OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, June 14, 1922, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1922-06-14/ed-1/seq-3/

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Tariff fttos APproved with Reckless
Abandon. Protest of Minority.
'Wafhington,. Jurie 10.-Assertions
that nwiy of the rates proposed it
the tariff bill would prohibit imports
of affected commoditles fr(,ni every
country except Germany were made
and reiterated today In the senate by
iDomocratic opponents of the measures
dur'ing debate on duties on razors, gold
.leaf and other articles. Rates on ra
zors ranging up to an equivalent of
appioximately 400 per cent.'ad, valo
rem! were pproved.
Senator Simmons, Democratic lead
er In the tariff fight, said "the idea iper
'meatos the whole bill that we must
put in rates to keel) out German pro
ducts without any consideration they
'will have on our trade with other
Arguing that if the situaltion as to
Germany was such as proponents of
No Worms In a Healthy Child
All children troubled with Worms have an un
healthy color,-which Indicates poor blood, and as a
rule, there Is more or I esa stomach distrebence.
larly for two or three weekswill enrlih the blood.
improve the digestion, and actas a generalStrength
enlng Tonic to the whole system. Nature wil then
throq.off or dispel the worms, and theChild wflbe
in perfect health. Pleasant to take. 60o per botts.
White Haired Alabama Lady Say
and Go But The "Old Relial
Came an
Difdon, Ala.-In recommending Thed
ford's Black-Draught to her friends and
neighbors here, Mrs. T. F. Parks, a well
known Jackson County lady, said: "I am
getting up in years; my head is pretty
white. I have seen medicines and. reme
dies come and go but the old reliable
came and stayed. I am talking of Black
Draught, a lver medicine we have used
for years-one that can be depended up
on and one that will do the wQrk.
"Black-Draught will relieve indigestion
and constipation if taken right, and I know
for I tried it. It is the best thing I have
ever found for the full, uncomfortable
and aid
A gre
newe WR
coated j
Save 1
the tariff bill claimed, Senator Jones
(Democrat) of New IMexico said the
condition there resulting from a great
ly depreciated currency could not be
'taken care of 'by general tariff rates.
He added that many of .the duties pro
posed by the ofinance committee ma
jority would prove to be "an embargo
against 'England and -the other coun
"Congress .is following a will of
wisp with this tariff bill," he said:
"As -to razors, Senator 'McCumber
(Republican, of North Dakota, in
charge of the bill, said * the rates
should be high enough to shut out
certain grades coming from Germany
and used, he said, as premiums by
many American stores. I-H asserted
that these razors not only could not be
used for shaving, but would "not ev
en cut q corn."
Anide Iron the rates on razors, the
senante alrtoved, over minority pro
test, duties of 60 cents a hundred
sheets an gold leaf; 30 per cent, ad
valorem on nickel sliver sheets, strips,
rods and wire; 7-1-2 per cent ad valo
rem on bismuth; six cents a pound
on metallic arsenic and '15 cents a
pound on cadmium.
Just before the senate recessed af
ter a flve hour session, Senator Me
Cumber gave notice that a return to
night sessions would be necessary un
less the senate applied itself more
closely on the tariff.
i She Has Seen Medicines Come
le" Thedford's Black-Draught
I Stayed.
feeling after meals. Sour stomach and
sick headache can be relieved by taking
Black-Draught. It aids digestion, also
ssists the liver in throwing off impuri
ties. I am glad to recommend Black-.
Draught, and do, to my friends and
Thedford's Black-Draught is a stand.
ard household remedy with a record of
over seventy years of successful use.
Every one occasionally needs something
to help cleanse the system of impurities.
Try Black-Draught. Insist upon Thed.
ford's, the genuine.
At all druggists. ,, .
les the sweet tooth
appetite and digestion.
es mouth and teeth.
at boon to smokers,
hot, dry mouth.
ines pleasure and
miss the joy of the
ISLEY'S P-K-the sugar
~eppermint tid bit!
Southern Members of HoUse Want
iEarly Action Relative to. Muscle
Washington, Juon 11.-Influential
Southern members of the house, Rep
resent'atives.'Wright of Georgia, Oliver
of Alabama and Stoll of South Oaro
lina, ow-ill attempt this week to iper
suade the rules committee to give
places of preference to the several re
ports of the committee on military
&liairs concerning disposition of
'Muscle Shoals properties to Henry
It -is recognized that if action is
postponed unt'll after the elections
the situation woul'd not 'be favorable.
The house has nothing to do and
could easily act promptly if the rules
committee would assist. The Ameri
can farm 'bureau federation, ardently
supporting the Ford offer, has ad
dressed letters to its secretaries in
all states urging a drive 'against con
gress by letter and telegram. If pres
sure is sufliciently intense, the house
may act, it is pointed out. As to
whether or not completed action can
-be had is doubtful. The senate agri
cultural committee has not complet
ed its investigation. The indication
is that whatever 'action is taken by
the house will be referred to the
senate committee and that for the
house .bill, a committee bill will be
substituted. Ini all probabil'Ity Sena
tor Norris' scheme of government
operation will be sent to the senate as
a substitute. Friends of Ford in the
senate will, of course, 'fight the Nor
ris scheme and endeavor to put
through the Ford offer.
Th. -business of the senate is, con
gested to such extent that It seems
Impossible that any Muscle Shoals
action can be had before adjournment,
the tariff will be to the front until
August 1.
Honus legislation and ship subsidy
will then occupy all attention. In
the meantime a constitutional amend
ment in behalf of child labor 'will be
attempted and legislation seeking to
remedy the decision of the supreme
court in the Coronado case to the ef
fect that labor unions might :be sued.
The senate intends to adjourn uot
later than September.
Borah Describes EfYorts by Congress.
Writes to Editor.
Washington, June 1.-The Ameri
can pecoile should -be given lhe oppor
tunity, by submission of a constitu
tionaji amendment,*'Senator Borah (Re
publcan) of Idaho, declared in a let
ter made public tonight, to decide
whether they desire to "wipe out state
limns" and give congress power to pas.
child labor, anti-lynching and simi
lar laws dealing with state affairs.
"Year after year congress is lash
ed into passing lawr which are mani
festly unconstitutional," said Senator
Borah In a letter on the anti-lyncling
bill, "aInd it has come to be a settled
principle app~arently' that congress
shlold disregard tihe constitution and
!'ave tile supremefl court alone to l)ro
teet it. To my *zinn; such a rule is
.co r'tterly shlameleSs, so0 uit.irly intol
erable that It is startling that it
shlould 'be even sJeasmlodically urged."
Decploring mob violen~ce, Scnator
lio:. ,in l'his letter' ic c' etter ci the
Boston Transcript said that tihe anti
lynchling bill, prov'iding federal pun
ishment for ofmlers of tile law wh~o
were accused of laxness Ic. lprevenfting
lynchings w'as unconstitut~~aa 'vihile
Ua' .ipreme court he111ld iwo chi;1 labor
lawvs vold.
"Ini other words, all thlese andl many
cther subjects and proniosit: i with
walen'I congress is 'irgd" ic dhal,' said
Senator florah, "are not within the
competency of congress as the con
stitution now stands. If the people
of this country have mlade 'up their
minds to deal Withl all these 'matters
through congress, then why not give
congress the ipower to do so rather
than urge a course whlich involves the
lowvest form of constitutional immor
"I urge,, therefore, that there is
undlerlying these questions the grav
est constitutional pirOblem wh'ich we
as a deople could have presented. But
If tile change is to -be had it is better
Ito change it openly and candlidly and
intelligently than to longer pur'sue tihe
Vn~effeotivQ, iruitlsss, demoraliwing
method which we are now pursuing."
That lhe wvould oppose. suchl a conlsti
t-utional change 'wtas indicated by Sen
ator Borah, who argued that c6ngress
shlould not 'be placed in a p)osition
"'where it Is constantly and chronically
usurping powers" of the states.
A public meetIng of all those citi
tens who retur'n real and peirsonal
property in the schlool district' of the
Town of Laurens Is hereby called to
meet in the court hlouse Thursday,
Junp 22nd at '10 o'clock A. tM. for the
purpose of levying the tax pn said dis
trict fbr 'the niaintenance of the public
schools in..the 'Toiva of l~urens for
'the scholastic -ymar (of l 0'2-19282
By order of Board of Trustes.
R. !'PMSc
A Busine
in the boc
of all otf
Public Square
Free to Farmers 4
Ladies Espei
You Cannot Afford to M
Milk and Honey .
Sweet Potatoes from Seed
United States Pig Club W,
Control of Hog Cholera
The Happier Way ..
Wonderland Canyons and
Come and Bring Yot
We Want One T
. to See Th(
Clemson College Spe
ss Coupe
'e Changes
Jy design
ier types
Motor Co.
Phone 200
E 17, AT 11 A.KP
af Laurens County
eially Invited.
iss This Series of Pictures
. .. 2 Reels
to Storage . . 1 Reel
rk . . . . . 1iReel
. . . . . . . 1 Reel
. . . . . . . 1 Reel
Peaks . . . . 1 Reel
ir Family and Friends
'housand Farmers
ese Pictures
aker on the Program.
6,. S. C.

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