OCR Interpretation

Orangeburg times. [volume] (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1872-1875, December 10, 1874, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067790/1874-12-10/ed-1/seq-4/

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two eggs un<
thenfcWrl tiro sfoowuls of whitewawj
grate in a emoll nutmeg, and then add
l'olnto Palt?
etoluiTt?^ of meltec
butter, beating to a cream; add two
, W^eU-beaten .egge'i one cuA of cream or
milk; p^ur into a deep dish; ?btwem a'
nniok oven. _
Take three eggs, half a cup of bu(
, aoup of llonr, a toaspqohful of
or, in lieu of the soda and cream
one nud a half toaspoonfuls of baking
powder ; bake in thin cakes; spread
with Jelly;Wd foil'"with tho jelly
t^ido in*- ouAin slices across .fche^rolfcro?**
Take nino soda crackers, break them
and pour over them two oups of feojUi
ing^Ustftafc^^tafdflu?i flfcduccd
spoons vinegar, or two of tartario acid;
flavor with lemon or orange. .. This, is
Buffloient for three* pies. c&?* x' *
Paddlng%<l}I'ii-Jlv >
Two eggs, one cup of sweet milk, one
pint of flour, two ieospoonsf nls of .cream j
of tartar, one teaspoonftu 'of soda, two 1
tablospoonfuls .Of .(butter, and one of
sugar. This is to be steamed from
twenty to twenty-five minutes. Sweet
-cned oveam is7 preferred on this pud-1
ding, but maple syrup is excellent.
One-half pouud of butter, one-half
pound of sugar, one pound of flour,
three eggs, and milk enough to make a
dough. -Boat the butter nnd sugar to
gether ; whisk tho eggs light, and a'dd
them ; stir in the milk and flour alter
nately so as to form a dough;)' Boll the'
dough out, out in cakes and bake in a
moderate ove
Qnopint^of; .water,,onf? fin\? and a,half
of Dutter,' four cups of sifted flour,
eight eggs, Boil the water and butter!
Stir in the flour slowly while boiling.1
Boil one mmnte^jind^whon thorough is
oool, add'-the 'eggs^wlneh'^ave1 previ-J'
ously been well beaten. .. Prep in shape
ly tablespdonfrils -upbtt''buttered1 tux';'
Suet Padding.
One oup of suet, && cu^ljjf^lgf&es^]
ono oup of raisinsp\)he^OTp^f nulk, !
three cups of sugar, and ono and a half 1
eupa of corn-meal, ov ono cup of ftonr,
one teaspoonful of soda. Stir the mo
lasses and milk together, rmt? in? tthe;
soda, then tho suet, thou the 'flour i
slowly, then tho raiBins. Steam three
hours in a pjuidjngTdish.. JBat with
sauoe. _____ * ' * '
Irish Stew.
Trim the fat from three poui
the best mutton chops; pare and out in1
slices six large potatoes, and six largo.
onions. Put into a stew-pan a few
pieces of fat pork, and on these r>ut al
ternate slfAss^f ftoAJfT? oJuo?TOe|?er
and salt.' Oovor with cold wafer.
Cover the stew-pan closely, set it where
ifcwjdlnook-Blowly, and let it stew for1
thron hours. Serve very hot."
, Sponge Cake,** *>#_"_r
A rempo that never fails to^tftafe a
light and beautiful cake : One pound
of sugar, three-quartors of a pound of
ilumyuBB QUiUir ytftfB; o^rt-e1 yefks'
light and add the sugar.j beat it well;
whiptho whites to a stiff'froth and mix.
gently the yelks and sugar ; sprinkle
the-flour i lightfy und ?tir slowly ; if
stirred too much after the flour is in
it will not rise; add a spoonful pf
lemon, ^^^f^j^,^ .ITT
Baked Apples.
Perhaps the very best dish'df prepared
apples for table is to bake slowly, with
just heat enough not to bre_ llnVskin:
When done, lay open and reraovo tho
core; sprinkle with sugar (granulated
is .best), and work sugar and' pnlp- to
gether; work to a fine consistence,
which a few strokes, of the spoon will
ofepyithen olose the tftin upon it, and
lay away to cool ; it ought to .be e&ten
Pare and sll^^r^n^ru-i-Bize?
pies. Place one-third on the bottom of
the .pudding., nan;, setter j over a few
slices of quince, peaoh, pine-apple, or a
few strawberries, and a few raisins out.
a tfiblespoonful?of unbooked rioe, two
tablespoonfnls of sugar. Add two or
more layers'hftheWjfie'manndr, a little,
salt and a bit of. nutmeg'or mace. Pill1
up the pan with rich new milk and bake
slo^y^jbroni two to three hqnrs. / ;
Care ot Oll-Clotba. '?' ^
An oil-cloth requires cnrofnl treat
ment and should never be scrubbed with
a brush! b^t. .after, being,, swept with
the lohgfhandled hair brushes that are
mado for the purpose, it should be care
fully washed with a largo, soft oloth
dipped into milk and water?half-and
half ;,or, if thomflkt-fS not'bbtninabtei'
tepid water without soap. The lqttejr
ruins oil-ol?th by taking oft the bright
ness of the paint, and it should never
be applied1 fcuhV"".a"u' """" "'ymt" "'
o !yw__Hw_t# o* 1 i
Take about eight medium-sized jtota
toos, nioely .boiled and mealy; and
while iiot, with a silver fork break them
into little pieces about the size of smaU
nuts. Boil hard five ok six. eggfl, chop
the whites and yelks separately ; take
about half a large tumblerful of best
Lucca oil, a littlo vinegar, popper, salt,
capers; a couple of chopped anohovies,
if for a fish salad,- or tho liver of a fowl
bruised in the Banco, if for a fowl, is a
great improvement; if the latter, chop
the meat into Bniall "pieces, or if fish,
Bhred it into littlo bits. Take half the
eggs and mix with sauoe, place it in the
dish you intend serving it in; smooth
the Bnrfaco, oovor it lightly with the re
mainder of tho ohopped eggs,.: sand
garnish with piokles and ' beet root out
into shape, with a tiny bnnoh of flowers
in the centre. The great advantage of
this dish is that you may put with your
potatoes' any scraps ?f meat or fish you
happen to have cold, and it makes a very
steel instrument iVf. J<;Hl ,?E1
A cold is ?irap^L H^n^efof
a dis
eased condition which, may hare been
latent or requiring only some favoring
condition to burst out into the -flame of
disease. That this is usually the cor
rect view of a. cold' mi? sdiseate. produ
cing agent under all ordinary ciroum
stanoes may be made plain by reflection
lipon personal experience, even" to the
most ordinary understanding. -When
the human, body is at. its. prime?with
youth, vigqrjk|pprity and tygt?itf odnsti
tion on its uid o?no degf ee of ordinary
exposure to cold gives .-riro tovmtaapttmx
pleasant effeots. All the ordinary pre?
0?t|ol3$ agafcst .^ojlds, coughs ana
rheumatic pnins may be disregarded
and no ill effeots (ensue. But 4et the
blooMewr^mviirwwviiin ?Vodt be
comfrorAAl fj?A lift enquired dis
ordeffor refrTOcrvfgor TOguWo wanej
and the infirmities of age, bo felt
by occasional derungements in some
vital part, either from' inherited or actual
abuses/ and tho action of cold wjll ex
cite more 6r less disorder of some kind,
and the form of this disorder, or the disj |
ease that will, ensue, will be determined
oy ihe^lon Oi'-pre^existing blood-impm
rity, or the pre-existing faultioi the or]
ganio processes. It follows from theso
facts and considerations that the secret
of avoiding th??nple?s?hl consequencea
thought to spring wholly from the no
great deal upon an impnre and weak,
condition of all the vital processes.,. In
other words, with an average or superior1
constitution and- fin,. intelligent"observ
afrco of^aU-th? lawsrerwaltn^tienSiDd
women oonld not take cold if they wan
ted to ;. they' faaight ibe> exposed to the;
action of cold to a degree equal to the]
Jbeastrof jbho Hold, and with like impu
nity!^ But in case of perabgi^'with feeble
constitutions, and who disregard know
healtn^'e^Bfonoe, no1 degree of care
will prevent the taking of cold, as it is
?eiinod. '? They may live in houses regn
lated. with aH* the ^precision. ,nf a hot-,
house; they may cover themselves with
the most highly protective clothing the.
norket provides, and yet they/will take
cold^l'don'^ihinlr^h^opns^^ 1
?fJefBOTTWWnSr^ByBr^vi if
kept in a temperature absolutely uni
form, and clothed* ma wholly faultless
.mannerf ?riSvba?m t&e well known signs
of one cold after another will not be ap
parent ^nVo.n the other, baud; the^.e
are those who, like the late Sir Henry
.Hqlland, of good constitutions and liv
ing in accordance with tho laws of
health,' may travel as ho did from the
tropica to the arotics ^again and again,
'clad only in ah. ordinary dress coat, and
yet scarcely know what it is to have a
cold or siokness of any kind. The truth
is, to avoid taking cold from ordinary
or even extraordinary exposure the vital
prooesn.ea must bo modo strong enough
to riso abovo tho tmt?wnrd iuflnonoo o?
external conditions.
? ^onoiJLfni &boaP
,It iB trite, but true, that for a fatten
ing animal shelter and warmth are equi
valent to so ranch food. The fat of a
hog is carbon mainly, tbc walls pt the
colls in which the fat is stored consist
ing only of nitrogenous matter. Car
bonaoeous food is therefore mostly re
| pjaiMd 4n~ 'p^Hrffffitiiriri1- Stonah ;?
a carbonaceous substance as much as
oil or fat. Tho composition of starch is
twelve atoms of carbon, ten of hydro
1 gen, and ton of oxygen. . Oils and fats
(the latter differing from tho former
only in tho degree of solidity) differ
I very littlo in tnoir composition from
I'starch. In tho process/of digestion
starch iB decomposed, and its oarbon is
made available,^flrst to snstain respira
tion and the animal heat, and second to
increase Ihe store of fat. .Oily food
serves tho sarao ends in the animal pro
cesses, but it is found that rich food' in
oil, is enabled to add moro rapidly to
the store*of fat than that rioh' in' staroh:
A very cons" d > rable portion of oil from
food rich in that element is directly as
similated, and it is fonnd in praotiee
I that-to g^rBPthe Ajeeb-TesnltB a food^rieh
in fat or oil must be mixed with the
. ?p-chy food/ Thus .corn is a food
whioh fatten s moro quickly than wheat
or barley, and cotton seed or linseed
oil cake produces fat faster than corn.
The choice of food for'fattening hogB
depends, however, mostly upon its re
lative cheapness and Oohvonienoo. But
it is more to the purpose here to notice
tho-faot that no fat is made until the
needs of the animal to .furnir.h its ani
mal warmth, and tho"carbon to bo used
up in theprooess of. breathing, are sup
plied. When these needs atd met, the
surplus goes, to mako fat. If there is
no surplus, no fat is made. If the de
mands upon the animal's physical syS
tom nro excessivo, by reason of expo
I'snjNT tfpte$13j amijphe> Waet<i of litVtcp
Seat in consequence, the production of
b is proportionately, lessened ; i t may'
be then either very small or stopped al
together, or it may be* that the animal
is obliged to consume more food to
supply the greater demand upon, its
system. Herein lies the secret of the
waste of food by exposure to the cold,
and the economy of warmth and com
fort. Tho preiont yea? corn is HOaroo
and .dear. It will thoreforo bo moro
than usually necessary-to poo that fn"^
toning hogs, as well as storo hogs; oro
comfortably housed and kept warm.
The earlier, too, that hogs can be fat
j tenodi the leyss will be tho waste of :ood
in maintaining the animal heat.?New
?A writer in tho Paris Oaulois dwells
At great length over the ohdhge in Stras
bourg sinoe the annexation. Ho days
?the town is - hardly reoOgnizable. The
Alsatians keep entirely aloof from tho
Germans, and won't be seen with thorn
in public, r In proof of what < he ad
vances, ho adds the following postscript:
"I forgot to, soy that tho German
fheator is so Jiftlo frequented that tho
manager is often obliged to put out.
tho gas, and return the money token at
the doors.' .? On tho other hand, a
Fronoh cafc-concert is orammfcd' night-,
ly, and I prolonged my'btiayf. tW?jity5
four hours in order to go thero,"
devp?a birasQl! to farming, fintoghimf
olf di?c?urfl"
Bolf discouraged by what; ho b?liovod to
be tho low rank assigned to the Mrjaerp
fnrmor," as oompared with tho mem*
bora of other callings, reoontly asked us
to tell him by what means farmers, caii
assume, the rank,,exert the influence
and reoeivo th? consideration to whioh,
in viow of tho servico thoy render* tc
tho woll-boing of tho community, thoy
seem to '-be! ehntlea? ' we answered
him :' Farmers can olovato thernsolvct
to a level'with the loftiest and moist
honored in the stete. ^m&L0mm
.^tfjrek^HWPhoir education gen
orally as well as professionally.
2. By using tho moons'which..soiencq
has focinted but as the best for^he cul
tivat^ii^JtVSiinJI 0*Op_rmanent
of donatio
oaring tor the
j tho best breeds
? and;feeding and;
I best'manner. ' f
bio for human labor.
5. By raising those crops whioh, with
reference to soil, climate, means bf
transportation, markets, supply and de
mand, promise the greatest amount of
success and profit; and
, 6.; By demonstrating to . ? cultivated
men, that'farming is an agreeable and |
enlightening occupation, and that tho
farmer's' dwelling oan be made the
abode of taste... culture and refined
:ST; "EcKO,.iu., July8, 187-1.
R. V. Pierce.'M. D., Buffalo, N- Y.:-I wfek
to add toy testimony "to th? wondorful curatlvo
properties of your Alt. Ext.. or Golden Medi
cal Disoovory. 1 havo taken great Interest in.
this uiedicino uinco T tirefc used It.' I was badly
afflicted with dyBpepeja. liver deranged and ani
almost porfoot prostration c? iho nervous sys
tom. ' So Tapid and Cbmploto did tho Discovory
effect a perfect euro that it ?cernu more liko
magicr eudmiporfoct' jwojftdor*. to mysolf, and]
einco^that thiio woliav'o Kov?r boon-without a
bottltFof 'the* Discovery and Purgative Foliate
in the honao. They are a solid, sound family
physician In tho house',and ready at/all times
tap nya |o?tlie\ tr?fen oi Blcknasa?without
?iarg? 8 fwalajivemevSr Ad a Idoctor jq tbl
ujbmn emce yejfliro hflgtn tsei use! offAbese
medianen in soveral sovoro and complicatod 1
cases arising from, as I thought, an impuro
atato o^he^b^^d. in no ^TOcaSSroavo
Honry Koator, a furniluro <9Ller of thiB
place, wasgpa of-tho ~<Mt ^WuJ&pWoctB evor
seen, his faclewvowiMOu| qj sBaps. jfcalos and
eruptions vMovonA oxtehdihg to his body,
which wssAnB?^i^^ve%)d with, blotokoa
and Hcalo'8.'"1 Nonflng mat no took s'comod to
affect it a particle. I finally induced him to
try a fow bottloa of tho Golden Medical Dis
covery,; with daily'use'of' t ho Pelleta. 'assuring
him it would Burolycuro him. He commenced
its-use some eis. weeks since, taking, two Pel
lets each'night for'a' week, thon ono .eaoh
nicht, and iho Discovery a* directed. Tho re
Bult is, to day hia akin iB perfectly ?rao:>tt
and tho .scaly oruptlonu are gouo. Ho hi
taken Bomo sovon or eight bottles in all, a$
comridora bimaolf cured. Thia ciee had baf
llod tho skill of our boat physicians. ' Hessin.
Dunn ford A; Go., druggists of this place, aro
eolhug larrraly of youx. modicinos and. the do
maud atoadily incroases, aud they givo perfect
satisfaction in overy easo. '
Respectfully,8-"' 'W? H.-Champlin,
m ? m<8 A?t. Am. Elp. Go*
i n - ? r^r" t.'-. ? /
A Pnovii>_mtiat. TVT *y.~Thta title now
justly belongs t? a phyBicion who hfi
added to the list of medicines a now
remedy, whioh appears to include all
that is most valuable in Mm old phar
macopoeia, and not to include any of
tho drawbacks with which the so-called
'opeoitios of the-faculty are chargeable.
The providential man is Dr. .ToBoph
Walker, of California, wh?se Vinegar
Bitters havo achieved, in tho short
space of two years, a degree of popu
larity never before attained by any ad
vertised preparation in this country.
We havp. too much confidence in the
American people to suppose that this
sudden and surprising cdebrity is tho
outgrowth of a delusion. Tudecd, wo
have reason to know that it is founded
pn innumerable and well authenticated
pures of almost all the bodily ills that
flesh in heir to. Not tho least among
the merits of tho famous Tonie and Ite
storative, is its entire freedom from al
cohol, as well as from all mineral drugs.
It is composed exclusively of - rare vege
table extraots.:
.11 ??
?The hardest thing in tho world for
a man to do is to settle a lawsuit when
he.knows ke'a wrong.
If you want to look well. and feel
nicoly around tho nook, woar tho Improved
Warwick Collar. It ia tho Most btyle in width,
and all tho edges being folded, tho coraoro do
hot turn up'. It lookB hotter than any othor
collar, wkothor linen or paper.
Go to Riverside Water Gore. Hamilton, 111.
DR. TUTO If .Uli Die is v..ur.intfdaifniiees;
leaves no ridiculous tintn ; Imparts a naturalglossy
colors o Whiskers, Hair'hud MourttoheC^
NAM! Moat appr ovod.reliable ami weU-Hnown rem
jedy for Oouahs, Colds tt Consumption. Get the gen
'uwte. VrlodiP.r?allCOo. Ouita llaos.& Co.,l)crtton.
.. -.-.?
Tonic and Iloctiperunt IMimlutlon
BltterH.?Tbu constautly inoreasius ratrounao,
wbi *b it receives has, it i? true, excited tho petty
envy of certain splenetic advcitisers of pluobbocjt^
paancra'. who hopo fo ma1:o a niarVct for tlitir own
Hta(?iiant,^ \vi>tcry waren, bj^ do^*rylpij all HjrU*:iti:
tatl)on8aoft t1??ii?iPmy"aB^ tbl\\\
The Prettiest Woman In ISety York,
RUss K ?won known In our faf-hlonabl6 pocioty
l^or ber dintingua appearance andbesnufn! ?otep'l'ox
ton.waa once a sallow, rougb-skinued girl, chagrined
at bor red. freckled face. She pitcbed JataJTjgk
KanM>I?gnolta ?'aln., nnd I? uowm prdty in roln
plexlon as the is charming In mauners.
c!o ovarcflmos fj^]j?% **n' UU?*>
IransjWi m ? ?'? . : ? if: tin iron ti
msTt^tbt- tmir plf uilfnl, InxurlatU, Kit&nud rlslir-nlft,
bavo no rivals. Tho Kathalron prevents the hair
from tnrniug gray, eradicates daudrnff, and Is tho
boat und eUcaptHt dn-sMi.? in Hie world.
pamued by Faint Praise.?Ja?. Heck
man, clorsjiuan of New York, w?h, recently badly
kicked by ahorse, and waii Kpeodllycured by u"im;
tho celebrated Mexican MvuWnn Iaplnieut.' \v b< n
tho projirletor .ir-k< -1 blni for a certl.icifc, he replied
thai ho " considered It a remarkable article, but It.
wouldn't auswer for blni to endorse a remedy In
print." IlereV contdstency. lint we didn't kick
film, aH tlio horeo did. TUo world knows that fur
rlit inimtl' in. bruises. Bwelllnon, npivvlD, soratcli?",
lnflammatidtr, latneneHs, or any flesh, bone or
mupclo ailment upon man or aulma). there la noth
ing llho the Mtiatang IJnlmont. It costs but ?0 et?,
and $1.00 per botde, and hIiouIJ 1k> In overy family.
It lit wrapped In a fine steel-plats label, and aigued
' O W. Wedbrook, OtionilHt.1'
, Oiiiiftant ViHi'triyweiit.?At home, malj or female,
'f-lfl a \ve(k warninifd. No oapltnl re?)iilr<d J'r.r
.tlcular!, nno valuable s^mplo sent free, address,
wltaec.return at?mp, Q. lions,Wllllamauurgh.M. Y,
I ? ' ? - ? '
larg?fy boon oogagod inr nurouWng, old . and
Boeond-na^Olii&mmlof that inalV??*' im>
pouod upon tho publlo by Boiling thom an now
maohinoH^ Tho Whcolor & Wiloou Company
boga to advise tlio public that anyone don bring
to buy thoir B?cond-hnnd moehtnoa can bo
atip'plL?d ? by .that- ?3ompauy" direct, on bettor
tonuH ?ian ?thor? can afford thom, and bo as
iti1ilHliWi>rifMj~n~ HTljrfijri ki/Stetn - ah
*-whebleb ^wilson Jfffrtf od.;
: , " . ?25 Broadway, Now York.
ifiOA A BAY, irn'Wto'inako It Sample free.
*P^u\J,- CO 10. YOONU & CO., st. Louis, Mo.
rfiifl expcuHPs a month to agents. Addrca
yO.A.X.. 8T0DDABD, Joneayille, ? Mich;
Kncli Week. Acren is wanted. Particu
lars tree. WUIITH A"CO., Ht. Louts, ?o.
?G50n per day at home. Terms free. Address
vP?h"4>?U Uro. buNBO.M & Co.. Portland. Mnlne.
AOKNTS WANTED?Men and women, $34 a
week or SU? forfeited. 07?? sect et free. Write
at onco to ( OWEN ? CO.. 8th street. New York.
UfcOfr I*KII UA Y commission or|30 ?weo!c
?tii^ikJ salary, aud expenses. Wo offer It und will
pay it. Apply now. Ci.WebberdfcCo, Marlon.O.
*n bun.- Partie
"?iJssfl?MS/Waller ? Co. hi. I.onls, Mo
For fulitnrortna?dii, prtts-iin,
etc, addrcss (with stamp) Rxy.
T. V. CHI LOS, Troy, Ohio. "
A WF.KK. Agents wanted everywhere. For
outfit 23c Fuitou & Walk Kit, Dayton, Ohio.
tONKV IN IT SUttlS I' Just out
[Uneful, Handsome, Cheap. Soll? evertf
Inhere. Send lot'prospectus to K. L'.
OKinOMAN. ". Barclay Btreot. N. Y.,
or 170 West, 4th sU-eot, Cincinnati. Ohio.
HABIT CUBED at Home. .No pub
llcltv. Terms moderate. Time short".
|-f pur >years or '.unpnralled ^success
L ncs'criue case. 40? testimonials.
Address Dr. P. E. MAilHH. Qulncy. Mich.
? 3?* feotll Chartr>l?K.':
? H.iw illlur ?rx iii<*y f*?clintn ?ml I?lti IlivJyvo and
aflcrtliu nrnjijr jwr?>ii thi-ycHno**,ln?tanlIj*. Tal? art'all can
nopaat*. free, l.y roall.M c*n|?t tnirrthtr wKliaMarrUeeOuldc,
K ,-vpt!?n OiM; Dimuis, IHM? tu Ladt. ?,Jtc. l.oco.oco rol.J. X
'Jjuljr l?...t. AddrrM T. W1I.I.1 AMd * tO.,Fob^,Fhlla4?]phla,
ONE agentsold In one month OOl copies oi tbq
whlci unfol/is thefArl/('H/rx.pcrft7iceiof a vcrUnhl*
Hero, nnd tho curiosities of -a wonderful country
More agents'wanted. Address l.lVlNci.sTorsJ
PUBLIHHKRS. either at Cincinnati, Detroit
Chicago-, Davenport, or Ht. Lout*, p; ,'
' Till? U/trifl V'CIIU A large, cigtit-pa?*,
InC nCLnLl OUilJ. Independent, honefit
and fearie?? i.ewspapor. or>5fl iroadcolnnms. es-e
clally designed for tne farmer, tbe mechanic, tbe
' merchant and the professional man, nnd their1
wives and children. We aim tu make the Week
\y Hun the best fumlly ncswpaper in the world
it iakfull of cntcrtalnlnE and Instructive reading of
evfffp Mm, hut prints notblDc to offend Ike most
BCSBptflotlS aud del lea to taste. Price. 8W40 per
f'ear, postage prepaid. The cheapest napci pub
Ished. Try It. Address Tu * Sun, Now York City.
A si' mo CUKE lor this dlttrradug complaint It
now made known In a Treatise (of 48 octavo pagve)
on I'd clgn and Native Herbal Preparations, pub
lished by Or: O. Phkuim Brown. Tho prescrip
tion was dlecovered by him in Mich a providential
manner that he cannot conscientiously refuse, to
make It Known, as it has cured everybody- who
hay used It for.Htn. ?? vnr having fal'.cd In a alnglo
cAKe: -l he Ingredients may be obtained from any
druggist A cotry sent frfre to 'alt npjili-.iwits f>y
jniafl. Addre.-s Uli. O. PHKI.P8 ultuWM, 21
liUr.ind street. Jersey City, N. J.
Now ts tbe i line to Subscribe t Tlic vrw
Voltimerwill contain New Stories by Oliver Optic,
Elijah Kcllogc aud others. Lcslde* many new fea
lurrn. ntl of wblCKI are duly set forth In our pros
pectuq. Tei ins. yi.' Q per year, i-J advp.nce. ;f>pecl
nicii number mailed tree on spul cation.
I.EEA SUEPAKD, Pnbllshera. Boston.
OA S MA CHINE CO.; .1. . //. WILSON.
ANew Era in the Prices of Booke
Bend for Catalogue contain
ing many of the most valu
able books on all subjects.
AUroJS "Tis Ceeloty fcTtiffu:!:! cf
OssM EcowiodEC," CIlTCimUTl, 0.
Sfe AN*
h'lmf a fall an l authentic account or Ihostrug.
Sles of the American farmers against the extor
ohm of tbe Hall road Com pan lei. with a hi .lory of
Ui?> rise 'find nrogrtsH of the Ordei ot Patrons of
Husbandry. It sells at sight, send fbr specimen
Dasesand terms to Agents, and see whv It sells
taster than any other book. Address National
PUIlLT.tHlN'O co , St. Louis, Mo
Portable Family Sowing Machine.
- ^TRLAIs,
fe whl seed to any addrctt. 0 0. D., ono of onr
lobluesVith privilege of ^2am1n?tlon before tak
ih? out of Kxprrii i< i.'.e-v; and If 11 dons not rive tat-'
Inaction tto will refund tha money, let* Kxpreis
|?SlMjUnTBS.sn return u? iu^cI-Hk- '..-itMu tbo tlole epo
L ??ck^t Ii^^yJias MpcM*\* dP?|r
n&v bookTILL IT ALL
I Hy 3tm. Sfcnh^n?o ef Bait Ijiko Cltj
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will mMl Outfit Pr*e to all who will
lehlrt. with full partlcuUra, Tntfrtt.
Kkk At?-sj?.
l {..ono.ooo'vUiAa.
?0,(MI(> IHncera,
od Tunu? Hold.
\ti lJpnlrraPHI'1 111 i.
- ? V. ??>?|t?fr ko.'yVn,
TxntT^^li- !>/ inn'l. (Milt paid,
( a- i.l.i. ?) fi??. A?drcit , ? -
lt. W. lifLLAOO. Doeatur, III,
ft ffia itrortclYvny,
06 UW. ' Kew York.
MANUFA0.T?KKB8 and dealera In NeedtM
for nft Sewlnw Macblnrs. 1 Box. Needles for
_ 'ipwlbg Machine sent to any P. (>. address on
receipt, of Vi i "
i eta. 7Vv tfciiui. Asenta an polled.
" fiArttw-' FHirtvh" < niltuftfj^ articles
needed hy every lady?Patent Hpool
lioid'-r, belabors,Tbtmble, etc.?guaran
teed worth fl.S". Sample Box hy mall
?iu-enta. Agents wsntcd. l'J.UMBftpo.,
in? MAuth Iffebtb ot?ept Pblladelnhla Pa
TIT yon wish to get a PRACTICA*. UOS1.
"7 N EDUCATION, attend nntt gTadnatc at ?
that 01de?i;iargest and mos^ thoronjchly managed
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>l? ill?* ^noxTR'^srw
bj we have ia ??GD REASONS Why they will
do yonr work
QUICK and EASYy "*
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They'are Cfifflp&'i tb hup *
They are uDit to^di^."' 11:; 1 m ^
5#S"hey bake ivcs!jtrst.Lqsl?kiy;
Their operation li perfect.
D'nicir operation is perieci.
They always have a good draft
arfThcy are made of the best material.
They rdant perfectly,
/i?They require: bni littfe" tae?tf**ui ?.
they arc very low. priced. - . r hriodil
They are easily managed.
The? are suited.torall localities
Bvery Store-gulu^teVxo give salMne'D
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BT. rjOTjiB,' sfd.V Airto'Bi '
Bior BROS, at OO., Heir Orleans. ld.\
i_ UHQOHART h 00., Memphis, Two.,;
PHIIJ.IPH UUTTOHFF ft OO^'NaBhyllle.'tent
t*o. many children, and auch adln: urenrima:can
satrcely "hearhefr Own ear*'* for the noise they
nli,S?-.^rnpy. ,,ave curb obtained a copy of. the
YOVNO FOLlT.T tftilVS; and rinding, It mil of
PICTURES tncy are oesleulng Oraudma m auh
?orli>-? fur every one of thorn, and no get a hand
tome Clirorao for each. Grandma hM promised to
gratify them, fett tob bntfcr Is not only r.Ivcly and
Ktiterinlnlne, but InsTtirtlvo too. and ?he love* to
make glad the heart of 2 ihi tl. Fa. her! Mother!
do you wlah your child m hf hrlgbt end happy?
Why notRladen tia heart th??n nvsondli tr him a
omy of the. I'?WVO AOAAW HEWS for a year,
when ho wlll'Wceivea handsome chromo also,
that will inakti him ntln more happy! It |s put>
llshcd u-cekly at Sl.as per jear. posteire paid.
!?d~? ?h5?JU?' cilbKr "A Frollo in ?Ii?
tVnodi.V "Tos Uo.it itocc." ?? fitttttua
KeadytorBen," or. ?Tim Kl> Ipwrccfe,"
sent as a present. Or the paper with either t hro
nio mounted for 91.60. or with tw > Chromos
mounted lor 81.7 5, or with tho four < hroroos
mounted for B4.M5. Muunted Chromos aro best
Mend ? three cent ttamj) (or a Specimen A umber. !*
'ALFRED BtAtlTIKNj Publisher,
21 iron,th seventh street. Philadelphia.
?gjaa_? tm '**
1.50 ANNUM
Unexoelled by any Weekly Literary
Publication, East or West.
I... r.rr|.>i 1
The most Liberal Premiums and Club Ratet ever
offered by'any newspaper. Write for a Circular
containing full Information, etc Specimen copies
furnished on application. Address
Business Collogo and Tilograph Institute,
No. 93 and 9? Church Street. ^
. No. 0 North .Cherry street.
7 For particular* oitl'at'.elttter cpllesfe, or addresi
tho iflriwRi:. THOMAM 'fONKVi
'J enn., oraSi^hvIlto/rTorin.
4 Kurort 4.1 ^r^r^t^Sr1*
8?nd stomp for circular, or cnll. Abdoralnat Sup
porters, bhonlnpr Braces, Crutches 1 all ktiiilsol
Instruments fo^ deformities. Bilk fltorkhi?a. Bodv
Bslts.Ao. -iXJ. 1>II. A. C?. <H.]*N,
1U7 WaiM.nBton St., <:1iI??ro.
ADVKRTlB?R!?! rtird 940 cts f'o Oi^rpTpo^r
pAfr/of 1UO pagn, containing liata of 8,uo news
papers, and estimates abowlngcoatof advertising
: ci?i.v;rir. u> ? I i?Vt>J
I)r. J. Walk^CaffiCflffiilTO.
egar Bitters aro j a: purely-VligeraWtf
preparation, mada oinefly from the na
tive herbs fotmd^ft,the. lower .raflffgB of
the Sierra Nevada mountains of Cahfor-.
nitt, tho mediciiial. propbrties of whtclr
aro oxtractod therefrom without Ibnuso
of Alcohol. T^jm??Xlim ia_almo8t
daily naked. "What is the causa of-, tho
unparalleled success rnrvi^rolK, Brr
pits V Our answer is, thatthey remuvo'
tho causo oif d j rop^ifTJ^jh% retfftafrrajf
covers his health, Tney are ^he, great
blood puriflcfa"n<|'iiC Ifle^Rving principle,
a > perfect Ren?vatbr20 &8Bfn^l|MaW
?f jtlra^xptemr. l^?Dfrjber??kitf the"?
history of the world has a medicine, been
compounded possessing tho rcrttarkablo
qualities of ViNlM i Mi Til? n In-healing tho
wok of every, disease man tobet* tPpvTbey
arc a gentio Purgative as 'well ?s' a Tonic,.
rehevipg ^Qongesuouybr /Inflammation :ot s
i the. Liver and Visceral Qrconsiin. Bihonar
Diseases. :; rrr71T) '' ?l
The properties of bb} W?eker's~
: Vikboab BiTTKRaate ? patient, Diauhoretie,
Carminative, Nutritious, Laxativo, jMuretio,
Sedative', Countorirrritant,Sudorifib, AlteTa
dv?v.Rijd..Anti-RUious. ? i t,, fJitsssioiofS
Grateftil Thousands proclaim vn>
eg Ait BiTteks tho most' wonder l'?l
vigorant that ever sustained 'the -6hwb%i
kes? Betters
according1 to directions, andrer?
unwell, provided their oohx^/akkW^m'
stroyed by. mineral. pGi?jiv ;orT Qtbeti
means, and vital organs wastfcd beyond A
relJdir.1 ''' V./ ' ?/i - . a*
I; Bilious, Remittent and Inter
rmittont FeverSf "whfcit-?re eo preva
lent in tho valleys of our groat rivers
throughout tho United States, especially..
thoso of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri,
Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, ArBan-?
sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grando* .
Pearl, Alabama, Mobilo, Savannah, Ro
anoko, James, and many othorS, with
their vast tributaries, throughout our
entire country during: the Stimmer aud
Autumn, and remarkably so daring sea-v
sons of unusual heat and dryness, aro
invariably accompanied by ektenBlv? de-'
rangements of the stprnach .anddiver,*'
and other abdominal viscera.;,.In,their;t
tr?atrhimt, a purgative, oxorrihg tfpaw
erful influence upon these varioits of-'5
gans, is esseniAaUy- naaonnnry. There
is no cathartic for tho purpose equal.to
Diu J.^fVAtkER's Vinegar, Bitters,,
as' they will1 speedily1 remove the'?a??V f
colored viscid matter withtlwhiob? the
bowels are loaded, m^?io,; same, time 11
ntirrvulating the1 ?oerelions of the liver,
?nd i generally''restoring 'the healthyl'
functions of tho digestive organs*i.? in >???
of a system thus fore^arnied. ',,Y4' * '
Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Read- *
ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs,
Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour
Eructations of tho Stomach, Bad Tasto '
in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, PaJpita?K
tat ion of tho Heart, Inflammation of the |,
Lungs, Pain in the region of the 'Kid
neys, and a hundred other painful symp
toms, aro tho offsprings of Dyspepsia*
One bottle will prove a better guaranteo
of its merits than a lengthy, adver tine- .
ment. *~ ?
I Scrofula, or King's Evil, WSte1''
Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck,
Goitre, Scrofulous' Inflammations, Indolent
Sores, Eruptions of tho Skin, Soro Eyes, etc.:
Inflammations, Mercurial Affections,' Old
In these, as in all other constitutional Dig- .
eases, Walker's VinboaR'?Bittbrs havo
shown their great curative-powers in tho
most obstinato and intractablo coses.
For Inflammatory and Chronic
Rheumatism, Gout, Billons,' Jtemit^
tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of
tho IMo'od, Liver, Kidneys aud Bladder, ..
those BUters have no equal. - Stich Diseases''"
aro caused by Vitiated Blood. . *im
Mechanical Diseases.?Persons en
faged in Paints and Minorals, siich as
lumbers, Type-setter^ Gold-Beatcre," and
Miners, as thoy advancohi^ifOj arOraabjeptj.,
to - paralysis1 Of th6' Tmwola,^ To g?ard
against this, take a doso of Walkb^ST!*?-"
boar BlTTKRS OCCOSjpjialJys,,,,
For SKI n Diseases, Eruptions, Tot
ter, Salt-Rheum, Blotched, Spots, Pimples,
Pustules* i Beils, -Carbuncles, Ring-\9orms,
Scald-head, Soro Eyes, Erysipelas;. Itch,
Scnrfs, Discolorationa of tho Skin, Humors
and Diseases of ,tho ?kuv of whatever' name
or nature, aro literally dug up and carried
out of tho Bystem in ashbrt time hy tho uso
l of these Ritter*. , .
Pin, Tape, and other , Worms,
lurking in tho Bystom of so many thousands,
aro effectually destroyed and reinoVed. 2fr
system of medicine, no vermifuges, no an
tnelminitics will Tree the system from worms
liko thoso Bitters. ?t:<'
For Female Complaints, in young
or old, married or einglo, at tho dawn of wo
manhood, or tho turn or lifo, theso Tohio
Bitters display so decided on influence that
improvement is soon perceptible.
Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when
ever yon find Its impurities buratiBg through
tho skin in Pimplos, Eruptions,,or Sores;
cleons? it:when you find it obstructed and
sluggish hi the voins; cleanse it when it is
foul i yo?r feelings will toll you when, Keep
tho blood pure, and tho health of the syBtom
wiRfollpwvi .<t*''JJH^:jNj^hyft<( i
it. m. McDonald co.,
Druggists nniUlen Agts.,8sh 1'mncisc.o, California,
and our. of Washington and Charlton fits., 7$, Y.
Hohl by iiUlVrugu^tsnnaDtttley* <x
ftran?, SonaT& ;*s ?pwvigtit Pianos,
Miip ilov lo all otllcrn. Kvv-v r'min Vntrunn?!
fur Kivp Yrarw. Illimtrativl < :M Mnaiu?.. u uli Prt?*
I.lit. niftllfil lrr?6.lii| Ti IC?tlon
stkinway c^aoiir?,
" trfttCMl wprlc or 2to
tMisVi' wiiitainlriR
i. r iho o who iiro iiii'rrlrd or
?b! mm Dffi?^i^iMii
Klxnth Htroet. St. Ixinls, Mo.

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