OCR Interpretation

The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, March 29, 1901, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067777/1901-03-29/ed-1/seq-3/

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Corrected every Tuesday and Friday
by Summer Bros.
M eat --...-........... ......... 7('8c.
Shoulders ------..................... 7c
H ams ...........,..................... 12( 80.
Deist, Lard ............,.. .......... 9(q)loc.
Bost Molasses, new crop...... lue
Good Molasses.................... 2r(ai0.
Corn ................................ 65o
Meal ......... ..........
[ ay -........................... . . 1.10.
Wheat Bran ......... .... .... 15.
1st, Patent Flour.................. 4 75.
2nd Best Flour.................... $4 25.
Strait Ftour........................ 4 00.
Good Ordinary Flour..........*13 25 813 75.
Sugar.............. ....... k(bio.
Rie................................. 5 8,j .
ColT.................... I 15e.
Cotton seed meal, per eack.. 11.25.
Loose Hulls, pcr owt............. 30c.
Vouutry Produce
Bntter, per lb ................... 15 ()20.
Eggs, per dozen ................. 12c.
( hickens, each................ 15(a25.
Peas, per bushel............. 85t .
Corn, per bushel.. .............. 610e
Oats, per bushel................. 35(d40c.
Sweet potatoes ................... 60(a) O.
Turkeys, per Ib .............. 6(as 1c.
Fodder, per cwt ............. 1I 0.
Don't npgloc to have your eyes ex
anin.-d. No charges for . xamination
by Dr. J. F. Bradashaw. Lo,ca ed .t
f I U..ed- r's Pliarmacy.
Beware of Huanmn Devile.
OhI Beware of human devile
Who would lead you on to shame,
The way is broad and full of snares,
Turn now and pray In Ctrist's name.
Dr. J. F. Br-adashaw will be in your
city for a few days for the purpose of
fi'ting glasses. Located at R eder's
Pharmacy. f It
Just follow the crowds and you can't
miss us. Minnau0h. f&t, 2t.
A Card of Thanks.
We deqire to express our sincere
thanks to those kind friends and neigh
bors, who, by word and deed, showed
their sympathy for us during the ill
ness of our dear Adht Viny S.o. kman.
May God bless them, and may they
never want for frleoids in their hour of
distress. Mrs Lizzie Taylor.
Mr, J. M. Werts.
The finest line pf mill)inery ever
shown in Newberry, at (viinnaugh's
f&t 2c.
All Liver and Kidney trou lee are
quickly relieved aiid pe maneutly cu ed
by Palmeto Liver M d,cine Price
10 1. For sale by Dr. Van Swih's. Drug
Store. ly
New Balt-, tiew embroIdery, nw
silks, new everything, at M ni-auirh'm
f&- 2t.
Flynn is certainly a live buser, you
ought ti see all the i ove.tI,es he has,
particularly in black goods and wasb
dress goods. it
Job "Ould.itL HaVe It..od it.
If he'd IlchIng Plihs. Shi-y're t--r
ri bly ainoyinwg; tou B j kletn'. Artilea
Salve will curt i ho. orst. etise of il-s
on Por h. It lhat. mir-it i tamads F ,r
Iijurics, Pail a B ditly Elopti-,a it's
the btest, salve li. Ihi willd Prie 25c
a hi Cre guarAnt-et. S:d -.y all
Palmett', Liv.er M -<icine cures indi
gesation. Prie 10b For sale hv
1y Dr. Van San'Ln's Drug Store.
We are selling the
best patent Flour on
earth for $4.40.
F For Purcell & Scott.
Frthat tired feel:ng, dizz.ness, erc
try Palmet,to Liver Meitncle. Price
100s. Fur sale by Dr. Vau Sueuh.b's Drug
Store. 1y
- Hl~a, Burned.
On Friday uii,ht of las weejk Mr Jan
M. Folk of RL cnl and conity, son of
Capt. H. H. Folk of tnia county, bad
the misfortune t.o lose his barn and
}stables by fire. l'he buildings centained
eight thousand pounds of ri.ugh food,
seventeen sacks of guano, a quasmity of
cotton seed and corn,-plow gears, one
mower and rake, a wagon and tive be'ge.
Mr. Folk is a prosperou4 farmer. His
plant,ation Is well a quipped and he lost,
many things by this tire which will
cost him a great deal to replace and
having no Insurance makes his mis
fortune all the greater.
What?s Your Face Wo.th?
Sometimes a fortune, but never, if
you hav~e a 'aulloaw comaplexioin, s j .un
diecd look moth patches and bloaches
. on the skin,-ail slgn,"'t Ltver Tlrounle.
".But. Dr. Kings's New L re- P has gia e
Clear Skin. B asey Cuueas, Ricth I em
piexmoon. Only 25 -e;.ts at at druggIsts.
A. R P 'a WYill Erect, a htendsone Chunch
Thbe congregat ion of Tiiompson St,reet
Church,'b ave decided to erect a hand
some new ediiQce, just o,posit,e She
buIlding In which ihey bave worabhipp
ed fore many y ars. 'i'he- A. RL P 'a in
tend to erect,'a hansdsome building
wit,h every modern convenience, and
with this in view they invited Mr. ii
burn, an archit,ect of Cruarlotre, N.
C., to meet with the buIlding com
mit,tee, on r'uesday last. Mr. Milbiurn
-is ex peted to return in a few das a with
plans, and at, an early date the final de
cisiomns will he made and work will be
begun iminediately.
The BO4t Presceriptron for ftaiila
Chills and Fever I6 a bottle of Grove's
Tasteless Chill Tonic It Is simply iront
cure, no pay. Price 50,.
At 8 P. M. the gas-light's gleam
Reveals young Charley'Smanrt,
He's calling on his lady fair
They alt this far apart.
At ten o'clock the question's popped,
Their souls are filled with bliss,
If we could peep, we d see that they
-laltinore American.
Saleday, Monday April let.
Next Monday will be "All Fools'
91Mr. T M. Roebuck returned home
from Columbia Tuesday.
Dr. C C. Brown will lecture in the
opera house Monday night.
Dont forgot the 8--hubert Symphony
Co. at the opera house tonight.
Miss Ethel Reid of Chappels came
down Wednesday and is the guest of
Miss Helen Jones.
Dr. Jas, 11 McIntosh, of Co'umbia,
came up yesterday and is visiting his
father Dr Jas. McIntosh.
Dr. and Mrs J E. Boozvr after a two
weeks visit to relatives returned to
their home li Columb-ia yesterday.
Mr. W. H. Carwile is clerkiog for Mr.
Jae A. Mimnaugh and would be pleased
to have bisi friends call and see him.
Prof C. F. Wertz, of the Ehrhardt
High School, paid us a ploavant call on
Sa urday.--lumberg Three, 28 inst.
Bu) from the merchants who adver
te in the Herald and News- thereby
beneltl ing yourself and helping others.
Gordon Shockley is paying a short
v.sit to his relatives at 11 -leiia, Mr.
Shockle-y is fligman on the S)uthern
and Is doing well. 0
Re-v. J. L William-on has received
and accepted an Invitation to dotiver
tre baecalaureate sermon of Clifford
Seminary, Union, S. U.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ehrhardt, of
Ehrhardto, after 'spending several days
with her mother, Mrs. H. F. Cline, re
turned home to-day.
How about an exhibit from Newberry
county at the Exposition in Charleston?
It. is time that there was something
bel- g done along that line.
Rev. L. W. Swope. of W. Va., has ac
cepted a call to Bush R ver Baptist
church and will bold services there on
tne fifth Sunday in this mouth.
The congregation of St. Luke's Luth
eran church have extended a call to
Rtv. H. J. M %thias, of S-lw.tod. He
has accepted and will enter upon his
work about June first.
Don't forget the meeting of the James
D. Natice Camp of Confederate Veter
ans to be held in the court house Mon
day to elect delegates to the reunion
at Memphis and Columbia.
On account of the indisposition of the
pastor, Rev W. I. Herbert, the series
of meetings which were to have begun
next, Sunday in Central Methodist
church have be en postponed until the
first Sunday in April.
President J. V. 'Vilborn of the State
Cotton Planters A-,sciation calls for a
metting on Saturday of toext, week or
the cotton growers of the county to de
vi-e some plan to curtail the acreage in
cotton this year.
The fiuntain a- Gilder's corner drug
store was opened today and they are
now ready too serve you with any and
a I flavors if soda water. They will
have something further to say about
this in our next, paper.
Rev. J. W. Speake, who was for four
years l.astor of the O'Neal Street, Meth
'diet, church at tfhis place, passed
thr-ough Tuesday on his way to Kinards
to visit, his m.ei her, Mrs. 0. B Evans.
Mr. Spe-ake is tiow located at Green
Mr1. S. B. Jones, of Newberry, S. C ,
is visit ng friends in the city and is at
present wit h Mi's Jats. Baille on Telfair
She .w'i be pleasantly renni-mbered as
Misst Mar3 iloterock, an honor gradu
ate of the l'unuman -Augus'a Chronicle
28 inst.
At a meetin)g of the Bachelor Maids
Club, helid % ednesday i vei.ing. M isses
Helen Mower and Gordon Wee-ks were
chosen as de-legates to t he Convention
of the State Federation 'if Women's
Clubs which meets in Greenville on
April 23d.
The Newberry county Bible S.aciety
will bold its anneuai me-ting in Central
Methodist church Sunday night. The
president of the s- ciety is Dr. 0 .B.
Ma3er. The sermon will be preaehed
by Rev. B D. Lucas pastor of the 0'
Neall Street Met hodist church.
Mr. 3. F. Turbeville has gone to
New berry to work for the Herald atnd
News Mr. Tur beville is a printer of
more thans usual abilit3 a-id will doubt
less no a vilua'le addit,ion to thM ma
chanical depart ment of the Herald and
News.--Greenwood Index, March 29. '
Passion Week will be observed at the
church of the Redeemer. Beginning
with Palm sunday there will be ser
vice every evening at 7 45 p. m until
Good Friday when the services will be
at 11 o'clock a. m. On Easter Sunday
inorning the holy communion will be
administered and in the evening the
children will hold a special Easter
We have a few thou
sand bushels of Corn
we will sell for 62tc.
Come quick.
Purcell & Scott.
All persons interested in the buitding
of a new church usomewhere in t,he
neighborhood of B F. Can nnn's are re
quested to meet at the old Garmeny
scouolhouste on Wednesday evening,
April 81, at 4 o'clock to discuass the
This signature is on every box of the genuin6
Laxative Bromio-Quinine Tablet.
Consideable Doesgg. Done by Hail, Rain
mud Wind In Upp -r Pa ty of the County.
The plautation of D-. R C. Carlisle,
in the B!th Eden section of tbis con
ty, about 10 miles fronj town. was vis
ited by a terrible clouuiburfat, hall atid
wind storm Monday afternoon. The
hailltones were as large as bell eggs,
and where the downpour was heaviest
the water on level ground was knee
drep. Two large barns, s'alleo and a
blacksmith sho) were c.mpletely do
too felted. Olher houses were un
roofed, 5.000 or 0 000 pounds of bay and
fodder were desiroyed and, In fact, the
entire property considerably damagAd,
making Dr. Carlisle's loss a very beavy
one, for ho is one of Newnerry's most
extensivo farmers, and his plantation
oe of the best equipped in tho Siate
Five mules and ive or six men were in
the stables when the storm vame upon
then All escaped without injtir3 onve
one mon, Press Brown, who was
kn< eked ineiisible by failing eimier.
His injuries. however, are slight, The
only loss that )r. Carlisle has discov
ered so far ainoig hie stock is that of a
calf, which was killed outright.
and vicinity was also visited by the
storm and some damage was done at
Mr 1. M. Snith's r.-sidenep; one of the
chiineys was blown over, mashing in
the roof and flooding the house with
Mr. B. F. Mills, with three of his
children and a boy of 15 years of age,
who was working for him, were caught
by the storm while in his field and
sought shelter under a wagon. The
b -dy was blown off by the witid and
the wugon itself was blown several
hundred yards .if. Mr Mill n,anaged
t,t protect, his children, but, he said that
had it continued two minutes lfnger
the boy with him would have been
drowned. le himself was severely
bruised by the hail stones.
Meveral tetiant, houses belonging to
Mr. W. H. Worknuan were blown to
.John D,vis bad forty-flve panes of
glass br,ken out of his Louae by the
Besides these mentioned several
others suffered cowns'ideratile lose.
Go to the Rrd Front.
Mimnaugh is telling sou about it to
day. Don't fail to read his advertise
ment if you want, to know where to get
bargains. le says he i6 not, "gassing"
but is selling the goods just, as he quotes
the prices. Take y. ur paper wit.h you
and be and his p lite and accomiodat
tog corps of clerks will haled out the
bargatis as fast as you ciil for them.
Mimnaugh is anxious for you to dom
pare his prices witb o1hers He has
go,-do and Is going to sell them He is
advertisiig with us so that you may be
abie to reap the bargains he Is oYering.
Ro-solution of rhake
Whereas Brl. Otto Kiettner in his
largness of heart, has prebnted io our
Lodge a moset beautiful and serviceable
(Chapel Organ as a gift to Pulaski
L dge No. 20, [.0 0 F., anid wishing
to show our appr- oila,in of this gift in
some rangilale w-ey, be it iherefore,
Resol'-ed, first: That we hereby ten
der B3ru. Klettner a unanimous vote of
thanks, a-'suring him, to the best of our
abilit,3, of our appreci.ii of his un
quest ionable interest in n,ur Lodge.
Resaalveal, second: That we present
to each of i he c,,unty papers a cop', of
these rereolut.ions for publica, onr; a liar
we spread a copy of the same on a page
oft our minutes, and thrat, we present a
copy thereof to Biro Ksett,ner.
Domne in regulIa" meeting of the L. dge
and signed by siruer of the same, this
March thbe 15, 1901
Theo. D)anielsoun, Ch'mn Coin
J M Davis, Sec.
Ununty Teaacherre' Assoclaetion.
The next meeting of tbe Ass 'elation
will be held at the Newbe'rry Grade d
Sehool huilding, Boundary street, April
13, 1901. Prof. Patterson Wardlaw of
the S. '.College, will conducs the cl'a-s
in tbe study of the History of Eujica
tion. Orien.tal Educatian is the subject
assigned for srudy. It is discussed lin
Painter's History oft Education, from
p-age 8 to page 30, arnd in Laurie's Pre
Chri-tia Education, pp 109-111 and
96-105 and 13 52 Ch inese Educat ion
sbould ibe st,udied as the type of Orien
tal Education.
More information upon the subject
may be obtained from the U 8. Bureau
of Edluaat ion by writing to Dr. W T.
Harris, U. 8. 4 'omimissiloner of Ed uca
tion, Wac.hington, D C.
Hoaw to Teach Srietling will be die
cussed by Mises Johnstne, McMaster,
Daniel and McFall.
The Is*fiuences which Tend to Im
prove the Morael Tone of Pup.ils will be
discussed by Messrs. Boland, Sligh.
Cannon and others
Those wh. desire Painter's History
of Education, the texr.-book for the
class. may get them from Mr'. WVert z,
the County Supierintendent, of Educa
tieon. An interesting meeting is ex
White Mian Tlurne d Yellow.
Great consaternm,ain was left by ' he
friends of M. A. 11 garty of L -xingorn,
Ky., when they s'aw he w as turning
yellow. Hins skini slowly changed color,
also his ey es, aid he raufiered terrib.iv.
His maInd v~ was Yellow J,utidice. He
aas treated b.v the be..t dyetora, but
wit hoist bea. fir'iThena he wais advised
to try Eaecoiric B it. rs, s he wonderful
Stomach arid Lsver remedy sand he
writes: "After haking twoit ltles I
was whooly cured." A trial proves its
matebless merit for all 8'omnioh. Liver
anid K-dney troubles. Only 25e. ekald
by all druggists.
Standard Calicoes at, .4. and 5co, t
An Unfnrtunate Palnfrr, Full of Welskey,
Falit on -hs 'ro tles White ns m Hie
Way timise N.ar stnos a,id
Dh- frsibil 'onIst1 n
of iIth, Iran.
Clinton, taur-ens Count.y, March 21
-Mr. R. E Brannln, a well known
painter in this community, cane to a
sad end near bere 3esterday. On Sat
urday night, some time aflor dark,
while wa king up the C-lumstia, New
berry and Laurens I tilroad to his
home, one mile and a qarser from
Clinton towards Laurens, ie fell upon
the track, striking the hack of nis head
again t Ihe rall or cro-sile, causing
concusios, which resulted lin hisd da.1t.
It, Is said that, M r Brannati was uider
the hill.tence ot whitzlkey a Ibe tim--.
The only wit ness to, its' rail was a I.e
gro man, who was assiistig him to wa'k.
When neuarl itim- Mr. lirannan told
the tiegro that he thought he could
walk all right now After being re
leased by the negro lie did not pl oce d
far borei'r he isecident, halpp- ned lie
m as nt, tot>illy unconscious when Car
ried home and told his wife le unsd
fallen and st.ruck his iead, thus sus
taining the negro's story. It was not
k nown i h:tt he was to hadly h urt un
til 3est,erda% mornin5r, Is wife think
ing the 8 upor was c-tused froti tie
whiskey. When a ph3sician was called
be was fouid beynid recover.v akril di di
late yesterday afternoon. lie ws ab ut
00 years old and leaves a wife, but no
children - 8pecial to News and Courier,
March 27.
Mr Beannan lived for several years
lin Prosperity and Newherry and was a
well known character around town.
I can show you more new goodm than
all the stores in Newberry combiined.
f&t 2,.
Look out for Purcell
& scott's Prices. No
matter what price you
are quoted you will
always find us lower.
WI 4lt IM Locals.
The Odd Fellows are gel ting a mov
-n hcmselves of late. Through tile
it fluence of Mr. McCrary, a new and
spa-Ious hall has ju-t, beeni c.impleted,
and the I, dge ba-A I.ought a comilete
set 4of new and handsome furiture
wl-ich I.as been put in place, and they
are looking eve ry day for the sort iv i , f
a beautiful emblemia ic cariet, which
they h--pe to have down in a few da.%.
'Last Friday night wa- the firht time a
regular mn -cling was held in the new
hall and, with the new furnisure, In
cluding u splendid new chapel organ.
tite gift of Maysir Klettmer, prt sented
quite a contiast to the heretofore usual
place of meeting. N-ow another long
stride forw'ard is on toot, and wtil be
taken in a few dayand that is the addi
tion of Ilb Rt-hecka d.gre. Qilte a
number of- ladles are j.plning in this
m-venent, as d, fron, prorsvnii Indica
lions, Pulaski Lodge will have it to,u
tie to) keep pace. 'T ne organ zation will
take p'ace some time next week.
Anither steriopticant exh ibitlin, with
the probaiity of the add stion oft a
mov'ing pict.ure f- aturec Is isn sig ht This
w'll likely L,ake p ace the 21kh of A pril.
It wa- qi-e' a iliit pinntmen t to some
of tts that. t,'e lsctur of Dr' Browni did
no. mat. rialize last, M. nday nig ht.; but,
we arte conn.oling ourselves with t,he
hopie f hearing It next Monday night,
Courtship ansd m st,rimnony as a suibject
Ouieht to draw a large' audtience espe
cially of young folks, as most, of t hem,
arte in crested in courl.ehip with a vauue
idea of- ntalrim .ny in tne fut ure. We
have been reliably Informs'd that lth'
West Eid OreCne,tra will ftrnish the
music sn this occasion. Welil. nsiw, we
like that Tbat,'s cisconuraglng home
b,al'nt, and where such exist, and It,
certninly de1s sexist amnosg 0our West
Ensd .ung people tean ext.-nt,of which
they themselves are perhaps not awar'e
i sould he recogniz -d.
The C'onstitutiona Klteker and His
MI-isin l.as been antnunnced nas the
stj'ct, for t'u. day mskbl att.he Bapt ist
chaurs'h If hiere are any mu'es osf 'he
biped species anywhere In town they
ought to tun'n otu that, night Thtey
may hear some hing fosr their encistr
LNow, Mr. Editor, as Nnodgranes has
beguni to tell the happenings oif We it
E"d, just tell the 'elk- that, if they wish
to be re'memhered ini the paper ta2. y
must do something wort,by s.f noti e
- Snodgrass.
No more high prices in millinerv,1
Minenaugh killed 'em. f&L 2t
On Saturdav morning, the 23rd. A.
S Dunli , of C ,Iumhla and Miss TLily
Sligh, of Uiopla, were married at, the
residence of the hrlde's father, W. E.
S igh, Rev W I Herbert, olficlatieg
Wed neiday atetrnoon set the item - of
Mrs. M. E. Buzhardt, the bride"s moth
er, Mr. Eugene S Wertp, the Superin
tendent, if Edtuc:ston in this county
and Mis-s Viola Buzhardt, a faIr daugh
ter of the U op111 sect,Ion, weire happily
marrie'd b fore a large numbher of rela
tives and friends, h.1 !R v D. P. B iyd.
M trrie ': W:dn'eilay en-orning at 10
'('clock, Si meon Mor-u, of Siuda coun
ty and Miss Axis' Sr,iltwe.ll, of New
berry count,y. Rev. D P. Bloyd pe
formed the ceremiony
Jacohel HawkIns and Miss Eidna
Sease, bot,h of t,bIs coutlity, were mar
rIed Sunday, March 24, by Rev. W. LI.
Stops she (Conh asd Work. off its old
Laxat,ive Br'om-s Q*inine Trablets cure
a cold ins one oajr No cure, a'o psy.
Prica 93 nuntu.
No Waittilg.
The proiram rendered by the Schu
bert Co11MpaIly is entirely devoid of
waits. 1leasing tl.e people is a tl'ad
witth h is fani -us organizitton, and t hey
kno e tiresoni waits are not. a part, of
al enljoyable program Allhiugh thir
proLyrains hit iit and etiteria'ning
and contains a great. deal of puro fun,
it is so reiliwd in charae,er mtid the
laugh)q so whoh-some, that it. Is en
dors--d And paturonizled by the most so
lwe pcople every where. lal thou Io
Ilight at tle olerat, I oule.
' G. to Gildl.'s C ariner )rug Store
whlen 11You Want soit-tthiiv thiat will re
fres you Iiiy art' servintg i0l kinds
of hoda watir and IV- Coil (tienhl drinks. It
A Fie -,how..
Prof (ntry with his ailnials gave
a it oit, oxe -1lent show at, Newberry.) on
Wediesday. It. is reiarkah[o h:ow he
has trained Iis dors aid horses, and
the entire performance wa1i greatly un
j i.ed by tho laigo andience present.
.Tie nepi connected with the show are
geiii e:ianly in heir bearint:, and itoi.
a peri'formance which any lille canl It
t, ud without the slightust fear' of any
thinkg occurrving to offnd the most re.
fined tiste
11nn has just, got back fron th
North aR11 it' C -t Ie Wa-. l,eVP' H well
p'elised With tll- bargains ie found atnd
I e wretty st. les in all kitids of gliods
as he Is now, ami he says he will give a
Plret 1 r-enY to every customer that
hu3s $il t'0 wort bi from his r4ore during
the mon' 1 of A pril. t
Youl Kioow Whist You Are Ttking
When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill
Tonie I-ecalse the fomu ai l 14 plainly
priifed oil every bottle 8how%illz that it
is ' li ro and u11inie III i taste
less loin No Cure, No Pay. 50c
llav- %oiu qvvn t,IAM, $5 00 Spring Suuit
of vlothing ?' Its at bcauty, at Wool
0 I's tf
Notice of [iil Settciliilit aiid Discharic.
190I'141 E S 11 EAMBY G IVEN
that I will m.ie a li al settle
mlent uponl Lit, estal.C oif Vmley GT.II.
ma1in, (i cn . in tho Proht.u Cuiri
for Neo wbrry 8. C., onl ih 29r.h daly of
A prI 1901. and will immeI iU eIly t,iere
aft I- alop y lor it final discharge aki ad
lli nis, 1i l 01'.
All persons holding cl-imiti tigainst,
said estate are hereby reqIired- to ren
Ieir iI and est,lilish theillr deilalld
aaii st, said @-s tte oil or bt-fore the taid
29 i April, 1901
J C (OGGA NS. Clork,
SAdministitratorl d holils non wiith the
Will annexed of Viney Galiman, de
eutsed td. f.
In Full Blast!
What a great
joy and satisfac
tion it is to drink
from a beautiful
Soda Fountain
when one istired
and weary and
It is a greater
satisfaCtion to
drink from the
finest and hand
somest F ou n
tain in the State,
hence Call at
Pelham's Grape Juice!
Pelham's Phosphate!
Peiham's Lemon Juice!
Peiham's Orangeade!
Peiham's Strawberry!
Pe ham's Coca-Colal
Pelham's Cherry Phos
All Ice Cold, at
Pelham il' s Fouintaiin.
1.00 lb. Plows.
Owing to our low
prices on plows we ran
short and were com
p lIed to make another
order which we have
ju't received, and are
now prepared to give
you a better assort
ment of shapes and
We sell plows on time
at a little advance of
the cash price which is
very low. Buy now
while we have a full
Newbarry Hardware Co
Elverythinlg completo and now and
fro-sht, aind in tv h ltst mty-1(% and
patfori" N, trotiblo to mito goods.
Prices the lowest at
J. B. Lathan's,
Littlo Mlounl)ain, S. C.
of Amni3 Li,dg--. Nci. h7. A. F M%
wil he hiII next 'N1411na N.veiiing ni
7 00Q i'clock, in Alasomeic I Iall yiNil ing
br'thre1n11il vordially we itt.
The F. C I)ogre will I, cmnforred.
J. H1. I KINA aR. Mevretirv.
Founded 1842.
"Sing their own praise."
For tho bmeeit of thlot4o who wish
to purchaso i piniio 'rom te premolnt
timo to the first of Septeimit%r, we
have decido-d to offer t.hi Stieff Pino
on very conveiniit tortiu. Yin will
not liav to pay very imuc cash l down
We can arraiing that to suit, your
own convOtnienleo. Thn1 i payl)n1111
min beo maido in tho fall to sult, auld
the balance, if anlly, ci be arriranged
in ali satisfactory mantimr.
ROOm11beir ChauH. Al. Si 4IlnanU
faciturt-m his own pianot' and will nlot
bilerden yo wii h1 an unne%cessary
profit, fur we tre ti41ing to you direcl
iosto-ad of to a rotatil donlor to rosoll
Our pianoti will oly have to b,
HP01n in comparison with the blist to
convineo you lihat it will be to yn
intoremt to buy the Stieff, finid ill Woe
ask im tivit )on try otir i iaio, givo it
a critioul examin.ion, aid if wo do
riot show you moro valu for the
mey10y than l ou can possibly got in,
any oth,r make, then bny from an3
(InI4 you ma11y choose, blit. donl't Ink
onr envious cmpoitor'ti word and
buy from him hufore t ryinu th Sit i if
Piano Matntimfocturer, Baltillmro,
d. Nort I aid South Cirolia Pm
tory Braich Warfroonu, 213 N. Tr) on
St., Charlotte, N C.
Prices are lower and
quality better.
Our new goods are
arriving daily, and we
can certainly interest
you in prices, styles
and quality. All we ask
is that you inspect the
goods and get "our
prices" before buying.
Courteous attention
shown all, whether you
wish to purchase or
not. Next week we will
name some figures
that will surprise you.
Full stock of Butter
ick Fashion Books and
Patterns on hand.
Yoursi for busiiness,
S. J. Woo teil
-4 o
InlteresBt. paid 0n d#1pos8's in the S L,vinr
D.'par' men-ft ,et, I he rat e of 4 per' cent
pier antiumn from da'e of depeosti at
Thle Commffercial Bal
OF N EW1VI01W.(Y, S. C.
CAPITAL. - - - $50,000 00
We LIransact a izene ral B inking hni,
ness8 and 8ohIuct the accoun a of indi,
viduals1, firms arnd colrporal ions,
GCEo W. NIUMMien L. W. VI.ny1)
JNO. MI K 'ARD). Pr,. ident,
o B M AY IfR, ZA. F. WJtlGIH'T,
Vice I'r. .cient Cesbler
The Riser MiiInery
Have only given yon an idea of the
scores of beautiful novolties in
which they have in stock, showinh
the latest and daintiest combinationi
in trimmings and colorings.
I{lldrIad8 Of URlkfimm81 l~S,
New Shapoes, Now Branda, New Col
ors. Mioderata nricna. Tarm. Casii
Te Boolk Sore
Is (ho plaeo to got your Baso Ball
sopplies. Wo h1ave a full line of
Balls, Bats, Clovet
and Catcher Mitts.
Havo just received a new lot of
H am mocks,
and will h glad to hitvo you call and
examinie th-m boforo bu) ing.
If you wanit a
Four.tain Pen
buy the Watternin. Every Pon is
guarantmld to give satitifaction or
m11on1ey rofuindt.d.
\\ o carry a full line of
Kodaks and
Kodak Supplies,
Books and Stationery.
Picture Framing
a Specialty.
W. 6. MAYES.
Every Drop
Of mnedicino pt,t up into prescriptions
lillod in thiH sitoro mus1.t bo puro. WVe
otro very caroful to uso only thm beost.
Woecarry at nicu line of Toilet
A4oapm, Lamps, Wiley's Candies, Vol
vot Candy, Tobaceco and Cigars, aind
at fll lino of DriggiHiti' Sundries.
Discount Chiecks givon. F resh
Gardon and Field Soedti.
Spriougis Here
An ithi cmsh
thought o
id E,vut ropatyo
Dryk(iCLE3ll Goods iorlcstnl
ailidding i to outiur. t ek
hre ercarendt seol the sme
acrl ceI e of Tiav le,
thl) ig jupst, u indi,l --
vthead obe arond Casockd
tat wl1 e haveiguis Sdeer
)sown. Cosien.irng
ofnalllod fltock:or
Valu! ise Hrey
Andovau wit i curoe thies
a tlwasnhouht oafgveo
Thisg thoght ha
Abee vainy,w wit usomnye
urhing rtheing winryGed
idlem,r but Shosthantany hons
inew ahs e ll ast cheapi
Dr MGoodnsr conamnt
adding to osu-, rhg standard
here nd tihere,acme
oruprchane soe
that wnyecue hve evri
B,s n.a Chosiorking os
then youhree vhpial peins
ofct oo stock:eofe o
Astro com nti on , goodriie srice,
(sock, t s secy from."(11 av
some1( oflllt our speiaicha(0.
Viliery atru, ta ayhos

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