OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, June 16, 1915, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1915-06-16/ed-1/seq-2/

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All Blood Disorders
Quickly Driven Away
Astonishing Results With the Greatest Blood
Purifier Ever Discovered.
Strength, Power, Accomplishment are all Typified In S. S. S.
Some blood disorders become deeply eliminated from their presence.
Tootal In the glands and tissues. and the Then, too, S. S. S. has such speelflo
mistako is made of resorting to drastic stimulation on these local cells as to pro
drugs. These only aggravate by causing serve their mutual welfare and a proper
other and worse troubles. A host of pco- relative assistance to each other.
pie know this to bo true. They know In a very brief time S. S. S. has the
Trom painful experience. reconstructive process so under control
To get right dlown into where the blood that remarkablo changes ar6 obseved. All
Is vitiated requires S. S. S. the greatest eruptive places heal. mysterious pains and
blood purther ever discovered. aches have disappeared, and from head to
This remarkahlo remedy contains one foot there is a conscious sensation of re
Ingredient, the active purpose of which is newed health.
to stimulato the tissues to the healthy From the fact that S. S. S. is purely
selection of its own essential nutriment a botanical preparation, it is accepted by
and the medicinal elements of this match- the weakest stomach and has great tonic
less blood purifier are just as essential to influence. Not one drop of drugs or
well balanced-health as the nutritious minerals Is used in its preparation. Ask
elements of the meats, grains, fats and tor S. S. S. and insist upon having it.
cugars of our daily food. And if you desire skillful advice upon any
Not only this, but if from the presence matter concerning the blood and sk!:X
of some disturbing poison there is a local write to The Swift Specifle Co., 205 Swift
or general interference of nutrition to Bldg, Atlanta, Ga. Do not allow some
cause bolls, carbuncles, abscesses and zealous clerk to larrup the atmosphere in
landred troubles, S. S. S. so directs the eloquence over something "Just as good"
mc'al cells that this poison is rejected and. as S. :S, a, Beware of all counterfeits.
It Always Helps
says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., In
writing of her experience with Cardul, the woman's
tonic. She says further: "Before I began to use
Cardul, my back and head would hurt so bad, I
thought the pain would kill me. I was hardly able
to do any of my housework. After taking three bottles
of Cardui, I began to feel like a new woman. I soon
gained 35 pounds, and now, I do all my housework,
as well as run a big water mill.
I wish every suffering woman would give
The Woman's Tonic
a trial. I still use Cardui when I feel a little bad,
and it always does me good."
Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness,
tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman
ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the woman's
tonic. You cant t make a mistake in trying Cardui
for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing
women for more than fifty years.
Get a Bottle Today! 64
* An E*xperien~ce at WIinthtrop. *
n Exeineti itrp They Wore Picturesque Figures In
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * In Former Days.
Dtear Advertiser Rteaders: It was in Dutch Williai'8 rcgn,
I wish it had been possible for every with the rcconstituticn of the army
farmer's wife and daughter in Laurens and the rise of the lin regiments,
county to have heard the speech of that the recruiting sergeant first be
the lion. A. F. Lever before the gradu- came a notable figure in England
ating class of Winthrop College on the and throughout the campaigns of
night of .lune 1st. I had thought but Marlborough and Wellington - in
little of what his speech would be deed, until after the Crimean war
about-possibly the usual platitudes he flourished exceedingly. lie found
that go with a commencement address his way into the popular literature
--maybe along the order of "Beyond and the ballads of the eighteenth
the Alps lies Italy'!" When the speak- century, appearing always with a
er of the evening was introduced byv bluf manner, a powerful voice imnd
Presilent -Johnson and lie announced i pir of immense to1 boots. lie
his subject "The Economic Needs of was, in falt, a stck character of'
the Itural Woman" I sat up and took coe.
notice and ardently longed for a piece h
of paper that I might take notes for ject, the fountain head of alt mili
those of my sisters who were not so tary humor, is George Farquhar's
fortunate as to be there. I could at ohi
least have gotten an out line for you .* cer," dating from the time of Queen
it memory will have to be called on. Anne. Here are Captain Pluo.,
lie tol( of what had been (lone to
helpthenta-tle frme. le crn-with a fine judgmient inl recr-uits of
help the man11-ille f'armer, lie Comn-0
paredI the home as the heart of the cither sex, and Captain Brazen,
ar, but the vital part-thetill the battles
farn, it(th vial artth liar(ofin Flanders and had two and twven
that home-the woman had been long ty horses killed under him in one
neglect ed. "The farm woman asa and Mr. Justice Balance, who
class," he asserted has been neglected
in a degree almost criminal by the the front: "Look 'cc, captain, give
edoieral government." Ie explained us but blood for our money, and
what the Smith-Lever bill recently shan't Want men."
passed In Congress would mean to the Bu Sergeant Kite eclipses them
rural woman. lie pictured in words all. He has the true art of the re
realistic and true, the homes-not cmiting speech: "If any gentlemen,
homes however-merely places to exist soldiers or others, have a mind to
-of the 25,000 white tenant farmers serve her majcsty and pull down
of South Carolina. He stressed the the French king; if any 'prentices
fact that the agricultural Interests of have severe masters, any children
South Carolina, -of the South, were have undutiful parents; iftiny serv
surely passing into the hands of an ants have too little vag-s, or any
inferior race. husband too mach wife, let them
The three and four-roomed houses repair to the noble Sergeant Kite,
of the average tenant farmer stood be- at the sign of the Raven in this
fore one's mental eye in all its ugliness good town of Shrewsbury, and they
nakedness and bareness-no conve- shall receive present relief and en
niences, no comforts, only base ncees- tertainment.
sarIes. "No wonder", he exclaimed. "Gentlemen, I don't beat my
"that the average farmer's wife shows drums here to ensnare or inveigle
tle marks of the hard life ani is an any man, for you must know, gen
o(l and broken woman at fifty years!" tlenen, that I am i man of honor.
iour1 t hings tle cotintI ry womal Besides I don't beat up for con
Coee(i'l-(Oltv<'niences, cmforts, c'0111- m soldiers. No, I 'list only gren
ipmy and ioney. TI'le first anl mot adicis, gentlemen. Pray, gentle
vital need was watel--pure. free run- me, observe this cap. This is the
ning water. EIxperts lba( said an(I tr- cap of honor, It dubs a man a gen
ly so, "that nine-tenths of tle drildg- tlcman in the draiving of a tricker
ery of farin women could be alleviat- and he that has the good fortune to
el 1y r'unning water in the hone'' ani be born six foot high was born to
froin an experience of' a life time i ci.' be a great mail."
lieat:ly, amen! .Ittst now while I It is Kite who enlists ti. attor
write it would give me a new lease of ney and is rebuked ly his captain:
life if only there was plenty of water "An attorney! Wert thou mad?
at hand without the ever-costing, Discharge hit, (ischarge hin in
back-breaking rope and pully. lour' stantly. I will lave nobody in my
lusty, dirty. simon pure future Ame-company that ca rite. A fllow
can citizens are now yeliling an( kick- that can write can drw petitions."
ing up dirt. It is going to be a hard It is Kite Aflio ent'ais two yokeL3
job for somebody to get that uiartette by a gift of "The Queen's Porrait"
clean. "More water, less pills" a slo- Oil silver I It is Kite who
gait 'm' atit ~c'me.turns atoogr at a pinch and( tells
gan f'or farmi women.
Twvo of the most important factors fortun predieting the enlistmnt
in securing money and that inelli (s of Iis clients. Thomas, the black
conveniences and comfort will be found 5 mti11 lie finds, was "born under
in goo(d roads and gasoline. in these Foreels," and his plan of the con
i two lies the agency whereby the bantk stellations has a topical inter'st at
acccounts of the f'arm w'omen, will the present time, being "Leo, Sagit
grow. I lii'uged thlat the prlayer of n
thte rural wointen shotuld be unecasing- mBuslCalriads
lyv-good toads and gasoline. Hei gaveflfeow n cdLno Gb.
as concrete exampltes of this thte cr'eam ___________
routtes that go out from Rock 11111 Tnyo n ihses
and C'lemson. The money tat flows Tnyo' elkonaeso
into thte pocketbooks of tihe farmt VO o sgter n hi asgv
itnl along these routes ar'e from prlo-rietmay nod exrec.
ducets hitherto gonte to waste. Oci ssih opandt
His (losing wcords to thme gr'adumating Qte itra aigta i
class of 1915 wvere full of earnest and cudn oie tyi h seo
wholesonme advice-to find the sp)here Xih oigt h tuit h
ini rutral schtools to bing cheer amdcm ostr thm
hope to farm fombers. If any of my rl uen ihakidyioy
edesem'era ae the oppor'tunitmy cosadttshheeldino ufr
hcar' Lever' speak. I notIce thtat lie isnucifo thtgeac. Bt
to be one of the speakers at \V'ar'eTenstrkg erlealyr
S~eals Jutly 3rd. if .you possibtly ennpie nth ae tan
g<-t I lic go. I1Ic has a message for' "o udmt"si e adi
the r'um'al woman - he is earnestly ol lpasetnlweeev
stliving Cot' htem' betterment. I shialIlikdIsol o etobe
al ways be gla4 I was one of his aumdi- ete.
c :t('e that heari'dIi hs toreet'ii, hlli'ful,
('lti-i s:>r-e'h at \\in thr op i, oge. Srrsd
IAt.iitIltD i h .'. ltl rte ' h r o i
iir In. ini iiO h I. iteBo.r h a r
Sailmdit, .i'une 1::--.\s a result ol' ~oldsy'''lakyu!"bt a
tshock ('aused lby tile tIlrow intg ITue'-s- 'ti~dIfro.Yusi i
dlay of iiartry am rid Eel Inac .\I Iims, .1 obu a tac(r ocl i sovt-ta
.\limru. brother' of the victtims, clied tris
her' rl' this mfor'nim: . .\r. .\ims
who wias 2 i yearms otI, was strieon Dmsi taey
early S'atur da.y, the shock of the Ms x-la utco a
tragedy antd his exertions in rescu'ct.I' la hesgoe
wor: ;>rovinig t Oo g reat a strtain on Ms y i o icag
his heart. Ie
.lr. .\Iims, witht his brother', llam'ry; Ms x-o ihdt vi
link sister', Elvelimna, amnd several othersasce. VhtIddwsofatr
yotng 1,eoi~le w'as rowinig in a boathesoauterckightse
on Edwards' muililtondl, neam' here,.huh h a nepi n et
Th le boat upset anrd liarry atnd Eve--osnTrsrit
lina .\ims were drowned The othier's Wa eDd' gt
were rescued. Asalcsoe perda h
Mr. Mims, whto had been 'living in pe soe n h mln io
Charleston, was here on a visit whencona dhiwatewned
the tragedy occurred,.Pesmse,"si h o,'
The funeral will be held Monday. cntrmme htm etm
Come to us for youir ?z'uit Jars, Jarwot 'epeunt&n, 'as
Tops, and Jar Rubbers.
2.11& E.H. Wlkes& ~ Itaheain DeutcheeWillia'segn
,0#2000 ",
After an intelligent old gentleman at the age of
seventy-six dropped dead in his room, his son found
over Two Thousand Dollars in Paper Money over the
old clock which stood on the wooden mantle, surround
ing an open crackling fire. Not even His Own Wife
knew that much money was there. The old gentle
man was simply careless. His son had married the
town bankers daughter, and the bank was trusted.
Both the old gentleman's MONEY and LIFE were
in danger; for burglars have a way of learning where
money is hid&n, and fire at any time might have
burned the house.
Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank.
Enterprise National Bank of Laurens
N. B. DIAL, Pres. C. H. ROPER, Cashier
Real Estate Bargains
D. H. Count's dwelling, situate on West
+ Main St., Laurens, S. C., on lot of' four and
one-half acres.
The home place of Mrs. Anna C. West 4
near Poplar Springs Church, consisting of +
200 acres of well improved land, good .
dwelling and outhouses, on easy terms.
House and lot of Mrs. Anna C. West 4
on west Main Street at a bargain for
quick sale.
S. R. Todd residence, large, attractive +
grounds, well built house, with good new
+ barn and tenant houses, at $5,000 for a
short time.
. Some desirable farms, well improved,
+near Laurens, at reasonable prices and on
+Laures. Trust CompanyI
J. S. Machen, Sec'y.-Treas.
from the press we will have opened
another shipment of Hosiery where the
manufacturers have studied light texture
and durability to form the combination.
Black Tub Silk.
This is a fabric to meet all aeasonable
demands, whether submerged in the wash
tub or exposed to the elements, the color
is indestructible.
A nice line of Ladies' Fancy White
Waists just opened, or. if you prefer mak-.
ing it up yourself see the new lawns and
laces just opened, at
W.G. Wilson & Co
YOU So W1/:LL OU wILl. SI.V; OUR PR1 1A -ES ).ALL )U1R
Win uth Troh nollegh t S. :on eil
801100.111-sf1' .15. 1:0 . :riNiuthe
EXA 3iiN.1'I i'0S N) 1%. Jolu:.;On, icock i ll, S. C.
The exam :nation for the award of
vacant schola -sips in Winthrop Col
lege and for the admission of new
students will Ige held at the County
Court House on- Friday, .July 2, at 1)' N. B. DIAL A. C. TODD
A. M. Applicants imust not be less
than sixteen years of age. When
scholarships are vacant after July 2 DIAL & TODD
they will be awarded to those making
the highest average at this examina- Attorneys at Law
tion, provided they meet the condi
tions governing the award. Appli- e~tt Book But L s,
-cants for scholarships should write
to President Johnson before the ex- A IN AM
anmnation for scholarship examina
tion blanks. US" . Ueo
icholarships are worth $100 and

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