OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, February 12, 1919, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1919-02-12/ed-1/seq-3/

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Dr. T. L. Timmerman
Laurens, South Carolina
Mao in Peoples Bank Building.
. 3. DIAL A. C. TODD
Attorneys at Eaw
Enterprise Bank Buildings,
Laurens, S. 0.
Long Time Loans Negotiated.
AbRtracts Prepared.
Undertakers and Embalmers
Volin answered any hour day or night.
Sinipson,Cooper t$abb
Atorneys3 at Law.
'RlI Praeuice in all Stat. Courts
4fieuPt Attention Given All Business
Blackwell & Sullivan
erwmpt attention given to all nuslnes
Moneu to loan on teal Estate
,.c. Phone ' Residence Phone 96
-nons Building
0, tU Feathertitone t. B. Knight
Attorneys at Law
Laurene, S. C.
All b.- - ' " Itrufste. I., 401ur (M
Will laf e (rioimpt and iare-fil Atten
Onice over Palmietto Hank
inv - ---wh wopok In fmrons.)
Terracing Leveling
Gray Court, S. C.
Next to Wilkes & Company
Sloan's Linim n2t has the
punch tha rellev~
rheumatic ~ es
This warmnth--gi g, congestion.
scattering circulati -stintulating rem
edy f~cnetrates with '1 rubbing right to
the aching spot and brinI qmeuk relief,
surely, cleanly. A wonde'iful help for
external pains, sprains, s'trains, stiff
ness, headache, l umbago, bruises.
Get your bottle today-costs little,'
means ruuch. Ask your druggist for it
by namec. Keep it hand~y for the whole
family. The big bottle is economy.
Clyde T. Franks
Agent For
List Your Farms With
Me For Sale
Farmers! See Me at
National Bank
Now South Carolina Senatior Goes to
Washington, Feb. 5.-Senator-eleot
N. 13. IDial of Laurens was in Washing
ton today and attended to 'a number
of important matters. If there ia -an
extra session of congress Senator Dial
wiltl take his soat 1whenever the session
is called. Otiherwise, he mwli not be
gin his regular duties in Washington
until next December. ie will, how
ever, have all the rights and privileges
which will belong to him af'ter Senator
Pollock leaves the senate on March 4,
although he may not be sworn in until
There are a number of m1ftters to
which the new henator must give at
tention ilon the rotrement of Senator
'Pollock, and it was 'partially to look
into t:hesc ald futher familiarize him
self with his duties that he came to
Waslhington at this timie. It is now
believed that. an extra session may be
called in May or .tune in order that
all routino buriness, includin'u appro
priaton hi1ls whichI may not he passel
before .\lch -1, as well as many con.
structlive measures for the eliefit. of
returning soldiers, might be perfected.
Corns, Calluses
Quit Quick!
Two Drops of "Get's-It," Will Do It.
E1ver hand-carve your toe With a
knife trying to 'get rid of a corn? Ev
er use scissors nd snip off part of the
corn too close to the guick? Ever pack
up your toe with "cont raptions" and
pl'asters as though you were packing a
glass vase for parcel post? Ever use
greasy ointments that rub off on your
"Gots-It" Pu R Your Feet in Clover
-It Es Is l ora q -kY,
stocking? r'. er uec .-ickvy tape that
gets jerk(ed ff w en e you pull youar
stocking off? K' d o' foolish 'when 2
or :3 d rops < (ets-It" on anly (orn
or calums giv s it. a (lulck, painless,
peaceftil dead-sure fuineral! Why put -
ter ancd siffer? "Gets-i stops corn
pailns, it lets you work, smile and
dance,'even with cornis. It's th1e comn
mon-sense way, the only simple, easy
way-ipeels corn off like a banana
peol. Used by mill ions. it never falls.
"Gets-It" the guaranteed, money
back corn-remover, the only sure
way, costs but a trifle at any (rg
store. M'f'd by E. Iawrence & Co.,
Chicago, Tinn.
Gool Openiligs for. lisabled Soldiers
3ind4e ('olmpuetent. by Specil Train
ing. Realy Demniied for Sich Mn.
Washington, Feb. 12.-One of the
most unpliulari occupcatlons for iwhich
dilsaledcr sol er's arce liein g t ra Inedl by
the federal b oard for vocational edut
cat ion Is that of auto mechanIes. enel
hose who t ake and fin Ish the cour ise
have no dlfllecnlty in finding steady emi
liloymnict at repiunerat ive 'wages.
There are nmany opportunmitiles in thce
nmotor' induestriv; the calls for' compce
tent men greatly exceed thle supplly.
e n'c'' ' it' -mtilable nen for soimi
year cm: tleas't.
.\noth1 lerI delopmen1i~ii~t or spiecijalIized
brtanch of thlis t raining is thiat of the
ojierationi, care and repair' of farm
lv. Th'is i'' ffor 'uinc' boys whorIi hae
bieen rai'rd oin t'e' f'rmis a (hian(ce toi
bcmi' tialilsts in a' hi no wichi
'adilv 'roc.'i, foi' all indleat ionsm
ae thlat Ch l -'~ of ma'ehilnry and la
her ea vine aptuleiaces on thce faerms is
righlt at hai Tcel''rae Ior oeperatlois arme
in good demafl'nd, ree illy on thle large'
prairale wheat farms of thle northwi~est.
The federal boarid for vocational edut
cation af Washington is anxious to
corr'espondl with any dlis'abledl soldIer
or sailor's or' members of the familIes
of such men. Even if he has gone out
In civIl life and at tempted to make
hIs living wIthout speeial training, and
tlnjnla hIs handicaps too much for him,
Xei is still entitled to thIs special train
ing by the gove'rnment,. absolutely free
and is given a suppIort fund of $65 perc
month while he is ini t rainIng, with the
Ipract~lecal certainty of a positIon being
ready for him when lie has finishced
hIs course and is competent to take
on the wvork at a first class salary.
The atrong Withstand the Winter
Cold Better Than the Weak
You must have Health, Strength and En
durance to fight Colds, Grip and Influenza.
When your blood Is not In a henlthy
condition and does not circulate properly,
y our system is unable to withstand the
Winter cold.
Fortifies the System Agalnst Colds, Grip
and Influenza bcy P'urifylng and Enriching
the Dh~~d.
It contains tho well-known tonic prop
erties of Quinine and Iron In a form
accetable to the most delicate stomach,
and le pleasant to take. You can soon feel
Its8trengthaening, Invigoraing Effet. 80c.
ee.g... .. S.. . .g .
* "Truth Stranger Than Fiction." *
I don't believe I have over told you
Advertiser riends a really true story
beginning "once upon a Uij'' have I?
Well, here g!-,'3 '
Once tIgon a time there lived close
neighbors, a little farmer lad and las
sie. Playmates In their childhood, the
best of friends In their boyhood and
girlhood, and also in their college
days. They both went to the same
college town, lie to the university and
she to the Femalo College. Their
friendship ripened into love and a few
years after their college life, they were
iarried. And did they live happy ever
after? Listen! For seven years they
did. To them we're boin two lttle
girls. le was one of the best farm
ers in ils neighborhood and prospered
filalcially. Life seemied to hold So
luch for them.
One fall there w.as a great deal of
siclkntess in their neighlboliood and as
was clstoimiary, Ile neighibo a w ho had
nto sicknhess in lieir hoies, took ti me
about. at. iight nursinuig the sick. This
Couple ilad beeni fortkuiate antd kept
vell, so they took their tile about go
ing -to help the sick. She had gone last
iight. and tonight-- it was the hiuis
band's time to go. A bright fire was
binrning in the bIg old fashioned fire
place. The wife stood warmuing, the
little girls playing oil a rug on the
floor. The farner had caught and
saddler his thorou'ghbred mare,
"D3rown Bess" and hitched her,
premaratory to going to sit up
iwith his friends who lived 2
miles away. When lie came by the hall
rack he took his overcoat and gloves
therefrom. As lie went Into the room
putting on his overcoat, he made the
remark, "I just can't. go tonight." "Why
yes, you iiust," said the little wife,
"'you know you are the dopenldelce to
night." Without saying any more he
picked the babies up1, kissed them
"good Iight" and Ihcn his w ifte anid
tlurined towards tle door. ItIc ret raced
Iis sotps and made 'the saiie remarik,
"I Just sitply cal't go toniigit .' hlow
cver, after kissing liei a third ine
"1ood niight"i' and holing hiis wife aIs
if he would nlever let her go, lie pulled
Iis hat dolwi over hiis head and Strode
out1 into the darknss. lie iolited
Urown less and the wife heard I he
hoof-heats as he rode rapidly aWvay,
aid he disappeared in the darkness
forever! Not a trace, not a line ever
came to the waiting twife except. this
one little gl ipse. The doctor in go
ing like the wind and said to himself
pationts, tohil that Just befoe' he IeaCh
'd a cross road he heard a horse com
ing ikel the wind(] and said to h imself
'"T1hat is I ohi Simlitli's lrown I less. I
wonideir what is the matter," bl t ju1 st
before le reaciled tilie crvosSroads rider
andi horse l1assed in a ash, faintly
disce rned in the startlight. The besi
deteetives were emi ployed but. to 11,
avail. Hlorse and rid'r disappeared as
comilpletely as if the earth opened and
swallowed them up! ills fInances were
found to lbe In goodt shape and so his
wife was sparedi any hiar'dship over
that. si'ore. D~et ectives scouredl fte
count ry, all th le Iading pap~ers carcried
adv ~ert isemneiits and rewvards. Th e man
was one of st rikiing pier4oniality anud
wouhl I have been not Iced in any c rowd.
Th'le horse that carrvied' him iwaas a
spIlenid ( spec i men of horse fl esh anid
:o'" ' ha 'e coimandedl at tint ion any
wh( s'. IDo ~s it not look like that t hey
ont!'I have been found? I somiet ions
unit miyself woiidering itf I shall dveri
hear the sequel of this t ragi ''story.
If' I do i shall pass it on to onl.
This I tue story is proof of thet ol
:0. that "T'riuthi is strlanger thani
''Aunt aut."'
And Invig rates Old People
.Any docto will tell you that the
ingredients o Vinol ga printed belowi
contain the elemepts needed to im
prove the altlyof delicate children
and resto ength to old people.
Co or and Beef Peptones, Iron
ananganese Peptonatea, iron and
Ammonium CItrate, Limo and Boda
Those who have puny, ailing or
run-down children or aged parents
may prove this at our expense.
Besides the good it does children
and the aged there Is nothing like
Vinol to restore strength and vitality
to weak, nervous women and over
worked, run-down men.
Tyit If you are not entirely sat
lsied, we will return your money
without question; that proves out
fairness and your protection. Mil.
lions of people have been convinced
this way.
For' sale by Laudrens Drug Co. anid
D)ruggists everywhlere.
Whenever You N~eed a General Tonic
Take (irove's.
The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless
:.hi TLoiic ini i~ga~ully valuaoble as a
GJeneral 'Toaic becmuise it containsq the
well known tonicepro~perties;of QUJININIC
anid I RU. It acts on the Live. , Drives
>ult t1il'r ra, Enidches the Blood and
nluildi' 1io thin wVhatl as.u. 60 cents
Price Announcement
U.' 1.iCS H HA g N il ,2 ?
The policy of the Ford Motor Company to sell
its cars for the 'lowest possible price, consistent
with dependable quality, is too well known to
quire comment. Therefore, because of present
conditions, there can be no change in the prices
on FORD Cars.
Runabout - - $500
Touring Car - $525
Coupe - - - $650
Sedan - - - $775
Truck Chassis - $550
These Prices F. 0. B. Detroit.
WaldroRS ps CarageA
Those who are thoughtful have concluded
that something more than chance is behind
the remarkable popularity of Royster's Fer
Those who have investigated, find neither
chance nor magic, but simply commonsense
appreciation of values.
Those who are prudent are placing their <A -
ders now and insisting-on being supplied with
R O $T'R'
Norfolk, Va. Baltimore, Md. Toledo, 0. Tarboro, N. C.
Charlotte, N. C. Columbia, S. C. Spartanburg, S. C.
Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga. Columbus, Ga.
Montgomery, Ala.
For Sale by

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