OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, November 03, 1920, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1920-11-03/ed-1/seq-2/

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Don't Prod Your
Liver to Action
MR Overcomes Eiliousnoss, Constipa-.
tion, Sick Headache, Quickly. No
Griping or Pain. Guaranteed.
Tho organs of digestion, assiuilla
tion aid ellination-tho stomach,
liver and bowels-aro closely aklled,
and the proper action of any of theso
organs Is largely ,dependent upon the
correct functioning of all the others.
"Whipping" your liver into actiot
with calomel or forcing your bowels
with irritating laxatives or strong
cathartics is a great mistake. A bot
ter, safer plan is strengthening and
toning tho wholo digestive and climina
tivo system with Nature's Remedy
(Nt Tablets), which not only brings
immediato relief, but genuino and last
ing benefit. It acts on the stomach,
liver, bowels and Itidneys, improves
digestion and assimilation, overcomes
biliousness, corrects constipation and
quickly relieves slick headacie.
Get your system thoroughly cleansed
and purified for bnce; stomach, liver
and bowels working together in vig
orous harmony, and you will not havo
to tako medicino every day-just tako
one NR Tab et occasionally to keep
your system In good condition and al
ways feel your best. Remember it is
easier and cheaper to keep well than
it is to get well.
Get a 25c box and try it with tho
iunderstanding that it must give you
greater relief and benefit than any
bowel or liver inedicino you ever used
or no pay. Nature's Remedy (Nit
Tablets) is sold, guaranteed and
recommended by your druggist.
LAURINS DRUG CO., Latureils, S. C.
~ N m h meta
For Corns
Little or
Big - Use
Stops Corn Pain Instantly and Re
moves Them Completely.
Whether your"pot"is on top or between
the toes. no innt tor how blig or how sinall
or how "tender" tbreo drops of "Gets-It"
will lift You right out of your misery.
The Only Way to Cure a Corn is to
Remove it, with "Gets-it"
You wiii laugh to see how quickly your
corn hIt-i go its grip, how it, curls riiht
ipand die' soyon enn lift itoff with your
fingers. It's folly and nons-nse to paro
an( trimn a corn trying to ense its Iin
when "Gets-It" will eastily rid you of it
"Gets-it" is oI(l it all drig stores atue
costs but a trifle. Your money bnek obn r
guest. M d. by E. Lawrence & Co., Chiengo
lettrn:- !- rIv ('
New Elixir, Called Aspiron
al, Medicated With Latest
Scientific Remedies, Used
and E::dorsedi by Euro
peaui and A mericain Army
Segoos toCut Short a
Go xd and~ ]Prevent~ Compli
C' .A.0Is,
Every D uggii in 'U'. S. In )
st r ed to R' ud Price
W~ml o:.i::C;ount
Deligtfu Taste immediate (
Relhief, Quick Warm-Up.
Tlii- s'1ortion of? the4 v'ar ini theI
I*ikknte cohl~ nie con4I h reI 4VIlievr nn-kkl
tik i: 4'st l'il. I kpprov k and inhs
sik 1 il'n-~I Ii -ti1-4: - wi:-kk rol'
A, * ki l '. It ' t I I: 14 . : 44s sup leI
vk.kth it h X 4 4 44 ser 'Ie - \e\ir k so a~klk
yout~i ha': to r il ' -i ,l ofthll robi
bar t h c''e'I : b1 11 4 .1 li r for( a11 ho I l e~'
atI i il I w~illow i n 441 1 a41 hll 'or your mon.Sy
exI4rt you4 to4 try it. iAerybody'V do
Wh~ien yo1ur4 (coh1l (1r ((okgh ii r.'
home44( to your44 wife4 and14 bi,'s4, for
.Aspironali is. by fa th le u sa e I nd ost
offective, the ('onica't to ink" and44 the4
most8 agr(onl( cohl4 and(1 enilh remed4(y
for infrints pnd clhilren.-(Adv. )
Five Minute Chats
on Our Presidents
(CopyrIght. 1920, by James Morgan.)
1790-March 29, John Tyler
born in Charles City,
Charles 'City county, Va.
1827-36-United States senator.
1840-Elected vice president.
1841-April 6, became tenth pres
ident, aged 51.
1845-March 3, signed joint res
olution for annexation of
1861-President of the peace
convention in Washington.
Elected to Confederate
1862-Jan. 17, died in Richmond,
Va., aged 71.
G REATNSS and the presidency
found John Tyler down on one
knee, playing "knucks" with his boys
in at pathway of his dooryard in Wil
llainsburg, that stately old vice-regal
village of colonial Virginia. le had
not even heard that iarrison was ill,
until destiny, without steani, wire or
rail to carry it, sped to hiin from Wash
ington by boat and buggy with the
news that the president lid been (lead
a day and that the einpty presidential
chair was awaiting the vice president.
Tyler belongs uniong the third or
fourth-rate presidents. Although a
clean-handed, kindly mian of good pres
ence and polished nanners, lie was
a nedliocre country lawyer and a nar
row-ininded politician, with a gift for
getting ofilces that he had no gift for
As .Tohn Tyler stepped Into the
White House, its door closed against
the party which had elected hin only
five iuontlhs before. Death had turned
out the Whigs aflei- 30 days of power
and (-iausedi a political revolution.
Clay looked upon the aceidental pres
ident as only a regent for the llarri.
John Tyler,
so ainiitainantfrteW
Th ohhi n Tlerwh it a
the1 Del~iilrsl ille w14 th gee. The~'i
lwereY ain Tyein the b a"cko whil
ntkng a vofros, buit i~lie-'.(t of'ulie pri
'i'iy h iisl eledt heviu eni n t to-a
gelt'uinn-nit fn-Iers withgr' o'n x
Ienin lgei to44I reti .'i ~ i l
'Ihaof the)TI ) se.rea-y ho snoe. 4 nn
Web Iter44(."Wher) IAin I IIo ::07 the
414 til'I W) ll t1en i , 110n44r1 lin hi4) he
or' i inner4, *l l to anoh. 110 , h41h(
t':ludedp the1 nnX neti initli Ashbur-InnlO
('I'1 t hen he1( u -ifg) nd.li~ti' trn
VIl Init W1hsteri'stirentr, TyleriI.
meIntor'('n a l I iol', John, (' t 1'u 'lu 1and
Wius iililtedt ihe vliiertrn To he
$4ratlnii at ofthe pro-itavery tbran.
Te h ad 4~vrt~'' lcee fromt 'i'tx eoi
whIleh had aboltiisthedoshivery, anhd i~ 4ts
chice of he lbro free laborii 4 g'et
Iouthr iiw atesil wantedI'5(Il t ixprtt
theirt power over(1 thMat' Texin (i -
I 1iis of l tefygv ie stat a n e great
1Wcest.aI i Bute noter iln fentietl was
At an lie ortne yowent forpIIn Iw theu
411nn(XtexinistO. the blitousi Jion
gBullil wIt. mirsetgnot
apvreidongi te Teaty ofenea
meito r biitw n Mex41 i'lean and41t5Pit
Texas. Ils antryegav the slavge on
trsthe neededi~r hob vla for the play,
andolthen crshedtu thgatwe tmwo
annses Txa Oto epth rtihfo
Turkish Capital the Most "Wide
Open" of Cities.
Nominally Under Allied Control, There
19 No interference With Any Form
of Revelry That Could Be
Tiiought Of.
Constaintinople now comiines nil the
2re(ziy of a new m1 ininiig. eninp and a
woritl sen'Ipor2t. It's "the end of the
frail" $or till the Balkan states and
ve'ryhling west of Suez kill the Medl
C1atcnsiann oil IIen, Donetz 11asin
nilters. Anatol ian sheep 2an1(d eittle
liniss, Greek war mnillionaires and Sy
rian tuerchants rush to Constantinople
io pop eliantiagne In proof of their
(2ue,'H Soidiera uti si lors of half
a (lIozei nations swell the population
"I.k, I to the cosimiopolltan aspect of
the streets nti ad leasure resorts.
inder aI lled occupai lion the city has
heeG:e a willer place than it was Un
<er the Turks. There are no civil
ourts. None of the allies desire to
iassunie re:iomnsiilty for reforms oth
er thn a ire necessary to safeguard
Iife. Italian, Frchi and British
troops co-operate with the Turkisli
genilurimere in keeplitig order. But
everybody's job Is nlobocly's job. Coll
sequeitly ConstIltinoiple is i very
wh.le-openi town. A1l1lillrlt closing is.
enfot-ev prettyv genewrally, buta until
that bot' there Is little interferellce
with dance h1all1S, gainbintg dives and
rlli1ght <illstricts un less murder is
Levalville andi Goifiehl4 InI titelr, dz
z' t ti: dnyvs1 never offerecl an1y thing
wilvbIer itan (.et-n11111 sections of (o42
s itnlilnople, where j:uzz mins vie with
NIo'2it orch2es2ils 1in(l isiganle
silners in their (fforts to ittract way
fu:re-rs into the heer 11tunniels fnd(1 dance
Iall S tilled o41 overflowinig with the
painl%-i volinen1 of 2I:mny lilt1onalities.
lHIMf I do:.en sumiiner gardlens offer
vatni'ville programis; whiih att ract
his4)II'ltills of lperson's' every Ilight who
s('eem it) IimVe far 1iore interest in the
drin ks n1( rest less cro\vds t han In
t114 l1lssi: 1 prillin dolin1s 222141 bare
Ib !'4i d 44 r' s wh-Io(. art Is usulily
5 2ne4t'r as their attire. Turks.
Arnh2.', lalo' is, Ils' yp n s andl A4.
:yr,4' I ::-or2 ously b h1 1 In t111tiv 2:
a lbow (heir wily ntn'ongh( t'
I f I e br11 ' il li lnt I 't 1 h 1ei r
l 2 I- t in r I 22d f I : I n k h i I-I
k -4. I wili-\ . ikhI :I2sl I 11111hi.
br w 1. 1 1ivili n. sv ht' 1 1 IIli41s : I i ! ito.r'
:ron I n rts ofuI '4 Ill, Iim$- w\. ( ho1. 1I 1
hI I :4Iy . I Iie I i br i n 11( - r 'inl ii thI
at I'le r.t,4e 17ha4 1111t' 1rlh
I ot rora41 ope. ra, nghty F'renceh sinE
el's fri . tila ) i i2 n2lII 'rtr' 2 I1 A is :1tri
sI rong-jnwel Indies OilnitI a1 bult slight
ICollstAiI o1p111i itself 1a n .ra1l
141 i n t i very Ilay. 1-s nunin thor
< -rbfa11 :c', I1i'M (:in 1'4r, i iio re
s1 )1inting tan12.11 anI ly ',(4-1 wh1% iv1ch pro
dIucers evr. en hop to Sin:-. Cnuswl
lrivers le lel ther 1alle: t trains . 1urI.
of' str eet 4'aris. shri2k4n.: artny2'21 motor
('ars and2 4'a2rriages, pillofed o4v(r the
1r(tt2.h pa2v ig ait br2eakti2e1k speed by
and14 shout22 constan:ltly 12t highl itch lto
pe'4l'" itrins who't venture 22 offil the nu2r
Tur: k- 22iloitati l tI22ly 41024!(('ys
o bev that driver's 422 222n .i '.r ental11
Ti:- 2..l2I-ow.', 144.Il:"'': l - 2 'iff (o1
2;Iiro i are 1214.41 :44 i '': !f in - : r -
he'':i ' 24 :lov 'e ! 'int :1 - u
b 22 ea iin2. ind .i-'r4 to :2' 4u . ii 2u hie
! ;w 0 n 2h 1) in:' i:ify 'T;;r!: U b 2 ha ted
Fe w Americ::n Lingnil
New''. Yorki ty' by 'n-42 1.7424 0 in-'4 -
'1o:4 gifted4 :is lin.gu2i.ts. Thlir St's iif
('in- di2stinet'lon In1 .\no-4''1en. 2.2' 4tough
respec4'4t thant the4y are'in 1:2 ro2'21. Thei(
I'241-: 'op 2o wh''o livies 224ar2 22n Iinteron2
2142n2al houmlar:ty 4'rEs24- frtpintt(12 : inl
2(o 'cntn't w..ih for2eigner2s of1 Is own'2
si::'i 22224 1 2'Intle'tal Iti?t'resn, but2
mo2242t Ann-rienns'224= s4' lIttle of1 the ;-or
4'h!t4'rs tttniing (2222 ele4144 and) nitheri4
inh1eii nor1 W't by~ ('onstant12 praer('lee
f'2ellity in usin22g oither' I41nynes('. -
Va4llil's Conill 222422n.
Gathering Up the Wreckage.
'The' 2 2 up ising oft wr''iet' '1. ('(42np221nie4s
of the tIhne. 'iITs' 'onucerns5 huiy
22n:ythin 2g that iIs disenrded for4 ( Cthe I I p2r
4(oses for wh.'ilehl It wa''ts cons 2trcted.
t'roti 22 stnltl shne12k 1o 2 1batt1lesl or02
a locomotIve or "een 111 (nt)re ri'l
road. Compan)1 iles wh'.iichi conduct1 suich
iuiss 5 on a lar tge sca122 are052 ni t
make1( immenset15 profits 1and4 there' Is
j'.tst snillelent e'lemet of chanc to4'1(
maike it tmore 0or less exiiting., It Ise
simply the business05 of the old juni,
'422n glorified and enlarged ini a war'
to prou1'we for'tunpa In the rectnimin::
o~f wasto miaterlal nnd the sairalging' O'
wheni i8 rannablearod vnhultnin
Paint, Pride and Prosperity
go Hand in Hand
The moral and economic influence of paint is far-reaching. A well
painted house denotes character; pride in your property and esteem
of yourself and neighbors. Paint not only promotes prosperity, but
protects-your home against decay and increases its value.
have proven their worth during more than fifty years. No matter the surface
large or small--there is a Pee Gee Paint or Finish that will give you lasting
satisfaction at lowest cost. Visit this store and let us afvise with yow regarding
your painting and decorating problents.
Ask us for FREE Iaint Book "Homes and flow to Paint Them,"
also for Color Cards, or write direct to
Peaslee -Gaulbert Co., Incorporated, Louisville, Ky.
Laurens, S. C.
a er 'stQ' 0 I
/4i L4s toLa
Y c~~..pp - ,: .0 ' ; ct n o
-~~ - ynCrmn-ed 00.c n n.
- C-r innot egu--a: t Lyi -p
YeCc of hiring train.
- we ~~- --- -:.v c : e a s f-;; --arc -
of *rhMen .
.,.kut , : : -
- It , e n n 1 (1 , c
/ 1In 1 4c . a
Wholsal Distributorsf*
T~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~h f%- AT' Vr 42 rrAX %nTTA TxTAV w 1 -,g -&aI

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