* S y *'e- e o e . , e S e ** * * .*SSSSS 05 * IoWa and Persna Xentin. Miss Rebecca Lake has returned t< the city after visiting friends in'Vir. %ginia for some time. Miss Theo Woods, of Darlington, I. the guest of Miss Sadie Sullivan or West Main street. Mr. E. P. Minter left yesterday morn. ing for a buying trip to the New Yorl markets. Mr. J. T. Martin, of the Dixie Floul & Grain Company, spent E'unday Ir Columbia with relatives. Mr. and ,Mrs. R. Coke Gray cam( down from Gastonia Saturday and spent the week-end in the city witli relatives. Miss Rebecca Clarke spent the week end with- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C M. Clarke. She cane down from Gas. tonia 'with Air. and Mrs. R. C. Gray. Mr. Nat Kennedy is spcidlng thi week in Columbia in attendance upori the convention of the South Carolia Em0rnbaliners association. Mi. and Mrs. Harold Adams, ol Greenwood, speilt' Sunday in the city with Mrs. Adams' iparents, Mr. and Mrs. Profltt, on Irby Avenue. Mrs. L. L. Knight and little daugh ter, Caroline, of 'Portsmi'uth, Va., arc visiting Mrs. Knight's parents, Mr. anc Mrs. C. If. Roper. Misses Margaret Dunlap and Carri( f'leming left yesterday for Camden ax sponsors for Camp Garlington al the annual reunion of the Confed crate veterans. Friends of i'Mr. John D. ChilIresi will be sorry to learn that lie pontinucs very ill at his home in this city and that igrave fears are entertained foi his recovery. Miss Ethel Simmons has returned 'home after teaching the past sessior at Clyde, N. C. She was accompaniecd by one of her friends, Miss Watkins who spent sevei'al days with her. Mr. 0. B. -Simmons has returned tc the city after spending about ter s'eeks in Miami, Fla. Conditions arc fairly normal in that section, said Mr Simmons, and few complaints arc heard as to stagnant 'business condi tions. Mrs. L. Connor Fuller and Miss Bet1i Shell have returned from Charleston, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. De Witt King, and Fort Myers, Fla., wherc they visited Mir. and Mrs. Geo. W, Shell. In going from Charleston tc Fort Myers, they took the water routt via Jacksonville, the entire trip being a very enjoyable one. * * * * * * * * * * S * 54* *4 * CLINTON NEWS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Clinton, "May 17.--Miss BTlanchc Turner spent the week-end- with her parents at Gaffney, Mr's. W. 13. Owens, Sr., returned Sunday from Washington,'after spend Ing the past month with her sister. Miss Emmie Young spent last wee at Brienau College 'with friends. Mrs. W. P. JTacobs and chifdrien re turned Sunday from Spia rtanburg, af tei' visiting her miother for two weeks, Messrs9. J. F. Jacobs, Jr., and Iryi Coleman spxent last Thursday in. Un.. ion... Mrs. L. S. Hendersdn and children of Blairs, areo the guests of .her p1ar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adali'. Mrs. Rlobt. McLees and son, of Eno ree, spent the week-end with her par' ents, Mi'. and Mirs. R. Z. Wright. Mi's, R. S. Owens and son, of Mc Cormick, ai'e the guests of Mxrs. Edgat Owens. Miss Mary Bean spent the week--end' in Laaurens with Miss Alliene Franks afrs. 0. O. Copeland, of 'Newberry spent last Thursday and Friday withi her par~i.3, Ma'. anjd Mrs. Jno. !Hipp. Mrs. Wmn. Bailey Owens entertainec the "Tuesday Club" last 'week. Aftet an hour of sewing, the hostess served a delicious salad course and iced tot to the following guests: Mesdamnei Ileece Young, Kenneth Burdette, J. F Jacobs, Jr., Jas. Rt. Copeland, . S. C hlays, J. A. Chandler, J. I. Coleman U. E. Sadler, and Miss Dorcas Mason Mrs. W. E. Ferguson dlelightfully en 'tertained the Acteon flook Cilub lasi Thursday afternoon after aeyci:a games of Rook the hostess served l temptinig salad course, iced tea anc mints to the following guestas. Mes d (ames ,R. 'B. Vance, C. M. .Bailey, Jas R.- Copeland. T. D. Capehand, J1. W Copolandh, Jr., J. A. Chandler, Lloys 'McCrary, Geo. A. Copeland, S. C. Hays A, J. Milling, I'. J..Adair, W. B. Ow ens, Jr., l. B. Tilard, M. J. McFadh den,' T. D. Jacobs, Misses Martin 'Maroney, Bolt and Bradley. To Sell Refreshments The ladies of the Euiral School Im provemient Assooiation of Poplai Springs will sell refreshments at the school 'house Satumrday, May 21st Everybodf .bring your nickels an< dlimes and help carry on the work o improvement. There will also 'be at educational rally at Popl'ar that day so corge aend hear the speeches., Mrs, HI. 0. Walker. Party In Honor Of Teachers One of the daintiest -parties of the Spring was given saturday afternoon -by Mrs. J. Warrejn polt, at her home on Church Street, In honor of Miss Vir 'ginia Rhodes and Miss Mildred Laney, two of the city -teachers. Bowls of Dorothy .Perkins roses converted the i)arlor hito a garden ibower where tables for Rook and Forty-Two were arranged. The teachers of the Lau rens city school and a few close friends 'wore greeted at the door by Mrs. Bolt and after a pleasant 'hour of progressive games, cream and cake were served by Miss Amy Wolff and Mrs. John Bolt, Jr. Suddenly, amidst the 'babble of voices, sounded the notes of the wed ding march from "Lohengrin", played by Miss Mary -Ste Bolt. In an expect ant silence, a diminutive- ,bride and groom, little Miss Catherine Moore and Master John Bolt, Jr., entered,, carry ing a silver tray of English walnuts, which they )assed to the guests. The secret, in a nut-shell, was soon dis covered: "Miss Virginia Rhodes, Mr. L. F. Yates--1lid-summer." After the exclamations of surprise, Miss Mil dred Laney proposed a toast, "To the bride-elect;" this was followed by an other, "To the teachers," given by Mrs. Templeman. Miss Rhodes, for the past session, has been the domestic science teacher in the high school, and during her brief stay in Laurens has made a host of friends who wish her much haippiness. Mr. Yates is from Darlington. COTTON. EXPORTS ALREADY AIDED Money Advanced by Finance Corpora tion. Big Sums Advanced. Washington, fay 14.-Approval of advances of $2,000,000 to assist in fln ancing cotton exports was announced today by the war finance corporation. Advancement of $1,600,000 against cot ton actually exported has already been made, the announcement said. One approval was for an advance of $1,000,000 in connection with the ship ment of cotton to foreign ports for warehousing and distribution. The cotton will go forward to 'Liverpool, Havre, Genoa, Bremen and Kobe, Ja pan. The other application approved was also for an advance of $1,000,000. to finance the exportation of cotton from American interior points and Ameri can ports under contracts calling for shipments from October .to December. The corporation announced in ad dition it has advanced $1,600,000 against cotton actually exqported. The distrIbuting points to - which the cotton has been consigred, the corporation said, are Liverpool, IHavre, Triest, Genoa, Venice and Bremen. Cotton consigned to Havre, the corporation explained, is distribu ted to the nearby mills and also to mills in the interior of France and Alsace-ILorraine as well as in Swit zerland. Cotton to the Italian port will be distr'ibuted to Ita~an mills andl also to Austrian mills. Cotton warehoused in Biremen wvill be dis trfyuted to Czecho-Slovakia, Auistr'ia, Poland and Sweden. The corporation also announcedl that it has issued a circular outlining the requirements of the corporation in connection with app~lications for advances to Amer'ican exporters and American banks, hankers and trust comp~anies for the pluipose of assist ing in the exportation of domestic 'products, Singers to Meet The Laurens- County Singing Con vention will meet 'with the Lucas Ave nue Church at Watts Mills on the Fifth~ Sunday in this month at eleven o'clock. A number of good singers areepet ed to attend this meeting and the lov ers of good 01(1 fashion singing will miss a treat if they do not attend. Among the numbers of singers exp~ect ed is the C. M. Castle Quartette, from Spar'tanb~urg. The public is most cor dlially invited to attend this service. The people of Watts Mills wift enter tain the visitors and all others will please bring baskets of 'good things to eat to assist in the entertainment. 0. C. GWINN, C. A. POWER, Committee. Opera JHouse Closes - Through an agreement with J. IN. 'Bolter, lessee of the Opera House, the lease and part of the equipment of the Opera House have been taken over by Messrs. Lee Bros. & Switzor, owners of the Princess Theatre, n~ho have announced that moving pictures will not .be run regularly there in the future. The Princess Theatre, which 'has 'been running on a curtailed schedule for severn weeks, will return to the full week schedule. Manager Switzer states that if his program can be arranged in time, the full schedule will-'be resumed Friday. The Opera House gave Its last show under the Boiter managrement Monday eveninfs. DOW IN GREENWOOID Local Veteran Contributes to Rotary Luncheon In Greenwood When Vet. eran vere 1Eitertained. Warren Stribling, local Confederate veteran and "Old . Time Fiddler," -played his way into the hearts of the G reen wood, Rotarians and their guests last Tuesday night :when the Gireen -wood veterans were guests of the Ro tary Club on Alemorial Day. Veteran Stribling, who was visiting in Green wood at the time, was included among the guests and "added a new and opleasing feature to the program," ac cording to Tle 'Index-Journal, #which gave an account of the luncheon the following morning, asfollows: About forty Confederate veterans were guests of honor at yesterday's bi monthly luncheon of the Greenwood Rotary Club and it was the unani mous opinion of the old boys that they hadi a roya'l good time at the hands of the younger boys of the Rotary Club. They enjoyed to the full a bountiful dinner served by the Robert A. WNaller Chapter, 1-. D. C., and as President S. C. Hodges, of tle club, suggested to .them, they felt sure that if they had had a commissary like that which sup Plied Yesterday's meal the result, of the war would have been vastly differ ent. Young ladies froiji Lander Col loge added greatly to the pleasure of the guests by their songs, one of which was a special song written .by Mrs. John 0. Wilson for the occasion. President HIodgc thoughtfully han Presented a real old-time fiddler in the person of Veteran Warren Stribling, of Laurens. Mr. Stribling played be fore the dinner and had some of the staid matrons of the U. D. C. shaking the wicked foot in spite of themselves at the moving strains of Turkey in the Straw, Arkansas Traveler, and so on -not omitting the well known tune about something that broke loose in Georgia. Mr. Striblin-g added a new and pleasing feature to the program. Three long tables were 1sed for the guests and members of the cml). Sev en boys from the tenth and eleventh grades of the Greenwood H1igh School were guests also, these being the last quota of boys from the high school, who have been guests of the Rotarians at luncheons. The veterans were placed at one of the tables, the lo tarians using the other two together with the high school boys and the young ladies of Lander College. After the fine meal President 110d ges announced that there t-ould be four short talks by members of the Rotary Club, seven minutes limit, and each one of the four speakers rose to the occasion.. These short talks were gems, each one of them. Special Sale Men's Summer Suits this week. Come and look through and get your suit. You avill save dollars at J. C. Burns & Co. Perfume at $90 Per Ounce. The harvest of Bavarin roses for last year, being one of the worst on record, the price of the essence has gone up very considerably. The wholesale price juist now is round aboeut $20 an ounce. Before. the war it was $7. Contrary to popular be lief, however, attar of roses is by no means the most expensive scent on the market. Civet 'is W~omth Wvholesale just now $25 an ounce, ta~d musk $90; ambergris, which forrpms the basis for nearly alt the best quality scents, costs $00 an ounce, and is hard to get at that. These prices refer, in the case of perfumes to the essential oils, one or two drops of wvhich wvili make qluite a decent-sized bottle of scent. Only dealers in precious stones carry more valuable stock in a small space thani the dealers in these highly-con centrated essential oils. A quite mnod erate-sized safo in the oflice of a firm of wvholesale perimers will frequent. ly contain stock worth $125,000. Hawaiian Volcano Active. The great volcano, Kllauea, 32 miles from lillo, Hawaii, which .for two years has been exhibiting tremendous volcanic force, recently overflowed the rim 'i of its active throat andl burst forth in fresh activity andl brilliance. After weeks of Stehdly rising of the lava in the pit 'of Ianlemaumnu, the "Ilouse of ire," the molten column recached the rim and pouredl over it toward the southeast side of thme great crater, while simultaneously another lava stream burst through the crater floor seome distance from the first, IHundreds of fire fountains began play ing on the numerous lava lakds and sheets of flame gushed intermittently from beneath the crust surface. Along the main lne of the 01(1 rift whleh thme newv flow is following, sev eral lava cones of small craters have formed andI these add to the weird scenes with their thundering blasts of steam and fire. A Real'eut. "Did you ever see that good old play, 'Ten Nights in a Barroom'?" -"No," answered Cactus Joe. "Il didn't like the title. It wasn't true to human nature. ,I never knew a man with money enough to last ten nights and I never heard of a bar tender who would let him hang around after lie was broke." Fit Up Your Porch With VUDOR PORCH SHADES TheO tily Siade-MadeiWithra1Veritilator They Let In the Air and Keep Out the Sun All sizes in stock. Now is the time to fit up your porch. S. M.& E. H. WILKES& CO. A I G . AUTO PAINTING Work'done by experienced factory painter, with the highest grade of paints and varnishes. Call up M. J. Owings, J. J. Adams, and C. H. Roper, presidents and cashier of Laurens banks, and ask them what kind of work we do. See their cars which we have painted.' We can give you any kind of job you want; any color and any color of stripe you want. COMPLETE PAINT JOBS REFINISHING A SPECIALTY SUMEREL MOTOR CO. Laurens, S. C. PEOPLE OF OUR TOWN The Hen HederriofPeeedlforrO Stupidthe PrPriceobwillhebeiverw Iwasv over inthe neighbor's~ New Garden ;and well nigh Et Up everything in (Sight and the Neighbor vows that IStupid wvill yet Grace a Pliatter at his li ayn Chnildren, is Fay-in the Tokens of Honesty. At some of the London docks, when Ol two men mak a tradnsagrement, theyW.EMegStn honesty. This is regarded as more binding that a written and signed con.A erthaafyotwit