OCR Interpretation

The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, May 03, 1898, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067777/1898-05-03/ed-1/seq-3/

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Generyal Ita.icIng 'I hIroughouIIt ihn. Un ited
8ta1tes at i)ewe.y's vlctol y.
(Special to Herald and News.)
Key West, May 2, 4.57 p. m.-Two
hundrod and niliety Cubans enlisted for
Invaion Cuba.
Senator Priehard secured Nantiicket
for ii nayal reserve. . It had been in
tended to be manned with reserves for
defenco ports.
I1151i-gugL1-s UnCOUraged by Atmerica,n
victory fiercely attacking l ni Ila.
Balfour has announced to House of
Commons that Spanish 11cot has boon
destroyed. Kooster.
Oillo!al advices to British Colonial
(111co confirmi reports of American vic
tory afier conquering tcot.
Dewey demanded surrendor of forts
to torpedo and cable through 3ritish
Consul. This was refused and Dowey
gave notice of bombardment today.
Spaniards cut cable to Zlanilla. British
ad vices are that Spanish [loot was anni
hilated. Kocster.
Colambia, S. C., May 2, 7.25 p. in.
Nishvillo and Montgomery captured
Spanish steamer with mails to army;
and General and 28 ollicers aboard.
Nine Spanish gunboits attempted res
cuo but woro repulsed. Koester.
War emergency bill passed.
Ca'ble communication with Manilla
Madrid papers say Sunday Wats I sad
day, but i glorious day for Spain. One
American warship disablediin battle.
Spanish ipers express determina
tion to avenge Manilla disastel.
Spanish Government advises to per
General rejoicing Li Washington and
th roughout country at Dewey's victory.
Spiin shows no sign of weaceliig.
Iluckien's Arniei SlIve'.
The best Salve In the world for Cuts,
Bruses. Sores, Ulcers, Sait. 1Uhutu,
V('vei Sores,. Teitr, ti)pd Iandi,
ChilblaiU1s, Corns, and lAll Skinl Erptip
tions, and posilivly enres Pile,s or no
ply required. It is gilarantee<l to five
perfeet atlisfaction or money refuidled.
Price 25 cents per box. Por saie by
.Atobe'rtso &,Uilr and \V. . Pelhim.
Tho'po Uan,.
'he Photos ogfered wero won by
Harry Dominick being first to s,m-d in
'answer to Cit Problem wli ich wiva five.
iI. S. IPI IIro Co.
Photographs for: 25 vetni t '. Teat on
liussells lot nea' i UleaseC tcaeI, I
11nne to 114-nt.
Pivo Room Cottage Oil Caldwell
Street. Apply to T. Q. Boozer. 3t
Thf Imliorni (if 11hn South "Will ..sonmbla
at, Ni wh'y Next. Wediemlay.
The UnUitet Synod in tihe South Will
c )nvOb in Newborry next Wednesday,
May 1lI th, at 3 o'elook in the afterinon.
We will publish either. inl Fviday's or
Toesday's paper the list of delecgates
and the homes at which they will be
iJThis body inicludes tihe severa'il dis
trict synodls ini the South and will num
.b2r about, 75 deletratecs.
T1he dlelegLates of t,he North Carolina
~Synod have juist heen) elected and their
naLmes have niot yet, been received.
T1he UoardA of Al issions will ailso meet
hereii' next Tuesday, May .10th, .'1 p. m.
.A torpidl liver iobs you ol' awilton andl
ltIiiers (linse t.l .i lie, CUrL'. counsti, at,ion
ain ' ll stomic i nyer 11( l''( troubles. W. E.
Leav"eli & Spears o!fer t,heir entire
l ine of Furniure,&c., ait actuaLl cost for
ensh. f&t Im.
Leavell & Spears offer' the'ir entire
line of Furn iture,.' &c. , at actual11 cost for
*er:s.. f&t I
To ( uro n 'oni4 in (Ino liay.
TakLIe LaLxative UrIomoi( Qiin Tab-O 111
'lets. Alti Druggists~ refundi the money
if it fails to cure. 25c. f&t,hm
L.eook! A Stitcht in TLI in,
davo"s n ine. Htugh e.' Tonic (newv im
prioved, talst.e p)Clasant) takien ini eaLrly
Sprinig andiC Ill pre)Cvent s ChIitlis, I)en.
ueI1 anid AfailaiaLl Fe vers. A Its oni the
liverC1, tones up I the system).. 'tterI thani
-qulininei. (Gurante.'d, try', it:. AL
d rugglsts. 500O. an 1( ~I.001 hot tieIs. tIh
MilIaa Th'yrai Sebumploj.et (ei', thmo 'ihimblne.
.Auliss Un~dger, the teacheri of elocuitioni
at the Prospby t.l'ian College for Women,
gave her'P1 puis and ai fewi fiends a
coOgrap)hical evening on "rliay. Th'Ie
young lady who sotlvedi mlost, i.>uzzles was
Ai ss SwiltzerI, aind to her1 was aiward(edl
a prt.t.y fani to (coo) the aridol's oif her
A cnke wias 1 ut c'onltainling Ia thimble,
a ring aLnd La penny. Aliss Schnmperi)0it
showed she wouldh he a busy bee0; Altiss
(Cantey will some1 day light lher' trot.h,
antd Aisa Lumiiplkin will b)e ih), Land
theeforni happy.
*The above is from tile C.otlmbiai
State of S;unday1. 'The1 Miss Sbhumperoit.
melnt.ion ed is liss Tbhyra Sc hnm))1port,
daugI..htor of (col. and11 Alis. (O. L . Sebum-nI
poirt , of Newhery
(I,IIrm-,n like II, if Faves iheir li's. We'
mnn one M% lim.e Congh Our'o, I c InfiIbI ('
re'tIIedy ~ fori couh1'It co'i?1. 4con p, broncthuii.
Snuess-W1orl IhI Hnwing-.
401 yearsb' success in tho South, prlo~os
I fughes' TJoulo at grieat L'emedy for'
<'hiIlls and all Miialairial I'elver1s. no~t.ter
than o 11 Quinin. Gu iaran teedl, trv' it,. A I
DenIIggisit. 5'00t. andit $1.00 biottles. toln
Hayiing bough iit the Dair'y mil1k (cOWs
I (0i'er i.h('m for sa10 lIe ep. They are'
if y'ou wanlt 1b11rgaLina. now call on
ILavell & Spears' Offer thlelr entire
11n0 of Furniure, &c., att atiuatil ctXt for'
-cash.f&.t un.
Mr. Carl Hensou is on a visit to bim
brothers in Helena.
Mrs. Iiallio Grenoker and little soin
are visiting in Helena.
Miss Nellie Coats has returne<d from
a visit to Dliss Dell Dennis.
Col. Gee. Johnstone is in S, a t alburkg
this wCC attending court.
Mr. William Zoble, of Charleston, is
visiting his mother, Mrs. Zoble.
mi8s uizzio nlatos of litesbu-rg is
visiting her sister Mirs. W. T. Tar
Col. C. L. lfleaso wont ov-r to
Sah1la yesterday afternoon to attenlid
Mr-s. .. W. White and children left
yesterday to visit her pIuent.s in li:al
l .Iis tiiie I(gin has retu l froi
Moscow, Anderson Cointy, where she
hats been teachitig school.
Mr. Will Colts, of VaNghauvill. an.
Mr. Gus Coats, of Cross Hill, visited
Mrs. Kaute Coats last week.
Mr. 1. M. Aull, 2nd lientenwnt of
the Newberry Guards came hoie fromi
Auton to v.oluIiteer. withl his colipanY
for the Spanish wiar-.
Threre will be ia pici at, Mr. )an
Werts Spring n Saturday, ay7.
The iublic is invited to come and bring
well filled baskets.
The U. S. Photo Co. oil Main street,
in the R1usselI lot has taken some ex
cellent photograp>hs aniid the prices are
reasonable. Call andl([ have your pic
ure "took.'
'[he "Old Iloss" salo by the Southern
Express Coinpany yesterday Was well
attded land very anmsing. It, was
buying the eat in the bag. PCoplC like
to take chances.
Mr. v. 11. 11un1iter, who has Clisted
and left. today for the war, requests us
to say Ihat the pu 'C veget able soap he
has been handlin-(r, is still on sale at his
mothei''s residee.
Several ladies at tended tho iecting
of the Newberry Guardis at their ari
moiry last nigt. 'I'hore will be a lare
well Ieeting there to<ily at one o'clock
prior to tle depiv:'t of thie boys oil
the 2 p. i. train.
Tle news from the war is the absorb
ing topit. oil all sides the'se (dILys. 'Th e
Hlerald anid News lum been comlpli
inented by it'S contry subscriers on
thlie fu! p-to-date epots it has been
publishing an(i is p)i-iblng twice a
Clyde, the son of Miv. IIby ). Shock
1loy, while ridin- on a b icycle Ieside
his fathers, wigoln, which had a load of
1innber of about, th roe hmn1lreod feet,
fell and ho front, wheel ran ever, Iiis
bavk. It 1iit not injure hi imli . lie
got. on his wheel alil rodu back loie.
Clork Gibon los Ic'eivod a cheek
for 2121.2o for the liensioner's of Lhis
COnIt,y. The Ikrald anid News has
heretofore published the Ii.sO. In elass
I there ar0 e 1 7 11- t)W get L18.-10 each. Ill
class C No. 2 the1re airv05 wla getu. ..
80 each. In class C No. 4 jlther'e ate 8.
who get 3 each. The clerk is n -w
r'entl y to i sse l ceek s to I ho cse ont itIed
to pension.
'L*iii:lW'.c cciii()ie ("gggel.
plierd viith evily tcn uncs poisible f'or Its
r'ehuf. It. is with Iit'en?:urec we publish
the fol'lowi'ng: --Phis is to erti ify t n1
I wa's a territ,!' s'tllerere frorin Yelluow
.Jameiilice for otveri six iui,n:ths, -aid was
trecuatet by s iin' of thle test phy.siela ns
in on:' eil :u di tc nio avil. Dr:. 0,v11,
ouri drac)ggi t, r'ecoii oetdledl Fi'.ti
litters; andt caft r itking two bmottles J
wats eli!rlrly enre''l. I ic>w take greci:
plensou:e ini ieico:itneind ing I bygg t o cmv
plersoni suiing~ from 1a thi.' trlilih
imahily. I cami eriatet ly yurs.
Sold by d->t-er'sam & hlIder ad Wt. it.
Mi'. Ed'uardt c Schlolt z who ylauts moved
hi is d1owelriy Storc to) :.hi s;tor'o on
Maiin strei.et, r'ecenitly' occupjie'd by
R. C. Williamus as a fur initur1Ie stor'e.
Wjill hav atmoI gra id open1in1g oni Many
>lih. And1 invites all his fienids to
visit his New StorUo on t hat day.
Thie Stor' will be boautifully lighited
wvith clhoetu'icit y and will be kept openi
until .t0 'clock( at night.
If so, buiy thto "1h10 lhlion"'
bratindl. Th i iS an ii excel lnt brandl (
oif MiIoca andi Jatva, and1( wmill go~( tiire
ats fart as ceapl offe..
If' y~ou will oly liry this branid y'ou
will (ii t uiing chea andIittl110'C poo coe.
Ini it you will Iincd both Iinaluity and
8. 11. JON E.S, Solo Agent.
Leravell & Spearsi.'f olTe'r thiri entir'e
line of 'urniiture, &e., at, acinal c'i.4 for'
e.ash. f&t imi.
1,.eave' 1 ears101( oflTer thle ir en tir:e
line oh'f' utitu'r ,k., ait netntal cost foi'
It, wavs a t'o gh thalit. eatreid'him: oil'
It, wavts ai colin iiIhey carr'iiedl him off' in.
ft S i unneO(cessarr'v. \Vmi have t-ave'd
thie J'v<-is ofj hunitdr'ds and will !nave
yours for 25 cents. Oturi Compound
Cough Syru'p seldom failsto givo im -
one bot tI, andc you1 wmill give up [ the(
biaick basiniess. Mafcnufaciired and1(
for saule at Rober'tson & (.1ildet 's
Dru'g Storlo.
L eavell ~& S4peer's -olfer' thei r enitire
1l(ne of I"urit uriie, &'c., at. atcta cost, for
cash. f.t im.
St. Ltikep.
The St. Lukc's school will close Sat
trday, May 7th, with an exhibition and
pieielic. The following is the programi:
Greeting song by school.
Dialogue: Tho opening address
Fl-'vrest, ledenbaugh, Morris Hawkine,
Willic 13 donbaugh.
iery iNylp-43y the twenty little
girls and boys who started to sulhool
thits session.
Crowning the Queen of May-Queen
of Nlay, Miss Essic Alay Moore; Misses
01 t Schun p rt, Mollic WI i man, Mary
Minick, Illin Hawkins and Messrs.
l'orrest Hedenbaugh. Morris Hawkinu,
\WilliO edenbaugh, IUnest G0ibsn,
Glussio llawkins and Misses Sula Boo.
er, Cora Boozer, Gertrude Merchant
Sula Taylor.
laby Gone to Schoc-1--NIamic Lee
Some t.hings I have learned the first
yeil it, school-Clatra Gibson.
Do your best-Arthiur Boozer.
Orat.onl-Ideals 'r. xvillie Beden
Starting young--Sammie Merchant.
A fellow must begin--Marion Boozer.
Who mad the slcech, Dolly or I?
Daisy Nichols.
Asleep at the Switch --Miss Elle
MIy 11rSIt, seChI--lEthel Howrt s.
Speaking for a eake--Ruby Lee Tay
Om. I'residevnts in rhyme-Ja ties
Mloion solg--Slall girls and boys.
Nows-Sula IHipp, Lizzie Hawkins.
Kate \hitmnin, MIiinie hoozer.
Aloving titII-J.tla Taylor.
'lhe P-t-A, : .Hteh oi maid--Miss Mlary
Mlinick, .\ i'l. lt-ris I bawkins.
The hand titt rocks (he wold-Er
nest. ( ijhr-on.
Which flowleI. wuld yoi rather I)!?
I..'ie Niclio!-. Dottie isy Mlerehant.
lillie NI(reh:nat .jatice Viola Dlennis,
Do liel-visi. ins. (Mor- tts .\lo ris,
Le 1Ran kin.
The little girls best. fri-d --Ola Mor
ris; the little boy's hest, friend-Pope
Y torris.
The wreck of t,he Hesperus-Willie
Cuba Libre- iss Nolli Whitman.
*-o by school.
Good afterfnoon-Olitn Pellers.
II ow do yoiu do?-l iayno NI orris.
The farmer--'atrick loore.
Our second year alt school- --H1al11man
1LIedenbuRgh, 'ranniO ledenbaugh,
0li1n F;ei , .\rthur lipi p, Liena
loore, reia oiorvis, 'opo Morris.
The charmed life--liss Mary Alin
i ck.
Oration: Shall our engle spread his
wings over inmore stars?-Alr. MIorris
ia w ki !ns.
'I he stu'-Bessio N ichols.
LA wfii-Clft'ord Roozer.
The lovers' Ia~ting -.\Ir. W- illri d
enbhaughi, N lias .\lollie Whittmani.
Good aidv ice ini song-Ni isses E.llie
Ilawkins, Sula ii ipp, Lizz,ie Ilanwkins,
Kate VI Wi tmi., Ai nitie B3oozer.
T1he kc intds of Katcs-Mliss Cora 13ooz.
\Vou. ided atnid waiting-Miss Ohla
Th'ie dyintg youtg sold ietr, st)inebodly's
N\ever saty faih---liennie Smith.
i' nt ot afraidi toi IJspeakh-.1 ohnn itic
P'oit . lit tie rosebud s-Daisy Nichls,
ressie Nichols, Enla Taylor.,N antic
Leo 'Tylrt.
I tittle withi a hent-Kn tott.s Niortis.
'I The i-ainb ow-LIt Heleo S3heatly,
I 'earl I tOZer, Suilta Hoozer, Gerttutde
NI eriltant, NIlary Enlowi, El len NJlorris,
NI. TI. Conntiel'v.
H~e Ipolite-''Thomptson Etnlow.
Wichi onte wais hepJt- -Eloise C~on nel
Tligt ltmes-W\Vill iaim L'ellers.
'l'abhleau. *t
Cur tfewi shtall itot rintg t.ontight t--NIiss
Sutla Tatylot.
'Th?e "I)b antd te Y'ankee" otn the
"Cubant Xi \Vr-.\ NItta (Connel ly, "otrtest
.\I turtn-- I ndlIey'N \ titre.
V'taatiotn tiimoe -.lhnnie WItitman,.
(Goodbye--l izi Ifains,
'l'hte exercises wvill bte i nteirspeirsed
iil.h i nsttru men tal music by*~ NI . .J . S.
.\ tlrritind other on' ttviol it aitInI his.
Willie lHoozor on rgtan. atnd by inustroi
mtentail anid vocail minsie by a chtoit of
I-lie older scholaris.
TIhere may13 be an todditss or two on
The111) pbic~ is iinvited.
Tlhet exercises will Ibtg in at 10. 30.
100t Iliearet (tOo.
'The ren,ti ts of t his patrtii w i b eeiesel to
tOar-t ihnt. Ithere tle at tea-t o e <treatiteci (I is.
ense tha lt l nce hatt he i ii' bl tio'. le ti al
its ttin,i1 at t at ) lii t-alarr ii. I in i're Cytrr
Un si hlu te,1 iinly toitve tre- knwtoei thue
e<Mit ate rn yicatu rr ttd-ttg hibeing ta econle
tt iiinalVi jehs ets , tre u ity n ttee,tn eltiinal
j-it ierent. 'inP I Ct arrh Cit re -it .4Ilke in
ti un'y,netng<1 r ( ily t\Ipon ihe btii- , nr.I
inuetusitir'fnto the sne. n hrcyee
i roin ta niti t oot, iteen r(,oanr
tiv.n 0. heKletitrt'r. il y ake.tn up 1h
Itst'cQlr t oerl thoatr old. e'eroney linn
yen ort its o rimon.'in Arbiren bl
U iylt i iyou g't ord7rc. SLsato
g tir's l''n . t. iia e h et
'tihey Leava'a'odIy for Columbia to 6>a Mtts.
tered I lito 1th United tatts Aruyl
The Newberry Guards go to Columbia
today tinder the call of the Governor for
volunteers. We hate to see the boys go,
but we admire the spirit which moves
thent and cotutend then for their patri
otisi attd valor. Under the resolution
adopted sonle time ago they could not do
less than respond to the call of the Gov
Captain Ltgford will imake a good of
ficer. iIe had four years .raining at the
Citadel and the boys have confidence in
hii and they are iade of the stuff to up
ht >d his hands i u I stick We expect to
hear good reports frot the Newberry
The other oflicers are good and cotmpe
teat men and while most of the entire
comupany is of young men they are the
kind who make good soldiers.
We give below the roll which shows 8o
nen all told but there are several others
who will join thetn at Colitubia and we
think a suflicient intber to iake their
comipany complete.
11. M. Aull as 2d lieuteniant has re
signed and his place will be filled after
they reach Columbia.
The other corporals will also be elected
in Colmbia.
Our best wishes go with the boys and
we hope they imay all be safely returned
to Is.
Captain--W. S. Langford,
ist Lieutemantit---R. It. Wearn.
2d1 Lieutenant-Il. M. Aull.
ist Sergeant--T. 1-1. Pope.
2d Sergeant--J. G. Daniels.
3d Sergeant-T. 0. Stewart, Jr.
4ith Sergeant-P. 1). Mower.
1st Corporal-James Renwick.
Quartermaster-G. G. Jones.
DIr-1t1ner---W. II. Hunter.
J. T. Coleman.
W. 1. ITuiett.
Robe- I Cochrell.
R.: S. Spearnain.
V. S. Matthews.
J. E. Renwick.
.\. Schun11pert.
J. W. Danliels.
Robert Norris.
J. 0. Cassidy.
T. WY. Swindler.
R. L. Roberts.
W. C. Reeder.
J. I. Dreher.
Geo. Mloore.
W. 1H. Mats.
A. J. Kilgore.
W. W. Prather.
P. M\ Biradburn-1.
W. T. Livingston.
W. C. lipp.
L. S. Lovelace.
Luther Strickland.
V. V. Peascall.
J. S. Denson.
J. P. Outz.
J. A. Livingston.
Jolm Mayer Kinard.
Edlwatrd Corhe v.
S. M. XWard.
P. XW. L,orick.
Charlie Martin.
XV. TV. Glenn.
IIlermnan Aull.
XW. 11. XWise.
S. L4. Price.
*J. D). Chapmian.
J. Bison.
XW. B. XWallace.
Mi. A. XWallace.
D)uncamt Johnston.
Thomtas Sphiele.
WV. XX. JIolt.
David Mittle.
J. 0. Glenn.
C. C. Stuart.
WV. XW. Fartror.
J. C. Reede'r.
R. Shackelford.
Ah bb lilkelv.
J. Miadden.
Geo. it. Cook .
F. K.. Slopp.
G. F. XWearn.
F. S. Smith.
I. C. Ilutchison.
XW. Thlompsoni.
J. J. Tiller.
A. J. Cook.
J. J. Taylor.
J. WV. Nelson.
Walter Adams.
J. L. Irownl.
A. TV. Coletan.
TI. S. Mitchell.
XW. P. Y'arboroghm.
R. J. Fuller.
Joe Cock rell.
Misses lIessie Gilder and Mlaude Fatt
presenited the Newherry CGuards with a
b asket of beauttiful flowers this umorniiing
andi( tihe)' atsk to ret urn their thank s and
appreciat ion for the remiembllrane,.
1iseovers t by it womaniti.
Antot her great discovery hans b:;en
rtnmdo, and( t hat, too, by a lady In t his
(coutry 3. "D lisase Iastenied Its elnlebex
up' ia her anid for sevent yeamt site with-t
Sto itasI s,eerest tests, bt her v italt
Iorgan is were tiltderined ta nd tit deathi
seritimuili itninetn t. For thre moniWIithis
I-heIt coutghted inc'essattlyt13, '.tid c~ouihi not
steelp. SIte litfinlIy diIsc overedi ai way to
reove'ry, bty i purchaab,Ig of us ait itle
(of Dr. In g'si New Discovery for C m
811:11p!ion, anid wams so) muchel relieved
oni tal tng fi (dos', that, site siepit. ll
nhitI.it; aind itil t wit bottles lias ben
abtsoltely(13 cuired. 11er namet O t iI Mrs
I.uther Luitz. Thlus wrItes WV. C. Hnt
hick & C'o., of 8helu.y, N. C. Trial
hot t'nsi free aln. R ,berl~tt & iler's
and( Plhamtiii 'I )rutg Store.
R'.gmir size 50ath and 1.00. Every bot -
A t onico, 10,000) pounds of dry ides.
11lIghesnt mtarket, pico patid.
Ixcelsior Ctchbings.
VO will h1aVe plenty of fruit in thii,
ect,ion If not killed later on.
Good mtalny of our fariers have lin
ished plaiting cotton. Cotton coming
u1p nicely and w ill soon be ready for
work. The stand of cornl is poor.
Our echool elosed Friday afternoon
for vacation. Otr solool has hld a
full attenlditteo a a tlongt.
Mir.. T1'. L. Wheeltr has put up a nice
Iron fcinlIIg tlu-Iudl the bIrying grouuI
necar. is residtlico. 'The feicing is
n0ice and pre4I.- a 1IVt-y IpeaanIce.
Tle war talk coiilnues to go onl ancd
80eems8 to get t ne. We hope and
prNy our eI)ople w i not, huve to g-o to
Witl' its the thiles don't call for it. A way
with war and give n.; ptece.
Prof. .1. S. WVnelir has receivod t.ho
Ice pictties of ou .e hool. The pie
tlures are Very plail anti show up well
with tetcher. aild ahout fort.y ppils in
a giroup.
Was Sorry to leatui of the dealth of
Uncle Geore Counts (.f St. I l'ails s
tion. Wo h"ve inlown I'nle (.,(-oIge
ever since wI wIt a wee lit t-e hoy and
he always had :t i d \-ord for every
body und : . wilin and revadl to
lend a helinI han to all. I ntied
Uncle Gcorg'. ' a good nan aml hc
Will be m1issCd in Ihe Itui1. in tihe c0m1
muniity and in thI' chiurch. l'vne to
hIs lishes.
t wm-01 Notem.
W e ltie hi*\ \ti'v bealtifill w 1eat h
er litIIIr( ent.
Grain ( eops :uaroo : very lilvo.
Thre i.as a lil N! frost, this uiorniing'.
IL'trIs are lind with their p1hut1 -
Iinff, bUt. :1r,0 i x It al o;; ey nlivoly.
We hir.d thle pih-a-tirue ijt'aztt uli n;Iut the
pienic at. Ver'0a oin April 12. 'lI Th x
eveises wore Vey V f-o0d. Newhry was
Well reprosonledl.
Mrt. L,awl-vncv Sen1e44 :u1! 'di s F.1annio
111un110r Wer-0 m:a'VicI h1, , Thiu Istlay a lt
the pastor's 1umo, I:ev. C 1'. 1 1h,i'.
AIr. I '. W . s;i y a n ItuIl Ivife a td t itt Ih
family, of I exington, rcenthy.
Mir. Ambhro-4e W cigr and N Ii sse(.:
Agness at I eatIce l''uI.r tmil Min
lliv W ssit t_,r, vksilcd \Mr. NI-ah P-'il
m1e's1 ftuni;y, of S-alida. recent y
April 21.
rs. l-l n W e- t wif io .\aj. -:. I '.
West, of Salnla 'oai y. diaul \v.-,in-s
ity, April 27th. lit,' in .-, wii,
bIIuIed at, Corinth chiul-cb.
Jacob S. Wilis, of Sal Ila I'onI v.
died WV -<Invsday* . .\pril :;dh. 1t hli,
hoime inl that. counity, in the 1: ih yer:
of his n.it . lie l v ' s a wift-:ui1l t l v
veIi lId ren.
l .ir 'uontil of \pil iIs as lollvow :
Mean teinperat.ui-', 55. maxIINinm
t.lmliriture, S2-dat li minimum
tempeaturie, 27--dlate 7: total pr-t ipi
tatiOni ..3.' inches: total snoewfitl,
spriiklc; no. days clear. 9: I1:u-11 lv
'loutdy', i); cloudy, 12: ctides of ro-st,
Si ght., hI, 12, 15, 21, 2'i; k ill ing, :!, :t, 7, 8
28: dates of hail, I-I: t.hnner, stoiems,
10, 14, 19,2:1, 21, 21i: hrevailin.A wvimt,
nort.h. liemauirks. Soil and :l front
killed beans al Irish lotto:L~ 1th
lprinledu .snowv: 14 th1 h ailed: I19, 2.8. 21,
26, tbonder clouds.
Volul ntary (obnirver.
The It euo r iof Wi i-ddhi an
Is in tho air*. Thoso w~ho I 'vie
beeni so forttuatou as to h a ve receedc
atn invitation shaonHl show thletillu
pr1ec' iaion01 by senlding a gilI sneh a:s
(Cut Glass, .'?ncyv Cinaiz or a Illand.
somo1 Liup. Either of tinesi tri
clos, they cani haty verIy chlay t.~
Other' Things
Teear'e lots of ! ingsi in
con)talin jewelIs
L otst of smllil arti-t ic at ticks
suiitabhle for XNus1 pre(senits
u tat you w~oul nevert i hink
Wev have't IiIa eau til I line of
pleasan'tl hourit I ini I h in
nr lothml at our I'sI ock 11n<( buyP~
wVhn you get r''ndy.
ED)UA 111) S(UllI LTZ,I'
sigil a , ii )ui'i
C'onve'y a su .rn1'i tat ceta in tiil
ned'( at tcention. There ist-I1) anything
-4arstipairillIa (Ctopiund. -Noth bing
carc efitilyI cind oft the I si drutgs, lile
ovoryth ini g tha t we ina Ikc, atndl we gi
yo0 1 a bigger bou114 llta yot usuallyei 11
get andi chariige but, 7le foir it.
nentigi-te- nO the,.o. ii.
that it makes but little
difference, how the
merchants quote Low
Prices, in their adver
tiscments. That you
can always get the
same quality of goods
"6A iTTL.1-i LESS,"1
at A. C. JONES' Ca3h
Di-y Goods Store.
Tho fact is a Cn,h Storo, h1as be.
VOM' a ii't y inl Nowbvrry. A1
1110r*011n1t., who ch1111-goanhi,
havo to adhI 114r(dtolii profit, to eove
Ohe lossvs ctdiinl I( come inl the CIrV
diit hu ind n ll oseo AIly cex-h
are-( gutting" tirlvd of palyin", thosc
l 1- 11, t1u w t hey kn :, th:t thii .n
.0 les lilt' tI skOll t.1wil
Dry Goods, Dvrs Goods,
Notion)!, rlAcrwear., S h l!P nt1
U1mb1l h-, \ Valk v.i 1"te, I a ,itth,
L.-s 11han1 11hoy (.:Il bliy at1an filhlr
CS41or M1w,1 pe1*hS,ec nid
cases of' \Ien's, I,mliies', 'ili.,S, H atI
iCh IVr' I . . s I ' r S lls 1 f N w v
Matting uli if L birg (if ol n's
Nio 1",nw; tt a 1."Wo 11.111 than)1o
will ih1d th ktb whlt'l. \\hvin
yout have 1a Ything" to b-1Y inl O)ro.-;'s
mods;, Notiolns or Sh.4,-gt it atl
lnY Slir' nl." mi :- h..wv 1mch I , E-sS'
it t4oA iz. t n Y"'l havo beenl paI. iI n:.
(g0 n- d c 1,see! 15. Mfen,
Yke People's Staro.
NowbwriY, S. C , A pril 111, 1.
Shall be our motto this
season. We are in a
position to give both.
Our buyers have just
returned from New
Y'ork, the center of
fashion for this coun
try, and are now
ready to talk to you
about the things that
boyin( e ciaes
- narbali n the e-tCn
ny n lrge e jtla t
it iV.
\\a hre fulo cn (nml ii ver
ospricesoonk. wigvewanmlt
tou. o hm oyu
\\'i will o a y upca atin
t ioi ahs fany houswe cno. l
Y\npieourse inetringr,
libl gos n v r!n [venOu
like every other crop, needs
A fertilizer containing nitro.
gen, phosphoric acid, and not
less than 3, (If actual
.ill increase the crop and im.
d;' tell all ahout the subject. They
.)t any farmer.
92 Naisa- St., New Yor j
All sizem ald prices--fromn the
very bst to the cholpot. I have
The Victor at $50.
Thero is no Bicyclo that is bot
ter thaln the Victor. I 11180 have
di' faiois \Viverly, a $10()
vhe, for l'. Oh, yes ! And
I hinvo thi Crawford at pricea
fiot i t%. $20. Cottio tind
look lit. Imy wheliels beforo you1
;IIy. I keep 2.11 kindIs of biko
I villi anld will do any
kiind of reptirs on
whools oil short :
no t ice.
Come to See Us!
When in ''ed of anythiing in the
01h'y (-oods, .Dress Goods, Whito
G"-ws, ANOtjol-4, Emoidry, iLCeS,
I1libboni-, flaildliforThif'fs, Gloves,
Cor-s,c , an<u i-o whenl you wint
an. thinlg inl lioes, .11tts, Clothing
Hwys;' 111d Chibd-irls' Knwo suil's,
EXIra110- Kiwo alts, shirtll, collarl-1
:111d Rnia osievry, Nceckwvar and
Few Spring Goods !
\Ve are0 'inT g thi. WOek a noW
;(A lell'ev s, Shirling I , rinitti, Em-111.
b roidt-ryN, It'ilbls,TrlimiminigH, Shirks,
In' I/he Lol:
I easo Sea I -an 1.-4 P'irelis, prott,y
new stylos, we will Sell at, it worth 10
lid '.(
I CIUM' SOMt IIIid Shlirt,in1g Pi11t4
h'.. worl h1 :,(.
C< Mii . Molleb,ng at, 5c., worth
A lk ,inlin Towels at 10, 15 ItInd 25(l.
Titble )ltumik at 25, 35, -10 and 50c.,
Tiab le (iI ('hit h itt 15Si. pier yar'd.
ny |-:xIt a iK i n 1 'anits it,:15, 35, -10,
jnio 5 i p r 'a ir'.
A niic hu ie of Alenuti's Ex t.ra Pat at
W\e will~ avo' yon at leasrt 10 to 23
fit frin whati: yu wuld piay for stmo
W iuim;ii e'vi.ry I hing~ we i-ayx. ComIu
'i -iiii* n Ii iftn. Noi I tionlei to shilow
Alin Stet - - N wb ry-.C
Canrnon & Mayes,
me agents for the
Mansion House Steam
Greenville, S. C.
- coPio6i '000
itiuinish that we iit, iponf hits dressn
nid iauIV-. W\e don't hhn htiii,I bni for' bet
ing ro oil~ttf it.- t.he onlyih tlhing weO re
ruwithiig %II one .Iohnisoni t) hear' the
ito enIh tany it. 'w idoino it.
Ayt nanie in thelii'-i .ourrouning
Fim j A NN'1AI :\i lI.ETIN(O1iOF THiE
A. tokhhlrsof the i iProspeity~
Sottont .\Iill Co., will b)e bhl at IPros
pit n Thurisdlay, t,he 5thu day oif
.by in.\loieley Hiris' halhl at, II o'clock
noei,njI wiiii comeibfore t,hoe meting as
wIl as the ieetjioni of ia bioard of Di1
Ieetors Ii to seve ftori the (1n1sning. year,
mi' toli tiansett 8neh oth1er(' bnijness ams
nuy i(iog beforo Iheii imut,ing. P'Olase
. at eint n peron orby prxy.
I 2. ~ mti yA 1 1 r OHN,'

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