OCR Interpretation

The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, May 24, 1901, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067777/1901-05-24/ed-1/seq-2/

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h tr
a . ve:. the
r h i: i t !:.tr A a
crat Ui2: athe Spi:ip:-d te,n.
ar1" 1 IN th Deueai to
pirt t NO Iv: utin I by
they noi tl1 i :2 w L - th p i rcii ,
te rur il-1 o.~ * Ow i 1111y Itl j!l~ vi,
don thav h he i a "Dmocrat.
Loe! di.-i fi renlwnmg l ,
"n t iut"wli1 onl iatrtuph .e th
patrytv wh vicih I ami v n'albt by1)
aorito r djig 1 ,rt-,ev." p1 Iwver,
courllse to be imlr-tl*d in bringinlg on
"'the triumphl o' the~ par ty"' ando ja Ig
ling ft rm hi' pulie. r*'e .rd, it is evi.
d1ent that Lo' '0een. to. think that its
"'trimph" ( n only bel attained by
''it her adopt in g t he lI publi11can pl at
form or uniting witi other pirty.
Anyway, this is fi' courso which for
the Ifat few yolirs I(I has pirsu'd in
his ffrlrt to I b rig ai bi t this "tri
Ilo is proud of his public record
and thinks it spotless and puro is
the urit ramnw Ilf-ed snow. "II am not
afraid to I)eet my GOd 1 arn stand
Ipo Irly piblic ecoIlrd--w hy thenl
0h,mild I fotar atiy tribunl iore be
Iow \ I only wish that myN life as a
111inl wa11 as sinloss and froo from
rviproach its it Is fis youl public serv
at." And his idea of the dutie of
a public ervanzt seems to be timerply
to got ill he an from tho govern
m1)o(3t for his St"ate, Itnld let all lprinci
pies and party doctrinvs fako caro of
thermselves. "I tint in tho Hoite for
what I can got for South Carolina."
Ilo thintks Pridnt MlcKinley to
bie ai greaIt, grood anid patr 1iot ic man.
On account (of my liberal views,
and whatt ho is ptleased toi conisidor
miy pat riot ic stand for b road Ameri
can doctrines, the president 1has d.one
tile thle hoinor to cousl t irue ont cor
tin oQcaions as5 to South Carol ina
appointmeunts.,"' and( be goes on to
cite other inistanices where the prest
denUt has1 donte th It ame111 ini the0 cas
of other ( 7) Derunocrtitic senators.
"1 apipreciato it beyonid mteasure, fur
a wviser man, a truer patriot, anid at
more kondly Chiristian gent lman,
never occuiedP( the white house I tan
Wdlhiamt MIcKinuley." I'The trute ron
Soit for this very closo and initimate
friendship het weeni a D)emocratic son
ator an1d a liepublicaun p)resident may
niot bo the '"hberal views"' of Mr. Me.
Ljaurin and hi s "'patriotbc stand fur
b)road( Aboerican doctrines"' but it
may hie ini the fact that McLjaurin's
"'liberal views" happen to agroo ex.
actiy with McK(iniley's views, anmd bo.
Cause Mc Laurin's ''patriotic staind"
happens to be t he same "stand"
which McKinley has taikeni. This
Hfe had niot intended to again cain.
vass the State but he folt that
he "'owed it to the people of
South Carolina to discuss these
issues and enable them to act in
telligently by pilacinig theumiselves in
touch with the buat thought of the
age." This heaves us in dloubt
whether hisi speechea are the best
thought of the age, or whether it is
omitained( ini the liepublican plat
forii, of whtich he is merely the ex.
ponent. Evidently from this utter.
ance "the best thought of the ago"
is contained ini onl or the other.
TJo sum upi his whole speech, lie
enoflrse's Iub)sidies#, expaiionf, pro
tection, and all the other principles
in the Republican platform and( still
ocrat!I" Ilo thinka that till thiese
things are right anld just for the best
interests of the country and he can't
understand why the Democratic
party can't see things as lie does.
He is proud of himself, proud of his
record, proud of the friendship of
President McKinley, and believes
that he is a grat man
V1 yO --V ' 1es o o Y ju tice it ,-t' .
i r . Fui.er g Le r the
ia.t:i MrVIC nNirna lr J I ont
WUNC a'tua get S Kt drt hg the
&.ag1 01I-1 A. $7r4W . BUntn, M!Ad
wi hm much :uece'h.
blenc of thr. Mlv Fune laf T0hurc
daevnnm fhe a adm1 O ih-ed hes
IS 'N I:
:Mr'. supp, rve to Wr. 'b rwh ha
not~ ~ ~ ~~~r been ab1" ted e hrh
t i I N1 id ser nehlinehwork
nar hD
M;Cti .::~ Ncr a IMu~ L' j
t:e grae a dt iing up t he r .ld im.
1 hat i t r 1 s': ha! a W ! Lh
There: Fv be hildrIry ti Zio
onth thir.udyi ue
I r in, wt.h goo ihed , t
:i ly2 10nJ. .W . o*. 0 1.
Mls F. 1o re gcNm, who hasru
bee a: greati, su:fk er fro mustcu 111 A r O
W2unhln t is thPnyrm d r tha atord
her. S. I. Nea-e rtatA(d at mh re
icties of hM Levi ilurlaet oThurs
day vn m t h:i e alm t aitxTed te
lmU1.h 1 lit, of o M vs. Fhnllr who has
nkA 1we Il ab'v(1 to ttend her I ll-u lc .
Ths laentgan fid soe \Ve work
nutir Diiiienr!i Mill, cutting Neown
the grais ve rdii,gitig s ica tat e p ro t .
TIhe re id he C hildren('s D-tIy tit Zloii
I 111MnAill, iLli good Wiilles,
Mi y 24, 1J. 01. of l teb r
spents lti e New man, who hits
hv'll it gri't, .,1111h'er fromt) 1 11vilar
B.111 is tilyear onld anlid isa stifrdac
te' re 1 M e iss N t ia i L iheh le
-pece(i vinsid--nt or tw vihageof ecnrada,
tO bemfit, of other s itlilll' be1lit d.
T'h is hoiivt li s for l e .L by W. I-, Pel
lfen,dr!x IN2111 News.
Newhs is very'3 seairce at pi'esent.
IRi . .1. po . tt oris, of lhttesbirg,
ient Saturday b night with tie wnater.
113 6S 8 yCr~iis old anud is still i Cry ve
tie. o made a talk t(hi people at
dehel oil t l econrgtintay.
Some of wi- people report beans at
cotn6m1 potatoes.
ern haveda berdeoa tho trdl andayti
ino wJner tha e gruenb noe tuh.t
Ah nonr ofis waey ntestin anda
nowre anregawiong it topesto.
Ahe. :\:. 11. Watnpece
eryouineestin iserconitZon hrate
itoh lrgerpd conhegbowlton tptd
Thr i loatwihn of ro ains Coeut
land voit,i, think,wefwihe gndigettede of
prtl hivethad food and trend It bie
Chambonerat St,omach andlLivermTab
nowtw arc wi,h diugfrbaneostofth
stah andt ercate fa helt,hyapetino
Net'on and rma (,e owl. Try1)
t,he auns you a ozcrtion toaraberuc
leed w i itrao the d gerstle
W. aii. heam, e I lhiIIttd
.t ite madeL'l moll te bwad, fonstpastedng
tF'liowers, dsunset, book, afriend otou
Garty skieswthd fooand sunhneo ile.n
CHow eli made t.mec gad wher Tab
letle alake the happy ihnow I'm otd;
stoar hand inrie, adealhyappete.
atthe fnire; la h bwls r
Them childre gownr uto o er' doe
lese--hterslt o acb
low little kaeepse usid happy waenyoe're
Andoyet bene,e theooittl athrenad ow,
Wht woris fife, sort thugshtin piein
Fow little tingsd se ghty when we'res
She :ve rs onward hryog the olang
N,rlo i ye ars, er er,liic
T tigthe gaufoilrcnle;n tas
Til ity thins seeapp witteu we'are
ATe ietee tresrittlon ataia o
Chr ile tandFvo se at botty ofel Groe's
Tasteo eruChl onar. trougimply crn
andstinie gauto talltsles form tNos
curll niht nathina rem ltl.W r
I h -s C'r Md ... 14ii Mt nich 11erab)ledi
i, t 4 4 * ,%v!t' fit ,l i i -.
S lihe Opt Ilot,- t In ich
t At'n i li , ':. -A1 1 .
Cf4pa< Ity I a,1t1i
s t i etlo.
nc LI Mcau:. Maera
e yp beL' cae thome 11in
..sd t b pasener l e shoials
Lha -,ear th Iyant of T Ian
C~-' 1.~ ('0 1 :aur),A, for ~
~t besa o eocai oppst itn
tt idneeo: rotn t.:ie u toe
the*star1.0 po it.
1was an aver.l lau-nh.ad on-.eklf
I. th c i teret /, at not
tv i caui.SnrMLuIad
: crL. u t o he ate at le rg
Tca te capt no er re s hoal
b upnfear the aknaito of Tillean:
e env,e. of Dvhiow.ratie eoppesition
at 1.e wangern of oaing tiel up to
Ia unch an evenh fl laceh. and one
with nuchlinterests, not only
in 1o cAe,in. Jenato lel.urn. and
\':. rr,t t) the Stah at large.
Mi-ae, tt, c.tii is now in earne t and
me pon raklln the p ort of re-Cle
taind i ceftain. Tota he caie to
Jccnovi to r hoe the people of the
low ;.hat manner of boat hle had to
Latdch and how lie xpe,cd to make
wAlie tri p
hly:Se in April a comittee, conadt
ilra Of M,r. James 1. Or. J. l. May
el mn. D.. . .i.MCullough, Frank
"linalynd W eT. akston, Lewis
t. harkea, W. C. Beacham, W. ).
eMetts, A. A. thristow, A. G. Furman
rmed A. J. S. Thomas, invited Senator
Mcaurin to cone to lrecnville and
make a for'mal presentation from his
tandpoint of certain national isues
tiow before the petople. It dloes not fol
low that a of these gentlemen are su p
horters of Senator MeLasin, but they
i he want to hear his views, and did
want others to hear them. That was
why Setor MeLauri was here, and
right, boldly (lid hie proclaim his views.
Fil-t of all, he insisted, spe am a Demo
rat, hut, regardless of party lines or
fealty, I stand for industrial success
a td commercial tviumpi. All through
the speech the very core of i was,
''lot-ally and sectionally 1 am a Demo
crn, ht, he aboed, ' assert, fellow
L!it1z-,ns, however, that it is almost a
I Intl [for any party to imake great,
broad non-political American 1cas
ures, Involving the political and co"
inercitl development of the nation, the
test of warty felty." rien it was that
lie insisted that exeansion, subsidies
ain the like commeral doctrines were
In line with the Democracy of our
STatere we areeerl sTeilma' feate
5th. Nobie oday hihoo sould nouw
like ta spe of fre chuvr. rdwe
the gIeama ( ercpasiondist uss. a
7th. I avrte brkncpe"o shep said,
sidy,r buteramnt omi,nd crtayipa
incSutr blina
8t,h. A "a" s Inort In "stel ofhen
th islaonder that aveo btenrlate
a9ains The.I msCnlmasSuh
10th. I recognie nbs,enat for what of
cangNoboor Sout Carfolna, nowe
ake pena neresilver
tlt,h. Th a rend apnd advoatts o
12th. He fas idwodor the lrnllo hpsb
Char,lbutoanotxposittion. nyl)r
1th. He inst"s heotl ay hcan whe
ietd is igth e foradu of otherfolk
11ith. "Istmuonesn." menst South
belie phaoseis ht. ricpln
th prnie inrte seoonat linehas.
CTheewal gereao t eal, notfre nthe
usypeh,sora iterstdmrs.anw
hours and ChaleetwsvrSeao
McLauri woas kinduhl waorgd e forth
for h. lie realtsztd onl ad lhe canrbe
(lltefedv or and focou of he spri
beifthat lie sight i hrnce and t
thatde enloqenae,fl bovf earty lin
mreaniwg, a grean dea weno the
hordcus, Iihn it wlan ovr Senator
Newsandurier, torughly Statige.an
Torhim en reaihed ind Grenvhrlo'
onl tind,evo allwn forn ofhisoccpirit
intsha inte said.er gaties those
maning, nda then heoornt thr te
fully or200 in hl ordionce, o thbe
aho satng capier o the Opera.
losThe metiging hd nbeenville'
neughpea verse; adaintyastnucue.
ns prad,alarigrorow thnccurned
>utas eaectedoorws thate weght
3uclled 1,0 hingheas audience Iht was
rt erha largerd uprowd busanes turen
n Greenville, many eubstantial farm
st '. Tl'1e aud ien~ce~ was aiun:t half
ruAa an. ta:f fron the t.ov% n. Thy
w re a. crderl% and well t'ehavesi.
Th r. w Cre no e,),stions. no icrs, ro
t a;nts and exanona y heart y ap
pause. In fa t, to a -t:-ang r infa
n1 1arwi the sni tance of the o0
eason it rmmt a%e heetc taken to be av
a:.'s;"s to a gr'aduat,r.g claw. mibeal y
appiaided. ,,t for the jahs Snator
M'laurin would vccasionally g ive TI
wa. or someone else.
I have noticed that audiences 0 at tit
down seldom if ever get enthu%iast.
mid today's gathering was apprectat ive.
but lacked the old-time political snap
and ginger. perhaps because there was
to one around to poke at Senator Yo
La:rin or to harass him with questions.
W hcn 6ena'or NtcLsurin proelaimtd he
ha- absolute ineependence of al: bsses
there was applause. When he pro
olaimed that he had rid the State of
negro rule and carpet-bagism there was
enthusiasm. When he announced him
self an expansionist the applause was
generous. Wher. he dramatically ex
claimed: "I am a Democrat. in spite of
slanders on me." there was a little of
old-time whoop, and so it v-ent. say for
a score or more climaxes. When he
argued the theories of government, ex
pansion, subsidy and the like, the audi
ence listened quietly and attentively.
The "hot stut!" the "boys" like, and
about which they cry themselves
boarse, was not in today's speech.
That may come under the fire and in
spiration of opposition, and it may have
at least one pronunciament like that of
today without interruption, and that
each candidate for the Senatorial toga
be allowed to do the same, as the voters
can quietly sit down and read, digest
and compare views, without the annoy
ances of side and irrelevant issues.
There were only one or two remarks
from the audience, and they were good
natured. When Senator McLaurin
said: "I acknowledge no master, and I
refuse to obey the dictates of any polit
ical boss, inside or outside of South
Carolina," Citizen Josh Ashley cried
out: "That's right, my friend."
Again when Senator McLaurin said
he had done his best for his State, some
one in the audience cried, "We'll give
you a chance to do that again," Senator
McLaurin replied: "They say I'm go
ing to die, but I do not look like it."
It is noteworthy that when Senator
McLaurin said that a "wiser man, truer
patriot and more patriotic man than
President McKinley never lived," there
was decided applause, In which the wo
men joined quite readily. Senator Mc
Laurin followed the text of his prepar
ed address, but did not follow the dic
tion exactly. Once in a while he left
his text entirely, and changed the order
of developement slightly, but in no in
stance materially.
of course, the feature of the day was
sp)eech of Senator McLaurin, but quite
a neat speech was made by Capt J A
Mooney in Introducing Mr McLaurin,
Capt Mooney first called on Dr C 8
Gardner to open the meeting with pray
er, which he did and then Capt Moon
ey madea glowing presentation of Sena
tor McLaurin. There was quite a
large number on the stage, among them
were: Dr Blayles, of the New York
Times; Louis Appelt, Manning Times;
Geor-ge R Koester, Columbia Record;
Ed DeCamp, Gaffney Ledger; John A
Morose, Greenville News; DreC S Gard
ner, Col Wm Monroe, Union; Capt
Breeden, Bennettsville; Col James L
Orr, J F Baker, Aiken; Capt J HI May
well, Dr Smith Easley, W Parker, Capt
MeDavid, W G Sirrine, W A Metts, N
Whitmiro, Frank Hammond, T Q Don
alson, A Shumate, J Hl Morgan, Capt
J A Mooney, Postmasters Emanuel,
Bennettsville, Chaffee, of Aiken; Fair
of Newberry; A N WVood, of Gaffney;
Mess's A G Furman, Jeff F Richardson
Frank TF Capers, Dr A J S Thomas, Col
Wmn A Neal, C II H[enry, Spartanburg~
J ourin al.
The committee had a brass band
from Landorman, which did the beat
it could. The day was without special
incident or accident.
Senator McLaurin will spend tomor
i-ow hero and then go direct to Gaffney
or he may stop over in Spartan burg be
fore going to Gaffney, where he -will
speak on Saturday, and where the first
opportunity will be given for a joint
debate between the two Senators.
During the morning hand bills were
printed and circulated announcing that
there would be a serenade of Senator
MeLaurin and that he would make an
addr-ess. The understanding was that
this extra meeting was to give the
great industrial and laboring clases a
chance to hear Senator McLaurin.
A large crowd gathered in answer to
his call. ftSenator McLaurin spoke
briefly and Editor A B Williams and
Editor Louis Appelt spoke for a few
moments. Editor A BI Williams and a
party of Greenville friends are to go
out for a week's fishing.
Beware of a Congh.
A cough is not a disease but a sy p
tom. Consumption and bronchitis
which are the most dangerous and fatal
qiseases, have for their first indication
a persistent cough, and if properly
treated as soon as this cough app ears
are easily cured. Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy has proven wonderfully suc
cessful, and gained its wide reputation
and extensive sale by its success in
curing the diseases which cause cough
ing. Ifi s not beneficial it will not
cost you a cent, For sale by W. E.
will boil, bake, broil or
coal stove. It is safe
not become greasy, car
odor. Made in several
burner to five. If your
have them, write to nea
A new and complete treatment, coin
sisting of Suppositories, Capsules of
Ointment and two boxes of Ointment.
A never failing cure for Piles of every
nature and degree. It makes an opera
tion with the knife, which is painful,
and often results in death, unnecessary.
Why endure this terrible disease? We
pack o written guarantee in each $1
box. No cure, no pay. 50c. and $1 a box,
6 for $). Sent by mail. Sample free.
01NTMENTr, 25c. AN) 500.
CONSTIPATION Cured, Piles prevent
ed, by Japanese Liver pellets the great
Liver and 8tomach Regulator and Blood
Purifier. Small mild and pleasant to
take: especially adapted for children's
use. 50 doses 25c. Gilder's Corner Drug
Store Sole Agents, Newberry.
VI73C .C>L c>Jt M301
Magnetic Nervine
is sold with a written guarantee to cure
Insomnia, Fits, Dizziness, Hysteria,
Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality, Semi
nal Losses, Failing Memory-the result
of over work, worry, sickness, errors of
youth or over-indulgence. Price $1;
6 boxes $5. By mail in plain package
to any address onl recell)t of price. Sold
only by Gilder's Corher Drug Store
Sole Agents, Newberry.
Original and Genuine, always reliable
and safe. Ladiesl always ask for Dr.
Rust's Cotton Root and Pennyroyal Fe
male Pills. They never fall and never
injure. Mailed to any address on re
ceipt of $1.00 by Gilder's Corner Drug
Store Sole Agents, Newberry.
The First Thing
to look out for is No. 1. That is.
yourself. Buy when and where the
best value can be had, and in nine
cases out of ton it will be at our
place of business. Fesw, if any, other
merchants can compete with na in
the mattor of qualhty anid pices.
We sell hardware, etc., at the low
est figures. Comuer and seie.
award of vacant scholarship in
Winthrop College and for the admis
sion of new stadents will be held at the
County Court Hlouse on FrIday, July
12th, at 9 a. mn.
Applicants must not be less than fif
teen years of age.
When scholarships are vacated after
July 12th, they will be awarded to
those making the highest average at
this examination.
The cost of attendance, including
board, furnished room, heat, light and
washing, Is $9 00 per montb.
For frther Information and a cata
logue address President D. B. Johnson,
Rock Hill1, N. C. 2t.
Interest paid on deposits In tihe Savings
Department at the rate of 4 per cent.
per anhum from date of deposit at
The ComercialMal~
CAPITAL - - $50,000 00
We transact a general Banking buisi.
ness and solicit the accounts of indi- I
viduals, firms and corporati ons.
rEo. W. SUJMMP.R, L. W. Frown
DEO. A. MOWER. P. C. AMJ'rff
R'. Z,. W'r,soN- W. II. IfUNT.
.JNO. M. KINARD, President,
). B. MA Y ER, %/. Fi. WRIGHT,
Vice.Preint. mah.
From Monday tc
turn in the kitchej
Blue Flame Oil 2
time and expense
comfortable. No b
or carry, no waitinE
up or die down; a f
of the ordinary stove.
fry better than a
and cleanly-can
1 not emit any
sizes, from one
dealer does not
rest agency of
Good Time.
Every man, lady and
boy should have agood
time piece. Come and
buy it of us as we have
a large selection.
If your watch, clock
or jewelry needs repair
bring it to us and we
will put it in good or
We also have a nice
line of
Jewelry, Silver
Wear and Glass.
Eduard Sclioltz,
The Jeweler.
Every Drop
of medicine put up into prescriptions
filled in this store must be pure. We
are very careful to 1180 only the best.
We carry a nice line of Toilet
Soaps, Lamps, Wiley's Candies, Vel
vet Candy, Tobacco and CigarB, and
a full line of Druggists' Sundries.
Discount Checks given. Fresh
Garden and Field Seeds.
e ded1842.
'sSing their own praise."
Doubtless you have heard our comn
petItors make such remarks as this,
"Why, if you wish to buy a piano
the grade of the Stieff, we can sell
you 'such an such make,' wh-ich is
better, etc." Now, when a s 4lesman'
or saleslady makes such ren:arks as
this, unless you know yourself that |
"such and such make" happeni to
be a strictly high gradle piano in
every, sense of the word, go very
Blow in accepting such statements as
the truth.
Stieff Pianos stand today without
a peer, and our competitors will have
to meet us, with the very best they
haye in their shop, and then the pro
bability fis, they will get left when it
somes to a show down.
Write us at once for our l,ost
~actory prices. We can save you mid.
ileman's profits, and will make terms1
o suit.
Piano Manufacturer, Baltimore,
rid. North and South Carolina
3ranch WVareroom, 213 N. Tryon
it., Charlotte, N. (1.s
hiIaOatt so very box of the genuint
Laxativ Bromo-Quinine TabIet.
Saturday-at every
, work-a Wickless
tove will save labor,
and keep the cook
ulky fuel to prepare
for the fire to come
caction of the expense
A Searching Test,
In flhese days of hiurry and rush
the medicines YOU Use should be of
the highest gradlo, and rAbsolutely
compouinded by liconsed and grada
atUd Phlarmna;iAt3.
Pelham's Pharmacy.
Power Plant
For Factories and Mills.
Corliss, Automatic, Plain Sidlo
Heaters, and Pumps.
Aompetergcning testumu
Van Wtnke (ando Thomrya ruins
thlers meds,cines inuus sok b fof c
the aighn gra., Conumbba,lu.el.
padure.cuiy o
Nomote, byoind and gau
Re (al Estte
Po.w.eAYr, Plaidnt
JNor F.KIAtries0 and Mils.
Junies Automati, Plae Trseo
Teachers, and NewurrpGrde
FAo smaperntndnt,atthn milary tofh
heNies Teachs, the arkeyt.
$35.00 an orn ach; acinry
A ale Saws, ipa for sthe Coredic
Schlaery.ay f 4.0
1T2 emaie Tacer Coluba th. Colr
Ldo, atd thecalriof $2500
Noeterm Bsec ande echr
Stcauseo ar f aite kinsr andi
0 F. N.E MARsint
JNO.c Mf FinAID c.ima and Dilrgc:
thatry~coo wewillmak w il select
n'entc fnoth et Nfbacob H.rBoe,
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