OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, December 25, 1918, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1918-12-25/ed-1/seq-4/

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'Eije Zbbertiser
Sathscriition Price Is $1.00 Per Year
Payable In Advance.
Publlshed by
Laurens, S. C.
Advertisint; Riates on A pplication.
Thituaries and Card of Thanks: One
t'ent a Word.
d:htiere(d at the postothee ait Lan'ens,
C., seConti class nail miatter.
I. ~I \l t". 1 ( . : 1 !)1 I ,
p"'Uncle Ad la's:
- Weil Doune. 1s
Not A Egm "
- tS it out of Ill.
hadi h ve .
- ~vntr~a., I ng in:es mo1(ney
ou.t of his podet that v.0uld othier
wise tav thcre, the sooner he will
appreciate ad'vcrtisiti at its real
value. You can't succeed in busi
ness without it any more than
you could by locking your front
door and making people come
around to the back. You advertise
to get increased sales, the profit
,n those sales and the advertising
investment as well.
Productive investments can
not be charged to Expense'"
Don't be aimon those who pint their
facy. upil to the window at the postof
fiee anid want their \'Wa i Sayings
Stamplls ca=1hed.
* * *
)on't cash in yotur War Savings
1Stam <. he'll( governmeit won hI
lathIr t at ont had never bought them
than 1,> :11rn them1 harkl so snoon after
til'' I fihlase'. Ile at Sport; stick to
theml iae the boys in France have
WI- n in the spring and fall of the
'a i \"' sublscribted to War Savings
.rar.! .,, Libeirty 1Bond.: we e ntered
into :lv, ".erformlanc~e of a dutly 'which
wa 11(1 ' ipete( until all the pledges
W e 1 ni t. It was a patriotic duty to
plrlac oIr'Iselves to invest in govern
m l t stnires, hnt it is inore of a
pa 1:) ii duty to neet 1hos1e pledges,
in sIc1iliing to staiuils andl lonids
'awe a l tit Same Iimie c(omnii ttedf onr"
selvs to econoiny and sacrilice, for
in n10 tler wa:y (onhll our pledges he
-11:. Now l!at tle wai it i acticaliy
. I.n ll f a i ft
. n .v '.i! I is tir fonds
nt I ' alida 1 in nt'( Oi f
t1: 1 It h te h i 1 wa orn i'in i
li ( (fil fS, 1- ( u in p le I ile'y for lhe
.l~d 't:i' a~inh t ho l ees bonds
wi . l ar '. e sohi'n 11nd th ir ailicy
to t-teninry bruness. demandsi i
fr n o iN Ii Pa duet ofrusal now
asl uil to whI f ileo Tth war5hii (as agingi'
0to ii ecnoize, 11n1e1 01( hIle aihty o i'liind
teindWaro 1 Saings tam0p1 plege. and
theconom(izte someifl mre in1( atici
I ta ti of thle dFfti 10(1ih tyWS Ionp'C
fzardl t het itgotitypns big taiied
sue 'the ciaper. Whe14n told1 this i'.r
Dial askeL(d thtf~ the lic( he r'eiiiest
iltl Ar .\:dfmbi44~l4' \ orbitiont.
Mr h .hr Ii.hl ;ui.Il of thf,
\m \n m bh .\ .o atin! a
o :-. \\' I 1. t
111 if\ I . I "I' .I I ififfi T. l~
(T~ 1: d-fa Iilifte oli eld ofth
01anu i lr o '1 1, 110will I thner Ifinl
;ilun of' my0 ais ndttd o SuTas E
("a eHIll d iecaed n1( the oill'U tof thk
,id ofiI il 'ate s of liinrtnS1 countyS
date will apply for a tiel d 1 ichargc
rate1( wlte (1esent them on ori be fore
('LIN'l'ON NEWS. *
9* * * * *** e* ** * ** * *
.\lrs ..tllia (rillin silent several (lays
in Greenville last 'week.
.\.iJs lulin Owens, of \ashington,
). lP., is; spending the holidays witd
her ptrets, .lr. and irs. W. I'. Owens.
t'at. 1':1111 Austin, of 'a M.\leade.
is ltn'tlitn the week with his iart'ents,
C.. and .\rs. J. il) Austin.
L~ieut. amd .\rs. .1. Ii. inney spent
he 'e(-k-end with Dr. and Mis. .las.
(ji olandii.
\l I~s .\;y Owens, I llee Itiiey amtl
.\i iry Ruth11 ('opevland, of W\inthllroll
h e.ltr " aIre sin nelin.' 1 1 Ilm h !blays at
n., w,, \pht 1 li (artents.
1 i ( \ r .R .V n a
T 1, 0 .. , :,: ' .iI t;
S. l , )f 1 ( i. ,
her motIr. .\lr.. I'1nna
I .'1 S. ('. I !ay; riturneti ;ot Ogle
n:o l is: t 'h e t lli \\wi11 1.4 tt n the
inu im I losplital1 soon.
\li's I:i li.ith Y4outnit is aI holne fotr
11. :' holi(Iavs.
AIrs. 1'. \l. olInilttt anti chiidren are
:ilend ins he 'week in Greenwood wilit
her :Ireits, r. and .Irs. A. J.
: roles. ,
.\lrs. W. S. 1lean returned Friday
front Simtitanhltrg. alter slpendiig the
week with her daughtter, .\rs 1.. .
.liss Iotiise Pitts is sitendin. the
holidays with her parents, \lr. and
.ltrs. J. M. Pits.
.\Ir. and \l rs. W. A. Seot I and daugh
Iers w ill leave Thursday for flishop
\yille. after visiting .\r. and Mrs. W. E:.
.\Ir. sat Kerns, of the navy, is
spending a few days w-itith his mother.
.\I. II. V. \anlce slent the Week-eml
w \ith her' g.ranldmothe r, .\11rs. W\. T.
\l r. and Airs. Tom Rtobe'tson, Ai's.
.1, . ohertson and Aliss immie loh
ierson. sipent Iast 'T'hursday In G reen
.lMr. and 'Mlrs. .\. E. Spencer and 'Mrs.
.\rth'ur ('opeland spent last I' riday in
Inliai hinir .Arrives in 'arls and is
r1'm Ptly 1Welllcomiedl Iy F'renc'h Ofl.
inl . In it es 11ilsoni to be (:nest it
P ris. I tc. 1K. Kin Vielor itman
*'. y(comp ani I l by the heir of the
atrm.Il l'rincet~ of "It dnllamlt,
i\ n; ill r'ti: t oda y. .\ \\;t rm w!\\cl
rIim,':;u w s _iv en the Italian to na11 h'('11
nean1,111 i lln 11m1 other. inid erslt''. anld
hI timti ime4'ifrosl y as the piroi sion
left tw sntatIien Ind wil en to gi t
ine hono of \ t islo PrsieteWduen
at ilite Aliea lni oiit had bteenic
'Pe viit(d th ingtor - lmanne ad
Psir 'lont Wiln w'Old mee tfo the1w
firsteetime t ntat rl ti the ont bel gien
i honor s of1 thavein b Stephen
li honl the i-rch oMiire n niter
tom orr Io. r 111t n
Thtted viitio thes king tOok Klanga
s ix'~lock.t Thveitttconv iesato e
T~we he onarch Iiand the preidnt.
WhCols d to h[aeiee mostWcor
Yoal laste half altho, reier Onr
dantondgh oign Gipister SIntnino
Whenoc oor boo moin heltt
conitinga oe ao irulthic p r-l
youndedtc I h nhis iteroothnd King
Wieor cld.anliaidta eie
Fortinge to Syrstm Avist Coelds r1c
peI and un veb Prifyn h a ery
the l toobdb. pesnly n ti
rtils tof inie a ion" WIbna torbe
icepetao ato the Qosiriatan toah
-nd hIn plesno tae. byoQucan Boonhfee
1t utend thei~ng, invioatin ~et .\v
Excellent. lenson for Postponing De-.
oistration. Unests tatiiot Come.
Adirthal 3Mayo Adsises that Vessels
are .lwayetl by Wenther.
\\ashington, Dec. IS.--'Postponeiiient
front December 21 to Decemnber 1-6 of
hthe re'viow of the \tlaiitIc Ileet by See
( reta ry lDaiiel:; at New York, was an
nio Iktt d toinight at the navy doepart
me(int. lollow\' ing ieceLi pt of a inessage
front ..Adnial .Mayo, comnia nderi'-of the'
tinii of tte flet' now returning from
ll;uropeati waters . Admiral Mlayo in
for"lor d the dep'lartment that had
w itei' is ilct ingit I teI returnilng Ve-s
1:41(an it w ould1 be impoj(ssible III
ic.tehi .;('.w \ ich tit : ti day afier
Vlh r in 1 i .tlAmiy.
thep m'itshm o h
i 1. i 'or h I atl reaso ii
1;1 n 1 i . :r11 to post lon.' (the niav.
eviw a t New YIIrIk froimii Iceeertci
' 1 1 < ( t :. I t .t \ ,l (..1' I:l tile' . I1 t ti "
2to December M."
The eventl;i of the "welcomle to be
'oordd(' the olictrs andl crows of the
rturingi 1e-ssIs, inctiding a review
of the Ileet by Secretary Daniels and
a paradel of the iien on Fifth Avenue
and I roaiwi'ay, wili be carrie(d out on
the 26Ith a: Iinnel for the 25th, it
w'as said. The delay in the fleet's ar
rival at New Yoik will prevent the men
ispending C hlist mas eve ashore as had
bcen Ilai nnied. Ii owever, it was said
that gutieneral shoric leave will be gran t
ed to the m1eni as !. is exIeled that the
lice- will r'intain at New Yorkl until
.laniuariiy S or 10.
\edniesday inornin ig a irety h1oome
wedd((ing wais SolemnnizedI avhen 311.?
Cora Belle ledloctk, the attractive
iauigiter of .\r. and Mrs. W. F. cled
lock of Dials Township, becanie the
bride of Clincie Wyatt I'inson of hite
ton. The marriage took place at the
home of the bride and the ceremony
was liarfornied by the bi le's pastor,
the 1tev. 'W. T. )uncan of F'ountain
inn, assisted by the 1ev. Dr. 1luirnell,
pastor of the Baptist Church of he11
ton. Iniuned iately after the cerenony
.\ r. and .\lrs. 'inson left for an ox
tended trip and ipon their return they
will be at home near Belton, where
the bridegroomi is engaged In farmting.
'u lhertson - l'roftit I.
Ali:; A11ni1( l'rollitt, da~ughter of .\11.
and \i- s. ;. \\'. I'roflit, of this city.
:111( .\r. T'hos.11. It. ulber itson, ("(1n of
\I r. I1. \'. ('ulhets on), edlitor e' The~
yit-a ' a ii b.iil i-c il. to w tr uid i n o
griooim at .\!addene St at ioni.
.:1 en (aci\i 51 LoI k4 I : 5 and Ih-iiiI the
Atllaa. I.. says that woman ia
b1eautty litn t' IIi in a fewv da's by
sim p111y 1 applng a little (o.rtone ace
I'nwder'I tw or 0 thri ec t imest a day. It
addils to thle skini a naturi al vetlvety soft
ness that radliates youithl and bieauty,
so lnoe. so refreshinag anad da inii ly pier
oiuiiei with a most exotuisite lFrenich
odor that Is stiic to please you. If
you r dialetr witlI not suppl11y you send
25~ (Oents to the ('ocotone 'Co., Atlanta,
Ga., foi a large box. For sale by the
Ilt rents I irig (Co.
In a recent letter \Mrs. I). W. TIsley
ofi i1,itield, Ill., says, "I have usedI
Chamberts'laini's TIabilcts for dhisordertis
of theii stonito-h andii as a laixativye, ami
have foundi lthtm a <tulek aiid sire ie
|-f." If vo1n are I rouled wxitt ttuliges
inn iir (O titIpat ioni thes;e I a lt. wilt
N~l DII rD.' OI'I-:N I NG lID00&:-, 0)1-'
Si l(5(11 1iTIN.
toieic herey giveni tumn be-n:. of
phorptio to he cpita stw i o
T nd . h Ih of lie arii . !..1 .
it>. It. (4 -
(1. p r'u :
N Dl'E OF1 A N N(Al, .'dIi:lTi NG.
Not 'e is thereby" g i t hat the next
A inuato .\Ie.-t-in- of thle ('oun ty hiaid
S.('., wvitlihe hiodeni at I soiriens ('4 ur't
Ilieom-, i. C., at thle Supeorvisoi's ottiee'
.l:ttauay t1919 n t he t 9it'!h dlay of tl.
mon Ih, at thle houtr of tenl o'clto'tk in
tie for-enooni.
All per'sons holding claiims or de
imatnds of' any kitil against the (onty,
niot tirevously priesente'd to1 the ltoaird,
ari- heireby3 not itied and r'('ttuIred toi fIle
same with th e Clerk of the Hoard on or
beufore' thle firist daiy of Jaa nary, so t hat
t hey maty, be oi'dered to lihot aId at thic
anutal uieetingfl as provIded by law.
D~one at Lauriens, S. C., D~ecemibe
ird, 1918.
4t J. D). MOCK,
. 41 Clerk.
" "
z* * * * * * : *
Auction Salte-Of farm tilllements
Saturday, ll)ecember 28 at 10 o'clock.
Ti s sale. consists of plows, planters,
dI' -t til ors, cultivators, harness, hoes,
e 'ale to tak place on m11y farm on
the Shaw lands. Iemember the dlate,
t i urday, December 2S. J. Mel).
.\lc'ore. 24-it.
Found---One stray calf. Owner
may have same by gescribing same,
imying costs lnd lling when same
ift home. W\\ . lrown, G ray Court,
,route 1. 22-1-t.
NotiIe-I will work in town and
-ant to rn-tt. or hire one hand to Work
(n slmres 11my improved farm Iwo miles
11' low I-aturns. .\ary K. T1emtpleton..
21-1- ltd.
l'o" Sale -P six w'eks old, frotn
in $S each. leaulies; come and
.lk at th ml. \lary" 1-:. Templeto .
I'ttin l 'n I.a: rents stme t .ne ago'
ar!~l col 331 ' n;- mon :. ( II a\ 1
? nre uil t r'.=i:: . rid anlt! :i.1 fil th'
iltion of :-unl. 1. 1. C w . In
on 3.)oul 1.I 24 1 -p .
I tr t ' le t"-" 1 ultiftul Pi .
we-, obt ( ~l: pr'attic';lo-t 'ull lhu-,
I. 'ri $7.,'3 (1(h. (. 11. (ton1 r.
1or Sale -O ne tegfistered I''i 1 't'r il r
a old enoigl and larne enough for
:suni ser'vice. Price $:'t0 with paper.
T.i.Smnerel, lanrens lote 2.
Nollee-- I)r. T:. C. Owens. Veterinary
Sutrgeonl, h1 'ath arltrs Puttnamt Dtrug,
'tor'. ar I ilens, S. C. 2-1-1t-pd.
or Sale ---lPorty-fou r acres of land
ftt11 miles north of Clinton; new
house and out-houses: good well, and
ne'ar school. Apply to T. P. Suterel
or .1. . T'odd.2- 1-- .
Notice-'l have room in State WUe
house at Lanford for 10,001 bales of
'otlon). Bring on your cotton and
get your certiilleate that will draw you
money from banks at 6 per cent in
Itirest. .). W. Lanford, Manager Stat:
\Wat ,'house. 2-1-It-pd.
1 tunted-To rent one-horse farmt.
Rtalph .Martin, Owings, S. C. 22-11-pd.
For i Sae--One 1918 \Model Buick 6
ty linder 7-passenger touring car.
This car is ecquipped with new expent
sr'e seat covers, magis for running
rds, spot. light. motor meter,
(;oolyear tires, extra lire with cover
atul inner tube, has been handled very
':refully and run lhut very little. in
ptrfect tec'hanical condition, runs and I
looks as new. Reason for elling,
have another ear. W. 13. Knight.
Itrs--'T'wenty DIroe pigs for sale,
.t weeks old. Albert Dial, L aurels.
Aut.omobile lluargains-W\'e have on
hand for sale at exceedingly los
prices eight automobiles used by the
gove nient; also six automobiles that
have never been used, bought at a
1a rga'1. Prices from $850 to $105'). I
Also want agents in each county fur
a good line of cars. Columbia Sales
Agency, Phone 7r3, Columbia, S. C.
Not iee--I have reopened my uler
tatking estahlishm1lent in the store root
fotrtmerly Occupied by W. P. Owens
anl am11 prepared to give the heMs ser
''out . . C. 2'5 -
l'ti'or Sale -1:xt a fine l"elruarV :ant
\'arc"th h1athed ,. C. Whit le inrholrn
(''' kerels, fromtt $ . to $10.110 ea h.
.\''n a few lal'rretd l'ymtohtill 1ioek3
tangy fellows. Gt'over' 3'. ItIbei, I1.2t
Notic'e --list with us5 y'our houtsesI
lois 1a31d farmo, cithe lt ty (' or 1 couttttry
ltoIer'ty. We wiill arranllge a tr'ade for'
Priope'rtyv Ownettrs-Le t-t u35 ret and11(
('o1lleet y03ur setst foi' y'ol. I'itherd
3 dwnI or' coltrty proper13ity3. 1liy 313(
mon(th1 or by' 11'he yeart. Le' tus do t he
worr'iy in1g. 13laurens Trst'3 Co. 20-513
F~ori 51313--- 1 tules, mi um iti siz/e, 3G
to 133 yearis old1. A harigain fot' casht.
IC. P. .\inter'. 20-5t1-Pd
For Sile-1 sel (5 volumes) of Pub
lI I School Mlet hods, 13n good condition.
.\lr's. .1. IT. Sm~i, Owings, S. ('.
For Sale-Cook's ltmproved Big
Ilol anld Cleveland BIg 1Hol1 Cot ton
SeAed.l Have just sold( 03n0 lot of 500
huashels. If interested see meC before
supply13 Is exhausted. W. 11. Knilght,
Montiey to Lend~i-On impr~lovetd farms
01onmost favorable termsi3, and1( at low
ilteriest ratle for' long tIme11, repaiyale
In easy Installments. Loanst elosed
11romptly,3' Very reasonable expense.
('. D). 1 a rksdle, A 1ty., Laur 3ens. 14-If
1 am still selling the
old reliable
V-.C Brands
of Fertilizer
With and Without
See me before buying.
Also handled by
Laurens Gin &
Fuel Co.
Take notice that on the 18th day of
January, 1919, I will render a final
nccount of my acts and doings as
Executor of the estate of W. P. Bald
win decoased, in the ofmc of the
Judge of Probate of Laurens county,
it 11 o'clock, a. in. and :,n the same
day will apply for a final discharge
In keeping with the
tom of wishing one's
mastide, we extend
greetings of the seaso
and patronage you ha
past year one of plea:
May we do&s-imch
K year, is our New Yea
Laurens Ha
J. W. Dunk
== ==
Diamond S(
They Las
Put your Mone
Extravagance is a hat
It is as easy to put
each pay day, as it is to
gance you can indulge in
later become a great bu
Your savings will B(
you can look forward to so:
Make OUR bank i
We add 4 per cent. int
The Enterprise
N. B. DIAL, President
from miy ti uat as Executr'x.
Any person indebted to said estate
is notified and required to make pay
ment on that. date; and all persons
having claims against said estate will
present them on or before said date,
.duly proven or be forever barred.
MiS. C. Ml. AB3llV~itOMIMll,
Dec. 18, 1918.-1 m1o. A
old and pleasing cus
friends well at Christ
to you the sincerest
in. By your friendship
ve helped to make the
sure and profit to us.
for you in the coming
r s wish.
rdware Co.,
in, Manager
uegee Tires
t Longest.
ekels & Co.
,P Yok.P oo
>n sow a i aac n
eret.Svn sahbt
a tionay inoteBank
C.etin wrh whilshe.
1O bR -nk

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