OCR Interpretation

The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, December 13, 1898, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

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The Staite board of dispensary con
trol purchased last week at one thio
.11,218 barrels of whiskey. Counting
M J gallons to the barrel would be 354,
367 gallons of whiskey at one pur
chase. This strikes us as a pretty big
purchase il ole ,ime anld would quench
the thirst of a great, iany peoplo. Or
to put it differentlly it, would make a
good many headaches. If this were
distributed among the counties equally
it, would give to each county about 8,
859 gallons. That much whiskey i
Newbery would give each mau, woman
and child inl the county learly a 11111
gallon. SO youl See it. is not, so much
after all. And yet we could not say it
was a very long stel) toward prohibi
tion and nei ther would t,here be occasiou
for any citizen to go thirsty.
Of course, we sulpose tih is representl
only a part of the plrhellase if it it
properly reported, for there is all wayi
at purehlibu of whiat is k(nown Ias Cats(
We do not much like te idea of th<.
State being in the whiskey business.
Thitis iullh moley sPent for el(Ahing of
brela(d would clothe and feed a good
many people. Yet, stranilge to say.
peoplo who Ieed tlese things will
spend their money for whiskey. Wt
(10 not, mvian) to Sty t,hat the Staite he.
ing ii biiiiess j- itcreases tle aioitl
spent for whiskey, but, it looks a litth
like the Stitto is Clidorsiig andlt] elleolir,
ing it.
The 'ieklls JoIrial SHay's the law hi
regard to costs is ill _ret, (01flusioll
anild the I 'e-gislatures Ilimler at. it Sol
much anid thle Suprelme Court. thlen]
tries to construe Whit the L,egisltlre
lileait that Ilobody knliows wilitt. the
la 2.1y is. The . ournall coll' I ides:
"The, !,Lhorer is worthiy of hlis hlirean
at just colipellsialtioll fo. public siervice
will not hurt the t1ax pityer. It is
wrong to rui tll 1v S111:111 olliec bihtu.
and mtimader public m1one1Y uponl big
oliecI's aind 1 p( et. insi'it.itonls. If the
good of the lax piYels is to be Cn
SIlted let. econominl lilasu be( gi
WIhr t. Iy will 11111011t to soietinillg."
That, is very true land good doet.1ile
but (idl the . Jlurna11l not.ie closely Ithe
polit.icial a .nd I. lw Im 111ker of this
day Waiits to 1.1tvo Lite smlli2 fellow
and 1m11ke a big fuss about taxes wh iIle
he woolld vot0 large stjS to objects
which mightli he cit so a1s to sIve solle
thing to tile tax Ialer thit would
amotiit to something.
ailts not the ILgislat.ure for the past
several sessions be. - trying to cut I he
little pa1fy thalt, the lewsplaplrs get for
ldivert.isilng to the iionilt where it
Scatrely patys for the coist of the type
But then we suppose it is all righIt
if it Is not It will collo right after
A imemiber of tile Mii 1 llttery
Statiolned at Savannah hits belen I.r
rest,ed, tried, Con victed and1( sen2tenced
for emibracinhg, (il tihe street, I.he wife
oif a pirominlent, citizen oif Savannlah.
The senltell e is one0 year in2 tile pen11I..
tentiary.. Th'Ie soldier had1( a lit t,'. too
muchel tea ahea 1d but lhe gets olT ratheri
resigned Is command12 111In the volunt21eel
army1'. anhd will Ireturni to his ci.1vie d uIties.
The war is over andl thle treal ' of pe~ace
slignied und1( there is noltInlg now I hutl
garIrison du ty and1( woI do not1. (1ritic ize
him l for ret iring but luat,ber Lbhink lIe
1h21 donie tile right, and( proper thling as8
lie can 12( indImuch to do and2( hIs services
are needed.
Adju111tant, GeneraiIl "ioyd salys lie hals
about, foirty-eight, app)llicantls for theo
p)osii of Assistant,t Ad jutant, and2( in..
spector GAeneral an he2( has n(15 ot yet,
been able to makelt upl his Ind as11(1 to
Geln. Cailixto GarIciat of thle Cubailn
armiy and1( one of th e palt.riots wh hals) i1
endurledilr( a 1d suledl muchel for thle
caluse oIf Cuban libert,y died in Wash
inigton Onl Sunlday froml 2an aIttacek of
Col. It. M. Sims), who'( was1 secretairy
of s1tto unlder' the aldminjistration of
Gov. llattlioni died ait Is home11 in Co
lumnbia last week.
D)r. ilvans w~hio is to lecture at thle
operla house on Thursday12'. 15th is not 21
novice. Thle following areC some2 of t.he
pres8 niotiees of him as 2a lecturer. We
bespellk for hhi n a large aud ience in
Dr. Evans' style is forceful, elegant
and g.aph ic as8 an oil pot.uting. H*le is
not only ani orator, bult an1 antalyshi 6f
rare grace and1( fish.-Chlarleston Sun.
Hie is (:loquient, 2and a malster (If co
Frtomn almo1(St unlcontrollable hwgh..1t er
the audience was silenced iluto ad mi"a
tlin by bu"sts of eloouieneo.-Albanly
(Ga.) Herald.
lie chained thle f nterest of the audI
once by his master)y lecturc.-Peters
burg (Va.) Iudex.
All persons that are interested in St.
Paul's graveyaird atre reqltested to meet,
at the gtralveyard( on Saturday D)ecem1.
ber 17, 1898, at eleven o'clock a. m,.
The object. is to have a Plot nmade of
said grround. The interested per'soiq.
should be present to estalblishi theirj
clim. - L. 1. EPTaiNG.
Vetertn Genrgp H. Noland. 1
Perhaps the only enlisted man in the
2d South Carolina who served in t,ho
Confederato army Is George S. Noland, '
uIar'temaister sergeant of Company G.
Sergt. Noland was born in Union
County fif ty-three yeta ago, and served
through the civil war in Con- I
pany 13, 18th South CarolIna, Wal- a
lace's brigado. He enlisted as a pri
vat itn CoMIpuny G, 2dl South CarolIna,
!.st July and was made quarternater
by Capt. MlcCaughrin. Sergt Noland's a
uxpertence in the Confederate war q
give,4 him thle "drop" on some of the
youngyer mnembers of his class, and
Company G reaps the benefit, of this
expomneo. The sergeant never asks c
"iodds" of any other quartermaster ser- it
geant., butl he i.lways manages to "do t
tihe heavy" v-hen It comes to sipplying
hlls mn1. with the I cuessuries of life. c
Ttnu men of Conlmay G admiro and ec- i
s1)ect their quartermaster, and he de
serves it, too.
The above is from the special cor
respondont of the News and Courier in
writing of the several company quarter
masters of the 2d South Carolina lieg
imnent and as Mr. Noland has lived
mnt11y years in Newber.-y and has many
friends In tIhis couint.V wo copy It wit,h
ilsu, We know "Stout," will take
goodI Care of thle boyvs.
10on V4,'a1. OTA14,
At Rieubmi, at color'ed womii, who
las lived in Newberry for' fifty years,
died at the homne of her diaughter ii
Biookilyn i at the adivance age of 108
yetirs. She wits inl goodI healt,h and ae
Live up to the t,iie of her death. on
Dec. 10.
I 'le1ty of Nl(eI's, Women's, Misses'
and Chiuldi's Itibber Overshoes at
A. C. .Jones'. L&ftf
For S0t. 481 Item,t
iiousv antd lot, in Town of ielena.
wit h privilege of large two-sto'y store
house. A pply to
"&t2t Cole. I, Biciase, Att'y.
.inan, FergnsMil M e lth an IsI-. ( at. I*ru.speally3
Alz-d H6 V..oreq t
'rosperity, Newherry Count.y, I)e-(
("'mberl 10.--.011hn P. MN-Chella,1 aI
Mlexivian warl velerani andI( livnsloner, t
.d i86 yurs, ditd yesord'y aLL the
liomie of Ai'. .John CouI,ils. ole was
born ill Irelaiil, and was a goo(d citizen
ill of his l lng life in t.his cotInt.ry. his l I
reMinls will le int,erred at. Colonly
* %tery todly. In the lexianil warI
Mir. Mc'lelhin was a ileillber. of Comn
paly . C'apt. .1. II. Villiams. Ile was
left. sick at. Vera Cr 0,1z in A pril, 1817. C
T0here, it, is staid, his brother, Willilam
MCht'llli, died at. Ilie age of 25. Ni r.
T. Q. lBoozer, at leading mlerelhani, of
Newherry, is a neple w of \I'. 1NClellan. c
ThI'nI'k lI wools WaItei l. Nb Mrs. Adn
'. I lart. ol Giot, i): "Was t. k.n
with a bad cold %% hiebh s40-1 l l-d Il my
lulgs; voltgi et i an finlilly trimi. e
iuted in Contlmsupniptio In. Ilour *Doctors e
'avo lm lip to mlly Kivior, (etermIlie(
if I cold not say willy % fIli m rieIds on
eartlh, I woild Iieet mny abtsellt ones. l.
above. My hut114nkId was mdvised to get 1i
I)r. Kitg's Dis'overy f6r Coalsutoptlon, 1
Coighs anld COiS, I gave it i riil,
took in, ill 'ighl1t hol(lis. It has curefed
nIie, Ilnd thfaiik (41d I aim saived and .I'
now a well and heailty woian." Trii V
)3tH's f'ree at RobeItson & Gilder's o
and Pelhiani's Dirtig Stores.
RClR,gu1lar iZO and $h.00. Guaran
teed ori pice refundi-d.
(ueinnl t 1 A4i311 ttl Mo(3 to OlitaIin.
,Thle A Litt 31ot1t311 ain Dri'iitiatic Clubi a
will giv ant 11 3 nter'3taiinen11t, at, thle
school hbiuiilng on1 F'ridaiy niight, LDe- g
goodt jokle oni t.he editor' and1 fill ol
funi. "Th ''lltt1ouse 'PTap" is ai get, olf onl (
tihe Itad ies antd is amIiluing.
liint(' itun 311 i,it. Oiy SI'le itlV,y wilerive
"'t '- 23.38 a fte wh 11icht ai hot- supper(''
will be1 ser'ved byv the hiulies of the tow ~ 3it
fiol t.he1 bl1eelit, of t.h e sehotol. C~o.me. b
113i blti Tinity SundayI3L-schoo1l ill haive
seriIcts (ln Chrii istm~tas niigiht sitalble to
t he ici'asioni. P'ubid c in vited. C
Naiol U3 ionito be111 EICatlishedtt imur
Thliis is ai tratternl order't withi heaid
1uartter's att 'Toledlo,<>io, and has at
meberI'sip of atil(tt 50,000). Ni r. H. A. Cl
'(liiis, 8t,ate De)tpty3 and1( 4 irglan3izer0 is si
hle c31w for' the purpos5e of estabi IsIh- ti
ing a councitil In (our1 city. lie is being
3assisted( in the wor3k by A11'. .1. A. B lacek
weldera. Th'le Ntational Unlin wor-ks on L
the National pretiiimim ptlan, andi by a
t,hat. 3mean s have blehl thteir alssessmeints d
dlown to h e1w wiate mar31. k. Whliie ot,berci
Organizat33 ions5 are0 haivinig from 12 t(o 18 L.
aisse'~ssmaents thIiis yearzu, lie National o'
Un1tin hacs htad onily tnine. c
fln OI[inance. i
Mayor' and1 A btlernmen of the' 'own ha
o)f NewhIertry, Sothi C arol3ina3, in Couni
eil As:,embiiled and3( by auth loity3 of the og
Sect.ion 1. That, after thte passaige of
th is OrdI iane, it, shall be unl31awfulii to ul
trlespaiss (31 the ground11(s of any of theo
pulic schools in thz T1owni of New- a
Sec'tion 2. Tihat It shall he unilaw ful
to loaf 03r liter' abouit any3 of the3 publIe P
schlools of tihe said( T1own.
Section 3. T1hiat any perIson violat.Ing
any13 of t.he prov1lisIin of thiis ( rdinance, t
upo01 (n onvitln. sitamll bo1 tnedi not, cx
ceeding (33ii iiundredt Dollars, or' imi
r)misonmenit('i not1 exceedIng thirt,y dlays. m
)unc andt rait.I 111ed uder' t.he c(itorpoate
setti of the said T1ownm of New
L.S.] hlerry3, S. C . , on th is the 9th daiyil
(If Deccember', 1)98. t
Hi. L. ICVANS, Nayor'. nt
. .A. BOWMAN, C & TI TI C. N.
Just Arrived:
.Newv(i Curant s!
New Ra,isins! y
New Nuts! I.
Cream Tar'tar' !
Grotud SD)icesI i
E'xtraUcts, &OI t
5 lbs Fruit. Cake, in tin box, $1.35. of3
Cranberries 10 Cents por quar1it. as
Gtvo us a call, h
acounan Chapel *1,d Union Aeadewy Obipo
A good many of our friends have said,
What's the matter, Chips, that we've
ad no ohippings for the past while?"
Veil, dear friends, nothing in partiou
%I, but a good deal. in general. Old
inn Chips knew nothing that was
right and encouraging to write about,
het efoi-e he never likes to be pointing
t the black side of every thing he sees.
'here is things that we know, and often n
hings happen to our, mind which we
could rather not know. But still it Is
ur prerogative not to tell all we know,
,d we notice that our old friend Kay
akes the same ad vantage. But let the
it go as it may we will throw in a few
Bad colds have become an epidemie.
Miss Mary Sligh, of Slighs, has been t
iAiting friends and relatives in this e
ection for the past few weeks.
log cholera is reported in several
ections of the county. What a pity
or the people to lose their meat, es- 3
>ecially during such stringent times as
lie country is undergoing.
There will be considerable moving i
omong the white people, of which I E
vill note later.
Our school at Union academy is In a
lourislilng condition under the aus
>iees of Mies Bessie Dominick. Mise
Iessie is a highly accomplished lady in
very respect, and our proEpects for a
rood school havo never been better
A good many news items have hiap
)ee1d since our last let,te' which we
vouldI have bOn pleased to mention, t
mt they have grown old and we will
>a1ss thenI by.
Tle butcher knife has been doivg its t
vork lor the past while, and we old
iny-seeds are now enjoying our own
log and hominy. Oh! iy, what a time!
4udd( Ing and sausage everywhere you f
,o. Come out in the cot,ltry, Mr.
"ditor, with we'uns and grow fat.
Mr. IM. Strauss is building a nice
enant house on his lialfaere place,
vhich will b ocupied by Mr. Levi C
;irlber, of P0om1aria section, anollher 8
ear. Mr. Strauss Is one of those boys
hat don't, believe in doing things by
nives. The house is built out of the c
cry best iitterial, and everything Is y
Cing litted upl) Very conveniently. t
Owing to th inclemency of the
reat,er Union aeademy didn't observe
t-bor Day it, the aippointed time, but
ur teacher requests all the patrons to
icet, at the school house on Friday
et, at 1 p. mn. to devote their t.ime and
I,tention in this respect. We hope the
atrons will all turn out, as we would 6
ke to Seo 501110 improvements in this e
We congratulate Newberry uPon the b
lection of her1 city fathers. The men
ected are all good mn, and the city
ill never suffer or go back under
ici government. But it will seem a
tte awkward for a while to not say
layvor Hub ; although we will not' put
i at word of complaint when our friends
imp1 f' oim a City I-uler to a State ruler.
lo think this Is promotion enough for
ne timo. If old jolly Hub makes as K
m1g a junmp the next time, it will throw
im right over in congress, where we
i,lieve lie will eventually go.
T1wo new boarders have put, in their
ppeatrance quite recently on Ridge
:1d.1 one at MI r. Luther Blobb's, ita a
irl; tihe other at, Mir. W. W. \!niard's,
's b oy. Granddad again, Kay, what
o you think of this.
it, willl soonI be time for our law-matk
r'S to tmeet agi in. If the whole Stitte
ids its goodl it dlegationt as Newherry
wvill certaInly be a representative
[)dy. Oh1 Newbe,;ry is full of gondi
gis!ative timb,er, and we feel confi
Llnt thait Otur present (delegattion w!ll
lCtupy3 some of the mo(st, prominent,
laces in tine iassemnbly.
It has been talked that the lon. Cole.
. lease will heoa candidate for Speak
Sof the Hiouse. The lHon. Blease is a
dining light among the rising geneva- ~
on of his -"ge. lie has held many c
ost hnonot..ble and prominent, pos)-y
ons in the public ruling of hia count,y rp
id State, and none hav'e shown morne ti
ist Inguishedl qualities or aptit,ndle in w
icir 'airticipattion In the government of 0<
ii Statte. Ele is wvell liked and(15 dsrv'
ily p)opulatr. His able defense duringJ
islapractice In the courts hats shown
iat he Is a young man t'f more than
-dinary abilit,y, atnd its an om at,or he is
most, unequaliled. So when the Legis
lure meets, if it want,s a good p)iece of
iterlitl for .Speaker, there's no use
skipping aroundi ilon. ('ole, lileite
will not only be conferrin g an honor
oin im t to elect him Speaker, but will
so i'elleet mutchi cred(it,uipon tihe whole r
Mir. and Ai's. B. II. Schumpert., of f
rosperity, visited Mr'. aind Mr's. Fi. A.
obb,1 last, Sunday.
TIhanks, lliothner Kayt, for an invita- r
1)n to att-end youri 01(1 folks day at
mri in'urch1 ou3l O Chr1iIistmalis day. We
ill try to attend, old1 bud. We r'ead
itccount of your i'trip) to Charleston
it,h p)leatsure, andi there was nthlinig
:emntgiy st-ra'age about the whole
fair e::ct.pt out~ edlitor getting hold( of
at, ''blind" miedicine. We are a
lghty belleveir in Providence, and It ii
ems thait Priov'idcee provided for af
e editor' in t.ils case, espeeially by
ivintg old man Kity wit.h im to lead i
m) ariounid. Now, 01(1 boy, you said
at you watntedl tile old man Chips to -
t, h imself delegated to the next synod
at meets In Charleston. But Chips
fully uip to date on your little tricks,
ti would like to get, us down there
1(1 poke ''blind" mcdicine into us,
,id you? so you could come back to
men and p'oint your linger of fun at, us. wI
you arie a dealer in drugs and medi. or
riea, iil y'ou please5 explain a little ('
>re about that "blind" mnedicine. Ov
Brother Clodhopper, we didn't thlink if
would beo of very much Interest to 1o
e publie to tell t hem about our trip at
Columbia, as you were already aware,fo
thle fact, that we had a position as- I
dgred us at, the State FInlr, but our an
ait.h was not suffieient to accept,
erefore our stay was only a shlolt, one.
Dec. 12. 1898. nm
'or Christmas Buyeors.
It is always diffloult to find en
ire novelty in such things as you
rould desire to make as Christ
ias gifts. Then why not, in
Iaking a selection for a member.
f your household, get something
Jseful and Serviceable,
3ifts worth giving?
The most satisfactory selections
re those whic h in themselves con
ain solid worth. Moreover, the cel
bration of Christmas, 1898, will
iave much cheer and happiness
or those who take this practical
,iew of the matter.
rhe Mower Company
s in a fine condition of fitness to
ell you serviceable articles, and
vith the spirit of the soason as an
nspiration, hopes to interest all
iristmas shoppers in their line
>f goods.
\ Holiday
)ress Pattern
s one of our Christmns sugges
ions. The most popular fabrics
,re here, and will be sold cheaper
han ever.
3loves, Handkerchiefs,
lousekeeping Linens,
urnish a wide range of service
ble articles. An elegant line of
3hinawvare, &c.
There are many other things in
ur line of Dry Goods that will
uggest themselves to you.
At the same tine our Shoe De
artment is always in line for all
rdinary and special occasions for
etter selling of the Best Shoes
b)at are manufatured in this
ountry, price and quality con
We would ask you to call and
ae also our line of 'Sterling
Remember always that "-ower
ells the Best," and inl the joyous
oason of the Christmastide, we
udeavor to serve you well. With
est wishes for our many custom
lanslon House Steam! aundry,
ill be th' . aisite whitenesa of
bristmtas snoiw b,iat we will lay upon
ur shirt bosom, collars and cie.
hose who know a gootl thing when
tcy see it will atipreciate the faultless
ark that we put on their linen in
>ior and perfect finish. Sample It.
{ .LNTQ wated in every town
1 1 in S. U., apyt
A.A. GArEs, Proprietor.
(T T H E...
'ooDles3 Urll Store,
Junnally's Bon Bons,
Ini 30c., 000. and $1.20 packages.
Junnally's Chocolates,
Ini 30e., 60c. uand $1.20 paekauges.
Junnally's (dliocolato) Mint,
In 80o. packages.
J unnally's Almoiid BrIilei, lOb,
Jun nal ly's Poalili Brittlo, lOc,
Junnally's Chocolate
Su nnally's Chocolate Creaffs lOc,
FThese goods are made of pure mate
iii and expressed to us the day they
e mauo.
top Buying on Credit
And paying other people's debts. Go
8mit,h's store and buy for cash
iero you will find every article sold
its merit. Nothing sold at or below
st, as n~o one can live at that without
ercharging you for something else.|
you see anything hung out at or be-|
# cast take the bait and let this sort ,
)ne if you do not want to get caught,
e it Is but a bait for suckers.{
If you want to buy goads at a small I
d average Profit, remember
Smith's Storo.:
December at Jos,'
I expect to sell more
goods in December than I
havo any month since I
opened my store. This means
lower prices and you will be
surprised how cheap you' can
For the next three weeks at
Jones'. The people of this
city and county were all ex
eited over our sale six weeks
ago, but, the excitement will
be greater still before January
1st. If you have anything to
buy in my line .it will be a
great mistake to go to any
other place. We offer among
other things today:
2 cases yard wide Fruit of the
Loom Bleach at 6c. per yd.
by the bolt or 6c. to cut0
2 bales Riverside Plaids at 41
cents by pc. Or 5c, to cut.
2 bales Silver Star Plaids4ic.
by pe. or 5c- to cut.
These are a few of the items
we mention, but there are
plenty of others. Come and
s.c us often and don't forget
that Jones always sells At for
less because he sells. for cash.
The Peoples Store.
New beri y, B. C., Dee. (1, 1898.
SamueI .'. Wooten, Plintiff', vs. Fan
tile Duffle, Defendant.
By 8. 8. Cu n ningham,.Esq., Magistrate
in and for said Countty of the said
made unto tme b.y Smutl J.
Wooten that Fanr.ie B Duffle is in
debeted to himt in the sum o.f auine and
20-100 dollars for gooe and merchau
di>e sold and delivered to D.feudant.
Tlhat dlemnand for meay..nenit has bteen
made'nd refused though long ('ast due.
T'htese are., ther'efore, to require you to
~umumon the said Defenidaunt to appear
to fore me , tm miy oine.e in .Newhewrr.
M. C , on ttie 231 day of Ja.nuary, A.
1899, at 10 o'clock a. mn., to answer to~
said coimplalit, coiesC of which Hre onl
ille in my ottice, or judgoment will be
givont agoaist you by defaulIt.
Given underi my, hand and snal ar
Newhmerry. 8. C., the 26th day of No
vembher A 1) 1898
8. 8. CUNNINGHAM. ['.81
Statement $9 20. Magist rate N. U
To Mrs. Ian.unie J. Dufle, non-resl
dtent, Defenadant: Please take ntoticie
that a copy of the sumunaons and comn.
plint in this action is duly flied it the
oftice of M'ugist rate 8. 8. Cuanningham
at Newherry (C. H., 8 C.. nt the 26th
day of Nov.nmber, 1898. and is now inm
thie reco)rds of saidr ote'fe.
8. 8. CUNN ING HA M, [m, s.]
__________Mnagist rate.
Notico of Filal Settlcemenlt alll Discharge.
thtIwill make a finmal settle
menflt ont the estate oft D) 'Rot. Ellesor,
deceased, in the Probate Court for
Newheerry County, 8. (1., on Th'lursday
the 5th dlay of Janutary, A 1). 1899, at
11 o'clock in time fore nson, and will
iih.r*'aftier apply foer let!era dismnissory
as aduminsistraitor of sai'i estate.
AdiInlst rator.
Decnmb'er 3.1 1898.
Administrator's Sale.
idensce of Jacob (lsland~, decesd,
~se Decemb er 16' h. 1898. at 11 o'clock
mt. mf . a lot of corn, faidder, (cot ton seed,
farmuing lompllemente, household and
kitchen furnIture, onle miUle, oneC lot of
poplar umbter, wagont, tools, harness,
TIerms cash. P. C. SM ITH,
Nov. 241. 1898. Adm x.
R.UIce solicited. Prompt milling
und return of proceeds or account sales.
Elghest and marked prices paid for
rood RIco.
"Carolina Rico Meal"or "Flour," the
thoet and best stock food on the
narket, for sale at low figures.
t. 2 mnos. Ch arleston, S. C.
J. B. Walton has opened a Har
iess Shop on Main Street, next door
o 0. Klettner's. Will make Dew
tarness and repair old. Twenty-five
!eairs e -perience. P'-ioes reasonable.
iive him your orders. Satisfaction
(Next Door to Herald and News Office.)
Metallic, Rosewood and Cloth Covered Bbrial
Service in this line Promptly attended to
Next Door to Herald and News Office,
NEOWBERRY, - - - -- 8.0.
The Best D.ru Goods.
Come and examine them and you will be
Great bargains in Men's Overcoats, at $3.50 to
$10.00, worth much more.
Mackintosh Overcoats for $1.50 that usua!v
cost you $3.00. Better ones for a little more
Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits at prices
that everyone can afford to have a new suit.
We have something in Blankets that is simply
wonderful for the prices asked for them.
Well, as to Carpets, they are away down. A
strictly all-wool Carpet for 50c. Can't be
beat in the world.
jc:,Remember, we sell you good Goods at a low prica
Come an.d see
s 33. WOOTEN.
To call in and examine my line
of goods. I have a nice and well
selected stock of striccly high
grade Chamber Suits in Walnut
and Oak. A full line of medium
and cheap Furniture. Will sell
very close for cash.
t- ly Main Street. Neowberry, 8. 0.
Dispensary and 0. P. Houses
Excelled in both
Quality and Prices in the Line of
Fine Whiskeys, Wines and Beer
All Grades Cheaper than at o. P. Houses!I You
Save Money and Get the Best by Buying of Us I
Send in Your Order.
Particular Attention Paid to Mail Orders,

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