(Jit eeA iA Interceting Incidetais of tho I ivil War R. - Iated by "X. Cou Fed" a M.-iiber of Third .. C. Regunelt, CLOSE OF THE WAR. On Friday after I reached home, Columbia was burned, Sunday even ing I went to Trinity. Here the news came that the Yankees were just below Newberry and that the -place would be taken the next day and probably burned. I got a horse and carbine and with my crutches across my saddle I hurried to New. berry thinking I would get another shot at the Yankees, hat the rem nant of Hood's army was at New berry and kept the place from being pillaged and burned. I returned home and thought I would ride over to one of our neighbors and let him hear the news. Just before I reached his home two nen came along and told him an old lady in the commu nity said the Yankees were at Silver Streei tearing up the railroad. It was a very still evening and just after they had passed a gun was heard to fire in the direction of Sil ver Street, and my friend said, Lord have mercy on us. Ike catch Jane. That old woman told the truth one time. Another shot was fired. Hurry Ike, the old woman did tell the truth. It was getting dusk and I opened the upper gate. May friend made for the pine thicket as fast as his legs could carry him. Ike had not arrived with Jane. I rode up to the yard gate and my friend's wife and daughter came out. My friend heard my crutches fall to the ground and he came running back. He asked me what was the news. I told him the danger was over and that the Yankees had gone. He asked me what the shooting- meant towards Silver Street. I told him David - Thomas was practicing with his eniiek'. He said, d-n him, he would like to kill him on sight. Just scaring, the women and children to death, and that old woman had not -told the truth. He asked me to spend the night with him and sit up and let him'-sleep. Some very foolish things were done by the people at home on this Sunday and Monday. In April Gen. Lee surrendered and in May Gen. Johnston surren dered and our soldier boys returned home overpowered but not whipped. I have tried to give some idea of what the Confederate soldier passed through. We had a great deal of hard fighting, a lot of fun, anid suf fered many hardships, but I have never regretted the part I took in tbc great struggle. "X Con. Fed." O'Neai News. We are needing rain at present. There is a great deal of talk about the heart worms destroying the young corn. * The farmers are about through planting cotton seed and some of them are nearly through plarkting corn. Cotton hoeing will soon be the order of the day. Miss Maggie Garrett spent several days with relatives in the lower part of this community last week. A very contageous fever is raging in this community. It is known as the new buggy fever. Misses8allie and Fannie Fulmer, of Saluda county, recently visited rel atives in this community. Mrs. Mattie Cook, of this com munity, is visiting friends at Lees. ville. We think the mumps and whoop ping cough have died a naturald death in this community. Mr. E. B. Garvin, the well known occulist, recently passed through this community. We saw Mr. Howard McCullough pass by no' long since. Guess we all know where he went. He was accompanied by Miss Bel eDoi nick. There will be preaching at Mt. Olivet every first and third Sundays each month. Rev. P. H. E. Derrick is certainly an excellent preacher. He has won the confidence of all and is certainly doing a good work among us. The Bethel Sunday School will en joy a Children's day sometime in the future. Prof. T. E. Wicker, of Goldville, spent last Saturday, Sunday and Sunday night with friends in this community. He was as jolly as ever. Gloves are beneficial in various ways in marriage ceremonies. Some W. E. PELHAM I TO THE PEOPL Whereas, some time ago we caused to be publ setdng forth certain statements and claims for our Liver Oil. And, whereas, we asked you, the people of this we mak good to you all moneys expended in pros faiure to support them. And, whereas, the result of said investi-ation what we claimed for it, and amply justifie:i the stroi We, therefore, do hereby express our tcil:s a shown in us and in VINOL, a:d for the readinc) roof and testified to. their trutLi and honesty. It is because of this ready response that VIN( So many of you have taken ViN OL and been hclj public and private of the merits of VINOL, that v justifying our statements. We thank yoi, one ai We are just as ready as ever t.- guarte and recommend it to your i%V a. Wc need not tc not a patent medicine. You J:ve seen how its in, know,too, that VINOL contlin all the medicinal e You know it is as deliciously plalatable as the mo blessing it is to the weak. Therefore we ask you to dpend upon it throu yor constitution with VINOL and sickness wiA We shall continue to recommend VINOL fo Debitatd-, Why drag out an existence wi:hout life or ambition., VINOL will bring life, strength and vigor to the debilitated. pur money will be refunded. Gain Flesh You can~get fat without taking disagreeable Cod Liver beleve VINOL will create flesh quicker than any preparati VINL quickly creates strength. Try it on our guarantee. ueed a strengthening and invigorating rebuilder. VINOL is s'ength and health to those who are weak and debilitated, f Pale Women sed a tonic-reconstructor that will create flesh and make pi poor and thin, and also indicates imperfect digestion. VI ChiIren love VINOL, it is so delicious. Try it on our guar Nervousness Diseased nerves are due to over-work, insufficient no guarantee VINOL, Wine of Cod Liver Oil to permanently a enthse body. Try it on our guarantee. Obronic ailds Sure signs of danger ahead. One might as well commi medicine needed. Unlike other Cod Liver Oil preparations, tse Try it on our guarantee. Bronchitis - ftenu end fatally unless specially cared for in its early stages. the throat and lungs than VINOL, Wi ne of Cod Liver Oil. Indigestion Only those who actually suffer know its terrors, for the pilcations and enfeebles the entire system. Relief only com sumhm*1ate food. There is no medicine that will do this so si Nursing oither's If women with nursing bahies who hav e difficulty in k know positively that the best results would be obtained. Ye ;pon proper nourishment. You will absolutely be under no obligation to trial for any of the above ailments and have receiv< will return the entire amount of money: you have pa You see our faith in VINOL, anid you must ad fore, when we tell you that VINOL is the most va known, and a wonderful tonic-reconstructor, and re time delicious to taste, we are not unreasonable to < W. E. flLE DRUC( isead of on the hands. Doubtless Ibe andb h ereason for thus wearing them is adko o a tha they will be needed again in w hudlv nt tnear future for a similar occa netgaaiou . That's right my friend think regnonbfe twie and act once. adwthn o Last Thursday night, when all Ltl elys wcalm and serene, the Angel ofpeeflyarsti Deth quietly entered the peacefulyadteeoawi hone of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. WVise thtlsanawu dtook from them their little sonTefnrasrvc Bley Eugene. Little Berley JasbyRv P.H sikonly a short time when Godprahdavy thoght best to remove him fromcoslgseo. thssinful world to bis blissful home lnswihtewi bh.H a ltl o eme panef th yeanol knnwswt bptwf harfin lwe tstoud oflives inrt lymi aet aetesila 'hoLeet ait otr :h ftewoecmuiyih i rie iged his liefr ax . n wah~4ing~ fru Little Berley's i peacefully at rest it yard there to await that last and awful The funeral service by Rev. P. H. preached a very I consoling sermon. lines wbich the writ ve. He was a little over one memory of him: old and was the pet of the fam- 11e tasted of life's dr His parents have the sympa- Too bitter was it tc of the whole community in their He winged his little i LM ALlLIp JL L AJAL1U.LAA.A-F J_JL~ d'~.Y. SON, Pharmacists, IENTS F THANKS E OF THIS CITY. shed in the newspapers of this city a proclamation new tonic and reconstructor, VINOL, Wine of Cod city, to investigate these claims under guarantee that cuting such investigation, provided it result in our brought to light proof - os.itive that VINOL will do iL statements we made concerning it. people of the city i c t1he confidence they have s with which they have put our statements to the )L is now its own best aivertisement in our city. ed by it, and so many amue t-lling their friends in e c0nnot but feel gratcfi.1 to you for helping us in d all. NOL. We know that y(i will continue to take it 11 you now that you know ic so well, that VINOL is redients have been nar. 1 upon the label. You lement; found in Cod Liv:r Oil, but no oil or grease. t delicate wine. You ki1u: by experience what a hout the trying season which is at hand. Fortify pass you by. r the following ailments: 6I Tired Out. It is not natural to feel continually tired. We guarrantee If you do not feel Well try VINOL. If it does not help you -ft Strong. Oil. Fat taken into the system does not create fat. We >n containing grease. We have proved in many case that Weak People of exceptional value in such cases. We guarantee It to ?em rom disease or old age. Try it on our guarantee. -Pale ChiHdren ire red blood. Pale, haggard faces show that the blood!i NOL will correct such troubles as sure as the suna shines intees. -Irritability. arishment or slow breaking down of general healh. W@ ad effectually cure nerve affections; it actually rebuilds the -Hacking Cough. suicide as to let them go unchecked. VINOL is the very it does not upset the stomach, and it is delicious to the - Sore Lungs There is no medicine more valuable for restoring h.akh # Try it on our guarantee. -Dyspepsa. life is robbed of all joy. It produces many serious com es when a scientific remedy enables the stomach to properly ccessfully as VINOL Try it on our guarantee. -Wak Mothers. ~eping up their health and strength would take VINOL, we u know the life and future development of the child depends Thur EartRcC us whatever, if after you have given VINOL a fair dno benefit, you have only to tell us so, and we [d us. mit that we know something about medicine; there luable preparation of Cod Liver Oil we have ever builder of strength, appetite, and health, at the sm ixpect you to believe us. EAM & SON, 3STS. mI m pres'nce of death We laid his body down to rest it is to bear, but Beneath the sacred soil: ofAngels bore his spirit away xe bright hope of From this life of tronbie and toil. loved ones who and are waiting We know his presence will be- missed Within the peaceful home: s to come. But he is in that blessed abode, emains were laid Bidding parents and sister to comie. St. Mark's grave the summons at Can we like little Barley, dear, Lay our bodies peacefully down judgment day. And wing our souls to Heavenly bliss were conducted To receive a starry crown? . Derrick, who Oh may we so prepare~ ourselves, ~ympatetic and That when life's end saan come: Below is a few To meet with him, the redeemad o;IIts e.cmosdi And be forever at homne. eroiomosey. ~adful cup, bear; Many a would-be jolly good fellow ,oul away, ~ might be really so if he would only stop ad fair. ' telling jokes. The farners are about throui2h plariting tton, )t have a lot of vor!t to plant yet. The St. Luke's sehool has closed. .1i-is Wheeler gave a present to the best reader and the best speller. Marion Boozer received the one for gooA reading and Tiller Morris the one for spelling. Rv . P. Hawkin, preawhed for the St. Luke's congregation on the third Sunday at his old church where he went to Sunday School when he was a little boy. His many friends were glad to see him. Again death has visited our com munity and took away the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Long. Mrs. Kate Nelson has returned home to her daughter, Mrs. A. L. Whitman, after an extended visit to her sister, Mrs. Baker, who has been in bad health for some time. Much success to Herald and News R. H. May 3, 1902. It Was a Frog. A large frog was removed from a woman's stomach in St. Cathedral's Hospital in Williamsburg the other day. The woman is Mrs. Charles Burtis of Hopewell Junction, near Matteawan, N. Y. She had been suffering from a, trouble which baffled her physicians for some time. It was finally decid ed that an operation for appendicitis would be advisable and she was taken to the Williamsburg hospital. A Fishkill, N. Y., doctor per formed the operation, which reveal ed uhat she was not suffering from appeudi.itis. But the doctorm did discover and remove from her stomach a live frog, said to have been five inches long. It is sup posed that. she swallowed the frog, when it was very small, while she was drinking wvater. It was said at the hospital last night that MIrs. Burtis had already retuorned to her home and La i r covered entirely from the ill effects of her unpleasarnt experiene-New York Snu. .,HE NEWBERRY Land and Security Co. wILL BUY AND SELL Notes, Bonds- and Mortgages. Stocks of all kinds and Real Estate. Inerest paid on deposits in the Savings Department at the rate of 4 per cent. per annumn from da:e of deposit at OF NEWBERRY, S. C. CAPiTAL -- - $50,000 00 We transaer a general Bankingi busi ness and solicit the accoun's of iodi viduals, firms and corporations. GEO WV. SUMMER. L. W. ELOYD. GEO S. MOWER. P. C. SMITH. A J. GisoN. W. H. HUNT. JNO. M, KINARD, Preident. O. B 'tA YER, Z. F. WRIG~HT, Vic Preident. Cashiber. In Effeet sunday, February 2'dI. 19)?. :9.a~Crn 'man,.iaid Time. 45a Lv Atlanta (s A:L) Ar. R 'a 'Athens 52 la Elbertou .).p \b'evin!e " -~ 4s reno- 2 4$ b,p Ar Clintot Lv.) 00_~ - (c.&W C.) ii rm 1,vleuxn Mrrings \r 4 00i .4 Da par;auhuri tO1 (Hacris Sprit:.:s) i2 5?p Waterloo 206 ; r Lauare nsIuin'ri Lv 1 38 Da i rt Dly Ft Ex kn x Sur 6 ges Parks Ar 1 29 4 50 4 ) 2 23 .Clintou.. I J7 4 30 6; 2 34 *Goldville 1 15 3 51 7 0 2 4 i Kinard.. o1 053 4t 17 2 49 .Gary ... 12 59 3 31 26 251 .Jalapa.. 12.fr4 3 2 00 9) lo ewberry 123:9 300) 0825 325 o'rosperity 12 25 2 22 s.4' :3.4 .. .sligbs1.... 12 6 202 8 55 339 t Mountain 12 12 1 56 AM. 9 4 357 Hilton 1150 129 , 9 4 1 W hite Rock~ 13 46 1 24 9 41i7 Ballen tine 11 46 115 9 5 -1 i7 ... Irmo... 11 30o 1 00 10 02 4 2; ..Leachart ..11 22 12 4h U 3') 4 45 ArCo1nwibiaLv U1 03 12 :30 4 :nLvColun bia (..C.L.)Ar i! 00 5 2 Sumuter '9 4li9 8 A0 Ar Chatrlestonl Lv 7 00 For Rattes. Timo Tables4, or further inforn~a ton call ..n any Agent, or write to w ( CHILDS, T. M. EMERsON. Posident Traffle Managenr. . L'\v1NUST'ON, H. M. EMERSON. Mo. .irt. .en'l Frt.~ & ' gt - , 'm . . ' woinjnetr N C fCURES -DY SPEPSIA, -CONSTIPA TION, INDIGESTION. ROUSEs TnE TORPID LIVER SOLD Bi ALL DRUGGISTS GILtDER & WEEKS. Mexican 11ustang Liniment don't stay on or near the surface, but goes m through the muscles and tissues to the bone and drives out all soreness and iilammatiOn NN For a La:mnc Back, Sore MIuscl!s, or, in fact, (il I.arness and Sore ness of your body t9ere o ing that will drive out e -pain and in flamnriation so quie1 y as If you cannot at your self get -omre.i rou, for it is cient 'nent be rubbed in mo, i Mexican 1"ustang Liniment overcomes the ailnient.; of horse3 aw( al alllom t .:.i::.l:. In fact, it is a flesh healer LUd ,in .ilier no iiatt. r wA".o ur .ht tio patientis, SOUTHERN RAILWAY TlE GREAT HIGHWAY 0f TRADE A.'D Tl AiEL. Unaiting the Ps-incipal Cosaaes*eial Centes-e ad Health and Pleasure Reseets of the South with the a a NOR TN, E AST and W EST. Righ-Class V.stib.le Trains. Through sheeing-i' between New TerM and New Orleans, via Ase Cincinnati and Fierida Points via Atlanta and via Asheville. New Yeuk ad Florida, either via Lynchbuirg, Danville sad lava===k- er via Richmond, Danville and Savannah. apserier DiningeCar Service on all Through Trains. Emcellent lervice and Low Rates to Charleston ae eunt leeth Carolina Inter-State and West Radian Einpesistem. Winter Teaetet Tiekets to all Resorts now en sale at redmeed rates. Per detsUsed Iaferasetlea, literature, tinme table., rat.., et.., apply 4e nesreet tebet-agent, or addreas &, U. NARDWICK, W- H- TAYLOE, esee Pmesger Agent, Aast. Gen. P.aa. Agg., Wea&aten,. . Lattafh., o. R,. w. HUNT. .3. C. BEA M, 34W. Pengr Agent, fliatriet PaS.. at gaere.t., .1. &. Mees, e. PSaUAlV iS. 00. LIHO AN INQIAN TER. Are b st reac b the Co on 3elt, ich linet runs two trains day fro M mphi to Texas~ witho .t change. hese ai s ei er reach' direct or make close nnec o for al parts of Texas, 0 aho .H AN and 1dianTeritor~y. . s?AasFORD -IL Hy. R EVEPOR T Ityo wantto fi a s borne cO Sana in Texas, where I crops are -GALvt.STON raised and wbere pe le prosper, write for a copy of ou handsome booklets, ' H omes in t e Sout h west'' and "Through T xas with a Camera." Sent free to any body who is anxiojusto bett r his N. B. BAIgg, T. P. A., --ATI.ANTA, GA. condition. E. W. LaBEAUME,G6. P. & T. A., ST. LOUIS, 30. 3LE RIDGE RALROA D /E]MUJWNRESTOGHRIE8T9NJ8.8. a:. C. BEA'b-TIE Receiver.% I Efrective ."1897- olIii,Nbr~allLlrlsRiioh eset w.en At odersonr .,d W alhalla. - A NI) tA5TBTND WERTBOt.:ND. 00a.......neso.......v3 35 pm ~ACON 4am... .... .Denver........ Lv 3 5 p 3 10I am..........Autun..........Lv 4 05 pn.SotCroiaIerttendW tndn . 022 am.......Pendleton.L..........Lpo4itton. . 013 am..Cherry's Crossing..Lv4 23 p,r Tceso aeatfloigrts ).7 am..Adams' Crossin..Lv 429 pmu rm(asAC~s ls r94am........Senes.....,. Lv 4 47pre(litnsc, .5 64) 44 |25 am......WestUnion .... Lv 5Il pir, br,'~ . .5 .0~9 r90 am .... Wahalla........Lv 517 PiTPoprt,S . .m .s 37 M.Lv P. M. Ar tleMuti, .C,70 5.0 v5 J. R. ANDERSON, Superintendent Cain .C,68 .5 31 Afections at Seneca with So. R R No 11 Ir0,.C,6.5 45 :o _eer __nwith 9_Railwa No - Cls iktssl al o a 'tcn tiEDULEsINs EgFEoT AFTElRmiUJune2,d1190. Dail--Except Sunday. ~ ~ .ila lr.t1 ay di >a r tan burg ....................-----.--.....Thu00day .vartanhurrigs................--.-.--- 00 45 p r orcc~~ 0d lute norraln s oebuck..................---........ 4 n Ip de. .C \E L H A et Atlanaticur.......oas.. '0LimNewbairoa . Soutahahug...Carolina45p J F IVnt rStte Soand W gst,da Expuot-i... .. Pluria C .rGenprns....... 45 Ticket EM ON, sa . at folowngrts: F ipo. rsdn rami Manae s Ac CPass. BAgesstC T aurens. 4. C.. $9.20 $6.75 $4.60 011n ion S. C., 8.75 6.40 4.40 Newbe -ry, s. C., 7.75 5.70 8.90 Prosperity, S. 0.. -7.45 5.45 3.75 I.itt le Moun t--in, S. C., 7.10 5.20 9.55 Chapin, :4. C., 6.8 : 5.05 3.15 Irn o, S. C., 6.15 4.65 3.40 Co-u-r bia. S. C. 5.85 4.30 3.25 Class A tickets sold daily to May 3'st con tint ous assage. tinal hmit .]une ed 190:1. Ciass B tickets sold daily to May 3'st, con finuous oassue. tinal lim.t 10 days in addi t ion 10 d te of sale. t lass C tick -t s sold Tuesd.tv and Th ursday of each week to May 29th, continuous passage final limit sere . e tays in addition to date of sale. For scheda oni ru- ther information ad dress E. CAV EN A UGH Agent, Newberry, S. C. J. F. LI VI NGSTON, Sol'a A 't, Colurr bia. . C. lenn Springs..................... .--. T. M. EVERSON, H. M. EMERSON . GS-aMn Mannaar unn Dean a -3 -