OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, March 08, 1922, Image 12

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1922-03-08/ed-1/seq-12/

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Marked Improvement in Former Pres.
Ident's Heaili. Able to See Friends.
"Woodrow Wilson has inroved in
health 100 per cent sinceo last fall and
the i:copile of the country are swing
Ing back to his ideals and policies inI
every section."
h'ls sratenent was made at the t
Jefferson hotel last' night by Oliver t
P. Newman of Washington, 1). C., who
-has spent the last four months visit
lig Northern and lEastern states in
th'e interest of the Woodrow Wilson
fotindationl and Is in Columbia to eon
fer with Governor Cooper aind other
leaders of the movemient here looking
to the establishment of a state organ
ization of the foundation for South
Major Newman, who commanded a
:battallofl of field artillery in the
.Am'erican expeditionary forces and
ivas also on General Pershing's stallt
held( a coference at the governor's
mansion yesteday ftiernooil with
Governor Cooper and Fitz iHiugh Alc
Alaster and will confer with thei and
others today.
"I am glad to he able to tell the
host of friends a.Ild admirers of Nlr.
Wilsoi in South Carolina that the
Formoer presidenit has slowin a very
marked and gratifying improvemiieIt
in tle last few months. lie looks and
seeiiis like a different man. lIe is 110w
rcovelinOg rapidly after a long, tedi
0us period. during which Ie ap Iared
to make such slow progress.
"One of the most pleasing and en
cou raging things about his iimpro. e
ilielit is that ie is now able to see
-t great many people. I lardly . -my
passes that one or more o' his former
associates cr ol( friends doesii't
spend some time withl him), frequent
ly at lunch or drinner. Alr. Wilson
Is able to walk to his cAr unassisted.
.lie goe.s out for a rid(e ver'y after
n1col. ilis color is good 114 he is it
gocd flesh, having lost entirely thI
gjiunat apiuearance of a yearago.
"P'oquently I am asked if 'Mr. Vil
son displays aly interest inl political t
events. I can say emphatically that
ie does-a very dfinite, active i:)
terest. He discusses politics with isb
friends who come to see him and
shows the clearest, keenest insight inl
to what Is going on but le also shows t
(what he aid he would, when he re
tiredl) how anl ex-president ought to
colifidet himself."
Major Newman'ic reports that the
Woodrow Wilson fouidation is meet
ing witi succes in the various sta e :
iid li'dicts it similar result in S ouuth1.
"1*.NIy of the states have nearly
Icted their <Iuotas," he said,
"1and in every one tle number of (Oil
tiributors lan exceeded expectadouns.
To (late $500,000 has beeni suberihe(I
-one-half of the IIdowmICIt---auId I
nearly all of it has been given inl
amounts of $1, $2, $5, and $10. No ef
fort has bWeen mad to (hcourage
larger contrib'utions, wvhleh, of course, v
are desired, hut the great bulk of<
-the fund is comIng in small1 sums' from I
the hundreds of thlousandls of mlenl and(
women of .0ma11 means wvho are eager
to pay a tribute to thIs great Amern
cani, and with thelir contribtions hlp
- perpietuate his idelcls through the
Planters FE
For Sale
I am going t
my company
sonally. I ha
now full of f
16 per cent. i
Nitrasc of .
See me befo
can save you
Although Major Newman served
vith combat troops in France .for a
,ear, he is aggressively opposed to
he national bonus and is now a mnem
ei of the American Legion.
"! was surprised and greatly pleas
d " he said, "to find that the Amenri
!an - egion of South Carolina had op- k
)osed the bonus canipnign. I hope its
nembors will continue to maintain
hat tine, patriotic stan(. The spec
acle of a commercial scramble for a
pecial subsidy for what we did iII
i'rance detracts miserably from the
igh ideals which moved us in that
,reat enterprise."
ew York Newspaper Reporters Talk
Wo Liner iFar Out at Sea.
New York, S5larch 5.-A half dozen
iewspaper men tonight demonstrated
hat dodging -the curious reporter biy
he simple practice of sailing away on
he briny deepl has ceased to be quite
o0 sinltple.
They >wished to .talk to iersons
tboard the Ulnited Sta-tes shlilling
)oar(I liner America, but did not care
,o wait for the Vessel to spani the 370
aiiles or ocean that separated her.
oam New N ork. So they hulrried to a
elepholic exclianige, tosse(l Coins into
s many slots, took down six receiv
rsaid "Give ie tho America," and
,'aited. In due time sonie one said,
l cre 's youlr party, anld the inter
,*ew was Oil.
Tihe reporter s leanied that the
iienuca expected t'o dock at 8 p. mll.
omorrow that the weather had been
heavy with strong seas which delayed1
Is," and tihat there were 663 passeni- C
.ers aboard, including 19 Americans
viho had been soldiering for the king t
, Spain in the war in Morocco, "broke I
ni1d out of smokes.''
".1ust like talking to *11arlem or the
ronx1'' the rcl)orters. agreed, when
he Interview Wits concluded, V
In talking to the ship, theiri voices
:e-c transmitted by wires to the
)eal B3each transmitting station and
henne by wireless. The Incoming
nessages were wirelessed fronm the
essel to -the receiving station at El
ierton and tranmitted to the New
-ork exchange by wire.
he lemonstration 1was in the na
:ure of a test o1 new long distance
elephone equluint installed oi the
tmerica with the consent of tle ship
ini g board. At its colelusion it was
irodicted that wireless 'Phonies would
e in general use on the ocean liners.
'tation for Letters of A(huiisftratiol C
%tate of South Carolin,
County of Taurens.'
Whereas Carrie T. 1lidgens made
uit to me to grant her Letters of Ad-1
iinistrationl of the estate and efXeois \
f .lohn N. Iludgens . I
These are, thei-efcrc, to ci e an(d ad
nonish all and singular ti kindred,
Lld creditors of the said John N. 1ud
cns deceased, that they be and AI
uear before Me, in the Court of Pro- I
atIe, to b) held At. Lau rehus pourt
louse, Laur-enis, S. C., on the 22nd (lay
f March, 1922 next, after publiention
ecreof, at lII o'clock lii the forenoon, Il
> show cause, if any they have, whyr
he said Admlinistrantionl should niot be
;ran ted.
GivenC underi miy handi this 71th dauy (
)f Miarchi Anno Domuini 1922.
34- 2t-A J. P. . C.
0o. Goods
Ssell guano for
at Laurens per
ve a warehouse
~-3-3, 8-3-0 and
icid.- Will have
2. K:::t week.
re buying for I
submarino Chasers. to Help Enforce
Law. ?ini1e Now "Available.
Washington, March 5.-The prohibi
ion "navy" will be ready for opera-.
ion in Atlantic coistaI waters in
earch of liquor smugglers some time
his month, it was declared tonight
t enforcement headquarters.
Arrangements have been comipleted,
Mlelals said, whereoy !.hp prohibition
)ureau is to have the use of subma
'ine chasers not now being used by
he coast guards. Nine of these little
,raf, former navy terrors, are said
o be immediately available for trans
er to dry law connanders.
Prohibition Commissioner -laynes
aid tonight it would take about two
veeks to man and equip the subychas
rs for duty as a prohibition sea Pa
rol, but declined to divulge his plans
or meeting in their own element the
warms of ruin runners said to infest
he Atlantic coast, lest valuable infor
nation reach the ears of wily liquor
It vwasu learned, however, that pro
iibition authorities contemplate a
creen of swift ships operating in the
nain off Florida in the Gulf of Mex
co, to prevent the landing of illicit
dcohol. Subehasers to form the pro
tibition fleet, oflicials said, are being
oined by the coast guard as it is
iable to commission them for this
ervice because of funds and trained
>ersoi acl.
The shiips- are 110 footers and are
low scattered at the various coast
;uard stations, but the prtohibition an
horities qaIan to centralize heir ac
ivitics, probably basing the 1main fleet
t New York with a strong squadroin
n duty inl Florida waters.
While the coast guard will retain
he title 1 0 the submarine chasers the
roiibition bureau will hear "he ex
ense of their operation.
i.nforeeient agents will be on board
Birthday Party'
-xray Coutt, Feb. 28.--Miss Alta
'ampbell entertained a few of her
riends with a birthday party Tuesday
veling. The evenilig entertanimeits
onsisted of contests and many (iii
erent gales. After the games re
reshniots were servcd in the dining
oom, which was decorated with many
owers. Those present' were lisses
:ttie and Lillian Armstrong, Sarah
larris, Ora Curry, Flora and Iiddle
lac Graydon, Viola and .lMartie camp
ell, .lcssrs. Frank Tyler, Gary, Glady
nid Raylvmondi Armstrong, John iHel
1ms, Osteen McFall, Frntest Curry,
tuy Campbell, Walter Austin, Sloan
lIatkins, Claude and Jack Harris, Bell
'illis, .\lr. and Mrs. R. A. -lellans, Mr.
I'd -Mrs, J, E, Hlenderson, Mr. and
Irs. J. R1. Campbell,
rd of Thanks
' the Votlt's of Laurens:
I take this metihod of thanking the
Mfly f'riends. who sup)lorted ite In my
ceit race for .layor, and esip)ecially
a thIis being my13 first enitry Into thtis
01ld of activity. \Ve are atssurred( of
goodl Mayor and City Council anld
iy energy and interest tvIll be with
tlim inl their adinistra'itioni. Lait
enls 1 iste best town ini thte state.
Your ms trutlIy,
None of Defendants Can Be Reached
-General Sentenced to Five
PalrlS-I'eople of the northt of France
wvhose territorwy wits so long occ'uiedl
Iby the entinty, have not forgottoil or
forglvon I Ihe Germants for t heir ex
Lees0ss In thle wtar.
A war ('ounicil at lle hats just'
nlassed ai nmber' of senttentces against
Giermanti ilhleers atnd soldiers fo.r crImes
:'ond~emined werei not presenlt to be0
tied, so thant t hese sentences can aontly
t0 Put into( ('ffect if (One oif the guilty,
;)ersonts shiould1 1be arreste oi F lranice.
General Muliler, one of t hose abIsent,
sva !ond~emniied to live year's' impIrison-.
11011t andt~ f.00 fr'anes flne for st ealintg
ijects of atrt and( furnIture ait Cau
IPuzzling Muyder Mystery
Is Uncovered by Cat
Whieellig.-Thie fratic efforts
of a cait to got tiut of a wvin
do(w att Wa)rwo(1, it suburb, ledI
to the discovery o~f an unsolved
ty, wits found ont thte floor by
thtose whlo wvent tot release thet
cat. TJhe mnias htead was ali
imost severed. An lix anid razor
laty nea rby. Thrift stamps and
stocks to the value of ser
erra t'AOuisandi dollars were ntot
tout iied.
Walgh l ining Supe'rstltion,
Among \Velsh miners it is a stipet4
tition that when au new mh Is taken'
n at a mine he Is neva to be tnom'
iiitted to go dowvn wilth the first shiljt.
Te lmust go dow,. with th- hIst shift,
therwism iniiatorettnn will #olnom
- MUCH .
A thoughtful thinker thinks
had it not been for the evil toba
been a great author; J. P. Mori
man; Lloyd George might have
and Collins' Department Store r
several other stores all combinec
think, anyhow, we have more
a dozen of 'em all placed toget
The big lever that lifts and pla
Collins' Store at under price is e
Cash. On regular goods we can
direct, pay no middle men's per
to buy in such a way as to save
'Men's Work Shirts 39c, 49c, 69c, 75c.
Men's Dress Shirts 68o0.88c, $1.25, $1.50,
1ien 's 'Silk Sh irts $2.98.
I) 1'1 Ailrxt'ME.N-P !si'oiui;
We have IHats a)propriate especially for
Misses fourteen, sixteen and twenty. We
also have Hats appropriate for older heads,
but. we wait you to bring your head before
it grows old, as age deforms.
'Since Beauty then to Time nmst bow,
and1 age deform Ihe fairest brow, while
Yonth remains and Beauty reigns, let. us
eqnip that, pretty head with an1 appropriate
new Spring lat.
'hildren's Railors at 95c, $1.25, $1.95.
Ladies' Sailors 95c, $1.25, $1.65, $1.95,
Ladies' Trinnied Hats at $2.65.
badies' Iose at Bc. .
.1badies' fleeced lined IHose at 10c.
Ladies' finle Cotton Hose at 10c.
badies' lisle Hose wit h seams at back,
in black and cordovan, at 15c.
.ldies' meCreerized lisle 'Hose wvith seam
at. ba'k, at. 39c.
Ladies' Silk Lisle hose, with seam a't
back, in black and cordovan, at 650.
Ladies' pure thread Silk Hose, with seam
al back, for 98c.
.nfant's 'Hose in assorted 'colors at 8c.
In1fanit's fin1e ribbed Hose at 10c.
Chiildrien's " Serv'ice '' ribbed Hose at 10c
Children 's good quality ribbed Hose at
20c and 25c.
Child reni's three-quarter length Socks in
assorted colors at 15c andl 19c.
Ladigs' I lose highly mfereerizedI, lisle
finiih~(d H ose, scam at hacek, worth 25c, at
only 1Wc. . Colors: cordovani, 'brown and
ilen's H ose at 5c, 10c, 150, 20c, 25o.
'Mlen 's 'Silk Hlose 60c.
TIoday we offer for $1.00 9 yards 36
inceh Out ing, Ilit striped, suit able for La
dlies" and Children 's Gowns.
10 yards Middy Twill $1.00.
.10 yarids 40-inch Sea Island for $1.00.
10 yairds bleacehed Drill for $1.00.
10 yards Long Cloth for $1.00.
10 yards Indlia Linen for $1;00.
10) yard(s Toweling for $1.00.
8 yards hickory Shirtinug for $1.00.
8 yards Pavonia dhleviots for $1.00.
24 Men 's white Handkerchiefs for $1.00,.
20) pair's Men 's Half Hose for $1.00.
Meni's Umbrellas, good quality, for $1.00.
30 FLad ies' handsome1fl embroidered Hand
kerchiefs f41r $1.00.
If the Katcher. of Kanines lE
perhaps your boy may not be
Keep a Kow for what it costs te
Katch the first Kar boun
where you can always get more
there must be some tobacco,, ; d
cco habit Mark Twain might hn e
gan might have been a very i a
been famous in English poli i i,
night have been selling moy e .n
1. Well, our customers say u ty
patronage in Laurens than half
her, and I think there is a reason.
ces Shoes, Hats and Clothing in'
:nmposed. of a material called Spot
save you money, because we buy
centage, and I know better how
the prudent purchasers on their
20 pairs Ladies' Hose for $1.00.
7 yards 36-hich Percale for $1.00.
10 yards heavy Outing for $1.00.
27 School Tablets for $1.00.
.100 feet of Roping for $1.00.
12 1-2 yards Gingham for $1.00.
'Me's '1llats 75c, 98c, $1.25, $1.98.
CMei's Colnmbia Hats $1.98.
G'leni's 'DeLuxe Velour HIats $3.35.
Ladies' Bed Rtoom1 Slippers 75c.
Ladics all-leather Shoes $1.98.
Ladies' high top Dress Shoes $2.25, $2.95,
$3.45, $3.95.
Ladies' one strap PLiunps $1.35.
ILadies' Punps $1.98.
ladies' Tan and 'Black Oxfords, with
rubber heels $2.95.
Ladies' Tan 'Brogliues $4.95.
'A complete line of Children's and Misses'
Ox fords.
'Mien's Enhie.ott-Johnson WorIk Shoes at
Men's U. S. Army Work 'Shoes, Endicot t
Johnson at $2.95 and $3.45.
Men's "Man of War'' Work Shoes $3.65.
$3.95, $4.95.
Mend' Enifott-Johnson Dress Slioes at
$2.95, $3.95, $4.95.
'Aen's Army Officers Dress Shoes $4.95.
lfen's English 'cit Dress Shoes $3.95.
Meni's 'English Brogne Oxfords $4.95.
Boys' Work -Shoes $1.75 and $1.85.
Children's -Shoes 98o and $1.45.
Giold Medal lMattriess Tickinig, per yd. 6c.
Cotton Plaids, per' yard 7 1-2c.
Sea. Island, per yard 4 1-2c.
Apron Ginghams, per yard 8c.'f
Oil Clotih, white andI colored, per' yd. 25c.
Great Falls 'Broadcloth, all wool, 56 inch
es widec, 'per yard 85c.
Black 11iessaline, :36 inches wide, yd. 98c.
TIaff'eta, yardl wide, per~ yard 98o.
Ilen 's :Work Shir'ts 39c, 49c, 69c, 75o.
'Men 's 'Dress iShirts 75c, 95c, $1.25, $1.50.
Men's Work P~ant~s $1.65 and $1.98.
)Men 's Overalls 75c and 98c.
H~eadlight Overalls $1.69.
Boys' Over'alls 49c and 69c.
Al uminin D~ippers 19o.
Electric Ir'onis, with attuacnnents thrown
in $3.98.
Dr1. Caldwell 's Syrup of Pepsin, 60e
size for 49c.
Black-Draught 19c.
Wine of :Carduni 75o.
D~r. Blaekman''s IMedicated Bricks, for
mnule~s and hiorses; 20c.
-lBed D)ee Stock and Ploultry Pow.ders,
30e size, 25c.
One school Tahlet and one Peicil 5o.
Octagon Soap 4c.
~atches all the Kurs and hounds,
bitten by a ngad-dog. You can
feed worthless Kurs.
i 'for Collins' Department Store
for. less.

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