OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, August 23, 1922, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

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Itural Police and Law 'Enforemnt.
J'dit or TIhe Advertiser:
It takes someth11 ing ovel $Si.100 to
pay the i rral police. Of this sumii over
.00 ov into tIhe treasumry5 frotn
tines. Itt, suppose that fines pilt not
a clit ilto() tihe trasury. We cold not
afftOrd to discotiniue, or weaken this
force onl .1 an y condition. We have a
.91en'ldid showriff :nid a1 splendid de-puty,
bIu they ca't aftend to other duties
rt(luIired( and patrol Ohe coiluty. Thel(
had se rral a experilece as
a I r l ld(r presnti drlte adfl
conditions.t Io t i nlt tistatit'.c outfit can
,!o II'i:5 work. This work 111tusIthe done
bIy nin who t e vote ill -ir ntire time
to it. Somleonle -ay;4 hw cme lwy
ts :tln of tiw- ruraal ?;oli(c e aboit
a .w doing L l noin'. .y d1ar ir,
wi h . nd i Are ' I 1 ashi op att t mid (
t) ltt thI se IIIVII. I a Ir e onI v n ro IIIr
tx*pinthrough Sthe ~tickt, a the
1.()V al l 1 114 t Itwis I Il( i ss i,. t II
k If life, to I rotIectI ourl hlome- 1and(
\ It l) inaliorily o I own11 l w e l al1
li it he twn has police protection,
w r! e vote to sutaill the force. h a I is'
c f : I t ,- I.I (Ian er Ito Itry e ie it i l
)!Imh he iq votedi out.
n. tilood people will b i sled it
vmii ainst tlte rurali(1l io. to defeat
i ot and he a h indel t ht1!;; wo ld le ave
us i gr t da ar. 11 wonI giv the
my pin tin, tihet ivo er I.il
ti me- . 11ndici on hitherto ark W
o Mr oIts ry. fIvl'ville voHW ted (n
Solice or Kotw or hee yar.,
. ir crine: reco rd se I to b
incre-asing t a fapid ratg. Wea
to the good len of a l felctios to
po.gt th tmi. ws rciay would
w' a1Opa t.o tahe '_o wsomen 1o woon
w., Iook for1 supI11)po1,1rt or. all thtose
1bi is that promise for bhe hest.
tre is o kn issue that ow s
above all oher i is th use of
crm III(rvenor and lanw enfor-d
0. G. THlO.\PSON.
Favors Itural s'olice
Eitor The Advertiser:
''r the past few days we have heard
a1 ma1tter discussed that to the Writer's
mlind, has only o e side. This discus
on repar a to the vote to be taken
uipon the rural ,olice in August. W,
hear it rmn11ored that these menl arel
not, on thle job) and that thley are rn
ning down thincs Which tho- should
not ad leaving utouched a r- fild
Torp id
L a1e
"Black-Draught Is, in
myck opinesndter ther
medicine orllo therese,"
sytates often R.n.dWite
tha mythes a~ftetng-~
the-anattei wh yory
diarelaboule diugh
cyonueadace. Be wsur on
that Iba the e sTedof
fordk-Drauck-Draught, and '
WIIlCh should be Worked. This all
mray be true but we should not be un
I(indful of the fact that they are a
g reat .1}trtection and they are produe
ing a wholesome infltence throttghout
mtir contoty.
We hear it argued from a tax stand
point. I would not care to enter into
a discttssion frontt that angle. but I
wish to give a few fligttres which were
just taken frot the hooks of [loss .),
outig, (Ounty Treasttrer. The rural
Oli, 7 in nubtier are paid $10,500.
T'hlere has beon returned il linies and
tullitlres: beginning .July Ist, 1921
aind e-nting, July Ist, 1922 $6;.2.3,3.51..
We have eeln ilnforted that 3 cases
b.ve len ailpaled and :17 eases are
;w )x ...h.". Whn these ar tried
volt will seo at ont that tite $h1.2.31.a5I
will he increased taterially. Now this
114w." not take into consideration the
IInvs who have heet taken to tle chain
'ann!. and penlitnut iary.
We Iind t111t the assessed value of
L.aurens county is $it(,].M;li.0 and
I mill levy for i4turens conttIty will
produce $10..tui.Sl* whih lacks only a
f(ew dollars of beitng the ru1ral police
IXpenl1se. W.ien we look at these !Ig
ures we only wisith that our countly
wvoild have to Icvy the one nmill for
nolic watl erle and crime is WIat
- educed tIhe Wi. \\'ho would b
pposod to Ipying a ono mill levy for
thie prot-etion of our women and
r..Iildren? SpIpose they should be
vole:i o.11 wi th the ra-pid inflow of
t'linte of which none assitte responsi
hility and all how outr heads in sltaime.
\\'hat could t wo men (10? h'lte sheriff
and his deplity. There is no provision
Siadle if the rural police are voted out
iy whibh we ean increase their force
until tite legislattre lleets. It strikes
me that it is time for its to stol. look
and liston and wien we vote let's re
mciber out neighbor. I am for tite
rural *olice first, last and always and
rather than decrease them I iad rati
er see thett increse, but sinee we an
not increase them, let's hold on to
what we have.
W\. It. '.\Ic.r'lTFN.
W1. 1). Byrd oil RuIal Pollee
Eilitor The Advertiser:
Tirougit tie courtesy of yottr ia-per
I wi.h to speak a word in behalf of
the rural police syst em. I would bet
tIr exprcss it, in behaIf of otir women
and children of the rural districts. Do
away withtl the rural )01ice, what Ipro
teetioni have we? Hiow many blind
tigeris will we have in eVory Omtnttttl i
ity? Ilow Imany of outr little bralteltes
will have stills oni theml ? What pro
teetion will we have against the auto
noihilt' seeder? The altolobile night
riders? \'ote out the rural lice and
I predict the Pederal gover.. .$!nt wIll
seid offiers h(ee to enforce the pro
ht'hitIon law, wileh iln my opinion. will
c(ause trictliOl and trale) states
iuhts under thit feet. I blieve int
ta tes tightIs, and 1101ieve in solving
ottr ownt :1tolemtts.
havte we left 1(o enforce law, andi at a
tm whet(n te ctimtte wave Is sweept
ing~ the utniversd Ottr shteriff anti his
eIlltty, let temt work ntight anld dlay,
wii-h we cottld not ask thenm to (10,
:oul d no1 t)5osiblIe do Ithe work. I atm
shon or' Oth rur~ tal polic( uttii some
on: r'iv es uts somtethItill 5 hetter.
WVhiy Lauren~ls ('3)unlty3 Shol d lltnltn
its 111ura1l Poillee Fore
i'd itor1 I aurens01t Adlvert iser:
'The <I testioni atS t) whtert or not
I .itlrens County13 shld t reta inI its rullli
ttol ice force Is at present a very' ptont
illen~t tIuestion11 itt the intds of the
voters. As one of -the mtagistrates of
Lte couty, I considler It 11y3 duity to
pointt ott someo of thet diticutlties In en
foreing thte laws agaInst cettain ctimes
withotut thec assistancee of the rural .po
lice. I hatve ben asked the qutestlon
tbles coulid not enforce .thte laws as wvell
withtoutt the t tuat pol ice.
SectIon :28 of Crlitmnl Code pr'o
vldes "that all proceedintgs hefore mag
istrates iln criminal cases shtall 11be
commnlceed on Information under oatht
plaily13 and su~bstantially settin-g fortih
the offetnse chtatged, upon01 wichl and
only wich, shlall a warrant of arrest
Sectti G of thbe same code pro
vides that. "No tmagistrate shtall per'
mtit a conistatble .to swear otut aL war
:ant exceplt wvhere the contstabhle has8
been personally affected by theo offense
with which thte .:arty is chatged.''
Fromn the I wo sect ins (iuoted it wIll
7 : thr'. ' ::vagstrate
ndl htis contstalet htave no0 power' to
tot in i31r')e offenses, su~cht as8 drunk
ways, t ranlsI~olting ad sellIng litiuor,
distol "totinug", andI many other' like
offens~es, untless some prtivate citIzenl
gets out un~der cover' of nig-ht, detects
tt etime and then goes abefore a matg
Isttate to give thle Infotrm'atloon under
roath a sls reqireitd by law. Then In
rtlI liquobr cases -1his Iprivate citizen is
bound ovor to .the circutit cour~t, los
es a 'week and many times more than
a week from his business In order to
see that the laws are enforced. From
mily personal experience -and observa
tion I can say .that the average citizen
will overlook the offense and leave the
initiative for some ot-her citizen.
A case came uider my observation
in an adjoining county in which a
colstable had arrestedi a party with
iquor and not a private citizen could
be found who was willing to act as
prosector fin the case. "Let the other
fellow (o it," is the Coiii'Iliol sayong.
As we have a good police force that
is I railled inl the work, having authori
ty to arrest and to prosecute, it seems
to be ilnC 'e to lay off the force that
is funct. ing so well, especially in
the indjst of a great crime wave.
If' we 'have too mllan1y rural polle(
men or if aly changes Shoulid be Illade
ill the p(eisonliel of the force, let n;
sustainl the a),.. frain he force 'Ind
then ('le't represenitatives who will
have iiolal conurage to adjust these
iiatters to tile hest interest' of our
. T. COOK,
Magistrate You ngs Townislilp.
Aug. 16, 1922.
S. 11. Lowe on lIfiurnI Pollee
M'Utor Laur'eiis Advertiser:
I am11 ghul to see that C. D. Nanice.
lr. Browin g ad others, calididates
for the legislature, are in favor or ihe
rural poliee. While I live in Colum
bia, I have relatives and friends who
live in the rural Commullities of Lau
rells (oun11ty that leed police protece
tion just as much as Ile town of Lan
r1'n1s. Iln fat, I think they need it
Yol have 'ow got some of tile best
police ofices i ll the state ii ('olum1l1i
bus Owens, Andy Boyd, Toni Abrams
an ld Walter Ilyson, and I have na
dollbt blit what the others on the
force are just as good. I am glad to
pay a tax for rural police in Laurenis
count11y and I -hope tile people inl the
couinty will vote to retain those good
officers which you have now, iiless we
can get a governor like our present
goverilor, that, has the backbone to
enforce the law. You can't well dis
card the 'ur al police without crip
pliig very badly the enforceient of
law ald order iln your community.
The ies that rural police take iln
for their work, pistols, etc., andl act
lig as magistrates' constables should
be talke(n in Colnsideratiol besides, for
the good order that prevails in your
conity. Why, Greenville voted out
the riral police and now they hove
seven Paid deputy sheiriffs. B1esi(es.
Ihey have quite a num in ber of federal
oflicer's to assist them ini G Creelville
'onilty. Anl with this they don't heep
the law as well enforced as your Lau
rens COun1y oflicers. I have been iII
every county ill tle state for thle last
two years and I look on lauirens 'con
ty as ithe haier coity for law en
forcemeni. 'if you will elect meni to
the leg Islatunre like Nance, Browr in g
anid an1other like them for law enoroiice
milelt, aId a governor like liarvey, it
w~on't he man vy yeairs be for1e yOul ight
('ut dlown1 youri rura'l pol1111ice force and1(
const ai'hlary force. 111ut you cann111ot
affotoil do)(1 it niow.
.\li. Ed itoi', wh~o is it t hot Is hioller
inig thle loudest for pei'sonal liboirty
Ciinn anfswer' that: Whly it is the law
breakers, bl intd tigers and those. who
are hatr:onliing blind1( tigers. Oh, the
mani that yatrioni'zes a blin 1t11iger or )
bootlegger; he is aiding thle lin d
tiger1. N('veri talk of tightinig tor' youru
flag whieni you are 'aidling the blind(
t iger and iith le hoot leggerI. Not on(1ly
thai, you are' tr'amilinig your laws un
dei' foot t ha t y'our lcgisl atois makew,
ori in theric .wvords, you .are aiding the
'hootlIegger in it. Oh, mys fr'iends of
Lauriens ('(unty3, think over this, and1( 1
beg, if any has bheen guilty' of thIiis,
Illease reform and1( tur yiour0 b' ack uip
on all sichi, and hlp lead the way' to
the shi Ilng ma10rk of love aiid patr liot..
isml for 01'ur i liut ry and the blessed
.laster, the Cleat Rluleri of our I des
S. W. LOW!:.
August 17, 1922,
,ino. .R. FInley onl fiural Polie
Edit oi' The Adveiltiser:
We suplpose it will 'be left to the vot
ers of our county whether we retain
or do awvay wvlth1 the rur'al police. We
should well consider and think seri
ously befoi'e casting -our1 votes to (10
myaay with about the only protection
that we countriy ipeople hame. Turn
our counlty over, to the making, dis;tri
:buting and bootlegging of the~ cursed
stuff, wvi thou t fines or impr~iisonlment,
w~'ith other misd(emleanors and wew .ill
rue the (lay wedid so, IWe have had(
a heavy 1)ul1 up1 a long, steep 1h111; we
have had to scotch many tines and
let thie team rest. The wvagon has been
scotched now tfor a long time.. We
th nk [t time for another' hard pull up
n1 rAi the to.p, ~where lie stripecs and
heavy .fines. Some say, tur'n it over'
to the sher4t'f. Th'le sherIff can't do
withlout a force equal to the r'ur'al 1p0
11cc. Why need1 we comlini' of the
riral poli1ce when they -get ines about'
enough to pay their salaries? If there
be any who (10 not (10 their diuty, turn
them off and get ether's 'who will.
1NO. R,'F1L12Y.
They are
GOOD! 10
Buy this Cigarette andSave Money
II E ii TO $Ii,000,000o
G reensboro 3nn1 an1d Andersoi Sister
Largest Reirs to $1509,000,000 ilfstate
G reensijsboro, N. C., Autig. 1 9.-.l rs.
ilargaret Jordan, of ierson, S. C.,
is one of the biggest heirs of an es-I
tate of one hundred fifty ilillion dol
lars, eftl by her uncle, Thomas Brown
ilg, a 'exas oil mail, according to the
stateinilt of J. ii. Browning, of this
city, her brother, another hair of the
vast fortune, made today.
'I'he estate will be divided among
the children of Thomas C. ilrowning,
-five brothers and one sister. There
are thirty-six li irs, 'Wut *.\Irs. Jordan
\nd ir. Ilrowining of this city, being
the only children of Lucy Browning,
ister of the multi-milliioaire, 'will re
(eiVe. the largest shalres. 'Mr. Brown
ing is informed by his lawyers that.
their share will be ab1out thirteen ii
lions. All the heirs, except the one
hlir, live in South Carolina, most. of
them in (reenville aiid Anderson coun
.'rs. Jordan, according to IIr.
lIrowning, is the wife of an Anderson
county farmer, they are not wealthy,
alt-hough they are in comfortable cir
cumstances. 13r. Browning is a cot
ton mill worker here.
Thomas C. Browning, who amassed
this tremendous fortune, left South
Carolina in 1858, at the age of 18, to
make his fortune. Oil was discovei'ed
on his property a number of yeg.rs ago,
antd he was rich. lie died six years
ago and thme Texas authorities had been
Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days
Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT falls
to cure Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding
Piles. Instantly relieves Itching Piles, and you
can get restful sleep after first application. 60e.
Five prizes of G
rens and Newberry <
All that is neces
write us a neat lette:
one of the Famous IF
Any Hupp owne
owned one the moi
The conditions of th
You must not be o
You must be an at
You must be a resi
Your letter must r4
Write on only one
You must confine':
Only one letter fre
The prizes are:
First Prize.........
Second Prize .....
Third Prize-......
Fourth Prize -.........
Fifth Prize .......
The judges:
We have reques
Motor Car Corp<
letters and annoi
Mail your letters to:
iiiable to find any heirs, until last
April. Since that time, the estate has
Jeen in i process of being settled and it
low appears certain that the heirs
ovill receive their shares ii cash ii Oc
Must cse Vald.
As a rule, the piper does not extend
long credit. ie its a hhabit of col.
lecting promptly.--loston Transcript.
An Und<
The CW Battery
(Wood Separator) has
quality plates, selected
cedar wood separators.
Built right, of all new,
high-grade materials.
Easily the best low
priced battery you can
buy I
Sizes to fit all cars.
Laurens Storag
West Lai
Rep rei
Willard ]
and Mr
OLD to be given to sch
:otunties for a few mome
sary for you to do to s
r giving the ten (10) besi
[upmobile Automobiles.
r will help you out, and'
re they can help you.
e contest are:
ver High School age.
tendant of some school.
dent of either Lauren. or Newbe
each us not later than 12 o'clock
side of your paper.
rourself to ten reasons only.
m each child.
ted the adve'tising departrm
ration of Detroit, Michigan,
mece the winners.
- - sou
4Riat-Snip Bents the Best Trap Ever
Made"-Mr. Emly Slaw Mays.
"My husbaild bought $2 trap.k I
bought a 65c box of 1UAT-SNAP. The
trap only caught 3 rats but RAT-0NAP
killed 12 In a week. I'm never with
out RAT-SNAP. Reckon I couldn't
raise chicks .without it." RAT-4SNAP
comes In cakce. Three sizes, 35c, 65c,
$1.25. Sold and guaranteed by C. E.
Kennedy & Son, lotron3 -lard-ware
Co. and .Putnam's Drug 6tore.
Other sizes at
slightly higher
re Battery Co.
irens St.
Dol children of Lau
nts work.
et in the race is to
reasons for owning
the longer they have
to win these prizes.
rry Counties.
noon, Oct. 1, 1922.
-$10.00 in Gold
-5.00 in Gold
- 2.50 in Gold
- --1.50 in Silver
- 1.00 in Silver
ant of the Hispp
to pass on these'

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