there she was carried to the
cetietery Wihere they prayed, sang,
and wept. This was the best -they
Could do--froi it. cotmies a degree of
comfort. She is sl eping undier thes
flowers ald the beautiful wIhite nar
ble of' this "specially beautiful" and
well kept country churchyard (not
one like the poet's couutry church
yard). "Oh dreary desola t ion. thy
lamltte is ('ounttry church yard."
Whetn tihe igreat angel shall souii(i
the last ttrumptti) this body will colie
forth radient with imitortality.
The deceased was 67 years or age,
had beent a Christian since early girl
hood--was a consistent ilember of'
Warrior Creek Ha ptist church, attend
ed ser'vices there just when she was
able-always seemed glad to he itt
the holse of God-was always a very
fritil, weak woman with a remarkhle
degree of intuial i ii I nt iect- -I) oai
minded with a fine Idea of business
tact, to live within her mns-pls
sessed with t idea of te1 naciou sneiss
that of holing ott to her ilteriaie
-a viu we Should all adlitere to
andt(I possev5ssed by a few woinl.
Ste was a devoted \ ifl' to a reiprlo
cal hisbandA, 1 tend Inother' to iUt
ble, who wvill eve(r cherish her teach
ings, \'irtes and meiory- she was
to him the itnCartation of gentln.
lpatientce and love.
Ilet' kindilyi symp ittherie natture was
wvelI kntowit by herI friends(1--T) thiis
I can testify, hot' goodntess w'as an it
alpirat Ion, hter spot less llIfe a btenedle
.\lay G;od's gr'aee hielp themt to fiii
tIls aeling v'oid. itIn lhe struiggle
algainst the tlnyi(ddling tadvantce ot anl
to li e"' site said-h-bit coulid say'
htes'tnt-'piy "''Ty wiill( htiotte."
Sihl r~tietreated1 with (l:the miie of a
to enntittutrt withi thiese wordls, "Oih,
death where.) t' is t hy s1tn ."'
Shte aai : ted til'hi approah (oft hec int
Ones weep(Jintg olver thiri grelat loss,
Whyt3 sitotld Iourl tearts itn sorriow~ flow1,
Whett God recpails llis own;
Anid hids1 themli ilavl a worlid of woe
For t ati immttotal erown ?
Whoset5~ ii feI to (G(od was giv'eni?
Gland ly to (athi thitr'l eyes they ('lose
Thteir' toils at'e past, lthir wor'k Is
$And they alp fl bI~ thst:
She tfouight the tight, te vi(tor'y wvon
And has enteredl itot rest.
Then let ott t'sorr Iows ('('se to flow,..
Gotd his reenailed Ils own;
mut let (ourt heatrts, it ('very wvoe
Still says, "Thty will be dlotte."
'Really Healthy Person.
Theo healthy person Is one who
uses all lis powers of mtind and body
to their full capacity, and tis Is what
brfigs itanntiness as well as sense of
Spower. Trhe emphasis should not be
upon what one hears so much about
Srelaxation; but upon keeping this nor
I mal health of every organ and every f
funcilon. This requires activity, ex- i!
incise and always a pure and noble C
'litchers (if Thils andi Adjiaen.t. Coin-l
ties to Hold Summer School lit New.
((Newberry Observer.)
Newberry county is to have a sum- ,
nier school this year, boginning -June
1st, and closing .fuly 17th, at New
>cly college, this institution having
indily offered the use of its campus q
ind buildings. The faculty has not
)een selected in full yet, but it is
;afe to say it will be a strong one. The #
lurlpose of the school Is not to inter- ,
ere with the Winthrop summer school 1
r the South Carolina university' sum- 4
ner school, but to make provision for
he large number of teachers of this 4
ecetion who do not find it convenient
o go to either one of those schools.
t will begin just a week after the
Vinthrop school closes.
Superilntendent leo. 1). 'rbwn
h1inks he enn make such arrange
neni ts leire that the entire mon-th's
'NsIsVS, including boi'd an(d every
hing, will not exceed $25.
A ineeting w'as h)eld inl the superlil
'idenit's olice here - yesterday, at
vich1 were present tle( following per
ons: .1. H-. Sullivan anld Miss \\il
.ou (riy, StIId3'i3eIlt'deLt and super
'ising teacher respectively of U-aur tens
ounty; .1. It. Feltoni and Aliss, aggie
arilligton, suipei'in t(iledelt and super
ising teacher of Andersonl county,
Md (leo. 1). B1rown and 'Miss Saide
oggans, supeIin tendent and sul)er'vis
ig teacher of Newberry cokin ty. Plans
vere discussed an( formed for the.
;chool, only minor details remaining
o 'be settled. Laurens will certainly
"nite with Newberry, and Anderson
xlii probably (o so, though that has
lot 'been decided; and invitations have
)ei exteided to the counties of Ab-'
leville, Greenwood, 'Saluda and Spar
oo. D. Brown, of Newherry was
'hosen business manager of the enter
prise aud J. if. Sullivan of IJaurens,
Assistant mainager.
NothiL. like "TI" or f4 hinCltg, sweaty,
enlloused feet anid coris-"'i' z" Is
Whly go limping aronid with aching.
puffed-up feet--feet so tired, chafed,
"My feet
Just ache
'TIZ" 4
sore an1d swolleni you can hardly get
yolr. shoes oil orI off? Why don'i. you
get . 2.1-Celit box of "I Z" from the
dri'g storze now and gl a dden you r 1or
Iured feet ?
"Tl%" I.' makes youir feel glow withi
eomfoIllrt takes do(wni 1( swIinags anuud
dr a ws the soienues anad mniser'y right
ot f' feel. thait c hafe, smarit anld burn1.
"TIl%"7. inst antily stops pa In in cor'na,
callouses anid bmnions. "'TI'%" is
glorions for' tir 3ed, a'chinug, sore feet.
No mor1 ie sh~oe t 1itnes-- -n3( imore foot
"Qu~lick .\lea" I'Oil SlovCes, ok (ickel
Cr, use1 le'ss oil anid ':sir'st to3 operate.
S-. .\l. & 10. II. Wil'llS & CO(.
I' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
.1(3ne s. AnI ao el I.--.\ r. .I. 11 I. hilughesi
has 133Irehased' ani auitomob131le' for3 hub
Ii(' service and3( will meet all I rains at
MnalIs .11unet ion anl cI on vey to and ,
'romu War3e ShioalIs. IBobert is a v'ery
mvor3thy young man and it. gives mnc
rte:tt pleasur 3e teo commiiende himti to the
av'orablie ('onsidera tion of those who1( 1
nay kindly pat rouiizie him33.
.\lr3. .1 eriry ('. Alaitn has billt a 3nice
-ow tage for .\r. .lohn .\edloek.
Ilon. and .\IMrs. J. 1". .\lrrisonl r'e
'en tly vIsi tell thelir sonl, W~eslecy ini An-.
.\iri. WIl1lIam11 Ander~lsonl 0333 eil:ent
'iari' 1pol1icemnan is very attIen tive to Ils
NIrs5. U. W. JTenkinus and1 so~ns, Win.
(les aind Walter' have r'oturneld to
Ilev. J1. II. ('onnuolly and son1, WIlbur,
eethe guests of r. W. Tr. Jonies -
'itesday 03f last 'wveck.
.We ('ordIally welcome Mr. and Mt's. r
'har1 lie Miarler, who have moved her'e. e
.\rs. Nor'woodl (rariam and.- Mrs. V
I'rankI Owen1 of Sltony Point visited a
irs. iDr. W. Trowpes Jones r'ecenutly. v
Mris. Char'les A. Oates .of Kings
Iountain, N. C., is on a visit to her1 fi
ftarents, ion, and Mi's. J. F. Morrison. J1
Mr. Fiank 'T. Joines has some beau- I'
iful ipigeons and a paIr of hounds for N"
lion J. F, -Wideman, our efmicent au
erintendent of education, visited our C
chool last week and made an dilo
uont and inspiring address to the pu- 0
1ls. .. P
Red ]
The H
Two I
Clothing, He
Goods; Millinery,
Overalls, Pants, I
Caps, Suit Cases,
Curtains, Towels
Laces, Ribbons,
Glass, Crockery,
Tobacco, Cigars,
Stationery, Pit
Clocks and hund
Prices. . Come t<
goods, you will s:
Saturday will
our ne
No. 1. 210 W. L
No. 2. South Sid
O. I
Wheouneer yo bar consu
without a progressive ban]
first duty to yourself is to
It is a faithful friend.
Make OUR ba
Enterprise Nationm
N. B. DIAL, Pres.
We were very sorry to hear of the
COCnt death of Drt. T1. L. Croft of Aik
n.- We were in coliege together and
'e have never know a more- perfeet
entlemani. We tenderly sympathize
'ith the bcreaved family.
Wo are indiebted to the following
riends for recent kindlness, Messrs.
oshua Martin, Hoke Hlughey, Leo
ratcher, J. L. (raft, Benison Jones,
ewton Rogers, John Thomas and
awrence Baldwin,
Mr. G. MW. Davis sold a large lot of
attoni at Ware S}10als last week.
Miss Laura Graham was the guest
f' Miss Gladys Cobb, at a birthday
arty WLdndnaf~'tenon.
[ron R
louse of Ba
3ig Stores In L
tS, Shoes, Dry Good
, Hosiery, Underwea
)ress Shirts, Collars,
Trunks, Sheets, Cox
Handkerchiefs, Gk
Rugs, Window !
Lamps, Notions and
Cigarettes, Chewir
ent Medicines, Je
reds. of other items E
1 "Red Iron' Racket'
mile and be happy.
be the Big Or
w store on the Q
The Booster Stoi
aurens St. Next t<
e of Square, 0. B. Sii
nkn.oe r bak think
/esi OE;YU
haveg Money orn think.
nksi MY YOUR
We Bankome Lanyoen
us. Hat oER, yashier
A inlyor apommngditynes Yor.Eal
havede paosedy n the Ba n.
in Baeprnc of Laurenassmag
orfj aorroongd latiess ands Fe.
Rev. .Jas .\. Dallas conducted the
funecral service in his usual tender
and synhpathietic 'manner, all of 0111
p~eople tendlerly sympjath izo with the
bereavedl relatives.
We recently met the following
friends, Messrs. Joe. Jones, J. B.
MdCombs, Wells Riley and Dep. Sher.
iff White, of Gi'eenwwood; Col. Machen,
Martin Arhold .gnd .WB.' Arnold, .Jr.,
6f Princeton, gatk l~1more of Uaurens,
andt J~. C famnhall of Jna 'Dath.
s, Notions, Dress e
T, Work Shirts,
Ties, Suspenders,
interpanes, Lace
ves, Embroidery,
hades, Tinwear,
Racket Goods,
ig Gum, Candy,
welry, Watches,
roing at Red Hot
and buy your
iening Day at
i Bramlett's Shop
nmon's old stand
Stileme:t; of Ile (onill.tion of the
Loenite4d t Owing~s, S. (., at the close
0f bisiness, ltarelh 4, 1915.
1.olans. and Discouns . .$1617.9
Furniture and I lxtures .. 1,1-18.7
Banking hlouse..........i,287.5I
Diut froni HIanks aid Bank
ers . . .. .. . . .. 2,7631.0:
Currency .. .......... 28..
FillIver and Ot her (oin . . . . 8.9 I
'Vhecks and Cash Items .. 5.'
Other llesourices, viz: . .' . . 10I.0(
Total .. .... .........$ 22,1109.Si
(Capitali Stock Panid in . . . .$ 13,700.0(
1 lndivided( Pr1ofits, less Cur
renlt Ex~enlses and( Taxes
I hli to IHain ks antd Han kdra -1313.2!
Inld ividuaI )epiosity Subjiec.'
to Cheek .. .. .. .........,727.11
TIimne Cerlifientes of Deposit - 2141.54
(Cash ier' Checks........... 22.6
To)tll.. .. .... ......$ 22,1 o.S:
S1tate of' SoiuthI Carol inu ,
(Coiunity of I:Lurens. I ss.
I ef ore mf*en ame A. .\. 0 vings, (Cash.
tlr(of the ab~iovo- nzmedI'( b4 nk, who he
lng duily sworn, says Iih t. the ab~ov
and1( foriegoi tjg sittement~ ai tru 1 con01
(dition of 51aid batik. ag howni by th(
books of said1 bank.
Swt'rn to and1( sucibed0'l)( beforeC m<
this 13th (lay of March, 1915.
11. M. lirysoni,
Notary Puliic.
Correct Attest: G. W. Owinigs, 'T. II
Owigs, .1. W. Do iree, Directors.
Magnificence of War.
"Aro you the leadler of this band ot
2nen?" ".No,'' replied the general ir
a turbuilenit territory; "I'm their fol
loweri I tell them where I want therni
with a gun andi~ see that they gc
"D'ye ken -Mac fell in tho river ori
his way hame last nichit?" "Yori
don't mean to say Ihe was drowned?
"Not drowned, mon, but' badly di
lalted."--Iondon Opinion.
State ef OhIo, CIty of Toledo,
Lucas1 County. Is
Frank J1. CTheney makes oath that he Is
senior partner of the firm of P. J1. Chieney
& Co., doing business in tho CIty of To.
laedo, Count and State laforeadid and
HUIINDRIDD DOLLAt for each and ev
ery ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured
by the use of HAL LL' CATA RRH CUR1D,
Sworn to beforeRA and subsor bed 'in
my r cethIs 6th day of December,
( #9 A. W. LlDASON
Jfalg Ctarrli Cure is taken internal'ly
arid acts Ietly upon the blood and mu
cu suc o~ te system. Rend for
Tledog 0,
/ entiata
Statement of the Cond.ition of the
Located at Lauerns S. C., it the close
of busiless, 1arch 4, 1915.
Loans aikd Disepunts .. ..$162,575.13
Overdrafts . 79.72.
Iurniture and Fixtures . 2,816.92
Banking House .. ... .. 4,200.00
Other Real Estate owned 2,500.00
Due from Banks and Bank
ers.... ...... .... .. .. 8,679.00
Currency ............. 2,107.00.
Gold .. ..... .......... 15.00
Silver and Other Coin .. 531.95.
Checks and Cash Items .. 698.80
Total.......... ....$184,203.52
Capital Stock Paild lin $ 50,000.00
Surplus Fund ........ 15,000.00
Undivided Profits, less Cur
rent Expenses and Taxes
Paid .. ............ 11,656.79
Individual D)eposlts S'ubject
'to Check ..3........'.33,077.42
Savings Deposits ..2....'2,806.19
Time Certificates of Deposit 23,066.07
C~ashier's Checks 89.05
1ills Pawable, including Cer
tificates for loney or'
rowed , .. .. 28,500.00
Total ............ ..$18-1,203.52
Dtate of South Carolina,
County. of Laurens. ss.
flefore me came S. .1. Craig, Cashier
of the above named bank, who being
duly sworn, says that the above and
roregoing statement Is a true condii
tion of said bank, as shown by the
books of said bank.
S. .1. CIAIG.
Sworn to and sub'serlbed before me
this 15th dav of,'1arch, 1915.
Z R. B. Terry.
Notary Public..
Correct -Attest: M. .J. Owings, John
W. Fergusoh, J. J. Pluss, Directors.
Stateientt of tile Condition of the
Locnted at 31ouitiville, S. C., at tile
close of business 3March 4, 1915.
Loans an(l DIlscounts .. ..$ 4-1,5i5.40
Overdriafts .. , . *. ... ...71.03
Purniture and Fixtures .. 1,500.00
lanking I louse ........ 2,000.00
Due from llanks and Blank
ers ................ 6,193.48,
Currency .. . . 705.00
G lid . . .. . . / . . 10.00
Sil ver and~ O er C ..1 . 129.83
Checks an<( Cash Items .. 76.50
Tlotal..............$ 55,201.2.1
CaPita Stock Paid lit . ..$ 20,250.00
Surplus Fund ...... .. -,500.00,
Ujndivlde(l Profits, less CuIr
rent I4xpenses and Taxes
Paidl . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 351.33
In(livi(ilial Deposits Subject
to Check 1.............11,256.63
i'lnme Certillchtes of Deposit 2,553.68
Cashier's Checks .. .. .. 289.60
tilli Payable, includilng Cer
tilleates for Mtley ]lotr
rowel .............. 16,000.00
Total................$ 55,201.2-i
State of Iutlh Carolina,
County of Lues s
llefore me came . \l. iuller, Cash
ler- of thie( above nam1iied1 banik, who, be
ing (Iuly sworn, says fliat the above
anld foregoling statemelit is a trLue con
dhilon of said baiik, as shiown by Ihe
books of said bank.
C. 'M. FI1Lc41H.
Sworn to and subsclber hofore Ine
this 15th day of Mlr'ch, 1915.
W. . Crisp,
Notary .Public.
Correct Attest: J. M. Simmons, .
lb. Crisp, W. .1. Cluck, Dilrectors.
C'olumibhd, M.ar'ch I:1, 1915..
Laur'ens, S. C.
l)cai' Sir':
'Thle State Tax ('on1nnission of thle
't ate of' SouthI Carolina has senit ime
thle following commtiii(ationt relative
1o thle citforcemnent of the IllucOmei 'T'ax
"Th'ie lime for' makIng retuarns under"
tihe income, tax 14w of this state cx..
pir'ed on the 2.01h of Fchb'u ary' last, and
at ver'y larmge nt minb er of persons Ilibe,
to thle ptayment of thle tax oitIted to
maiuke such r~ turnms within the tlime(
''"The n egl .ct to innke. the returtns
in t ime1 1nty havye been ca used in part'
by ani i'ro cou- iimression t hat, the'
returins to payment of' thle 1iencoe ta~x
to the i' le'a I Governmnat melieoved
these ta. payer's from paying th.- in..
comue talx imposedC~ ir' . - laisq of this
"The failu re to make returns with
in timie have been so gene'al and widle
slpread1 thtat w..e t hinmk ftitther' oppor'
tunity should lie allowed such p~er
sonte to make thesa~ 'eturns before the~
lpena'lties prIovidled by law arc imposed.
utpon them.'"
In ord(er', therefore, to save'such per
sonsg who will nIOW comei for'ward and'
make the propuier r'etur ns, I,' Carlton
\V. .Sawyer, under', anid by virtue of
p~ower~ con ferred upon the Comip1 reller
Glener'al, with the approval of the(Gov
ernor, in B9eetion 707 of Volume 1,
Code of Laws of South Car'ollna, 1912,
dlo hereby etxendl the time for tihe mak-.
ing of r'eturnts anld assessment of in
conmc taxes w ithiout penal iy unatil the
fi'st day of Jumly, A. B. 1916.
You will, govern yourself necoad
Carlton W, Sawvyer,
Approved. - Comptrnoller' General.
Richard T. Alanning,
(County papers p)lease copy. . .34-4t
Whedever Von Need a General Tonk,.
'Take Air'ove's
The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless
chill Tonic is equally valuable as at
Genera) Tonic because it contains the
weU known tonic propertiesof QUNI IB
sodt a Jtwa a th - ar~zn
nat wa ta~ti~s the.. --o4ea

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