OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, January 10, 1917, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1917-01-10/ed-1/seq-7/

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Quinine Pomade
!t o. atti s y ad 1.& ti n ni, but ntlrr Ugjug
i,,'.. p" 1 Cit ! f . t p Ovll n thlt 1 d~i,
TAky 11n.1-Cannot be mande Atraht.
Ya) haveu to have hair beforo it can be
svtrishtened. No w this
is a Rric Crowcr which fccds - scalp
cad roon of th hiair an am s kinky.
nfpp-a lts: YIOW !anx, s .f nd Uiky. It
lcuaod tl 'dti t .r.d: iot a ltop. alIinn IlUir at
once. Pric. 2Sc by mail oa receipt of
stuatps or coin.
%, rtn rr 've'4 '.r r.t 0ne'
Ex a m msra It. -:o., ktarLan, Ga.
fl a mm
isby farthe most economical
and best paint you can use.
Simply add one gallon of pure
Linseed Oil to one gallon of
Pee Gee Semi-Paste and you get
two gallons of paint that
Lasts Lon est
Looks Best
enables you to paint l *)opr
ovuildings at lowest eo Pee
G.o Semi-Paste Roof and Barn
Paint is the best protection against
destruction and decay.
Ask For Free Color Card.
A Pee Ge e Finish
Fr Eve Purpose
Hardware Co.
Half Your !Living
Without Money Cost
A right or wrong start in 1917 will I
make or break most farmers in the +
South. We are all facing a crisis. t
Tha war in Europe puts things in
such uncertainty that no man can
foreceo tho futuro with any degree of 'l
c'lea rntes.
The sure and cortain increase in.
cotton acreage means lower cotton"
pricao next fall. Coat of all food and ~
train produacta la high, so high that a
no ono can afford to buy and expect
to pay out with cotton.
It's a time above all ethers to play
safe; to prodluce all possible food,
graili andi forago supplies ou your e
own acres; to cut downa the store bill.
A f;oodl i0cco of gardona grotand,
l:ept plant ed the year roun d, con : he a
rn;ado to pay hialf your living;. It willI
scauo you moro moneoy than yo-1 mlado) I
<.n the besat Ilvo acros of cotion 'oua
a!: 1 ' '1 ce'd iled! te'::a .1 3
nltout IM : a .. hInud eC a Iiwy; t:..
iar. L;ardeln a:l tho veOtabhs to)'ia
:: it. 1 te :s a!. ~t. I00 Ildd~ (.r-.
'weol l : 's yot a y 'Ic.d
for it tcd:'y to Hi. G. HAG3TiNC, C.,
For Spaains, Lamenen,
Sores, Cuts, Rhumaptism
Penetrates and Hecals.
Stops Pain At Qne/
For Man and I'ast
t25c.50c. $l. At All Vales
Taake not he', (liat on the 1 3th (lay of
.January, i1917, I wvill render a flnal ac
(ountt of imy acts ands dloings as Ex
ocuttor of the estate of Nannie J.
lFranks, deceased, in the omleo of the
.Jtudge of Probate, ofLuri county,
ait i t o'clock ia. mt. n idj~ the sameo
day will apply for' t.i~ al dischaarge
from my trusts as E'xecustor.
Anty pterson inde-btedl to said estate
is notilled and rcrjlred to mnake pay
ment on thtat (late; and5( all persons
having claimns against said estate will
present theon t or before said date,
duly proven or be forever' barr'ed.
Deo. 18. 19161..-1 mo. 1sheotr.
" " " " " " " " " " " " * " " " ,"
* * * * ** * * * *99. . ,
Tylersville, Jan. 1.-Rev. .\iller of
Ilnoree prieaehed a very interesting
sermon at Sandy Springs last Sunday
dirs. .J. W. Donnan was called to
Clinton Friday on account of the se
vere Illness of her father, Mr. .10e
Mlisses Grace and .lattle Ilobo Poole
Lind Boyd loblo spent Sunday withl
Mrs. M. 0. Clark and family.
Miss Lydie Pterson of Spartaniurg
spent the week with her parents, Mr.
and M rs. .1. W. Peterson.
.\Mrs. .\1angrtrni and little Iaughter,
Marijorie of Charlotte, N. C., spent
several days last week with .\lr. and
Mrs. It. E. Poole.
M. . W. Donnan attended a stew
:ards meeting at. l'noree on Frilday.
Mrs. W. P. Poole and children spent
the holidays with relatives in Union
:11ud Paeolet.
.\Miss billy Peterson who is teach
ing near (Greenville spent the holidays
here with her patents, Mr. and Mrs.
.1. W\'. Peter5oni.
.\Mrs. .\. 0. Clark and family, .\Mr.
aMid 1irs. C. It. ('ooper spent l'riday
with Mr. ant .lis. .1. 1.. Cooper.
.\Mr. and .\Mrs. W. II. Poole and t'am
ily, .\Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Poole all of
I'nion, attended the Poole-Alston wcd
ding here last week.
.\lls IAula IDonnan who is teaching
r \\hitt.ire spent the holidays here
w ih lher parn''tts, M '. and .\i's. .1. W.
1 )onn'n.
.\1'. it. I". IHoyd of louintalin Inn was
in this community last 'I'hnlrsda.y at
tendinar the Poole--Alston wed(ding.
S XVS 1 \l.ASS O' 1'0'' WA TIE 11 i1V.
1:il\V 3101tNNG (: EFORtE 111?8.\
FA.INT WILL i,. t.\IE OF1"'' Fl'1'
11" VI') GET 3101 E
lie 31'odueralt in Your lileI and lieduce
Your Weight wlith Ti'assro,
Lack of fresh air weakens the oxy
gen-carrying power of the blood. the
liver hecomies sluggish, fat. accumu
lates and the action of many of the
vital organ:; are hindered thereby. The
heart action bee'ines weak, work is
an effort and tlbeeauty of the figure
is destroyed.
Fat put on bY''IJndoor life Is un
healthy and if nat'te Is not assisted
in throwing it off by increasing the
oxygen-carrying l)otvor of the blood,
a serious case of obesity Tmay result.
When you feel' that y t are getting
too stout, take the ter in hand at
once. Don't wait it 1 your figure has
become a joke n our health ruined
through carryl around a burden of
unsightly and nhealthy fat.
Spend as much .timne s you possibly
can in the open alr; breathe deeply
tn(d get from Peoples Drug Store a
box of tasseo, take a glass of hot wa
ter every morning 'bofore breakfast
hen take tassco after each meal and
it bedtime.
Weigh yourself every. few days and
ceep un the treatment until you are
lown to normal. Tassco Is absolutely
tarmless is pleasant to take, helps
he digestion and is designed to in
"e(se the oxygen-carr'ying power of
he blood.
Even a few days' treatment should
how a noticeable reduction in weight.
'here Is nothIng better for obesIty.
* * * * * * * * *9*9 * 9
Gr'ay Court, Route 3, .Jan. 1.
brlstmas has comie and gone and ev
ryone seemedl to enjoy themselves to
tie utmost.
.\ isses Blanehe and .\Iaadge WillIams
Iso .\Iss ltell Abererombie weic the
nests of .isses Clar'a, Al tha and
ethia WIllIams Sunday nIght. They
'ere all the spiend-thle-day guests 01n
lonlday wIth \i 3ss Clara (Garriett.
.\lr'. antI .\i's. .1. D. WIllijams were
lhe dinner guests .\londay at. .1. II.
\'ll inams' of Lanfoard Stat ion.
.\rs. W. L.. Garrett. ate dInner with
I ra .\!. .lana Curriy .\londaty a nd also
lamis oil Wr'dnesday.
Mi'. and .\lr's. N. D). (Garrelt visited
lie home or .1. S,. T'odd lrb'lday.
.\ir. anid .\li'.. Iiainch Ithbliu spent1
I ontay a It ie tiomte of' \lri. l 1kkile's
.\l.',s .\I ittlec ('annkady and frientd,
ir. anid .\ir's. .1. D). lRhodes .\londaty
ight at (Gray Couti.
.\iss SatllIe IIlil land braot', l.on,
l)Ont TIhur'sday' night w~ith .\ iss .\111
he C'annady.
3\ r. Georige Cox was a welcomle v'Is
lois (If (Claren'e G;arriett Sunday.
?.llss EunIce Kellet of lerlemishiip,
'Islted her' cousin, .\llas 3iand hiddle
MlIsses Clar'a, Altha, ather' WVIl
liams and Miss Clara Garrett spent
Wednesday night with Miss Nannie
Archie Cannady, Ezell Garrett and
Palmer Williams attended the W. O.
W. meeting at Watts Mill Friday
Lee Crow and Elise Britton are now
suffering with measels.
Mrs. Purchas Owens is nursing a
sore foot, caused frot a burn.
Mrs. If. A. i lolcombo visited at the
home of \V. G. Putnam's Saturday.
The young people enjoyed several
parties du ing the liolidays.
Alr. and Mirs. Clarance Siiith arn
now occupying their new residcnce
on the road to Woodruff.
Mliss E~liza Switzer anud .\lr. ae
Cox w, ere mn ari'ried Suiday by Rev. .1.
Ii. \\'ashington of Gfray Court.
\Ilt. George .lc :attley of Greenville
is visitiIg relatives in this ommni ty 11111 t Y.
Mr. and MI's. Brooks Ilurdette of
Texas are visiting at the home of .\Ir.
hiurdett's father. They will also r'e
lain in South Carolina for soime tlime.
Alrs. II(lie I lowaId andt wo children,
Nellie and Posey, have just returneul
from baiberty and Easley, wler' I hey
have been visiting relatives. She made
many friends while there and report"s
a tine time. On her return she stop
ped over in Foun litamin hin on Satir
day night.
Alr. 11. A. Iolcombe visited relatives
in l'ickens coilty during the holidays.
While there he had( the pleasure of
seeing his brother, .loe and wile,
who were mlarrie'd on unday, i Dec.
Nettiro 11 Conf'reII ci'.
The ninth anniuial session of tih
Ilace ('oiference of South Ca rol in11,.
Which was organizeCl 9 years ago by
lev. iichal'd Carroll, will mieet in Co.
liumbia, S. C., \Wednesday and ihlit's
day, l"ebllua'y '-S. Piollinent seak
ers, white a1(1 colored, will be p res
en. Among the white speakers in
vited are: Dr. James If. Dillard of
Charlottsvlhle, Va., Dr. B. P. Riley, of
131rmingham, Ala., lion. .1. M. Kinard
of Newberry; and the le'. Dr,. C. C.
Brown, of Columbia.
Much time will be given to the dis
cussion of the migration iproblemi of
the colored people from the South to
the North, on Thursday, the 8th. There
will also 'be two special sermons on
Richard Carroll hopes that all min
isters and prominent colored citizens
will attend the conference this year.
Those who are coming will Write 1.
S. Leevy, Taylor street, Columbia, S.
C., chairman .of the committee on en
The white readers of this journal
will please inform the colored people
of this meeting and urge them to come.
'h' mllioment. "Pape' Dia pepsil" reach
es the stomat'h iiW distress ro('es.
"Reatlly does"'li ut hadt st omac h in
order-"really does"' overcome iniilges
tion, dys;pepsia, gas, hearitburn andl
SOuri s i105In fIive minttes-that--just
hat--makes Papie's DI)apein~5i thle
la rgest selling stomach regulator in
the wvorldl. If what you eat ferments
in to stiithborn hius. you belch gas
andi~ erutlate sour undi lfigest ed food and1(
acid;had fIs dIizizy an 11( aes;(' bireathI
foul;I tonguie coated; your ins ides fillled
withi bile and indligesitible waste, re
miembl er thieii~l~l moen "Pa pc's D ia
td'lsinl' (0omes ini contaCt. with) the
stomac(h ailt suchb dist ress v.anishies.
I t's~ truly astoniising-alimost mlarvel
Ohs, and the joy is its hamloessiiess.
.\ blge Ififty-cellt case of Papie's Dia
ilepSin 'uill give yc. aihndred~c dollars'
wort h oft sat Isfaclt iny- your drullggisl
hands i yi (nI yOur m' l'y back.
It's worilth its wiefi Ilt inoldi to m)1(n
andI womnen wihio cnn't get. th'i 510om
nehli retgi.utced. it blongs in your1
hiome----shouild alw.ays he kepti bandy
In ease of a sick, sotr, u et naI
dui'ng the dlay or nlight. It! th<
stoimachi regulaztor in t woil.
* * * * * * * * *1 4 * * * # * * * e
Iil( an li ('huiiCn. after''~I I'n.yiiix the
holidcay:;. ae ireadyv n~or fr work'~ and
Air. W~iey lilirs, after a wcek's vis-,
it to his grandmouther' .and r''buives,
has retutrnc'l Ito hh; h~ome)( \ W 1min
have returned('. hiomei after ..pending
Itle holidays withl their uncle, Pr'of.
Is. 1. Rleeder, of ('ampobel lo.
.lrs. .1. It. hlolland and little son1,
(Colemian, of (linitoln, spenlt Ithe 'holI
dlays with her parents, M Ir. andfi '.
i1. h. Cole.
Tihe youing peolie en~ljoyed~ a danceI't
at Mlr. A. F. ColemanI's C'hristmfas
night; also they wer'e rtliven one Sat -
utrday night. at .\l'. ii. .). Iteeder's in
honor of Mr'. Wiley lBurns. .
MrIi. Geral lReeder and bidie, of
Florence, sient the week-end with
their' par'ents, Mr'. aind Mrs. R. <.
Reeder'; also Mir. (laud Reedeir, of
New berry.
Miss Dollie lian Cnle and .rother,
RaIskin, came hlome Satu'Tday after
enjoying a pleasant visit with their
sisters at Clinton.
.ir. L. W. Reeder visited his niece,
Mrs. 1R. F. -Mundy at Greenwood re
.\liss Lillian Collins and little Clar
ice Mundy spent Sunday and .Monday
with their aunt, Mrs. L. W. leeder.
Mrs. J. M. Lowe visited her mother
AMr. W. S. lDavis and children silent
the day at WaeI rloo Christias day.
Mr. 1. IB. Owens and sister, .\ll;.
lettie (rilnes, are talking of visiting
relatives in i'lorida .'o niCti(n in .ian
Mir. \ iL. W\. Red er and son. Art111r.
went to ILaurens salesday on business.
M.\rs. .111 \Vells ani daughters, 2liss
e.; Thelma and -Tauted, of near Mount
ville, visited at Al . .1. Q. S'nuith's Fri
Mr. W. S. Davis is going to move
ne1arer' the school I'iesday.
.\r. Stepp S1111h 01o te U. & W C.
railroad and .\r. Henry 1 Smith of the
Seaboard railroad, were at hom11
.\ir*.:id \1lr:. .\lat(hew .\lerchlant and
c'illdren visitedl Al . and .\lrs. \\'illion
Alist in ('iristmias.
Misses I'thel ain! 1 ,ois Reeder and
their cousin. AIr. \\'iey liuriin s',o
'hisses I,iii, .\lyrtie and Souhia
Smith n11d( thoi brother, . oel. visited
at .Ir. .im Well's recently,
School will open a2gain \''ednesday
morning. We holl(' to have a c12es:s
li term througholt the ylear.
T' E N' T E'S12 l ,0 E (2 1.: \ nit 2.
ToiI T2oniai'ie iiagued' by Tenton,.. Sit Id
to he ;59,180, ntdullnt 191; shipls,
12181lie n, .Ian. :I. -"Ine ldingt the
French i illeship ('il oi , sunk by a
oferltan sbaine," siik ays an Oversea
News agency statement today. "IM;
hostile warships. inclding torpedo
boats and submarines, a total tonnage
of 759,-30 have been sunk since the
beginning of the war.
"Of these, 125 vessels were British,
of a total of 565,200 tons.
"Auxiliary erusers and ships of
special type that have been lost are
not included in the figures given.'
The Qiutine That Does Not Affect the
Because of its tonic and laxative ef
better than ordinary Quinine and does
not cause nervousness nor ringing in
head. Renmember the full name and
look for the signature of E. W.
GiOVE. 25c.
Jyit h u I) rgI.t for
'I ohe'c's 1)1 iuvd1 2aar dfu
' 'Pllio.in 1Red anl old nietallic
-. . es. seated wish ir1uc Rilbbn.
Take no other. nny of
Mrm 1st. Ask forOn"1.1 P.ERI'S
US O ND nANI) PILLM, for 18
years known as )test, S.fes:, Always ReIahla
* * ***.
For every ten Icnts yon invest in V:.\I NI , 1\'
new " liC 1., w\ith a I l. llNT flavor, wer (1 pan i>'
\'n:: .7n' ! ' tidred wr 311' nt. d' i '. ide'nIdS, pa" 0 al,. jin
I' ..\\'OlI, IH!.iC lSN .W rl''T , EC(ONOW/~i.
\\' 'an iaf'ord this uncl 1 (111 io ito al guaranilt'e, Ir.eano
w' I ow' th 22-karat worh of Y.\.\I N 1T1. .\ :+r in
lt: l 1 :( ' r1a t:na:. litk s all 1ih. famlliliar .cl ne'
03 l- is (.}l'ip ened n a r
it oti 'ly'l 110 ; 011f 1.(( L-14 it ---.
- . a;n r ---"thatl t 'u r be fla or'' c [
T .E of all, Y.\.\I .\ 'S an ,id l !
il~ ,~l~ .NE :. .\- k yot p1hysic'ian nt m\11t he
h m .\ .i' s ir 1111 .i .I andpoint. 1/
- b .:I i-fi, d wiih hi.- L t (I.
Fiv not g oivn it :1agon Land
old i;, home !'. plc!1" of J. H.Sll(ivan nea Hickory. __ _
Taer, 12mie west of Laure-s.
Lare Bxrickn Hose anothrBulns
oman Pumiy oa, os. e .- toshosan hrh
Pr \laanTitur. Apps to
( ~ ~ B M.tvi WOLFF,+ (. ! i ;
aureI, St\,oi,
mAnywhere about thenhouse
Five trac ohgood Land, ranging in tracts of
Fifty to On 4Iundred and Fifty, known as the
old home place of J. H. Sullivan, near Hickory
Tavern, 12 miles west of Laurens.
Large Brick House and other Buildings,
on main Public'Road , close to schools and church.
Price anfi Terms right. Apply to
Laurens, South Carolina.
s': ClEan llso EATER
Wts herpievperii to uy Go
cosywhfre53 ao ut thef) hose
thaex. aeti eeeyur
-her-- Perfn ceteor. dItn ma'ns
chanes in the Aw '~ eaer.om
fotns rnces we t result
As easy toarr a.C arok-ae .
Norolkan . Handsome. ,'~. ia
Itchea-nexpenC~alsieton bu Cn

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