OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, October 15, 1919, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1919-10-15/ed-1/seq-6/

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Shipment of Mittilon Bales Contem.
plated. Would Adviance Price.
Arrangements are now being made
for the handling in foreign cotltries
of a tremendous volume of low grade
Cotton. possibly as Intch as 1,000,000
bales, according to a. stIterlient issited
the other day by J. Skottomei' Wanna
imaker, president of the Americani col
'4 :mI o itin '.\lr. WNann lamuaker.
:bAd ':: h. hteen asketd by the
partie5 Wilw o are interestit' in tho plans
to appartr with t hel before c'agric;s
siolal colllli tee oll thc mlatter,
Th 0 redict i o i.s - Illade y 'Mr. Wanl
lilila .'r Mat i if "jo arralge iel s til
blot P#!"t !4' for thle .win;of Iblis
cotton abr.ltd. it wvll br inth price
of co't-nl 111) ;tl h(11. It'llr[9
ae t p )oundt. It nimy talke en tl
to wor'a, out Ihe <lol:lils of th11 lnw
'les '2:1 all be reit oveil ali a way
1t'Ovitlti for the 'xp 'atnt of thIt'
sitil \A'' Nutlinalmntke. ~ m wiln reinome
from .\mnriea in y: p:-obthi:ity the
hirgte. :nlounw t of :ow zzradki ecottoti
tmat haA t Vrl ef hCnliFtirt
(I 'ais': iti~ . I vt.' b' :ike' ianti for
vignl mlanntil utl :-ocM n C.i
prpostion wil l -: on i'u o
at thn orli 'On tot ftrence in
New Orlt:ins ni . '. e'tk al I .uittr
stand it is thitit' tI luose to aly the ' n
tir't matter b'fore the leading tinant
iers of Ameriea for th' uri 0se of ar
ranging finanti r celits. The out
ttook fot' haniiilingt t hiS ct'ton~ is -
treinlely brighlt. if th.' tao lln oe
through it -will rt'ilt ill a t t't'mn Olons
rise in thle Price, of cottonl. ,.
"I have a letter lalay fronti O'iit of
the le lng cotton menI jinteAre.ste4 in
the roposit ioln. lit' "Ilsy that it is of
co i'ti t a t en I'1otons proposition ana
that 'her. is it L tre'at d itd l of r'il la et'
to o% oni . . m I to , % V . it 1 (11n lit'
Ieces fully handle it will bring lit
price of c.otton ill itt leasi ei,_ht or
tenl centls a pontald. Th'll interest of 1
t e .\lniFCan1 Ct'O ll ;1.ts oii 1n is;
s-olich -41 on acconlinl ov thIlltha
also an til . hasol
po , pl' y and tetaand. i will lake
!o e Imet to w\ork W.1; -ti~ tl of
the popostion.Init if s cces ii, the
result l will have a ia ll il it'llatini
a l . \\'annrilttl i r b;f r Saiirlay for
Na rlyn.- I , th - w"iht L'( -
tonl collf rillIC , I will d li r
lbjt't', ''ll t'is N tit-s ry That It'
I rotil' Should|< ih T v it l~il;tcblla
Prie for ! iis of' Cotta ' lie i.. chair
iall of onle df rh git.. ty ofehi
the confeTre.
IaOelh.- pr 'if votionl. .\lr.
c'a ll .--:- r., )li 1i0 1. Ce l !i' s 1 ' . .
\\ ' l%.'t a h r vill bit
reaches a joint decision around this
basis tliere wilt be a minority report."
31r. Vannanakce said that the most
encouraging reporI regarding the
Progress of the -anization of the
American 'Cotton association were
coming In from o r the belt. Organ
17alWon is under -y in every state.
NortIh Carolina, . s:tys, will have
1"J,0011 4i4enlhiers. is anxio"- that
Ilh"- calupa~igtI inl cont!a. -C " . "1
Ilinttle witi till sIped i ahead inl order
I t 'e vry f.11riiter, tierchan1t, hattker
:. 11l l' -fsso'i l I tian nlay be vir tolled
il i, nI inlhel Iip of (lite association.
HA.NISli CATM \Iti1.
rne'ath' liyoTn'i fol'r 'i'o 3litities 11n111
M.N.lI.e S1ufiffell U'p ltli.
It ,0 wan:I 11) get relief, frio (:"
ia Ih . - , l i t Ih e h e d r . fro i a ir
riltath cwwnih inl thet lhoiettime
H emn oilo i.
14144 '' 404 )111 o i I li I1114 I'i 114
)j, nII y 't n s1e in t wo Ii I nIuI1t e14
alow yv I to 1 r t I he ' 1e y.
i ly I't. i o I ends a co4 l inI )ni
day. :'d -1 bings ick relief e roni
S ff.ri I tri c 1 1 crusts in th' nli, ose,
hakit :., s i t t ing itald vI ar tft Iha mIl
Ilywin i is iaie chief'ly fron t . I.
.oth! ii:;,. lealing antisopric oil. tiut
CO'es from tilt etiralylats Forests of
nIlini .\tistralia whevr Ciatairrh. Asti
a1114, 11 1onchitis. lion siisilltis,1 11 n ea,.
l'nelinoln: an!l C"onintilpt ifon were
ne0ver knIO-wn to exist.I
Iyonte! is pletsait andI 4asy' to
'1tIIh(o. .lii.<t portr a f('w dIrops into
hlt harld rubb10er inhaler, use;( as dIirEeIt
<1 aind relief is almost certain.
Acoinlete liyontvi 01ut It. ' itrittg
nha,1lr andI one bottle )f IlIyontei,
.41t1 h iit lile it Uairt 1)lig Co.
un _<tIg~sts everywherec. If 'ott al
r(e'ly own ani1 i ihaler yot an get
inl ex I b. ot le of 1yotn1'ei t. hrti
Ivesti litiI ('ontmiiittlef Goes 114)ut
IIoiities of Stl Work1.iers anI Visit
lIlit is.
l'its ur . ct 10. -Scnalots inlveS
igatI in t1 he st ;1 ri ke ful it i a bu 1sy
lay ill th l' ittsburg district. andi
vb14.: v.v'yhinll.g fronm thv tcaii
145scentl m a i rli ng11 ill iin mills to the
11lih 4:4'411 v illiijill''4. ill lte ofll'e ' i
thI( Iaill1 wor-kcr. They , l~icu Ssell
rk otik i 'lioll. \\illh p4ant supein4 -
'4441 -n is ;41111 t Ielt ill fol'illal en( iellse
wih : slik4 IS inl tII b k 44r4 eIs of
II ;.1' 444:41 a ne41 ('4a1ion.
hi i'41111 4111)1n s4 4il i hey w i 1 I
lo i 1' r' ill1(I .eal ' i i 4'' 111(1 alli'S
Vol i n 41e a n 4l V lIt ' le 'ill' or 4'''11'% r
ll:tfl- it as for ll e f i l 'orn 1'le
:4-4 1i ilul ol - ik rs Io 'l 'I-a 'i.
.\t 114111t (I jl t'' be-fo e th ' ((arty
Irri\ ,' l. 0101"' \V:s I all ( xebill.i oif
I:4l4i I. twe44 ' s il ers nSi d( all Illefl
\\ ol'h ili n. )Ilt( thle coin il i - f < lit] llot
l I Ill' frolnt ill tiIlliv11 ) See
:n ' .41 O1 1t t' c f 'ils.
' I Ihe In ill;s of t h, C'arnegiv comn
:' 4 i4. al I wo4 1 1441 .n1414' t41 4
11 ~ ~ ~ w l Id 4illl 111101'<f11C1f0 1 w r
' l s I'iko'. .\ I 'Ilirt).I I m mw 'v '' tho
.4' t l w I'4 114414 i 4 il 144 Ilsl 1.: 141 4Il (4411 111
4f.14 ~ l'4 le 4 ' I' illI l 4" 'lllj 4444'''! 4 lt- l It
441a l ofo were ni n14 fra '
- 4 l'( ta * \ 1- l
*h i 4a 44 ''h il w i' u
ion144'. 1-f a ! lird itep .- 4 414w144 s'i A4n4
h14 ir 44 ha i.' .'.he'n Senator444 1K ny'on
h44441 h.4'! 4 44tribu44l1i 41o 4') 44
- '.an4,I bib ''r44y 4'on:'14funis 444urin.
41' < r.44 <44 hu when r44l41l1' 144'oI< 4iv4
to4',' 11listric.t, or' 4'i<4ns ofth l ' I nniisyl
'.141ia state(4 po4ic144. It waIs not. until1
444 1. that the(y finally ran4 across5
Sergeant, Vote LMurphy, a state troopei
at M cIeesport. lie -was qtxestioned by
a group.
I "I don't think I've hutrt arryL'ody,"
lie Baid when Iui-rogated by Wh
(Itic-stioflets, "hut I've cluibbed a row
when I bad to."
ith ilh-I~partire of~ l''tiefcer Fear11 of'
RAIC(' 'It'o 11t-t 0Ihitit 1Ii S ItQ%. S0'i001)
Ander~iOson, Oct. !),- -The lIE'v(t'ifg that
rtce ir ou blt miight dvlop lhe rI as Ilhe
n-sIo or staI (itc tts a I egt'tl I') tav'e
hvl(t madeII by Ill-, 1How. I lat'liIo (. pwa
limi or ((fC or mt lieiegro (lilt es in
t his city~. (filljIlikdilkl(l cmshler-aluv to
Ia y wv T.ot if. Iecanle ltQol I the
it:.cgro aci.i ad t ii' e ity. 'Thev
- itllthw junw 511C Momday aftelIoot 11a)
'(('1 ii 54'. "'mile levol lea~locI tfll
In-;s of his oiit racc em to the iiegmi
PIE':)Cl)I1- a tid ad hs~ till to leave.
M . II F- * is Way. Iricill of dic,
Ivm Cllvv8tre 11,11 ' WhseIool 111)011 e
pleM Cs taday wtelvd htis res ignaI ill,
0hn'l \V;I~s tIiled1mliawA'y act'epteh at a
;peo'ki Ia I meet g of (IeV ho,1Ar of t rt'5
IV;or (it' ci (' se'hoois. Ife hias iCwiI
uiivised to) leave tmvii also. Hlachiler
S gaid ol (C)i calUVI' CI er-e ahtoti six
nion t h! ago f'rom Rcycehest ev, N. T.
;assaway Ims bvc-n livinig hi i
('ottityr oft Latii'eitSO
GOIIt1 01" COMMON 'A'.~
W\. J. 1'IA]NII N( h'Itilittiif,
M~h)0~\k 11,. AVlii ST1IN, .\. ],.
A.-'i1hN. andI iIVY AUSTIN, if Ii\
ill;,. a1n1d if 4!ead his hist-allaot
tteXt of hinl. 10 the0 I'llntin' 1.nkMOWn,
-111d whons a, e allot t'\ hieii-abiis are
r4'l 1(h [Iii
Toi iii I )fviit Ab ove Nanmiul:
'titireil Io all.;werl IIIe colipluailiI ill l1i.-;
act iotn of w\hich a1 copy is heI)tIe w i th
ev -Il(11 pioll yet1. atl I4 ~to 0e a (-fi)\y of
yonl a tisvulto II)Sakl Colipldailt o)i1 the
Slbc1I h :0 fliuiluhitig, a.te a-i.st
4oIt CloIlll wiihi n twvellity (l ay" af
[( rIll "kI'vce ifi-oref, v~elusive of
Nlie day of such service; and if you teen, and the persons with (whom they names, ages and whereabout are tO
fiM to answer tre complaint within reside. t Plaintiff unknown
the tfnie aforesaid, the Plaintiff in Notice Is hereby given that they are Tak3 notice that the verted con
this action will apply to the Court for required to apply for the appolatmont plaint In this action, together with a
relief demanded in .the Complaint. of a Guardian Ad Item to represent summons and notice for the appoint
DIAL & TODD, thont In this action win twenty days mont of a Guardian Ad MOM, of
Plaintiff's Attorneys. after the service of this sunions, and which the above Is a copy, was tiled in
Dated Sept. 25th, 1919. upon failuro to do so application for the office of the Clerk of Court for
such appointment will -be miade by the Commnon Pieas for 'lAurens County,
To any unknown and absent Defend- Plaintiff hein. South Carolina, on the 29th day of
alit, heir-at-law of Livy Austin, it he Notice to the Dfendants John Aim- September, 1919.
should be dead, who are infants over tin, non-resident, and Livy Austin, if lIAT. & TODD,
the age of fourteen, and to such of ling, and if dead, to his heirs-at-law, Plitiff's Attorneys.
them, if any, tnder the age of four- next of kin and distributees, whose 3tA
What you pay out your god money for
18 cents a package is cigarette satisfaction-and,. my, how
you do get it in every puff of Camels!
1r XPERTLY blended choice low-mildness of the tobaccos yet re
...d Turkish and choice Domestic taing the desirable "body." Camels
tobaccos in Camel cigarettes elimi- are simply a revelation You may
nate bite and free them from any smoke themwithout tiring your taste!
unpleasant cigaretty aftertase or
unpleasant cigaretty odor. For your own satisfaction you must
compare Camels with any cigarette
Camels win instant and permanent in the world at any price. Then,
success with smokers because the you'll best realize their superior
blend brings out to the limit the quality and the rare enjoyment
refreshing flavor and delightful mel- they provide.
A Foreword About Clothes
We believe it our duty to come out point blank with the
unadulterated truth about Men's and Young
Men's Clothing conditions this Fall.
Sheep's wool was never higher.
Talented Labor never received a fatter pay en
All clothing will soon be much higher.
Linings, trimmini's, hair cloth, padding and every
thing else that -oes into the manufacture of a man's
suit or coat ei:her comm a hh price or carries a
Io NV of quality.
Today the im-an about to buy new clothcs has only
K 0wo crU.'ces:
ithar he mut pay a fair price for a good article
at reliable store or suffer the after effects of an un
ound "bargain'" that is as unsafe an invesinent as dab
bling in a salted gold mine.
Speaking for ourselves and in guidance of our cus
tomers we want to go on record by saying that this in
stitution will continue to be the home of quality and
value, and that now or in the future there is, or will be,
no danger of our deserting those high standards of
woolens and workmanbhip that the people of Laurens
Copyri~ht 1919 Iart sychaffner & Marx clook to us to uphold in the clothes we sell.
"suIrs ME"
Laurens, S. C. Greenwood, S. C.

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