OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, March 01, 1922, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1922-03-01/ed-1/seq-8/

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)istrict ('outal. of Unitd State.4,
WeStern District. of South ('arolina.
In the matter of J. Dent" - Culb' rtson,
l'ur ISuant to the orde. of the lion
orabl 1.I. M. lythe, leferee inl the
above-stated ease, I will sell at public,
olltr- to the highest hidder for cash
at b~uurelns. uthl 'arolina, oil sahi-s
day inl Marchi. .1922, being the sixth
day of ld mothii, (1uri ng th le Ia
11o11s of sales. Ihe following desc-ribed
pr1).er. y of ih(e said bankr(upllt estate.
subiject t) t le approval of tle court:
9 far 1111mulos. I vow. and1i I3 wagons.
V. 1'. AleGOWAN,
3 - . _ lTrustee.
Read how Mrs. Albert
Gregory, of R. F. D. No.
I, Bluford, Ill., got rid of
her ills. "During . . . I
was awfully weak . . .
My pains were terrific. I
thought I would die.' The
bearig-down pains were
actually so severe I could
not stand the pressure of
my hands on the lower
part of my stomach . . .
IsIm"ply felt as if life was
for but a short time. My
husband was worried. .
* One evening, while read
ing the Birthday Ahna
nac, he caine across a
case similar to mine, and
went straight for some
Cardui for ine to try.
The Woman's Tonic
MAM "I took It faithfully and
the results were immedi
ate," adds Mrs. Gregory.
"I continued to get bet..
ter, all my ills left me,
and I went through . . .
with no further trouble.
My baby was fat and
strong, and myself-thank
God-am once more hale
and hearty, can walk
miles, do my work,
thotgh 44 years old, feel
like a new person. All I
owe to Cardul." For
many years Cardul has
been found helpful in
building up the system
when run down by dis
orders peculiar to women.
We are re
liver all V<
and get yoi
We expect
all orders
next 10 da;
C* * * * * * * * * * * * S
* a
Will he Ineretsed Itronlgi tie **
* ess of 114)1me Trad1(e Campnhin.*
The buy inl Lau1relns calligiit *th
* if strictly adhere( to. would prove *
to be the greatest. co-operative af- *f
filiatiolt with tihe ilti mate results *
of great benelit to al classes, be- *
* cause: * F
* FIrs t-- It wotild Inclerease the *)
vole of all busilness and there- *
fort, the prolits and dividends of *at
all firis. * tl
Seold-- -'le expalsion of basi- *
ness ald prolits would increase *
* the working forces and salaries. *'
'' it d --'Ihe increase of blisiniess
would naturally illcrease the pop- *
Ilatio ot ort city. tI
I Outhi--'F le increase of popil *
tion m teans ('N'!mnsionl of territory *
thereby a large dem and for real
estate, re!didentCes and stores.
Fifth- -it would( naturally !in
crease tite doelosits of our bank- *
int itstitutionts. and give the *
mony arkets, a br-oadep;(flastlei
t . *
Sixth - I ioul mii ake 1alrens *
a Ieater tradt ceitetr. *
Seventh-I.t wouild invite invest- *
menItts of manuttfactiers.
I-:ightl-- It would hecome Itece;- *
* ary to 4enI arige oltr truck t'am l *t
and -lokaising.
Ninth-At wouldI invite, otti-of
town trade, bceause olr mir
*chants, mlanullfactu rer's, t .kck*
farmers, etc., (-otltdh comleLe with *
*thet world.
* Tentfh-- It would enitirly elimli-*
* nate the m1tail order houses; heep
* 011r moey at, home, and select
*i mehandhIse with ottr. own eyes,
che aPet and better, frot as good *
selections0 at could be pur chas'd
it the t'lited tState. *
* *1
1IDon't miss the wonidei sale of
Attninut Friday tnd Saturday at i
Red Iron tacket.
Colda Cause Grip and Influenza i
LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets remove the 1
ause. There Is only one "Dromo Quinine. '
W. GROVE'S Jiguntcro on box. 30c.
T-- I
VGood red blood Is the oly suire founda. e
1in of 'Permiet Health and Vigor. 2
Good color, bright eyes, solid flesh, c
erect bearing ar1e dependent ipon rich
red blood. If your bloo( is n14t up1) to N
the mark your general health can not
be. Late hotirs, eating tle wrong foods, I
working Indoors, fatigtle, laffect the a
bloo(. So lat Ity )people eat well and S
take exercIse, yet never seem to lhn
prove in health. Gttde's Pepto-.angan
taken regularly for a while gives the f
blood that riehiness and redness that 1
Iproduces bountding htealtht anid vigor. F
It Is a slimple, ntattural way to get well
anid sttontg. Gude's Pepto--Alangant
comes- in liquId or tablets-- at yourl
drtuggist's. Adverttliement.
ady to de
dIvet Beans
2all at once
to deliver
within the
s, S. C.
Local and Personal Mention *
Mr. Job Little, ot Columbia, spent
L Wek-eld in the city.
.\Mrs. l. JI. Teague re(urned Tuesday
)m Sumter and Charleston where
e visited friends anid relatives.
Mr. Tom T. Reid arrived in the city
'iday to spend sonle ime after having
oin oil tihe road for several weeks.
Miss Sadie Padgett, who is teaching
'Cross 11111. spent the week-end in
e city with Ali. and Mrs. 1L 1. loore.
M rs. T. V. Darlington, of Columbia,
is been spending several (lays in 'the
ty with her daughter, irs. .1. C. Todd.
liss Connie Turner. of Cross 11111,
lent the week-end with relatives at
e Dew Drop inn.
.1Irs. C. A. Clarke spent last 'weekI
Grcenville with the Family -of her
mn, A. (. Ilart, while lie was at a hos
tal ill Atla'nta.
.\ll. aind .\rs. .1. 11. llellaims, .lr. and
rs. iobert Chapman and Mlrs. Ilar
%y It. Gray, of iountain lun, were
Sitol's inl the city Wediesday.
Nliss Ne01 Jones, of (eenyvclle Wo
an's (ollege. spcn the week-end ill
le city with her parents. Dr. and .\irs.
li3iim Jones.
.\liss Gertrude Ilarneltt retirnel to
le city .\Ionly afteir '.Ipendilg sever
I days with e li ther and sister at
.\lr. and .\lls. 0. 'ciniingtoni and Mlisa
leo Taylor of Coliibia and irs.
Kitchen and cii hidren, ot Auiguista,
cre the aveck-end isitors of Mirs.
*aura -. Taylor.
Miss Kate Padgett arrived Wedne.
ay from New York. AliSs 'adgett
ill he in char;:e of the millinery de
artmelit at M intel's duri ing the spring
Alisses Iilla llell anid Alarcie Poole,
I lAiinestone college, passed through
he city Monday oil their way to Ab
eville to attend th 'oole-'Br-adley
'eddiing. Miss Alpiha Holt, of this city,
i also almonig those atteliding.
.\11. J. C. Lainiston. w\ho forimeirly
ied oil tile Dial place in the Triniit.'
tidge section and farmed ill Union
ounlty last ear, *was inl the city on
tusiness Saturday. Mrl'. Laligstol has
ecently moved to his own farm near
tenilo, in tills county..
i'riends of 'Mr. S. C. Wood, of the
Vells Cklardy Company, will )e soi'ry
D ILearn'u that lie has been sick for sey
ral days.' He is now convalescing at
lie loiei of Mr. and Mrs. .1. F. Bolt
nd may be oult in a few days.
Miss Virginia Evans, of -Bowling,
reen, Ky., w.s the guest last week of
liss Frances Davis. 'She was the re
ipliclt of mu'ci attention while here,
Ilss Lillah Todd giving a delightful
ard party for' her Thursday evening.
Dr. Rt. F. Poole, of' Xew Brunswick,
.., a native of.this county, and Miss
largairet Bradley, of Abbeville, who
"e to be mariled this week, spent
aturday afternoon ill the city with
[r. and Mlrs. .). I. Simpson, going
'om here to Gray Court to visit Dr.
oole's pairents, Mr. aid Mrs. U. B.
oth Ilattles 'With AIte oni L)cal Cour.
Th'ie Facuity of the L'aurenis High
W.1ill Meet thue Stella Girls Teami of
What pr'omilses to b~e the fastest and
iost interesting game of the season
ill be0 called at four' o'clock TPhurs
my, whienl the high school faculty will
ck horns oil the basket ball court
ith the stella team of girls. The
culity team is COmposedC~ of some1
the best known college ath
tes of he ipast for'ty basketbalhl sea
ns. They have the age and size and
:perlence which the high tennms hlave
leded so sor'ely in the recent games.
:i the othelr hand, the spirit of youth
deter'mined that the faculty shall
rallowv the .bittei' pill of defeat. The
me-lIpt twill probably be as followvs:
Faculty-MaMillan, Wingo, for'
Ards; Foy, 'Miller, centers; Wofford,
owney, guards.
Students--Taylor, Blackwell, four
mi'ds; Bolt, 'Langson, centers; Cumi
r'tson, Hicks, guards.
Don't fail to see your favorite team
this fast game. Admission, 25 and
cents, benpf't Athletic Association
the Laurens , ffighu school. Keep
ur eye open for the ticket girls.
See the show windows at Red Iron
',ket, -also at J. C. Burns & Co. No. 2
Meetinig of U. D. C.
rhe 3. B. Kershaw chapter U. D. 'C,
11 meet with -Mrs. Warren Bolt;
eaday afternoon, Mlarch 7, at 4
Miss Minnie Babb, Sec.
Pension Notie
Pensioners reporting to the board
1st give their ages, as well as physi
i condition. (Let those wvho have re
rted and tailed to give their ages,
ite to uts at once.
See the show- windows at Red Iron
ceket, also at 3, C. Burns & Co. No,
AN oUr
Is Worth a Pound of Pett3
Pretty Essays, Econiu
and EPI
"Here rests his head upon the
tune and to fame unknown. F
humble birth," and he might have
stead of lying in the earth, had he
Collins' Department Store sells to
and eliminate filtny flies and dan
Bee Brand Insect Powder will
kill them for only 9 cents, 3
bottles for-- - ............ 25c
Bee Brand Insect powder in
large size bottles, 2 bottles
for only---- ....- .- 45c
Pneumonia Salve... 19c
Black Draught, per package, 19c
Wine of Cardu-i-... 75c
An ounce of taffy is worth a
pound of "Epitaphy."
Collins' Department Store is still
in working order, and I want you
to look at the brilliant Black Mes
saline, 36 inches at only.--.. 98c
Grey Taffeta, 36 inches wide 9Fc
Blue and black Taffeta, per
yard...---._.-.--..... $1.50
Blue, browri,Copenhagen blue and
black Satin, per yd. .......$1.45
White'Counterpanes, large, $1.25
Crinkled Bed Spreads, 72x90, $1.75
Crinkled Bed Spreads, large
size, 81x90, at ....... __.$1.95
Sheets72x90at ..----.. ... 95c
Extra large size, extra quali
ty ?heets, 81x90, at- .....$,.25
Lich ad W-axy, 4 plug .... ......35
Yerllow~ Jacket, 30e plug .........22 1-2c
Sehniappsl), 20e plu IU.... ..........17 1-2c
Ap~ple suni-euired, 30e plug. .. . ... .22 1-2c
Camels. 20 for...... .... .... ..,. ..5 .
Reyniold 's Natural Leaf, 630e plug . . ..55c
Ea~gle, 45e plug .... ..... .... .... ..39c
OilelothI, white and colored .... .....25c
40-inteh -i Sea 'Ilanh d-.... .... .... ..10~c
Rest grade Apr)Ion Ginghams .... ....100c
Flannielette .... .... .... .... ....10.lc
Chiekasaw Plaids ~..... .... .... ..7 1-20
P'reiumiii Plaids' .... ......... ......10c
Gtreat iFalls Broadecloth, all colors, 56
incehes widle...... .... .... .... ..85c
Yard( w~ide Serge .... .... .........45c
Cuirtain Serimn.... ............. ..90c
White Lawn .... .... ........ ....10~c
'Black ;Satin .... .... ...........$1.25
Gray Tfaffeta..... .... .... .... ....98o
.Silk Poplin..... .... .... .... ....79c'
~Mercerized White Poplin..... .... ..35c
Unbleached Drilling .... .... .... ..10~c
Apron -Ginghams .... ......... .... 8
15ec Odting, all colors .... .........10c
36-inch'Suitings .... .... .... ......10~c
Oil (Cloth, white and colored .... ... .25c
Toweling, 10 yards for. .. .. .. ....$1.00
Buareau and~ (Wash-Stand Scarfs ... . ..39o
Two papers of Pins .. .... .... ..5
Hlair Nets .... .... ......... .... ..5
-Bon Ton Hair Nets .... .... .'... ..10cot
Bonnie-B H~aiit Nets .... .... .... ..100c
Three 'Ladies' H~andkerchiefs .... ....10c
Bien 's Handkerchifs .... .... .... ...50
Umbnlrellas .... .... ............ ...98c
Penceils .. . . .l..o. . .. . .1
Pencils...... .... .... .... .... ....4c
Pencils -with Holders .. ..... ..5c
Hlump Hair iPins .... ..... .........c
Armour's Toilet Soap...... .... .... ..4o
r Paragraphs Filled With
Ms, Eulogies, Elegies
% lap of earth. . A youth to for
ir science frowned not on his
been living and walking on, in
used scientific compounds like
exterminate' dangerous germs,
,erous insects.
Sir Lipton thought his Shamrock
Yacht cr -d beat 'em all. The
Shamroc Irish Linens, all linen
iinpo'rted, can't be excelled this side
of Ireland, from, whence it came,
and the price for 72-inch, $2.48,
is low considering the quality.
Shamrock mercerized Table
Damask at_..--.---- 49c
Table Damask, 72-inch, at- 75c
Huck Towels at .I1Oc
Turkish Bath Towels at.- 10c
Large size Turkish Bath Tow
els at.---.-- - ....... 25c
Extra heavy, largest size made 39c
Brassieres at.- 20c, 29c and 45c
Ladies' Pongee Waists at 98c,
$1.90 and --------------- $2.98
Ladies' and Misses' Hats at ~
98c, $1.45, $1.65 and -- --...-.- $1.95
Ladies' Serge Plaited Skirts
at $2.95, $3.95 and .--....$4.95
Hickory Shirting at------ 12 1-2c
North Carolina Plaids at.-.- 7 1-2c
Ginghams at--------- 8c and 10e
Gold Medal Matti'ess Ticking 6c
Mattres's Tidking, better quali
ty, at.---------- 121-2c and 14c
Feather Ticking at ---------- 25c.
Bleaching at 1. .- ---- 10c
Bed-Room Slippeig..... .... .... ..75c
lad(ies' Oxfords .... .... .........$13
Ladjies' Oxfords.-.-...--. . .. .. .. ...98
Ladies' l'unIips..... .... .... ....$1.98
Ladies0' Tlan Lace Oxfords, withI rnub
her1 heels.----.... .... .........$29
Ladies' Black Lace 'Oxfords, with rub..
ber heels--...... .... ........$2.95
Ladies' Shoe*s.-..--.--..-... ........$1.98
Laidies.' One-Stria p OxfIords .... ....$.45
Mlen's Work Shoes..-. .. . ........$1.98
Boys' Dress 'Shoes..... .....-... ..$2.65
Boys''Shoes.....--.. .... .... ....$1.75
Meni's Dress Shoes .... ......... ..$2.95
Men's Pants.--..--..-........ ....1.95
Mien's All-Wool ISerge Pants..... ..$3.95
Men 's Pants..... .... .. .... ....$2.25
ilen 's Dress Shirts .... .... .... ....75c
'Men's 'Dress Shirts, with 'collar .... ..95c
Mcien's Dress Shirts.--..- .........$1.25
Men's 'Overalls..... .... .... .... ..75c
i3kin's Work Shirts .... .... .... ....39c
'Men 's Overalls.---..-.-........98c
1Men 's Work 'Shirts..... .... .... ..49c
Men 's 'iats ...---...... .........95o
Lofeni's Hats.--..--...... .... ...98
Men's hats ... ..... ..... ... . ....'$1.25'
Men's 'IIats..... .... .... .... ....$1.98
Men's de4,uxe Velour Hata .... ....$3.35
Ladies' 'Hose..-..... ........ ...;
Ladlies' 'Hose.---..... .... .........10o
Ladies' ~isile 'Thread1 Hose .... .... ..25c
Laidies' Silk Hose .... .... .........65
Ladies' Silk Hose.---.-.. .........98o
Ladies' 'Boot 'Silk Hose .... .... ....39o
Children's Hose ........ .. .0
We have three 'cases of Spr~ing hats and
there is no two alike, priee from
98 to.-- -..... .... ..........$2.85
Lde'all-wool ISergo Skirts..... ..$2.95
Windowv Shades..... .... .... .... ..49c

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