OCR Interpretation

The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, March 10, 1903, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067777/1903-03-10/ed-1/seq-1/

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nibtR TUE, raW aTbCi EK..
93nding Career of One of South Carolina's
Most Daring Criminals.
The eldMing chapter in the life of
a' desperado known as "the South
Carolina Tracey" has been enacted
id 'Alatams, when Charles Jeff
coat was shot by two offioers of the
law. A dispatch received by The
State reads as follows:
V tiddlu'ii, Ala., March 5..-Charles
Jetcoat, alias Charles Johnson, who
was wanted in Swainsboro, Ga., for
Stlfe tburder of J. C. Flanders, deputy
alieriff of Emanuel county, was shot
to death today near Watkins bridge,
on Yellow river, by Deputy Sheriffs
Preetwood and Dunson, who were
attempting to arrest him.' Jeffcoat
was also wanted in South Carolina
for murder. There is a reward of
$1,000 for his capture from Georgia.
Deputy Dnnson was shot in the leg
bj Jeffooat.
Jefocoat's career while a lawless
one waa nevertheless picturesque.
On July 16, 1902, he was being
pursued by a posse near Midville,
Ga., headed by Deputy Sheriff Joe
Flanders who was endeavoring to
arrest him for the murder of a man
named Wilson at Herndon, Ga. The
crime had been committed some four
months previous and during the in
tervening time Jeffcoat had been
eagerly pursued. As Sheriff Flan
ders was almost upon him the des
perado turned and shot him escaping
into the Ogeechee river swamp.
A few days later Gov. McSweeney
was notified of a gang of horse
thieves operating near Wagners in
Aiken county and offered rewards
for their capture. They were hotly
pursued by Sheriff Alderman of
Aiken county. Dogs were placed on
their trail and the thieves were
closed up with. The pursnit nar
rowed to a small settlement near the
river and the posse came in sight of
Jeffcoat, who turned and fired a
broadside at the two officers, Sheriff
Aldeman and his deputy, Mr. All.
The latter was shot in the back by
the outlaw who again escaped. A
new posse was organized and the
chase renewed towards the southern
part of the State. He was thought
to have entered Lexington county
and the Governor and the sheriffs of
Aiken and Lexington counties kept
up. a constant telegraphic communi
cation. Extra cartridges were sent
to the officers and frish dogs were
obtained. But on July 26 all trace
of Jeffcoat was lost, though the man
hunt continued.
He was traced to Dixiana, in Lex
ington county, anid from there en
tered the Congaree swamp. The
swamp was thoroughly searched but
no trace of him could be found.
From that time be has been unheard
of' in South Carolina, though there
were frequent rnors of his appear.
ance in this city, as he has a brother
living here. Most of these stories
were, however, myths.
At the time of his disappearance
there was an aggregate reward of
$1,200 for his capture. Sheriff Flan
diers' wido" offered $200, bian brother
a like sun, and friends of Flandes
$200 moro; $800 wvas offered b)y
various Sout h Carolina aut horit ies.
It is a question of interest as to
whether the two Alatbamna officers
would be claimants for the large sum
placed upon the head of this noto
rious outlaw.
Made Her Husband Stop Drinking-She
Got the Habit.
,Washington, N. J., March 9.-Mrs.
Moses de Remer, of Phiullipsburg,
several months ago createdi a sensa
tion by entering a saloon where her
husband and companions were. Seat
. ing herself at a table at which there
were several men she ordered drinks
for the party.
When Mr. DeRtemer rerr-onstratedI
she declared her privileges wvere the
same as his, saying she0 intended to
frequent saloons and drink until lie
stopped doing the same thing.
The husband gave up drinking.
His wife, overcome by the craving
for intoxicants, could not.
Last week she came home intoxi
cated and attacked her husband with
a butcher knite. She was arre.ted.
Ebony Hued Supporters of Roosevelt Form
ing Clubs Throughout the Bast.
New York, February .-The atti
tude assumed by President Roose.
velt toward the negro has been in.
dorsed in a rousing mass meeting of
colored people held in the Bethel
Methodist Episcopal church in this
city, at which Bishop W. B. Derrick,
of the First Methodist Episcopal dis.
triot, made a stirring appeal to his
people to turn their eyes to the door
of hope opened by the president to
the black race.
The mention of the name of the
president by the speaker drew forth
tremendous applause from both men
and women. The bishop indulged in
a bitter denunciation of Senator Till
man, of South Carolina.
The meeting constituted the first
step toward the formation of the
"Roosevelt invincibles," which organ
ization will favor the renomination
of President Roosevelt. Bishop Der
rick will speak in Pliiladelphia on a
similar mission, and will address the
colored men in many of the principal
cities of the country, and organize
them into local "Roosevelt Invinci.
bles," who will use every effort to.
ward placing the colored men as
delegates in the next national con
On the platform at the meeting was
James H. Hayes, of Virginia. Dur
ing his speech Bishop Derrick spoke
of the appointment of colored men to
office by Grover Cleveland and other
presidents, but said, that, whereas
these presidents appointed negroes,
Roosevelt appointed men.
"Color is nothing," said the speak
er, "however much some white men
would harp upon it. Why, there are
colored men whom I would not allow
in my kitchen, much less in my din
ing room. Yes, and there are white
men whom I would not allow in my
kitchen either."
At the close of his speech the
bishop offered the following resolu
tions, which were adopted amid
"Resolved, That in his excellency,
the president, the honorable Theo
dore Roosevelt, the liberty of the
world has a most fervent defender,
civilization a gallant representative,
humanity a generous protector, the
American nation a type of civil valor
and heroic self.-denial which ought to
characterize the first magistrate of a
"Resolved, That we recognize that
the great and unfinished task of
Lincoln wvhich has fallen into his
hands will be properly and success
fully accomplished for the happiness
and prosperity of the nation.
"Resolved, That we pledge our
selves from this time henceforth to
use our efforts for his nomination and
election to the presidency mn 1904.
"Resolved, That wve form ourselves
into an association to be known as
'Rloosevel t Inuvinucibles,' recoimmend
ing similar organizitions to be formed
throughout the country."
After Exchanging Shots, They Drew Lots
to See Which Should Commit Suiiide.
(N. Y. Sun.)
Vienna, March 4.-The latest in
stance of the duelling mania as told
by the newspapers affects two school
boys, who resolved t(o make an affair
of honor out~ of a quarrel about a
schoolgirl. A formal challenge wee
sent and accepted. School fellows
readily agreed to act as seconds, be.
lioving that the affair was only in
fun. Wheno the dluellists arrived at
the appointed place in a wood armed
with real revolvers the seconds be
came frightened and decamp)ed.
The principals, however, remained
and gravely exchanged L.hree shots,
all of which failed to (10 any harmi.
Thereupon the duellists agreed to
to draw lots to determine which of
them should commit suicide. TLhe
loser, the same evening, attempted
to carry out th'o bargain. He was
found bleeding from a wound in the
temple. It is believed that his in
jury is not fatal.
President Determined to Force a Negro
Upon Charleston I1 Possible.
President Roosevelt is determined
to force the fighting on the Crum
appointment in the Senate. The
name of W. D. Crum, to be nollector
of the port of Charleston, heads the
list of Presidential nominations sent
to the Senate on the first day of the
extra sessi'n Thursday. The re
tirement of John P. Thomas, of Ne
vada, one of the two Republicans
who voted in committee to report
the Crum nomination adversely in
the Congress just closed, leaves the
commerce committee a tie. The ap
pointment of another Republican on
the committee will probably result
in a favorable report in favor of
There is no reason to believe that
Republican Senators, if a roll call is
ordered, will vote against Crum's
nomination, hence the opposition to
Crum will continue the tactics of de
lay followed in the previous session.
Senator Tillman and Clay, who are
in close touch with the situation, will
have no difficulty in preventing ac
tion upon the nomination as long as
the special session lasts.
There is a theory, inspired by
some one at the White House, that
the President is indifferent as to the
fate of Crum, and for that reason he
sent the name in again, hoping that
it would be disposed of during the
present session, so that the way
might be cleared for him to make
some other selection. Those who
have talked with the President on
the subject do not obtain such an im
pression. The President knows that
the Republican Senators dare not go
on record against Crum simply on
account of his color.
To Meet Conditions Existing in Charleston.
Determined to Enforce the
[The State, 7th.]
Gov. Heyward yesterday morning
received a letter from MayorSmythe,
of Charleston, in regard to second in
stance of a constable shooting at a
horse on the streets of that city. In
a dignified manner the mayor pro
tested to the governor and touched
upon incidental matters.
The governor after reading the
letter carefully wrote and forwarded
the following letter:
Columbia, March 6, 1908.
Hon. J. Adger Smythe, Mayor,
Charleston, S. C.
Dear Sir: You communication of
the 5th inst. to hand and had my
careful attention. I have also had
an interview with Cheif Howie in re
gard to the condition of affairs in
Charleston involving the administra
tion of the duties of his office.
We have given careful consideration
to the varied demands of the situa
tion in our discussion of this subject.
I agree with you fully "that there
ought to be some way to stop what
appears to be a reckless or unneces
sary tiring of pistols, on our [your]
streets," and I also believe that there
should be devised some way to pre
vent the transportation of illicit
liquors through your streets. I have
instruoted Chief Howie to see that
the firing of pistols on the str-eets
of Charleston by constables be stop
ped, and I feel sure that your. as.,
surances of assistance in enforcing
the dispensary law which are
confirmed by Chief Howie--will
prompt you to give the neces.
nary aid and protection to him and
to his constables in the discharge of
their lawful duties.
While I am (ieterminedl that the
constables shall ne't violate any of
you city ordinances, I am equally
dletermined that the dlispensary situ
ation in Charleston shall be improv
ed. I have instructed Chief Howie
to mount somie of his men, and to
follow wagons supposed to contain
lignor, at wvhatever speed shall be
niecessary to effect their capture.
I appreciate the reiteration of
your former offers of support and as
sistanice, and will rely upon you to
aidl me in the further prosecution of
this work.
Bolieve rme, with highest esteem
and regard, YTours very truly,
I D. C. Heyward,
I (Governor.
Gov. Heyward Will Not Appoint Delegates
and Gives His Reasons.
The Wisconsin legislature recently
passed a resolution calling upon the
governors of various States to ap.
point delegates to a convention to be
held in Atlanta to consider the race
Governor Heyward has declined
to appoint delegates from this State
and for reasons that are strong and
sound as are shown in a telegram to
a Chicago paper asking for his views
on the proposed movement. He says:
Your telegram requesting brief
summary of my views on the prop
posed convention asked for by the
Wisconsin legislature, to discuss the
race question, has just been received.
I think, from every standpoint, that
this action of the Wisconsin legisla
ture is worse than meaningless. Such
a convention could not possibly
bring any result, so far as the proper
aspot of the subject is concerned.
Of all available reasons for the con
sideration of the race question I
know of nothing more directly aimed
in absolutely the wrong direction, so
far as the proper solution of the
problem is concerned, than would be
such a convention. The personnel
of such a convention would be a het
erogeneous mixture entirely without
the proper knowledge of the subject
they were supposed to discuss. The
interference and ignorance of long
range would be-philanthropists has
done more to create a race question
where none exists, than all other
combined agencies that have ever
come within my observation. I have
always been a friend of the negro
and never spoke with more sincere
friendly consideration for his inter
ests than in what I am now saying.
Right thinking white men and right
thinking negroes have always with
proper understanding gotten along
well together. The other type of
negro needs to be dealt with.
This outside interference involves
many conflicting dangers and dis
plays absc'nte ignorance of the fun
damental principles of the question.
It is a charitable reflection, mildly
expressed to remind these champions
of such vapid nonsense how the
streets of Jerusalem were kept clean.
I shall take no official notice of the
action of the Wisconsin legislature,
and shall certainly not appoint dele
gates unless urged to do so by my
constituents. D. C. Heyward.
Bxtravagance of Republicans Shown by En
ormous Appropriations or Congress
Just Closed.
Statements prepared by Repre
mentative Cannon, chairman of the
House committee on appropriations,
and Representative Livingston, the
ranking minority member of the
committee, relative to the ap)propria.
tions made by the 57th Congress, to.
gether with comparative tables, were
made public today.
Mr. Cannon says: "The Repulli
can admflinistration of our Giovernk
ment in the domuinttion of Rtepubli.
can policies in both branches of Con.
gress since 1897 has given us a sys.
tern of taxation that has produced
national treasury richer than wai
ever enjoyed by ainy nation of th<
earth, and rendered poJssible thesi
great expenditures for the pubilii
Mr. Livingston comipares the ap
propriations made by the 53d Con
gres, both brauiches of which were
cont rol led by the Democrats, amount
ing to $989,239,205, with the appro
priations of the 57th Congress, ag
gregating $1,554, 108,514, and com
ments on the difference as8 affecting
some of the big itemis. In con
clusion he says. "Nothing short o
a revision of the tariff on a revenu
basis and the administration of th
Government, unde(r the wise an<
prudent methods of the D)emocrati
party can be looked to, to brin1
about a reduction in the national ex
penditures exhibited by these ligure
in such appalling proportions."
Pope Leo has signified his inter
tion of giving no more audiences an
expresses thme hope that travelera wi
not attempt to see him.
Scientists Declare that Like the Sun they
are Masses of Burning Matter.
During the last sixty years search
ers of the heavens have made the
discovery that the celestial bodies
known to us as stars are similiar in
many respects to the sun, some con
siderably larger, others smaller, but
on the average not much different in
size and nature from the sun. They
are-at least the visible stars are
great glowing globes of gaseous mat
As a rule these vast furnaces burn
steadily. Sometimes, however, the
fires seem to die down and then
blaze out again as of yore. Three
hundred such stars are known to as
tronomere, says Chambers' Journal;
they are called variable stars because
of the waxing and waning of their
light. Now and again the seething
fires prove too strong for the bonde
of attractive force which hold the
star together, and with one mighty
upheaval the globe is shattered into
fragments, blown into atoms. verita.
bly "dissolved into thin air."
Thnusands of years after this ex.
plosion the record of the catastrophe
reaches the earth, and a solitary
watcher in the old barony of Bon.
nington, in the year of grace 1901,
sees a new star suddenly blaze out
in the midnight sky, to fade away
only as its predecessors had done,
leaving, perchance, not a trace in tho
the sky to tell the spot where once a
world existed. Among the millions
are to be found bodies in all stages
of development. Some are glowing
with intensity of heat and light far
beyond our utmost conception;
others are slowly cooling down--al
ready they are dull red in color;
some are cold and dark and dead.
No telescope will over perceive
these latter bodies and no camera
will detect them. We only know
that they are there by their influence
over the light and motion of bright
stars. One of the most interesting
sections of the new astronomy deals
with these these dead, (lark star'
and, although no eye has seen them
ever will see them, still we are able
to ascertain their size, weight and
position just as if they were in the
zenith of their glory.
As Chairman of the Senate Democratic
Cv.ucus-Gorman's Enthusiastic
[Atlanta Journal.]1
Washington, D. 0., March (6.-Thie
electioun today of Senator Arthur P
Gorman as chairman of the Demo
cratic caucus and therewith leader o
the Senate DJemocrats to succeet
Senator James K. Jones, of Ark ansas
is regarded here as a long step to
wards the reunion of the Democratii
factions and a re-organmzation of th<
party along the lines which carrie<
Cleveland to the presidency witi
Democratic victory.
Gorinan, it will be rememiberedl
has always beeni a Hound( moo
Democrat, although lhe su pported the~
ticket when the free silverites were 01
top. Senator Jones has stood witi
the free silver wing anid it is believe<
here that his retirement carries witi
it the last of that faction's leadrlr
ship in the Democratic party. Gor
man was chaiiman of the Nationa
D)emocrat ic committee during th<
campaign whicQh landed Oleveland ii
the white house. With Gormian'i
banner in the lead again, hope hai
sprung anew in the rank and file o
Democrats whose representatives ar<
With i.he factional lines wiped ou
there is every reason to believe D)em
ocracy will triumph in I1904, for iti
a settled conviction over the count~r
that Democratic voters are in th
majority throughout the nation.
The enthusiastic support of th
Weste -. and Southern senastorsi
the ele.jtion of Gborman is a stroni
Sevidence that the division is nio mor<
I A signilicant action of the cancu
Swas the election of Senator (Carmacl
of Tennessee, as secretary of the cati
' cusa. Carmnack hias publicly pr<
'claimed his advocacy of Parker fc
Fl the next party nominee for president
and has stated that lie no lg<
looks to the money question as a
- issue on which the Democrats ca
I place a plank in their platfort:
I Carmack was formerly a free silvi
Here's to You; You've Got Your l-aults,
out You're All Right.
We hapened in a home the other
night and over the parlor door saw
the legend worked in letters of red,
"What Is Home Without a Mother?"
Across the room was another brief,
"God Bless Our Home!"
Now, what's the matter with "God
Bless Our Dad ?" He gets up early,
lights the fire, boils an egg, grabs
his dinner pail and wipes off the dew
of the dawn with his boots while
many a mother is sleeping. He makes
the weekly handout for the butcher,
the grocer, the milkman and baker,
and his little pile is badly worn be
fore he has been home an hour. lie
stands off the bailiff and keeps the
rent paid up.
If there is a noise during tbe night
dad is kicked in the back and made
to go dowastairs to find the aurglar
and kill him. Mother darns the socks
out dad bought the socks in the first
place and the noodles and the yarn
afterward. Mother does up the fruit
well, dad bought it al!, and jars and
sugar cost like the mischief.
Dad buys chickens for the Sunday
dinner, carves them him3elf and draws
the neck from the ruins after every
one else is served. "What is home
without a mother?" Yes, that is all
right, but what is home without a
father? Ton chances to onle it is a
boarding house, fat lier is under a slab
and th landlay is a widow. Dad,
here's to you! You've got your faults
-you may have lots of them---but
yov're all right, and we will miss you
when you're gone.- --Stevens County
Ted Top.
I P. Y. Sun.J
The ichmond Tiues Dispatch
turns away from politics a moment
to look at metal more attractive, the
girl with blushing tresses:
"The red haired girl is all right.
She reminds one of the sunshine.
She may bei a little fiery, but she is
generous. She stands up for her
rights, but she respocts he rights of
Undoubtedly the red lhaired, not to
say red. headed, girl is, haos been, and
ever will bo, all right.. Much more
than the English girl sung by an
Enghsh poet, "she brings the sun
ner and the sun." Tochnically and
as a matter of convention, to be sure,
there are no red-hieadedi girls. T1hey
have to be ''Titian haired,'' ''auburn
haired,'' withI hair ''of the hue that
poets love," andt so on with similar
idiocy. So cowardly, so foolish and
so much the dupe of superstition is
the world. lt is because Judas Is
cariot was popularly sup)posed tc
have a red poll that red headedniess
has to blush for its own color, so tc
speak ? "Two left legs "would he
blemish, b)ut "Judas colored haii
"should be0 judged b)y its merits as
piece of color and riot condemined or
account of literary or legendary as
A similar t.rick of association an<
habit leads even our Old Dominior
pyrro trichophilist to assume that
r ed! headed girl is fiery."' It woult
1b0 as just to assume that a yellow
haired girl is bilious. What is the
origin of this lingering belief tha
the redi headed are sudden and quiel
in quarrel? A savage or barbarous
at least a pagan, belief, we'll go bail
1 Hed signifies fire, lightning. Or
such preposterous grounds is an ever
tempo)r doniiedl to the red ber (d0( gin
by the thoughtless; and( ev'en b)y th~
Htichniond phlilosopher.
The red-.headed girl is spirited
TChore is no (1111 albinisni about lie
nature and1( temperamont. But ther,
Sis iio better reason for calling he
fiery than for holdimg that a blue
Seyed girl must. be dIeep) in the bluer
S It has boen dleveloped that a smlt
'white boy, of about eight. years c
.age, named Bi rdlie Iyals, oponed0( th~
r switch at Evergreen, Fla., whic
,caused the disastrous wreck of ti
r Seab)oard's Limited there fast wee
T 1he child "wanted to see what woul
happen." The act was seen by sov
~r ral negroes, who madle no attempt
preent the diasuter
Items of More or Less Interest Condensed.
Outside of the State.
Negroes, members of a gang of
railroad hands on the Dallas Division
of the Texas and New Orleans rail
road, engaged in , i-ie fight last
week, in which seven were idlled.
The "Black Death" is rag!ng in
Mexico, in and around Mazai;an.
Mobs in several places have sought
to kill the sanitary inspectors.
It has been announced on good
authority that the St. Louis and San
Francisco railroad has been acquired
by the Rock Island and Southern
A joint resolution has been intro.
duced in the Wisconsin legislature
requesting the Governor to call upon
Governors of other States to appoint
ten delegates to a convention, to he
held in Atlanta, commencing J tly 4,
to consider the race question.
Mrs. Ellen Vail, a widow of 55
and her daughter 22, were killed in
fire in a five story apartment house
in New York on Thursday. The
mother was burned to a crisp, the
daughter met death by jumping.
en The Public Career Of Two Prominent
Statesmen. Senator Jones
and Galusha a Grow.
With the expiration of the fifty
seventh congress the curtain is
rung down on the public career of
one of the most popular and promin
ent statesmen that ever made their
influence felt in the national legisla
tive assembly-Senator John P. Jones,
of Nevada, who relinquishes his seat
to Francis 0. Newlands, chosen to
succeed him at the last election. Sein
ator Jones has been called the father
of the senate, having served in that
body continuously since 1873, and
completed his fifth term, a record
that has been surpassed only by Son
a'.ors Sherman, of Ohio, and Mor
rill, of Vermont.
The retirement of Sen. Jones leaves
Senator Allison, of Iowa, the oldest
senator in continuous service, Jones
and Allison having entered the sen
ate at the same time. Senator Stew
art, of Nevada, is the only man now
in the senate who was a member of
that body when Jones and Allison
enteredl. Senator Stewart's service
has not been continuous, however,
having been interrupted by a pecriodI
of twelve years' retirement from pub
lie life.
Senator .Jones declares that he is
tired of public life and will hereafter
'devote himself to business pursuits.
lie has large and important mining
interests in Alaska and Mexico, to
which part of his time has b)een de-.
W Nithi the close of conhgres.s a vener'i
able and st rikiing figure passes frotu
the halls of congress in thle personi of
(ialusha A. Grow, of P~ennsylvaninia,
who first b)ecamie a miembter of the
house of representatives fifty one
years ago. He entered conigress be
fore he was 30 years of age and quiick
ly became a leadIer. During the stir
rnn time. from 18(11 to 1863 lhe pre.
sided over the house as speaker. lie
entered1 congress as a D)emocrat, b)ut
when the Missouri compromise was
repealed he permanently b)roke withI
his 01(1 party associates andl became
the congressional leader of the niewly
formed R~epublicarri party. During
his single term ac speaker Mr. Grow
r presided over three sessions of the
heose. It is not, however, upon his
rcrasspeaker that Mr. Grow looks
back as the most important chapter
1 in his public career, for he has a
f right to be considered as the anthlor
e of the homestead act, which went in
h to operation January 1, 1803.
*e From 1871 to 187(6 Mr. Grow was
k. president of the International amnd
*d Groat Northern Railroad company,
a of Texas. President. Hayes offeredf
to him the mission to Russia in 1879i,
which he declined.

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