OCR Interpretation

The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, August 18, 1903, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067777/1903-08-18/ed-1/seq-3/

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Who Polled the Plot to Kill
Buford,"and John Brooks,
Who,is Sick.
r Heyward on Saturday par
e Kelly, an 18-year-old negro
county, who was convicted at
t term of court of assault and
with intent to kill and sentenced
$25 or serve three months on the
,chain gang. Pending action upon
ition for pardon, a stay of sen
hd been granted, and Kelly had
et gone to the gang.
is the negro who recently foiled
e by the prisoners in jail to
if Buford. An account of the
the manner in which it was
as printed at the time of the
werage system was ;eing ex
to the jail and the prisoners in
T n eel' were removed during the
(41 wooden cell and placed in the
iagain at night. These prison
- ceaded by Elijah Edwards, who is
ag'd. with murdering J. Butler
d, agreed that when the Sheriff or
puty came to remove them at a
aIn time they would kill- him and es
. On Saturday, the 25th of July,
ged negro from Kelly's section of
county went up to see Kelly, who
t word to the Sheriff to come up to
im. The Sheriff went up and Kelly
med him of the plot. Kelly said he
afraid somibody might be killed,
he might be the man. Judge Dantz
n passing sentence at the recent
t tc-k these facts into account and
e the sentence ag light oi the law
s in such cases. A petition for
n was presented to the Governor,
by Judge Dantzler, Solicitor
, Slieri f1 Buford, and a number of
Kelly was a very happy negro
-released Saturday morning. With
ad grin on his face he declared he
ould never put his hands on another
much less fight one."
, 1 yernor Heyward on Saturday also
oned John Brooks, convicted at the
mber, 1902, term of court for this
ty of larceny and sentenced to the
n gang for one year. Brooks is in
y bad health owing to three bullets
hich he carries in his body and which
ve made him a sufferer from rheuma
ism, and he has served his sentence
hus far by remaining confined in jail.
Brooks was shot by Policeman Franklin
n January of last year. A few days
.,,before lie had stolen about a bushel of
potatoes from Mrs. Werber's potato
house-the crime for which he was sen
tenced. le was arrested on suspicion,
carried before M agistrate Chappell, and
held on his own recognizance. There
was very little testimony conclusive of
his guilt. A few days later Policeman
Franklin discovered that the potatoes
were hidden in Jones' woods beyond
J. A. Burton's residence near where
Brooks lived. Carrying Mr. Vaughn
with him, Policeman Franklin went to
recover the potatoes. Just as he started
to return to the city lie wvas confronted
by Brooks, who with a scythe blade in
his upraised hand demanded to knowv
what wvas wvanted. Policenman Franklin
shot him ini the left arin and Vaughn
shot him twice in the thigh. lie wvas
tried in November and senitenced to the
Dr. Cronmer in Pickens.
At the big educational rally held at
Pickens On Saturday, and which wvas
attended by about three thousand peo
pIe, addresses wvere miade by Governor
.C. Hleywardl, State Superintendent
of Education 0. B. Martin, and Dr.
George B. Cromner, presidlent of New
berry College. Speaking of Drx. Cr
mer's address the Pickens corresp)ondl
exit of the News and Courxier says:
"Dr. George B3. Cromer, p)resident of
New berry College, was next introduced.
Though a stranger here D)r. (Cromier's
pleasant address and( genial p)ersoni
ality add(edl to a p)ersuxasive voice, soon1
won the hearts of every onie p)resent.
The Doctor made a strong plea for
more money andl better teachers for
the country schools. He told his audi
ence in a clear andl forceful wvay what
true edlucation meant, and said it wa'
by far the best investment in the world.
Hie also emphasized the necessity, the
great importance of employ ing onle
teachers of the highest moral characte1
to moul the intellect of youth. D)r
Cromer's address wr's most scholarl;
and instruxctivc.''
The Mayor's Court.
A number of minor cases were (lis
posed of by Mayor Earhardt yesterda;
moi ming.
Manice D)orroh, colored, was sentence
to pay a finxe oJf $15 or to sex ye thirts
(lays on the tang for stealing chicken
fronm Mr. K. R. Hlipp, Mr. IHipp ha
been missing chickens for some tim<
Saturday afternoon Pohliceman Koon we
watching for chickens which had dix
appearedl from Gravel Town. lie oh
served several chickens in a buggy ar1
asked Luther Dennis, a negro, to whoi
they belonged. D)ennis said Dorroh ha
paidl him 10 cents to carry the chicker
to Dorroh's house. D)orr'oh works f<
lMr. Hlipp and the chickens were carrit
sto Mr. Hipp and1( identiliiedl by him.
Jlohn T. Cook, white, was fined $5.4
for cursing and throwing rocks.
Merritt Davenport, white, was5 fine
$5.00 on the same charge.
Cholera Infantum.
This disease has lost its terrors sini
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and D)ia
rhoca Remedy came inito general us
The uniform success which attends ti
use of this remiedy in all cases of bow
conmplainits in children has miade it
favorite wherever its value has becori
knowni. For sale by Win. E. Pelha
.andl Prosperity Drnu- Co.
rhe Movements of Many People, Newber- A
rians and Those Who Visit
Mr. George C. McWhirter went to
Anderson yestereay.
Mrs. W. H. Wallace returned home
festerday from Ridge Srping.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Davis have re
urned from a visit to Chester.
Mrs. C. B. Tidwell went to Lexing
on yesterday to visit relatives.
Mr. Jas. A. Bowers, of Atlanta, is
visiting his parents in the city.
Miss Carpenter, of Chester, is visit
ing Miss Laura Blease in the city.
Misses Bessie and Millie Simmons re
Lurned home yesterday from Pawley's
- Miss Sue Suber, of Saluda County,
visited relatives in the city the past
several days.
Prof. D. D. Wallace of Spartanburg,,
is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
R. Wallace.
Mr. Tench Boozer, after a visit to his
home in Newberry, returned to Colum.
bia on Friday.
Miss Gussie Kibler, after an extended
visit to relatives in the city, returned
resterday to Atlanta.
Miss SaraCaldwell and her sister,Miss
Carolyn, are visiting their aunt, Mrs.
DeWalt, in Prosperity.
Miss Maggie Williams, of Bugaw, N.
C., is in the city the guest of Miss Hat
tie McIver Leavell.
Miss Sena Riser has returned home
after a visit to her brother, Mr. Luther
A. Riser. ii Columbia.
Mra. . P. Poinier anddaughter, M its
Marie, of Spartanburg, are visiting
Miss Edith Henderson.
Mr. Ernest Sheely, of Pomaria, visit
ed his brother, Mr. J. P. Sheely, in the
city the past several days.
Miss Hattie Leavell has returned
home after an extended visit to friends
in Richmond, Va., and Burgaw, N. C.
Mr. Jas. K. Gilder, Jr., who has been
in Altoona, Ala, for the past several
months, is at home for several weeks.
Mrs. Paul Johnstone has gone to the
Northern markets to purchase a fall
stock for the Riser Millinery Coy
Mr. Olin F. Fulmer returned to his
home in Columbia Saturday after a visit
to his brother, Mr. W. A. Fulmer, in
the city.
Miss Bernice Bouknight, of Colum
bia, who has been visiting the family of
Mr. S. K. Bouknight for the past week
return I to her home Sunday.
Mr. J. A. Mimnaugh left on Sunday
for a'week's visit in the mountains. He
will visit Saluda, Hendersonville, Ashe
ville and other places in the North Car
olina mountains.
Mr. Maurice M. Earhardt, who has
been in the city on a visit to his brother,
Mayor Jno. W. Earhardt, will retuin
today to his home in Columbia to resume
his duties with Lever, the shoe man.
Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Houseal and
children have returned from a veiy
pleasant stay on Pawvley's Island. Miss
Sara Houseal is visiting Miss Frances
Herbert at Leesville.
Mr. Wim. L. Epps, county treasurer
of Spartanburg, is in the city visiting
his brother, County Treasurer Jnto. L.
Epps. Mr. E4pps has been treasurer of
Spartanburg for a number of years and
in his recent campaigns has had no op
The music school of Miss Hattie Mc
Iver Leavell will openl on the first of
Miss Gertrude Bobb has been elected
t 3acher of the Reagin school for the
next session.
Chief W. H. Harris of the police
force has been granted a two weeks'
vacation andl Policeman B. E. Koon is
aeting chief.
There wvill be a picnic at Mt. Taler
on the 25th. Addresses will he mnade
by Col. Jno. C. Goggans and Rev. S. C.
B3allentine. The public is invited.
District Organizer W. Bach Wise it
in Newberry working up a lodge of
Woodmen of the World. Mr. Wise i:
meeting with encouraging success.
Counts and Dicken are in busines:
together again, andl are carrying a firsi
class line of groceries, confectioneries
produce, etc., at Russell's 01ld standl or
Main street.
- Mr. Jos. T. Hutchison, wvho has bee1
~with the clothing store of Mr. .J. A
Mlimnaugh, is now with the Newvberr,
El Cash Store, where he will be glad t
y see and to ser ve his friends.
s A bout 2C3 people attended the picni
dI at Mt. Pilgrim on Saturday and a ver
-lpleasant (lay was spent. Addresses wet
s~ delivered by Rev. S. C. Ballentine an
Prof. E. 0. Counts.
S The joint Masonic picnic by the Nov
dberry and Prosperity lodges will I
given at Young's Grove on Tuesda,
the first of September. Trhe full pr<
sgram will be announced later.
The edlucational rally at Paul's, lool
ing to the consolidation of the St. Paul
0and Jolly Street school (districts, wvill 1
held t<day. Prof. J1. B. O'Neall Htoll
way, of Williamston, will (deliver
dI a(dress.
Fresh Flour All the Time.
The celebrated "Clifton" flour is so
~e only to the retail merchants, and,
r- they buy in small quantities, the fib1
e. is always fresh. Bransford's "Cliftor
i is sisrictly the flour for family use, al
el if your bread, cake and pastry are ni
a madle of it you are certaimly the lose
e We keel) it in stock regularly.
m T. J. HAYES,
Successor to HTayen & Mnenary
kt Young's Grove on Friday and at Whit
mire on Saturday--Prof. Sligh's
Logleal #rgument.
The goods roads meeting at Young's
arove on Friday was the most largely
Attended in the campaign thus far, the
-rowd numbering about three hun
Mr. R. T. C. Hunter acted as chair
man of the meeting.
Addresses were made by the Rev. S.
[1. Zimmerman, Col. E. H. Aull, Hon.
Dole. L. Blease, and Prof. W. K. Sligh.
rhe positions taken at the various meet
Ings by Messrs. Zimmerman, Aull, and
Blease have already been stated in these
,olumns. Prof. Sligh made a strong
and logical argument for an issue of
bonds. Prof. Sligh said in part:
"If it is intended to really build roads
the following plan appears to me the
most practical and economical:
"Issue $200,000 worth of 4 per cent.
bonds and thus place ourselves in a posi
tion to receive $200,000 in cash from the
national government if the government
extends aid, as it is very probable it
will do. Pennsylvania has taken the
necessaiy steps to get nine millions.
When these great States take hold of a
thing there must be something in it.
Moreover, this is the first chance the
South hes had to get something for the
forty millions she pays the national gov
ernment each year. $100,0C would
build 400 miles of road. This would
cover the county pretty well. These
$400,000 would be spent in the county for
labor, material, hauling, etc. Our pL
ple would get nearly all of it and it
would make times better.
"A 2-mill property tax would pay the
interest on these bonds and relieve them
in thirty 'years. (Here the spe.aker gave
an array of figures showing this result.
It is impossible to obtain the figures for
this issue, but they w'll be given lator.)
"This levy would be lessened from
year to year as the value of property
incA-eesed. $2..J commutation tax would
keep the roads leading into the main
roads in excellent condition."
The speaker saidl he had seen road
building in Maryland and Pennsylvania,
the farmers haulcd the stones from the
nearest quaiiy and dumped them in a
rough condition on the road-beds. Then
they were broken into the required
sizes by men with hammers. The work
was;very rapid and not expensive. Of
course the road had been previously sur
veyed and grade by an engineer. We
have as good or even hetter material foi
road building. Our ordinary granite i.
said to be es fine as any stone in thc
world for roads. It is plentiful and
well distributed. Where there is nc
granite odher good stone can be had,
Newberry conty is exceptional in rc.
gard to material.
The bond plan is superior to the pay
as-you-go plan for several resons:
1. It is not just to make the presen1
generation bear all the expense of sucl
permanent improvements.
2. The wvork wvould be too slow or else
the taxes too high if we try to pay a:
we go. A two-mill tax wvould rais<
$11,000 a year. This would necessaril:
be spent for a few years on some on,
scction of the county. Other section
wvould become dlissatisfied. The roa<
tax would become an issue in p)olitic,
The majority reevn no direct benefi
for a long number of years wvould sen
men to the legislature pledged to rc
move the tax. 'This would end the got
roads question. I f you pr~opose to mak
the tax heavy enough to build road
rapidly the p)eop)le can't afford it.
3. The bond p)lanl would put into cii
culation $100,000 at a cost to the tai
payers of 2 per~ cent. interest.
4. The bond p)lan would in a few yeai
bring the benefits of good roads to tI
whole county. All the people wvoul
have the use of them and all the pri~
erty wvould increase in value at one,
An excellent barbecue dinner we
The meeting at Whitmire was held<
Saturday. Owing to the bad weathe
the crowd( did not number over fifty.
Mr. Jno. W Scott acted as chairm:
of the meeting.
Addresses were made by Col. Cole.
Blease and Col. W. A. Hill.
A good barbecue dlinner wvas ft
L To FIll ChaIr of Mathematics.
*Mr. 0. B. -Caninon will fill the ch:
1 of mathematics in Newher. y Colle
next session. lie is a member oft
a class of 1898. He was superintend<
.of the Due West Graded School lI
y year and was re-electedl with an
o crease of salar y. The trustees
teemedl him very highly and wvere vt
e reluctant to release him.
eShelly, Decan and Summer.
dI Me;isrs. Shelly and D)ean wvill m,
their fmiiniture store on Septemb)er i
to the building on Main street
e occupicd by the Newberry Hardw
,Company. Mr. Gus B. Summer will
Sinto the partnership, andl the busir
will be condluctedl under the firm nm
of Shelly, D)ean and Suammer. '1
firm is carrying a line of furniture fi
class ini every particular.
Sick Ilcadache.
'"For several years my wife
troubJledl with what physicians ca
sick headache of a very severe chai
nent physicians andl at a great expel
5only to growv worse until she was
'able to do any kind of work. A bom
year ago she begani taking Chain
t lain's Stomachi and Liver TJab)lets
utoday weighs more than she ever
-. before andl is re'al wll,'' says Mr.(
E. Wright (If New L.ondon, New Y
For sale by Wim. E. P'elham & Son
Ppertya nrg Co.
Of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society
to be Held at N*.w Chapel August
2T-30 -Interesting Bxercises.
The annual meeting of the Woman's
Foreign Mv issionary Society will be hold
at New Chapel August 27-30, beginning
Friday morning at 10 o'clock. All dele
gates who come by rail will please be at
Newberry on Thursday, August 27th.
Mrs. Humbert, Mrs. Herbert, Mrs.
Owens and others of prominence will be
with us. Miss Johnnie Sanders, a re
turned missionary, will enhance the in
terest of the meeting by bringing us in
closer touch with our work in China.
Sunday's exercises will be especially
Those who fail to hear the eleven
o'clock sermon will surely have some
thing to regret. Our silver jubilee ser
vice will be held Sunday afternoon and
we want every Methodist church in the
district represented.
The New Chapel Auxiliary of the
Woman's Foreign Missionary Hociety
extends to delegates from the societies
or churches all over the district a most
cordial invitation, and visitors from our
own or other churches will also receive
a very warm welcome.
There will be two services each (lay
with an intermission at midkday for re
MnS. 1. P. CANNON,
Pres. New Chapel Aux.
Mis. W. 1. Hinuuwr,
Corresponding Secretary.
Flour Higher.
The late Government report makeE
the wheat crop thirty-five million bush
els less than last year. This means ver3
much higher flour until another harvesi
in 1904. All flour is higher now, but
the advance on Bransford's "Clifton'
has not yet been as great in proportior
to other flour. However, it is a might!
good time to buy a supply before it goe.
still higher. Fresh flour constantly re
ceived. T. J. HAYS,
Successor to Hays & McCarty.
By the evidence of Nwberry People.
The (Itily v idence citizens right her
at home supply is prm.f suficient t4
s.tl isfy the greattest, skeptic. No botte
11 'ef e-in he had H-re is a ease. lIten
() C lartoi mill hand ti the New
h(er-ry(V Comin M ill s;y1p: "Doall's K id
wv 'ills did mIe. mllort. good hliIan ian
oliP'r imvdivino I evorti used 'T'hey tre<
me ofhv backawe 1fWler I'eryllhin) is&
had failted. I suffered with my bacl
for several years and tried all kinds o
im- dicint but it only got, worse all th
ti In. I have had to lose as much i
I wo week-4 at a time from work on at
4,ount.1 of tlle terrible palin il Ily bak
\t, (imles I vmuld not stand t,raiight ,
saLve lily life und I seemed to lo.e it
u1"e of m% back while Ilh constnilt, dh
heavy* pain proveted me from sleepin
Mr getting s.Ht inl any position amd
woulid g1et, l i 1 the llorniing tired I
dvailh, 'I'Te kid ieys were discolored an
too fretin eit ill action so that I had I
dra m yt'! inyelf out, of ho-d several tilmti
till; imt it a ight.. I tied overythinl
Sc:ul b11y, rubbod oil liniments, mol
l!aSlvrS and t lokc renwldbies but it. WI
julst th1--samllfold bavck aelhe and I tboulgl
I w(ulld never get, well. Svoing Iti al
ver't.is~ement. about, D oan's Kidniey il
I we-nt to WN. t' lPelhatm & Son's da
st' r.' nod got a biox. They weti
onlc' to t he' righ lt. spot, I us ( Id three boxi
of thlem-i amid my baack ca ud aching.
had no thot her wi,'t,h ,be kineys am
coul get, soni at itl' refres'hi n m slerep
n ight, I at-t,rIhuleI these resul ts entire
L,o Il.he uset of' D)ani's Kidney I 'ills.
For sa.le bvii al ealers Pri-ce 50) cnn 1
loti ler- \'Iill'orn ( o
i'emiber ni the aname I Doanes'amid t,at
no oti hier.
[3 001) MEA LS-Chasi. W. D)ougt
VIT is condlucting a first-class Rtestai
rant on lower Main street in connecti
with his grocery store. For goodi melc
at right prices call on him, lie is al
selling a gallon of vinegar foir 20 centi
Uring your jug.
~1LENN Springs NIlieal Wal
Tclears the comlelxion andI soft(
the skin.
(10LLECTO'lt Trustworthy you
~'man to travel; no canvassit
salary $i8 weekly andI expenses; chari
for p)romfotion; experienlce uinecessai
must be soher and at,eady. Address
-A. Martin, Charleston, S. C.
ATED-l-to sell finest breed B
egan Hares; young stock. WI
for prices. C. M. Graham, P'acolet, S.
'1crop the No... berry ltoller Ii
Swill not grindl after Sept.ember 1st.
A SK your D)ruggist for. Gh<
. XSprings G;ingem- Ale.
1 represents Smith H ros. Nursme
SConcord, GIa., and will be glad to hn
.y yourii ordlers for fruit trees.
wveek at the soda fount. andi
savings will enable youi to (link
dl very best MIorning Glory Coffee ev
dg(ay (luring the month. Tr-y this I
gradet coffee. Sold only by lDavenj
& (avenaugh.
1re.j L EN N Springs Water is the g
UT yspepsma cure'.
in MowerS bildn S in' -fronit of
a Prprdto (10 all kins general rc
ro work andI hoi-se shoe ig. Prmices remi
ys,.. able. 1H. F. Am)Y & (.
heIi factureir wants reliable mai
ofdeliver and collect; horse and wa
'andI $150 (deposil. necessary; $21 a v
and78 epeses5, piermanient. Fran
ox7,Philadelphia, Pa.
by iuIIY NOT'H liY TIl l I'
Ye oui enn get iit from G( I
ug i's. Eve rythling to bie had frl-i
bhe firlst elaits Jewelry Siorei. Th li
h- andii lar-gest I tocrk of 5 pe ct.n(le
ndt eyeglatsses In I he Stale.
dy GUV )A N I E
by -. -. . . . _ _ _
r-el Onir st ock is still cornplete11
o verything pretty in the Miilli
1 ( 'all and.: son our r-ib ons, flo
'ianid hats bofore buiyiig
nt. i :..1rm - - .
At Cut for TI
This sale includes every
In order to reduce our la
opening of the Fall season
put everything in our stor<
30 days. Now is your c
money. Don't miss it.
All wool Dress Goods at i
All Silks and Velvets at i
All Ribbons, Laces and I
All White Goods at cost.
All Colored Lawns, OrgC
at cost.
All Clothing for Men at c
All Boy's Clothing at cos
All Shoes and Slippers a
All Hats at cost.
All Umbrellas and Para
All Trunks, Vr as and -
Conme and see us now au get the benc
and Seasonable Goods
Outfit ters for everybody.
11G LEN N S1
Cures diseases of
neys, Stomad
Endorsed by Ph
Welcomed by
lFor sale by al
IAt Cost!
All Summer Clothing,
Cut Shoes at Actual Cost
are New Spring Goods.
Merchandise but New Ui
Sand see the bargains offe
New At
The latest blocks in F
-r of Negligee Shirts, Fancs
"" wear, all of which will be
-margin of profit to us.
i1 The Ewort
lilt Newberry, S. C., Julb
Until You are Sure You aro
YOU ar pr)Iote(('c ini every
j.til. June Graduates
This is Your Store.
We ~~ ha~ve made( great pirepara
ci ~ Tiun Whte 1"$brit , ,i ik., I we,
mbnroideries, F'ns0, G loves
aii (e 4ey Ji ),15 5(1 I l
State Treasruer Jennings Makes a State
,ment About the Columbia Hospital
Several days ago there appeared in)
The Herald and News an article stating
that a white man in the last stages of
consumption, very weak and unable to
walk, got off the Southern's passenger
train in this city, claiming to have been
sent away from the Columbia hospital
in this condition and that the hospital
had not provided him with a ticket to
carry him home and that some one at
the State house had written a note to
the tieket agent securing transporta
tion for him to Newberry. The man,
who gave his name as John Cook, said
that his home was in Greenville. The
man's statements in regard to the
alleged ill-treatment by the Columbia
hospital were very generally circulated
and they were printed for; the purpose of
giving the hospital an'oppoi tunity to
set itself straight in the matter, and
without an intention of reflecting upon
the hospital or the people of Columhia
in any manner whatever. The man's
statements were printed as they were
made. The people of Newberry could not
believe them unless there should be no
denial from the hospital, and The Herald
and News so stated in these words:
"The people of Newberry refuse to be
lieve that in this civilized age such a
course would be pursued by any hospit
al anywhere." But there was "some
thing wrong some where'' and the man's
statements were printed for the purpoLc
of getting the matter cleared. The
following from the Columbia State of
Saturday puts the matter straight.
No injustice was done the Columbia
hospital by The Herald and News. In
fact, the Columbia people would have
been done an injustice had they been
given no opportunity to correct the im
pression which the man's statements
necessarily created. The State says:
An injustice has been done the man
agement of the Columbia hospital re
cently. The Newberiy Herald anl
News recently published a story from
a sick man w.io left the train there and
complained that he had boen sent away
from the Columbia hospital in a deplor
able condition and penniless. ThIs|
stat 3ment attractcd the attention of
the State treasurer, Capt. R. It. Jen
nings, who yesterday gave to The S)ate
a statement showing that the sick man
evidently suffers from some kiind or
vagary and that he was not turned out
of the Columbia hospital.
Capt. Jennings said yestCrday: "I
notice in your issue of this mo omng an
article from the Newberey Ierald and
News under the headin;, 'Something
Wrong Somewhere,' a'd as I happen
to be tlhe 'sonic one at the State house'
me itioned, I desire in the interet of
ti ath and fairness to state the facts s
I know them. -
"Mr. Cook came into the treasurer's
office in the.forenoon of Saturday as I
recollect and said that lie had come from
Augsfi, Ga., 'vhere he had been in a
hospital and w:-. discharged v;th free
transporLation to this city; th.t lie wvs
dying with corsumption and wanted to
get to Newbei -y, where lie had worked
in a cott n mill. I saw he w.s feeble
and needed help, and gave him Iwhat
money I had ard I think the other men
in the office gave him some. I wrote a
letter to Mr. P. I. Welles, superinten
dent of the Southern railway here, and
asked him if he couldo (10 p0llease to
give him free transportation to New
ne .en-. I saw no more of him. lie
~saidl not a word about the hosp)ital in
a Columbia, nor at >ut Greenv ille being
I his home, nor of I's having a wife and
,child. He seenred somiewhlat dlaz/ed andl
t all the information I got from him I re
ceived in answer to my uuestions."
:1Supt. Welles wvas in Savaninah yes
- terday and a statement coul not lie
-1 gotten from him.
eThe hospital authorities asset a most
piositively that the stricken man wvas
s not an inmate and his case wvas not
knowvn to them.
. Salat les RaIsed.
Tnme (Comunissioners of Public Work:
s held a meeting oni Frid ..y a 1(l raisced th<
c salaries of the Superintendent of th<
d wgecr works and electric lighting plain
)- andl his clerk. Superintendent Boyd'
x. salary was raised from $1 ,x0 a year t<
ts $ I. i oo, and Mr Floyd Bradley's salat:
from $25 per mionith to $35 per miontthi.
The extension of the sewerage systen
m to the college was dliscussedl and Sumperini
r, tendencit Boyd was reqtuested to p)repatr
an itemtized statement of the p)rob;abl
mn cost and rep)ort at the next meeting.
r~ lii Werts Granted Ball.~orerm
T'onm Autonm, was gran ed hail on Frida
in thec suitm of $1,500 by Judge ( as (
D)antzler, at Green wood. WVerts appleare
before Judge D)antzler in p)ersonl.I
wa reprcsentted by ( tol. Ge-oge Join
gtomne. WVerts gave bond on Saturdl.
he mlornting and( was released fr om enustod(
mit For Selling Llquor.
in Charles WV. Dlouglas has pirefem r<
charges against Will Ruff for selli1
li<lor i vioatio of helispe nsary la
'T'he case wvillI comte upl befo -e the May
on TIhursday Imorninig. Ruff will be reph
sented by Cole L4. Blcase, Bsq.
>ve A Funny Show Cominag.
rat A Rabbit's F"oot Comedy Company
mow high class company of genuine nei
are fun makers are billed to appear ini Nc
go berry, Moniday niht August24, un
esjail. While this show is c'omposedI
me all colored male and female per formi
'his different from most shows of its cIa
rst- it comes highly end(orsedl by press a
public as giving a st,rictly clean and I
fined show suchi as can he att ended
elit.e ladies and children. Tlhey tira
in two private cars andl carry a
,sbasband and sunIerb orchest-ra. 'I
IdIperformance besidles being very lauj
-ac- able, consists of good singing, buck
mi- |wing (lancing, cake wvalk in g and comt
ase, spaecially writt.en for this company
uin- I'F rank D)umon t, an old1 time mninst
it a man of note. In this comedy is a cc
-|plete minstrel first part, with its ga
a:id(' witticisms, change of end men, el
dlid repI lete with rag-time oper-a.
le0. ! Prices of admission 35 cents, child
>rk. 25 cents. Rteserved seats sold at te
and Watch for their grand street par
on (layonf show.
thing in the store,
,rge stock before the
we have decided to
at Actual Cost for
)pportunity to save
.mbroideries at cost
mndies and Dimities
t cost.
All Shirts at cost.
sols at cost.
relescopes at cost.
lit of these Cost Prices on New
I Bros.
Newvberry, S. C.
the Liver, Kid
i and Skin.
ysicians and
I Druggists.
AT Cost.
Straw Hats and Low
for the Cash. These
No old shop worn
>--to-date styles. Call
~elt Hats. A nice line
Hosiery and Under
sold at a very close
filer Co.
' 29, 1903..
lilyO epos
Satisfied With Purchase.
v~( <> It't< yO s>rnethinr aot
EY IH ACK if she fails.
The stranger in town
M . 1O.h) D. vlltk L(Vl
TgeofN.elo XFL 11 Iia C

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