OCR Interpretation

The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, March 11, 1902, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067777/1902-03-11/ed-1/seq-3/

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A l:)a.ar Stat.-mn110tt o1 0o1t1 anuts.
itad Itbe aid Of tho C. & ( S. Mower
(O. The hav. at reputa:iun for fair,
ht ,nest and)( ho' oratblo. dealintg t.hat is to
nvied. What they (:ay in an adver
itisetment is to) be rolic d uponl and the
,- itomters know 1% hat t o expect when
h'aey visit th(, stire!. 1'Iey cannot he
. at ini dry go, (is, dress goodls and
I iii nlgs. Before buying visit the
.! twer (Jo's.
Tit Hate Amntucedl
On account, of S tuth Uiarolinal day at
the Charleston ECxposit,ion March 20th,
11)02, the Atlaptie Coast Live and Co
tumbia, Newberry and lturens rail
ways beg io announce that tickets will
be sold March 19th an 20th to Charles
ton limited good to return on any train
for live days from date of sale from
Prosperity for $3 25, ani from Newber
ry for $3 :35.
SMaybton)1 Ni ws.
Some of the popular young people of
this place were invited to the dance of
the season, at the hosbdtatb'e home of
J. J. Thomas near Gashen. 11111 on the
night of the 28th of 'ebruary, which
they attended and danced til the wee
late hours of the night. The Delta
band which is comp ,sed of some of the
finest musicians in S C. furnished the
music for the occasion.
A Sudiden Death.
Mr. John C. Sease was found dead
in his bed Sunday morning at the
home of his brother, Mr. Leonard
Sease, who lives in th'e I'ney Woods
section, near the Lexington line Mr.
Sease ate a hearty supper Saturday
night and retired and on Sunday morn
r ing was found dead in his bed. lie was
'70 years of age. Magistrate 13. B Hair,
of Prosperity, was sont for io hold1 an
inquetst and the doet,'rs prntounced It
death fromt apoplexy.
'lhe Sout Ia earolla Day.
Thursday, niareh 20th, is South Car
olina )ay at the (ha lest0 1C:xposi
tion, and for this Occasion t he Soul hern
railway a nnouces greatly reuced rates
from all points within Ithe State to
Charleston and return. The rate from
Newherry will he $3.35, and Prosper
ity, $3.25 for the round trip. These
tickets will he sold for al11 trains on
March 10t,h and 20th with Iinatl lintit re
turning, live (atys after da'e of sale.
The acc(tmuodat,i(ns are gt( d indil the
schedules convenient,.
M1mn,tu1111gh%14 Sru.ck It lHight.
,ames A. Miritnanught has just re
turned from the Northern matrkvts and
is tickled almost t.o deat, at the har
gains he seenred. Everything was just.
on the eve of al rise and h matte his
purehases b-fore the rise was on--so he
is on the safe side. The sidewalk be
fore his p)luce of husiness IS tocked
with boxes every (lay-the new goods
already coming In. Hec sa a lhe will
have the largest stock ever' broeught
, hero and propotses to put the prlices5
within the reach of all. J1ust visit h is
ator e is al11 t hat, hie asks -the price- and
goods will do the rest.
M imnaugh's ad takes ihe fourt,h of a
M imntauigh's goodls'are' all thet r'age.
Thne Vice of Naigginig
Clouds the happiness of tbe home,
but, a nagging womantl often needs hlp
She may be so nervous and runi-down
in healthl tbat ttriles annaoy heir. if
she is melaneholy, excit,able, troubled
with less of aipetite, hehndachle, sleep)
lessnes, constipation or fainting anti
dizzy spells, she needs Eliectitc Bitters,
the most wonderful t'emedy for aling
women. Thousands of su l'erers frm
female tr'oubies, ner'vouis tr'oubilest, back
ache antd weak kidineys have used it,
and become healthy and happy. TPry
it. Only 50e. at all D)ruggist,s, guara n
ee satisfaction.
F ~abio Riomnia Thortractay Night.
-Alden Benieditet'st "F..abio Rloimani"
hich wvill be prIesented at the opera
oulse lnext, Thursday night Is a play
ith astrong and stirring interest,in it,.
hose who have r'eadt the book "'The
endetta". will casily remember the
retex t of t he story. A deceived hus
and is buit-ed alive, but escapes5 from
be tomb, andi returns .in disguise to
U rturo the unfaithful wife, killing her
t tihe moment lhe miankes himself known.
he novel furnishes inItensBe scenes
hich are ably inteiipretted by a strong
impany, the principalIlImembers beitng
peclily engagedl for t.ho characeors
S seigned tbem A special feature of
o performance will be thne introdue
on by Miss Oilie Cooke of her ceic
rated dances.
Title Will Intere't, Mamny,
Tio quickly introduce B3. B. 13. (Ito
nI,ic Blood Blmti), the famous South,
ru blootd cure, into new homes, we
ill send, absolutely free, 10.000 tri
roatment,s. Botanic Blood Balm 11.
)B ) q1uckiy cui-st o.t n)ld ulcers,
oirofuala, eczemaUI, itching skin and blood
umnors, cmcer-, eating, fester'ing soreos,
* il, carhurncles, p)ripOs or' tnlfon-iv e
uptions, pains in b'mnes or- jolints, rheu
atism, c'-t,arrh, or anty blood0 or skin
ou bfe, Bo tan ic Blood Balim' (fB. R.
) heds every sor'e or' pimie, makes
o bleed pare andl rich and(1 t,Ops all
her and palns. ilotan'e Blood pure0
r lich and stops all aches anid p nine.
anlchlood Balmn(B 13. B.) thorough
'tested for 80 years in hospittal and
vate practice, and has cured thou a
s of cases given uip as hopeless. Sold
rug stores, $1 per itatge battle. For
-treatment..writo to Blood B dm,i
A lanta, Ga, MQdicine sent at
e, kpaid. Describe trouble atnd
medical advIce given.". Botanic
(Balmn (U B B.) gives life', vi-gor
istrength to the blood.1 The finest
Purifier made. Botanic Blood
(. B. B.) gives a healthy Blood
ly to the skin and entire system.
"Fabio Romatti" at the opera house
Thutrsday nightt.
'iTe large bollers for the Mollohon
Cotton Mill have arrived.
'1'he new mill is (luite a popurlar Suni
day resort. Iundreds visit there every
pretty Sunday.
Joseih I'. Ilut,hison is clerking at,
MimnaugI's and would be pleased to
have his friends call there to see him.
The attention of tIhe teachers of the
county is called to the notice of Super
Int.endenL Werts, published in another
Work on the new Mollohon mill Is
progressing nicely, and the contractors
will soon have the building ready for
the machinery.
The first game of ball of the season
will be played on the college diamond
this afternoon at :1 :0 o'clock. The
game will be interesting.
Sherilf Buford turned the stolen
buggy and hor e over to the rightful
owner on Saturday. It was the prop
erty of Velch &.Condor, liverymen of
Columbia. The man who left them at
the stable here has not, been heard of
Cards have been received in this city
announcing the marriage in Greenville
on April 1st of Mir. Win. B. Werts, for
merly of this city, and Miss Lillie May
Bruce, a popular young lady of that
city. Mr. Werts has many relatives,
and a large circle of friends In this
county who join us in extending con
gratulations tin advance of the happy
M r. II. C. Moses, of Sumter, al rived
in the city yesterday.
Sheriff IluforC went to Spartanburg i
yesterday on a business trip.
Mrs. Cold L. Blease is visiting her
parents at Pendleton.
Col. W. H. Hunt went to Columbia
yesterday on professional business.
Miss Joe Jones has returned from
Laurens and has resumed her duties at
M intnaugh's.
Mrs. Watts Davis, of Cl inton, spent.
Sunday in the cit,y with hri mother,
M rs. Mlattie Glenn.
ir. S. .J Wooten has returned from
the North where he went to buy his
Spring stock of goods
Mr. L W. Floyd and Mr .no. NI.
Kinard went to Columbia yesterday
and are expected to return today.
N r. Rt. I, Bowis represettative of the
American Type Foundry, Baltimore,
Md., was in the city yesterday and
spent a plsensant hour with us.
Misses .1canno I'csiham and Carrie
Jones, of the P'resbyt erian College, Co
lumbia, came up Satturday to spentd a
few days under the parental roof.
Mr. '. J. Voss, after several days
rest at heine, left yesterday for Ten
nessee in the interest of the National
Meter Company, which lie represents,
Mr. Wim. R. Smith, of the Merchant
and Miners Transport at 1o1 Company,
Atlanta, was in the city yesteriday
shak ing hauds with his many friends.
Mi's M. 10~ Bouknig' t, hi goe to
Saluda to attend the imarriage o.f Mr',
Charles Davis and Miss Hattie K(emp
son, whioh happy event will take place
on WVednesday,
't o Membieria of PulanktIc Lodge, No. 20,
I. 0. 0, F.
Regular' meeting of Pulaski Lodge,
No). 2(0, ,I. 0. 0. 1". ill be held
in their halt on next Tuesday nigh t,
11Lth, at .7:30 o'clock. All members
grie ear'nestly requested to at,tend as bus
Iiess of Importance wvill come before
the Lodge. W. M. Thomas, N. G.
No Argumnt is N' d("t.
To convince anyone who has once
tried in of the meril. of ouri "'Clifton"
eirand of Ilour'.
The hlaur speaks for itself. It tells
Its own story of ibl)0ute pitrlt-y and
e:,reful milling. IT speaks in the elo
quent language of light,' whit.e loaves
andc bIscuits, delieious past i'y and temp.
ting cakes. It, speaks with such con
viction that it brings the tuser' back for
moire and it, alwajys tells the uie satin
factory stoiry. Why niot,lern this story
of pure flouri by ti'y'ing "'Clifton?" Ask
your' grocer for It.
If you wanit a cheaper flour buy our
''White Fawn" (half Patent,) or spo0tless
(Straight). Th~ley are just as pure,
though~ not so white as 'Clifton'. l'Cvery
sack of ouri flour' beat's the Anotl-Adul
terationi League's registered drado
For sale by Palmetto Grocer'y Co and
F. R. 111ipp in Newberry, and J. D).
Stokes at Whitmires.
t.f0Wt'NSHORO, K. Y.
Mr's. Melton, who has been ver'y Ill,
klaimpr'oving and will join her husband
in Atlant,r as so'on as she IA able to
We aure glad to see M ic. Jack Duinston
out again after' a severe attack of
Mast,er 'Tonm Brad burn t.s been sick
and lost a week firm school but, he Acorns
all right agin.,
Miss P'earl Shealy, of bttle Mounlain
has heen on a visit to her sIst,er, Mi's.
Allen Count,s.
Mr Walter Rh inohard, of Sainda, Is
making a forced visIt, hero.
Saluda is up, hlow nIce it would be
to have a good biridge.
It, looks as If a railroad to Saluda Is a
biog way ofT.
F'armers and merchants are lookintg
grave. Bid weather has pat a damper
on their wvork and has caused a dopres.
sii,n in all kinds o.f business excep)t t.he
dispensary which seems to be carrying
out, faithfully its mission.
O1 tho I.lttrary Societtcs of Nwoi w 'rry t 01
logo On tih, Fvnntng of the 21Mt, of
The annual celebration of the I';xcel
sior, I' hrt:nakosmian, and 1'hilnla
theatn roeielies of Newh,r"r"y ('Iv'le
will he held in the opera hiuse on P1t.
(lay even'ng the 21st. of March.
The <iestion for deCate is, "Ite
slv. i, 'Ihat, chii liron under fou(eeen
year-4s of tge shiuld ho prohibittd by
lnw fromt woaring. in th.' (ottonI mills
and facttries " 'he Il'h renakosmians
will uphold the allirmatives side of I le
question ant will l,e rcptes nt d by
Messrs. C. L W1es:,inger anid S. I'.
Fr:ick. Messrs. W. P. lied-nhugii an
C D ;Itimore will repirewent the E'xcel
sior Society and will argue the nega
tive side.
'Tihe lCxcelsior orator is Mllr. .1. W.
Ballentinc, whose subject is, "Tihe
Progross of a Century."
Mr. HI. A. Fulmer, of the I'hrena
kostian Society, will deliver an oration
on the subject, "A Nation's Grief."
The I'hilonmathean Society, which
was organized by the young ladies of
the college in 1898, will be represented
by M iss At urguerite Cromer. The sub
ject of her essay is, "The Prize the
Vanquished Gai ."
Mr. W. C. Summer, of the Excelsior
Society, will presido.
A N.iRtV EoAV'E.
Ir. Thomnm 'it lsIBN a atol Full from aI
Building lit loluwbla-Not Seri.tisly Hua t.
About ioon yesterday one of the
large plate glass windows in Van Me
tre's store was shivered by falling
bricks. J. 1'. Green and' Thomlas Wells,
two white workmen, were at work on
a scalfold which surrounds the new
Farmers and Mechanics bank. Th rough
some cause three or four feet of the
cornice which runs around the top of
the building was dislodged and fell
striking the scaflolding and breaking
it. Green saved himself from the fall
by clinging to the side of the buildinr,
but Wells was thrown to the ground,
falling on the litter of bricks and seaf
folding. lie got up and walked over
to McGregor's drug store where hw
was examined and found to be slightly
bruised and cut, hit ( therwise on in
The falling briek completely shiv
ered the large window which it will be
remembered was cracked sonte months
ago in very much the same manner.
'The upper panel of this window was
istroyed and an another large pane at
the ent.ran'e doors was cracked
throughout, its lengt,h. Tle ru-1n.iture
In the window was badly bruised.
The large pane on the side, as was
stated, had been cracked before and
Mr. Van Metre has a new one ready to
put in. The other two glasses are in
sured, their aggregate value being
about $175 -The State, 8th.
The following narriage notices were
left on our desk several weeks ago and
got misplaced amoing some other papers,
which is the cause of the delay itn pub
lication,. R1ev. Boyd was kind enough
to furn ish them prtomplt,ly aft.or the
marriages were solemnized:
By R1ev. D). P. lBoyd, [Feb. 20th. 1902,
at tihe residence of Mir. B3enjamin HJolt,
Mr. Samuiei J. Sheely and M iss l"annile
li. Hlolt. All1 of t.his county.
By R1ev. D). P. Bloyd, [Feb. 20th, 1902,
at the residence of iM'. P. ML iIawvkins,
Mr' L"roy 10. Summers aind M iss MIin
ni T. Hawkins. All of this c'ounity.
Lockjaw From Cob,wobs.
Cobwebs put, on a cut, lately gave a
woman lockjaw. MIillions know that
the hs5t, th Iing to puit 0n ai cu' is Buck
len's Arniica S.alve, tihe inifalllble healer
of WVounds, Ulcers, Sores, SkIn Erup
tfons, B3urnsi, Scalds and Piles Ft
Our'es or ito pay. Only 250. at all D)rug
Shuck D)oti.
The much dreaided mnonth of March
is hero. WVe had some very windy days
at first,, but for t,he last, t,wo or t,hree
days it seemed as if summer had really
come. The farmers are vor. 5 us nlow
breaking up the soil.
WVe have a great, deal of sickne~ss in the
neighborhood. Mrs. 0. W. Hluford has
been very sick, but she Is slowly recov
erIng. Mr. t' d Bonds has had a severe
attatck of the grip)pe, but hto is able to
he up a short while; at, a time now.
Little Cippie Spoon Is also sick. We
hope that all the sick willsoon recover.
Mr. C. WV. Bufordc Is having hIs house
repaired. Mr'. J. Q. Philipps has the
contract for the work.
Mrs John Smith has ret,urtned from a
visit to her daughter, Mrs. Sam Cle.
land, of the [Bush River neighborhood.
Mrs John Workman came over last
week to see hiet, brothe2r, Mr. Ed Blonde,
Trhe school0 house has1 not been coam
p)letedl yet, but it will be usedi this mlornt
ing for the first, tIme. School will go
on for two monlths yet,. Miss Ijinina
Glenn is tbe t.eachm-.
T1he members of tFairview have do.
cided to get them an organ T[hey have
bought onie from the factory hill B1iptist
churtchl. R1ev. MIr. Burttont of Newberry
is pastor of ["airview, and everybody
steems t,o like hint very much. Mack.
Match 10, 1902.
C'ac,'t Kcep It 8 cret.
The sp'etndid work of Dr. King's New
Life Pills is daily coming to light. Nc
such grand remedy for Laiver and Bowe
troubles was ever kiiowin before. Tihou
sands bless them for- cturing Conshipa
tion, Sick Hleadachet, Hliliousness, .Jatn
nice and( Indigestion. Tr'my them 25c
at, all dIrugg ists.
Some people's s muis are so shaloji
that If you throw a peb1ble into thei
it strikes bottom bafren t splases.
l'art worlk in very backward in this
set.ion owing to (th c't ind Cold had
weatther, grrain is not -+how%ing upI well
for the tile of %yer
1)r. Itrnwivk has mnov:"d back to his
('(01unt 'V h"n't. We are 1 lad to welcomer
I,. II. ('handi 'ler wvent. to Orcelnville
la, necrk.
W e t r;;r to No-:1 I'ta Itr . ('. I
A\ rillst ''ng has rr.ign m(d hit ehnrge
hc're. li has srrve1 his I letro)l verV
nerelttahl for I w1\"o years
S.1 (. ( 'otiel of lliiolnI spent one
nir ht this week with his Mter lrs. S.
1ir. (romer's burial wi largely tt
tended 'iast S tnrday. Our Iootd leo
pIe drop) out, one by one, andtc thcir t,r"tS
rnt' is lnisse(d by loved tones. (1r loss
is their eternaIl ga in. TPop.
Nh:\' arivail" in Watsh Silks at
- Vooten's. if.
I:I'A I ItI NoG old and now. I'utti ng
(low nt hilr)et and1 -1 u*tting, reCan
ing ('hallrs, Uplholstering I.oungl,es,
Sofas, et,c. I'r'ices motderatte. I ieave
orders at H erald and News ollice.
CA1 1. at The IIerald and News ollice
for ilabo' contracts, itrlit con
tracts, Lions, etc.
j-0. Neamless lalf-IlIose n1ow t;le. at
.e Wooten's t,.
()'t'iICE, HOU RS-l'ersons having
business with the Coulty Silper"
intendlent of Education will please call
at, It is ollice on Mondays and Sat-t 1rdays,
as Ihose are his ollice days.
tf i'u'g. S Werts, Sulp't.
TL 1'Oii0) USI': for Itent--1''or sale
or re ut. A lso a two-horse fari to
runt. Ai)1ply t,o Antine Ru?.hardt. t.\ f
l.CNioVICD- I have mo1Ve"d my jew
eiry estatlishm nt into (he store
orecupied by I'elham 's china hall and
will ill (h flt.rl be bl it better posi
tion to serve the itbli. I keep cot
staitly on hand, Gold Wt!ches, )ia
mnond and wt"dding rint.s, jiu'wclry,
S MWilvr , (ut itlass, elocks a-l novel
ties. Itr.nrnmhrr I i 'n rar pre d to fit
dilliruit e'yes with ' msses. Vonrs for
tracte. .I. IUY D)ANIl I,S.
In large varieties from
a cheap Stick Pin to a
Call and examine my
stock before buying.
Jeweler and Optician.
I Have
Coffee, Teotley's T1eats,
R aisings, Currents, Citron,
Nuts, Fruits of all kmnds,
Oat Meal, Pot ti johnt's R r. I''o(d,
Ext r'n Sifted June Peas,
Okra and1( Tomatoes,
Stringloss Beans,
California Peaches,
California Cherries,
-Apricots, Succotasht,
Corn, Contdontsed Milk,
-French Suard ines, Sahnliont,'
Ftrnnch Candy, Gelatines,
Fancy Sweet Cakes,
Cigars and T1obacco.
All fresh.
A.Few of
One lot checked and e
7c., price 5c.
One lot 36-in. Bleachi
Pepperill 10-4 UnbIes
" "Bleach
Child ren's double-kn
or 3 pr. for 25c. Sizes
Ladies full seamless
A very handsome 3
$1 .25 kind, 98c.
One lot Val. Laces, it
*worth 7, 8and IOc., pr
Still small lot of thos<
6 1-4c.
~s. J. W
r ,.
W%T ll1! W oli11
It.holigbh , I wats I "is t alf r ;!nt"it.
pai(1 in havn inIy t,v th r"xI t;t i but
iii tnot. fe I it. I II tilin It
Ii:tintl,s" dtnti.t, will ht' inl hb. nllie, on
Ite I tl'h 1 an lld tn tin) hi"i' thr tv., - tnl
afte!r that will visit. N,wh"rry the lir.t
MlondaV In the tnonth. auln sIav three
Why stlif",r with yttur teth whe"'ln youi
ca:n haVte t,brnl et"tra t d ti t"asy :and .o
c'ht"ap .51 . for the fivstl tolb, 25 .for
tle s't"')ndl, fourl for$ 1.00.
ti.?3 (illit!t Molointn's t,bl 't;tand,
Dr. G. R. Harding,
Ir:xt r!,tin;r 1 ,t tintlist.
Mayes' Drug store.
Whetn yotu conlto to t1 wo givo you
what you ask for, butl - if you
ask whtI is Iho host Gough C're
Iw't havo, wtt will toll you that
Quick Relief Cough Mixture
is, for I ht- sill o1, f,tt"I t lu t wtt
know what thw in;rtietlilS are,
it toll tu; so, aitu (hat it is gv
inig Ratisft tio g'ie erally.
Dropl ill 5olt, eV"tIill, nlnd hoar
Son1111 of (lir New
Phonograph Records.
W sill tIh"i.
Hair, Tooth, Nail
and Cloth Brushes.
ardnl"tolI Snntlt Il lver11 11 hilngr,
101n11d inl t Phalrnlat"nnt ientl inn.
Proscript ions ( n111 rtfully r.o1n unll .l
ttud lit
Maves' Drii Store.
I't l.I-: I,. It1.-;.\'" .:. t' 1.;. ST . \A t,\N ' ,
Nw h" rrv, ti NC S ('. ijs 11 Ily. .
Ia' ; \ I' S. 1i 1 \t .
a'slith - . C.
Blease, Blease & St. Amand,
Newhe, Irry, - a'tda aitnd I't - p.rilty,
Sn1t.h ('arolinal:.
I'rac,t"i.ie" iln all tat e ind U. S. (' s1tt"t.
The g r eat depart
ment store will give its
friends and customers
Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Jeans,
Colored Dress Goods and many
other Articles at and Below Cost
You will get what you
want from a Cambric
Needle to a Four Horse
W ag on and s av e
money at
j Volues!
triped Nainsook, worth
ng, worth 7c., price 5c
iched Sheeting 20c.
ed . " 22 1-2c,
eed seamless Hose 10O,
5 to9.
fast black Hose lOc.
-yd. Lace Curtain the
isertings and Beadings
-ice 5c.
a 15c. Half Hose left a
:'s Patterns.
ci G. S. MOWER CO.,
Beliable Merchandise
Honorable Prices
At the lowest possible prices to
be had for the same high grade of
goods. We do not sell shoddy
goods. We do not take your
good money and in exchange give
you worthless goods. Our's is a
cleancut business, done in aclean
cutway. We protect ourcustom
ers from loss by selling them wor
thy merchandise. We carry fine
full lines of
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Silks, Hosiery,
Underwear, Millinery, Ginghams, Per
cIes, Domestics, Linens, Notions
ShoFor Men, Women,
o eS Boys, Girls B Babies.
Our stores are full of goods. We
ask you to visit us. We promise
courteous dealing, fair treatment,
lowest prices. No misrepresen
tations and a big good stock to
select from. Yours truly,
g, aa owf o
Only Two Weeks More and Our
Great COST SALE Will Close!
'I'hio final opport unioty to got. :lotinrg ando Wint.or ( ioods at Hatriico
P'ries. New Mpring ( muods lamp arrivin4g, atrol our 4'xtenivi Itpreparanons11
for th i sp Ijliay of thi iii w l t<,e1< inik<1.s It irII) erati vI) that our wintr goo0dM
hI) closed4 out, and4 naich daiy narrows~V yourli chanenci. , list I wo) wo)4ks ilnorE
of witer goodsM at cost,. ( )r Ilinnnonso stock is to4 hoI <Il-gilyl wit in ai
fewv wooks(. E~vidences ar4 now14 14) shi in o f whaI it thiis splend4)4idi stock is .o .
Wo atre displaying atd vaLl ne arivls for1 Sping"t ini
Weo haivo son11th1ing veryV splend14id inl N42glfige) h it at *d0 o $20
TIhey atre till velry lat est prodtnetionsu, and1 s4) very tanltofutl s lid lOsi r.ibleo
Itat bulying is til) ritiirlott eori an (It olI) lf firo ilIHspoet.ion.
Thei bn<hI(hng.. (of H prig in ll tI t iiriio pas8t 1h14 140' ver wtnesseH I iichi a
d1isplaiy 11s sviI1ll be nind 1)by us8 ir
I'Cvoryt.ing 1l~in thIIis line) will be4 so) <Ii<1ed4 iii fait) cs0, style n4) pi cos )li44
tht y'ouIr aittent ion is 1)>ound14 tcio itt tracet.ed to tihl groalt 4 diihy.
11h4 goodl thlings~ y)t, tol h)4 sli)wri.
The Head to Foot Clothier.
"ew Spring Arrivals"
UQiII1I Ili EVllY hAY Al'
Cop eland Brothers
New Embroideries. New Insertions to match.
Cambrics, Swiss and Hamburgs. New and
Beautiful styles in Ginghams and Madras
Cloths, New Perca les, New Calicoes and shirt
ing prints, new Black and Colored dress goods.
Now Wh~V~ ite~ goodsI in Ninsoo0iks, I4'anciy Strnipos1, Dimitios, Checllkedt
Mus811 lIidLawnls, also1 New~ Lot M4n's Ciotin rg.
Now lot BoyH' an iH l i ron1'H (lothiung, Now o)t fai 1q shiook;, New
I,1ot of Miss8os, L 11( hdrenI's arId Boys Sho0n4, Now Lot Mnlr's Sl1ons.
le suro to sonial of thos80 goods8 holfore buying. Wo are offering Special
Valuosu in Now StyleN andl Freshl.go1od9 jusHt receivod the past two wooks
t Come to see us often. We will always show
you the prettiest and newest goods at the
Lowest Prices.
Leaders in Dry Goods. Clothing and Shnan, Nowberry, . (I.

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