OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, April 21, 1915, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1915-04-21/ed-1/seq-3/

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Two Stores No. 1 Old Stand 210 West Laurens Street
No. 2 South Side Public Square, 0. B. Simmon's Old Stand
Known this Country Over as Red Irod Racket, the House That Sells Same Goods for Less; Money
12 - ~Where money makes the big wheel turn fast. Just as sure as two lcyr
1THE We and two makes four. With our quick sales and small profits we We
1() B.B.H. sell more, turn the cash dollars over four times at small profit andW
9 oYour help our customers along and then make :more in the end. The Your -'
8Trade more you buy at Red Iron Racket the more you will save in the Business .
________ I_ difference of our lower prices and we will both make money just I
7as sure as two and two make foaur. II
9 * 5m
BI-G li"OCKi 01" MIEN'S4 ANI).I1)Y'S 84c and save 160. Call anldsee. 3000o PIRS MEN'S AND IW0Y.S P\NT ~ t 5
$1.00, our price 680 CL'lINO NOW REM)Y All $1.00 bottles, sale 68i0e..84
All .50e bottles, sa.,le lie.........42 Boy'sPns.5 3,.8U o14 , a
Melt's Suits, C ra k--.ae Sulits . . 6.39 All 25e bjottles, sale price.........22 *\li's P~ants groing" at .98, 1.25, 1.48, 1.98,
Special values ill Menl's Sulits, 4.98 11p to $1.o(o b)ottleI s(IUw vine......84 2.25, 3.48 up to 4.95 for the $6.50) kind
14.39, Smile of the bext suit bargc-ains cv- $11.00 bottle \Iystijc Wie or Life ..84 al '111 id we will panIlt you uip.
r Shown~. ill hallrel5 $1.00 b)ottle Wiiic of Car1di......84 (Thld filled \\atchles Pliaranteed 10-year
goodonfinke s maig(41iimbysl- $1.00 bot tle Beetr, W\inie anid Ir~on ...84 eaIse.......... ..........5.981A
ing the same gosfor less. $1 .00 bottle 3-S. S. S. forl the Blood. . .84 60ld filledl Wa-thes, giaran te'ed 20
$1.00 bottle 3-11. B. B1. for the Blood. . .84 Mcrs Eli rWlhm..99 o1.0i
8,00 AIS SOE AI) T~l ~'$1.00 bottle Wainpoles Cod Liver oil .84 1 pi Lac Cur( takins........3
NOW READY. $ 1.00 bottle H-ood's Sarsaparilla.....84 Othetr Inte CtIrtaits........7
$1.00 bottle Ayers' Hir V'igor .....84 .98, 1.25 upl. to 1.98 a pair.
I iles white c&111v1.i low cut Slippers .9 1.00 bottle Paine's Celery CTpoab.4'iile( Covers, S(ffrrsf, Pillow~~ Slailis,2c
Two Store No 1 Comodn Stan 210lo Wests Lauren Stree
adies' low cut Slippers, dandy . .. 1.48 $1.00 bottle h Son's Liver Reulator .84 O. B..immon d and
Baby Shoe..............10 $1.00 bottle Thedford's black lDraught .75 Shieets'..............4
Big line Children Slipper, white, blask, $1.00 bottle Warner' e ure Ta.84 U brllas .25..39, .48,.69 up1 to 1.
tau W and patent leather. We have Saes $1.00 bottle Stuart's Bikai e and ml- p)00 yards best. Sta Weid Calico,
for tee whole family Every-lay Shoes, iperh dm .84 ale finish .W...a.n..t..........
Sunday Shoes, Knock-Abouit Shoeo- 1.0lo~tI ~~Peces(odMd 1 .000) yards HIeavy D rills....08 and.1
Courting Shoes. Sweetheart Shoes. um iral kisnoverd t" .84 1.00 rolls \\'tdII auper
Trade~~~~~~W moeyubyahe rnRce h oeyuwl ave ile Bu"'stsin,-,*es
your spring bill here and Save dola o5r- bottle Ches nd's Ex pt orath .42 t
$1.8o1.8igrks all t ile alsi 5t and bol Ienion Elixi 14s 1as foIud Srtraw ats. A -
wealves aind coloirs, ill Rilets, Rat ie, SO bote silaii s i iiuliet. . .. .42 or's aMIid Ipts a1in(1 the latest I~ea ions o
Crep es, Crinkles, I'opl ins, Silks, -SiIk 50c lhot t le IDr. K iing's Ne-w\ I)ist,overy .42 stYles. Sonie alt, 1s ains. Menl's Filr II1a
Be ades, Ii ens, Paja a C eks, 6.39I .P 3
Fla hke C rels's anad Wool Sk iri't iald 50(!c hot tleI II eal in i l )I. . . . . ..25 2.99 1*,)1, a 1 John 11 . Stetson11 at w~'m'th l$5,(i)i o 5 ct 3
fiey'Vist ing~si and datiplc D~ry Clood-S, 25(, bol t I (,- 'oose 0ircase Lii join itl ..22"'' 1 ia'.K ~laI 0..O.5at12
Red rn Raeke i a i usi by ke se -li 22
ing the same good forless-.molil u f .1411.-41']11 61111 2 D eslns.5 .3 ,48 .9 id II)t 4
1 II 1 11 rhato 1 pl x Ha 'or, grun r-a at cm .25 27 e e ci uI'...... .22 t1 lI boi cs oI the lwl ph (?I ti( l ie ) imioii1
$3.01solid dd ind Ri 1.00 2vau Iet I ('liiii boilam 's Pain lalii .22$2.25
.1 pair' 50v Cull'l Hittoils..........25 25v bottle Cliainterini's lDiarrhocnt bIgli-vlies ill Mecii anlid 1H.'s Cap~ijs .0
985, to5 to.898on a aran.D
1 t ition . i I t>to . .e.0 5 R hotiledy (..2 2 .1< .25, t.. . . . . e. ,ha .i.....i
I Show Case of ,Jewelriy, youri' choice .10 :5e hottle Flctcher's ( 'ast oria .... .2V y l orget it. lIrmg your hiad here;
(ell. CulY Pins, lIar Pins, Vingr H )igs, 25v hot tle Itadelill's Home Re lief .. .22 1w uv dicover it. $1.2p
Cull' Buttons, Searf 1Pins, Tie Clis1)s, 25c hot tI e- Wiislow's Sootlhing Syrup .22 1.n.lbox l' 25c
Bead's all colors. I.j'' S "'" l1( - -.-.-.-.- ........ .10
12 Collar Buttons .............. .03 ROLL,'IT '''M OLL. 10v Sllspeiders.............. .08
144 Shirt lluttons .............. .05 (let in tihe gaie while Red Ir on Rltet's 'it idk'hi ...........08
1Oe ca'd P(earl liuttols .. ...... .05 1 iig Sale is on. 3 goot llandkerchiefs
15e card IPearl Buttons...............10 7(ikes best Washing Soap........25 . Msk rnn .... .... ....
Big lot, Colored Dress Buttons. 1 packages Gold )ust ...... ....23" i
$3.50 Eight-I)ay Clock. ........ . enn linkig Powder........ .04 '' i-y ( omb.................10 10c 10
$G.00) fine Mlahogany (lock .i t10 liaking Powder ...... .08 Big line ol' Siuokimg Thn1, (i'- C
$2.50 arge Fam ily Bible ........... . 98 oxes .l at0 es................... .25 avots. (ia's and ( h w h i g Tobia o
$:.00 liollow-Ground Razor ...... .98 $1.00 Abu-m ('lock .............60 all going at red I hot pi--es.
1 six foot Iluggy W hip .. .. .. . . t ' time to wake upii a im to l t ' bottle o o r \ milla ).xt r'at .08
FieW isg .. ... .. 25, 39 to .9 Ia iiike G uiI d oodl Shoe P olish .. .... ...........05
i(lie Ws ToHi-k le I hest Shov' l'ol isli. 'l--e hotles....1
ekes fiue Toilet Son .1.10 : k;s fine 'oilet Som) ( Aiiioir's) .10 Btle l'isheairi e h.t..l.s......
I hox Toolh Pieks ............ .05 1 cike (Iy'erine Soap .05
.I large Tablet ...............05 G spools Thr(mi (best 6 ord) spool I..ihttl ( astor Oil . .. .. .. l..
2 "ood Lend Peciwils ..e...........05... tton, sile pri'ce.. ...........25 \ni
.1 Lend Pencil, good ............ .01 - halls Tcl-end. sal& w..........0 . "otoine sweets. pr' .0..5......1
Needles, 'ins, Key Chains ........ .01 1spools Threml (good) sale priv .. .05 I'. aiid 20e groh-s ol ( andy non go
15e Comb, out' prie .-........... 10 1 pa (per ofI Ntedles. sal' prie .... .01 i , I ..
Coarse and iu Combs .. ..05 1 paprl' of' Pmls. sale i-.e ..... .01 'i-ow siade-;. ('ii t iI'os, 1I
Shu s. .Ilveralls. I iU s Ki ' I 'ants.
10e I porkct. I riise ..--....- ..-- O 1 Kev (hain, sal li-ice. .01 l-t 0 1ts. I 1nies Plaids, sli
Special lot cket Kives ........ 10 Io 'aI s Endvelopes, Sale prie... 05
1. big lot l'er lil.... .......10 2 box 'a per lvelo s, sale Sil!.. .05 himv Sea Islab S--ehing. Ti'kt
I big Bread liuie ............ .10 :a sticks liloing, Good tabk sale price .05 Goodis. allse aii ut ('ao ta i radk
Sbig Alcal Fork.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-1- 7 eakes aiiudlry Soap, sale price . . .25 s our ned. o adlo r >ugh
I big Cake I' roxide Bath ISoap .... .10 .1 packages CelIlloid StarclI, sale . .15 .. oe and Io~k"throg
I big cake Ideal Carnation Toilet Soap .10 6 >ackages old I)ust, sale price .....23 this woiderit barga in house
-o (111i 0 Tot1 rs 05 r, "ae .1 1,50 Yards h ijaniI Checks pI d'Waist
to0e quality Tooth Brush ......... 0 0 3 boxes Seacvh Il ight Matches, sale. .10 - -'d '10t t _ pica
2eulyohvalue $2.25 Brush........ .10 10 Tinl Wash Pai...... ...... .05 ings worth 12e t > , > r pciee .. .
I nice Memoranda Book .........05 10-qt. large Tin liucket........ .10 inca:l 1 - t i .g. I'o e .
: plugs good 'I'obacco .. .. ...... .25 .0e Dipper, sale priee ........... 05 s , i ow
2 g o iat.05 'Good (Ilunhty 'lickmi ... . . . 1
2 good Cigars ....-.- .-.-.-..-. .10 1 Jardiner anad I'edestal, sile price .10 l0v-I-eavy shirtin Cheviots, special.09
7 good Cigar's, Stogas .. .. .. .. .. .10 1 Jmapanes Iug, hi'ge ........ ...39 -s
Seissors .10, .15, .25;uip to .45. Cutting-up 1 large Rug, reversile, worth $1.50.. 1.19 1 and e
m011 . 50e ILinterni, sole price .... .. ..3.. . 35 I)esv oods, new la pr 1nie ..epe
$1.00 Alarm Clock .............60 Big lot Flower I'ots and Churns. Wcal's. vur fS-incyoe L prie.0
75c Umbr'ellal - - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - -- $1.00 set, decolralted China Plates, sile .60 S t ke fanc 01 to .05
$1.25 Umbrella ...............98 $1.00 set decorated China Cups and I"ns to keep ''1 to 394 25c
$1.50 Umbrella ..1............1.25 Saucers, sale price .. .. ........6' t'lwood (wallyiI) sland......05
45e Umbrella, special . .--.-.,.-.25 1 Set Plates, good, sale price .. .. .45 liet ood ya d-wide Sea slnd ....0
See 0111 Iosiery. W have a i g We have two stores, 1 basetment floor', e heavy yad-wid Seetin . . .061-2
from tile mills which we are selling at .10 and all these roois are chuck fuill Se hea key yai'd-wide Sheetin........
a pair. Extra good values. froi the baseient ut1p to the ceilinjg Good elcked oniceli .msu...0
Millinery in all of its glory blooming m and any way you turn the bargains in bes titdc 'leackhi .11.l.il . . .071-2
N1L. Now come and see. are looking at you. Don't fail to 1-2ie quaity Bleachingams.an .M a .10
$3.00 value $2.25 10c roll Toilet Paper .......... .08 visit our B liieient Tiil 12 1-2c quality eighmles and Madras.0
1 -1 >oile 05 quality Giighamis.. .........
1 roll T oilet IPaper - Glass, Ci'ocket'y, Enatmelware, Rugs, I, -(Galetc Cloil.........12 1-2
1 Art Square 9x12 feet, a dandy for 2.94 Ilam>s Wall Pa peri' Fit -fC ten CLo . . ..t...g.. ..
$1.50 Jute Smyrna Rug ........ 1.19 L ' ' Frant of the Loom and Androscoggan
Epecial lo~t Brussels Rugs, our price .98 SHIOES AND SLIPPERS. .Bleach (formerly sold at 12c) now .09 -1c
1 Sewing Machine, drop head, guaranteed 45e large Japanese R . . 2
'. for 10 years .. ..........,.13.39 Low Cut Tennis .........49 and .59 1 good Broom ...............5
1 Sewing Machine, drop head, ball hear- Children's Slippers, wihite, black an1d 45c Broom only ..o.............
ing, a daindy, guaranteed 10 years 16.50 tan .......57, .69, .83, .98 lip to 1.79 2 packages (5c) Chewimg Guiml .....05
6 lbs fine parched Coffee for ...... 1.00 Ladies' low cut Shoes, white, black, tal, : e'nkes (5e) Toilet Soap ..........Q
7 lbs good parched Coffee, good .. .. 1.00 going, .98, 1.25, 1.48, 1.98 up to .. 2.97 1 pair good Overalls .............8
'Hero is sonic of the best Standard Medi- Bring your foots to 11s; we will Cover 1 pair best tmaiide Overalls.........
1 eine you can buy. $1.00 bottles here for them uipfieadd y.oyOrl .......2,4 7$1.00 value 39c
980 to 980 25o to 48o No. 1 Store 210 West Laurens St. Next to Bramlett's Shop. No. 2 Store South Side of Public Square, $1-00 $2.00
$2.98 ,. 0. -B. Simmon's Old Stand

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