OCR Interpretation

The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, November 30, 1900, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067777/1900-11-30/ed-1/seq-3/

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Corrected every Tuesday and Fridai
by Summer Bros.
M eat ..... ..---.. - - -.--..... 7 (q8Ic
Shoulders --.. . --...--....... 7c
Ha am.................................. 12@]3c
Best Lard .............. .-----... 9@l0c
Best Molasses, new crop ...... 60c
Good Molas3s ..................... 25(50c
Corn .................................. 70o
M oal .......... . . ..................... 650
HJay. 90c
Wheat Bran.. *... $1.15
1st Patent Flour ..-----..... o-I 75
2nd Best Flour ..-............. $4.50.
Strait Flour ........................ $4.25.
Good Ordinary Flour ...........l3.54 00.
Sugar ..................r..... ......
Rice .................................. 58 c.
CoTee ................................. I c.Y15c.
Cotton seed meal, per sack... 1.25.
Loose Hulls, per owt.............. 30c.
Ciountry Produce!
Butter, por lb ..................... 15(020c.
Eggs, per dozen ................. 18(a)20.
GhIckens, each................... l5S25c.
Peas, por bushei....... .......... 75c.
Corn, por bushel.. ............... 60C.
Oats, per bushel.................. 35(40c.
Sweet potatoes ................... 6%675c.
Turkeys, per lb ................ 6 8c.
Fodder, per cwt ................. 75 90oc,
(Corrceted twice a week by J. W. Gary & Co;)
November 27th, 1900.
.... ...................... g
Cards have been received announc
ing the coming marriage of Mr. Joseph
H. Hunter, of Prosperity, and Miss
Susan Adelaide Caldwell, on Wednes
day, December 12th, at 6 o'clock p. in.,
at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs
Adelaide Caldwell.
Please remember that we do not ex
change patterns. S. J. Wooten. tf.
Tnke The Early Morning Train.
The Southern Railway olTers special
rates to the A. M. E. Conference in Ab
beville on Sunday, December 2, from
Helena. One fare for round trip for
fifty a more, $1 54 for ticket, For less
than fifty and more than thirt,y-fve the
charge will be one and one-half fare,
When you feel that life is ha2rdly
worth the candle t,ake ia dose of Ch am
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets
They wiii oleisi- your stomach, tone up
your liver and ri-gulate your bowels
makinr vot ft-el like a new iman. For
sale by W. E. Pelhan.
A Muntical Entertant
Of a high order will be given in the
Opera Iouse under the auspices of the
Women's Society of Thompson street
church, December the 7th. The Di
rector of Music in the Presbyterian
College of Columbia, with Mr. Meyer
violinist., Mi-4 Klebs, soprano, and Miss
Reader will provide a programme of
superior excellence and variety. A
uich and elegaut entertainment is in
store for those who attend.
Lost. -
On Thursday last two hundred and
forty dollars on the road between New
berry and J. L. Gillion's.
Liberal reward to ider or any one
giving information whieh will lead to
its recovery. W. W. SATrcHim,
3t-tf. Joh nston, S. C.
A Close Ch,ase.
M r. Allen Crosson of Prosp,.rit,y passed
through Saluda last. Tuesday in hot
pursuit of John Birr, a negro who was
making way with some stock under
mortgage for the purpose of disposing
of same. Hie was overtaken in Augusta
and carried back to Prosperity Thurs
.day. The mule, cow, etc., were also
secured, as t,hs negro was followed so
closely he did not, have time to sell.
Saluda Sentinel.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets eure billiousness, constipation
and headac'he. They aire easy to take
and p)leasant In effect. For sale by WV.
E'. Pelham.
Thne Cloibreatha Gold Mine.
The Cuibreath gold ,ailne has struck
a zone bed of gold seventy feet wide.
Whil the whole bed of ore contains gold
in payIng quantities, a vein fourteen
feet wide right through the center of
the zone is rieh in s,he precious metal.
Precious metal. Preparations are be
ing made to put in.at once a plant for
crushing the rock which will be shipped
to the large assay mills in Atlanta.
Who knows but that Saluda will get
her railroad yet by way of the Cul
breath gold mine.--Saluda Sentinel.
"I have used Chamberlain's Colic
Cholera and diorrhoea Remedy and
find it to be a greate medicine,'' says Mr
E. S. Philips, of Poteau' Ark. "It
cured me of bloods flux, I c.mnnot speak
too highly of it." ThIs remedy always
wins the good opiiion, if not the praise
of t,hose who use it. The quick cure
which it effects in the most, severe cases
make it a favorite everywhere. For
sale by WV. E Peiham.
Too Rich to Marry.
This latest comedy drama was pre
sented at the opera house on Wednes
.day night by a first class company of
iperformers. The play was clean and
-wholesome. The humor was keen, and
the brilliant and mirth provoking situ
ations followed so closely upon each
ot,her that the audience was kept in an
almost constant laughter. No one who
saw the play failed to enjoy it. We
only wish they had received better pat
ronage as they deserved It.
Bismiarok's Iron Nerve
Was the result of his splendid health
Indomitable will and tremendous ener
gy are not found where Stomach, Liver,
JKidney and Blowels are out of order.
If you want these gualities and the
Aucoess they bring, use Dr. Kings'
New Life Pills. 'They develop every
po~wer of brain and body. uy20a
all Drur Gitores.Oly2oa
This is Arbor day.
The local dispensary was closed yes
Col. T. V. Holloway spent Thanks
giving day in the city.
Th woods were full of them ycsterday
-the amatuor sportsmen.
Miss Alice Wood, of Baltimore, Is
visiting Miss IIelen Mower.
I. 11. Hunt, Esq., went to Columbia
Wednesday on paofessional business.
"Too Rich to Marry" at the opera
house Wednesday night was the best
show of the season.
Some people are complaining of the
gr ippe. "To prevent grippe wear suil
phor in your shoes."
Messrs. 0. L. Shnimpert and W. H.
Funt have been in Spartanburg this
week on a business trip.
Col, 0. L, Shumpert caie Up yester
day from Columbia, where he had been
attending the Superne Court.
The college, graded school, banks,
post ofilce and sonme of the stores closed
yesterday to observe thanksgiving.
Miss Daisy Dean the pretty and Pop
ular telegraph agent of Abbeville. spent
Thanksgiving in Newerry with Miss
S. L. 1.olland.
Mr. T. E. Epting is attending the
Methodist Conference at Chester this
week as a lay delegate from the Central
Methodist Church.
Dr. 0. B. Mayer has been absent from
the city since Tuesday on account of
the illness of a member of his father-in
lhws family at Laurens.
An important meeting of the congre
gration of the Lutheran Church of the
ledeener will be held on Sunday
immediately after servlees.
Messrs. John6tone and Welch, -Hon.
Geo. S. Mower and Cole. L. Blease, Fq.,
have been attending the Superme
Court in Columbia this week.
No services will be held in the Cen
tral Methodist church on Sunday as the
pastor is away attendiug Conference.
Sunday 8chool will be held as nsual.
Tie "cannon ball" was nearly an
hour late yveawsrday morning and the
huntsmeu who wt ro going up the
country were somewhat disappointed.
Mr. Aumerle Shunpert, who is now
in the service of the raiiroads, with
headquarters at Columuia, came up to
speud Thanksgiving under the parental
The Columbia State is authorily for
the statemerAt that 1-1. H. Evana, of thib
city, will be a candidate for Governor
two years hence. llub. is a good can
Mies Nina Dominick, who is teach
ing school at Vaughanville, came down
yesterday to spend Thanksgiving with
her father, Mr. J C. Dominick, of near
Julia, S. ().
The election for mayor and alderman
is being held today. The polling pre
ceinct is at the opera house and the
polls wure opened at 8 o'clock and will
close at 4 this afternoon.
Colonel Cole L. Blease, a prominent
member of the Newberry Bar, and o'ne
of South Carolina's rising young states
men, was In the town Thureday on pro
fossional business.-Lexi'ngton Dis
The forty-sixth anniversary of the
dedication of the fir'st church building
will be observed by the Lutheran
Church of the Redeemer on Sunday. An
appropriate sermon for the occasion
will be preached by the pastor, Rev. Mt.
0. G. Scherer.
The Carolina Manufacturing Com
pany is framing an extension built, to
their already large quarters. They have
also had a substantial rock remaining
wail built on the edge of the.sidewalk
and at an early date will build a neat
and substantial business offce.
Dr. James G. Johnston arrived in
Newberry Wednesday with his bride to
visit his parents. Mr. and Mr's. W. P.
Johnson, at Smyrna. Dr. Johnston was
married at Chester on Wednesday
morning to Miss. Guy, Daughter of
Treasurer Guy, of Chester County.
Mrs. Moseley and two charming
daughters, Misses Lula and Bessie,
MIss Della Bowers and Dr. Kibler of
Prosperity; Miss Lizzie Copeland and
two nieces, the little Misses Eahardt,
of Newberry, came up to attend the
Young-Copeland wedding.-Clinton
Miss Kate Laney, representing the
well known N. Parmele Library
Company of Chicago, is in our city ini
terveiwlog our citizens In regard to
making our town a Station of this
great institution. We earnestly hope,
that all those who can appreciate the
privileges and benefits of a fresh up-to
date library brought to their doors
every three mont,bs, will not let this
opportunity pass. Ifrsecured, it will be
one of the beat investments our people
ever made.
We are about to lose one of our most
progressive merchants who always be
llieved in quick sales and email profits,
reliable goods and no miererresenta
tion. Whenever you bought what'
F"iynn recommended you were neverI
deceived, you were sure to have your
money's worth.. Fiynn has done much
to keep down high prices in Newberry,
and we regret to part with him. It
Daughters of the Confedernacy.
The Drayton Rutherford Chapter of
the Daughters of the Confederacy will
meet at the home of Mrs. Walter H.
Hunt, next Tuesday afternoon at 4
Miss Eloise Welch, President.
Miss Elizabeth D)ominick, Sec'y.
Clark's 200-yd. Spool Cotton, 2 spools
A 0h1trlestoa Limtthersn oiva tho 1natitu
lon Onto Thounatid Dollars.
PIresident, Cromer, of Newberry Col
lege, announces a handsome gift to the
college as follows in The Lutheran
Visitor of this week:
"The friends of the college will be
glad to learn thati a member of a Luth
cran congregation in Charleston has
donated one thousand dollars to the
colle-e. Tihe money is to be used for
building purposes and is available at
any time.
"1At the last meeting of the .outh
Carolina Synod a colillittee Was ap
pointed to devise a plan by whicb
money imay be raised to enlarge the
material equipment of the college; and,
whilie the donation wts made without
reference to the action of synod, it is
in all respects very opportune. The
number of students has increased in
recent years to such an extent that an1)
additional building is urgently needed,
and the generosity of our friend in
Charleston seems to open the way for
us to carry into effect our desire for a
new buildin.y. Tihe college has two
large buildings for rogular college pur
poses, besides three professors' houses
and a boarding hall, but it has out
grown its equipment. The fact that, it
has a valuable property, free from
debt. and is prospering, is a strong ar
gument urging its friends to equip it
for increused elflciency and useful
"The generous examplo of the Char
teston Lutheran, whose name I regret
that I am not at liberty to publish, com
pels the gratitude and appeal- to the
benevolence of other friends of the col
Vitttiinoormtan wodding.
Laurens, S. C., Nov. 28.--Mlss Vir
ginla Moorman and Mr. William
Pierce Caine were married in the Pres
byterian church this evening at 8:30,
Rev. J. It. Campbell, the bride'sgrand
father, pastor of the Pirst Methodh-t
church at Anderson, otlhiatinsr. The
bride is a niece of Hon. Lewis W. Sim
kins of this city and daughter of tile
late Robert, Moorman of Newherrv.
'The groom is a son of the late Dr. E'.
I. Caine and nephew of Ion. Pramk
14ammond of Greenville. lie is csishier
of the Bank Of Lurens and is a leading
young man in social and business cir
3les. The wedding was oil an elaborate
scale, the church decoritimis and
bridesmaids' dresses carrying out a
color scheme of yellow and white most
effectively. The bride was very benu
tiful in white satin. The bridesmaids
and groomsmen were: Al isses Ay
\,oorman, of Columbia, Sue Parrow, or
Laurens, Ruth Shell, of Rock 11111, Al
ma Kelley and Marlegene and Lillette
Uaine, of Converse College-Joe Moor
man, of Columbi t, John Mauldin, of
Greenville, J. E. Groce, of Duncan, W
C. Irby, A W Teague, E. P. Minter,
E S. IF10'genls, Hl Moorman, Manton
Frierson,, 4id A Dial Gray, of Lnu
rens. Miss Julia Campbell, of Andor
sn0, was the aid of o1r1-, and Mr.
R Vuance Irby the best man. After
tile ceremony Airs. Rosa Caine, tile
groom's mother-, gave an elegant recep
tion to the bridal party and nutmerous
other guests.- Special to Greenville
An Esany on Goats.
The following essay was written by a
bright litt,le boy in the fourth grade,
and has been handed to us for publica
tion by a colleague.
There are two kinds of goats Billys
and Nannies, and for what I know there
may be more different kinds. If you
fool with a Billy goat he will rise up 0on
his hlind legs and lamb you the best lick
in the short ribs you ever saw. Some
L,imes they will butt yOU a double tum
ble set, and then you will jump up and
just, fly down the road wit,h him after
you. That's about a'l I know aboult
Half Itates to Ichmnond, Va.
On account of the Annual Con vention
Educational Association, the Southern
Railway will sell rou*nd trip tic,kets to
Richmond, Va., anld return, from all
stations on its lines at rate of one first
class fare for the round trip, plus $2.00
membership fee.
Tickets will be sold from Washing
ton, D. C., and points in Virginia andl
North Carolina, December 20th and
27th, with final limit December 31st,
1900, inclusive; from points in other
Southern S'ates, December 25th and
26th; with final limit January 2nld, 1901.
Southern Railway offers best service
ever afforded to Richmnond, -Va. Fast
time and convenient schedules.
Through sleeping ear bet,ween Birming
ham, Atlanta, Greenville, Spartanburg,
Charlotte and Wehmond. Hotel din
ing ears on all through trains.
For detailed informat,ion as to rates,
reservatIons, etc., call on or write any
agent of the Southern railway or its
connections. S. HI. Hfardwiek,
A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga.
Story of a Slave.
To be bound hand and foot for years
by tile chlains of disease Is tile worst
form of slavery. George D). Williams,
of Manchlester, Mich., tells how such a
slave was made free. He says: "My
wife has beent so helplees for five years
that she could not turn over ini bed
alone. After using two bottles of Elec
tric Bitter's. Bile Is wond(erfully Im
proved~ and able to do her own work."
This su premelI r'eedy for female dis
eases quickly cure nlervousnless, sleep
less, meIachou3ly, headache, backache,
fainting and <lizzy spells. Tils mIracle
Workin gmedlicine as a godsendl to weak,
sickly, run downl people. Every bot
Uoa onnaantd Jnu 60 cents. onil
COL. HUN r TO l.&Vr. NEWHItiV.
Formeit a C46,artnerilp with Mr. S. T.
Mc(lra%yy, or Spartia,burg-Th,elr Law
Iumike.A will Cotinuo flire-tMr. I.
11. Ilutit will Re,maiIn in Newberry.
Messrs liunt & Huut have formed a
partnership with Mv . S. T. McCravy,
of Spartanburg, and Mr. W. HI. Hunt
will move to that city about January
Mr. 1. Ii. lunt, will remain In New
berry and the Newberry olilce will be
run as heretoforo. Mr. V. 11. H1unt
will come to Newberry several times
each moith, and will attend every
Wi'le we regret the departure of
Nr. W. Ii. 1Itut from Newberry, we
congratulate him on getting into a
broader field, where we know he will
bo appreciated.
Mr. Hlunt% will keq) in such closc
touch with his frienids and clients here
that we hardly feel that we tre giving
him11 up.
Thise young mni stand hilgh in their
profession and are fast gailnilg an
invaluable reputation throughout, the
State and we are glad to see them
branch out into a broaler field.
We prediet for them success.
Will , , stird to lett.
In a recelt, issue of the Augusta
Chroniele the following Is published in
the Newberry correspondence. We have
been of the opinion for some time that
Mr. Schumpert would be a hard man to
beat, and this goes to contirm the opin
IoU we had foried. We are always
anxious to see Newberrians succeed and
feel a deep inlerest in Nr Sehumpert' .
candidacy for this position:
"'n the course of a brief visit to C
lunia last week your correspondel"
was impresgedl with the popularity ..'
J. F. Schutmpert as a candidate for ser
geant.-at-arns of the 89nate. if appear
tinces are.not deceptive, he is in the
lead. One thiing is sue-the man who
wins will have to beat Mr. Schumpert."
Unionl Thmak-ig'vtig Srvice
A ppropriate tlianksgivinlg service, inl
which all tile denominations joined
were held at the Lutheran church of
the Redeemer yesterday mnorning at II
Rev. 'M G. G. Sheirer of the Luher
an church, .v. J. l Williamson of I
tihe Preshyterian church and Dr. E P.
MeCintock of tlie A4sochuate lt-formn
Presbyterian church, made addresses
suitabl; to the occasion.
A choir selected from the different
chlnrehes furnished excellent, muisle.
A collecti-n was taken for the sev
eral denominalional orphanages, each
person being allowed the privilege of
specifying to which orphanage their
contribution should go. ''hle loose cot
lection was equally divided ationg the
A. R. P. Orphanage.................$18.75
Lutheran "' .......... 9.96
Episcopal " .............. 1.76
Baptist .................. I 5)
Methodist " ......... 6 86;
Presbytorian .................. 6 15
- The general collection amounted to
$9.11, which was divided among the six
orphanages giving each $1.51.
Advertised Letters
Remaining in the p)ostOflicO at New
berry for the week end ing Nov. 10, 1900.
B,J4ohn Blair (3), Henry Brown,
I P Butler.
C-Mrs Kittie Cannon, Mrs Ada R
Ch apman, Mrs Carrie MI C Clinton, M
J Crocker.
Mrs Louclo Dorroh, J 1) Davenport,
John D)eoror. Mrs Addie Davis, care of
William Davis, A D D)avenport, Miss
G Jettie Lyles, Mrs Maggie D)uffy, G W
Glasscock, Thomas Gary, MIss L~uvie
nor Green.
J1-James Jackson, G [L Jones.
1L-Miss Mary Longshore.
M-Geo A Mills, Miss Sarah Mc
Clintoek, J A McDowell.
O-10 A Owens.
R-John R Richardson, Andrew Rus
S-Mrs Annie F Sanford, George
Shepherd, Miss Darelbine S Spearman,
B S Sims, Noah Summer.
T-Bj F TPoblas, Joseph A Tucker.
W-Miss James Ward, M-s. Matmie
C WVilson, M iss Nannie Wicker, George
Anna Williams, Calvin Wilson, Walt.er
Persons ci:lling for these let,ters will
please say they were advertised.
WM. Y. i?AIn, Postmaster.
lFlyn,n's Amnouncowme ut of Leaving New
It, Is with sincere sense of regret
that I onnonee to mny many friends in
Newt.erry and Sa!ada I'ount,ies of my
determin:tion to leave Newberry and
go i- to a larger business in Columbmt.
A trip to C2olumnbia a few dJays ago eon
vincedl me that it is the coming city ini
South Carolinma, so I have dectermnined
to offer mcy entire stock at from 5 to 10
per cent less than actual New York
cost I make this offer in order to be
able to sell out the whole stock during
December, andl Open1 up in my now home
with an entirely new stock. I canl get
from 6 to 10 per centt off mcy new stock
Iwhetn I pay spot cash for it as I buy It,
and therefore offer the same discount
to the general public which in the endl
will hie much to my benefit, ain entirely
new stock being worth at least, tift,een
p er cent. motre than a stock that lps
been boken emember th is is no
farce or fake sale. 10--erythinug must go
that is niow In stock at Flynn's (Cash
Store. It
Fifty girls, ages from twr.lveyer
and up ward. to work in The Nwer
K(nitt tg Mill. Applications will he
received ft"m this diate, to January 1st
1901. Work light and eaisy to learn.
ITo those not having homes In the
city, or Its suburbs, houses will lbe giro
vided. Apply in pe'rson to) PresIdet,
of The Newberry Knitting Mill, Now..
berry, S. C,
Tiat In Still tio Legal Nan,o of tho Townt
of 1*rorpperity.
There is quite a little irlht on to Ire
ven t c10 ounty holtrd of control of
Newberry County from tstablishing a
dispenisary at I 'rosperlty. Mr. Colo. 1.
1l1i01a is now he e 0 looking up the law
in the matter. In sarebing tbe acts
yesterday he mado the discovery that
tle famous n11ame of the place-"rog
Level" -aIms never been changed,
though for years it is supposed that
le town legally bore the name of 'ros
per,ity. It was unqu(Itlestiotnably the In
Lelt toni of the general assembly to make
hlis change, Li there is no record of
meh action-The Slate, 29! It.
Nit. 1I1ellse his made. tile following
4tatemlieit land forwarded it to The
3tate, also handing u, at copy:
While inl consultation with tithe Attor
icy General In Itie l'ropcrity dispel
;aly case, I Cam1e a,0ross the following
Act and enled ittentilonl to the wording
>f it, but, was nlot looking tip the law as
o the niamelic of Ihe town, ats t.hlat is 1imi
naterial in thtis case. Ai Act, of the
Tener:l Azsembly A pproved [ebruary
!2, 1873:
"ie it elilaeted by te Senate and
.Louse of Representa0 ives of the Stato
>f South Catrol it now met, and sitti"ng
n in CeM rat Assembly, and by author
ty of silime. Tit tIle nimie W"rog I!vel
vhierever it oceirs in the Act hb' strick
m out and the 1ame11C Proqr)CIIty in
Tha3t. is al1l of t he Act. This Act re
erring, I SlIPPose, to Isome former Ac!.
(OI.m'. 1.l3AS.
Ne-wberry, S. C., Nov. 2-1, 11900.
kttorut)y Goeneral 11ollingtir irying to col
lect The'n.
I leretofore t his Stato-has been abnost
ntirely without cirminial st,tittics,
tie --o!iiltors merely report,ing the
umber of cses anld t.he oiTtleces to the
t1orney genleral for publication in tile
pinal report. This year Attorney Goan
ral 1e0illger its requested the lsev
ral solicitors to report the ailltnie, ('oolr
ex and age of each pri-sot. tried during
he year, together WiLi tle charge aind
lie reault, of the trial. These will go
11;0 th0 PelmaenIlt IeTOrI aind Will giV(3
h1OC desiring crli itial statistics all
he information desired. A nother
fleet, will be to atid in the ctrirying out
>f the suffrage liws, eertinl Crimes dis
ranchiming at man upon conviction.
t hamgcm in th% Amnericni ani Conitinentai
Tub,teco COMI)pLnlefl.
Louisville, Nov. 28.-Ciangi s in
Louisville of grieat Interest in connee
,ion with the Amerietin antid Continen
,al Tobaceocofmpanles will go into f
ect Decembur 1.
John DIloerhoofer, 10 of tie most
v'idely kn mio t,ohi 1) men0 In the
~ountry and3( one of te moving Spirits
n1 the so-called tobacco truist, 1has re
igneOd as8 a rmemuberi of t,be boatrd of di
'ctLors of thle A mer-icani comfpany's
Basil D)oorhoofer has resigrned as di
ecLor of the cotrn pany13 and1( as gener3al
nianiage'r of tihe rehanlldling pianit 131
his city.
A song of Hope.
orrowv or sighing by (lay omr by night
oy in1 just think in' 'twill all comie right;
eance aifter piinlg- the 1bloom3 for the
Aurd life like a lilly ini blossom.
ortunie is fickle an3d swift in his flight;
Nrong for a season m3ay shackle the
hit it's "'Onward forever!"' and aifter the
Tlhie beauIltiful smiile o' the mloring.
The Tradespeople. .
Thle swvallow, is ai mason0i,
Anid underneath the eaves
He bulilds a iiest and3( plasters it
With miud and hay aind leaves.
Tlhe wvoodpecker is hasrdl at work;
A carpeniter is lie;
An 311you ma ind63( hlim hammitiering
11 is house high up a tree.
Thie btilfinch knuows and1( pract ices
Th'le baskset-miaker's trade,
See what a cradle for his young
Trhe little thling tias maisde.
Of all the weavers that know
fThe chiaffinuch is thme best;
Hi1gh on the app)1)1 tree hec wieaves
A cosy little nest.
The goldlfinich is a fuller;
A skilful .gork:man lhe;
Of wool and3( thireadls he r'' lkes a nest
Trhiat you would like to see.
'The cuickoo laughs to see thema work;
"Not so,'' he says, ''we (1o;
My wife and3( I take others' ne~sts,
And live at ease- cuckoo."
Pre'venstedo A Trag9dt.y.
Timely linformaltti given MJrs.
George Long, of Newv Straitsville, Ohio,
pIrevented a dlreatdfut tragedy and3( saved
Gwo tives. A frightful congh had long
sept her awalko every night. She had
tried many remedies and doctors but
steadily gr'ew worse until uirgedl to try
Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle
wholly cured her, and( she writes this
maitrvelouis medicine also cured Mr.
Long of a1 severe at,tack of L'neuimonia.
Suchi cur'es aire p)ositive proof of the
malltthllss mierit of thIs gratnd remedy
for curing all throat, chest and lung
troutbtes. Only 50's andl $1 00. Every
bottle! gualralneed. Trial bottles free at
alt Drug Storen.
Wnila je Extri Nvellwel TaXUS ShtiutIit bo
Ict dhlve d.
Chieage, Nov. 28,--Senator W. .
Allison of lown, clilairmanit of the senate
finance committee, in ani interview here
discussed the prssi ng business to come
before tho the fortieomiing sesion of
onle object (if the session. lie said,
must, be to avoid an extra session, and
therefore he thought the first business
of the short session should be to take
up and pass the regular liappropriation
bills, ilneluding the river and harbor
bill, which did not pass the last ses
"Then." he said, "an army bill nust
be passed. Exactly what I ( not know,
bit the Condition coltlnaw to ai
extent not ( r1ual to the national IIeces
sitio!. The first of fronts 1us of the
mIIUy red need by .1 Ily, 11901,by a stroke
reduces the army to 27,.500 men. 'ru
dJell(e, it leat-, suggests tlitt itder
existing von(ditions ot. imieastires be
tak en aga it- that date."
"In 1113' opilion the stalip taxes4 gener
ally should ho removed. To repeal
the tax oi beer alone would iean a
red uetiol) of f roi $25,000 000 to $30,000,
000. Such at redulction is obvioul"sly too
large and a bit of legisiation will be
neeevssary at the short session.
"The bill for the digging of the
Ni it-ragia cantl will be I prominent
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars the
Signaturo of 7zi
liCATI iS.
Is. 1) M. Wilkils died at her home
In West End Wednesday evening aild
was lidd to rest, yesterdly in Wt st ind
coemetery. She leaves a devoted huis
band aind two small Children to timlurn
her departire.
. Iliced for Commissioner of
I'lile Works at geteral town election
to serve for 6l years.
Don't Forget
That I have one of the
best equipped
in the State, and can
compound -your pre
scriptions with neat
ness and accuracy, and
that no one is allowed
to compound your pre
scriptions but a li
censed and skillful
Pharmacist of many
yea rs' experience.
Reeder's Pharmacy.
Pratt, st reet, opposito Opera HouseH.
Frieshi 'Tuiri SeedC at GilIder's Corner
D)rug Store. f&t tf.
A good T1alcum ii l'owdler for Sc. nd
l0c. a box at G lder's Corner lyruIg
St,ore. f&t tf
F'ot good Clgar's andi Tobacco go t o
Gfilder's Corner IDeng Storo. f&t tf
Fru'lit .Jars iand RI)bbers at lowest catsh
picles at Glider's C orner D)rig Store. LI
Mason's I'ruit Jars anud Roubbers, low
est ciash prIces, at, Gih Ier's C'orner D)rit.
Store. t&ft,s
Iluist's Tuipttt Seed att Gilder's Ctor
ner Drung Store. f&i. tf.
New lot otf New IEnglatnd Wtch(
uRat. in. Comei inl atnd see us
t. Lf Daniels & Co.
''Turn Ip Hertud! Tuniiilp Seed! 1"r"sI
andl( the hest alt (Gilder'is C'orner Dru'
Store. fat tf
Toys, Vases, JLamnps,
c'andlios, Ralismsl,
Currants, Citron,
Nuts, Prunes,
Apples, Orangos,
I3ananas, Cocoanuts,
and a fresh li of vogotables, gro
ceries, etc.
call aind be conviniced thatt I can
save you money, beforo purchasing
Yours to please,
Nowborry, S. C.
Bomra l KndYou Have Aiways BouhM
And See the Line of
Dress Goods
We are displaying now.
SILKS, etc., etc.
We are right Up-to
We can please the
most fastidious in style
and the most economi-.
cal in price.
We have, as always,
the best linings on the
and NOTIONS of all
Millinery Department
Is Complete
and we can build a love
of a hat to match any
Our New Yol < Milli.
ner, Miss McLaurin, is
thoroughly posted in
all the latest ideas.
Do not forget our
Shoe Department.
The largest line of
SHOES in the city. See
our Bargain Counter
sure. Come and see
us. Yours truly,
Power 0,
EIal solz'S
i"ine \VaLtches, Rinigs, liroaiches, Studs
Sleeve anid Linik lluttons, Milver. )
Noveltiesv, Sil ver' T.lale WaIre, I
Cut Glass, Gold and SII
ver~ Spectacles and
- --1 .A.''.27.,
Whicih wVo will close out, as we will
discontinun kooping them.
110ll0 PIIrcr. NoclBottcr,
At all Dispensaries.
By W. W. Hodges, Esq., Pro'eate Judge.
WIIl'iC'A S A J A IWSON, C. C. C. P.
hath mallde suit tO mle tO grant him
letters of admhinistration de bonis non
aI,lheYcots of Viney ailhan;esaeo
These are therefore to cito and ad
monish all and sin)gular the kindred
and creditors of the said Viney Gall
mab efoe,ased, that they b e and appear
be held a*. Newberry Couret tmouse, S.
C., on the 20th (lay of December next,
af ter publication thereof, at I i o'clock
in the forenoon, to show cause, if any
they have, why tho said admninistra
tion should not be granted.
GIven 'nder' my hand thi4 the 19th
day of November, A. D. 1900.
J. P. N. 'O.

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