OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, May 24, 1916, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1916-05-24/ed-1/seq-1/

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M[[T lItRE Tl[89A
To Make Final Changes on
Proposed Charter
Iliisi; almost Perfected for Securing
('hnrier from the State A.fter wicileh
('outracts will Likely lie Let for
Serve, PIn. I'relimniary L line.
The corporator.s of the proposed
Carolina Itapid Transit electrie line
met in Spaltanburg yesterday and went
over the tentatiVt charter subnill ed
by the stb--conuinittee in ('!atrge of
that pha.4, of the work. The charter
wVas ('aref111y uonte ovi'r and some
chalr'e umade antd othier's r'ecommelnd.n
ed. Oi account of the !a k of time.
how er cc, the busine.-is of the n''eting
\w'as not c ttuileted ani aitihor meel
ing w\as (ic'l to be bh1 l in this itly
next Tiunda-iy. At that time it i.;
thought Oth: o the chatter w"l Ihe giv
en th' inis):hig 1)ltou1ch , ! '11111 a -
ul ugin cay bo 11md,1( to ih' H ee're
tary of .ha ' fOr he s sitc'.; santitlon.
lr. W. 1,. GIay, the local r. presen
taltIve on the boar;i'd of corporator;s, at
tended lhe mueeting yesterday andl
spoke very optimist1i(aly of the 011
look. HIe said that .r. .1acobs, the
tovinig spirit In the ag iation, had
Just reltined from New York where
he held a consultation with Mark W.'
Potter, president of the C. C. & 0. rail
road. Mr. Potter, he said, did not
lake any promises but agreed to give
the piroposition his careful considera
tion after the matter was laid before
him in business-like shape.
Mr. Gray said that the indications
are that the road will certainly bp.
built and that it remains largely with
the citizens of 'Laurens whether or
not this city will secure a place on it.
National Capitol in Mitnattire to be
Seren at Miiter Company.
The window display at Minter Co.,
is a unique and beautiful one, and
there will be few parents of the city
who will miss the opportunity to take
the children down to see it.
IB'iefly, the attraction is a minia
tuire model of the l'nited States capi
tol at Washington, complete With its
mammoth ah1(1 of triumph, oInamen
tal columlnhis of liberty and ('harlot of
progress; its vast halls, flaked with
small(-r halls running through the
center of the building and reaching
upward to the great dome, whIiich is
crowned witi the Ameri an1 ea1gle.
The national flag dlies from the
fairy building, and the capitol grounds
cniplete the b'autil'ul scene.
The material used in Ile build lug of
the pala('e is Itoyal ('ticle Soap. .v
erybiody is invited to se(' the display.
A handsome arrangement of tlectrie
light I Inc reases Ithe beau4ty' of thle ef
leimonistrated (O'A Sboves.
S. .\l. & 10. II. WIlkes & (Company3
held a demons121 4taIon of til raniges,
both lar'ge and small, Thlu rsdlay af1
ter'noon. D uring thie aft'rnioon a
numiber oif ladles' callted andl were
1po1nted( out thle adv'antiages of oil cook
ing over wood( andit ('0a1. Mir. W. P.*
Thomnason conducted the demionistria
tion aiid poInted out partliularlIy the
suipeior cookIng qualitIes of gas as
well as the absence of the excessive
heat always associated with the 01(d
style stoves. D~uring the afternoon ice
cream was also seirved.
Loses Barn by Fire.
Messrs A. D). Grmay and Coke (iray
had the mIsfortune to lose a barn by
fire several nights ago on their place
a few miles firom the sity. In addI
tion to the barn, a mule and horse, be
side.1 several hogs and calves were
lost. The buIldIng had 110 insurance
on It. but the stock was piairtlally ini
To Imnprote Store BuIldilngs.
M~essmrs Alken and Watts have let
the contract to Thos. W. Cothran, of
Greenwood, for the remodeling of the
interior of the store-rooms now occu
pied by the Powe Drug Company andl
B. B. H111's pool room. The floor will
be lowered to a level with the street
and other lmprovements made to pro
vide modern and up-to-date stores.
uniforia once worn' ~ i Ivy all jhrisonters I
Youtng Lautrens Ldy at, Withrop.0
The fol lowving Is from the Winthrop
Weekly News:
"G1reat was the delight among the
stuldenits when the 1916 editIon of 'The
Tattler' was delivered on last Satuar
day afternoon. It is the opinion of
all that the annual this year Is the
best ever. The originality and inter
esting contents are due to the unusual
talent of Mliss Kate WVofford. The
whole staff, however, Is to be congrat
tlated for this result of their labors.
The Look contains many uniue scenes
interesting ineldcnts and other mem
ories of 'ollege life that shall always
cause the 1910 Tattler* to he prized as
a real 'memory book' of happy college
The lany friends om .hiss Wofford
will be pleased to rad iht abone. She
hl r' as ided literary ai laty 'ud her
friends ar not sIt rprise that as opn i -
toi In chief she helpd ta he ulie ual
edItio "th(le best over"'.
lesides \Iiss WOotrd who is elass
poet, the other iemeris of the grad
tlateg (hosr this year o tiro lauors.en
are Look cotlarin Iston. .\nna Wa
Inte l'rentiss and -:the \\einn.
"a toni lhe hraktter" at (ey ('ouri.
Thursday ev ein t company of
local a yatur ae the ilay " Am oiig
the be'reakers" to an apprrelat ive audi
0enee at the0 (;l'ay Cour't-Ow ings In
st it uto. Alt hough lIIght shiower's kept
many romi attending, a fairly large
idin e w saps thartt. After he l ia
ce encrai an le ke weas serthed. A d
lightf tel featue of the ogcasid, to fhe
atirens eoplas , was their hosmLilahe
reept al itt thlie sLsaciton hoie of \'.
anud Ars. R. I 2. Gray, whe re ti cy sat
Iown to a boutilfu supa er sirved in
"mot elegant style.
O)A'T 'i Eli1) SWEP'T -HY FlIRE.
Parched b t('e It'se theat. land llitek
of Moistutire, Easy Prey to Flames.
A lar'ge portion of an 18 acre field
of volunteer oats and vetch located
just outside the city limits to the
south was swept by a flre Sunday and
the vetch entirely cosumred by the
blaze. The oat crop still stands, but
the damage to it is as yet unknown,
as It may or may not be parched. 3ir'.
C. E. Kennedy, the owner of the land,
had not visIted it yesterday, so lhe was
utnable to say whethetr or not the cr'ol
was an entire loss.
Trhe origin of the first is unknown,
Iut as (lie land lIes along the raIlroad
it is thougi-t that the drty undergrowth
was ignited by spar'ks from a pas~siny
TIook Sniddenly Ill.
Miss Mamle Byrd, daughter of Mr'.
and Mrs. Thos. P. Byrd, of Ora, be
came sudidenly ill Monday morning and
for a time it was thought that she
had passed away. She revived after
a time, however, and since then has
bneen improving. Yesterday she was
much bettor.
r '''d
ly IN Sol iil l i :?~
Prse 1 r tha+r~t 3 sa u 'lPovh
a "l~fift fro Pres. C. R~" '( ii x H. Roe"r, fte
aflee uat th:e Entverprse1; Nationastlt k
.\ ll Roper' casua4 ll 't11' remarked tha t th
*.'lli\ K:..S i.1 K
lssfN Sl'cltN was dI tI'I N :ges
Prospects n are that orey bot11 itles
Banner onitl Since tie (ass
un h severa y eragio. Odr r
Thei Adveritser' repriesent div le ('auight
a "lift" from Pres. C. m. Hoper, of the
hItir0e. Glass Works as e was r
tu rning from the factory In the rain
yesterday. In the course of conversa
tion as they were being driven to his'
offic at the Enterprise National diank,
Mr. Roper casually remarked that the
glass factory wias doing the biggest
business In its history and that the
nrosects now are that more bottles
will he s : ippined out duing May than
in any month since oerati on were be
gun several years ago. Orders are
coning in from salesmen, lete hs and
by o i e. teveral days ago a earload
of soda lit ole were ordered ont by
!on;; distance telephone foir Inafediate
\1hl vei'y.
Ili the Enterp'riise lanik i. i splay'
ord the ims beoe foar st yes of botf
now lWing manuifactutred. One stylIe,
thr. oes: inow. \out yesterday rd
se ot:gtlsre o n Islad ( wspeciall
fordersicare conatly1l big c reied
(;eori'ga. lit said that they have an1
order on the books for aiv ho Ciolad
of bott les fromn th is concen. Anth
lr al style Is being made foir an
.\t Ia nta iineralI water concern. A\nti
ode . is being tillled for a c arload of
e hotties no'w. Vaio s st abdad
size hot tles are' on display for wvhich
0idlers arte c'onstaut ly helnag received,;
ordersfor C'oca ('ola and ('hero (c'ola'
eirt are doiing excellent wol uinder
('oluitia, Neuwherr. andti i~aureni' loiond
M~ake Sev rel ('hange't.
i fcti1ve Sunday M\ay 28th, several
chianges in the schtedu le of thle ('ol um
bia, Newblerry and L~auirens railw~ay
will lie imade. Train No. 50 (Sunday
only) and Tirt'in No. 51, ( Sundlay only)
will lie dliscontintued. The first Is the
passenger that arrIves here at about
it o'clock In the morning andl the see
ond1 is the one that left Laur'ens at
-1:30 in the afternoon. The train from
Columbia that formerly arrivedl here
at 2:25 P. M., will, tundei' the new
schedule, arrive at 2:15 and the pas
senger that now leaves here for ('o
lumbia at 2:00 wIll leave at 2: 25.
Siplpng Waulinut Trees,
Representatives of ~urin itue mlianu -
racturer's have been in t his vicintity' for
some tIme buyIng walnut tliber for
shipment to the north. Walnu t triees
have become very scarce and it Is now
necessary to make a hunt for them.
They arc puirchased as they standl and
then hauled by the purchasers. Not
even the large roots are left, as the
roots are as valuable as the trunk of
the tree. A carlead of this timber
has alreandy been shippedt from here.
"-.0 se'laid ed I L..; of 9 n s n
T INY. \ N- 11 1E
Inl11'V i1.(11
Dloesn't, Want Ills share of SMealimrs.
.No More l'ork Baerrel.
W\ashingflor . 1liy 211."--"1 do pnot
want my share of the stealing in this
bill; and while youth Carolina has
Items in it amounting to $300,000 I
shall vote against it and hope it will
not become law.'
Ini these words Senator B. Rt. T(ill
man began his remarks on the senate
floor when he arose today to say that
he would oppose the passage of the
vending rivers and harbors bill.
"We need the money so much
m'ore for m ar mortant things that
it is criminal in mly mind to hesitate
for one moment or to discuss this hill
at all," Senator Tillman continued.
The senior senator then said that. If
the bill should pass $10,(500,000 would
he wasted.
'"I wLoutld he ashamed to .^;o home
and tell mly people that 1 haive voted
;"31,,1]11 for Souith Carolina and left
unlp1rep~ared andll unplrotected the mo1
met(lous (tiuestionl of a greater navy."
hel said.
C'ontinuilng his appeal for 1les riv'"1r
andt harbor w\aste and more". mon.(y 'forl
real p11reparednes s, Senator I TIi;il an
sad that he wanted mtore I battlshiipls
and (cruisers. Ile said het favo'(red a
lump11 still for rive; and harbor.t -.vorl:
and did not d}erire+ to e new\ surveys
for waterways de~velopmlent always hI)
ing p)oposed. I
"I pray G;od," S'enat1or Tilman1 id
finally, "'that if' th1is hill shm::l ;a;t
the resden wil reo i.- T e Sate
lion in 'ounry Hrned
.\r I A Topowo ie bv
cin of\' th ire is unknown. .lr.' Th mp
loitt furntr wals sited he ho n iu.
billand abot ix oomsh adin as
goodii iondIt iontin thlos wa~illi 1
rathrhesey words Snighors renderedill
him begah aisirtaniesinnhihemsenate
he wommencemO ten exersages of the
"e aclete emony Rev m0.
itO. Wtiona iTomyo evenlngt hwil he
the te lass1(xercise$ and~tt) wFriday
lven~ing th litrrdrs ih
divered b ar.ha.ed tlofattofiDue
Agaltil in pol thet JoI h .e~~
lii ev rly angI thaiitheeeptled thei)
posiiici ofhiounpyealnsor agentrfor
csecuI htie year tt hemo' ha tshibeen
workin ini sitis Icsalneiy faver. al
ingtton gtinn 'inge tatistis.t xisay
tat i the( poplde. of Lauenews count
pforminge hias dutveenduring alalies
year and (hel' appeciates t'heair kind
nishse vrv hi'hlv. v'k Tt'o:
P.\SIE I) A '.1'Y S.\T'! i.\ V
lirti'd Studay .\fternoon in he I' ers
eneof a Latr_'e Numbher of Soirrow1
inc: F-riemds an d llelat ive-4
William Sanford ltagwell, for imore
than ten) years and unti) very' rece(nt
ly chief if pole of this city. died at
his homet( on IGordon street Anturda;
liflei'llooll at . ('(1lo(k feio ing ;i i c 1..
laps(' alln!tit a 11month ago supllerinduced'(4
by gen(eral 1er'.;(s, lor a(vetral
months Is haltlh had been (.1n Ih' (e
('line, lie having passed itroiuh anl
ilmost fI ital illn e.- : about a Y;car a o.
The annIouncemlent of thle former1'1 pop
ular lpoll'ee olliver-s detath was lereiI' "'"
with great Sorrow b,. his forme!(:- .
sociates and fieands. .\ r. Ih:. i!
had been engaged a: a :1"a"e':. - in
v'i'Ious calme iti s 1' r :h -.-1 : 1 :
to Laurens'il inl 1 :'". durin w ieb ll r
4'i("( h:, hadl est;i :L. 11 d ant t-n
record for 11bl11ity t., 11uty anl~ .i '' 1
( lI foire, il t . 411 111 he a ws
TFile deceased was ho:- t l i h,1!
l'.-Uweton ejio of 1:::
:1ey .\l he: .x i n -
I1 = ' 1 \ 1 111'l 1 1. ~ 1 1 a
(l ' 1 1'. ::'.u 0 1 1 :' . \ .: 1 ., ' .
dlay 1i loral no i'on. hins 'en d '. II
Il-v.1 . lIt.. .\la.i o ll, p s or t h Fi('
Ith lo re:. : \hor :s. a d 1M.. itb, 1
I, l toxw r , l'V. h , \' . ,! wo, w. in
th'e' city al the h \I:. (:Aw4 ll , -
in a.i her of 1. Porti.r laptist ch atrch.
.\laniy oioral tributes w ere laid upion
the irile. The following acted as
ball hearers: .\I4'::rs C. .\l. Uabb, .1.1
,. l'owers, W. P'. Childress, 10:. Rt.
lIlakeley, U. II, Irvin and 1E. C.
,1. Ii. E LilDG (E 11E.111.
Brother of J1. Porter Elledge, Died at
his home InI Landrum Sat~turday.
-.1. If.iEledge, a native of this coun
ty and brother of .1. Porter Lleidge, of
the I'kom section, died at his home
in Landrum Saturday following several
strokes of paralysis. The funeral ser
vices were held in Landrum Sounday,
being altende(1 from here by his btrot;.
.r. El:ledge was in the -;.ith year of
his age, lie spent many years in hiAS
(otnty (teaching school and followed
that profession tot' a lonl:.g time 11fte'
leaving here. lie took a great d(1al (f
ini'ter.;1 in clhu relh work and was for
forty years a memlter of the :ap:ti t
"hu1r''h. 1Desidesi his brother, h,' is
surtit'ely his wile and live (hi!ldrn.
In h ' d!th his cou,1nnunity loe a p1 ood
1i: 1 1:1 his church an a t: ' 1m(1
('o1 ItV lil WON F-IST.
.ind I r"ank .\rmstromr" Wiln econd In
Competitiv(1e 1riM1.
In the competitive d(rill in the .\lan
ual of' Arms elid by th1e tuilitiry .omt
(aniles tof the (iradedl sc'htoo la-i V-'i
t<hi:, ( y it'td wxon Iirt u p! i.o e ande
Thet lasi live' to Mtan up i w:r i'oy
e lil otrt. Tlhesee Il ve'x wer Mi\ Pntis
d rl i l h H1 1 w le t hl e et tiw o t 1 1 c ta i 'I. I .
thieitr ('otmpanly withoutit error andI ithe
;tanyi (dril held sever'al days before te
jttdgest tdeided in favotr of Comny .\,
cotitnuaned by Caplt. Simmons.
I. 1' 'liN Tit',Ti.
Ocupatnts Trtownt Ot, butt None aire
Serliusly Iii nj ue. Paty Procee'ds
W. F. Gaston, wIfe and several chil
dren wer'e unieemiionioutsly s(cat teed
over thle groundl Sunday when01 t heir
auitomiobille struick a Itreac(her'ous latce
In the toad on this sIde of Foutainan
inn1 and turined turtle. i'orituona tely3 all
of the ocr'tnpants escaed 1( wIt hoot so
iouts injury though M\rs. Gastoni was
pal itully hurit. The piar'ty was on t he
-tay to Grteeniville and~ after they ha-I
rgted the car and Cranked up again,
they prloceeded on their trip. It is uni
nees*atry to mention the type of the
It is considered almost remarkable
that some of the occulpants werel not
more seriously injured. The accident
came entirely unawares while going
Mi a moderate late of naned.
IRI ~~f[in HLImo~
News Letters From Many
Iin9P ninghs of Interest to Hany( Peoplo
All O er the County anid to Tlioso
Who hae -left the Family IH'arith
S;tonel( and Co),e to Oiohr Stales,
II( it(lY T. .:A R NE.:1S.
l'irekory T- e n \',"""t lat; 24. -T'he -u-nit
!ca i aiIrn:. t ( com te"( t::i10:. int
this .' (ion. The far nlrs ate vte r
4I dierent ag-: c! on a~rount ( n.e,
a. Ie'' c ntt : t a t-i-)d statt'i of
c l1 cItt CO). N (rat of our a rt
'" utdt at ' t 0d al of
ing s!owlyI.
n their way to :\rderson to the ;:
iuiItioln e'xet(ises of' .\lr. Weatherts'
Mr. .lack Tu mlding atnd famuly, of
Chanitdle r, visi ted .\ r. .1. A. Helcilamwt last
TPhe I iickory Tavern base hall teat
pllayed against Waie Shoals last Sat
urday. The game was hotly (01 ested,
the score ruinning five andl six in favor
of Ware Shoals. Ware Shoals came
bacl on Sat t (lay and(1 a gool game
was also played. tle score runnitg
four and ten in favor of I liko'y Tav
Chaodlrn to isi. and .r .(latde Hailay
a boy.
Torn to M'r. Tavtn .\bs. Pinkny
Phd, agin.
.r i. .ohn grownslee of Dials, visted,
.\c' . S. aond and falnily Sunday.
.\s. \lo l and his little rubt
and sis te we the uests of their
Hiotr, .\ r. aldre r . (br urom B ileyu -
Qorito dlr. arnd attende <hurch
at! \ahn S. da to har .\loa. Fatnt. Mr.
a . t'o ng ; ian :h ill itt his teens.
anh sidiverd ar thlendhit'sermon.Ie
('HO"S 1111.1. .\ IAM.,
(ra Ill .lMay 22. .\Wtet a :1n
In nti sl, Mr. . t. (. lill dlied eaiy last
Wedn1 tesdaHy moirintg 01' liver' andt kid
I u2 i- h t t 111 i i in. hei t,-ad y
la .1 ltecnii tn : is trt i eliIte work
- m d .\ield 11.d \rI"; al S .u n -
(i'n. lr. .11 n: i 111:1 as e at : 2th
b(st mthn we vIIe k nw. K in t :' Or
to ai. ndils a d t a it h 11t1 ettmiies, dieep-.
1110111;. 1111 1.( C. il ( 11121 1 tot' } I t L
le prit at l h pinreiios of liter . lo l
sln two aehteis, ad( tobint tis
ya of his plafe. a lasad
bene fit a and pie iso oters.itue
were held at Liberty Spings Wednies
day after'noon conducted by Rev. WV.
D). Ratchfor'd assisted by llev. WV. P.
Turner'. Mr. I',Iill was a conisistatnt and
use2fiul nmemnberi of thte Pa ptist elihurchi
for a numnbetr of years.
Th le cottmei(nemlenlt e'xercis(s (if th1
Cross 1111 schlool \will tbe held( next
Friday evei'Ong at. 8:30~ otlock. lHe
sides5 thle usuta 1class priogr'am an adl
drtess will lie delhivered to the grad uat.
itng class by Prof. i'. I. Ketnnedy of'
1)ue West. Thte senior' classi 1 coil
posedl of flye boys and live girils.
Little Miss Estell W~ade etertainledf
a number of 11er young friends on her
sixth birthday MIonday atfternoon. Af.
ter enjoying a vaiety of gaimes on the
lawn, cool and delicious ice cream andt(
(Continued on Page Four.)

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