OCR Interpretation

The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, July 16, 1901, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067777/1901-07-16/ed-1/seq-2/

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pii tt fv,lr 1 :tadot1!l ,.\,\ v
I 1 lt ' \ ;tl \i;
])t| 't t:l
I; a!iril.Il" I IIIl idyi \ I( :
II i\rli it a'Vil ; ttt"i t bIIi t I It j iil : fl it
v i. I h t:l L l )t s it" lt l . 1I ' . .
II'."C iiI% , . i : i 'I \\11) It I .. . :'. I:
fr w . lItl' iI ali h a h III 1 1) 1 i):1
''i ' 1 t );iit il :"it ' l I!)i 'ilt 'i ll tlt I i
:u. :t i 'il y pt lfor: . : - . -
Ill'Ii ' 11t I I Ia n int l t-l 'i ,itnl'
bu l !t t til', t -l liX-t' i'1 ptl ri l i
"Wf th-nll mi'.l lhe ' upLi-L sion of
ThiI licIaniin of the lhIit pltfrmi
ai to ''ru1st ' i is "1h-re r, Iu -0 \w't pI'I' ,'
aIt Ii te de.ni'e tli:n t.hli Iryan!l
oftl - lia n i a (City phi'forn. 'lr h l .li
!ter pld tn{ith ' tir:merat.i' 1:ar "
:1 tn iin''';1,1In war)fart il nattii)n, 'statt
andll l'ity :ltgain-" t liva t' moln lp.ilyI inl
I:Vir:I f r , and rnlld for more
:, -Ii i;:' it u:lil tupireh ns v llaw%I sit
at aInIL't Ct)rpIoratil.1 lenlil d in1 Inter-1
"ttA.tl inn tn,rl!, but, it iiii not p)rop i.
.w it'rilng to kill T ru1ll't.", atnd it. thiiri"-w
-ll. lt t ~i .\ tii ,Il. !4t:, 11 Ih II " 1 . r
at(J' h ';. - h iM be" pr. cer,. in av h-~,'
ri:',h t- iI1l t h1 -) i ' ..?t 'II;l . int. '
il1:' Ii h . r' p,( ett 1 1." M ir. "r':t'i . w h"!;,)
ll t l til} t 7 . l i0 y \, ttli Y Ii ti. ;
f "ti i i t-.l t' luppe,
' i've tb-.rt WJV t i~i t
ofh,-an h>o hu to t Trut iilueI'~te
u;:ien tbe rfouli nluyw-erwed f r
berry us: tk phu florn.. ngt
foem.nsi then i be ali-: e.h Od c',rvan
wy av ourshr o hekckr,.o
the:ickerstine havefr wih th alwas,
butbteir little wis w-pnible falloedf
uy in thoe wh~o oil the band orlbr
heaus thec ofwarn macdo ror:c-m,.
tht wpiit, l tht e os wih we
Avmiade tpeope ieneta imh;o-pe n,
e:e n milo foromble amand would
beo axlint wlea,ht aai-' to-x-k
* conomrieTh sprirnge. ef18b.~1
' t w llb4,e.ta',t m: . t.
ver na e o r4n w .....p
1. tave N w \: - -
Il,iV.,n . -... a
At ryve Ali n-, N. . -.
:t:l. lIo,-IIl< engat e tt .u ;II1 : l '
II tel.
I.eave ;\li:v 1l 16 a. 11. ;i \
Nt \\ il't l't n!ral antd Itll,t:i l :\" 1. 1.iv
.\ Ive\' Itltialo, N . I'. -:.w p. :I. J'1
.7;1', S:'uinlhy.
t )n tl t 1W111 tI11, 1' lrti t P '- . tt.i
le I 1: 1ti t i' vI i t : t II ' t 'I. : 1 t. '
t ,'I . , " t I 1
l' tu 1's u:b ii N No
Me:Iis N
New \'or
it m :m *' it
N un::i :n
C -
T el
vi- 5-- c
* -
QYf te iivrv to'. sp. l i
Car# 9 !'lagara jtW';t 'J' ..'. e;
whe .t art t'ui, 1 the aj b
nary M. vctrl and all the r') are y
cute.ide r'xnmi "' Tht pr'opr'-t',r. prorni..e
to, "reoim either t wo, three or four :n each;
room ac.cording to the .iz.e of aawe u;d
for your in formation would .-.a y t hat roon a.
to which we SaSfln tvwo or morepoi
contain two or tbree full si:t-t besi "
The pesnlcontrovuerny golngyo
betwreen Mr. James A. Hioyt, Jr,, and
hit. Lout. A ppelt, is hot sievatinog arnd
9s.'ould not ha amnItteud Into the public
prints. lI they have a peOrvmnal griev
ance let t,hem order pistoje and coffee
for two and settle It bet,ween them.
l Ilte i ses .i N I U 44444
- h C
3 h
\ '
i e
11 h n 41fo
t - nl'
- IT > -
\t It -r -
-44 -~. njl1~4
r/- . y ]
- 1 -rr
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- 1 a r.n y 1r5,t
r -. *ther t .*y
r t or.I.ot, Lt
-e 'e h ti 1' ;r it.
: i<- -1y 'i-. , r t
Iia,- - ; in i f .;;J
I ~:. -- 1.: fe 1 .
~i!r... p.4ri; ing arylJ vital
44" '. o 1, -r : a Aflt, ar)b(oy.
re m; troub:I >. (>t 1'':r reroffi*J.1 masy
re. .se *A li 8. J8. arftually coir'.,
h 4'-vry k'r':. t gi.'I'* the1 rieb
U'ow ,! br-alth, t.'. thy- ikiro, 11, 8, J8,
b-ald p the brkndw bodiy andC'
makes~'I hn* lA-' red:' atnd fiourlslorg.
'1rr by J',-ALfl' Jilor,d galirj 1$ 11, Ji,
Ikuithw,ti, Trial t-re~atument~ freeo
a6r-, pirepad by writing l~ JBloun1 irm
anid Im e ueid(aI4 ad' vi'oct gvon until
The,1 I~!A:fntial coniAJtionse for fine0
laundry workv ar,: 'p-to-Clat4 ma:hine'ry,
g~uod supplifn ciornp;Aent workmn~aluip,
Jiaving riet all th)~ese rq uIrem'on(Jtg the
New1.erry fAundry (.Co , in a poisltion
to cater to the ,no,6 eritic~al,
ita' , '\ I t I e i -h>l'(1 , arl h.
t I'illt "tl , I t l (i'i I; I t' t '' e tt I 1
! Ilt ii\d' ."1n a' It ".i t to
,' l"' '' " 1 1;t : I' i ( t I ' t t(t! ( l .ii t '
S . 1. 1 I t'i tt t t' I.- 1
i a r, an.1 pr. nlt t
- n ~itetin it'
- , I ' t ; it' 1' t, tI1 i
- \ Vt I31
t" ''11 t t'! .ti Ii 1 1 ! t ' t
- . i
' 1! '"; 1 u no I' ' f th -
' *It'.'L' , ((1t' \"l t: I(\ (h: t
- \ ' ..1' - i , -th' ad , i l-,ir .i e o -
It i it i\i\-. U :}ll' t .,:,
tt!:n.ttr;thn 1"(,.r \'I have itYawnd in
tut" h' arts f -'(\u' ibta; the .c ( of af
\ ~* \ I eti 1\t:1
lii 1 I1' a ll} itwo' rim nitl) :. tt ot g,
It : nt :(" h lit m' n th .iie
Q A! Ilf n.i t t f ' - t har ' ..-:'t
r. --- a , f y(AP } 'ti:. i : :n .
u ij 1.rp .::r't tn se'io an tV. II
rit ~~-r~ u have alit eat !way t; on
-'. (:!IIC1- . tl m- Ifromtt I a t t:n-eofi
anothe ,tirr. Ynttouat hae pl.e tin
the br.' a- yo u" ! t!' t hnier:t hed oa
E:' I- ant oft e r'- itde h ., e (lOf!3
ha.; at.!~ttr te . and n i t. ,-tro ga,
hel y he'ait. I th .-he p l t d it:r
rrire-:(1 i (--jrh.-altV'aItJ, .It that .
ih 0 re:.ain in ou hear tthwe : n
w.etrr'' ito akn :l.o e:ptn,a
via.: ~vtha thAe plant-ae wior ous
an ~i. Ji.en t. Truui ti-t ';ativelA t o rI
ain lriend.i in thio token"uiI
Cjiilti, sh iobb' fl.1a l afl 'eet ed,b t.
t:I in t!y reaon-d . wace tn the t n ti.di
f ndo .et gimrcieo, y awiyt aerliang
- IfOrutr:t,I. Jluhi a.nd i .hds
fi-i.!y it a~a1.- - t h cana tbylt i -.- t:eo
-r -. !b y - -p ra d vi him
-i, - f r t a- tha M Ny-:-radM
abetC Vh e rit.lI It .n' Co.) \'. If,S
Nvott' jiukll a C. .fu. Ai. IItard
wy airz ds a .1 fhrier of.hetadW.
'AJ ('th mat ' :by :-uinltu lNill a Lib-l
by .tr ;I ('. w f herh a it (. I : aeevr or
tet hal ('.ri:hn n al te adeher:h.
Mr.jel t n. Iiyes re':t:redothd lork cof
Cnti .thobir ehlf fheprviio
raer and eaked t'r.ad hethaC alay
-p onfsidelcr intakin to 'ihimN'aonl
aroybsines', rJnate an2h'2l.ta
reativoeas vinl then aconinne beOvif
te.h ill frter dlitd to her Ion
i:d ro: -te o Itona NarvioneIrovn
e rany oca ionL ien evience ton
:p rmtenio. leal of ni elias.
J?rornsiv cn ulpae lrvaiadrhath
S.The Nowdory Stpam itundws and.
I rr on
a t'f 1i'. t lI \i1:. ('llmllin'rt t:o
\ 1 ' . ' II . I' ia. '.t' l t a I.'c a f ,-4 1
ai ;. I e rn ie w 1
u w it 'I ~ t ta.' . " a u
b mby. . v ! ,I h tnII
. nIib b' ib i it, ,'i i I1. 1 i1"
1"'"1 ""R - .i Y Il it: 'l I t' li til I'r1'itI. tI
1 i ,'u \i l i' i ' ( r t' ti e I I l' ;( iu; Il
whoj' II fut inIiat ur:v u tei. vi
'1'ti (II ' ', t '', Itt I'It'l" ' ! ett ! It' : l l t'i4
tl !' t ' \\'11 l I t l, n h e, pen.
.1 :1 ! .'' I, N t et II: i ' I I' rt 1141(1 s tt 1.' h
;1 1 wee ith 1t : hh M. t'ar li tlIL
;.'1 1t 'll vt I II,I w t e it I ti t II I\ra ( tr
"n"I ot " 11 t l .\ , li -, .o' I;,l .l:uu-II ,
'f' I'"- e Nat.utht hi' w'r1' houw1 It
1 h' I tle Iii wil. Veo a
\ I e t '' nt i I ' d w t ,:'ai o.r't
\t t' .,b t !1 I .! l ! ( art t m tlw, I
n ' I t t ' tIl . o I.he N n w td sle'
.t It I m ( f('. a l ' (o wh t i ih '
'' 4 I1111her 1 i"antwe.ITh
: i11-( w'ho'lit \ (E 1 N it Nr t i a ( A -1
t it:t it i far ='t ';er r to ant m oill ol
ab ry IIuntv, lIn fa t OIne r'malrked (
:1' e the It wtrIe , 1ur 0,'for mtll
m m iu tl ,riln. W' 111t ntt m10' u II ' o
:l:l's 1the o t ilb 'i w ih aret io n .
fieraio tirwte . wo h w av
ft1't' I' !1" . IN Iit t V11. V )litFU )
-'i' w"i' I lo'di t lin ., lit, 'i' t' i ti I
N.1 to sh >:w th itp lrovtement w1nchi
b - tf in the1' te'l llt.
14h t (,':11re .1ean- . lIIn Is lit-eded'1.
lt:t 1 m a bot cf a nd . 1. ( me havII.
start hI' It iay btf.
.\ Ir. IIl '\'r li'(/.'.'i. (4(': I- I IV '((r ide,
i nain his IIud iit In pai nt 'ed.
. lust iaS we'( art' ab1out tlt 8tend L.hisl to
ti(' ptr-- wO 'Iar the w' e d o1 . 1. . f
ri, 1'er il' It whistle. \'erona.
.luly 151, o1t01.
Ii' . uv" ae iti t.htso it grade of
.Vur" h:tmryttl , you'(l will mlate not ) miS
t:Iel:( in s:'n(ihg it, to the Newberry
i.aundlry Co.
' teacher Wanted.
. 1- h my will ameet at the school
h oue the 15th Au uISt., 1901, for the
( S of e'lecti t telnrher. School
ter I1mnth4. Salary $30 per mlonth.
All apol41-tS must send in their
a'ra;ons to tho undersigned on or
before' :abo:' datte.
T. TO. . AS,
.f 1). II. K1NARD),
WC P. . eNIa\i,
Nvnwberry, S. .
By \~. W. Hodges, d ., P"ro'eate Judge.
ht' th mao suit to me to grantthei
h- tter( of administration of the estate
and ett s of D)l". G. 13. taldw oell.
Thet arw therefore to cite and a
onish al' amn sinl ar the kindlredI
and crtd is of the said Dr. G. B. 'ald
w'il ' ee;I_u, tha they be and appear
1"""4' -r to(', inl the Courllt of '1robat4', to
b libed a N,;wb(.rry ('ourt IHouse, S.
... Ond h tth a t' h ay of July nxt, of
t r pu?0icntion thereof, l t iI o'clock
int thel for("noon, to sihOw: Cau i. f any1
tin houldy notwerned.
-!:Qo uly, n. of1 S
T onThr isacant Roome ut
neT Sfor-Stoarinchu, Lnot
tian Accp-toInsuane wri(
ii * /
Cut Sate!
I''~r t i lt'\ 1 :tll a n , w I l I l ,I I <, h it1 el (, >t1a-r t.h nu it hi be nt
N,ItI iI NIwin 11i,'1' 111' 1 or pr'1i . Wt, <b>n't Iatvo to writo
Int 'h"I ti tl +1 1IwIll Ir' l'l l( 1 I t h ,1 Ifill,i11 . T hIII( prIicl'1 <llring this Rtal(
wrillb IIt llo, Ihi,:
at) c at i,a' t a 11, c t pri .
i '~~~~ ~ . J u 11 I ' 1. ; - > 'l it . Il ir ic o .1 1 :, 9 2
en . i e , j , . . ) 11 e 11(. (+ 'rt-.2;)
ti '1)a t'11t lli' ' (i, ii jrta.at( 9
Itt ;t) tiit I,pricvs I :'. ;) II.( ct lpric(s 8.25
tat tal' ('hil, io'1 ;:nutit will ba ('l <>ut ot r,':. -trttIt'i*t Of (OSt. Suits tha.t
tatl ll. b'1'., tmv I;. ad; l d i .25, iow 8i>1. Suit! that, 1;old I. $2.25,
110 1.ot), All otI lit i propotartit.
) r entir ' stork of I)ry (br's ih )1 O:{l,dl out ait, c'Oht. .est '1.4 1o111o.
iIn'it t'. It(+st, I'riuit Ie. I .. c. (iotlot ladl't 12e.
Straw I lte! ,Srawtv .1tlis !! -All go a.t atout half prico.
tiboltet ! Shoes !!--(Oir itock of Sho( at Ibteltor thani ever. All low cut are
beiig clolaedl out it. cost. I,alieli' Oxfords froma1 'ISc. to 2.22, wo- Thec to
::. O.
I ''Watch our tl wllclow ftr prices on sliits.
'h llead to Foot Clot.hier.
We are now showing a complete line of the
newest and moststylish goods to be had in the
Dress Goods, Mluslinq, lquos, Ginlghamls, &c., &c., at pricos which are
the lowest, considering the valneoof the goods.
Wo call special attention to our W. 13. Corsets. We undoubtedly carry
and always have carried the largest line in this city. We are always in
the lead in this as our contemporaries havo 1)011 obliged to acknowledge
timo after time. The famous W. B. Corset, the most, popular in America.
We lead all others in our line of Hosiery. We have all sizes, styles atndl
prices--Misses', Children's and Ladies'.
Our Millinery Department
is full of attractions for the lidies. Latest and most fashionablo styles.
\Ve cordially invito a thorough inspection. Come and so us.
Ci U id arC
Organdies, Lawvns, Swisses, Laces, Embroideries, &c., for
Coimmencemient Dresses.
Buntinug for (1e(co)rations for Firemen 's Tl.our1nameln t.
Elegant line Curtain Swiss b)y the yd., and lace curtains
by the pair. All thlese goods at reducned prices.
Our ready-made Waists and Skirts are perfectly splendidl
in quality and style, whilo the prices are so nmuch lower than
you have anty ideca of, See them.
(Great values in ready-made Sheets, Pillowv Cases, &.c.
In the Gents' Furnishing Department
you will find thme best 50c. Shiirt to be had. That $5,00 Suit
hans been reduced to $4.50 for the spot cash, but you munst
como soon for they are nearly out.-The "Bostonian" is as
good1 as the best. (Guaranteed. Try them.
Money is searce andI our pricos have been redulced1 accordl
ingly. We want your business.
Yours truly,
S. . ot
ol r
Perfect in construction will not pack or misshape, guaranteed absolutely
---BY TE--..
Dexter Broom and Mattress Co., Pelzer, 8. 0.
Springs Hotel,
nn Springs, S. C.
oLitiern Sunimer Resorts.
enn Springs and it has no equal on the conti-.
ir, Kidneys, Bowels and Blood.
ne i to Octoberi. Cuisine and service excellent.
i everybody goes there. For-board apply to
-Dr. W. E. Pelham and Gilder & Weeks.

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