OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, March 08, 1916, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1916-03-08/ed-1/seq-9/

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I guarantee "Dodson's Liv
Liver and Bowel Cle
Stop using calomel! It nakes you
nick. Don't lose a day's work. if you
feel lazy, sluggish, bilious of consti
pated, listen to me;
Calomuel is mercury or quicksilver
which causes necrosis of the bones.
Calomel, when it comes into contact
with sour bile crases into it, breaking
it up. This is when you feel that awful
nausea and cramping. If you aire "ill
knocked out." if your liver is torpid
and bowels constipated or you have
headache, dizziness, coatled tongeu, if
breath is bad or stomach sour, just
tryi a spoonful of harmles l)odson's
liver ''one.
liere's my guarantee-- -Go to any
drug store a11d gel it i centll bottle of
[)odson's Liver Tone. Tl'ake a s poonul'
Here's A ' Tip'
Follow Ite
When your armi or your leg feel
ted" with rheumatism, wlien you fet
your muscles were "tied up with a
are really lescribing your pains
Rheumatism is a condition of the
acids and other deposits of inpuri
tually "ticing 'upl" the strands of
your body, or strangling the nervt
producing the nwful shooting pains
lumbago, etc. Medical authorities
these acid deposits are carried an
by the blood in the Various parts
It stands to reason, therefore, that
cations such as rubbing with so-call
can't do any lperlmnanent good. Al
can relieve the pain a little antd
little while. The only way to effect
is to attack the real cause--t'io i
cleansed from the troublesome
S. S. S., the reliable blood' puri er
easing the pains and healing the His
generation. S. S. S. "gm-s after" Ih
in the h!oo,l "; re!eu le'I'sly, as eag
Iloroughly ;t'; a fo , ; + :' f:'r r"
thel p~oisonl into \"- 'y, -R and ar'ter\
iiook andi11 ('nier of the ly, adi
out of ( ho systt I. TIt blood Ihi
-othr injurious deposits- and "tiller:
kidneys. S. s. 8. is not. a drug. Ii
You cnn get S. S. 8. at, every drug
like to have the advice of tihe dctuo
hesitate to write us. Y'ou will recei
advice. 'T'his is in line with our pol
best results from S. S. S. to every
gist's today. If you wish specia I
Room 45, Swift Specitle ('ompany,
* ZN]
You Nee(
There are times in evt
needs a tonic to help Ii
When that time comes to
to take-Cardui, the wonm
posed of purely vegetab
gently, yet surely, on the
and helps build theim bac
It has benefited thousand
ailing women in its past
success, and it will do th
You can't make a mi
The Worn
Miss Amlelial Wilson,
says: "1 tilik C ard ui is tile
for wvomen. 1Before I be
so wecak andI l~ nevous, al
spells and a poor1 appetite.
as strong as I ever did(, a
Begin taking Cairduii toda)
Has Helped
he nigt
I elatvt
with th laa
We have the exclusive selling rights foi
er Tone" will give the best
ansing you ever had.
tonight anl if it doesn't straighten
you right up and make you feel line
and vigorous by morning I want you
to go back to the store and get your
money, )odson's Liver Tone is de
stroying the sale of calomel because
it Is real liver medicine; entirely veg
etable, therefore it can not salivate
or make you sick.
I guarantee that one spoonful of
)odson's Liver 'i'one will put your
sluggish liver to work and clean your
bowels of that sour lie and ('i1ti
pated waste which i clog your
system and making yoi miserable.
I guarantee that a bottle of I)odson's
Laiver Tone will keep your entire fain
ily feeling tine for months. Give It to
your children. It is harmnless; doesn't
gripe and they like its pleasant taste.
On Rheumatism
"all knot
1 as though
rop," you
body when 5
tits are aic
muscles ini
s and tius TiCswirTSPECiicco.
of sciatica, '""*ANe
agree that A- ..
[I deposited f ""y a t-e...w
f the body.
local appl i
'd remedies Price,$1001 rBote,
best they 8.1
only for a $c, 11.75 Per oiy.
a real euro r.
leposits by .
that is now
of the third
' impurities
(rly and as
s; pursuing ,
, into every
rhising the trotill'slie suistances
(leansel, carries elf the acid and
" tm olit of the body through the
is a pure'ly vegetable blood purifier.
stir(. Hat if in addl'1itiol you should
rs in charge of our laboratory, ilo not
e free, conisecint ions and confident al
icy to make every effort. to insure tlie
sufferer. Get a botle at your drug
dvice, write to Medical Department,
Atlanta, Georgia.
I a Tonic
ry woman's life when she
er over the hard places.
you, yot know what tonic
n's tonic. Cardui is com
le ingredients, which act
veakened womanly organs,
k to strength and health.
and thousands of weak,
half century of wonderful
e same for you.
take in taking
an'S Tonic
R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Ark /
greatest medicine on ea-rIJ,
ani to takc Carduii, I Wls
id had such awvful dizzy
Now I fcel as well and
nd can eat most anything."
.Sold by all dealers.
ths ratlaaiv.Tralse 0 ns
Botanist of Clemson College
Gives Simple Preventive
of Grain Disease.
Formalin Solution Applied to Small
Grain Before Planting Kills Spores
of Smut Without Injury to Germil
nating Powers.
Snlut is the most widespread and
destructive disease of suma i grain and
it occurs wherever oats and wheat ar
grown. Wlien proper ontitrol tmeth.
ods are not practiced, it freqtuently
causes serious loss. l"ortunately, it is
not 4iard to prevent this disease. in
fornialin we have an easily obtainable
preparation that does 41he work ('Ill
eiontly. BIefore sowing oats or wheat,
farmers should treat the seed with a
formalin solution to prevent s'aut.
Smut is caused by a parasitic
growth that lives in the tissues of the
plant. The diseaso spreads by spores
(very small, seed like bodies) which
cling to the hulls or lodge In the
creases of individual oat or wheat
grains and are thus carried Into a
field with the seed. The spores germi
nate at about the same time that the
plants come up and the disease grows
directly into the tissue of the young
Sinut lives in plants apparently
without doing serious damage until
the plants begin to head out. Then
the disease concentrates its efforts in
tho heads and black, sooty masses of
spores lill the places wher. grain
should form. As these nitl;-es break
ill), the spores are se:!te redi over the
field by wind. M\aniy ld in :rants
on Ihenilhby l, ;;. o' cats o:- whe:!t.::n 1
rnltia :1 alim' ::'ee until the sec:l are
planted again. Siatlt r'tenmin in t'le
diseased heads and are carrati to the
thresher. In threshing. tin' smut
spores are scattered ('er rywihre iand
m'ny find resting p:laces in healthy
Oat or wheat smut (an he controlled
by soaking the planting seed in a
chemical solution that will kill the
snut spores in the seed without injur
lag the germinating powers of the
seed. The best chemical to use for
this is forialin, which is a 40 per cent
solution of formaldehyde. It may be
procured from any reliable druggist.
Treatment with it is made as follows:
Make up the formalin solution by
mixing one plnt formalin (40 percent
solution of formaldehyde) with 40 gal
lons water. Sack the grain to b(
treated, about ai bushel .to a sack. )ip
each sack (f grain into the barrel of
solution and let ii remain there for
from five to ten minutes, moving the
sack up and down several tities to
make sure that all the grains are thor
oughly wet. Finally, lift the sack and
let the solution drain ollt, after which
either pile the h:uLs of Ire:ltE'd grain
to tl and 1 over wlili th h Z'ing or
e'alnvas. or pour tile tr'eated tainl intri
Inee ts ti'r tlrorn 12 to 24 holurs.
A a l hlly spr:ia hlirai thainly
sver!: a i. c ln ill t d ry.l lls rSi~i
T(1 h trint 't o iiti b'5 dria' t the
dlisease. M'ai'ks and bins that hla v
conlttined' (dislaseid grain) may be dIts
itnfectedl by3 wasing withi a formlinl
soltion11 m'fl e otf one0 in- formilalIn to
.10 gallons water.
TT. W. flA R~i.:
1'utin Il .),ic elih iency' test to ( ows
testeris one o1'(f till e5'etIialS oft U In
is h igh in pii (~tia tarmer (anno af.(1 h
ford tol hlave boarders't' inl is dairy3
bar whl vio e'at lup mlore0 In '''d thain
the(ir' rulk yield1 is wvorthl. Th'le Hab
('ocik test wvill showo the(se' d1(linqulent
scales w'ill putt theC citlincer 0n theW
argumtlent. Tlesting cows will give
somte farmers a big surp'trise. Some-.
timeI~s theO cow thatt looks like the
poorest creatulre In the lot is the best
butterfat producer. 'The dairy divis
ionI of Clemson College offers to give
any farmer advice about testing milk
andi keeping records. Test, don't
The extension dIvision (If (letilson
College is well equ11 itled to assist
fa rmlers in any parit of Sotth ('a rton
wi th any pl roblemis ini Iivi'stock that
mtay at'ise. Thie college has two men11
gliving all theli' time to beef cattle
andi swine extension work, thre'ie dairy
extenlsion experts and one extenslon
Ipoultrymlanl. TIhis is one of the larg
est and best eqippl~ed animaitl h~usbanid
ry extension forces in the United
States. South Carolina farmers
should take advantage of their oppor
tunities along this line to get expert
haln free of Cost
llomie of 15lttli nit Works uit( 'wvo ..
3011111% ti(ructures Victinms of
Alannil ig, .arbc 2.-At I o'clock (hii;
Iorning lire was discovered on the in
side In the rear portion of the \lani
ning IlotIling Works and In a sho't
while the entire building, together
with the adjoining buildings on either
side, was e"elojped in flaines. The
buildings Were rather old fraine struc
tires, worth prob~ably $5"00i to $10.
witIi no insurance. The outfit of the
bottling works was insured( for $100
on it vaItle of abhou t $I,tt00.
The building on the north side, oc
cIIpled by I"riersoi BIrothers, with a
sialli stook of fruit and fancy gro
gr(4eeries, was a total loss without in
stran(e. The bilidilig to the ou)11Ii,
the largest of the tree, was occupied
as a girage and lotol' ("a' repair shop
by 'lysses .lune. In this budiling w-ere
three atttoiloblile's in servi('4e';!)1 sha ,
and Soule other:: out. of co1nRiission,
all of Which wml-e dem:'royed Wihl n
insurance. Thell1. t ilin of ts lire
not been discoveare . The buildig
belonged to l). by. liru (lu. lour i.
bilding to the -ouhIs , olnpied t bt.
1. Bell with i wheelwri ht nii get
eral relatir shop. wa":I considerably
dalnaged onl the roof' alnd northl wall,
bilt he0re the progress of thle Ilan(':
Was checked by the fire deprt'inelit.
The total loss is estimnated at about
$,(100 with) insurance anmounting to
$tO00. 'these buildings were situhated
Just outside the path (t tlie (lest ructive
tornado that visited Manning last Alay.
WIIhen tilloi)s, heaiach) ikt', f'or sour
:don1ilch,. had breth, bard cohi.,
(4 11 I o-4ent box.
ili, a 4 aseiar(t inihht to tvi.ans
your 1. 'aI', 7'4IIlac'h an1I 1l(1iweis, 1111
,yout wiitt 511rely\ 'ie g t ny inoininlg.
1 (0 4111uel a 1 u 1)n11111 u\ ho a1 1 i: t 1 -
0* 1". ( l ee't4 o1n:gli', a 11111 r101d, 114'
1b11ils, lir4'i' s , upset(I, 4o) tered witli
a sick, gassy, <lisordertd .-6I1na4h, or'
nave b~acka('ie andti (ice ; i worn 0u1.
A;e y on keeping your owels ('1lean
With C('asearic s --r R l- ely tor'ing a
passageway every rCu days with salts,
catha tie pills or castor oil?
Cascarlets uiinediateiy cleanise and
reguilate tle stolacl reiove the sotir,
tilldigested and Ierilleliting food and
rout gases; take the excess bile f1roin
the liver and carry oft the constipated
waste 11111ttei' Itnd poison IrOin tihe 1)0"
t(ene inbet', a Casearet tonight will
straighteil you out by nIorning. A
I0-cent box frout your druggist. RIlean1ts
healthy bowel action; a clear head and
cleerlRiness f'or (Mont.hs J)on't forget
the ('hildrell.
i'*l'i.Ill S'l'hIN(. NEWS. *
l'otlar Spring, .\larh .\ good
inant gonte. .\r. .laIetus \'aughan, one
of (i1R' be:,t ad1 4 ost highly res'1peted
(ii 4lien pa44sed aIwaly ye'5terda1y about41
10I: la4 4)'c4l 11nd4 waIs 1.ahi 4o lest Iln
the'41144'I rene Ir at~1144' l'oprping I 4414y,
144Vwin11g rhir and114 I rieni. The jllI
gt'ss. TIhe' I)uneral4 ser4Vices were4 ('4o1'
du11ted4 by Ils pa1st4oi. tth'v. \\-. 1i. \-.
IrS, assisted4 by litev. .. O .4114p'la114.
hte 44 4)( 44 livd u tl t ' :id of ne ('1onth41
lhe wou11ldt have4 been4 tigly years old,4(1
Il Iwats a44411 14a gatinlst wihli 44o on1
4h44 aut , 1.i ('tead. all who n4w i 4n4
loved4 a4114 re'spec'ted4 hiin, I 1 .: n if
preced' hini1111 to tile Il- 4' $r04144'l 4' i2hIh
'444 Irs ag . 114' I,-' e ei' . 44144 S41 1144 lig
I 4tu41h11er's, iz., .1 4hnI \'; 14mhan1. \ll's.
W I 'I. l'il 4s. .\4lr 1. W .1 I'l .1 .\lurff. \ly144
haves~ the' $3 1444athy of1 the' ''nt ire (4ni
111u11ity intibs .141 he4reav44ienI.
.\lr. Ti. 'T. W\od 1has bu11it ai nic'
stor.e and14 dlining ro)oni whi('h 11414
Alatster' ChIarles IDavis whoe tils been'1
spendRing awhile with r'elaliv'es in this
comi unit11 y will r'etur toi'l hiIs home 1in
Splarltanburg1 l tom~orro'(w and( hiIs anat
M\Iss .toe HialenitInc will go w~ith im11
14) stay atwhile withI hei' sIster, Mirs.
.Jos. F. Daivis who has beten Iin thle hios
14ital the past. two weeks.
Mi's. S. F. Walker' has been oni the
sIck lIst thle past week but1 is somel biet
Ier at t his wr.'1itin1g.
I ortn to .\l I. and1( .\l's. .\le rary on' 4
t he se'ontd itnst., Ia 54on.
AtIr. and( .\t Is. Illgen414 Simpson went 44.CI
04v44 to Ware Sh'oals411 toda1y t4) se~ M.\.
.tlames' Cork who is' 5eriously1'. ill.
.\lr's .. T. l'Itts and)4 1h4r .ister. .\liss
.\iinnie WlhIa('e visit'd theIr 1aret4''is,
.t !'. a411i .\!rs. II. S. Witllace yes't erday1.
Thisoffee is Guaranteed good
In your search for the best and most economi
cal coffee, you take no chances when you buy
Luzianne. Each can carries this unqualified
guarantee: "After using the entire contents of
this can according to directions, if you are not
satisfied in every respect, your grocer will re
fund the money you paid for it." We also give
a money-back guarantee that you only have to'
use one-half as much Luzianne as 0 cIeaf~er
coffee. Write for premium catalog.
Th +yTaylor Co New Orleans
J. A. COBURN Presents
.. ....... PR.SS
XN 7 CQNN ori-'XCN a 7x'rxx
Ofa ntatnos sef.acig ile
Polish wil..be.held.a..our.stor
MAC t,1t n 1h
and lbrsaigdeieontemakt
TH EEths CeaNer.TN
TLanennf iLS

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