OCR Interpretation

The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, July 22, 1898, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067777/1898-07-22/ed-1/seq-2/

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EC. U. AULL, RtD1tot.
We hear very little of the State eamu
paign though we believe it is keeping
its appointments and is now exhibiting
in the eastern portion of the Stato.
From what, we can hear from individ
nals Col. 0. L. Schumpert is making
more friends than any man in the race
for Governor. lie is making manly
and straight-fortmd speeches and not
abusing anyllt or trying to ride into
olfice on the demerits of his opponents
or by abusing them or trying to tear
down things in general. In fact a gen
1.leman who was not a supporter of Col.
Schlzunpert said be helieved there would
bae se.-ond race and that it would be
htween ('ol. Sehumpert and Gov
Ellerbe and if it was, col. Schumper
stoodi an excellent chance of winning
the plum. We hope it is true for t.h 'e
is no ca ndi'l teo in the field wrho would
make a l'tt'r or abler chief executive
tha:n (. L.. Schumupert.
To julge from the new"spaper repom .s
of the lerttinr one woult eonclude that
Cel. C er". It. Tililman was the leading
'anditlate but 'rem ;hat we ean gather
Col. Tillman is ireing to be a sadly dis
atilinted nan n hen the votes are
e)iinted. lie is an able man and has
been ;,reatly honored by the people of
South Carolina but we do not believe
he will he in the race this time.
For Attorney General the newspaper
reports live little or no information,
though we have inforination from the
ltwter part of the State that Senator
Geo. S Mower is eoing to get a good
vote and coie very near heating Mr
lBellin_ger in his own hailiwick. It ap
pears to u, t hat the repIrter for the
dail. paper. '-an. to MIr. Biellinger
thoug Ii that tIts not control the votes.
MIr. .itter it a man of unquestioned
a tility a-4 a haws er and line charaeter
a< a man and Ithose who know him will
vote fto' limI. We like hir. Ieillinger.
lie i" a pleasant gentleman and makes
a gotld tlicitor and we want to kvvp
him inI hIS 'trtesent positioln. In this
county. \i' Nlowter's home county, he
will get practically at solid vote.
Iiut. this is one year all forecasts as
to the result :a-e mere guiess work.
The leople are not. sayinv imuch and
are not, at all denonstrat.i vt.
So far its the issue of dispensary or
prohilition is coneerned we b'Ilieve
t.hat ihe dispensary is going to will but
that light should he ma.ti for ilemnbers
(of the I.egislattu-e if it is nade at, all,
for S1,ate ollieers will have nothing to
do wit.h lulnging the law.
F''or ('(nmp troller (General we are for
-t,he present ineumbhent, Mir. J. I'. Der
ham. 1Ie makes a goed oflicer aind has
only had it, for a few mont.hs and Ilorry
should have representationl onl the
or' i,ientt'inant Gov"ernor McSweeney
has no opposition, t.hough h has iro
imised is to be present at the campaign
meeting at Newberry'. We shall vote
for h Iml.
State T.1reatsurer T1imml nermian hats no0
'plposit,lon andi( we shaill v'ote for him.
has madelt ai2 gotlod lleer andt wats oturt
nleighi bor1 some1 yeaZrs aigo and we have
no( dlesire' t) malke a echange In that
Sutper'intendenCt of lCduentionl W. 1).
NI ayfie'ld has madetl ai completenit oltheial
and11 undetlrstands thle dtuties and needs
of the onliee.
i"or lia1ilroad1( C.ommlisisionler we shall
vote for oulr (ownI ('outyt man11 ltev. J. A.
'le readter of cour1tse maiy doe as he
pit ases' iln t.his maiztter2. Wec are not
trying to dlireet. ho(w alny one shall
v'ote, but11 we thiniik the votcrs of New
herrylV Colunty s'houild give our Newberry
mIen a1 solid vote.
In abou11t tell tdays the p)rOccasion wvill
reach Newberry andt t.hen we will have
an1 opplort-unlity, to hear11 and1 see thtem
for ouriselveCs.
It. would seem that the war ouight to
end( in short order if it Is so willed by
the. power's thalt be in this couint ry.
TPhe tainiig of Sanit.ago wats well dione
and1( wiout, the loss of life. Porto lUico
oughtto b. e more easily capttured. In
ideat we do not see how Spain can long..
er hold out alny sor't of light. Ie'r Ileet
at. Manilla has been dest,royetd. The
Ce'rv'era fleet at Sanitiago calpturecd and
destr'oyed and her armlly mnneh smnaller
than Ours and acatteredi, it a' most has1
the appearance of ei'tei murdetr for uts
loniger to make biat.tle on sueh a niation.
Bu t.hen she wvill not surrendeIlr and1( ad(
miit, she is defeated ad we will have to
continute t.o cature.tIt andi end( lier' sol
dilers hack to Spin i. Thlat is atbont the
bea't thin we1f can(I do. Sendt them hoe'
Our' army is now en to l 'ort.o [tiko and1
as soon as it lands l'orte Itico will be
on01's atnd tIhe wart shotuld then bie
br'ought to a speedy close. We wvill
have to estalish governments in these
islands(1 andi we expCCt, thietm to give us
mnore trleOhl t,han they bivte been giv
itig Spain.________
'We hope our1 citizens will not, be in
* differenit to) secuing t.he0 permanent,
location in Newber'ry of t,he Thieologi
.,al Semnary. Other pilaces are making
efforts to soeure It. We have had -it
temIrporarily for the past several years
and by a lit.tle unIted effort we cain re-.
lain it, permanently. lBut, to do so will
tatke somie' money. Come out to the
tcitikens meleting this afternioon and
como:prmepared, to do something. We
cannot, afford to lot. ally other comnmuni.
tj take thc Seminary away from us8. If
it, is a good thIng foil Charleston or
Charlote to secure, it, Is a good thing
for' us to keep. Then Jet us determine
to retain it here.
'fl*Waa1 tT n and hia pc
n'; Ms A >. E be, have beeft, t
un l Niassentary heir remarkaabou
each others i act they have si
hard enough thiage to eanse a *etth
ment is other ways than by stuma
speaking or joint debate. And if wha
each says about the other is true neltl"
or one should be sent to tbngresa. Th
pity is we can't have dignilied and edi
tying discussions on the stump
Maj. Louis Appelt., the versatil
editor of the Manning Times, is a cai
didate for State Senator from Clarendo
County. The people of Clarendon wil
do well to elect him. le is a live
wide-wake, progressive citizer. an
would make a g:od Senator and be eve
watchful of the inuerest,l of his consti
tuents and the interests of the entir
State as well.
Gov. Atkinson. of Gleorgia, told u
the other week that he hortrowed i
New York for the State of Georgia al
the money they needed at 21 per .'ent
And yet some- of our people talk al-o
money being searce and hard to get
and some of us are glad to get it at 4
5 times that rate of interest.
The South Carolina troops are not t
he taken to Porto Rico. They will re
main for the present. at ('amp Thona
at Chiekamauga. This will be a disap
poin?'uent to some of our boys who ar
anxious to get. to the fro .
The "Yankee" has already com
meneed to look to business enterprise
.n the conquered Cuban territory. I
he is hermitted to plant enterprises h
will soon have machinery hummninf
lion. W. .1. Talbert has no oppositioi
for re-election to ('ongresb from hi
district. lie is lucky.
Au Kp,anatione.
The reason for the great popularit,
of Ilood's Sarsaparilla lies an the fue
that this tuedicine positively cures
It is America's Greatest Medicine, an
the American people have an abidink
'!ontidence in its merits. ''hey buy and
take it for simple as well as serious ail"
ments, confident that it, will do then
loou's P'tt.S cure all live' ills
Mailed for 25e. by C. I hood & Co.
Lowell, Mass
Iteely Hlver Assuctalton.
The next union of the Reedy Rive:
Association will meet with the Fair
view Baptist church Friday before the
fifth Sunday in July at 10:30 o'clock.
Devotional exercises conducted by
J. W. SeI ..
Sermon t, 11 o'clock by Rev. J. W
itecess to 1.30 o'clock.
1. Heriptural authority for churel
discipline. -H arrison Copeland, 1'u
gene Leavell, I)r. James Mcintosh,
Rev. H. Fowler.
2. The importance of church disci
plino.-Hogan Goggans, W. P. Ture-r
)r. J. G. Johnston, Rev. J. 1). Mahon,
:3. Th'le final reosult, If a church con
tinues to) neglect discIpline..-G. I,
D)omnieck, J1. T1. Davis, J. A. Cromier,
R1ev. J. WA. lanitton.
D)evot,ion al exercises conducted b'
Etugetne Longshore.
I. Why evetry member of a chmurch
shouldi be a mnissIonar~y in spirit anid
prtactice.-J. Rt. Copeland, Ri. Y. Leav'
ell, J1. it, Spearman, ltev. Sinpson
D)om intick.
Ser-mon at 11 o'clock by Rev. J1. D,
Recess to 1.30 o'clock.
2. '1 he importance of every chur'cli
having a Suday-school.-J. Ii. Whit
mire, (G. ('. Riser, J. R. Leavell, Rev
M. W. Rankin.
3. Tihe catuse andl result of churel
members refusiug to take part in Suan
day-school v'ork.-James Johnusona, J,
4. The oppottunity and responsibil
ity of a Sunday-schaou. worker.-G. WA
iL. Spearman, WV. It. Elmnore, L. M
Smit,h, R1ev. G. A. Wright.
Prayer and pmalso service" conducte(
by J1. iR. Leavell.
Setrmont at, 11 o'clock by Rev. 13. F
Sceumona at 1.30 o'clock by R1ev. M
W. Rtankini.
tlns or Sprinig.
Convoy a warning thtat certain ail
menta, general debility, dyspepsia
skin diseAses, liver complatints, eto.
need( attention. There isn't anything
botter for a blood purifier, thant Oni
Sarsaparilla Compound. Nothing1
seret or mysterioust about it. It li
carefttlly made of the best drugs, like
everything that we make, and we giv<
yon a bigger hottlo than you nauall3
get anid charge but 75o for it.
Drnggists, on the oorner,
A Timeo to Plant!
Out' fr'esh cr'op
are veiny fpesh and reliIable. E~ver'y.
body knows that Landreth's Tur
nip and oilher Seeds are the boat.
UWYoa ket themN at
Peiham's Drug Storo.
ALT, Vot 1'W1 OF A i-Ilt ANb PittO
t IIMP"it1 i onAnIwtece tiA,1M A d News 1
'T'he ('entral Luther league Is in ses
Sion here today and a numler of dele.
gates are pisent and we bosponk A good
it mo for all.
M1is 1Chel Peagl', of 1.-nison, Vex
as, and daughter of W. M. leagle, a
former South (arlinian, is on a visit'
to the family of Mr. A. 11. Kohn and
relatives Gn town.
Air. L I i eagle and daughter, Miss
r Olive. are In attendanee upon the Cen
tral League today.
Nir T. L. Schumel"rt has hoen con
tined to his rbom for the past. thre or
four dtys with a va"einated arm but is
able to get out again. He says that
his was better than a good take, that It
was a daisy.
There vill be It agun service in
(rae ehurch on next Sunday night.
l.)r. llitllman preaehed irs. Wi.
iluobh's funeral last Sunday evening.
r 'rof. ltufus Counts and Miss Marie
lbb attendei the ('ounty Sunday
School ('onvention on' Tuesday.
There was an unusual sight witnessed
in our town on last Sunday when Uncle
MNike K empson and Uncle George Wise,
of Saluda County, attended church in
town. They were shaking hands with
their many friends and having Ia good
time generally, and we know that they
enjoyed themselves, for we saw the
contented and pleased suile.r on their
faces just. as they came on the front
porch after dinner.
Mrs. )r. .1lian, of Lake Cit-y, Fla.,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dr. Wyche,
in town. She will also visit other rela
ti1"es and friends in the countty before
she returns to Florida.
lRev. and Nis. Miller, of Atlanta,
who have been Oil I Visit to t.heir
duti ite'r, Mrs. D. \V iIoland, of our
town, have 'eItitrUed to the (-ae City.
As the editor was in tow ii yesterdlay
i and att ended the inst,it.ute, a'nd I could
not attend, I will leave it, for him to
tell what, was done and what, kind of a
t erowd, et? , was there.
From what we hear of the listituto
yesterday, there was only one man who
questioned the veterinarian tnid he
asked what, wits good for the disease
that is known as the hollow ta:l in
cows and got the desired information,
and ats the leettin-er went on wit.ht his
leture he was entlled down in his iis
statenient of the remedy and had t.o ad
c,iit the error. Ask Cap, lie can tell
you all about it, as he was there and
wits talking It all in; in fact, we were
told that he was whe only interested
listener that was ther3, but of course
there were many others that were in
terested in this work, and the only
thing to he regretted Is that these in
stitut.s are not much more largely
attended. Our people should take ad
vantage of these opportunit,ies of add
ing to their stock of knowledge. These
institutes are to inforni tihe people, and
the people should take advantage of
them whenever' the opport,unlt-y pre
sent,s Itself.
It so happens that, therecaro several
Lutheran churches aroiud P rospeiIt,y
whose pastors live In other sect,ions of
t,he 0ounit-ry, aiid are therefore not,
avaliable for plastoral serv'ices uinder'
emortenicles. Hieneo Dr. Hlallman, in
addit-ion to his abtundant labors as pas
t.oir, preacher and edlitor Is verty fre
quntlhy called umpon to minister t.o the
spirit.ual needs of, these pieop)le. This
he dloes most, cheerfully, lbeig always
willing to respond to the calls of his
friends. It Is not~ generally known,
however, that, he keepis no horse and
buggy and is uinder tihe necessity of
hiring conlveyance to meet these de
mandis. It will be readcily~ conceded
that, It is asking too much to exlpect
him to do this extra work at his own
cost. Whenever his services are de
ired frIends shotuld rememnber this fact
and see that, lie is at no expense him
self. We trust, that when our friends
call oii D)octor for his services t,hat
t,bey will send a conveyance for him
and th us relieve him]io (f th is oneious
part of this wvork.
July 21. lAY
Miluion. (iveii way,
It Is certainly gratifyhtig to the pub
lie to know of one concern it the land
who are nout afraid to be' generous to the
nieeudy andl sutl'ering. Th'e proprietors
of' Dri. Kinog's Now DI)scovery for (!o.
sumtptlin, Coughs iand Colds, have
given away over lt illioni trial but
tes of this great mtedilcine; and havg
the satisfaetin of knowving it has ab.
solutiiely cu red thotisands (of hopeless
(casen. Asthmilia, Bronch,Itis, Ho arse
ness and all dilseases of the Throat,
Chest amd l.unga are suirely eturedl by
it. Call on Rnbiertson, & Glilder and W.
E. Pelhami, D)ruggist, and get a trial
bottle tree. Regular sIze 50o. and $1.
Ever biottle guarantee'd, or price re
Wher'eas, an Allwiso Providence hat,,
seen lit to remove from amioing us one
of our most beloved school-mates and
friend, Bloston Mills. HIe was always
i'eady to do some friendly act, that will
ever shine as a safe and gnliing stair.
Riesolved, That, his.plea.ant dis iosl
tion, kindut words atnd generous deedsa he
ever' held In grateful remuemnbranco by
his school-mat.es.
Resolved, That, the remioval from ouri
midst, of such a life of a tine and noble1
youngit imanhood is a loss that will ho
deeply felt by hIs school-mates and
maniy friends and1 the communit,y at
Reaolved, That we, the school-mates
and friends, feel a mutual ber'saveiment
with the fond, sorrowvitg mother and
friends of oiur departed school-mate and
friend, and extdud to them ouir deepest,
symn >at,by, hoping that his gr*eat loss to
na all may be over-ruled for good bv
Him who doet,h all things well.'
Ua'i SLmou.
I ~ OsoAn sLIoll.
tb the \Ohtt'vl v att, t
'he tIoI'trt'Nett101eW State Aaeoot
tibin has been ittaet% Aw a Iumbtt of
years. As a osult, Wt, as p ,
'Ion, have Iosit the tloneli* whlch et tt
fromn such contaet and exehange of
1lans, ntrhods and ideas: NVeye1,
it is no exagger-ation to say that the
highest, good of our lieo'k alonl inWO,
leet nal, o 'ini and morai lines will not
be seeured so long as ther Is such a
iack of conertet action on the part of
the teahet s. th r' upon whou, in the
very nature of our st'ial orgtat Ion,
Ko mu1114h as to the eharteer of our fu
ture vitixens is dependent.
Moved by these and other eUosidera
tions eonneetet with the best interest
of the profession, a all, signed by rep
resentatives in the four Negro Col
leges in the State, was made in April
for a r'eocrganization of our 'I'eauhers'
State Assoe,iatior, in the city of Colum
bia, July 4, ;. The small pox scare,
however, so militated against the meet
Lug that it was fou td best to change
the date, especially so, s;nce the Stato
Superintendent of Kdueation had al
ready arranged for Teachers' lustI
tutes to be held in ten tounties at that
very time. Accordingly, the t'ii has
been so changed that the meeting will
be held in the Benedict 1'olloge Chap
el, Columbia, S. C., August 10th, 1898,
at 10.30 a. n., and will continue in ses.
sion two days.
At that time the white teachers of
the State will meet in Columbia for
the purpose of attending a State Insti
tute which is to be no small alTair.
Very low rates have been granted them
by all of the railroads. Of these, we
can take advantage. As the most ex
perieneed eIucators of our State will
be present-, we can also take advantage
of the fact and secure able and helpful
addresses on different, phases of the
work, which, together with the excel
lent prograt now being arranged for a
comparison and exchange of views,
cannot fail to be of lasting benefit to all
who att.end. As accommodations will
be furnished at most reasonable rates,
every teacher ought to make any sac
rifice within reason to be present. If
any teacher, however, just cannot at
tend, but, is nevertheless in sympathy
with the undertaking, such teacher is
earnestly urged to send name and ad
dress to Prof. J. It. Wilson, Benedict
College, Columbia, S. C.. 1Vho has been
appointed by the undersigned to re
eeive all such communications, and to
furnish all desired information as to
rates, programs, accommodations, etc.
That there may be no misunderstam,
ing, we wish it understood that no
membership fee will be charged. The
only requirement, for membership is
that bhe given person shall be connect
ed with educational work.
Your$ for the ele.vation.of the prtos
J. W. MOI111S,
Allen University.
. enedict College.
W. .L. Buragu.ey,
Cliailin UJniver-sity.
State College.
A Ulever Trick.
It certainly leoks like it, but there Is
really no trick about, it. Anybody can
try it who has Lamce Back and Weak
Kidlneys, Malaria or nervous tron'bles.
We mneant he can enre himself right
away by taking Electric Bitters. This
miedicine tones up tihe whole system,
sets as a stimulant to the Liver and
Kiduneys, is a blood purinier and nerve
t'nie. 'It 'cures Consi p atIon, HIeadnsehe,
F"ainting Spell, Shee plessness ahd Mel.
aineholy. Itlls purely' vegetable, a mild
laxative, acnd restores the systemi to its
natural vIgor. Try Electric Bitters andl
be c'onvinedE that they are a miracle
wvorker. Every' hntt.le guaranteed.
Only 500. a bottle at Robertson & 01il
decr's aunt Pelhcam's D)rug Store.
Itemst fron Long Laue.
Farmers are now busy fighting tihe
grass which on account of many days
of rain has had at good opp)ort unit,y to
Miss Corrie McCarley has been visit
ing her sister' Mrs. Warren Snibor.
Miss Mar-y Emma Glenn is visit,ing at
Mr. P. G. Glenn's.
Mr's. lEliza Brown is visiting her'
daughter, Mrs. James Long, in Fair'
Miss Jennie Brown spent a,day late
ly at, Mrs. Gertrude King's, Mrs. I's
1"ayette Chandler andi children have
also b)een at Mrs. King's.
Miss ilollIe Kihler spent some1 days
with lhe' brother, Mr. .James Kibler.
A number' of our neighbor's and
'.'l~'s attended the pienle at, Both
Eden and enjoyed the debhate by tihe
su'iety and t,ho dinner ver'y much.
Thr'eo cheers for the hioth Eden Debat
ing Society.
Chips wvill please excuse me for not
respond ing sooner' concernIng the cor
reLsp)ondenlts' pien ic. The matter of
hlaving It receives my halrty approval
and I think It might 1)e made p)leasant
and profitable to us all. I know I
would enjoy going and if l)ossible will
be on handl and (10 my part towards
making Iit asuIcces. It, has never' yet
been myl pleasur'e to visit Prosperity'
and the sur rounding country but, don't
doubt but that, we may find bot,h a
pretty' and sittable pla5ce at Moseley's
grove. So make out tile program and
assign each his pact. Onaly don't call
0o nc for an essay, fo-' I'm not aectus
tomned to speaking except to children
and I might break up the pienic.
t':e.1 i t A. m b o o
J.. "tolnRob. Then folio 11ta Har
SNto i Klaettn. Iloo kI I w
hrns anduepa i the twae nt-,
u'1 s it4theier tnts ie.liotlo,yll ei t COs.
1't evtiy Nt to take r l 1 Ined's arsapsjIIa.
J~ 3. Walton has opened a Har
n s t Shoji on Mai Stroot, next door
to O. Klettttoer'o. Will make nowv
haruta and repair old. Twont.y-Sivo
yeare oxporionce. Prices relwonablo.
live hun your o1 drs. Satisfaction
guaranteed. t
S'.RI'AN1UR1O, H. (.
Y. tnor terms, hegisil Jluno 11 15:
Twolve \Veoks Course in look-keep
lug u20.00. '.a'wolvo w0k course i
'rwlvo weeks course Inm Ar immetic,
S Eln, li hl and P~ontnansiup,
*12.:,0. Boam' from $8 to $10560.
Tu tion Payable In advance.
L. 13. NEE L.
At prices that never '
were offered before
Yards of real nice ig-q c
urod Muslin for 2 DC
1Q Yards of Muslin that we 2
sold at 10 to 121o. for 3 c,
I Yards Mtalin imported
in black and colored at I0
All the above In Dress
Patterns !
Come and look and
we are sure we can
please you in style and
prices. E
Yours truly,
Davenport & Renwicl(
AT re
Pure Silk Mitts, h
10 and 15c. n
Ladies' A
Gauze Vests,
5, 10 and 25c. SI
Lad ies' W
Pearl---6 piece---. "P
Shirt WVaists, ,e,
Sets 15c. only. "
Lot thb
(in summer weight)
15 cents, T
Suit Every One. TE
Another New Line of
WJBi'SBargillStore. c
Bargains I Bargains I
Oxford Ties 85o. for 25 cents.
Oxforl Ties $1 for 55 cents.
Oxford Ties $1.50 for 75 cents.
Oxford Ties $2 for $1.
Men's Brograns from 95o, to $1.75. >
Men's Finn Shoes in Congress and
Lace at $1.25.
Men's Fine S1oes at $2.50 to $5.
Boy's Sq ts from $1 to $5.
Boy's Suits from $3.50 to $12.50.
Hats from 050. to $3.00.
Hats (straw) at uost.
Negligee Shirts Sc. for 40o.
Negligee Shirts 40o. for 80o.
Negligee Shirts 80o. to $1.40.
Suwmer underwear at Cost.
Call and see our Bargains.
The approved best canopy.
When not in use, by releasing
the cord, it of itself takes a po
sition at the head of bed both
graceful and ornamental.
Price, $2.75 each.
3.3. WOOTEN.
IEWBERRY - -.. ...
Ve Hove
ut One Aim .U ON U:U
duce our splendid line of Low Cut
lor aIn 3o Everything cheaper at
For the buyers and the wear
s of shoes, for in this low-priced A.C JO E '
le of beautiful, splendid low cut
oes there are superb styles andCostigf
oat values for the money that war
nt an investigation, and you willDrG od
ed it worth your while to investi-9
For serviceable wear these shoes
ye no superior. Their equal was Sos
ver sold
over a shoe counter--all the Pns
west and best in Men's Lowv.Cut
oes, Ladies' Oxfords and Slippers,Colcuugtswek
d Children's Sandals, etc., that
ire purchased in this season'sOu
ring stock.
Much of the season for summer
Des is yet before us, and it is an illGrn
ud that don't blow. the right diree
n for somebody--those who get ofr tc-Tkn
3se splendid shoes will be the gain
at such prices as they are now
We will let the shoes tell whether
is to
ur AdvantageSae
Trade With Us
in this unparalleled sale of Evrtig nutb
ght, new goods--not out of-datesod
les or old stock, please remember.
is is not a shoe sale to get rid of
stock, but to reduce our elegandse c picsft !9r
e of summer shoes to lean propor.- ony
ns, and as
e Way to Reduce
to Reduce,
We have certainly put pricos
the shoes that will reduce the
ok-and at the same time not eIon.i s
igor the reputation of the line of Next doort
awe carry. That's alr there isRoet n&Gidr*8
It for us--more for you if you wil OetO &Gig*
I and examine what we propose toi DRUGj STOE.
I you in this sale. Under
Respectfully, NEWBERRlY HOTEL.
& .S. MOWER GO m ilT ons aa

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