Newspaper Page Text
LOCAL AND SPECIAL Found in the Sa.uda. The body of John F. WatkiDs, of Chappells, was found in Saluda River on Tuesday evening iSth instant. Mr. Watkins disappeared from_ home on I he 19th of February, end his bdy lwd been in the river eignteen days. Frick Company's celebrate'l Eclipse Engines, Saw Mills, Cotton Giii Sep arators, etc., for sale by Geo. B. An ,' soo, of Lauren's, S. C., agent for N\e - berry, Edgefield. and Laurens Couu ties. Write for prices and terms. t f school Trustee'. The County Board of Exauiners earnestly request all school trustees to meet at Newberry.on Saturdy, March 26th, at 11 a. m. Among others, the school dist; ict question will be discussed at the meet ing. ARTHUR KiBLER, Chairman Co. Board Ex. We are offering Zeigler'sShoes, right from the factory-at very reasonable prices. Come and see them at tf MowER'S. Subordidate Lecturers. Thesubordinatelecturers of the New berry Farmers' Alliance, will please meet in the Court House at Newtrerry, on April 2nd at 10 a. m., sharp. Busi ness of importance. A full attendance is desired. Jos. L. KErnT, 3d District Lecturer. Soadleys, S. C., March 12, 1S92. Barn Barned. On last Thursday about-11 o'clock in the day time the barn of Mr. T. J. Boozer, who lives in the St. Luke's community was destroyed by tire. He lost about 300 of fodder, 8 sacks of guano, some cotton seed and some other articles. It was with much difficulty thkt the crib and other build ings were saved. The origin of the fire is unknown. There was no insurance. Yellow Pine Lumber in carload lots For sale by RoBT. T. CALDWELL, 4t, Agent. Oriental Council No. V. The following are the oilcers elected last Monday night to serve the re-or ganized masonic council: O. Klettuer, T. 1. M. N. B. Mazyck, DeputyM. F. W. Britton, P. C. Wor;. R. H. Greneker. Treasurer. R. J. Miller, Recorder. T. H. Cromer, C. Guard. I. D. Shockley, C. of Council. Jos. Maun. Steward. J. H. M. Kinard. Sentinel. 200 000 Shingles. For sale at $2.00 per tbousand by tf Shockley Bros. GoldenWedding of 51r. and Mrs. L. J. Jones Our honored townsman. L. J. Jones, Esq.,will celebrate the fiftieth anniver sary of his wedding to-day. Fifty mile stones in the journey have been passed in the happy marital journey of our friends and they will to-day, in restful, sober joy, lits,er awhile amid the gathered sheaves. It weil be a quiet re-union of rela'ivo and immediate friends. C2ol. Jones is t he Nestor of the Newberry Bar, and we beg to extend, on this occasioni. our sincere congrat ula tions and wishes for log continued health and happine-s to bim and his household. How to Make Corn. ~ N.. Use Newberry Catii Seed Oil 3Mill eneSE. Whbat a successful farmer writes-us:-"I used your Cotton beed Meal under corn. I it the best Fertilizer for Corn I have ever used. 1 think it added fifty per cent." Yours truly, .P. CLARK SarrTa. T. C. Poole says:-"I never used a more satisfactory fertilizer 'for corn than your Cotton Seed Meal." 1m *Mistake Corrected. - In our issue of March 2, it wasstated, in regard to the special act regulating the tax on thbe. C., N. & L. railroad tbat No. 9 Townsbip wa entitled to credit of the tax paid by the railroad, and the special levy was for thbedifierence. This is correct, but in our calculation of the amount, to which the township was entitled to credit, we made a mistake in the figures. Instead of its being $.36S.75 it should be $56 875. There are only U miles of road in No. 9, and at .$5,000) a mile, the total would only be S17,5300. A levy of 3:1 mills w~ould yield 83.8? Wagener, Jr. The Stallion Wagener, Jr., will stand the ensuing season at the following places to wit: Won. Smith's, on Tues *days; Prosperity, on Thbursdays; New berry C. H., on Saturdays; proprietor's stables, on Mondays. TERM1S: $10 to insure. Post Office address, Newberry, S. C. March, 1892. M1. M1. BUFO RD. A Home Boy's Success. The following pleasant mention will be gratifying to the numerous New ber ry friends of the young man who lefi his home here about five years ago and secured a good railroad position an~ rapidly developed into a successfu' conductor:, Conductor T. 'B. Greneker has par chased a lot from Mirs. C. A bney, oppo site Mrs. Bates. The Captain got bargain-hie paid only $8300 for an acre Mr. James Paul, one of our most ar *tistic workmen. has the contract fo: building a handsome house on this lot -Edgefield Adceruser. Shoes. Shoes. Shoes. Zeil,er's well known Shoes. J. Faus & Son's Shoes. All solid as a silver dol bar at MowER'S. tf The Tranwood Sunday-school was reorganized1 las Sunday afternoon by the election Mr. Win. F. Wright as sup'erintendent Mr. J. M1. Long assistant super'intendl ent and Mr. L. M!. Long secretary an' treasurer. This Sunday-school was or ganized ten or twelve years ago by- thi late Z. F. Wright. in his life one of ou most substantial citizens, and the pen pIe of the Tran wood vicinity happil. exemplified their belief in the "eterna fitness of things" by making the son who had just recently moved into thiei midst, the wearer of the mantle of bi lamented father and their revere friend and counselor. Tranwood is a flourishing schoo and the pupils are the brightest an most attractive and best behaved any little spot the sun shines on. MIi Lilla Kiler is the popular and ett cient teacher of the day school at the *place. Smith & Wearn are closing out the& stock at a discount. There is no hun bug about it. Read their adverisi ment. tf WVanted. To sell vou Guano and gave.vou $2( to $3.00) per to'. Ask t hose who has tried "Gold Dustf what satistar-tion gave. Sold one fairmer in this Count last year one ton on trial. This yez .sold'him fifteen tons. with privilege *more. For prices and termis, app y1 L. W. FLovr>, Sec'y and Trens. and Maonaaer Newberry'otton Seed Oil Mill an Fertilizer Co. 1mi Children Cry for Pitcher's Cast0ri; VAIOUS AND ALL ABOUT. Mr. E. P. Chalmers lost a fine cow last Sunday. The Couutv Comm iss&.>ners advertise corntrac:s to let. Mr. Otto Khetiunr bought .J. E. Prince's stock of goods. To-rmorrow-earlv in the morning is St. 'atrick's d tv. T he t: . II registratitn b.>k: s wili open on Mou(ay, the _'ist. The eti;en's me:nr wili 1,. hlid in the operai 1onse oni F'riday. There -(ens to have been a general rouad-wo rkmgI la;st we'k. C.':pt. 3M. M. B:uf,i . is announne(d th is week as a cand"datla for .Sheril. Mr. C. I). Buzlardt has purchased from Rev. E. P. McClintock the Cald Wei1 mill. i r. G. M. . ert4 is an nounce .ilis we. k as a cat;hilate for C:unty Com There l;e : wO Ie.:(, women i1 j>il for murder. One of the eases is in fanlt:cide. I1s-s. V. B. Aull and Walter V. Barre, of Lexington. have bought the Newberry Steam Mill. I.avet port's spr:ng sock monmplises Ia iy beautiful goods. His line of dress goods is especially pretty. R v. H. W. Kuhns, ). D., will preach in the Lutheran church next Sunday at 11 a. im. Rev. Mr. Hanekel will preach at St. Luke's next Sunday morning, and in tbe afternoon at 5 o'clock. The C., N. and L. road has ordered three new engines. This loo:s like we are going to have some improved sched u!e;. Mr. John B. Mayes' horse ran away with the buggy on the st.eets last Friday. No damage. Rev. E. P. McClintock wen t to Abbc last Friday to preach the dedication sermon of Bethlehem A. R. P. church, near Due West. Mel Chalmers and John Aull were in great luck last Sunday afternoon. They were at Tramnwood with about six of the prettiest girls in the county. It is reported that a neetig will be in Newberry next Monday to send delega;e> to the March convention at Columbia on the 'ith._ Spring goods at Minter & Jamieson's are now ready for inspection, and they will stand the tcst as to price and quality. See ad. A small negro child wa" found dead Friday morning last on the plantation of Mr. J. A. Crotwel!. Coroner Buist he'd the inquest. Death was caused by croup. Mr. Geo. B. Cromer, has accepted an invitation to deliver theannual address before the literary Societies of North Carolina College, Mt. Pleat ant, N. C. at the commencement in May next. Smith & Wearn have a 25,C0O stock of clothing, shoes and hats, and they are not going to keep them if bottom prices will sell them. Here is fine op portunity to get clothed cheaply. Mr. W. S. Mann has been trans ferred to the section of the C. N. and L. road between Prosperity and Little Mountain, and moved to Prosperity yesterday. He had just occupied his new house in Newberry. The South American Medicine Com pany have been giving performances in the Opera House during the past week, and they will s'iow every night this week and probably next wveek. The Reporter myi two of their per formances last wek The prih e is 10 cents, but the show was as good va some shows at five times the price. F-rom .',t -'L e.- do the o~vry night. Constable Frank Maybio and Mr. James Caughman had a discussion over a legal n"nt in Prosperity. Mr. Caughmau asserted that a man coulu not be arresicd twice on the same war rant. Constable Maybini contended that two arrests with the same war rant would be legal and perfectly right, but Caughman carried the po.nt. The manouvering prior to the discussion for a time was quite lively and some what rich. Wanted. By a lady of three years ex perience: a position as governess, private or public school. Teaches English branches and A ddess, "ScrooL MA RM,"' W hitmires, S. C. Not Yet. Having not yet been forced to the wall, although I had a rough road to travel, I am still at the old stand with a full line of Furniture, which I will me!l on small Monthly or Weekly Pay ments. Come and see me. I will make prices and terms satisfactory. R. C. WILLIAMS, The Installmer t Man. Main street, New berry, S. C. t f Personals. Capt. John F. Speck is trip to Florida. Mr. Louis Crede retturned cen Friday from a trip to Baltimore. Solicitor Schumpert returned on Saturday from the Union Court. Mrs. Win. Hood, of D)ue West. re turned on Saturday from a visit to Newberry'. Mrs. L. N. Rcdger, of Union, is on a visit to her father, Mr. J. Hart Blease. Mr. Rohdger spent Sunday in New berry. Mr. and Mrs. Walter V. Cauthen, o: Kershaw County, are on a visit to Mrs. Cauthen's father, Mr. Ivy Z. A brams. Miss Bessie Moore. granddaughte1 of Gen. WV. H. Hunt, left Monday foi her home at Culpeper, Va.. after pleasant visit to relatives in Newberry Itest of All. To cleanse the system in a gentle and truly bieneficial man ner, when thI Springtime comies,*use the true an< perfect remedy, Syrup of Figs. On bottle will answer for all the fainil' and costs only' 51) cents; the large siz S1. Try it and be pleased. Manufac tuned by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. Smoked Tongues And Dried B}eefiat McInto-h's. Life Health and sn:engtlv A PA L.ACiIcoLA. Fla., Feb. 17, 1SSU'. Mesrf Lippman L'ros., arawnnah: DRa ,i ns- I will write to vou ti inform you that I was afflicted witi Blood Disease. I tried one bottle ' * * * and1 it gave me no relief. I wa in tied seven months. I tried promninheni phscas and they could not4 do m anuy god. I saw your advertisemien of P. P. P. in the Apalachicola Tim. .and thou.zht I wotuld try it. T.he bot ti SI got to-night makes seven or eiah1 anid, oh, how goodi I feel. I have bee -up ever slice and at myi; busnmess-lunx ber inspector. Yon my pubh!i-h this you desi re. I have iniformed mny friend r M. P. BOL DEN. Highest of all in Leavening Po ABS 1 A GOO) SUOwiG. Very Lit-;e1 Tax Uncollecid-Moetly Poll Taxe,. not Paid. New berry County makes a very goot .-no witig this year iii the matter of pay ing taxes. Below we give a list bh to'nslip s of the at,ount of taxes ui colleetei, aid the po>lls in each town ship. 'I1b- does not include the penalty no: t.,e railroad tax wtiich has not beet t-aid. '1'ie ex.eculion boTok wil be made ou very -oon and exeCUtiolls placed in thi hands of t he sherift. No. 10 Townshii has the sm.lest of auly in the cAnty Polls ........... 45)! _ .. 2 .,ti 2. 4~~ ~ ~ 74............. : S 4 .. ....................1 P .: ................. ... 2 4 5 4i 2 Total....... ............... !5 5 57 This making tax uncollected in th county of "1,123.:5 to which will b added 15 per cent. penalty. Audi.or Cromer in making up hi delinquent book has been careful no to put on it any names that may b douuly entered, or that he knows to bi not liable to poll tax, for in this wai he will save many useless executions. PURE SEEDS AT PELlHAM'S. Choice Seeds at Pelham'! Reliable Seeds at Pelbam'2! Landreth's Seeds at Pelham',! Millet Seeds at Pelbam's! Garden and Field Corn- at Pel ham's! Orcbard Grass at Pelbam's! Blue Grass at Pelbam':! Lawn Grass at Pelham't! Red Clover at Pelham':! Lucerne Seed at Pelham's! Our aim is to please, and we ar equally as desirous of selling Fresl and Reliable Seeds as we are in sell ing Pure Medicints. Call at PE.HA1rs. The County Executive Committee. A meeting of the County Executiv Committee was held in the law officec W. H. Hnnt, Jr., Esq., on last Satur day. There were pre:ent W. H. Hunt, Jr from No. 1; Thos. W. Keiit, from Townships :1, 4, 5 and 7 were not repre sented: from G, I. M. Smith; from Juo. W. Reagan; from 9, Rev. J. A Sligh; from 10, W. B. Boinest; from 1] 31. H. Folk, and Dr. S. Pope adviso, member by invitation we believe, an as member of the State Executive Com mitlee. R. C. Maybiii, Trial Justice, we elected secretary. Mr. Reagan has rE signed as he is candidafe for the pos tion of Supervisor of Registration. A call for a county convention an the reorganization of the clubs was h sued, signed by the chairman, an publisbed elsewherere. Another rmeeting will be held, w presume, before the meeting of th county convention. Ann,versary Celebration. The Herald and News has receive an invi ation to the joint celebratio of the annive:'.ar'es of the Excelsic and Phxenakosniian Literacy Societit of Newvberry College, to be held in tb opera house on Friday evening, MIarc :jth, at S.30) p. m. The prog:ammTie is as followvs: Preddiug oflicer : S. J. Derr:ci Ph reuakommian. Debaters :James D. Kmnard, Rt. 31 Mon IS, Excelsiois; J. H. Harms, I A. Co rlisle, Pb renakosmians. Subject :IResolve'd, That t.he mone poer is a greater natio >ai peill tha Soiaistui. Ushers : B. L. Jones, J. L. C-iug1 mar, J. W. Black,.E heh'ois' 8. A erchant, WV. W. WVhaler, J. Y. M1 Fal. Ph'tenakosm'~aus. Buist's Prize Medal Gax den Seeds. Ask for them and take non obr. The most essentil thing for a good garden Igood seed. BUIST'S fils ti Ul1. Avoid al] those see od on commission. They a.i no good, as they are generall too old. So don't forget, whe you are ready to garden, sop at ROBERTSON & GI1 DER'S Drug Store and bii B-U-I-S-T-'S Garden Seeds. County Board of Equalization. Thue County Board of Equalizati< miet at thle auditor's ofiee on la T. irsday. The following are the mer oers who now constitute this Board: No. 1, L. M. Speers; No. 2, Th< W. Keitt; No. :8, J. Munroe WXicke No. 4, M1. A. Renwick ; No. 5, T. J Calmers ; No. 93, Jno. R. Spearma No. 7, WV. M. Werts; No. 8, J. H. Bot ware: No. 9, Rt. T. C. Hunter: No.] L. Q . Wtiers: No. J1, E. 0. Hen z. 3J t. T. C. Hru:er was elected chairma "d the bea;d rli je3rd to the tra 'se t:0' off t'1e bous't , a bnd. Vey few changes were made in t retrns. None to amotut toanythe: The Newberry banik's return, ov which there h:is been so miuch sr lately was ruatde just as it has been seveal years past, at lpar. The Boa made no increase in thieassessment tb accepted it as mlade by the bank. Bucklen's Armica Salve. Th" nest M;alve in the world for Cuts. Sol ~r:Iss, t' 'eers. Sal t Inheum,i Fever Sores,'T ter Chap;:ped il:ui.'. Chilblains,. Corns ax ali I kin E-upt~rions, and positively eu Pile or noi pay reqjCired. It is guaraniteed 'ive pe':'Te't sai isfaction. or money refunc rice:M 'enlts pe box. For sate by Robt son & (Giler. A Fair anel square An-loancement. Mr. (. Klettnter formally announm Shis candidacy this week for aldermn tIomn Wa rd 4. The Herald and News ~pleased with the tonxe of Mr. Klettue ar. It is manly and straightforwal He is ma.king the race without a cot'binesi~ or promises, butt simply perorml his duty faithiifully.. Anid .ihi, we are free to s:ay, there can be queti ou, for hie never considers tiqie, ftoil, or ex pense. ini whlatever he elis ie is a goiod business m:an. progressi and 1enterprising,r and we feel suret town wvill be safe in such hands. er.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder FLY PURE Call for the Reorganization of the Demo cratic Party in Newberry County. Pursuant to the order of the State Den'ecratic Executive Committee, the County Democratic Executive Coit tee of Newberry County hereby issues a call for the reorganization of the Democratic party in this county, under thecoustitution of the Democratic party of South Carolina, adopted in State Con vent ion at Coiuibia, S. C., Septem ber 10th, 1890. The subordinate clubs are called to meet at their usual places of meeting on the second Saturday, (the 9th day) of April next, for the purpose of retr ganizing said clubs, and for the pur pose of electing delegates to the County Convention. The County Coiventiol will meet on the first Monday, (the :'nd day) in MIay next, at New berry Court House, ar il o'clock a. m., to reorganize the party in this County, to elect a new County Executive Committee, to elect eight delegates to the State Convention, which meets at Columbia on the third Wednesday in May next, and to trans act such other business as may be proper under the Constitution. The State Democratic Constitution provides that the representation in each subordinate club in said County Convention shall be one delegate for every twenty-five members and one delegate for each majority fraction thereof; also that only such Demo cratic clubs as were in existence on the 13th day of August, 1890, shall be re cognized. No club that was forned or organized after the 13th day of August, 1890, by the division of an old club or otherwise shall be re-organized. The Constitution aforesaid further provides that "the club.:n eaeh county shall be held together and operate under the control of a County Execu tive Committee, which shall consist of one member from each club to be nominated by the respective clubs and elected by the County Conven tion"; each club will therefore nomi nate one of its members to be elected by the County Convention to serve on the County Executive Committee. All members will be required to sign their respective club roll?, and signing the roll shall be equivalent to a pledge to abide by the action of th majority of the party. - By orderof the Executive Committee of New berry County. J. A. SuIT, Chairman County Executive Com mittee. R. C. MAVI'N, Secreta ry. Newberry, S. C., March 12, 1892. For the Starving Russians. Collections for the Rursian famine sufferers.were taken in the NPwberry churches last Sunday as follows: Methodist - - - S 12 05 Presbyterian - - - 30 00 A. R. Presbyterian - - 6 80 First Baptist - - - 17 00 Lutheran - - - 40 C3 A. M. E. Church - - 3 45 $109 30 Box at Wright's Bookstore - 1 '75 Total - - - $110 05 O'Neall Jotings. The health of this community isgood. Small grain has come out consider d ably during the past few w- eks. The iarme's are doing all in their e power to prepare for another crop of e six cents cotton. School Commissioner Kibler visited the Monticello school on last Friday. The farmers of thbis section will use only about two-thirds a.s much fertili zers as last year. Messrs. J. P. Martin and P. C. Ful fler, overseers on the Cault's Ferry road, have recently had their section of roa ptin "apple-pie" order. Died, March 9, 1892, an infant of Mr. and Mis. Thomas L. Pugh. ~ .D SEED POTATOES ! Early Rose, Burbanks, Goodrich, at S. B. JONES. Jurors for Second WVeek. The following petit jurors were drawr> March 9th to serve for the week begin. ning March 28th: .J. Rn; t Mlls. J ipo oad ,J. Lindsey Bowe:s.J.H mer . P. Milher. W.B cer Otto Klettnei. X E.Hilad JB.Glas'ow. C?.' dnrh W. Lang Litzsey. io .Bn" Tos. E. Ept'ng. J .P J. Pinkney bo. }nt. Jno. C.BrowO Simon P. Bickley. oF.(oe UJ. Mom oe WicKer. Jo ~Ry M. A. Eenwick. ..Mick Jno. C. Nee'.t owrs L L. Domi ,'.ek. W .D'rk YW. Pet D)ominiciK. Geo. . Boers. Jn. . Sicmerd. Bas Bals,Bat, Cps B.xelt;. op :Q Mrble; Fsh DHoks Li. s H H'am mock, Coqut Sts-nratar.t (.m. EDD. Bank . weekkilled . of the Cromer. plants.Hntz s. wer. PattBowers. r; Mr. May Rew. has De quik. LI- L.eFeters e. ontd.o Bower s no. D. tiherdson Mapponent Fih ra kined s; peene Ha mocks,m Coig. esi etvait OThe first weabbath wein thad pas wee lea oe of ig thfie cabbag erbyathelgcls.dn o ebr id tenant houseD. Csr isite's Mra rtatindlewastreek.t hrda u utg Sohe ofigh farmer asdvye menc lating oen.adsatrigtefr .we segstcoyedea fgaocm .icout to aeeks,e cens otl on ie ; Twoe or yo,utnI ameglad osei Set- abFriokdaboit the ther daym a esaheirinmenti rained away wiveted u - 10o wgong in th corst Sabbath we Ohad.t epesur Af Plasaten Doaink.ero rby Fo thdetion,al atdndo Neberr C orlegeplsns.rosesa toMr Handair. takeosson Eiie r. of FornFeers.s Chlsene Dbliy.tb orLese fo nratudeal andgthnoougmin uts toi rmuaetion, taet cotton.Eixr yeTw Dr. Moureyun Lmn Elixironsiden sthe i yo i rnningh aboewamedwitht ase,alofwiharn.rm op oMriae lier,w stoonachidmeyaga Pretred communityD.H LOLA. LEMON HOTXDRO. CuFre Balli(ousness, Constpatoan oreaTrat, Bre eoniiPr. o~ Hmorrhadgestin allthoa and Nevu -AIIelant tandribe LeEprato byFor.. Sleeleys, Nervlnta, Ga Pfcur Frmers, lbs and eils-,a Justilrecivdanother above namedrtmi ofes Picur oFrwhich aislers' Patrp Atapha Gar.5can .0botea Our Prorper"a Letter. We are pleased to know that Dr. Euston Kibler has decided to locate in our midst. Last week Iev. J. K. Efird, and family left for their far distant home in the State of Washington. Mr. John Boozer of the St. Luke's section left here yesterday for Willamu stuun where he expects to study tele graphy. The winsome and fascinating 3Miss Bessie Calmes, of Columbia. has been visiting her friends, the M1isses Lang ford, of ourtown. Ucle Jacob Epting, who has been quite ill for some time, s;ems to be better, and his physicians have hopes of his recovery. Dr. and "Mrs. A. F. Langrord have returned fro.n their visit to (ralai's. Their daughter, _lis Sara, of the Co lumbia Female College, came with them to spend a few days at home. Dots from Wiit"nires. The farmers are piogressing rap.dly with their farm work; br.ving hauled their guano while the .ands were too wet to work. Considerable changing of residence recently. Mr. E. H. 'rood moved into his new cottage, Mr. B. Lee into Mr. S. Crawford's new house,M.r.J-. C. Duckett into his new residence, Mr. A. M. Chas tain into Mr. E. C. Brigg's house which was vacated the day previous by \1r. Lee. Dwelling houses are in demand. Miss Eula Jones who taught the Mol lohon school returned to her home near Clinton last Monday. Why is it so few of the schools continue no longer than supported by the pablic; the times are hard, but I don't Lee how the parents can afford to let their children be idle. Friends we live in a progressive age, lets keep up, and children cannot be educated by attending school three months during the year. Messrs. Rodger and Dunbars spent Friday night in town en route for -New berry. They spent a few hours with us to-day on their return home. A number of gentlemen from this place attended the funeral of Mr. Brown, at Rodgers church, Sunday afternoon; his death was caused from relaps.e of la grippe, which has been quite prevalent in this portion of the county; but very few deaths; that speaks well for our skilled 31. D.'s. Mrs. F. Whitmire has been quite sick, but again we joyfu'ly announce her convalescence. Dr. R. R. Jeter has been suffering several days from the grip, hope he will soon be better. Mr. E. C. Briggs comes down on Thursday and returns Saturday, but there is very little cotton being sold now. Misses Louise Andrews and Tulu Garmany disappointed several last Sat urday by not arriving at the appointed time; some of the young men wore very sad countenances in the evening. Mr. Lee Sims leftSaturday for North Carolina where he will reside. HAwTIfoRiNs. Mrrch 14, 1892. STATE OF OH Jo, CITY OF ToLEDo, LUCAS COU- TY. ss Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm w' pay the sum of ONE H UNDRED DOLLARS for eaco a -id every case of Catarrh that can not be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. lbS6. E:A L } A. WV. GLF AFON, KowyPub.'c. Hall's Catarrah Cure is taken inter naly and acts d'rectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CH ENEY & Co., Toledo, 0. giSold by Druggists, 75e. The BIgest B2er Ever seen on the New berry market was killed by Messis. Cabanis & Miller last Friday. Its net weight was 786 pounds. The Oil M1ll cave $7 for the steer last October. It was very poor then, and was fattened at the Oil Mill. Inflammatory Rheumatism is cured by P. P. P. (Priekly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium). Physicans have been consulted, and to no purpose. As a last r,sort patient takes P. P. P. and gets well. Hosts of certificates to this effect are in possession of the manufacturers, and will be shown on application. Helena Heraldings. Miss Flora Meredith, of Laurens,was on a visit to friends in the village last week. Mr. H. W. Jeffcoat, a divinity stn dent at the Lutheran Theological Semi nary, has moved to the village. His little family occupy the cottage irl which the former student, Rev. J. D. Shealy, dwelt. The bitter gale of wind last Thurs day afternoou was direct from the frightful blizzard in the Northwest the night before, and which drove a temn pest of sleet and snow at the rate of 5( milcs an hour. Man and beast wen1 down pitilessly in the rapidly falling mercury. We are thankful for thbe mild er climate we enjoy. Section masters Byrd and Watts. re spectively of the C. & G. and C. N. & L roads, were working yesterday morn ing on parallel sections opposite cact other, putting their roads, as they rui westward and northward from New berry, in splendid condition. Trhe wall by the railroads from Newberry t< Helena and Jalapa will be both pleasan and healthful. ONE ENJOYS Both the method and results wher Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasan1 and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys etern effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitua constipation. Syrup of Figs is th< only remedy of its kind ever pro tduced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt i r its action and truly beneficial in it effects, prepared only from the nmos healthy and agreeable substazces, it many excellent qualities commend1 to all and have made it the mos popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 Sand $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist wh may not have- it on hand will pr cure it promptly for any one wh wishes to try it. Do not accept an; substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SA N FR A)ICI8C, CA. O,,,V,,,E. KY __ r_ vE oRK. IV.. MAItRIEI), February 25th, 1S!2 by Rev. J. K. Etird. Mr.1 Bankston L. Harmon and Miss -Nora C. Mayer. DEATH s. -Mrs. Susan F. Wilson.wi.e of Mr. H. Carter Wilson, died on Thursday, 110th instant, aged about 54 years. In the death of Mr. Wni. Zobel, oni Thursday, the 10th instant, Helena loses an old and respected citizen perhaps the oldest of t he pioneers of the place. Mr. Zobel was born in the kindon of Wurtembeig, in the year 1S::(. Hi: father was a p-eceptor in one of the higher schools an.l gave his son a liberal education. When about . vears old he bade adieu to the Father land and came to Ane-ica. Remain iug a year or two at the North he final ly reached Newberry in 1S:>7,when the Helena workshops-established 1>1 were in their paimy days. He was an artilicer in fine wood-word, and a mal of great energy and tirele-s activity. His wonderful accuracy and rapidity as an accountant, together with his integrity and kindly, genial manner, commended him to the management of the G. & C. R. R., and he was made bookkeper. For a long period he filled four otfices at the same time with per fect satisfaction to all. ie was book keeper, postmaster, telegraph operator and express a.en;. Sutlering a serious injury to his foot he finally sought and obtained employment as clerk in the county treasurer's office where he was engaged for about ten years, and until a stroke of paralysis caused his retire ient. There was an interval of sever.. years between the stroke:-, the fatal one attacking him a little over a week ago. Mr. Zobel was married in 1S58, and eight children were born to him, six of whom survive-three sons and three daugbters-together with his widow. In his long illness he was kindly nursed and waited upon by his devoted family and brethren of Pulaski Lodge of Oddfellows. He was buried in the family burial grouod in the yillage. The funeral service of the Evangelical Lutheran Church was touchingly performed by Dr. G. V. Holland and Rev. WV. C. Schaeffer-with appropriate and symn pathetic remarks by the latter, in the village church, and the remains very tenderly consigned to the dust by the fraternity of Odd Fellows, in their beautiful rite for the dead. surrounded by a large number -f friends who were present to pay the-r last tribute of re spect to the departed, and theirsympa thy for the living. He wa3 a member of the Lutheran Church devoted to his family and ever sympathetic and hospitable, and thus he passed from death unto life in the (jd year of his age. G. IN MEMORIAM. WHEREAS, It hath rlease the Al mighty Father of the Universe to re move from our midst our beloved Brother, Win. Zobel, who has been a member of Pulaski Lodge No. 20, 1. 0. C. F., in good standing for more than 29 years, during which time he held many positions of honor and trust. He was fearless :.n advocating justice and right, and ever devoted to the interezt of our order. In private life he was a consistent Christian; as a citizen, he was highly esteemed and respected; as a husband and father, he was kind and affectionate; and, as an oddfellow, none more beloved by his brothers; therefore, be it Recsotrcd, By Pulaski Lodge, No. 20, I. 0. 0. F., that we deeply deplore his death, and condole with his relatives and friends in their bereL.vement. Be it ftrther I?cso/redi, That, as a fitting tribute to his memory, the charter of this Lodge be draped with the ustual badge of mourning for the space of thirty days, and that thea resolutions be spread upon the records of this Lodge. Be it further .Tcolced, That these resolutions be printed and a copy be for warded, under the seal of the Lodge, to) his bereaved family. "Rest, rest in peac2e, beloved friend, Sleep on till Time itself shall end." - Oro KME'ITNER, Tr. DANIs'.SEN, F. W. l;R 't .oN, Corniittee. Around the World in ig~hty Days. Did Jules Verne ever think that his imaginary Phileas Fcgg would be eclipsed by an Amer.can girl, who once made the circuit in less than seventy-three days ?~ But Phileas had to take "second money.' The fame of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has gone around the world long ago, and left its record ev-ay where as a precious boon to every nation. In the whlole world of medicine, nothing equas it for the cure of scrofula of the lungs (which is Consum ption). Coughs and bronchial troubies saiccumb to tbis remedy, and the blood is puritied by it, until all unsightly ski'a blotches are driven awvay. Don't be skeptical, as this medicine is guaranteed to every purchaser. You only pay for the good you get. I. W. HARPER'S A CENTLEMAN'S WHISKEY. A WHISKEY FOR THE SID-'BOARD. A WH!SKEY ROR THE SICK ROOM. THOS. Q. BOOZER, EwNCil-.RR', .C. Early Rose. Peerless, and Goodrich Seed Potatoes at EDDY BROS. P. P. P. is the greatest blood pur ie.r of the age, the best of humor remedies, cures every dlisease and humbor of the skin, scalp and blood, whlethe-r itching, burning, sealy pimniples, sercbo!a or hereditary, wvhen all other remedies fail. gIUrowni Dick Smoki nz Tobac ('o tan ets. per poundim, at It. "- B. JoNS When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she wa.s a Chill she cried for Castoria. when she b.' izs:.. she clung to C.astor ia. When she had Children, she gal e the:n Castoria. (Good Loo0k". Goo'l looks are ire than skin de,ep. 'hi pen !ing upoi n lwhalthy con:lit ion of all tiin vital orgahns. It the Liver :se inactive. you hav ainli on, Look. if your steinach li - orderel you have a a Dvspeplie Look nodl if yor Khinieys be atree.~l(teiu have a l'inchedt Ltok. ecure nd hailh a:il youv will have -orilo k 2 eetric Inites- i' the great Eltraitive atndll Toe Aets direetly on thl'~ee vital or..anS. Cures. Piaple-. iotche -. ntoil4 anel givrs a :r'od comipl-X on. ,ool at l,lbert-oni & Giblers. D)ru,tor'. .,ue. per bottle. ROBERTSON'S COEP. COUGH -: SYRUP A certain cure for Co.ighs, Colds, Astma, Croup and other diseases of te Throat and Lungs. Only 25 cts. a bottle. Manu'actute. and for sale ROBERTSON & GILDER'S .Drug Store. We are now opening u :onsisting of Dry Goods. C aishings, Hats and Shoes, nyt:ing we have ever sh( We have spared no pz stock. We know that thes( Bought at Rockb These goods we are goin SELL AT A SHOI ;han goods have ever befc market. Call and examinE you wish to purchase or show goods. Yours to pleas MINTER & JI The Leaders of $25I STOCEKof We have move< wood store here, pose to clean of stock at prices times. NO GOOIs JlRCI We propose to sli at UN-HEARD I THE Cash is wh SMITH & The "New beri BRING ON YOT BRING DN Y0hll TO BE RE In Workmanli I}Jiava EmplloUjBI a8S FOR THIS BRAN~CH 4 I HAVE A NI --OF WATCHES, J SILVER AND PL Do You Want Any Ti --IF SC Don't Take Up You --IN R UNNINC AROLiN SELNG A CLOTHING : At Unheard BLALC When Il Come Do Mark Evteryboda I MEAN Bi REMEV DURING THIS SALE Strictly foi L W.iC BRYANT & STRAT BOOKKEEWNG SHOTHAD. ELEGAPH. &. U G GOODS p our Spring Stock, lothing 'ents' Fur which will surpass >Wn. ins in selecting this goods were ottom Prices g to ITEFi PROFIT re been sold in this 3 this stock, whether not. , No trouble to IMIESON, Low Prices, I0 200DS! I our 'Green and we pro Lt the whole to suit the MO TO INY ONE NOW. .,ughter goods DF PRICES. .,t we want. WEARIN ry Clo thiers." JR CLOCKS! I JEWELRY ! |PAIRED ke Manner. KililWorKmanl )F MY BUSINESS. EWELRY, .ATED WARE. mrg in This Line, r Valuable Time D, BUJT CALL ON F. SPECIK, T.e .-eweler. [ COST ! SACRIICED -of Prices ICK'S. wn to~ the Cost r Knows that JSINESS. [BER: ALL GOODS CO the Cash. . BLALOCK. ONhOsloess[Coleg UIVILLE.KY.