OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, May 04, 1921, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1921-05-04/ed-1/seq-7/

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British and Italians Stand Agalist c
French Position. .Next Step in Doubt I
In .ccupation Plan. t
London, April 30.-A sharp differ
once of opinion between tihe French, on j
the one side, nnd the British and It - I
lalls, on the other, arose this afte I
noon at the meeting of the supreme I
- council to iconsidor enforcemient of I
the treaty of Versailles and the steps I
to 'be taketi to enforce payment of the
reparations -by Germany.
Premier .Briand of France, who had
the support of M. Jasper, the Belgian I
foreign minister, mado a strong fight I
for the Paris plan, which incluacs Ini
mediate occupation of the Rthr region i
of Germany, while the British prime
minister, Lloyd George, and Count
Sforza, the Italian foreign minister,
brought up new'proposals under which
the conference should decido how the
obligation Wias to (be satisfied and then
issue an ultimatum which would 'have
a brief time limit to Germany. The
ex'perts tonight are considering the
'two schemes and iwill report at. anoth
er meeting of .the supreme council
Sunday morning.
So serious was the situation con
sidered that Mr. Lloyd George, who
was accompanied Intthe conference
by Earl Curzon, the foreign minis
ter, called an immediate meeting of
To Cure a Cold in One Day
stop~s the Couqli and Headache and works off the
Cold. E. W. GROVE'S signature on each box. 30c.
Notice is hereby given that I, C. J.
Lyon, United States Marshal for the
Westorn District of South Carolina, in
1>ursuance of the provisions of an or
der of the United States District Judge
in the case of U. S. vs. Austin Bloyter,
et al, will on Monday, May' 9, 1921, at
1t A. aM., of the said day, iII the city
of Laurens, S. C., at the front of the
Court House, in the said city, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder
one Ford rouring Car, Motor No.
4,436,346, License No. 3,482.
United States Marshal.
We are the Larl
Top Builders in
Send us your w
best work thai
Prices on Request
We do 85 per c
in Greenville, a
busine'ss of L.aur<
Fred ,H.
Phone 254 -(Incorj
White Haired Alabama Lady Say
and Go But The "Old Relial
Came an
Duitoni, Ala,-ln recommending Tihed
ford's Black-Draught to her friends and
neighibors here, Mrs. T. F. Parks, a wclil
kinown jackson Counmty lady, said: Albimr
gietting up li years; my head is pretty
Swhite. I have seent mtedicinies and~ reme
dies comeC and go hut thme old-i'elable
came and stayed. I anm talking of Biack
Draught, a liver medicine wve have used
for years--oneC that can be depended up
Qn and one that will do the work.
"Black-Draught wili relieve Indigesio'
nd constipation if lakeni right, and I kniov
Sr I tried it. it is the best thing I hav<
Vet foutld for the full, uncomforithbk
he British cabinet to discuss the mat
Today's meeting of the su-preme
ouncil was -h protracted one, M.
riatnd taking a loig'time to explain
ho 'reneh plan to Count Sforza and
4. aJaper, who had not the advantage
if being present at 'lHythe when the
Prench premier discussed the matter
vith Mr. Lloyd George. Only this
norning! was' it made -known that the
3ritish had. a new scheme to offer
rhich was communicated to M. 'Briand
vihen he went to Downing stteet at
ioon for a short talk with Mr. Lloyd
Jeorge. It was explained from the
British side after the meeting of the
,ouncil that the new move was made
nying to the findiing of'-the ropara
ions commission that the German in
lebtedness was 6,600,000,000 pounds.
This, it was said, greatly altered the
iltuation, as it was necessary in a'p
plying the penalties that the provisions
f the .treaty should be observed.
It iwas no surprise to find Count
Sforza supporting the British ptlatn
as it had been known Italy was strong
ly opposed to occupation of the R1uhr
unless it was found -absolutely neces
sary in order to enforce payment of
the reparations.
Tonight's 'meeting 'of the experLs
niay find a way out of the difficulty
and tomorrow's meeting of 'the au
preme council may be ablo to com
pose the differences or find a middle
course, but the diplomats took a se
I-ious view of the situation for, if no
agreement ts reached, Mr. Briand, is
faced -with the vprospect of having
France alvance into the Ruhr region
alone, or at best with the -Belgians,
or placing his cabinet in jeopardy.
Military experts were not pr~sent
aft -today's meeting but diplomats and
financiers were there- in strong force.
Mr. Lloyd George had Earl Curzon at
his right hand and other oficials at his
beck and call; M. Briand was accom
paniled by M. Loucheur, minister for
the devastated regions, and M. Bethe
lot; Count Sforza by the Marquis IDella
Torreta; Baron 'Iayashi, Japanese am
bassador to Great Britain, by Kogo
Mori, Japanese financial adviser in
'IAirope, and M. Jasper, by M. Theunys,
Belgidn mninister of finance.
rest Painters and
South Carolina
ork and get the
: can be done.
til Work Guaranteed
ent. of the work
nd we want the
Greenville, S. C.
a She Has Seen Medicines Come
ae" Thedford's Black-Draught
d Stayed.
feeling after mecals. Sour stomach and
sick headache can be eievcd by taking
Black-D)raughit. it aids digestion, also
ssists the liver in throwving off impuri
ties. I am glad to cccomnmend Black
Draught, and do, to , my friends and
ThedC~fordl's Black-Draught is a stand
ard household remedy with a record of
over seventy years of successful use.
Every one occasionally needs somecthing
to help) cleanse the system of iptrities.
Try. Black-Draught. Insist uponi Tihed..
ford's, the genuine.
* * * * * * * *.-e *
Laurens City Schools *
S* * * * * * * * * * * * *
First Grade-Highly Distinguished:
Dorothy, Humbert, .Bertha Sextoij,
Elizabeth Babb, Martha S. Briggs,
MIary C. Bramlett, Roberta Holmes,
Harold Lee, DBilly Lancaster, Jessie'
Carroll Miller; Distinguished: John
GDlenn Kitchens, Maudelino, Sullivan,
Mary 'Elizabeth Squires,- John Franks,
Jr., Lawton Vincent, Norman Wham.
First Grade, B. Section- Distin
guished: Robert Benchoft, Charles
Crews, James Davis, Robert Fleming,
Dial Gray, John 11. Montgomery, Pal
nier Reid, Charles Taylor, Jack Wig
Second Grade-Higly Distingujshed:
Margaret McCravy, Sarah Riddle, Lou
ise Taylor; Distin.guished: Bert Ken
nington, Roy Miller, DeWitt Norwood,
Clyde Ray, Joe Reid, Haskell Sanders,
John Thos. Todd, Charles Vincent,
Ethel Moore, VDorothy Sitgreaves, Lou
ise Smith, Clemiegeno Teague, Blanche
Second Grade, B Scction-lighly
Distinguished: Emily Babb, Jack
Balle; Distinguished': Chalmers Arm
strong, Robert Briggs', Lola May Bull,
Louie Cromer, Roy Flowers, Mary
Francess Franks, Nathaniel Hall,
Charles Hicks, Katherine iludgens,
Juanita Langston, R. A. Martin, Rus
sell Jacks, Theron Miller.
Third Grade--Hig'hiy Distinvuished:
Dorothy Norwood; Distinguished:
Rolfe Hughes, -larold Montgomery, C.
T. Squires, Jr., 'Ilia Powers,, lelen
ThirdGrade, B Soction-HiIghly Dis
tinguished: Belle Hamilton; Distin
guished: Inez Janiieson, Pauline Lang
ston, Martha Caldwell, Bertha Fink
beiner, William Blackwell.
Fourth Grade-Highly Distinguished:
Irene Todd; Distlinguished: Jack Babb,
James Dunklin, Martin Mliller, Jack
Wysong, (Lillian Kitchens, Antoinette
Moore, Mary Rowland.
Fourth Grade, 11 Section-Highly
Distinguished: 'IEmily Taylor; Olistin
guished: Lillian Snoddy, Willie Mae
Thompson, W. C. Miller.
Fifth Grade-pistinguished: William
Branlett, William Crows, Robert
Moore, Frances lough, Annie Powers,
Gertrude Templeman, ilargaret Was
son, Pawnee Watson.
Fifth Crade, B Section-Highly Dis
tinguished: Mary Anderson; Distin
guished: Mary Ball, Emily Franks,
Laura Vance Jones, Helen Ledford.
Sixth Grade-JHighly Distinguished:
Martha Powers, Amaryllis Smith, Har
riett Todd; Distinguished: Legare
Blackwell, Lucile 'Hawkins, Mittle Lee
Martin, Clara Sexton, Bruce Thompson
Sixth Grade, B Section.Distinguish
ed: Collyar Barksdale, Edgar. Robin
ette, -Samuel Paulsen, Frank Baker,
Callie ffill, Mildred uBrton.
Seventh Grade-Highly Distin
guished: Lila Rickman, Gertrude Sex
ton, Perrin Wright; Distinguished:
Clarence Albright, James Anderson,
Howard 'Koon, James Machen, Miller
McCuen, Roy Page, 'William Power,
Loulo Solomon, R. P. Todd, Layton
Waidrop, Rebecca Myers, Llrusilla Ow
ings, Mary Catherine Towel, Ethel
Sp~eer, Lottie Mao Teague, Duckett
Sevent'h Grade, B Section-Distin-r
guished: Edith Hellanms, Ida Mae Hun
ter, Hattie Miller, Eloise Miller, [nez
Motes, Grace Gwin, Anita Miller.
Eiaghth Grade, Latin Seection-i iigh ly
Distinguished: Sidney Holmies, Janie
Holmes Davis, Mary Goodwin; Distin'
guished: Marlegen Gray, .Katherine
'Hicks, Nora liangston, Ruth Oglesby,
Ada' Catherine Owings. Paul P'hilpot,
'hilla Tiaylor.
Eighth Grande, Commercial Section
-Imighly D~istin-guishied: Sarah Senyl;
-Dist inguished: Clara lloyd, *Louise Me
Ninth Grade-Highly Distinguished:
T'red Clifton, Wyatt Waldrep, Sarah
K~atherino lBarksdale, Winifred Sit
greaves, 111uby3 Temp leton,. Matide~ Wof
ford; D~istingu ished : .J. J. Adams, Wal
tr~ Blrewington, Roy Gaston, Itay Good
win, Mar~y Senn, Addlie Gou Sexton.
TIenth Graade-i Iighly Di1st inguishied:
Nell Jc.ones, Iu ia Mae Mart in, Sartah
(Colemnan, Martha I )ulaa Alliie osnellI,
Taylor','( MatiTeague.izt'.
leventhi-iu, Irae--ighly D~siimistin
Ieng;A~ Ditingu lised:n li letl: e I ab
Daldi, Elaiph &all, .ionell,
Boyden's Clapp
$10.00 $10.00'
Men's Oxfords
$20.00 Boyden Oxfords are now $10.00
$19.00 Clapp Oxfords are now $10.00
$18.00 Hurley Oxfords are now $10.00
$15.00 Walk-Overs are now $ 7.50
$10.00 Walk-Overs are now $ 5.00
All Other Brands Cut in Proportion.
All Sizes All Widths All Leathers.
Hurley's Walk-Overs
$10.00 $7.50& $5.00
RustumESS AR
The high standing of the Business
Car is due to the fact that it
actually does all that is claimed
for it.
It is a steady, dependable, sturdy
means of delivery, keeping operat
Ing cost down to a very low figure.
Easterby Motor Co.
Public Square Phone 200

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