OCR Interpretation

The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, September 26, 1899, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067777/1899-09-26/ed-1/seq-4/

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JT L . A A AMJ2 TV 1 PAIJ AL 14 . i .LJiA&1LJ'! & L L ! A.' J.u n. r, "0
The Newberry Clothing, Shoe, Hat and Furnishing
Goods Store is Showing the Largest and Most
Complete Stock Ever Brought to this Market,
The place showing the Largest Assortment!
The place showing the Best Goods!
The place giving the Lowest Prices!
$t k If Clothing. .
iVien's Cheap Suits $2.98.
200 Men's Good Wool Suits, nice patterns that would be good
values at $6.00, Our Price $4.98.
169 Suits, Up-Lo-date Styles, that "ould be good values at $10.00
Our Price $7.38.
Our line Suits, $8.50, $10, $12.50 and $15.00 -Nobby and Up-to
date styles, made up by the best Clothiers in the country, and will
fit and wear as well as tailor-made that would cost you 25 per cent.
more. We are offering' immense values in Black Imported Worsteds
that we bough t before the recent advance in prices.
The largest sLock of Boys' & Children's Suits ever brought to this
ma. -et.
Knowing that boys are rough and tough on Clothing, we made a special effort in the selection
of Suis tha will sst(and wear and tear, and are rock-ribbed and iron-bound.
75 Children's Suits that would be good values at $1.25; Our Price 79c. A big lot of Suits $1.13;
worth $1.40. See our $1.98 Suits that would be good values at $2.50.
The greatest line of $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 Suits ever shown.
U6 noU
12,550 Pairs of Shoes bought before the big' advance in prices.
So we are in a position to sell you shoes cheaper than ever before.
\o.'sol'i' Si oi l 'lar Shoesi olyl tih. ( i.al (Irinim s,-,4) , good 41 values att S I. I our prie 0.4 N att K id, Utioor La Idco thait would be cheap1 ut
lilnOllOil of1 ii h ( itr o . i n 'rcet frin m tio Io liang ianu fntummir4,, iii th l aIit.o1t holui and1111 clorsI, anud wo gua ratoo our pricos to 1)bot awaiys i
When You Need Shoes, Come to Headquarters !
In Genits' Furnishing Goods we have as Complete a line as carried
by any H-ouse in the State.
1114 ~~~~r .\V. .h.t onI(boid lI l iui pt 01'i. Sj loielil assoI(rt iiitori U. ltrw.'ar, atl gratdos, from th h asto (1i tl)'4. h e bes-4l t maduo.
'thu mosiit beaiut iful a1'sor4tIIl,aIt of N'1ckwont11 that wats 44ver diiplatyd horo- -aol thel ltest tstylots.
In this5 stock we are showing 'the most cornplete line we have ever:
I, crried All s'I'' ~: . ~xtyles Hats prices.t IAl olI c "luiolle
.1 uhtaopmg , I Cxltr b ich he . IlltavyI Drill .0. (io od (1ch(kd Ilomospun'd1 Honvy 1 t'inespun be(. Al\olHdFanl1e
Goiod J.1 s 414 0. \Vool Jean lujo.t I'Cxlta loa vy All \Vool Jeants'4 2 uo.
imyth1. \V44jI1014 i p opos l I 111 ~ ithe t ais xitiy I as I etOi i ed 144, m1l4 no hav puitv 1 th 1 ,14Iioer, ILow, Pric4's, to mlovo Iil g4oods4.
\Vo haive4 t.he pleast'ure1 lto ttank ia g4enerou publie0 for' ilhlir' libe'ral patrountgoi in theu pa8t.. \Vo aret biore to HIrv4) you agit.
'I mm owvrr C1othier. Bhoo and Furnishing Goods House.
-. . 1 t 1 ' T1.\ ' A.!' x~
2.'*. ~ T * T *1
' '..: !
r .. 2 ~
!U 'p:trt rt
I~~~ ~~ ra1.I ,1l 11
Tr ',r,:5(:(il ,1 J:- r" "r i. r beto.-t1..r
(,i4 .e rllt(::re nv l.'.-. :srl.
Mir,tuntas. E,. *A\'i':'AI'(,I, A ..
11. C. BEAT TIE, Receiver.
E:Ir,.;ivC MI:y 3, 1 1:,
l:M wea-rn Azr,d!:r=nan and W],:('t.::!a.
.I1x ! .1:.1
No.1. t.prs N .
A r II,. ...u ...........'. ! .-1 ',:1 ...,........L v 3 -5 i r
A r 'U ;" ..( : ......... .....D -:.:'. tr............. I.t .. %,
A r f.) I at ra................A 1i ',lrt .... ..... . .
.. . . . . . t 2'. 1. ,.
A 1 r . .': :,r, ..... .. . Y "-r;' " -O . A ...........1.y i i
A r lu I ae.:n s .....('i.<. r ' ('r s"tluu......v ; 2 i - r
A r 11 07 : . 'r i g.. . -
A r ' .t ni ........... :a: ........... L v 4 47 1 It
A r !1 n'.nt......... W?'t(',i i an, .........I.v 5 1: "1rj
Ar ! ': -u( ...........: Wt!aio:la ............1.v 5, 17 1".
. . .. . P'. M. ,Ar.
J. It. A\NIl:l; (:N, u rlrnt(ntr t.
(onr:reti:n;stat .ir:n.eca with Su. 33, It. No. l:..
At .11.(1 : i t .%. 1Ail y' Non. 11 IrL 12
Florida Central & Peninsular
ini TalIe in 1.J1( CL e 1. 1n1e 1,':'.
L. -avr: .\e w r y......................................2 (U p ml
Arl,vi ye (C,lln:m1,iu.....................................: :.r 3 r1
No...3 No.
.v. ' '' b :t. ..........I ' -I a
(A t' rn Tirrie. A
.v.l(>lnrnl>i t .............J0 :tn 12 7 m11
Ar lu l: .1 ......... . 1_2' 1:1 .11 i,un 32
I.v F iti,rf;rx .................IS ..:"I.
1.v "ivv:un:tt s.............. :: 1>u71 . til
A.r rn t ...... . .... . 1
A r . .l c --r il -......... - I , !r U 1n
l v .lar a ; . 1 : i t 1:......... J2 l.1 3/ . ,l:t
A 'r Ia 1: d t y, .. 3........... 1 1 l"I,J
r L. ivc Oak ......... ..... 14 1-111
A ItlvcrT .lh itt: . .... ...111
. r RI ie . e . . ...1. 1. .. 1 al nl
. ' .... ... .. . ... .. i ,l n 3 1 : ,st :u
2(1..:. .2:?3 '1n
I.v 2tV12.2:2 '.2.2212
.\ r M: l ib-.. .. . ............. 1' tr3 . l
A.r N(' w rlut' > ........... 7 103m
.\r W ca la .................. I ,In- I t'll
A r 1 II l: I ........... 2 u 1,
A r C r'lht11r1( .............. . -iu S U 111
A r- O1 ht j, ..................I. tt "..ll
.t ~ ~ ~ OI' I.'.i I.3 I; N 3 I) . 2
. r W ti %w l .............. : . lU
A rvr i t:r Ke..........3..... I:
A (iln t vill'..t . ". ..."..12 .pin
A r 1nlI, .... ....... 13 uGun2 1 I 11111til
A r(i212cs''11.-32 ..2 12r
IN.'I idUitl M:L' .. . I ...i.I . .' pu
Ai' (I32222t222 42:2ti 2 '..22n
A r Ta st ............... 4 ,- 22 ..1011i
NOIII111 o1UN 1).
Lv Tin>('m .................. 2 .n
I,v J I :kt a l.. ... ........ . 20 lu p 4 l,i
Lv WIrii w clc 1.. ........... . 2 -.I b
,v Ctv:r l y....... .....0 t
l,v G a I1 ith ............1'. - 1 2
A r W al'1 ................., .p 1 1 Lt
I v I l t k ............... 1 2121
L v .3,a k u (14 '4 1y..........
Lav 1.hte k I bo v120..... :2a i
Ila .1un(w3e14 C............ L,; iII 7 :3t i
IA r222 vanlt oth.... ..1 I 321 142,322
L \aa rna1 bt122 ............12 3>pi2
v Faitriiax........... 2 3)22 y .3t n
3.v I hentna k2 .......... 3 3)11 232222
.\ 2' Colut 212 .............. -1;.t2in
Ar N12No.221.
1~.i3 214 t2'21'.' i:uI 3('02' l t (o3t22 I n
21244'lilI322, tlit 'Ll22242323 ih ; 11(22 t.ll i
3-' 3 *F,A'a4-iT. pA.
u2I.:;n -
7-l J . '. y'.A.,
-J'4'22.(2aV2(I 1lt
Ten arrvean(estonpat, Colubia,a
'Uantilr Sortt aona,s: Nr ti carry
iPallnu Atle3plu car betweenNwY r. at
.3'snyle a.2 '.1 betw2 -en Cine'ttinati aitti
Jakoni,' vm12322 Ashevill, Nonne1ting with.
(1ot to to 2-2 Jak ovill e.32.3., (220IA .
betw2 en 2223'l'a-npa, 2. ek. onville,- A 8.avan322h
V iO212 . I. F,A'4 2Y, U .. T ... A. 112 22
L. 2 A, I..i ---,A.G.P A..
A.hl 11 . .1.1.\CI2O.2,, 1 1, . .. A.
* 22 3222 '. ........ Jacksonvill.....1.'e, 2l.222
3)AN 33.ST LIE
FASTi3.'33.(3333 aLINE12W2'2 23222
Between3 22 2V31 Charlestn andLil C3olumbia,l
lia,Atei Goodtlnta
*No. :112.4'.g .
rtt l a '.......C o ui ab b y.......i ,v -f t op
7 t mt. .......0'o ,ftIr ity.... ..( ,v1213 0 . m
u) iy A '... .... ' (w2 t : 'y 24W....... I ,iv 2 i
n ......0r v i l le........... 14 ,v2220 1 t a
buyorpin lr....... &ar: nbAr.......ES 6a
Uno y Ar..MlemNttr.P. llo fo .APIAr2..
tWEaviNieS.vll vIrt, anit- oa 321 01 o .
P1i .a \20!a\l tON, (,th)n. Pals'nair Apient.
Cntral Tine Il-trCcn lQ' iIlha and Jack
Son vilIle- 1.a.'tern ':II Sn.ctlu Co
lumbia t-1.1 Otler i'oluts.
-"No.3a -
Nourthbt,unl.' 1).t y, V. ally.
A r.
Ar' ,;
} -
L ~ ~ ~ ~ o ). N....... 3 l
> , 11 ('p
". H+;. 8 111
Ar. .0 1,5
A r --\ a l 1 i 4
1 1' . i 19)j
SoutIf~ ~ bul .' o.No. 3a
South hj1i).di }. D aily.
I. * . .
. 1: :. . . . . . . . . '+ 11 1!1'
Lv. -4
. . . . . . . . . . .44
. r. 4 U
i 101
44 3
. ~ - . r er i a
p'r. . -. m -..ing 1'ar e we
Ta- a: . . .,sv.na,W sigo
I - un pin iar blotte
P mn .-win- r or, ico betwec i
14,- .Yo rk n Y l'ramt l Er
1'.."'. - i.- ". :" b : .".iu '3r4 Aute td har
Jo ; t-. o r r m . uto
1 P lm: ( .'piing ('ar b'tw.t'n Ca rlot
andt (' In:nida,f (-nrout dl y ~et ween Jaelc1V:
a.n i I . i nnnat v1i(. rie.
Thir 1 'P. & : . Mgr. 'n M. Wa--i ton.
I r. P. A.. W as.hington. A. U. P. A., Atlaa .
tv.I.,, t ':"" ': ie nd N ', \I'i n Pull
Coudennecti s'cheduei Iu Efc
June", ith, '10
Ex.nat d u . aily'uJa1
(. TAI;O N..o f7 i N . 11.
"R A um1utv .4 . ...... . . . . 4 a in
" rngi............ 9 :l anr
T I .-P A, (; .M r .M , \t-a:hnato
. A '1'i:ii , Sv~i.~ . . . HAt)IC0pIC
"rKinvJ.1..1........ ......... 1 15 a) i.
i . 1 ....... . ... .. 1 7 i4 5 1
"r tr :... y................ ... i..... 13 10 n 1u
"' ] in tiw Irry............ ........... 12 :,J pt mI
"' N i:n- :y- . ,. ......... ...........I f :.'i y m
". .r.. >... .17 -0 a in 1I: p tn
Ar., Iii.s...... 8p, in 2 15J p mi
Ar. (b ,............. 40 a n 12 15 p 1n
Ar. ie;n . .. ..... 8. :> i. 1 12 p in
Ar u ,o14li . . ' 2am 1 y in
A n.4'(i ..5 9 14 p in
( (41Ex.IIun. Daiy
Lv 14.o.i18. 1o. L.
C -ier! ltwa ......8 0 p i 1 7 -1 a m
"Up W .Jt: Lto......iirc.i Ar in 1.t5a s
At n-r:,n ...4 tI5 p m 2 10 a n
Ar. .on n . ..lIl 5 p n 11) 6 40 a 14!
a ,b . ......a. ii 6: 11j 85 a m
".. Pr..... rity............1II . ..... 14 p m tO
" Ji ('1 1in . . . . Cl . n i ....... AU 0 p in
v. '1igvi ... ... ..I...... 24 :Jp UIin
"0 4 I :: p eg.-------- . .. ...... .. ,529p m
1"2o 00pk-n. U..... ...... . .10 1)7 p
"! 2 aa-1 r i ;i...... .. ..... . 7 I 2 p.n C
Ar. CharpAu........- ........ LvI :17 I m
5Pulhnanjhlc I I...C hlstoa n.... ru8np .iat~
0t0 7 t44ii" .e.,Smm vll o... "a1 7nr 2 10.
2otl4 t4125a " . .,ngebur..1. "te 5:2 p. 8 n
9 201 15a1o " .....Ning) 9ill.... "14 1 4 28p 7. in.
& 10 . ta 12 :s " . ... ea tu.. 1 i 'i y 7 46
1080 2~ W > "O .... Jonesvil ... "4t 12 2op 6i 5:
10r54 t 28t11" .....PaEbu h-t...... "lu 4044p C iL
Wilittgtotiu [r. . Sprabr..i i .1a, U. (5
11 I40 48.10 i.v.. ~ ?4 'Spartanburg. . r 11 4a ,.
2_40p 7t4Ar.. Aht-il..?.Lv 820 0..
"P,". R. m.pA, Agen.
'Noborr:y3a., -: p.i. 01. m.
2? SAL44 "
orth, South and Southwst,
-hiedu;u in eflect De . II, 16J8.
St.I 11OL \I'ND. No. 43. >o.41.
Ntw York, via 1'enn. 1(.1.*1 () lra '30pm
\\i ' :ingto ...................I 1) p1 4 30 am
"lici:,3: ........................ ' Pt 9 "
.v " Port -3nouthi1 1o8?5 pm 1 0 )a
\r \V -ht1 , vi( S. A. I,......... II '))111 11
.\r 11' t 3.on. "~ - r4--k*0 57 3
-'-1"< l.h O " .......... '' 1J1 .n lin33 a,
c.utth"rn P'ines " 1 8 pin
W :'i i ngt ..n........ 12(5 't
M onroe ... ............ .....,' " 9 12
Ar Chri'.ltt", via. .. . 10 2rpm
" (.h........ ..r, a .......... 8 lf am 10:5, prn
". (,re[enwot " .... ..... 3 5 " .' 17 pl
" Ather ... 13 pm 3 43amn
" Atainta, S'A1. L. (cnon 3 50 pmi t' 2
I)(,ot) (Central 'I..lni)
L1v No.w) bt ry ---- 7 50 pi *12:1pin
Ar'iton " ...... 930 11 7 "
ORTil iO N' No. 442. No.. 3
Lv AIIanta,(('entral Tiune) 61l00pm *8::UI I
A r A' t h c us " .......... 3 16 pml 11 110 pi
". (ireen{{wvo dt. ......... 5 41 " 2la atn
" ('hec :tr ' ....... 7 53 4t 4 2>,
A r .on V ia . A . ......... *p ;u pm 5 iou
Art 'hat!lottt, vi S. A. L...... 25 pul 7 54 "
At I t i o l i ............................ 11 15 " 7 45
A A ii. i'tit . . 12
" '' ula :" rn1 P'i . ................ . . 12 1 s amil 1 3)0 11111
A r talt:;h. v a S. A., ........ 'I W0ain 11 iiin
'' ilt..nt it u , ........ 3 2s an t 1250o t'ut
A r\W"")d'.:1.tYit .A.1.......... - 5amt 2Eopi
A r t-or' tn.cluttt h " ..... - 5 ta 5:O
'l1irl:h it1 lttl..... . A L .... 5 45 " 7 12 "
i " 15'u n:f 'n.vtl'cnn. 1.n. 12:1 1 im 11 10l "
I.v l. : an " ......... 2 I10 "! * "(nlln
Ar .Newbt i.ty 251 pin 6.0 amt
S1)'iy. I 1)'Iy, ex. Sutnday.
Ntis. 403i ast t 4c'-!.-''Thse Atlanta Spec10,11
Solhi \ -t1 le. Tialt of Pull lau Sltnper
a<lu ('.<-Ihes beishtwe,n W'ashing;ton a d At
Ianta.:tl-t 1'u:lna Hcprs ehtiweel 1'orts.
liluuth :trltl Chester, S. C.
os. 41 ind 34.-"1he S. A. L. Expr-',"
Iioli1 Ta t:in. O.trht s an Pullilin S,..-plers
llt wnlt I'tit I 1h:11141 Athtnllta.. Coinpianly
51b 1'tra ilet.wct24 C:lunibhia and A tlanta.
IiL ih tra1ki1.s ini klce iictliat1 conneetion at
Athanta ft,r \lt,ntt'nnery, Mlobile, 1\ow Or'
ltanS, Ta-x:t-, Calth1'lin, Mo-'Xicto, ('hotta
nog Nas, hvll', ,tetn'phis. Maeon, 1'loridht
1 I ''ckt-1?, Sile-per'. 11 1 nufittioin il, ;:p
'1y )to Altt.i:- r 1 1I. ("letn+nt=, C .
Joteph M. I'rown, G.I. Agi., Pass. D)op' .
Atlanta I
E. ',. J11 , \'tee-'r(1s. a Gntu'I 31ana
\' 1 .Alcl"F -.. (ien'I t'ul)rirtntn letit.
II. W\ . 1. t; I .1\'1'. Ti 'tr)Uflc tlanager.
L.. i.\. -:- t n i ' ':- eng:er Agentt.
01:: I.t1. o1l" C19: 3 I nT1 0 t'it. 1' t.
' (' Ci3AII I .T t,7't 1..\f:.
OUU1Tli CAItUL1 .NA & (%I'0.t;'A 8.t o
'i)l:c 'Tabile4 in t it(t .htam. 1, 1S99
(E 1::n1Ibountl-- I)tily".)
Iv Coltt:n , b : o .......................... ( 45 ttImt
AI' ltr :tn hyille ..................... 8 i'2 111
L'v ra ni h v ille ..... .. ............ I. U5 amll
Ar Chatr:eston ........................ I (t0 a m
I.v ('.ln unia ..... . ..... 3 55 pin
A r Ci i est<.rt ........................ 8 17 pin
't C t: - t "l tt n ....................... 7 00 a n
A r ('oC il il,bi.a ........................... 1 OMan.
Lv Ch:t '1 .)n........................ 5 30 piu
A I tain'lbvlle..................... 7 35 pn,
Lv 1lra'r1:villo .................... 7 t0 pm
Ar Colu nhht......................... 10 1e pmn
(1 -. bounti-lhly F..xcept Stund1.
Lv ("tiut i a ....................... . 910t 1 3 5. pm
Ar (aluttn .............................11 410 3tn h 30 pm111
I.v Cl nt:(e l n....... ............... .11 -t 1411n
A r .1n ica'te...................1 2 j)pin
CislaiCa. ............. I 30 p1In
I aor10 I 111.,..........2 15 pmii
Yil1) v i le...................... I' 4333U
1l bu e lah1tirg............. 3'~ 111p 3
bulb ....................... 4; 25 pn
Mv ti rl 1 ................. .1G0 p tu1
SLMarlior........................ i 1 a1n
IShel by ul .......................10 .;: 3a31
Y0: k vi ile.....................I 521a in
'biek ill ................. .221)1m
C'taw bul n 2........... I'd :. p ni 333
A' Cohibler....................l~ .4 1p3m36 pl
Ca' rIlenl3 ....................... .11 p (4.1 4 n
A' r Cl 13.....................ll. Im tI 1300 a1
( (W estbound1a .)
Al' PeComba ................... ..8 U2 1am 03. 5 pm
Av rIr. iI(c)V h v 1...................I li 34211 7u ;. 02 p m
All r Al1.h.................. I 0011an. 100 -1.6131
( Noast bo3ul.)
Iv AngIusta .........................2 1) pm1
A' rlkaie n le........................3 (9 p m
Lv Augustnah'.........................6........ 17 20pm
A r Alken...................................7.1101p
1NF'Olt M A'I'10O
Tira3ins13 leaig Charle'Istoup
arr Iiv (ig (a I'llSn al)1 311.
- 11raChv iIIlle4 wit,h tI
1.14 , VI' . '32413433,.'
villeI, Iliackisaiurg 31ne4 Ni.
Augusta and As'vville Short Line.
SchecLul13o ini Effect iluily '1, 181)1,
Lt'avu A uigu3s a........3 .. ) 30 13n 1 40 1p 1
A3rlye Grt enIwol......,1 :, p~ j31
Ander'1'.o313......,.... ..... ;"'.',"
I,313 ............ tO '.0 44 (3 tI a m3
M,1:nIvflh.--... 3 P) 14nit 13a1
13ja; ta14 1414.....,..,' 1 0 IC an 33 4
eiannv.l... . P y1i4
A she(vlII............7 I. p) 331
LIIavI Ash, y. ip...,... 8 23 1134 --3 -
I 34la3riI b rg ........ I1 .3.') 143 11'n 1
'lie nvile......12 III p 34 ."4 6
I. urns.......3.... ,;; p mI 7 00~ pm
(14ie nI 114103....... 2 p m .,.,,,,
A 3g3 l3............ 5 10P 3p 11i 10 a1 m
I sblg....,..7 ;I30bin40 m
13h 31f.......x 1533a m
i ea M t ..'....... 1105 pm 4 240 pm
C e h~ i I.a for~ 1. (.. ......II 5 a m 520 p
jC)C4C 018 A.y -. .-..--.. 31I( (3 . a i1 5 a)nd
ilv. Nlot 4H3r .v.'............1 00r pm 7 10 am
W.a . x.-.-..... ................41 . 9A2gL
A r r v A g sta . ... .. .. .. ..i .. .. .. gl . 4 1 1 5 p
ponE . . 1. a1. AgI. ai.nan
Hor ny inoratin rlaty ortiek t'
MI)? . PI J.PIAL$ Gn. Ps Ag

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