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The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, August 23, 1922, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1922-08-23/ed-1/seq-8/

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*. '3g - * WV ..... S
* Aniual 1teeting Laurens County
* * * * * * * * * * * S S
Th. annual m1ee tiIg of Lauren
Count I1. Y. P. 1'. conivention will )
held at Alt. (allagher church Augus
31st. bweinningi promptly at 10:3
Muk-si ('hmister ill clarge.
Devotional- .\t. (allagher infon, le4
byC. C. Br.1issey.
Se cialI M u i.
Yhli. Y'. P. '. Spirit of 1' 2.--Add res
b .1. .J. L. Hagiett. State SIupt. 0
H. Y. P. '
Som ..)illu Faui'ts--Aiss Sarah Lot
I *.:. F: Pndshi;> 'nioni.
R . Y. P1. 1'. Assembly al
''1< . -.Liss L~eona Grum-1 llbies
R,- o: t i :f Offiers foyar.4ydt
l' n i. !iss Imma it vil derson
Ota Pow\er. Mr. Scott George
Mise lant Ouis fbuliness.
lc'tion of Officeis for iinsuing Year
ifim ~ lwith Pr1ayer.
All B oa ng people are urge
to at :do -his mleet-ing.
('lyde T. Franks, Pres.
'Mi, a 1,ol l o1bo. Secretary.
Vot. f0 0. 1). Seay for State Super.
in tendm oCf Iducatiol.-Adv.
Say "Bayer" and Insist!
(Inkss you see the name "Bayer" or
packaue or on tablet you are. not get
ling the genuine Bayer !rodtuct pre
ru i ri 1d by physicians ove. ' w - - tv
Yea:- and pioved ;af 1-y t04,4r,! fo
Coli1 Headache
Toothache Lumbago
TEa.rache Rheumatism
Neuralgia Pain, Pain
Accept only "Bayer" package whici
contains proper directions. Handy box
es of twelve tablets cost few cents
-Druggists also sell bottles of 2.1 an(
106. Aspivin is the trade mark o
Dayer Manufacture of '.1onoaceticacid
ester of Salicylicacid.
Renew your health
by purifying your
system with
The purified and refined
calomel tablets that are free
!-om nausea and danger.
V-l sialto neces:tary, as
Calotaba c.ct like calomel
and salts combined. De
mand the genuine in 10Oc
and 35c packages, bearing
above trade.mark.
Try a sack of new
flour from the mill.
There is none bet
We Deliver It.
& Babb
Laurens. S. C.
Stuogesied as lest Solutoni of Stree
:iniinny l'roblem inl Spartanburw.
SpIartanhurg, Aug. 19.-TIhe aban
s donimienlt of the street railway systeln
in S''artalhurg anud the substitution 0
t a bus service is iproposed to the cit,
council by I lenry Al. Earle, attorne,
for the bondholders of the South Caro
ina Light. Power and Railways con
,]ally. who at a recent receiver's sall
[,,f that company purchased the proli
'it i.s all are organiziig a new comn
paIny to take over the railway 'eptem
ber 1. The proposal Is set forth in ,
letter addressed to the city coun1ci
and read before that body today. I
his letter Mr. Earle reviews the finan.
cial difficulties of the street raliwa.
systen and says:
"After considerable investigation il
appears that the only remedy for thi
situation described is the one adoptet
At) inil ierous other cases, viz., moto
buses. The new comliany is ready witl
the consent of the commissioners x
inaigiurate ini Spartanburg all up-to
date bus system and if desired wil
start an experimental line in ordei
that the public may have an o)por
tunity to test the service."
The South Carolina Light, Power &
Railways company, owners of the ptib
lic utilities of this city, is coltrollet
by A. 11. Leach & Co. of New York
T'he company has been in the hand.
of a receiver a ppointed by .1ldge Wiat
kinls of the federal court for more thar
a year and was sold last week to it.
owli bolldholdel's. The recelvershil
was preciplItated when the city de
iiandl certain extension of Its streel
railway lines, obligations carried b)
the company's franchise. The nen\
comiany to take over on September 1
is. of course. con fronted w ith all th(
obligationis of the old company. Th(
city council will give the case consid.
erat ion ol Monday.
Old MIethods 1111d Customs not Depeild
able. Cultivatioll 3 ist ('ontinut
Throught (rowtn Season.
('lemslrn College, Aug. I 1.-Fall mi
gration of the weevil li:ts begun it
some sections where the cotton (rol
Is not very good and where fruit form
ation has practically discontinued
Otherwise, the situation during th
Past week showed no importan
change, square infestation contlnuin
to vary in different localities froi
very low to 95 percent or more, ac
cording to reports received today b
Prof. A. F. Conradi, Entomologist, wlh
therefore advises oontinuatLion of cul
tivation where possible and of thor
ough square collecting from the plant.
and the ground.
Whether poison a-pplication shoulit
lie made after migration depends -ol
conditions. Migration is not yet -heav3
enough at, any point to warrant di.9
continuation of poisoning. When ml
gration becomes severe and general
110 profit may be exipccted from pols
oninug. .
Dluring . the vpast week there have
been br'ee'z'y and dewvless nIghts es
'lecially In the Piedmont section. Pols
oing on such nIghts is not recom
miendled, but the ati~)cation shouild be
miade dutrinig the first favorable nights
though It be a wveek or' so late accord
lng to the schedule.
Farmers are urged to use good
judgment andi not .to beCcomfe panicky.
Whien the weevils become numerots
so that all squaresC are spuncttured and
young ibolls are attacked, one or even
bwo applications of poisonf may be(
reccommtendied In order to pr'otect as
many of the young boils as possible.
The attitude of the farmers is not al
ways encouraging. Sonme have kept
upl culltivatlotn and sqtuare collecting
dliligently whIle others "lid by" abopit
August 1. It must be omiphasized that
these old methods and customs will
not he satisfactory uinder' weevil con
ditlions, and those who have not yet
'become reconciled to more dliligent
methods of far'm management through
out the enttre groweing season will .e
come so convined~ if they continue
their efforts to gr'ow cotton.
Again this season there .are many
striking illuistrations of -the gr'eat Im
lottance of soil building as the funda
mental oper'ation in weevil control.
The succesei -and priofit that may re
sult from poisoning, sqluare collecting
or other' dIrect weevIl control methods
is based on efmicent soil building.
The annual Garrett reunion will be
held at the home of tir. N. D. Oar'rett,
Gray Court, -Route 3, August 26. Rela
tives and friends are i'equested to Ie
present and bring ainner.
Coninag soon at the 'Princess-"Tulrn
to the 'Right."
Coming soon at the 'Princess-"Turn
to the Right."
No Worms In a Htealthy Child
All childrpn troubled wIth Worms have an us.
healthy cokot~which Indicates poor blood. and as a
rufe, there lasmore ori ess stomach dlstitrbance.
larly for two or three weks~wlll enrIch the blood.
improvo thiedigestfon end aetas a general~trength-'
ening TonIc to the whole system. Nature will then
throi off or dispel the wortns, and theChhid wllbe
~in r t health. Piearenst taeta Mn-naetknW.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * e
e * * * v' * * * * * * * e 1
- Lanford, Aug. 21.--,The tenth re
I ion of the ,Patterson famil,.was held
f T"hursday, the l7th, on the church
grounds here. There was an average
attendance, though - the threatening
- 'weather prevented some from being
- 'present. Rev. E. S. Jones, of 9yeen
wood, Rev. G. L. Knight, of Laurens;
- and Rtev. W. M. Owings, of Woodruff,
- made short talks appropriate to the
- occasion which were very much en
joyed by all. These reunions are en
I joyable occasions and the mingling to
' gether of the different branches of the
family promotes the family spirit.
ir. and Mrs. C. L. Gossett returned
to their home in Pacolet Sunday after
noon after spending a few days with
relatives here.
Mr. J. Rex Patterson. of Pacolet,
attended the Patterson reunion and
gs:ent a few days with his uncles, R1.
J. and V. 1). IPatterson. We went to
Narnie Sunday afternoon to spend a
few days with his mother, 'Mrs. W. 1j.
Misses Lottie Lee and Louise Lang
ston, of Fountain Inn, are spending a
few days with their sister, -Mrs. .1. T.
Mr. and tiirs. M. M. Cunningham have
returned to their home in Georgia af
ter spending some time with their
daughter, Mrs. W. 1). Patterson.
Rev. J .T. flittlejohn, Jr., preached
-Sunday morning and evening at the
Baptist chuirch in the absence of Rev.
Graves L. Knight. He and his family
wtre guests of Capt. and Mrs. .1. W.
I.Lanford. They left Monday morning
for Lake Charles. La., and from there
they go to Seattle, Washington, where
they will sail for China as mission
aries on Sept. 2.
Mrs. J. T. Littlejohn, Sr., and Mis.
C. 11. Littlejohn will visit here a few
ways and leave here for a short stay
at Parksville, .where her husband is
assisting in a meeting:.
Mrs. N. T. Hoggs and children left
'Monday morning on their return home.
They will stop at Arcadia for a few
days with relatives.
k Mrs. Jess 'H. Massy and little son,
> John M. Cannon, and Mr. L. M. Can
- non left last week for -Rock Hill. They
made the try through the country. Mr.
i Cannon returned home Sunday.
t Misses Marcia and Lula Belle Poole
I were guests of Miss Carrie Fowler
i last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee 'Langston and
r thewr attractive childyen twere the
> week-end guests of Mrs. Alice Mills.
- Miss Ruth Drummond, of Woodruff,
- spent. the week-end -with Miss Carrie
'Lou Higgins.
Mr. James Thomas and family, of
I Gastonia, are %1isiting "Mr. -W. A.
Thomas anda other relatives here this
The many friends of- Miss Nannie
Mae 'Lanford wil.l he surprised to hear
of her marriage, which occurredI at the
. home of her sistI'er Mrs. Richard
Moore, Sunday afternoon, to Dr. Hous
ton, a prominent physician of S!partan
jburg county. 'Mrs. Houston is the
charming daughtei' of Mr. G. J1. Lan
ford and has many friends anti ad
mirers her'e who are wishing themi
much happiness in thelir wedded life.
* * * * * * * * * a * * * a
* * ,ee
WX~atts Mills, Auig. 21.-Rev. D. A.
Alhorgan, of Laturens Mill, filled the ptul
ipit, on Sunday night at Lucas Avenue
'Baiptist chui'ch, as our newly called
iastor', Rev. C. 10. Thomas has not yet
ai'iived. 'We ho-pe to have 'Rev. Thomas
in ou' midst to preach for us on nex.t
Wednesdhay night.
Mir. and Mrs. James Glayman and
?Mrs. FMflIe .lcPher'son andl daughter,
Miss Runette, all visited relatives In
Greenvielle on Satur'day.
Mr. Judge Cariton andg little son,
JToe, accomipanied by Mr. and 'Mr's. Tomi
Burgess and children, of Lanford, left
laat Friday tor' a visit among relatives
in Lavonia, Ga.
tWalter' Comnpton and sister, Miss
Callie Mae Comupton, 'will leave Tues
day for North Cairolina, where they
will attendi school alt 'Frumitland Inst
The little daughter' of Mr. and Mrs.
Smith Penhand was very .painfully in
juredi on last Thursday 'by jumping'
from .the 'piazza into the yard receiv
lag a very painful cut on the ankle by'
a 'broken lamtp. It is hoped she will
recover without any further trouble.
.Mr'. and Mr's. J. G. GIllespie an4 lit
tle (laughter, Kathleen,' left Monday
morning for Sipartanburg, where they
will .make their iture home. We rey'
gret to give tip i'r. and Mrs. Gilleep~ ,i
as they will be greatly missed here by'
a large number of friends, and also .in
our church work,
'Miss Winona Ohaney, of 'North Caro
lina, Is nowv visiting relatives here.
iMiss Chancy made'n irtteresting talk
in our Sunday schoo~on Suntday morn
Ing on Sunday school work.
Vote for 0. D. Soay for State Super
itnnnt of liuatioa n,.-AdAv ,
Early Showii
Fall S
Ladies' Suits 4
Men's and Y
Exceptional in sty
Pay us a visit and ask to
Minter C
Cash Depart
Laurens, Sout
Home Building & J
Home Building & Loa,
Series No. 5 and has i
in cash and homes in th
New Series Il
Pay $1.00 per share on
worth $100.00 at mal
amounts to $500.00; 1
$1000.00. -You can 1
any time.
Now is the Time t
for a Heme of
Building & Loai
mg of New
ind Dresses
Dung Men's
le and quality
see these new specials
ment Store
h Carolina
Loan Association
NO. 9
1 Association closed
aid out $27,900.00
e last 30 days.
Jo. 9 Starts
er 1st.
first of each month;
turity. Five shares
0 shares amounts to
orrow on them at
a Begin to $ave
Your Own~ l
Sec. & Tra.

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