OCR Interpretation

The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, April 06, 1897, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

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E. 11. AULL,, EmToa.
The annual report of the treasurer of
the town council came in just as we
were ready to go to press but we could
not get It in without missing our mails.
It m .1 appear in Friday's issuo togeth
er with a Couple ordinnices.
Tie Newberry Herald and News very
innocently copies from the New York
Sun, or at least, credits to tliat paper,
an interesting article on the subject of
South Carolilna's royal relies--the mitace
aud sword of state that are still used on
cortain occasions. That the article is
not without merit is evidenced by its
appearance In the columns of the Sun,
and again in our Newberry conteinpo
rary, but as a matter of fact, both of
those papers have been impoed on to
this extent-the article in ( tuestionl was
written for the Anderson Journal over
two months ago, and was writtun here
in out office by one of on' regular stall',
and appeared in our issue of .January
29th last. Somebody hogged that art-i
(l and doubtless got pay for it from
the New York Sui.--Anderson Jour
We beg the pardon of the .Journal.
The article was scissored from isome
paper with the credit to it. We always
try to give the proper cred it. The Joui
nal Will notiCe that in a recent issue of
The Herald and News a sketch of Jus
tice Pope was printed from its colinins
and proper credit. givei. And we in
this way make amendes for the other
omission which was not, oll error.
To the Editor of The Sunday News:
The executive commn it-tee of the State
Teachers' Associat,ion has selected I'ar
is Mountain as the place for its next
meeting. Tle date of the ieetinig will
be from Wednesday, .ne 31. tnt il Mon
day, July 5. The rates ollered are very
reasonnble and tilt attract,ivi progriti
has beenl arranged. All details will be
published later.
1. \V. TI10MSON,
Chairman of Commit,tee.
Rock 11111, April 3, 1897.
It would seem from this t hat the mat
ter has been deillitely settl'd and the
nextState Association of the tviachetrs
of South Carolina will he held at, 'aris
Mountain, neatr G rcen vi lie.
Thlis is a delightful place in which to
Spend a week or ten days an1d the thing
for the 'aris Mount-tin 1 pepoplo to do is
to aratge convenlent, atil cieap t rtans
port,attion fr-oiml Gr-eeiville to the Moui
tain and they will have a lage meet.
Ing of the tehers atld those inlterest
ed Inl e(ducttionl. We hope the mileetin1g
will be ia success.
Ihie South Carolinat 1'es Associa
tion meets in the goodly town of New
berry next month. Thiis is tile haili
wick of the I'resident, of th is august, ag
gregation, and it is rumiored that t.he
Association will he given atin vntert,ain
ment, the like of wilichl the memivlory of
Inanl runn1et,h not. to the conltra'ry, so
Creat, will be its gorgeousness in all t1he
(ietails. Brot.ler Aull is goilng to spread
himself, that, is cetU n. A good many
of us un1regenlerate mlortals have never
tasted of t1e sweets (If NOwberTN's ios
pitality, the glories of wihich a-e soon
to be revealed, and we Ihav'e great, an
tieilpations of the good thiigs in st.ote
for us-Sumter llerald.
Come along all of you, r'egenterat,e or
unregenerate. We are goitng to do the
best we can for yout. We want to see
the largest meetintg at, Newherr'y ini the
history of t.he Association. Tlhen we
are going over' to HIarris Spring where
hMr. Harris is to giv'e us a magnificent
spreaOMd oni his r'oof gar'den.
I3rother .1 acobs wants us to stop aLt
Clinton andl take lunch wiithl the or'
1p1ans1 and it will he wort.h the time of
any of uts to spend a little t.ime at this
p)lae and ob)serv'e wvh at great t.hin gs
B3rother' Jacobs is (10ing. There is not
another work eqlual to thiis in all South
Carolitna, and for t.hat matter any where.
Weo have not just, yet aringed.the r'ail
road matter in r'egard to th is stop, but,
explect t.o he ale to announce it in a
few days.
Theli ar'rangemients for the tripl to
Nashville will be compilleted int a couple
weeks and wve hope to announce the ate
tual expens8 necessar'y to take the trip.
President Aull will go this weck to
Atlanta and Nashviille for t.he pturpose
of arranging the (let-ails andI( securing
hotel rates and to look over' the field
generally. On h is return a circular wv ill
he issued giving all the iniformnation oh
tainable and to be desired.
We wvant at, least, seventy-lIve in our
Nashville part.y.
Let ever1y editor' and1( publisher make
his arrtanlgements to attetnd t-he atnnual
mcthtig in Newbertry. We will (10 t.he
best we can for you.
Nita is right. There is nteed ini this
county of sonme implrovemnent in ouri
mail service in the rural districts. The
mail that now goes from Priosp1erit.y to
Caldwell should be extendoed to Whit
mire, a distance of fifteen miles more,
and two 'or thtee morie p)ostotilCes onl t.ho
route would prtove a great conivenientce
to the p)eople in th at sectiotn of the coun
ty and then too it might he made a dai
ly mail, goitng from Prosperity to Whit
mire one day atnd back the next. The
cost wvould be very small. atnd t,he con
venience very gr'eat.
If the people of that sction desire
such an atrrangemuent we will take
pleasure in pr'epar'ing the poetition and
doing wvhat we can to get the matter'
through. ________
Mr. J. P. GIbson has so1(1 out t.he Pee
Dee Advocate at Becnnettsville and rec
tired from the newspaper' fleld.
Mr. L. J. Biri3tow hias bought the
County Record at Kingstree.
The rain and the storm fury is st,ll
unabated in the Mississippi v'alley.
We have been having a little touch
of it in this section but nothing so fat'
to be compared with the western stornms
and floods,
We regret the trouble in the St.
I'aul school and do not just sco how the
matter is to be settled through the
newspapor, and we trust our friends on
both sides of t,be controversy will not
print any more about it. Wo wish it
were so that every school in the coun
ty could run for in11e months with a
good teacher at the hcad of each.
More and better and longer toren
schools Iin the rural districts is the ed
ucational need of today. Of collages
anld higher institutions we have plenty
and especially is South Carolina top
heavy and tax heavy with such insti
tutions. We have preached this doc
trine for the past ten years. It is no
new thenc--improve aid lengthon our
conmnon schools.
It is not wise for an oltsider to in
terfere ini a fainily quarrel, but fooling
a IcuCIliar interest in this school, It
beintg the first school this writer over
attended, we venture this suggestion:
Let,all the patrons, including the trus
tees, get togetliet and employ a first
Class teacher and run the school for
nin months and not juarrel over $16
or a four months term. Supploment
tile public fuad with tuition fees. You
arel. able to do it anud you have plenty
children to make the burden light, and
if you will all got togother, trustecs
and patrons, it will be done and you
will never regret it, and then you can
all rejoice together.
St. Paul'ms School Once Moro.
We he'g I littlei more space in your
paper in reply to an article from Mr.
L. 1. lIptlig. If we were not accused
of speaking falsely In our article of
March 23rd we would drop the school
Imatter for the present at Icast, but as
we are placed in Ia false ligrht in sOveral
plaves by Mr. IKpting we will endeavor
to set ourselves right in th eyes of
those interested.
We stated that our school had only
run111 four months. Of Cou'.0 WO know
that the scholastic year begins.1 luly Ist,
and we know that we had a two months
sumlmiller school, taught by H. ). Selse
an(] he was pIaid )Id moni-y that would
have beenl used to paY t,he pliblic term
of I895-1ti had not our school been
closed onil account of measles the last
of .1lanuatly or first of Pubrulry. Mr.
I. 11. Welch heing our teacher at that
thine, therefore we still claim that our
school was-1 inl sessionl only four inonths
of t.he last, puli termq-, beginining the
la ter prlt of (k-tober andl eding the
thI of Narch01.
AS .\r. 1pting has1made so manily
assertiolns and explanations we think
he should have told why heoordered 0111
school closed lastof .1lanualry when there
was $;"5 school funds on laud? and our
t,echor did close the school and went
holie, aind t,his WHas tle begininning of
this school trouble. We objected to
closinl i the school at that time of year,
Ialid went to Suiperinltelidt. of 1.1duta
tiol to have our school continued,
whlich lie (id], ordering Mrl. E4jpting to
oIWtI tl.I school again, which le did
for a month. l-inding at,the expiiat,ioni
of the m1ontLI t,Hut, we still had a sur
)lus enough to run the school a while
lnger cal lcd a meeting of t,he pat,rons
(sent. for' ICptinig, a wr'ittn i nvit,ation)
wr'ote our' proceedings and wishos,
idaced t,hem ini the hatnds of our' level
headed ('hairmnan of Board-of Trustees,
.1 . W. WVickeir, and we don't, th Ink lhe
was diruink, as he says that, he offered
to show thiem to 01n0 of the trulstees,
hut he refuscd to see them, amnd that
1ma1y he wh y Mr i. Ept,ing dIin't see
t.hiem. We will stat.e that the Supeirin
tenduenit of ICducat,Ion advised Mr i.
I'Cptinig to r'iun the school until funds
We know as well as Mr. Epmting that,
*161.25 will not run two schools for' two
months, but, we would rather our1 school
wvold haviie gone on1 loniger thian have
paid (out $13.75 to have blacks put in
clh imeys, panles put in windo(1w sash,
etc., after winiter' wvas over' and school
'vas ouit, and if the negroes were satis
ied why not, run our school longer' for
the 51ako (of illiterate land r'entors'
childr'en. We will say her'e that Mr'.
lCptinug ients land himnself, but that has
noth11ing to do with the school subject,.
We d1on't, think he meoant that land
rentin g wats any dIsgrace, butt that
those who rent land should havo no0
v'oice in school1 matters only when01 it
comes to the elect,ion of school trus
Now, NIri. l'Cdit,or, we' thank you for
spaice giveni us, and1( wish we could have
filled it wvith more1 pleasant things, bult,
we knowv that we have been honest in
all we have saId or1 dlone ecern0'inig
our! schlool, and close by sayhi.. that if
two menOf ('an open01 or1 close a 8schoo1,
turn'l a teacher olf whenever they
pleaise, Ignore the wishes of all the pa
tronls, then we say our school law Is a
11erifc farce.
P atr'ons of St. Paul1's School.
Hth EOdein Itetins.
Mr 1. Ler'oy Wedom11an 5spont aL nighIt
anid day at Mr. A. C. Sligh's not long
Miss Hattie Clamp 18 sp)ending this
week with heri sister', Mi's. Parkorton,
In Newberr'y.
Mliss ilunter, of 1near1 P01mar1ia1, paid
a brief visit to Capt. Folk's family last
Miss Miamlo Folk, who has been 81ck
for some t,hne, we iare sorry to stato, Is
not much bletter.
Misses Mar'y andt Er'in Coicoid spent
several days not long sinc e with their
brother', Mr. Will Coflld.
Mr. Joe DominIck's little boy has
been quite ill with whooping cough.
Misses Hallie and B3onnie Hawkins
sp)ent last Sabbath with Mr. S. A. Jo
ter's family.
Mr. Johna Hendilx,.of Trinity, visited
in this vicinity a feow days ago.
March 31, '97. LOL A.
Items From Long Lane.
Mr. N. A. Carlisle was quite unfor
tunato during one of the raiy spolis in
having quite a number of his sheep
drowned in the creek near hero.
Mr. Silas Cromer and family spent a
day lately at Mr. J. W. Caldwell'&.
Mr. Charley Suber and family and
Miss Elualie paid a short visit to the
old home in this community about a
week ago.
On la-4t Saturday eveniung -Miss Mat
tic Brown, a charming young lady of
the Mt. Bethel community, attended by
Mr. JolT Brown, camo iup to visit their
cousins at Mrs. 8 A. Jetor's. We all
enjoyed their visit and hope they will
speedily renew it. "It never rains but
it pours," so at that time Misses Bon
nie and Hallie Hawkins and Messrs.
Clarence Sligh and Thomas Chandler,
of loth Eden, and Messrs. Bell Cald
well, George and IIenry Brown, Pettus
Baker, Joe Baker and Charley King all
visited us.
Two young men of the neighborhood
wont out calling rocontly. One had had
bad luck and had to call for a needle
and thread as soon as he reached the
houve, and the other's girl was so afraid
of being teased that she wouldn't comie
in. That was worse than bad luck,
don't you think so, young man?
An effort is being made to establish a
postoilice in our community. That
should have been done long ago. Why
should not Uncle Saml pr-ovide solne
conveniences in this direction for those
in the rural districts as well as so many
for our well favored townsmen. If our
legislators and con g ressmen Would just
help their country constituents a little
miore they would not so often be forced
to (eem them "country crackers."
A gentleman near here bought a
horso some tiie ago anld because .It
kicked occasionally traded it olf for a
nice looking mule und thereby certain
ly "exchanges the witch for the - --."
The mule now has all of ils feet tied
tight and fast and yet it .takes several
men to plough him. When theso kind
of animals are traded someone must get
the worst of the br-gain.
Editor Aull has cortainly proven him
self a man of unbounded generosity. To
give us such an elcegant dinner was
1mh more thanx we deserved, and then
to send us a plhotogralph of tILe stanl'
shows that Ie has for his motto, "All
that you do, do with you, might.' I
appreciate the gift, very much and a
glance ILL it brings pleasant memories.
N rr,%.
A prl-2, 1897.
When IvCear begins to exceed repair
in your hody you are going to fall sick.
The signs of it are: loss of Ilesh, pale
ness, wealkess, nervousness, etc. The
repair nCeded is food. Yoll thiik you
cat, enough, anld yet you feel that you
Wear out more tissuc, enivrgy, lerve
force, than your food makes for you.
The difliculty is t,hat you do not digest
enough. And thi s is so serious it is
wort.h sitting down seriously to thLinc
about. If you cmn't digest what you
Cat, take a few doses of Shaker Diges
tLive Co'rdial. Tihe effect of it will be
to incretse your flesh and mnatko you
feel st-ronger. You won't fall sick.
Proof that, it, is in cont.rol of your re
paIr al)paIrat8us. It's eas.y enou1gh to
test this for yourself. Take a few bot
tles of Shaker Digestive Cordial.
Sold bVd-ruggists at 10 cents to $1.Of)
pCI bott,le.
r'eceiv'in r aid1 from couinty wvh.o
ar'e outsidc of (County Hlomne are'in hebiy
not,ifIed thxat ino paty wvill he allowved for
p)auper's after' 1st of Malxy, 1897, wvho are
not. oimates of the Home.
t. it, County Supervisor.
Bank Stock.
'.., Onl tihe first Moenday, tihe 3d
daLy (If May, 1897, at public sale, five
sharnLes of the capital stock of the
Nationlal Bank (of Ncwbem'ry, blelonging
to t,ho estate of Jhane 1F. Scott, diecased.
t. 40. l'xecuxtor.
Of the CoRlilioR Of theCoinniorcial Bank
Of Nawherry, 8. C., at the Closc of
BnsiicSS lMarch 31st, 1897, Prlblishel
in COiIfornity With All Act of the Gen
cral ASScinbly,
Notes d iscounted .................. $70,943 57
Safe and otherl fixture's........2,3l0i 30
Wit,h other' flanks ............... 3,878 02
$89,105 15
Capital Stock.. .................... $4,157 00
$89,!05 15
Newberry Coxunty.
P er'sonahlly appearxed before 1m1 %. F.
Wright,, Cashier (of tile abov'o nIamued
Bamnk, who swears that. tihe above stinte
meint, is correct to t he best of h is knowl
edge anid belief.
Z. iF. WRIG HT, Cashier.
Sworn to before me this5th A pril, 1897.
J. P'. N. U.
L. Wv. F~LOYD.
andC cattle treatedi according to the
latest scientifle miethmods. Special at
tenitioni given to the treatment of dis
eases of the eye and teeth. Charges
Catn be founad at A. T. Brown's Sta
bles, Nowherry, . .
The fatuous writer aId author
will lecture in Newberry
"Just HuM"
Is what he will talk about.
Tickets will be on sale at Scholtz's
Jewelry Store.
f&t. td.
Notice to Overseers.
roads are hereby notilled to calt
out the hands on their roads and put
their respective roads in gooi conditlton
and make report to the County Super
visor by May Ist, 1897. Also report
tools on1) hand and in (lcliody of each
overseer. JNO. 4M. SCH UM PIRT,
Super visor.
March 80, 1897.
Notice of Final Settle
ment and Discharge.
.L that I will make a final settle
ment, oi the estate of Eliz,L Coleman,
deceased, in the Probate Court for New
berry Conity, S. C., on Miday, tlia
3d (lay of May, 1897, at 11 o'clock a. Ill.,
and will Immediately thereafter apply
for letters disiissory as executor of
saidl estate. All .persons hold(1 ig cla ims
against maid estate will rendl, r the saie
duly attested, and those indebted will
make payment on or before Hald(l date
to the undersigned.
M,rch 80, 1897. t.
Notice of Final Settlement
and Discharme.
t.hat.I will make a final settle
ient on the KCstate of F'. N. Calines,
deceased, in the Probate Coulrt for
Newberry County, S. C., on ionday,
the 26th day of April, 1897, at It o'elock
a. Im., and will imtinediately thereafter
apply for letters disiissory as rir
istratrix of said estate. All persons
having claimis against the said estate
will.ren(1e the siaie duly attested, and
those indebted will make payieIt on
or before that (late.
Adin illistlat.ix.
March N6th, 1897. t. o U.
Notice of Final Settlement
and Discharae.
N OTIC1 JS 1- 110,I Y G1I V EN
that I will Make It fiid st,tle
menti, in the 1Probale Court for New
herry County on the E4 state of Thos.
T. C. Huter111101, develtsd, oil WednesdIay,
the 14th day of April, 1897, at, 11
o'clock ia. Iml., ald will immediately
thereafter apply for let.ters d isilissory
ats Adliiitratorl of the said 11state.
All persons holding claiis againlst
said Estate will present thei, and all
persons indebted to said Estate will
make paymient, to the undersigned on
or before said dat e.
.1 URI All F'. 1t INTER,
March 11, 1897. f. 5t,
one in Newberry and SouthI
Carolina protection from fire, wvind and
iigh)tninug. The H-omec M utuatl is not
Only ale but ready to do this. Get
your protecetion at coist and( let's keep
our money at home. Call oni Ni. A.
Carlisle, Erg , Tlhos. Cook, or M. J.
Scott and( see' if we can't (10 what we
say. T HS. F. H A RMON,
f.&t.3t General , gent.
Of the colItionI of tihe NowFl'l'y Savigs
Bank of Newber'ry, 8. U., at the close
of liusitess March 31stel189, imiliishedi
ii noility with all Act of the
General ASSembihly,
Loans......................*100,725 2(1
Safe and( vault fixtures ........I ,300 00
Dueit fromt baniks ........... ... 3,083 58
Over d rafis..... ................. 39 28
Cash................ ............ 10,8910 74I
$116,038 86
Capit al stock.................$ 50,000 (00
Unidivided p)roiits less ex..
penses0 1aid...................(,503 04
ividends unpaid............. 1.18 50
D)eposits..................... 59,387 32
$1161,038 8(6
I~esoialyNewhberry County.
Pro alapeared( beofore me, J1. E.
Norwood, Cashier of the above namied
hank, who swears t,hat the ablove state
ment is c!orrect to the best of h is knowl
edge and belief.
Swvorn to before me this the lst day or
[L. S.] A pril, 189)7.
N. I'. for S. (;.
Correct Attest:
JAMIe K.I Gur,mEn.
Don't buy
until you get
our pn ces,
t&t. tf.
-We arT 110w opeling uF
our Sprilng Stock'of.
Gents Furnishings,
Hats and
Dress Goods.
While in the northern mar.
ket I picked up som
and I vill be able to sell you
a great many gocds for less
than cost of manuflacturing,
It has always been my ambi.
tion to be able to sell you
goods cheaper than any one
else, and the constant increase
in our business is sufficient
evidence that w,e have 'suc
ceeded in the past, and I
know that our
SprinG Stock
will far surpass anything we
have ever shown in the past.
We mos,t cordially invite you
to call and examine our stock
and pr-ics.
Res pec t fully,
Spring is coming on
Is on hand(, readly wvith the nob..
b)iest and( n)icest andl( neatest line
of Clothing and Gents' Furnish
ings over exhibited in this market.
No 01(d stock to be run off at and
belowv cost, but our goods are new
and fresh and are marked close,
and our miotto is short profits and
quick sales. Our
is suIperb, and1( canf scarce b0 ex..
celled. TIhe latest in everything
and strictly up~ to date. No
trouble to show you what we have.
Call and examine for your owvn
satisfaction, anid if our goods and
prices don't conIvinIC you that we
are the peoll to sell you
-Hats and
andl overything in our line, wvhy
then you don't knowv a good thing
wvhen yon see it.
Yours to please,
I have just r ceived a beauti
line of Mattin at from IO.to 3
per yard. C l in and exami
quality and get price.
I have also several 9h-+
of Matting from 2 to 16
lengths at about half price to cl
Complete stock of Furniture.
Call in and look over my line.
Yours respectfully,
Harris Lithia Carbonated
W r
If takell after cach ly81 Km il Ciia the Worst Case of loi8ostion.
Read what the eminont Dr. Devaga, of Chester, S. C., has to ay of the
I have used Harris Lithia Water with the nost excellent results where
I havo been able to get my patrons to drink ia stiicieint (uilntity daily.
Tho carbonated has no v(eqil in gastric disturbiaces. It is an excellent
table water. It is a pleasant, laxitivo and is a suro curo for Flatulent
Dyspopsia. . M. DEVAGA, M. D.
Thiq water is for salo in Newberry at Robertson & Gilder's, S. B.
Jones' andi(l W. E. Pelham's.
Harris Lithia Springs I lotel will bo open at the boginning of the season.
For rates and other inform111ationl write
Harris Lithia Water Co.,
Put a Smile On .
- - :o; ---
We know what it takes to please, and we
have placed just such things here for your
inspection, and the beauty and eleganice will
eclipse anything you can find elsewhere.
Your' Easter dress shold be selected here,
Fine Whiskeys, Wines and Beer
Send in Your Order.
Particular Attention Paid to Mail Orders
D .. O."E O-m
Cor ," ota e o t~ , S i , (i 1 t i and F ertilizer M ill o uti ; alo G in,
M il4l I Brigt FietoJy, F r ae and Railroad Castings; Railroad,
JIe-t .g r~ eia, lijco', Lj~ Fittings, sawa, FIles, Oilers, et c.
I I-Abore Passengiept UG8T- $t4.

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