OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, October 19, 1921, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1921-10-19/ed-1/seq-8/

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New Preparation Known as
Wiliams Superior Skin
WhItener-WiU Clear up Your
Skin, Keep It Soft And Fair.
Will Positively Remove Tan
Frecklos In 7 Days. If It Falls
Your Money Will Be
'lis preparation is a new scientith
discovery guaranteed nor to hatrm the
most ielicato skin. Williams Super
ior Skinl Whitener is tlit only prpara
ltion of its kind onl tile markeot. It is
quick and delightful in its effects and
will not harm the most delicate skin.
lie sure to -,pecify Williams Super
ior Skin Whitener. You can secure
the genuine Williams Superior Skin
Whitener at laurens Drug Co.
The Car E4erlasting
Ellis Motor Co.
Clinton, S. C.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
stops the ('ough and lendache and works off the
Cold. E. W. GROVE'S signature on each box. 30c:
State of South Carollua,
('ounty of Laiurens.
In Court of Common Pleas.
J. W. Todd, Plaintiff,
Sami A. and Joe W. Williams, De
Puirsiant to at decree of the Court
in the above stated case, I will sell at
public outery to the highest bidder, at
Uturens, C. II., S. C., on Salesday in
November next, being Mlona(ly the 'ith
day of the month, during the legal
hours for such salea, the following de
scribedl property, to wit:
ist.-Lot of Samt A. Williams.-All
that certain piece, lot or parcel of land
situate, lying and being in the City of
I au:rens, County and State aforesaid,
containintg one-flimirter of an acre,
tloj or less, and bounded on the north
eist and solutlt, by lot of Joe W. Wil
liams, and ol the west by the latu
tens Oil .\ill and being tile lot (on
iveeI to Sam A. Williams by .loe Wil
liams on tite :Ir d( of Novenher, I90,
by dee(d recor(ded in book 2:1, page G:.
2nd.--L.ot of ,lo Wr . Wi lliams.-A
th:t. certain lot, piece anl parcel of
Ilntd situate, lyinig and being in the
City oif laturtns. county and State
aforesaid, containing otte and one
thi Ii acres more or less, boundted onl
114 - north by lanls low or form1etrly
blnigto Tr. J1. ;laickett, onl the eaIst
andl Sotil by iands ntow or formerly
b ln ig to .\rs. If. (". TIodd, andI on)
lte s-t by lot of Sam A. Williams. and
Laurens (il .\liill. It being all thit
r*Wr-ty conveyed by Mrs. II. G. 'l'oltd
to . W. WVilliainls, by d ed( dlated [tht,
Ith of .\bl:y, 1908. wvhicht is treordedt
in letd 440o k 2;, tpage. 12, tlie of the~
Vt a4 . .\ t : (i4 des iing to1 bid( on!
dheposit wtith the ilerk of (tour t, it
not les than .I a n ac lonatth
it o ot 4 l l Ior thetittahl proptyti
Teri.; f Jt ah it II . ' urcha e r to 4,
oft e t i-f :.a are in, tl c omp'4, lid with,
\V 'il" 1 (,444 i t' 30d1ay by Iann tersti
(h .g V. '. 'tI' S nd 11 G. 1., (4au e st. C.~
1M4nt 4d. Ii O \t. 10 ). 't2 1 . :', 41-.
littl s b I\)- tl i .~El lti tw
mate tIof': Sott wiarolie, ( n 04
arat trcts ofi thenn 01(1as.whl
thehiet Its e accepaitei'lf,
(IC(i Vgi~iag ailnd wilbea
tiry dl'eofe te lr oifenCot.r n
l'so uanit d a d te tie of the saurt
for the abforemation e(i, alwillrtie .
Teartns. of Ial., Ont-half asday in
ancveml toexl~ telve .\onyth froh
daty of thle; moth, durding potion toa
hpurhafer overh sad th~esown e
ib d 8 pr cet, tors fwi atit
l.ave tha purcaer -of' hu Is ntelirg
peand ting,. I' the Tern of elon
ar otng eoled hure landot-ourE
esold. morae or soman bsunenh
-::alof .eon same terms, th sta 0
forme pvrvhaler,deasan(;.
W. Youn, n th Aut byPlands o
Georg ~. Y.un. and n. bthrenws by
Ttte tbghst bidto be, accptdIat
"Forty Wtnks" Under Happleet
of Conditions.
Idea Seems to Appeal With Consldei%
able Force to Writer in Louis
. villo Courier-Journal,
Cool, cavernous, well-ventilated,
cushioned churches are fine places in
whteh to snatch -10 winks of eleep.
Blut for the disposition of mnean-na
tured persons to speak unkindly of
one who sleeps in church the invita
tion of a Louisville minister to slee)
in his church lduring his sermons
miglt jan the building Sunday morn
ngs, ma king sleeping in a pe'w as
'opit'rtless as sleeping three in a
Those who are not sensitive to un
kind, un-Christina, eritielsm can en
joy sleeping In church and going home,
as the pastor says, "refreshed and
declaring the sermon and the theology
Sleep in itself 18 the supreme
realized experience of the avernge
work-ridden, worry-bitten, dog-tired
human belug, declares a writer In the
l*)misviile C'ourier-Journal. It pro1
vides all of the refreshment of the
bath without the labor of tubbing and
rubbing. Sleep is more reconstruc
tive than a drink, and it is an anti
toxin, whereas the drink may be, now
a days, cold poison procured by
The poets, many-voiced, silver
tongued, have smitten the lyre and
sung the delights, the uses, the maglc
of steel). The philosophers have point
ed out to the weary, to the disillu
sloned, the "poppled ways of sleep,"
Sleep paroles the prisoner whose
days are spent in penal servitude and
whose nights are sipent in a cell, inak
Ing him as free and as light-footed as
Sleep suspends the life sentence of
the inan who is in the clutches of in
curable illness and beckons him to
the ruddy experience of youth and
The jilted lover sleeps and knows
the happiness of love requited,
The bankrupt sleeps and experi
ences the dignity and the power that
wealth showers with barbarie hand
upon the merchant princes of the gor
gemus west, along with pearl and
The widow, gray, bent, old, child
less, a victim of poverty nnd loneli
ness, sleeps and is again the bride
whose slip)pered feet are at the gates
of Eiysluin.
"Sleep" is found, in any book of fta
miniar quotations, between "slander"
and "slavery," from both of which it
provides resplite, and next to "smiles,"
near "solituie" and "song," and "sun
shine" But. It is fountd nowhere in
hapier ci rcumstances than in clhuirch,
soit.where between the announce
ent of the text and the pronounce
ient of the bnedletion, for sleep's
enlress l)(in lt(he eyelids of the weary
falls iliore softly and sweetly when it
Ciies 'like D1iina's kiss, unniasked, un
sought," th1a wheni it restponds to such
adviiaes as gettling into nigh t-clot lies
and into hed.
Sleep in church is at 'ts best wvhen
flit' .1chur Is 1nnie of logs and stands
in a wvoodi. Theii lirtather is long
windedti. The stl iirrt'i ha rks, the luen
Jay iihllts, the leaves rustle ou1tide
gih' windiows. As the' parson thuniders
''ut <htuaiitioni in idt-disctourse the
nat of thle a rgieitnt gios to, your
miak 'ful nielihbor while yoi 'i-at in
drieans th Ile cust artd.''" (i I 'ron i twn,
withi the juinginig iiiise's of thei stre'ets
invatdinig th liidllile', thert' are' iaie
swee'ilaess iand sioliu' ini tiwi ltlilr' of
a iniiister who inivites thei weary' to
Chilean Fruit in America.
An ixpnriti'ntli shliiiii'nt ofi gralls
w'as sent toi Nitw Yrkb wih a ylew'; of
bii toitlll iin the' lnite'd St ateis for thle
anti are ripotilti to, have arrivied int
i\ih' a i highly ltis a I tory tI i irae It
iiiiiielpior te iitii the i sh iiine tis
irimi aif tedni asatng iint ILnnia
ise tioe.t Th ewa erinwf tis oft guar-s
t-uhir i'nterti i c iiiiil('l its p ongsibl hat
the eortedasnational es frep rt.
Plagie, li e 'aid a rtapilysiingb
Sib er cholrabwa, praging i thet
sherpn fadlite goernentvslanle
t'here wraduhardlyine prt of nhoustj
uonafected by mladri the wltinge
cniion of thshe dSattributed tho
enormust swarms of flies and gnats.
which ore Inth ComissionrerSsj
insutes Waussoa from eraan
Sia cherarging insse pn thel
southerand molside grnetsand
there, was haduyte. parmt fe Iuso.
unoffecte dnby matri, Tohge alarm ing
contialor uon thnge faftrbue do
eor.mus sarmsi oufiesandgnt
Reply Made to Critielsm of Former
Comptroller. Salaries Not Higb.
'Washington, Oct. 15.--I'ho federal
reserve board does not regard "the
salaries paid the governor of the New
York Federal Reserve bank and the
federal reserve agent as. being exces
sive," Governor Harding of the board
said in a letter to Chairman Anderson
of the congressional agricultural com
mittee, made -public tonight.
"No one familiar with the qualifica
tions of theso gentlemen, their long
Oxperienco in bankig, their estab
lished position in the banking com1
m'unity before the federal reserve
bank was organized, the magnitude of
their responsibilities and the oppor
tunities constantly afforded then to
make other and more profitable en
gagements," the letter added, "would
assert for a moment that they are
being paid more than they are worth."
Governor Harding explained that
the letter was not a reply to the re
cent senate resolution requesting data
on the salaries paid New York federal
reserve bank officials but was inntend
ed to deal more specifically with criti
cisms of John Skelton Williams, for
mIer comptroller of the currency. The
board's answer to the request of the
senate, he added, "would be forwarded
next week." lie requested, however,
that the letter be made a part of the
commissions' record and that the coni
mission make public Its finding with
respect to the charge made by Mr.
Williams in the controversy which
hegan some months ago.
Included in the letter was an an
alysis of the salaries paid the New
York bank officials and a comparison
of the salaries with those of bank
officials carrying similar responsibil
ities. The letter also embodies the
minutes of a meeting of the reserve
(When it cos
"Absolutely the brightest, liv
"A colossal revelation
"Its transconti
Best on the Mark
"'I have drivenI my E1ssex 4
without rephailing OVer $50
parls. I get alhout 17 miles to
ot gasoline, and abolt 150 11
isfac1(tor)iy inl (evr way TFhie
t'he mari iket ."
131 N.
sex, ihe pr is o i thoew
l erII'I lilodel willI still gjye'
'lea ofI the supjer'iority to)
an ot elher ligh!lt ''ar, 0or any v
Ed( s of 'ldllars ofI its eost
They willI tell yout ol a 'ar
p 'Ieforumee li ke thle high-ji
Tht i s I II 10 reia-l I( taIt 'iI t i
l)'EformaIn'' imprj)oves for' I ho
I ('(s ol I hol' l a Is of injie
Ih l oIE ' erI(I 1',,s(x. IIi Ithe ne,('
~e a t ig's t'ia t no4 3 Iwer o)
s'~ex kinows. N' ce~ ('lii tell y,
It wouild he leopossile to adle
se rible l lie advanIecent
ih ('o(n0siist ini ihe refi ilemei
part of' thIe "ari to f'ulfIill Ithe i
ibil itie of' its formrer' de(signi,
To Really J
E. Main St.
board of which Mr. Williams, as
comptroller, was 4 member, which
showed that Mr. Williams voted for
Increasing the salary of Governor
Strong of the Now York bank from
$30,000 to $50,000.
"It will be noted," tke letter added,
"that the minutes show that Mr.
Serg e
For I
Mar=Hof J
;aid thesc
: $420 more--Whe
diest little engine I ever found in <
of the value Americans can offer
iental record is not merely a recor
et Good as Ever Af
,000 infles "The ESex whidfi
wNflI't h of in March, 1919, has
tile wallon
0 20,000 miles. Fr'oII
e than sat- tis the ca lat perf<
)eslti Pa onU or 30,000 ile m1J~ort
'in 8., iifnu uiti
field, Alass.
tter in every respec
( le W e I hee in IIIlilan1 anl
F) ()wn thle est of its typ'je ever
ijt rV' How itIs
IhatI 4ive e'' x(ep as1 ti hey re
rely nleedls i'seax(0.in
tilt thait its there i~s such1 aL thiwi
usandls an th(le ne(w I'iSserx. Iti
time1 you dIrive thew
de (s( riing n)(ed 1'o touch a pJnl
I~ssex are lierely nsing
ru of thlese. n~eedICI ente a1 service
riuatf Iely (de- 'fii Tht is merely aniot
.Chiefly design, whiehi furitl
it of every reliability for which
itumos't p)os- to its owners'~.
proclaimned Ca rbon Lrouible, wh ic
udge it You Must S
Williamsn voted aetirmately on 60 per
cent At the salary increasee i nlud
Ing those which he now crticises, and
that he did not vote aginet any of
them but was absent from meetOg
when the other 20 per cent. were vot.
Secretary McAdoo, who as head of
oung Girls, and
Who Stay Youn
Viddy Suits
e things o
n it was three years
in American car"---S. F. Edge In
at its price"---E. N. D. in "The Au
d-.-it's a miracle"---From "The Cal
ter 20,000 Miles Aft
I bought fron you My Esa
now traveled over driven over
all prehsnt. indica- trips betwe<
etly good for 20,000 The flexibili
a source of
ALE, l'resident drive with ni
r1s Nati)Iial llank,
ved E
t---and for less mon<
d in Enrioj the fin- is ho greatly
conllCved. that you wi
gtreater i
Improved ieiiods.
Tlhe new Ew
neeOs, not import ant line ilei age
IaP ir im to correct, more) perQ 'gn
'd inl the impijrovedl EndmuranIe,
will hardPlyV kniow notl claO~ime~
Sasw a sp~ark( ping in will not. 1I
J nnhliklyI, ini all the facteor of ('0;
cari, you ill ever occursI, Ess~*
to Ihe hbighie
mIJ oil enn I with reaI- designed th
on will hardly ever receiving the
stamtion. ply 1113(1jin
her iunpIrovemlent of feetly the cc
ICer unde~lrwritej tihe a few of thl
Essex isq best knowvn i'hesqe featur<
equivalent o
h all notorias know, replacement
ee it and Try it---De
45 Delivered at Lai
(Cord Ti
aI alearei'
the treasury was chairman of the re
serve board, also was on record as
favorin te 'alaty' increases, and In
a statement to the board said, accord
ing,t the itites, that such salaries
should be made syfflcently attMctive
to induce capable and, effloent men to
take itp the work.
U Sits
Are Best
)Y Co.
less mature)
The Auto Car," London.
to," of London, Eng.
," London, Eng.
:er 40,000 Miles
x, a 1919 niodel, has been
10,000 Iniles, including three
'n Detroit and New York.
ty of the motor is always'
amaI~zementii to those who
Detrouit--Internjatijonal C2o.,
Deotroit, .31ich.
inimized1 in the niew Esa
ll inn tawo or thre .timesi
longe betwoeen attention
sex gives farj greater gaso
-an average of 5 to 7 (niles
nteehia 'ism will wear. TI ix
for the n1ew, Esseix that it
itt yon escape the great est
;ts. Whuere wear inev'itably
'x has mIcreasedl resitance
st point. lint also0, it is so
it the small part actually
) wear; enn be0 replaced sim
x pensively, -p reserving per..
Htly part of the unit. Only
e highest 'Priced ear's share
ms. In ears lacking t hem,
Tear' would me~an the costly
of the entire unit.
So Today
urens, S. C.
%ANY .
Lauren. S. C.

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