OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, August 15, 1917, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1917-08-15/ed-1/seq-1/

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Present War Tax J ;- a
Senator P'enroe Snays IIundirei i.
lionllhr being1. 11-1.spent |-:ach Dany
and 10,000 Allies leing Klled Eatch
1)y. Urges Speediig of War Pro
Washington, Aug. 1:1.-Cneral de
bate Ii the Setate oil 'the war tax bill
is expeeted to close tomiorov. Chair
man Siilionis, of the filnitnce coinit
tee, aniouinied today Ihat oily Iwo
iore Senator." had signillet 'leti ill
tention of splealiti and that he wouthl
move to take up th comillitlev am1n
milent as soon as they have been hearl.
Senators .vPeiiose aid .\ cCu Im'ber,
Repuibliennl memlber" of thle committee
spoke at length ii1n the tiny In
support of the hill, which they cl -
clared hal ben r'vised in a non0-par
tisan spirit. Senator l'enrose said that
while be had voted against the reve
nle iieasttres silce thw preslt admit
istration came into power belatisr'
th rey mariked a dopartire in the fiscal
polley of the l'niited States of largely
abanidonnl ig ethe tarifT as tle sou rce of
levenuOe and resortting to direct. taxa
tion, the situation Is differient now and
the American Government has never
iesitated to raise rvelnue by direct
taxation and hoan1ts when reqiired to
do So by a state of war.
The taxpaye r mutist boar ll in mid,
Senator l'ent-ose said, that the hill Is
tt1)o.ary*. ill Its operation and that
whenl the war' is over Ile whole tax
systei Of'1 tle( country vwill be revised.
After the close of lhe war, Sentator
I 'enr'osme said, the I 'nited St-tIes more
thian ever w-oti neved at o bin protcetike
tariff to ma intaIn its Indlistrial pros
Th ,.)e ' IIenn ,Isy lna Renlafor "hm-ply
c(Itice1se. the admintistration for dliay!
iin settlite coitroyersies with ma-lii
fact-trers, d'clIaring relentless prose
ci.fIon (f 11he wat' w'as b.heiig held up
and that -,n ehloieit of tnnertainly as
to 1he a moit of revonni.' to be dorived
had10 been injected into considora tion of
the tox hi!.
"It sents to mle," ie added, refer
ing to dispites over prices of war m' Iia
terials. "that speed and prompt deliv
ery Is the essence of the emergeney.
Onle hundred i lllon dollars are being
'i'nt. it is- said 'ach day by the Al
lIes or one )ili011 dollars every ten
davs and it is estimated that 10,000
411n a tVin1 hilled each day on tilie
Allied side. Il this tremendotis 'rii s
fpeedy delivery eons;titites the most
Imperatively "s-eential eeet
"It I had my war I would urge an
am1 oend ment to this bill that iurvhases
v-ho, Id be handled by a committee of
thr1-o', wl:r 'e duitv it will be to det'r
m1ine tlies, deide tuponl prio'itv as
wvell as to inlvise the v'ariouis ptur'chtas
in:. agents now empoyedl by tihe rov
ei'nmenct t f as to proteet tem a gait)st
Seniafor1 c(iti lieumerI ~( lredied a wart
of at lea st foltr yearis atnd an exp111mlII
Iiire of S-I.0,t0,oO 0l(i lIe said( the
lull wvas juist the btegliting of the taxes
wIhjoi must hoe ev'ied, b, it dle('lared
that the future generalions should pay
t he grtO et'r liit of the ('lst its lie
preset one ill Ifu rnishi the mon atnd
matertIalIs to et'ushl thle Germa n nitto
Durtintg the dleba te Senta Itor I cod
I loover', assertting thiat the food adm~uin
1strtatot's sta temuent of Ils pl ani to eont
Itro! wheat, f lour itand brtead w a h.'e
o ree of a i tIa tot'.
Maigazlines fotr Sioldilers.
TIhe l'oitollce I )egartmit 10)5I?: sugets
Ithant. When liftlt.'r' an tma ouga zines have
been read t hat. a one ccent stamp I he
pilaced ont tem and ha nded to an~ 1im
pohyeccof a postotli('e wIthiout IpuiittIing
faty addret'ss onl paper 01' magaziine
,e and that they will lie sent to thle Ameir
lean soldIers In Etiropte. Onily tho".
paperts anid magazincs 'vii eh heatr the
folI~wing notice can thtis be tr'eated:
"Wheni yoit have finished toad ing thlis
lpnbilication;~ PJae0 a 1 -eet sltam onl(l
thIs notIce, hand same to atiy postal
eml~oyC and It wIllI be placed Int the
hands of otur boys at the front."
Mlases Maittiei and) lieslt'r Coopet', of
Chester, are ylsltting i'elatives in the
olyu and . cnunty.
TO C.\I'1-: N 111. \ Y
l'resident Ioper Stlites that lat10 ivill
Sint 1 Opent111ilo its I'suni A bout Sep.
The fir whicb destroyed thl north
<nd of the m1 in1 imilding of I the 1_1i
ri; Gavss \\'oiks Thurisday niight, will
not ca- any delay in oiinitions, an
oun l I'e. iaper .\l onlay, after h'
had conferred withl contranctorsi anId
hIad de111ili Wlls for. rehttilding- Ihe
hiirnied iart ilmedialely. F"riday
m(orning before ioon tentative plani
had beenl arranged With contractor C.
II. llounds, who is flow working in
Greeniwood. anl 1)ivver Rloofing Co., of
Anderson, ad(1 blv SatIurday night dell
nite orderi's had bien niveni for re
huildin'ti;. The plant, wlich had heei
closled down for the aiiual .\Atgust
vaentioi and ripair worki, was to hav'
been opene1d tiuP aii about Sept. 1st
and Itnles: !'esent plda; art di:ar
raliged flith openlimn ae \.i will not he
Thle ori._ li III th"- I'ro, which w sdi.
coveredt b hle b iy t li w hman na -
1 I 'elockc ThursdaLy nl.nhl. hs un!.ownl.
All tir in tie fImin;1 's hadl 1--' .
lttigishil several days before. Irs.
Ioper hiiself inaule a iersoniil in
s.. .tion of, the prfetnisoes lridaty after
nloonl a !d av. 11h:1 thol-v were mi live
COals any.heret aboi hoi' plac' exe. pt
po.;libly aI the 1.u-kc si tli shop. whicl
was se Io I.stAn1ce fromt ilh poInt w'
orIghll. If ma1zy 11: " 'll sjartej h...
I rspat'sers cae iIes l dr opiin a
mlatch or. Ilihbl coete by r-e
v.ires o0 by anIy. oe 01 my itia hv
Causes1W!, n10ne of which call ho ,tr
The fire alarml was SOundeIId sihortly
lefore 11 o'cllik and il itte fidpart
meint responded promptly. Some di
lay was had at the hydrant and sev
cral times. durinah tho fire thevngn
ran het ani hailo b,%e stopped It cool
off', bult the( voluntee I v iIlreinen m 1,Ile a
vallant light a-ainsi the flaesn aid
sneeeeI'dd in preventing thei splrald
iing to other pari of tle plant. Tile
toinperingL 'clpartment11 escaped w\!ith
slg t injury, whille lh . snoI ller fr
nace, the !Itocki roonm aind other Inla
Aerial esaped w'ithout injiry of cl
suitte e. lleloire h l i liugh i'ir le.ft
thle ,Zcvnv the ollivials had1 alre"adv
planned rebuilding and varly the fol
lowin.g ninoiig 1 force of hands was
puit to worki clearinig ont1 '!he dbrIis.
lisiiuralce ol Ihe plant was suflitient
to cover Ile damlagi. Which is har . lo
estiite, !Irbahly being heiweeni fenl
and fifteli thousand dollars.
Rusy llouseniles llave l.nld up a
itrge Store of Friilis and4 Veiieil(
els for the Winter.
The food preservation caipaian., th
abundance of fuiits and v ties and
the high prie of, als have coined
this year to create the lar i'est deimand
for l.s fruit Jars, In the memnory If
locall Ineorchlins. lieports fromt eve.ry
sectil of Ihe comity ind 4iat that the
thrifty housewives are layina up a
store of fruits and ve''getables such as
has lever leen e(plalled lefoe' in isLk
SeOn 11. .\(esars W\Ilktes & Coi., !are
de'aleirs in fruit jar's, stat!d that thu''y
have had tii'helrgest saile of jaris and
rubberh'is sice ft'eoimined busii
in(ss tirtify--thre'ce year's agol. They(': he
gain the seatsoni this year' w'ith half a
'ar.'- oadi of' jaris on handl and hav."
sold all of that siiuply hieshil's anothnir
sot ii 'ar' anld abouIt twety -lie lross
uhii'iase'd fronm dnalet's in n-arbhy
towns. Thbe demand Is stilli iinsistu'nt
and if' jaltS ('ennli h iepro'iiredl he l :
11(t to sell a haige number'i beforui'' thi
Dealeru in tin ('nnus also till ''f hi'ge
demnit ils in thatI i. TPhi'\etii W In ls
c' omany. wh ichi or'der'ed a si ii i' oft
I'ad itS Cirovid'nner husvii)~ i''1 r
t hi' a-t few weekst. .\l I. I iarold t
Smiithi. atent at the mill, states thiar
('oni ltiuiitly empi~loyed foir tho luast
s'\('~'tl we''ks eaninglii: frits ail \i
tablehs for empiloy'ees and peilh- of'
the si'tltuning cotutry'. Thlu '-xpri
menit which the miili undeirtook thIs
Y''rH hats loot with sucth siiicc-; thatt
the eannner y will he miov'ed uip nearier
the iiill next year' and Ifs c'apacity
andl 'onivien~ices inc'reasedc. Th'iis yearI
the e'mtin~ery ii beting' Opera'fted w hhI
the tpf 'nf woo fuel, but next year' iI
wIll tie pilacedl wherte steam may lie had
and a much hetter <ijal ity of wvork will
he dione. The mill sitIll has on hand
a large numbert of cans and befor'e the
seatson choses the amount of canned
goods In that illago and vicinity wvill
hn largelyv increaand.
Chamber of Commerce Hears Govermint Representa
tive Monday Night and Agrees to Raise Su~1icilnt
Sum to Secure Government Grader.
.\ the n etinl g 01 hi of th' chabO er. of ioli r':i'4' ill ('ch l lil'. 'Ito' -, 1
Amm re .loifilay ni1ch1t it wag deccid-- oI a o ;1hlil l
el to give the lbody's sliport to I
moVem* nt to) it ure a governme ol.el.111114'111 (0 ! ti ador i I 1
tonvail gradpt her. pharig thecomin
Seanivatioll so 11111 everay subeluen sea
1o0is. Mid. . . T. Illisuon. 4;-ir resent t ing til
Ill-tol, a pp aI beft'or the body, i 11 o et a y lion 1 sab's oi 'atl ;H
oxplainled the benl lbt.; to be derive-d 1~ .";l ,fl.ff e l .Ic lw I
fronl ltvini. all exp i t ra r onl 01 li I (:w
4rinn1it and at ale d what wasl neces..I44104'li' ' t \.II(I Ot
i r to :1nr cn.le e ili~ tG
'h twr il , n )I li io Ih: (1 1 .% 1c- v -r lt 1f
1w hf i, I f31 o lllfl tI f a rcni !I. Io;e
l o d hri l wn- a d -' .
!Iis i Vi ' :'21 It I w i l I I I 1'1 1 t 1 11 1 ~c ' i I n lk, I a
i f :a ' ?: i 1 1 lit r. '. 1; 1
i :h ;Il r n 1 n11 : of' I '
r- ls I io n , i t b )f- :I I . p l n .I o . IIIit I Ir 11 a w .1- I ' .,
I"! nds hath1 1,rom ! th ! t Iown ma it 1 f p .I , h 1
V.* b n I I 1m s 1 ha 1e -o Irmler O 1- ,
w'rh be in hre bu h I wa v I ion-. iI
In saaen i iy dli 1!ni r 1h )lcI r, :1 Yl- 4
r drr \he Inra 11:0 If Ih IfarmeIrs II
1ha 1 )1 1lt - inan lcial i:;Ipport of vithler, IIlv - I)
4 the wvorI.k o t the prader wo\\()tuh i I c ol ina, ~l111;:1If(
hI ro Irhi Iither to thie farmellr 01o r go I v .4vkah It1i IL
thee buto If Ieiu t nles lhIe (
Bi m r o-oIle ratfed. Th I pI r inI IipIa l~ ol14w Ih o!i 11.
:1.v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o rillam in ach he " j v , Il-ItIl ' i )i V; l oca I m ty.i 'he ;'l i
V.1'.011t1 it)n- the" hit pria Io~d Ifor., po ~l
I Ian it 1je ol-uitil. A lil II h loe lt adoin 1:.1v 1:1 1om ar i . I r s ta IlI
I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i :.I- countyl wi ,T 11dA . I l ur isfll1 alue 1.
r ~ ~ ~ ~ hr many rde of roto "r psohlf : -,I -".,1% 1
on1111o th -fin :narkl . wh tev dene I II
11 i I m 1 1*01 WV : I I t II 11he res lt i! i ollh:: t the w; b I~ Io o <b
N.o brng il . A1I1')I va l . Inal iry
illot the veuwth of~q mor 1*,'i.nAI
T!", :11- would 1w \v i I I w t. I I~s \ a je 1 :4 v v
.a.-mor alld to falid l Mn ay -wtiiklile li
I r V II o il (' v il io "..; -I- fl s o I - ' e n' . : ni . ' n
is 1, 1 I' ( 33l. I'331 l > 3 .t .13( 3' .I(1
i Ilbe Imp Ir n by \1 1Its.
i I aIe ( if I'alrnII, w ho a r \'-,lo
Fiel' il ('o Ipla I I i , 1
\ hh I ',t (3 ln.I
. (' a:: r of I 'm.-r - o is re I -
at a previous ~ to rin I s tIale
Vn ( '(1 ri3 i n he i th wi I :e
r I I Ih r Itha It I tast l 1uonthl
I i oI I t h e han o I Ithe voml m I ' vv
-d I I ld to confer(1 w ithI t he whll phone
m n mi nta uI I ind onlt whIIat reIpli(
co l be xp te' from fthe s(rm i(.f
hlt ho .o i t 1 i 10. 11d 11 in
'n m r . a Wh a '\ r tiq ii
1 u
S II i' uJ
(33 .I hi n
id :-n 1 I a 3
ch1!, *1I 14 '. A i . \ '
vu ln I3: 1 ' I4l!l ad ;)4f
3- I
:1'l c tI d" I;I
it1 nll I hI n in -
h> I o n;\ I I';, n % 1 C V '); !
Ie a d,) 3 11 1 ".. n. il
('3 v 1133 3 '! o '
'33 'ml 3 h13' h1 2 at''311 (
3(4 3(3' t3dy i u3
313 (3 bl, 3 in'. rm h n, 13' te3 -
I 1'('13333' n3 4 133'' 3 l a314
3i (1 - ''33'' (''' 3 (
10 i h
3 . nh33 .'
33(3'(('l ut'3i 3' ' -4
a we 'i 33 3...* '' ' 3
333 . ' (i4 e '~ * ,3,
o 3'1 3'i''''''33.~ 33'32.
13' n\1''f'the3h,.]
*'i 3onn33 .1o I' h33 ~ ''3 3
.(0 1'0343o3s,' . r33. 3H L-br
3f 43o. e1:3 ' *din 3 -. a !!n3 : '
1'43y .s''n:i'sa1 l si(3 . .i, 3(''''(a1s
(ut 3d exchan .' . by 4 'a '' rI :
-33. I' 'i1 -'3 ,. ':3
3:: ': ' 'i '' 3 3 I 3, , (
33:33(n- -' 33 '!' 33n ' 34
[('1 e:-31. nV!i (3.133 '~'I 34,~3.
''r(13 an ho13 (' n33.3 h3 3 :3(. '1
31. 333 3' rn', Ter .3 of (, 3.3nrL .3. w
(ha.133"3 (\lanliin 3 t pr3'03id ai \on
t'~erni3.3 33 3 bolleitor 133a 1'we 111(1 331
(r3n1(1' rin 33' a 3in'( 13 . Y M 311 l 13
for (" veral w'13)e 31 .(1l 1eo g 1 ''
Jnait r3(31 (3n1( .'3 WOI 3'31'c
First hiry Per Cen Call
(d C Se (cmber Si.
( oneiNll4ll ber]irs 11 Warii Not tM
b 4 -:n 4.'r y 4:x w-ed H but llI Ii'' b iii
to l bii if( nm s I'or Non--Comi.
b iall! Im k T I-r.h
i n. .\it i1 i . U l r
ah e ( wil
n niin e i 3 -1 ( I ohe r,
t e ~ y'eGa 30
I, .rief;
1.,: i t
rn~ p... i
h~~~ ~~ I iLe b - b
\ ll l ( I I' [
nO I
I n \\1:1i n I4 r1 --
n ho . I h tj~ i; \:I It in l.:: 1 ok
nl , halo :o e o
- I
44wi1i1 i ! 4 ro
1 n4 un4'4 44l . ii .i 1 4 i4, >1
r 1 0 11 m n ;ItI I. . 4 ,I I i .-I -. c. :t [ I
i' if r 1, 11 -1. 1 ! w ho
' o w
S!101ot Of 11!1 h. ar ch. r P.
' l n . Ne d i s 11.1 o I% ih-a u
hoi 14' t1ay h hing (4 i: I 4
'1h n , 1 h dI oil
11. :!c14 1.4 4444 1
44h4j'-of I i,
14 i I.1 t' 1i g 11I 1.44]
'1.- 4r '4e 44 11harIhI ."
- ''144' 1)-oll ' 11-\ \4as i - n
h4 . r 21i 1 ie. I
b 41k to be ' 42x4mpted. The 101-11
- -. Ony ben h h
d14 14 144- 4'i'413an 'I ch ' "I . 4144
''w1.41 41rvi4- w4ill beI v
laly a1g14.
The yo J4 o- 14d4ll a(.l-E - 14..
>1' 44 p - 1oll4-4 inl.per;<w4'
-44-:lint)':44 r'. I '(1" 4mayt4- -
-44o1l id 1 11d 14ir 4la I1' h444 - 14
I '('''(i11ing 4llieerto- 14 nec."p' reg1i~..
.44 s Lin;o the14 nay even if 1' j /( had 11
lbe i.n (ale before 1( eir1 (1 414al 4 lei*-*
non 11 cald VofIo examinto.ne h
if ts A t . tuTcI lD T I,1-:F-"f'ill, l-ST .\TEl
omnh- from hinirJs Io (.bilgliee iII Iorftinne' of New York M1an1 W'ho 1.t''I
Ca a nd b:9 iS ti1 10ruc by -Trnlin. Not Ilkl Life fin thell- u ia i 1,.'1inn1il11111
r uly inIJ:n-ed. .\ppriskel III ; .mg s
Ion. . . ltrosnl1in . i . .r., \Iwdfon N-r York,
I e : thei~iui.v 3n liltpr ieseta. ~ . t~'i yie i fi'~'iit.Tt
w;,.: %v, a.:infillly thoul-h not cseri-Il I!:;1a zi 1 :
11 1 r : r I .\ oil - ftv ern vvioon be- , 1 1 tI4\I 1 11y il Ilt,.11 a
bIedl il.' an:v! Kinarik, when the c lit ri, I ttws i I Iofl 1
tlC W i ini, (if Clinton, was V,). 1."oi kr s I.- Nvd w
: '., N. I 1. . train a.ti al- r Ar' ::!, at l -ee'r'soi rde i I It.
m -o if! h -1 The two men.I were 1 . -.v ila
.m t - !h- ra t') c o c-n I: i! trael : I I '. a !e-. \\ i l in ii
vhe-n ti'wy ::, thee t:'in ahm I : !l f e-os u11 ponl ;ec ii a fyi3 I- l f:ne11 1:
Th.:'. T -' ile a w! filn to avoid ii citl .tt\1T T ft' i I t110
Q Cflli m. Yi' Ih.- ,T in el hit Ithem hv- it ( i, I hi choit! 3
f1 e th\ ri . I olaut of Ih way. to ntis. itt
\ol)aof themil wer'ie thr-own hoclily, oieinig t'ciye' a iri At ? .l
1:1 ' - r N iAl . ('op-1 4011 -ust ainw Iot
1 11 v I r.l) 'r i, Ien U 'e rIl i II,ccit ltl I ce ;;* v-c 1s 4ed m rrt
'n ,- .-1 1'o l. Ir ( !wyo (I I I h i . I Illt I-eift-i It). I te pr' l id evtery 111v 0
m311 in t 0: ti . .\r. fl'ir own cingC- 0 -r'' 'r i . '~ti' l flti
w a w vos!ea l sha o lv up an ho- 1i 1-,
n i I ~ ie I, oleles 0n of~ so-14r fmIIll rn
m \e oti' to a I I"te n 1 I't
noon, hI wa 1.i n 4ln oe' wriI
)II Ie ' s i 4 lia I~ i - e' I s aI et1 v d Ila i','-- V. 1(14,iett 1-1 \i I 't i cv rd i ve x' I I eI'i'
1'-lo ract: - an t' II \V *1 i' 1i V ''t I i. f 11, " re I i.1 'r. 4 ,Ic !i il I f a n y, o %,ils'
The l'iseiitijtt1.' Icivil:.s'rvicec
CI nuniesion'aniuncliithatjthniditminre
fol r. te ographer-s aind typewrittrs fto'r 'e-l I d ee ir''i c se coni
'o'lillmo'nt work is greater than it tis !n h-ti f dower
has bee-n ablle to) Supply. .The exam
!nthot for this link of work has beenti
vrrally anife d cN I 1aI m i )ItIns
a: beine. held wee ly throughout thc Ifni KIM!\* 'i Iii'II5 i41nt of
!Tii .'I'i 0bte. Pr't'icaly vrn
!%IP~ .-c i'-c~o Ily A.al tla':C'ftiie va('al fen l~tieot illro (.I~il
who ha, s tht tle' o x incie iln 'Ice' tlie'i \ iII tee icoing to halsoti anon.
iee et (t I .ille i o r intmen Te
Aalarie of rit'nographers and typo- 1, M 1e,-erlr f M
writes rantge froa $9!0c to $1,20n Ietr i'mecii of ,aid Iv t
annom with slendid (hantce for pro- im sesgion would open on Manduy
totion. Young mnt an ,i d wom en a rei
uIrged to prepare th em sclves for' this
no (C wot-c ati (i: ci een ~ ionls were alreaidy' iil'at tcomtlietted
4 of wotk and ht 'ellt them- fr lpg. The phlls mi
iselves and( do their bIt Iin helping flht
the war. 0. .\. Norwood at the Lau- tlilili's Mike will lik0ly receive this
Ilis p iostonece will he glad to furnish innolnhiric'it with great glee. They
nfohi.ation ragoa.rdi\g 'e abnve. urually (10?
who wae n te i i m a Aa

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