OCR Interpretation

The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, March 14, 1899, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067777/1899-03-14/ed-1/seq-3/

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. EWiEitY I1AiltKET.
Corrected every Tuesday and Friday,
by 1)SUmmer101 Bros.
M .. at..... ....... (( N-je.
M o l e s ........................... 7c.
H.......................... 10(a124o.
Best Lard ............... ........... 74<8Ao.
Best Molasses, ow crO)...... 600.
Good Molasbus..................... 25(i35c.
Corn-1 ................................... 6-50.
M ul .......... . . ......... ........... 600.
fay.............. . .. ................ 75o.
W heat Bran........................ $1.00.
I Ft Patent Flour.................. $5.00.
2nd Best Flour.................... $4.50.
S'rait F l........................ *4.95.
Good Ord hi ary Flouir...........9 f ';0(6A.00.
suigar .................. ..... ......... ir ) 6tu)1c.
Rico .................................... (I(84c.
ColYc ................................. 10( )20c.
Cotton seed meal, per sack... $1.00,
13al [ulls, p rcwt.............. :30c.
Country Produce!
111it.t-or. por lb ..................... 15(a)20c.
IEggs, por dozen ................. loc.
U mKuns, ach.................... 121(20c.
Peas, per bushel....... .......... 55c.
(orn, per bushel.................. 55c.
Oats, p r busl.................. 40(1)500.
Sweet potatoes .................... 40((650e.
Turkeys, per 0) .................. 6(() 8c.
Fodder, per cwt .................. 50(cy77c.
Isticklen's Anc 3le
The best aitlve in the worlit for Cuts
Itniisem. 8ores, leers, Salt Rhoui
leovvr Rovt, Tetter, Chapped Hands
0%ibisihi, Corns, andt( all Skin Erup
ti mc, and ptositively cures Plies, or no
py reqmed. It is guaranteed to give
,r-o-of -6fnwtion or money refutided.
Price 25 cents per bx. For sale by
Robertson & Giier and W. E. Pelham.
The Commercial Bank
CAPITAL 50,000
Having ndded a
Savings - Department,
Will pay interest on all deposits, at
rato of four per cont. per annum,
under rogiittlions of said Depart
nmont. JNO. l. KINARD, Pros.
Z. F. Wion-r, Cashier.
A Uotel (Auin-g.
Mr. H. C. 1ardiin has sold h)is inter
est in t.he Newherry Hotel to Mirs. M.
E. Cook and son, A. .1. Cook. M rs.
Cook and son will keep the hotel up to
the high stantlard it has already
reaelied ad if possible make iiprove
ments. "l r'he Newherry" is one of the
best, in the State and M rs. Cook has no
equtl as a hostess.
iptiKe aid Lot. for Sale.
For terms and piarticulars apply to
fWt, tf )r. James M. Kibler.
0iteliable mianl for Alanager of B3ranch
Oilice I wish to openl in t,his vicinity.
If Your record is 0. K. here is a good
o1ining. Kindly mention this pApUr
when Writing.
A. T. Momuls, Cincinnati, 0.
Ill ustratc(l catalogue 4 ets. posta.-e.
In New Quarttil-.
'. dar1111id Schol0t'Z has moved an1d
in ai few days will he straightened out
in his unew quarters, the store lately oc
cupied by the Newberry Clothing
Comapany. H-e wantIs his friends and
the pu blic generally to call atroundt to
see himi at, his new pilace of business
where he hopes to show a hetter and
moure sc1Ceet stock and to better ad van
tage thani heretofore.
We liuy.
Womol, wvashed and unwvashed, with
burrs or without and hides andi pay
the h ighcat market, price. Call and
t.&f ti. SUMMER JUtOS.
Mr. Noahl Taylor, who on Sunday,
the 5t.h inst.. in No. 9 township, shot,
hiis wife anid at,teinpted1 to commit sui
.chle, has been arrested and released on
bonid in the stum of $500, the warrant
for hiis atrrest haing iii been p)laced( in
ithe hands of the Sheriff.
M'~ rs. Taylor is saidl to be in a serious
conidition aund it is feared that she will
not recover~ from her wound.
One of the oldest and
best Guanos on the
market is the Navassa
brand, for sale by
Edw. R. Hipp. -tf
It.'s a Ilianty.
Tlhe [Herald and News preiumii Roek
'[1i1i iBuggy is now on exhib)ition at
0d w. IA. Ilipp's store. Call andl see
it an 3 y13ouI will see ai beauty. Some
su1bscibr [mo 10,his paperW Is geloig to get
thais buggy iad tall it, will cost h im will
be a year's subscription to Thle Hebrald
and News. Whlen you call to see tbe
bugmtgy ask to s0e the harmness--the sec
1)nd( premilumn- and the pumnpk ins, at,
which you are guessing the number of
pered they czontaini. R oad1 the ofYer of
preiumis in aniother~ column.
Fresh Seedss
Our Seeds fresh. All
1898 papered Seed de
stroyed by fire. Call
for Landredth's fresh
Garden Seed, datel1899
All true types.
Pill-l1ill AC'VI
-' .(op. - , ii uE.r
ys~ a'. lIleIt I mwothids T r n) A ypi .m rif el ov
no ' . GsREEN?'S ONbC UuVs K..\tlanta,.On,
The reportor inagines he ears wed
ding bells in the not far distance.
Mrv. L". W. 1"loyd left, on Monday, on
a )111in108! trip to North Carolina.
Col. Thos. W. Holloway, of 1m1aria,
spent at few hour-s In the city yester
The gar-doirs have beenl busy the
patst, fow (lays putting in potatoes an,(d
other seed.
Mrs. Daggett, of Wilmington, N. C.,
Is in Newberry spending a while with
her daughter, Mrs. J. E,. Norwood.
Hamn's Wizard Oil Company
closed a week's engagement here Sat
urday night and left on Sunday for
Laurens. They have a good show.
Several sinners plead guilty to Iett.y
oflences on Monday mornilng IIIO
helped out the city treasury one dollar
Tihe Alba liywood Concert com
plany-an unlusial attracttion-at the op
era ihouse on A pril 3d. It is a Iigh
class entertainment.
Mr. 1. S. Whatley has the contract,
and has begun work on Mr. P. .J. Voss'
residence on the old Male Academy
The Woodwin-Warren Company will
appear at the opera house on Wednes
day and Thursday nighth of t,his week.
This is a good company.
"A 13reezy Ti.ie," one of the best
comedies oin the road is booked to ap
pear here on the 21st inst. It will give
you something to laugh over all sum
Mr. James A. LZIser was pardoned
from the count.y chain gang on Friday
last, 10th, the result of untiring efforts
on the part of hiis attorneys, Messrs.
Ilunt & 1-1unt.
Mr. C. M. West has made an llterta
tion in his pIlIS aIld illsteadU of I cot
tage will erect a handsome two-story
d welling on the old Lutheran church
UI. C. L. Blease has presentd the
H.xcelsior Fire Company with a hatid
S0m0 and valaltble picture, "Our He
roes ad Our Flags," which is aitppireci
ated by the firemen.
Dr. M. A. len wick has returined from
tie northern Imarkets and ,will tell the
readers of Tile Herald and News
something of the bargains he secured
for thel in a few (lays.
NIrs. Itebecea Brown, of Norfolk,
Va , is spcnding- at while, ill Newberry
with Ier many friends. Nrs. Brown
moved from Newberry a few years ago
and her frients itre glad to see her.
Mr. .1. 1). Davenport is handliig a
.'ry large aimoull of fertilizer this
Seison. lie repl-ceselts at good strlonI
CONIpany anIId tle farmers Will do well
to give him Ia call before pure'lhasilg.
NI r. John S. 1 ir- halts been 'tploinited
postmaster at Cokesbry. iis many
friends in Newberry will he glad to
hear of.his appointment. [He served
Ourk' town for Imaiy years and1 made an
eli0ient City Clerk indil treasurer.
Ed. Kingsincre trips around on the
eaves of tile Opera house like at bird.
WVell, "KIing"' is~ a bird sueenourh and
he's the "'bird" to do the needed work
up t.here, for he knlow hS1is bulsinelss.
Several p)ersonls aLround townl were
somiew.hat agit,atedl yester'day over the
rep)ort of dead ratu havinlg been~ found
in the dispensar'y whliskey tanik inl Co
lumbia. Those whlo nlever drin1k ha ld
no occasionl to worrIIy,
Al iss Bessic i iser' is expect,ing her,
ne0w stock of iliinery', etec , that she~
selectedl whlile at tile North ia few
wveeks ago, to arive in IL dlay or t,wo,
and she hopes to naIve it opened upi this
Mlr. Law%son Goggans, son1 of Cit,y
Clerk Goggans, wh'lo left, her'e aL few
mon11ths ago toI accepti a pos ition w ith
exprs iicompanIl )ily inl Florila, has( beer
pr1omIoted from 011ico clerk 10 route L
agent between .J'eksonlville and Wash
ingt.on, 1D. C., th.e mlost, impIortant. r
01n tihe systemi. Newherry boys alwayl
come to tIhe fr.nt.
Thursday, 16th inst.
We will enIdeavor to mfaklo thit
event of initerest to you arnd cordiaill'
invito y'ou to alttenld.
Yours truly,
C. & G. S. MOW ER Co.
W ANT 'I-Rliiable salesmen to sel
our'001 complt,h linie of Paintns, VarnIlishe1s(
etc. Good1 pos5i tion and libera'lI termii
for r'ightl man11.
Addre i'ss "WX WV. Stoddaird & Co.,
Cleveland, Ohio.
IK'envelil-Nor i'll.
I lelativyes of the flamily inl NewheIrr
hiave r'ece ived'( inlv'iat.ions8 to ile mat11(
riago of Mr i. Jaimes George Leavellt
MIiss 10lla Nor'rellI at the firIst 1Presby
terIIin churlich inl Houeston, TJexa(s, n
Wednlesdlay evening, March :'2, 1b91
Tihe bridis aSI (dautghteri of Mr'. an
Mr is. Geo WV. Norell, oIf lioustonl, anu
,hie gr'ooml is tile eldecst son1 of Hey. D)
and1( MrIs'. Wmil. Hayne II Leaveei, wvh
haive ma11ny reh'itive aOnd11 firiends i
Newber'ry, Mr. Leavell bieing Ia son
Col. John aIt. I Lvel of 0our town. D)i
Leavell Is pastor' of thle first l'iresh,
terian chulrchl of Houston. To LI
bride and gr'oom T1he Herl'd andl New
extendsI con)gratulattions.
nnd Whit,key IPabl
'ur.' l at hen n it
A Firo Near 8iver Street.
On last Thursday night about, one
O'VOUCk tbe resi1denc(3 belon1ting to Mrp.
b. (. Spearman, Sr., known as tho
whiit house place, near Silver Strect,
wits destroyed by fire. The house was
ocpied by "Mr. SpearaI's Sol), Mr.
W. I I 8peamnai, who lostall hil house
hold goods. Vlien the fir was dis
covered ih. had gained such headway
that tho oo'cupaints of the hlouste
ba l.-1y aliad timlie to escape viu. their
ives, oie iavi.g to ei--aopu in theilr
nigh lt clothing. The fire orivtinated
about the center of the hall in the cell
ing hetween the first ittid second storits,
skippo.sed to havo been eaused by rats.
Ail that Mr. Spearman eucceeiled in
saving was one beflt ul, to io wash
btand, three (Iluilts and his wife's piano,
the pianlo. however, wats conSlidterably
dumaged, being scorched by the fire.
Mr. Spcarman Vs tin.atevs h1' loss at
$1,000 - no Insuranie. Ile is a youi.ng
tiarried man, just startt!d out in life
and the loss to h1ii is heavy. lie re
quests us to tiiank his neighbors and
fricn(s for ai( ai kiininess extendid
'Timn LittieH of Loi teioeS Cliatstch,
Will give a hot supper for the bene
lit of the church it the residence of Mr.
and .Ors. W 11. Wendt on the evei
nling of March 31st. 1louis from 5 to
12. Public invited.
Froam Prnt1,ihg ofict, to sw Milt.
Mr. Surry Shockley, a young man
who has held a posit,ion as compositor
in Tie lerald and News office for the
pist eighteenI months, has severed his
connection with us, having bought, half
interest in a saw mill otitlit with his
uncle, Mr. I. ). Shockley, and will
hereafter follow the sawmlill blisiness
throughout the county.
They have their saw now in operation
on the Jacob 1'erki[ls )laCC, about a
mile anl a half froi towII. MI. Shock
ley is a deservipng young -man and we
wish himl success in his new line of
Mliss Bessio Riser is opening u) it
Now and well Selected Line of Mil.
linery, in the store recotitly oceupied
by the Newberry Clothing Co., nud
will be glad to liivo the ladies call.
A Ner.wi i'.sen.o i
Mt'. G. F. Long, who lives I Ilr
town, caeic near 'osing his residen
by tire on last Friday night. MI.
Long rets restless some times durinL
the nights, and gets up and walk."
about tho place. "Last Priday night
Inte in t.be night he awoke and could
not go back to siep, so he got up and
Was Wtalicing aroutid in his yar,l when
be saw a light in his kitchen, which
upon inve-Stigation proved to he the
kitchen on fire. 'I'l cook lid taken
t,le ashes from the slove and placed
tilemi un1ler it in it wooden hox and the
floor. had ignit,ed and was burinting
riglit along. iosin was dropping from
t,he walls and ceiling and inl at few min
utes the whole house would have been
in 1lames, as the kitchen is inl an (Il
itdjoi ninog the chvelli n ,. M r. L ong has
watt.er wor'ks in hiis house anid hud little
t.rouble in extinguishing t,he llames.
H1owver, lie had a narruow eape.
...WILLh HIAVlk A...
New Line of Cholco Mill.nory
('(n.e and w,e tIhe pret ty hats and3(
fancy art icles.
At Ltie res id ece of Lthe br ide's nioth
er', M's. S. A. WVooten , 3t1 ('ast,leberry
street, Miss A lice 'T. Wooteni anld Mr.
11. Ml. 1"oote were' uit ed in m3arr'iage
laLst eveing by Itev. D)r. WVilliamcson,
of the I'irsst, ('br istiani i 'eben ih
It, was a quiet, home wetlinig, wvitz
necsscd by3 only a few r'elativyes itndt imi.
med iate friends of the bride and gloom,
Lohengrin 's Wedd ing MIarch wats de
ligh tfully rendered by3 Miss Love, ae
comnpan13ied by litt,le Mast er D)avih
Love. Tb'e bride, ia pre'tty and pop)13
lar' younig wvoman i, looked( the pict,i rt
of loveliness in p ure' whlito organudit
andt bridal veil, carrying ia houqjuet, 0
br'ide's roses. Thie hr idegrooni isa
well knowni and highly esteemed yount;.l
manti of Atlanta. iIe is secretary o
i"oote's Liriunk factory.
A fte' 1.he1 ceremo)0 )3y thie gue(sts 5 'e
pirei'd to the dining room, whler'e ai
eleganit su pper'1 L a ited tbem.
The youn iig coul 1e were thben reci pi
en ts of man y vatluab ole p'esenits. The;
will be at, hiome to Lbheir' friends Sun
s (13a3, March 12. They3'l havte inanii
friends who wish for themi long life ani
Mr. 1I001.e is the younigest sonl of Mr
M. I'oot e, who wvas for' miany years
r'esideint of Newb,eirry and t.hefai
still hias many fiendsi] in L,his eoun33
Tlhoe leorald and News extendos congi'aI
uilationis to the youn3 g couple.1
1Guano! Acid!
Cotton Seed Meal
S It, will pmy you to see us hofot
buyl)intg. - f tIf Huimmier Br'os.
One of the oldest an'
best Guanos on th
market is the Navass
~brand, for sale b
.Edw.n R. Hipp, tf
Aa E4tem.i Frio-it . A fie r ti" 're acierm
litat 1itv I'vpultle, in Not All With
tile 're-ait"r0.
Mr. idlitor: This is Imly first, attellipt
at, niewspi per writing. I woltId not
write this if L hadi not seen one or two
pieces ill your- Imperl of last week. I
notie ill an editt'ial in Prkida. 's Her
aid and News the killing of young
Cartledge In Cohilibia; you ask the
que6tionl, "W ha,t is tle veliedy for tie
exist-ing evili of today, etc., nld If the
rIilemedy vl be founld in statutory en
act I'n t,. t ans% er, no. I am Iinlined
to th itik youl lars as to want of Imloral
t iilrng is -:"e 1101h00e tlouble IlOes. I
also notice few words in Kay's letter,
nl( Irig pretty muchlell, thu s.init tiles
L , onIls.
The troul le is not, altogethler with
tie paretlLs (Soitetilies Ve feakir there
is At lOOS121it'i inl our IiitAi teChings
111k, wlher, It Ilay be il t.bm chool,
butl, wu bviieve it, is in) the om. d
toriltl). 'Ile editor tay he right, so ar
as he gos. There is no doulbt but
there is a I. k of imioral tiiilikiing, both
in tle solubo"' anld ill the hoiv, and
probably it I .ay be in a small degree
in tie(, falilure of the c outs to punish
tho criiinla 4, but. we fear that the
lack tf morat: tnininr and teaching is
where the troulibl lies. We know that,
there are at gr'eat, many peope who
Will not agr-ee with us in what, we a1e
going to b1ay, but we propose to i'w to
the 111ne aild let the chips, fall where
they please.
Onle of thie greatest hindrances to
advainced elvilization anil Cliriatility
is the heathenish doctriles that are
prociaimned from the pulpit. of the lre
seit, diay. Thle crilvi doctrinez, of enld
less t.orture; octrincs that make (eod
a pearIll 1.0 111n aLS It 1,.1ra,nie(tI, etiUl
master ilstead of a just ai loving F'a
ther; o1e Who will mncle otit, justLiec to
all people. We kmow that prohibition
does not prohibit: we know that StLaU
t.ory laws (o )ot. keep people froi comi
iit,tinig erntes: Ileitller does telling a
mnal thalt if he dors nlot, (Illit, tinning
and do better lie will ie tpunished in
hell forever, Imlake him a butter man,
Soeitimiles lie trics to Imlake himsell
think he is doili-r btter so that lie ea
escape the awfil dooml) Whihl ltwltitL
him iLL tit gruave. le joins the cu11c11h
-cots to churebC reguilaly:N payNs MhL
prom-ber; cake licmunionl; I mu11st. <h
all this to e-vaLlw tie terriblei falte thlal
awaits 11o.
Anoithei great trouble is we have S(
mlany m1en1 ill the pulpit, today who arm
totally uiilit. for te lplave. They lool,
ait thle I)ulpIit ats an1 OUpation101, IiVinX
Ivleaching is todliay U Irofe-ssionl ilStea,t(
of IL Callilng, anIld fre'(4 e(u11atioln to youn1
len w Who will 111kce preacbers of theii
selves is one cause of the trouble her<
They will get, up in the pulpit anlif
Loll abolit Iho widow givilig hier lits
lite, stLnlihV with 0)Uen 1anDd 114
0open11 illotl readly to ta( the last, 0en
from Some poor, fellow who just a fev
moments befor' they have coisiined tj
aln endless holl. Whenevel the peopi
stop) payi3ng fori such1 preabinIlg 1and( del
untnld somet01 inig boatter, wo will hav'
mlore0 mora'iti y, but julst, aS long us w<
hav1 e tis ki11 .1 of prne;a'hing fr'oin ou1
that. pr(1aeb I s shOul b I paid( 51uel
large salari' u s t hey ret i. o for wha
lit lie they do.. From11 $50'' t' $1,000 po
anniru.n for bout, t,wo hoturs ta1lin
'neb week and a gZoodl part, of thlat,
mone)I1yI L tlk 'The luij')rity of t.h
preaeberi Cls of? toth ry'101 e id (131 of
commlioni saU ried mantl whio is al1way
ready13 to (ii one job for a ben.tt.erl p)
in g one. W lien ever' a1 preil-heri gets
call to at betl.c'r place lliuiu t.he one h)
hol s you1 w. ill soon1 h' lat im say the' II
t.he 14)3rd hats calledit him1 to a 3new liel
of labor. 'They wanit big satlaries
Lihat Lhey can Iivye in ilInxin-ry, ri'ise thiic
clhildrn3 in1 idhlness, senid them33 ofl I
linte cotlleges to 0(1ducat,e the..m aind tenie
them1311 to i hn 1.h3emiselvyes heter t.ha 2
the poor' pe.opile whoi hav wiIL orIIked hariL
We do not, meanLi to say that prel'0
(ers shold( prl01eeb fosri nathIig, for n.
thliink whlen a prleacher' l ii goodl or
and1( de0votes hiS .me1 to thd goold wvor
lie shoul b)' pidl w'hat ever' the pe~op
* e able to1 ipaiy him i. To's inisure beltt
Lime and5ili belts.'e m'liorL t,rat ining let
liaw'' an ex0tc 5f iniISUSLii TheIIeah at
New's by the Ilev. WV. I. i irber't,
Newer'ry, soti me ago if all1 01
as5 thaltL we wVould( 80(on see ai markt'i
di 0ference. We ha1ve someil gloorl 331
pleaisure'( of hiearing somia fine sermolt
free fromnS) l somuch nonsensle.
1I. 11. .1.
iHsats th le lIamuike.
Mlr. A. (. Thoma)rlis, of Alarysvili
Te(x., hias foulisl a1 more0 vatluale (d
K lod(1I ko0. I'o r yeaIrs Ihe suffheredl i
11o1( atgonsy firin (113nsump1 ir), a1cent
paiedO( by hemliorrIhag'i; and11 was1 a
-soltl'y ciu:ed by3 Dri. Kinig's New I)
Si)overy for ( onsumptrion111, Conghs i
= (ahaIs. iii' dels'lares that goldl Is of li
valltin 1complihiarisonI w'.ith this maiirvi
1))3i unr ; wuih ha ve it, even'5 if i e'I
a i3hudred di 'ias a hi )3 tie. A\Sth
laronituiiis wml oIlliara and la11 i
alieelions areS 10 ) po.itively i-ured by I
Kig's Ni w )iseoveriy fior Conlsun
t ion Tru'ial hottLess free at lobe rt s
,& (Iide-r's and(1 Pe'lha 3n's D rug 8tor
A I('gulhar size 50( (ets., and3( $1 00. Ou;
(t;ipp(e. (1 15 C orh aIns ob..I; 3-.', dose
cent'sl< t, alei' dru gts Guaranteeda
noiin 01' 3130103 rofinel. t&fii
A HICK 1(11t 10UV AllhOAUrtiV
PIMP:i TO,40UMi l 4RaFi
TRIM4.11CC OillCet P11MI(A.
Tho HeraldI and Nows has always
bovin averto to coitioinitill offers. I
Inl fact, wo havo o never dont, it and do
not itoid to.
Wo hav., howeyver, mar11o anl Ur
rategoimint. with tho Rock Hlill BuiggfN
Company by which wo can offor ono
of their R5 buggies to our subscmrib -
11r8 b1u0111t 1ly freo.
Wo w ai t. overy su hie nlr r on o l 1
books and evory w11m stilmeribor to
havo aill opportiltlity to guill thki capi
tall prizo.
The buggy will bo oil exliblition
at nio storo or Mr. .mw. it. II ipp
18 soon ats it. Itr-rives from Rlock liill.
Tho Conditfionls on which I his lggy,
will bo givon aro: Wo propose to
fsveclro two largo pumpkims uldti overy
portion who pays oao ymir'msiihsriIp
tionl to Tiho Herald and News he
tweet now and tho first diy of April
will bo givoll Oneo guss it It 11h nu
bor of seed inl tho two ptimpkins.
Theio ono who colles ietrest to tho
imibor of soods ill tho two puimp
kins will bo givenl the buggy. 1aIch
guess to bo writt-n inl ink oi tho (
hack of an onlvelope and thw na1111o
of tho portion written oil i slip of
paper and puit inl tho tnvelopo, tho I
onvoloptl smalmd anld de'pos4it4,d inl at1
ballot box, which is to bo lockod awl1
kept. locked until the award is made.
Every porson who pays as muii chi s
$1.50, on1 year's mubscription, to hm
outitlopod to o g1loss. Thoso who
are inl arrors 1114 paly baick (l11w.8 to
havo O11 giloss for mach $1.10 tivy
p1l. If yOu canlnot piy back dues
you Can1 givo us youir notte for bnack
dles and ha1vo one guess for t his
your I which youl pay, ill alk dluos
mu11st bo arran11god inl ord44,r to (11titlo
you to ia Thoso who ha11vo
paid inl advau.1co canl hiv at glel by
paN 'ng for anlother year for which
thoy will be given credit. We havo
seenrod pimpkilis hocausI it will give
our out of tho counly stuliscribers tin
opportunity to guess for thoy will
know as much ihot tho numbor of
sCod ill the0 )llk)inIS 118 t1Hs who
soo I'hoim.
Those who livo roecitly settled
for their paper by calling igin and
aying enough to riu thir suibscrip.
tion to Apri! Ist, 1900, will b il
lowed to guess also.
We will allso givo a1s at Second prize at
Set of I llggyv 111n('s vhILied at S1 2. 70
and1( a thIird prlZo.L of ai batIre of flour,
and1( a fourt h priZio of on1( yOe's subl
r cript in oi1 The Ilorald anid Nows.
1h0 can1 only seculroe (1p rize e vet
t.hough his g18 uesses' were nea1re'st, th
corr)1ect numbe113r of seed inl t heo Iwo
e plunplkinsH.
TIhe bnggy al tIhl hiarniess wil bo1
8 put onl exhlibitionl ait Ed1w. I. .1 lipp's
atoro nd h pump is will bo tIborI'
also15 if yon( desiro1 to see. themIl.
Thllisl is an1 opislrtunlit y you1 will
nIiot. oftent haSve to seCIuro a nico4
Ihulggy andlt at the) 111 sa 1 timIo got ai
lgood newspaperj)( i ait, the ( regulaSr
r (Csll at theo ollico andl pasy yourI
0 subscrip1tionl and1 register you r volto.
h Thtose who find( it inicIYoeint to
a theUir guesseH and1( wO wvil soo that 111
. A fter t.i he gue ss-sre (clos(1ed acomS
e mri1ttee of dlisinIterested perso80li w ill
o e appom))Iirt(d( and asked0( to opien thle
c awavsrd the11 )riZes.
I'Free Puls,4
(I SentlI your 51(iress4 to Il. 1. lIntckI('n
bo fl)r. K(1ing's New lIife PiIs.A
tra ill con1vince youi of 1ih-Ir meirits.
11r 'lTese 41 Ii are ('asy in 8e'i a4) nt are1 15
Il ('or4Isipt 1(on 1111( Mi('k leI( ache4'll. lir
.\laa ia awI 51(1l faver I roubles0 they have111
15 bee prIov('( inenvuilable. T' 'y arel
o' guarante14'(( to bel pierfsecl f*' e froml
'18 every (lOk'Ietrion: i'-nbsinnee an14i to4 be(
bsy thieir sacton b(11ut. bsy givlig 1(one4 to
t.be s4tomach101 and1( bo4weIs gre(:41 ly iInvi i
orate the0 sysin 11. JegtIl:t 11 ize5/ 254'.
petr box. Moh(I ll Itobhertsonl & (Ii <I(Ir
2: Buist's Prize Medal
-Garden Seeds
Ocpapers for 5c.
"Peas and Beans in
obulk, and Red and
SWhite Onion Sets, for
f,;. sale cheap at
")1 JOBlEIlT'SON & "ILDE)il t'S
ri- D)rug Storo(.
Sublsrho t.o the Dlineahtor'11 through
ine0, it co,1St .10 b- s. S. . \Vooten ii.
25 The ri'at, values in (111' 1 eintIant1
to l)epar't.mleni tl re going lastt.
Buffalo Bicucies!
TH he 'hi ME(xtel f:1- surpass es
Tl '99 Moo fill'I CVII. 1)11 itt
my I Iic ,yclo vver built..
Qur-lity bette .r t,h:ll uver.
Newberry, S. 0.
01-1.r col-bri tet Jack, 1 , han11lds
igh, will stand tho vnsining 8-11sonl
t. miur stabls itt. i,vfiat, Lau
vis Coity, S. C. This: Jack is
ully registvi.fd.
T1ri..s: $10.00. hllins11-ure dn
o stnid and skick.
2mio Bolfast., S. C.
Guaranteed Analysis!
Best high grade starnd
ard Fertilizer on the
market. Guaranteed
A vaihblu l'h1os. Avid, 8 pel c.
Ammononia, - 26 per eon t.
P(')tashI, - 2 pwr cont,
See guaranteed analy
sis on bags before buy
Stop that Hack!
li;orr it is too iatv. Thm timo tu
Utekl i cold iA whbn it, is just begin
ning. A bott Io of iobortsonti
Coipouind Coighl Syrup if tikein it.
the r~i t time1 wVill saivi yout at so.(I
illnew.t IitI. give li.tan~V t re lifri,
t ha t ~itngoo ih' rawnemsst of t t
ghoods tat, monst whhaecld
ay, ind ofyfnpes te ta
t'resonly lowns pric.e
Jewlry, SilverA and1,,|'
Siler-latdru wtre
a-nnbd wCuet Gaisfy ayo
Silver r o eties
Doll and recevin oe
Com, andfe temin
Jewelry, Silveand
Sp cacleA Eyglase
(nd Cut Glssan
my,'t *il stck.
Edw. B. Hipp. Aget
Newberry. - S.
t h
Of your Spring pur
chases we desire to
tUrn your face in the
r;ght direction.
TowRi Mower's,
In1 orldor to bettor ictcomplish thi
object- we plaeo on Sut sa )Ilo<lay Ono
caso finle printed (Ieked Orgalldio
ait.\ Wil they0 YIA; 30 PiOCOH
'reich Oragadios at 19e., thesk Woro
regardod vvry cllelp Ilast Healsonl at,
2 ', bvitifuil, bright now styles.
SpyvildidI lin., All-wool Bl1ack (Cro.
PMIH, mll. prici l ac., lowest, prico
over- knownt oil ti,hio goolds, l(iforo
this sido wais (3 1.00.
Wo wint ylou to Como anld S0
th1's o tee LhAv )TE IA . he'y aro
oxactly as it Ie-ised.
Watch our ad. col
Umn, we promise to
make it interesting and
profitable to you dur
ing this season. It is
our aim to place on
sale from time to time
some specials. So
watch us.
Yours truly,
is making a
Furnishings and
Heavy Shoes.
This is a genu
inme Bargain sale,
as he must have
room for his
Spring Stock
Be sure to call
and inspect
of the bargains
you can obtain

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